HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1926-12-16, Page 74 M.p M. ,tnlw.IWY„w.l 'Thursday, Decemberx• 6th, .1926. 01101,1110/110.111 iii Pu1101101111,11 llllll l ll Ullr1/1O1 ll r n,"1p"l 111,0 1926 DECEMBER 1926 Su Mo We Th 12- 5:67:8_ 121n1314115 6W 23 24 1 28 2910 31 r. • 3 10 1 25 THE V INGHAM ADVANCE-T1MES Published at W INGHAM, ONTARIO Every Thursday Morning A. G. Smith,Publisher. Subscription rates—One year-$2;oo• Six months $t,00, in advance. Advertising Rates and Application. They All Wished, Us Well 'During the past week the corner store gossips and others who believed them have been circulating a report that the editor of The Advance -Time: has inherited 'ti fortune, the amount of which has run from $2,000 all the way' up to $8,000,000. We have been great- ly amused, and probably a little bit inclined to make light of the proferr- ed congratulations, even to .suggest. that the amount quoted was very wide of the correct amount, and .so it is. Alas! It is only: a' pipe dream some- one had and it doesn;t take long to, spread news .in a town the size of Winghain. We are just as natur- .ally poor as our friends have long, since known us to,be, .and 'we will • .have to continue struggling for a .number of years to come, in' order to make both ends meet.' One lady, said she heard of our good fortune, but did not think it was right because we had spoken to her that morning on the street, We would just suggest to those who have assisted in spread- ing the, joyful news, that they refrain from saying anything as long as we speak to thein on the street, There'll be two moons in the sky when we discontinue one of the pleasures of living, viz., fellowship and goodwill to our fellow men and women. MARRIAGE A VOCATION? While varied interpretations , have been put upon .Agnes' McPhail'S re- marks before the Business and Pro-. fessional Women's Club in Toronto;' on the question of whether women af- ter marriage should continue in their work or 'devote themselves wholly to housekeeping, and some interesting discussion has thereby been promoted on a topic which is always alluring; We do not read into Miss Macphail?s remarks" any attempt to lay down a rule of thein canon, governing the. career of women on entering the marital state. • Except under; special circumstances the presence of married women in the ranks of Weekly wage earners is per- haps not altogther desirable, but in the professions and in public life generally; a considerable increase in motherhood, but too often domestic duties and child-bearing are viewed especially by the masculine mind, through a too rosy base, of sentiment. Very often, too, those who prate most ' of the self-sufficiency of motherhood as a career are those who honour it least. It is not to be' doubted in many instances, marriage opens up new op- portunities es •fox• service rather than abruptly bringing to a close the car- eer of a public woman. . Nations are gathered out of nurseries and the woman who is both wife and motier creates for herself a bond of sympa- thy which should be the means of advancing rather -than retarding her career. Some women have a flare for poli- tics ---others for housekeeping. Some have the "school ma'am" instinct— others' the mother instinct. Often the woman whose borne life is per- fect makes a pitiful exhibition of her- self on the public platform, All women are not blessed with the ver- satility of Lady Astor. If a woman is happy with her husband and her babies, why upbraid her if she finds no :joy in party politics or in public life? So fat as the average >un of mor- tals is concerned, it would appear to be more a matter of teinperanient and •individual • circumstances,' Marriage their number would be welcomed by should be a mutual undertaking. Es all right thinking people, Higher sential to its success is the will to education forwomen resulting m their compromise and co-operate. Whether greater prominence as a social force;the public or professional woman in recent years has scuttled that old- 'tall or shall not continue her career, 'fashioned notion that -among women , after her marriage is, generally speak - celibacy was the inevitable accompani ing, a matter solely for the contract- ment of a "c-ireer." True, there are :ing parties to determine by mutual. many mature women in the/profess--; consent But circumstances alter ions and public life who rein un- cases: 'Women of the calibre of Ag - .married, perhaps very often for yeas- nes Mcphail who have carved out for ons based on their own idealism, but themselves unique public careers comae marriage is no longer accepted as a under' a distinct category. They are vocation itself. We are not unmind- under a sense of duty to the commun- ful of the sanctity of marriage and illy at large. We need more Agnes -747 the itemsmentioned below. You will make some remark- able savings that will help you in making your Christmas Purchases: Finest Califorada Navel Finest ritish Columbia Eating Large Size 59 126's C doz. Medium Size 1S0's-176's ��� dor. Smaller 200'8-216's 39c doz. 39c end 49c dozen ver $3.75 bog RAIN Thompson Seedless 2lbs. 29c 15oz. Delmonte Seedless l6c 1Soz. Delmonte Seeded 18c 11oz. Dessert Seedless 2 for 25c Lemon and Orange 27c lb. Citron ! 55c lb. Vs 1b. Tin Cut Mixed 19c New Hallows Dates 2 lbs. 25c CHRISTMAS and CAKE Calms Assorted Chocolates SWEETHEART 3 lbs. 99c CHEST 11b. 39c Windermere Chocolates355c1b. 1 Ib. Hollywood Chocolates 29c Licorice All Sorts 32c lb. Assorted Candy 23e and 25C fm "OUR OWN MAKE" PUDDINGS 2lbs Plain or Almond N .a is E NUTS Filberts, Walnuts 1 mac Almonds, Brazils J rd lb. New Brazils 'c Filberts 'Walnuts 19lc Tarragona Almonds f lb. Shelled Almonds 59c lb. Shelled Arlequin 65c lb. WALNUTS Bordeaux 75c lb. Patrice, Ground Almonds 25c . each in bowl 75c Iced 35c ib. CHRISTMAS with Carps 39c CRACKERS and Toys 49C Smyrna Sultana Raisins 27c1b. Table FIGS z5cIb. yz lb. Pkgs Table Figs 2 for 25c Malaga Cluster Raisins -35c CUraa nts Finest Fi'iliatra tun. . 270 Aunt Dinah Molasses Rowes' Almond Icing Ptut es Large Size 'ioc 430 Ibc lb CHRISTMAS i �c r. ea� STOCKINGS EACH' Finest MINCEMEAT 2 lbs. 29c ICING, Loaf or is Powdered. SUGAR albs. i it" SI RFF'S JELLY Powders 4 for 250 Assorted SPICES s: oz. Tins gr Dromedary GATES 23 Pkt. Glace CiIERItIES 32c Bird's Custard Powder ISe Package Biscuits e Assortmt►ot. CHRISTMAS , WINES Assorted. Flavors Armour's t. homes Tea Rich ello x>,. Domino ibCb.... D.S.L. The* 591.. CIS6 WIN+GII4 1. *DVANCE.,Trr4ESr Me'Alai's in public life and it is not to be conceded that marriage should, be allowed'to close the career of such outstanding women, -*Farmer's Sun. WE'RE MUCH THE SAME To the Editur av alt thim Winghani• Paypers, Deer . Sur, Whin me ould brother Matt. • wus do - in his shtunt thravellin around the war ruld he shpint some years in Africa, (That wusbefoor he sittled down, an married the war widdy in Alberta, tinkin to ind, his thrubbles), Well . he tould ire that whin the naygur min in Africa want to sittle someting, they all git together an bould a palaver, wid plinty av shrtiokin an taikin, but. no sinsible man kin undherstand what it is all about. Fursht wan big fella') gits. up an makes a spaich, an thin another wan gits up an says it isn't thaue, , an there they kape at it all day, an mebby all noight, fer wakes, an thin they all go home,' an