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With which 'is anialgariniated rhe Gorrle Middle and The Wroxeter News
The Bazaar You've Waited For: ---Ladies' Guild Bazaar of St Paul's Church, Council Chamber, on Saturday Afternoon December 11,th.
Single Copies, Five Cent&
Subscriptions $2.oco per year,
First regular meeting was held on
Friday evening, December 3. Meeting
gpened with the singing of the Maple
Leaf Forever. Reading of the Min-
:111.es, Chairman's Address, Paritomine,
Violin Solo -Jim, Coultes, Reading -
Jim Currie, Whistling solo by Rhena.
Deacon, Critics Remarks -Mr. J. J.
Kerr. The meeting closed with the
singing of "God Save the King. The
first social evening will be held at
Mr. Elisha Walker's, Tuesday night
Dec. i4th.
13ox Social
Tbe annual Box Social and Christ-
mas entertainment will be held in the
Stone School, No. 7, Morris, on
,day evening, December t7th. A
good program, consisting of dialognes
Teadings, songs etc, will be given. Ad-
mission Adul,ts 25 cents. Ladies with
'boxes free.
.,Anglican. Ladies' Bazaar
The LadiesGuild of St. Pettis
'Church will hold their annual bazaar
.on Saturday, Dec. nth, in the Council
Chamber. Sale of towels, aprons
and fancy articles suitable for Christ-
mas gifts, homemade cooking and
candy. Afternoon tea served: Sale
to commence at two o'clock. E -very -
:body Welcome.
L. 0. L. No, 794 Elect Officers
The following officers were elected
.at the December meeting of L. 0.
No :794, held in the Orange Hall on
. .
Friday evening.
W. M. - Bro. C. R. Copeland.
• D. M. -- Bro. W. B. McCool.
'Chaplain - Bro. W. J. Campbell.
Rec. Sec'. - Bro. If. McMichael,
Fin Sec. - Bro. Jos. Guest.
Treas. -- Bro. A. `G. Smith
D. of C. Bro. Y. A, 11•1cDonald.
Lecturer--Bro. R D. Mason.
Lecturer 2 - Bro. Alex Robertson.
ComMitteemen - Btos. - J. W.
. Scott, Wm. Casemore, J. W. McKib-
bon, j. V. 'Haines, Geo. Shrigley.
Tyler -Bro., Geo. Finley .
Auditors- Bros. A. H. Musgrove,
and W. J. Greer.
Report of Wingham Public School
. For the Month of ,November
Sr. IV- Total 750, Honors 560,
Pass 450. Below 450, failed.
J. Copeland."158t, J. Mitchell 649, A,
Loutit 6:54, E. McInnes 633; J. Brack-
enbury 628, R. Hastie ,6o8, N. Dow
607, T. Nortrop 603, B. Walker, 599,
E., Reid 579, R. Harrison 578, J. Len-
ard 573, W',Dow 571, E. Homath 571,
0. Tiffin 567, K .Fry9565, 5. Camp -
ell 546, E. Zurbrigg 539, E. Rae 519,
F. Skelding 495, F .Hopper 476, J.
Carr 475, M. Clark 457,, A: Coutts 440,
M. Campbell 436, I. Sutton 429, G.
Davidson 394, J .Angue 381„ A. Ham-
mond 37o, A. Stokes 363. A. Rich 257.
A. L. Posliff, Teacher.
,Rev. M. M, Bennett, g.
j. H. Christie, Choir Leader
Parsonage Cor. John and Min
nie,Streets. Phone .18(7
Rev. Harold Woodsworth 13,
A., Dean of College Kobe, lia.s
kindly consented to speak at
the morning and evening servi-
ces. He has spent a nutnber of
years in that "New England" o
the Pacific.
The Children's Section at the
morning. hour of worship will
be taken by the pastor, when he
will have an Object Talk with
2.30, - Tho S. S. and Bible
Mon. 13th - Jr. League at 4.15.
The children are in for an inter-
esting titrie and they are having
it. ,
8 p.m. - The Young People's
Leagne. Mr. E. Copeland is to
discus the topic, "Should we
Spea. Missionary Money in Ed-
ueational Wprk?"
Everybody will want to keep
t71h- instan open date,
bemuse the S. School Concert is
to be held that evening,
Saftirday, 'I)EC. ix and
SUNDAY; DEC. rath.
