HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1926-12-09, Page 10rr WINQHAM ADVANCE-TIIVIE.S ' .bu►raday, December• 9, 1926, annitavionsie 13 g/fl///®�u�u■/Bt//���f��fM11�rA�f��I�AM�®A4/f#Nff�Mf�fflff���■ ICING BROS. ... ■ hopping Days iOrE..Chriativaa: ■ ■ ■ IN ■ ■ ■ 111■ 111 ■ 000 The time is shoit and many are the worries as to what will make the most Suitable Gift for Friends, Relatives, Father, Mother, Sister, Brother, From our extensive stock we can make so many helpful suggestions which' are such accept- able Christmas remembrances, that shopping here is a pleasure, COME IN AND SEE THE MANY GOOD THINGS FOR MEN 1 .■ WIND BREAKERS $5.50 to $8.50 SWEATER COATS $2.50, 4.50, 7.50 MUFFLERS $1.49 t $5.00 SOCKS 50c, $1.00, 150 GLOVES 59c, $1.00, 2.00 a ___ Neckwear iinmi IN Silk Scarfs, ■ Knitted Silk Ties ■■ English Silk Ties ■ ■ ■ ■ 1 BROADCLOTH SHIRTS n $1.95, 3.00, 4.50 ■ a, Jaeger Wool Shirts $s.00 Silk Shirts -..-_. $4.00 and 4.5o ■ ■ 1' Handkerchiefs 1 ■ ■ ■ All Linen Initialed .-.-.-•-soc 1111 ■ H. S. All Linen ■ 35; 5oc, 75c, too each Excelda Hdkfs ,_.=sc and 25c a' ■ Underwear ■ - 2 Pure Wool a Silk and Wool ■ Combed Cotton ■- Natural Wool Fleece Lined I � Fur fishings ■ . in English House Coats 1 Beacon . Bath Robes Umbrellas Suspenders, Belts, ■ Collar Cases, is Silk Bath Robes, all Handkerchief Cases ■ Wool Gloves, Silk Gloves, ■ ■ 11S161 Fine Leather Gloves. FOR BOYS LumberJack Swaeters, Lumber Jack. Sweaters, Warm Sweater Coats, Caps, Scarfs, Wool Stockings, Blouses, Shirts, A New Suit, Belts Braces, Tie Pins, Fine Shirts. PICTORIAL REVIEW PATTERNS. FOR SALE HERE FOR WOMEN Ready -to -Wear 1 Silk Dresses Cloth Dresses, Fur Trimmed Coats, Knit Sports Coats, Kimonas, Bath Robes. LINENS m ■ ■ 1111■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ la 1 ■ Table Linens, ■ Madeira Linens, ■ Cluny Linens, ■ Linen Huck Towel, ■ ■ Bridge Sets, Luncheon Sets, ■ Stamped Linens, Good Glass Towels ■ ■ 'r / , Persian Lamb Coats, ', ! Muskrat Coats, 6 • Hudson Seal Coats, French Seal Coats: FURS Fox Scarfs. French Kid Gloves,• ■ Kayser Silk Gloves, French Cape Gloves, Wool Gloves, IN Chamoisette Gloves. ■ ■ House Furnishings 'I Wool Comforters, Scotch Blankets, 339wn Comforters, Bath Mats, Floor Rugs, LET US HELP YOU WITH YOUR Jaeger Lounge Rugs, CHRISTMAS SHOPPING Motor Rugs, Bedroom Mats, __...... _ . 10h ; Wilton Mats, 'Silk Panel Curtains. ota F R GIRLS Sports Hose Skating Knickers Sports Wool Gloves, Windbreakers Fancy Garters Purses Knitted Pullovers Dresses, Handkerchiefs, A New Coat, Dress Sundries I Corsets, Brassieres, Slips, Teddys, Silk Bloomers, Silk Travel Kirnonas, Scarfs, Ties, Handkerchiefs, Parasols, Chappie Coats, Windbreakers, Holeproof Silk Hose, ■ Winsome Maid Silk Hose,• O • ■ ■ ■. ■ //i11/®fI/r////I Bros,;Wingham, Ont. BLYTH The following is the result of, the voting in this town on Dec. tst;- Joynt Robertson $5 127 2 100 79 x85. 206 Majority; for Robertson' 2i The annual Bible Society Service was held Sunday evening in Queen St, United Church , Rev, W. B. Has- kins gave the address in all protest- ant churches We are asked to set aside the third Sunday before Christ- teas as tiiuversal Bible Sunday, The annual circulation of Shakespeare is in ttie thousands of copies and that of Plato in the hundreds, but the Bible ,r,•,es Ott at the 1'a'ct; of over twenty- five million copies a year. Where - ever it is read ,,there is found as its c; ostapanaoi'tsincl consequence; Liberty, nfciligene e, ;Prosperity, civili2irkg progi•ess unri. Mot I hover and past' fir: 4ilr�t'iC' Mrs .Harry Jackson is leaving° this week to spend the winter months with her daughter at Brigden, Mrs. Telfer and daughters, spent the week end with friends in Lon- don. The Women's Liberal -Conservative Association at a meeting held recent- ly elected the following officers for the coining year:— Honorary President — Mrs, .rosepli Carter. Honorary -Vice Mrs, M. Mason. President—Miss Alice Gillespie. First -dice —. Miss R. Thompson, Second -Vice — Mrs. Charles 'Spaff- ord, I-Iarrnony Lodge of Loyal True Blue held their monthly meeting on Mon- day night of