tings go on in the counthry jist the same as befdor the palaver shtarted: Tis the quare ways thim uncivilized nay- gur min hev, tinkin they musht hould theer annual palaver,,• iviry year, ars the sun wuddin't shoine, arr the craps. wuddent grow. Matt tould me it is considhered to be quoite an honor to be elickted as a palaver man,: an, sint to the annual maytins. An he said too, that he nivir cud .undherstand whoy the payple shtood fer such'non- sinse, as they had to fade thefellahs who did the talkie, allthe toime it wusoin g on, an,mebby give thim mon- ey besoides. Av coarse it coshts some av thiin lads quoite a lot av money to git the jawb in the fursht place, an a lot more to hould it, an whin they git shtarted. wance as palaver min, they ginerally git too lazy to do anny-' ting ilse . Whin Matt tould me about thim palaver maytins, I said. that I tought he moight hev shpint his.loife betther than be. wandherin around in all thim haythin counthries wid such quare goins on. "Hevn't ye parleyniints in this counthry, lashins av thim?" sez he "Well, 'tis the same ting as thim nay- gur min hev, so fer as I can see," he SEM. Shure, 'tis the ,quare oideas intoirely out& Matt got into his head be roam- in in thim furrin parts: It sarnes that Mishter Mackenzie King, an Mishter La Pointe, an the resht av thim are back home agin an hev shtarted• up the big Parleymint in Ottawa. 'Tis a quare crowd Mishter King has follyin him, arr mebby 'tis dhroivin him I shod say, an I don't begrudge ,him his jawb. I wondher what he will be afther throyin to do this toime. Mebby he hasn't anny policy, at all, at all. I must tell Bill Both arr Jack McMichael to go an sell him. wan . There's a proshpickt fer ye byes, an not a cint will I charge ye fer the tip. '• I don't lgike to be sayin annyting about the quare tings that happened in South Bruce, fer the case is still sub Judas, as the lawyers say. Wan ting J. B. KNIGHT Late •o3 Pernbers—Dorenzoends Hair Goods FOR Ladies and Gentlemen Makers of the Original Patent Structure us made by late Doren - wend Competnli. Telephone, Motet for Appointment. JOHNSTON & IK.NIGHT R?Jrie•-Birks Building, Yonge, mid Temperance Streets TORONTO, ONT. ,"Brunswick ! i:lei �hlc W inglh.a = . Monday, December 20th A THREE DAY'S COUGH IS Your Danger 1 Signal Persistent Coughs and Colds Lead to Serious Trouble YOU CAN STOP THEM NOW WITH HAMILTON'S THROAT AND LUNG BAL- SAM. This preparation is guaran- teed in the treatment of persis- tent coughs and other fours of respiratory diseases, such as bronchial asthma, bronchitis, croup, etc. May be procured at YOUR LOCAL DRUGGIST UGGIST or direet from HAIVIILTON DRUG CO. Vilirrclsor, - Ontario anion that. surproiSes..me is that anny fellah in Bruce County wad want to part wid that 'mush money, but, av eoorse ye nivir • kin tell what:may happmn.at .el iekshun tonnes, tff the facts kin be proved.I. tinkaviryuian who had anny- ting to. do, wid it shod be dishquali fied, fer tin years at least, fer fel'lahs who wud'•do a thrick loike that an git caught at it. are not shrnart enough to be sint to Barleyniint. Av coarse us Tories.goh caught at the toirne av the. Paoif'c scandal, but nivir since. Yours till nixt wake, Timothy Hay; THOUS'ANDS,IIAVE ANSWERED "•YES.,, It is a remarkable record of merit that thousands when asked if MILL- ER'S HERB JUICE has benefited' them have answered "Yes," It proves that a., remedy for definite ailments, scientifically preparedfrom herbs, rootsand barks does all that isclaim- ed for it. Suffering from indiges- tion, gas pains, constipation, billious- ness, sleeplessness, stomach, liver, bowel, and kidney disorders can set cure prompt and permanent