Meetings will be conducted by
Major and Mrs. Burt, from Lon-
pan, -Welcome meet-
Sunday, /Loa A,M.---.eioliness
zso p,tn, - Sunday School.'
thior Ueetitik.' '
Total 600'. Honours 45o.
Jr. 4th - V. Tiffin 517, M. Taylor
514, A. McGillivray 501, A. MacLean
497, D. Deans 49; B. Taylor 481, L
Sneath 47b, M. Coults 464, L Robert-
son '459, R. Thompson 459, D. Fixter
40, B. Cruikshank 455, H. Beattie 454;
M. Smith 443, 141 Burgess 438, M. Can-
telon 436, A. Ada.rns 421, M. Ludwig
420, J. Burgman 418, B. Jenkins 418,
M. Rae 49,7, M. Mason 404, B. Mitch-
ell .402, J. Cruikshank 401, G. Beattie
396, R. Walker 394, L .Durnin 392, R.
Lott 391, F. Mellor 391, M. Dobie 390,
V. Fry 390, J. Schaffter 379, A. Rin-
toul 374, 'S. Mitchell 370, M. Hingiton
359, B. Chettleboro 347, .13. Small 341,
R Gray 332, E. Rich 324, H. Fry 304,
E. Henderson 147. "
B. Ir. Reynolds, Teacher.
Sr. III --- Max. 630; Hon '472. Pass 37&
' A. Scott 490, 3...Thompson 472, L.
Wilde 465, R. Forsyth 431, F. Howson
417,,M. Hirst 412, D. Stewart 41,94 d'•
Henderson 399, E .Small 396, P.. Clarke
395, H. Fuller 390 E. McLeod 389, C.
Vansickle 345,G Smith 276, H. Grov-
er 27S, W. Henderson 247, 3. Radford
223, B. Bonn '79
II Class - Max .4.70, Hon 352, Pass
282. ,
I. McInnes 394, E. Coutts .372, G.
Robertson 365, C.' Nortrop 342, , D.
Buchanan 331, E. Patterson 323, F.
Currie 321; T. Reid .313, A. Hudson
304, G. Mason 272, 'D. Forsyth 257, H.
Finley 255, L. Brown 248, L.',Bok 224,
B. Mundy 176. --- C. J. Farquharson.
Bert Vansickle 226, Jimmy Lee 222,
Irene Clark 217, Jean Mellor 206, Ir-
ene Fitt 2oo, James Durnin 192, Harry
RQSS 190, Stewart "Ic7)rsyth 188, Ev-
elyn Gamble 183, Marie Reid 17; F.'
Angus -172, Betty Collar 13;
. Phyllis .johns, Teaches,
CLASS A. -Possible Total 200. ;Hon-
ours 150. *Absent due to sickness
Mary Julia. Preston 171, Margaret
Hughes 163, Verne Walker /58, Dor-
is Armitage 156, Clarence Cantelon.
51 Eileen Eileen Curtis 150, Earl Kennedy
150, *Harry Posliff i49, Betty' Weir
/39, Marjorie Forsyth 136, Carl Bondi
135, Bobby, Rae 130, *Harold Parker
122, *Geoffry Hattersley 121, Evelyn
Campbell 118, Lima Harrison 115,
Irene Chittick no, *Edith Mundy 96,
Kathryu Patterson 84, George Elliott
82, *Jean Cruickshanks 8o, Kathleen
Saint 79, Allan Small 77, Gordon Helm
71.., *Lilian Harvey and 'Evelyn
Carter 70, Charlie Ross 69, Herman
Kennedy 68, *Maxine Vatiess 67, '1-1,r-
ene Brown. 65, *Ilene Brown 61, Den-
elda. Henderson 53, *Robert Casemore
28, *Marie .Hopper, *Charlie Krohn.
CLASS B. -- Possible Total 15o Hon-
ors rth.
Alice Dore 93, Gertrude Finley 65,
Joe Wilson 65, Jack Kalibieze 62,
'lauth Hamilton, Lisle Patterson.