the 'Che, monthlymonthlyc : I.held was W. . StMemorial l=Tall, Thursday, iy, Decem- ber 2nd. The president, Mit. Whit- man presided, Mrs, Telfer gave <a practica land inslructivc address on tree Wontett's institute Convention rli held in London in • Novembe, The members decided to have the County President, Mrs. Cruickshanks at their January meeting. The Institute will conduct ,a sewing class this winter. A pleasing feature of the prograin was. the exchange of Christmas gifts. The meeting was brought to a close by singing the National Anthem. SCHOOL REPORT Following is the report of S. S, No, it, East Wawatiosh, for the inonth of November. Those having an as- terisk after their names, have been absent during the month. Sr. d,tl1 * Marie Deacon 69, Sr, ZIT — Margret Irwin 7x",: Mary Robertson son 68, lSG t, ri ,I. Jr.H v II of and Jr. I - Stanley Irwin, Dtvight l',laid*, Creighton Reid', Mae Young*, Pearl Coftgrat'ti, Teachers RAPID CITY Mr. and Mrs. Norman Steward, who have spent the past summer in Wind- sor have returned to Lucicnow for the winter. They are now visiting with their friend Robt. McNa11. Our teacher, Miss Annie Johnson entertained the children to a box soc- ial on Thursday afternoon. We are sorry to report the illness of Mr, Kenneth McKenzie, Mr. Art Gagnor of London, spent the week end' at his home here. Mrs. Levi Havens, who has spent the past .week with her son Sandy, re- turned to her home at Fordyce, Mr. W, R. Gardner, who has been renewing old acquaintances in Huron and Bruce, returned to hishome in Cochrane. Mr. Charlie Thompson entertained his SouthKinloss friends to a party on Friday evening. Mr. Hiram, Bloom, Mrs, Sills, and family of Station St. spent Friday ev- ening at Mark Gardner's. Messrs Peter Carter, Sandy Hav- ens and Alf Ritchie, of Lucknow, vis- ited at Mark Gardner's o ie evening last week. SALEM Mr. and Mrs. Wm. A. Cathers and family' ,spent one day last week with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Earls of South of Gorrie. Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Weir visited the latter's sister ,Mrs. McTavish of Listowel one day last week. Rev. Mr, Brown a returned *mission- ary preached a fine sermon last Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs,: Edwin Bennett and family, spent one evening last week with. Mr. and Mrs. John Watters of near Orange Hill, Miss Iva Gallaher spent a couple of days last week with friends in Wrox eter. BLUEVALE Miss Bernice Shaw is spending a few days with her cousin, Miss Mar- garet Mustard, 42nd line, Morris. The bazaar that was held, in the. United church' on December 3rd un- der the auspices- of the missionary Society was a grand success. The! amount taken in was $r28.21 a The entertainment was also excellent and Brown town orchestra rendered sev- eral everal selections which were very much appreciated. . Mr, Howard Stewart is under the Dr.'s care with an attack of tonsol itis. Miss Isabel McKinnon fell on the walk going into the school last, week, and, was under the Dr.'s care for a few days. Gladto report that she is doing fine. A cantata entitled, "Grandma's. Christ-., mas Guard, will be given by the young people of the Presbyterian Church, Bluevale, in the Forester's Hall' on December 23rd Admission 25 and is cents. Everybody welcome WESTFIELb Mr, and Mrs. Wells of Morris town- ship spent a few days last ,week with their daughter, Mrs. Harry Arai' strong. Messrs Wm. McDowell and J. E. Ellis were Guelph Winter Fair visitors a couple of days last ween, Mr, and Mrs. Albert Campbell were Goderich visitors on Friday last . Messrs Charles, D. C. and Emerson Roger were - London visitors last Tuesday. Mr .and Mrs, Harry Armstrong and children, were Wingham visitors on Friday. Miss Mary Ellis returned home on Saturday after spending a month at B,rigden, Comtright and Stratroy. Little Kathleen Elsley of Londes- boro returned home on Friday after spending a week at the home of her cousins, Mr. 4nd Mrs. W, F, Camp- bell, Mr. and Mrs. Alva McDowell and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Walsh visited at the home of Mrs. B. H. Taylor • of Goderich one day last week, 'Miss E. Sowerby, teacher of S .S. 6, is busy practising her pupils kr the Christmas concert to be held in the' school in the p.m. of Decetnber ant. WHITECHURCH Messrs., Harold Sparlirig and John Gaunt spent a few days last week in Kincardine., Remember the bazaar in the United' 'church here on Friday, December the Toth, Miss Isabel, Switzer of St, ilfary's, is visiting for a few days at the homes of Mrs, Prank Henry and Mrs Malcolm. Ross, The S. S. Christmas tree concert of the United church is to be held on Tuesday, December 2r, YOUNG WIFE AFRAID TO EAT ANYTHING. IIIhIIINI IIrIh1�I III III I ILII IpUI�111�IIiMII lel l lel l ill lir! I IrI I trI I I�I11M1 l l■Ili■111�111�I I ISI I Ifl ilii It ■ "1 was afraid to eatIt because I al.: ways to Be Thinking About ways had stomach trouble afterwards. Since taking Adlerika' I can eat and feel fine," (signed) Mrs, A. Howard, �I ONE spoonful Adlerika removes GAS and often brings surprising relief to. the stomach . Stops that firll,`bloated CHRISTMAS feeling. Removes old waste matter r fron'i intestines whichr you never thought was in your system. Excellent for obstinate constipation—John W. McKibbon, Druggist. lil- a LUCKNOW Mrs. N. L. Campbell 'and Mrs. W. H. Smith, visited last week with their. sister, Mrs. Little in Ridgetown. Mrs. Jack McKenzie, and niece, Miss Alivia, .McKay, have returned home after spending 'a few days in Wnidsor. Mr, and Mrs: Chas, Twaniley and` little daughter ` Betty of Detroit are visiting friends here: Mr: Jas, Mitchell who has been in Guelph,was home over the week end. Mr. Elliott Miller spent, the week end in Windsor, Mr, Wm. Smith, who a couple of weeks ago was taken to. Wingham Hospital ,died there last Saturday. He was 72 years of age. The funeral was held on Tuesday' to Greenhill ceme- tery, where the remains were laid to rest beside those of his partner in life, who died January 1st of this year . Last Christmas his wife was suddenly taken ill with appendicitis; arid died on New Year's bay. The shock Mr. Smith received caused him never to rally, and he suffered a stroke about a month ago. • He leaves to mourn, one sonJack in the United States Navy, and four daughters, Mas. Peterson of Prelate Wash, Mrs, Lin- derman of Bellingham, Wash., Mrs, Cannon, Toronto, and Miss Lea; who lived with her father. Miss Mae McMorran has by eturnecl home after spending a couple of weeks with friends in London and Detroit: DIED — In Lucknot , on Tuesday, Nov, 3oth, Mr. James Miller in his 48th year . Mr. Miller' is survived by his wife, formerly Miss Susan Webste, by his mother, Mrs, Thomas Miller of town, and by two brothers and one Return the• Gates ' The party who ,took the gate off at Mr. John 'Inlay's place ori Ha11 ow'een would do well to return the same ' M has found out who a e as r. Tmla its t o y it was. As ho is not table to carry them back he has 'decided to put the case in the hands of Provincial Offi- cer Philpcn, . 1 _r s Our stock is now at its best, and •_ this is the best time to make selections. 1. minnimim■moa Only two weeps from next Saturday. W. H,WILLIS THE SHOE STORE Ph . ne 129. . Wingham, Ont. III®I®III®I l hIIIBII I I®II ISI I I#1110111i11 l■Il l�illrl l l�lll�lll�lll�lll/ sister, Mr. Jno. Miller of West Wa wanosh and Mr, Tnos, Miller, Wing - ham, and Mrs. Jas. Webster, Ashfield. Mr. Miller was engaged in the cern ent works for a number: of years. He was a good citizen. His funeral ` on Thursday, was.in charge. of Zion L, O. L., of which he'was a member. ismammuiminummiminumminumissummunumummumumts ■ What's The. Gift Problem You Want Solved? 'Xmas Clothing, Overcoats and Suits, 500 Garments to choose Iron. Men's Furnishings, Xmas Ties, Xmas Scarfs,, Gloc es,!Hosfery*, Handkerchiefs. More choice this season than ever before offered in. Men's Haberdashery for Christmas. CIRISTMAS NEhWE AR Shop early to choose froth our Newest Neckwear, English Silks, Swiss Silks, French Crepes and Plain £rig liar Knits. Ties from 25c to 2.75. ainna & Company Limited MEN'S Ft7 ,NI HINGS ANO CLOTHIERS *** ON I N11Mld IfliwI 101000011 ! u rl• L;;r I