HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1926-12-09, Page 2WINGHAMMM ADVANCE -TIMES 6Thgrsday, December 9, x926: Ful➢ So why accept a ha. .steQ . btt teas RECAPITULATION OF THE. RECEIPTS' AND EXPENDITURES OF THE GENERAL DEPARTMENT OF THE TOWN OF WINGHAM'FOR THE YEAR 1926. The financial report, in brief form, of the town of Wingham for the Year 1926 is given below:— RECEIPTS `axes _• Poll Tax _......_ ___. Arrears of Taxes Dog Tax Weigh Scale Fees Rents Fines Licenses Interest Received ..$ 28805 04 110 00 �.... 946 27 202 00 139 8o 362 to _._. 240 00 808 75 280 6o Loans __ _ 35000 00 Cemetery 2555 7o Sinking Fund—.Principal 1'79 73 'Sluicing Fund—Interest 152o 98 Amusement Tax Tickets ___ Commission on Pay Phone :: . Marriage Licenses _ _...._....___..:. _ w Repayments from Utilities Commission ... Court Costs Good Roads Fund.. Garbage Collection __________________________________ Deposit on Taxes _._.. Sale of Brick _ Sale of Calcium Chloride' Phone Calls Paid __________ Richardson Estate County of Huron Miscellaneous • 97 29 4 89 140 90 439 73 9 25 1584 88 27 00 150 00 22 85 30 25 9 35 65 oo 32 3o 13 88 74877 64 EXPENDITURE Expenses of Flection and Municipal Government __._ _..$ 9 75 Salaries, Allowances and Commissions �_ _... __.w „ 3020.57 'Printing, Postage Advertising & Stationery ••...` 746.96 Insurance • 285 62 Heat, bight and care of buildings, including Town Hall __ 1700 25 Street Lighting — ...: ... _ _._ _. ___.:_ 4255 55 Law Costs Including Salaries :._.._._:__....____.______..___..._._.._... 3 go Roads and Bridges _: _„:.._ r _ _ _ r ._._:___ +_._...... ..:._ 2o6x 35 Grants .... �...__._.._ 555.97 Public School Board ...._.,.._...._..,..._._... __ . _._._ SSoo 00 Debentures -Principal _ ._.. 6653 75 Debentures— Interest , _ „_ .r 12817 18 Debentures for schools, principal ..._.___._ _.. x 18'.36 Debentures for .schools, interest . _..._...._:......._ „.,::..:_W -- 42 14 Interest on Loans — - 785 35 Sinking Fund .W _.. _ 18o3 25 Cemetery m .... • 3067 69 Sanitary .. II90 5o HighSchool Board ,......,_...._-._.• _._.._______.__.„... ............_ _ _:—._.. To,obo 00 Public Library Board ..,_'20o .. .._..._.....,„_._.m:___._......___._._....__.__............._.... . 00 Transfer to Good Roads Fund _. :.:__ ._w__, _ x2g 58 Payments to Tax Account . M 15o 00 Expenses of fudge I., 00 Exchange cm Cheques Coupons, Etc, ___.._...__._.__.. .,_..,.._._--. 2 07 Care of Monument ....... _ .__ :_.._ _..._� - 34 20 Rentals on Scale Site ...._.w....,.„.... __..:.„ _.._: W.,_-..__..._...._._......._ Io 00 Repairs to buildings......_.—_L________________153 75 Expenses of Mayor and Solicitor ....::..._.._ _.._. ._ ___ 35 3'5 Rebates of Taxes, Rentals, Etc, __.. 66 o7. Excise Tax _r _ .. 72 So Marriage Licenses .:.......w„.. :.._ :: ....„�.._•__._..,.._ _ . _ 160 oo Amusement. Tax Telephone worlallommontscainot 193 so 338 26 (Continued on Page 5) hd Entire Stock to be sold by Public Auction i®I so IPA so To give lull advantage to the publie and sell out completely gi ® this high grade stock of WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, DIAMONDS, 'SILVER- N PLATE, CUT GLASS, ETC. will be sacrificed on the W Wi Friday .1 1 MICTION BLOCK, STARTING al And every Afternoon and Evening until the Entire Stock X is sold, NO RESERVE, Everything Must Go, n n THE CI{ANCE OP A LIFETIME M XSale Starts at 2.3o and 7.30 p, m. each day. M AS. TAYLOR, AUCTIONEER 1W N NI 'NA WI EMEMBER THE :PLACE H. STEHE\SON S, ia, eI ore Come One and All to the Christmas Festival —atthe - Walker Stare aKsi C'rd) Fvery. Department Load- ed with Gifts -for Mother, rather, Sister and Brother ectie kristrIVA L` Chime Ye Christmas .Bels of Cheer ewxuita1 Fancy Bath. Towels 75 Large Size Towels, in all the best colors, Every, one guaranteed fast colors, 69c reg. up to 85c, each for Pure Li en Towels Size 18x34 ,a grand Towel for. Gift purposes conies in Shamrock or Keystone Border, worth 85c. Extra Special Value 6 5 Each at _. ...._. 