R. E. Sotheran, Teacher.
A Correction
My attention has been drawn to the
fact that a statement is in circulation
that the price of hair cutting in mv
barber shop has been raised; to eo
cents. This is not a fact. Hsaircutt-
ing is 35 cents \ as usual. - J. 0. Hab-
0. H. A. Grouping
Sec, A., Group No. 13 of the Inter-
mediate 0 H. A. will be made 'up as
follows: --
fan. 6th - Palmerston at Listowel
Jan ioth - 'VVingham at Painters -
Jr. III --- Total 55o. Hon. 44, Pass
Mildred Field 508, Mildred Reid 494
Carl McKay 493, Anna Chittick 487,
George King 464, Rollie Hutton 460,
Lyle Ludwig 460, Geo. Brackenbury
453, Audrey Reid 452, Geo. Muirhead
452, It.ex McInnes 443, Edna Stoakley
44'S, Harry Brawley 443, Vivian Can-
telon 441, Dine Buchanan 439, Marion
Fry 436, Marion Mitchell 433, Stewart
Scott 417, Harold Skelding 416, Mar-
ion Mason 401; Velma Cafter 396,
Laura .Clarke 376, 11/Ittrle Ellidtt 367,
Ralph Saint 365, Willie Lediet 359,
Laura Groves 343, Bruce Campbell
338, Lorene I-1611er 333, Mae Gibson
315. L I-Tetheringtok, Teacher,
Jan. .T4th - ListoweI.at Wingham.
Jan. Wingham at Listo-wel.
Jan. 21st Listowel at Palmerston.
Jan. 26t1 - Palmerston at Wing -
Agricultural Short Course.
Arrangements have been made by
the Ontario Department of Agricul-
ture through the local Agricultural
Representative for the holding of a
four week's course in Blyth. The
young merr's course in Agriculture
and the Young Ladies' Course in
Horne Economics will be held during
January. Live, stock, field crops and
other agricultural subjects will be
discussed tn the boys classroom while
household science, .sewing and Home
Nursing and First Aid will form the
lectures given the girls. There will
be 'special lectures in tnany subjects
such as poultry andbeekeeping, swine
and sheep marketing and others.
, These courses have been conducted
throughout the province for several
years and the fact that they are shift-
ed about in each county or district an-
nually gives wide scope to the num-
bers that may attend. The inapor-
tance of agricultural information and
educatien is readily realized and all
who can 'should withottt question ar-
range to attend'.
II Class -- Max. doo. Hon 450. Pass
A. --Arthur Stone 523, Louise .veyell
498, Preston Lediet 491, Frank Collar
462, Ruby Fitt 455, Nottrna McIvers
438, Percy DeYell 429, Chester Stew-
art 419, Dorothy Hutchinson 412; Al-
vin Smith 395, Donald Rich 321, John
Preston 29o, Stewart Carter 280, El-
izabeth Schaffter 253.
B -Elaine Small 493, R. Mitchell 49/,
David Parker 482, jean Zurbrigg 476,
Caibline Wellwood 473, Ross Hows-
on ,465, Charlie Chittiek ; 450, Ralph
Hammond 44; Helen Burgess 377, N.
Bla,tshford 363, Winnifred Carr
356, Edith Finley 344, May Wilson 329,
Gracey King 324, Bernice Mundy 32;
Jean McDonald 308, Aa.yrnond Carter
244, Beatrice Forsyth 235, Marvin
Smith 234, 'Norma Groves 172, Stan-
ley Henderson 15o, Albert Catripbell
148, Billie Lepard 128,
L. Howard, 'reacher
Who has just completed his term as
Warden of Huron .Cdunty, and i
again elected Reeve . of Winghamfor the sixth year.
At a meeting of Wingham Hbck-
ey Club, held in the Brunswick Hotel
on Friday, December 3rd; 1626, the
following officers were elected for the
coming season: -
President -H. Campbell:
. First Vice Pres ..1r1,-..'''rttirney.
Second Vice
Sec. Treas.
Vanwyck an
- C. F. Cha dean .
-- Allis Forbes, W.'
. Wilkinson:
The Club has entered the 0. H. A.
Intermediate and the 'N. H: L. Senior
series, which will 'ensure some good
games in Wingharn.
To have a successful team it is nec-
essary for the boys to have the whole
hearted support of the citizens of the
town. ,
Turn ant to the garnes and give the
boys a hand. TheY cannot do it all
Local and General News of
Interest to The Community'
Mr. Bert Wellwood has returned
liorn.e from, his Western trip.