relief. a What does this mean to you? If you are troubled with any of these ail- •ments.HERB JUICE is the remedy that will make a' new person out of you. No matter what other reme- dies you have tried without satisfac- tory results, HERB JUICE will sur- prise you. For sale by 1VlcKibbon's Drug Store and leading druggists ev- erywhere, t in Heat THE Ask your dealer about the Banner Rotor or write for literature de- scribing. Banner Stoves. Ilere's• a. heater' that is: as vast. improvement on the ordinary kind, The Banner - Ream- is really a. Dar ill turc Warm Air Furnace, with• its outer casing, air vents,etc, ensuring uniform warmth and'cotnfort at a minimum of cost. The usual Banner: quanta of material and workmanship goes, ihtn• every Banner Rotor. More beat from less fuel:; The Galt Stove 8t Furnace • Co;,, Liintt.d, Galt„ Ont., Wingham. :Representative. W. J. ROYCE BELGRAVE Mr. Wm. Conery of Plymouth, Michigan, was renewing old acquain- tances last week. . Mrs; Wade of Fordwi.ch is spending a few holidays with his mother. Geo. Jorden sold one of his teams of horses to John Galbraith of Brus- sels, Mr. M. Lake held a very successful auction sale on. Monday. Good prices were realized. J. T. Brydge and Charles Coultes, each shipped a car of hogs, and Jas. Taylor a car of cattle last week. Charles Coultes has shipped a num.- ber of cars of hay from here lately. ®®®®21®c1ii1122BM ,,,2 .. THE HY,•t,RO SHOP 41 JUST ARRIVED! AN ENTIRELY NEW ilk X13 WIENIT me so ■ 4 • r, Lighting .• A ,. res on Our prices are very 1 v and the quality of our fixtures Is The best., Z�f cam' LINE OF mgham t lities Crawford LI:t:ek. Phone 156. 711222SEMEtoo? t 11 J + l7INIC iiif 'l i s ACT Befor' I It Is; Too Late` u1i sic St re W1ISIGHAM Only a few sets left! The allotment that was avail- able at these specia Christmas terms is almost gone. Make this a memorable Christmas with all the enter- tainment and, pleasure radio brings. You may never again get a chance to enjoy such advantages. Canada's Greatest Radio Values Qtr offer includes any of the five genuine DeForest & Crosley models. These are the sets that have had such a sweeping success everywhere in Canada. Drum control, graphic dial, shielded chassis, Wheatstone bridge --these tested features are available at such stir- prising-In-ices tir-prising"prices that Deforest' & Crosley is now recog- nixed as Canada's Greatest Radio Values, Your Final Opportunity Colne in and get full details. Select the set you would like tohave demonstrated in your own home, free. Don't be too late, as we cannot eittend this offer after our present stock is exhausted. r illJUh IIIBT1. �ilA111�1{IW1f� Jll ilii ' "` . + � � r �����' i� �,/� r a •f CS Cons ;'1 ff- Cabinet by McLagan, new type tone chamber embodies the Musicone Tone Re -creator, de- signed that the front of the cabinet forms a "sounding board" or "baffle", greatly enhanc- ing tone and volume. Included are five West- inghouse UX,-aoxA Radiotrcns, Batteries and Aerial Equipment, price complete $163.95 SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS FOR BUYING NOW FREE TRIAL in ...your own, home. 3o day " FREE EXCHANGE; Privilege for any DeForest. &4. Crosley set of higher value., One month's FREE Service,, ' Guaranteed Installation, (,) Expert Personal InstructiOA, (6) Unusually Attractive Terms;, (i) COMBINATION PRICE:. (Instead of allowing terms on tho set alone and charging• cash for other necessary equipment, we ar llow the small cash payments~ and extended tears• to cover the com- plete purphase.) (8) RELIEy IN$U A,NOE, Half Payments arranged for rea- sonable period in case of sick- ness or unemployment. (0) Complete' S ,t3fs,etien• -, aran. teed.