36x36 Luncheon Cloths $1000 m Two Prices ' $1.25 Both exceptionally fine quality with beautiful embroidery designs, in .two tone colorings, make a very practical Gift. ,d Pure Linen Luncheon Cloths The three dollar line in size 36 in. has beautiful designs of embroidery worked in each corner along with Hemstitching. $3.00 and $4,25 The $4.25 line is similar to the $3.00 line but the size is 44144,' which makes a,better size for -larger tables. Oval and End Pieces o Match OVALS x6122 .•$I.z9 END PIECES 16x23 $x.x9 END PIECES x8x27 .... ....,_.:.. ,..:$1.39 Fancy Pillow Cas '- s Fancy Embroidery on the ends and the size is 40x36, something new, reg. 98c Special Big Day4Price, each 6 Three Big Values FANCY HUCIC TOWELS with colored. Embroidery ht pleasing colors. Size 16x3c—x Towel in a box, reg. 98c .,79c, Size 142:20, 2 Towels in bolt, reg. 1.50--$1.19 Size 16x32, 2 Towels in box, reg. x.75•„••$x•49 Extra Special Lun- cheon Sets One Beautiful Cloth `and four Serviettes, in a `box suitable for mailing, Every Woman Likes Linens, per set _...:.. 50405 Here you will find all that could be desired as a Suit- able Gift for all members of the family,. Every• Day sees more -goods beirigput into stock So come often and make your selection Early. it is easier. /'ice{a,Vt 6.11 tg • Santa Claus Will Soon Be Here • Sug•estions a easo 1 : ?ices WOOD'S LAVENDER LINE — SILK' 'UNDERWEAR acla Piece Boxed in a Special Fancy Box WOOD'S LAVENDER VESTS $x 85 WOOD'S LAVENDER BLOOMERS $2.90 'WOOD'S LAVENDER TEDDIES _.. __:.:._.._ .. _A2.95 WOOD'S LAVENDER SLIPS'.. $3.25 and 450 WOOD'S LAVENDER GOWNS _. .�. _.. :__._.......$4.00 WOOD'S LAVENDER PYJAMAS __. .._ These garments come in, 'a great variety of colors and are absolutely guaranteed correct. ' BUY SILK UNDIES FOR CHRISTMAS For PARTY D r ESSES N. 5VER Buy war Colored TaUetta A 0116 DA, • Colored Rayons v,--- • Colored Georgette THESE LINES ARE CORRECT JUST NQW TAFFETTA-In colors Rose, Mauve, Coral, Poudre, 2'25 Sky, etc. Priced per yard at.. ......... o RAYON SATIN—In colors Coral, Jade, Yellow, Beauty Pink,' Peach etc., Extra Value Der yard at—. `I o� GEORGETTE—In all the wanted shades, and the quality heavy, per yard at FANCY DRESS & COAT FLWEBS Four Lines Specially Priced FINE ORGANDIE FLOWER—To go with the Evening Dres- ses, colors to match the Dress Materials, large size aik and very new, eacH'.__.. aa� • FOUR PRICES TN SETS—Containing Flower and Hand- kerchief, every girl will want a set, so they will make most use- ful Gifts. Priced, at 60c, 79c, 90c and $1.00 • Extras p�ugal�ity� FUGI 95c, Yard The most serviceable line on the market for Slips, Bloom ers, Gowns, Dresses, etc/ New Shipment of Mystic Voile In all the bright and wanted colors for snaking up s� Christmas ,Undies, per yard f.reJ Ladies' .l1 Wool Hose Heavy quality line that usually seIls,at $.00 and $1.25, .our larger buying power enables. us to offerlthis line for a short Q time at only SEE THEM EARLY Children's hosiery Value 25 dozen, in colors White, Black and Sand, ,sizes 4 to g, not all sizes in each color, but all sizes in the lot; Elztra Value 39c per pair: Boxed Handkerchief Special Regular 95c value, 3` quality: Swiss Handker- chiefs in a dainty' box, surely a most acceptable Gift, box 7 7ill ANOTHER c0°;OXED SPECIAL FOy', YOU ' 6 doz..boxes Quality Handkerchiefs, three in a box, assorted colors,. and all witli lace corners, reg. $1:25,: while they last 014.0 Our Price, per box OT ER LINES OF ox :. -d Handkerchiefs Ranging in price,from 150 to:' $2.25 per box. Come and see the special display. Men's d epartment Boxed Braces 490 and 6gc Boxed Ties 490, 6gc, 790, 98c, $I.19 _._!_:: Boxed Short Belts Boxed Silk Sox Boxed Arm Bands .: Boxed Garters 35c and 39c Boxed Sets .._......:_ 750, 89c and $x.00 Boxed Scarfs $x.00 6gc 25c and 35c. ... Ships For Boys 3 doz, only, going at half price, reg. 39c'line, each .., Teddy Bears PRICED LOW Regular $2.00 line, each • . __ 1.39 • 'isit ” Toyland” oxo ec nd Floor - New Lines, Added Almost Dail _ ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS See them on, the second Door, Priced 5c to 50c each �e Walker LOTS OF OTHER LINES-- But space will only per- mit a few suggestions= --Drop In and Sees t�re, :�a