How would.a cedar chest he to solve
younegift problern?-A. J. Walker.
'Mr. Jas, Gilmour motored to Bruce
field on Wednesday.
A second hand Quebec heater for
sale -j: Mason.
Mrs, Lewin of Belm,o're, 1,e visiting
her daughter, Mrs. R.L. jgckson.
A truly acceptable gifte-Vaterman's
Ideal Fountain Pen -G. Mason &
What would be nicer for a gift than
a piece of furniture? -A. J. Walker.
No Gift in all the world more pop-
ular than Cosy House Slippers, -See
them -at Greer's Shoe Store
Miss Hazel Little has returned
home after spending the past week'
with relatives in Hannilton.
The boxed stationery is particularly
"nifty" this Christmas. -G. Mason &
Ist Book - Total 205, Pass U8 notte
ours 221.
A --Isabel Habkirk 278, Grace Brack-
cnbury 274, Sohn Currie 273, Edith
Field 265, Lloyd Ellacott/265, Wintd-
fred Small 255, George Carr 255, Lttet-
ta Boit ;246, Racitel Kabbeze 238,
Frank Renwick 234; Billie 1Davidsott
283, Edith Campbell 231, Irene Mellor
r97, Wineifred Rintoel t65, Alicia
Wilson 150, Hazel Lediet r/8.
Annual Meeting N. H. L.
The annual meeting of the North-
ern Hockey League was hem in Pal-
merston on Tuesday and. was well at-
tended, Dr., Geo. Howson of Wing -
ham, was. elected Secretary by accla-
mation. In this position he replaces
M. L. Bryclges, formerly of the Bank
of Commerce *staff here.
Groftping will take place at Palmer-
ston, December 20. Senior teamis
from Palmerston, Durham, Wingham,
Paisley, Kincardine Chesley, Harris -
ton, Hanover and Mount Forest, .and
junior teams from Milverton; Kincar-
dine, Hartistoit, Mount Forest, Pal-
merston anti I-Ianover were entered
to -clay before the convention opened.
Wingliani gave notice of requiring
permits and playing certificates for
players, Myers, of Blyth; a banker,
traesierred' frOm Mitchell and Play-
er Eadie, of Teeswatet, a moulder,
transferred from Ottawa. Palmers-
ton asked permits for Players How- I-Iollenbeek, A.„Proctor, Sohn
Hopper and A. Hingston.
litsides her husband slic is survived
by three sistees, Mrs, "William Iloll-
enbeek, atict Mrs. Alfred Hollenbeelt,
Of Rthcl; M s. MattllnW OUghton of
Vl•nitobe; '
Mi. John Imlay and family wish te,
thank their friends for the many kind
expressions of sympathy extended to
them during the illness and death of
their beloved wife and' mother.
1VIrs. T. L. Jobb has returned home
after spending some weeks with her
daughter in bshawp..
We have received another shipment
of those $r 00 pictures - A. J. Walk-
er. •
Miss Mae Purdue
the weeln end wi
East Wawanosh.
The Boy loves: hockey -You will
find the boots and skates that will
help him *in an Greer's.
Miss Myrtle Stanley. of Fuciliar,
Sask, is visiting with her sisfer, Mrs,
Wm. J. Shoebottorn.
We have an excellent assortment of
Christmas. Cards. Come in and in-
spect thern-G. Mason & Son. .
Mr. Don.ald,Young of Lambeth, was
a week end visitor at his home in
East Wawanosh.
You will be surprised at some of
the special valueswe are offering in
High Class Xmas goods -A. J. Walk-
The curlers have again rentect',1he
building ffsem the Wingham Rubber
Co., adjacent to the C. N. R. tracks,
and we understand their ice will be.
reading in.a day or so.
Oar stock of China, White Ivory,
Stationery; Fountain Pens, Purple
Gift Pens, Toys, Gift Dressings,
Greeting Cards etc., is now complete.
Come. in; While the assortment is/ at
its best -G. Mason Sr. Son.
Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Smith were in
Detroit 'over the .1,gralteee,n.d. They
were accompanied' by Mr. and''';‘Mrs.
Wm. McComb 1f Cotswold, and;Mr.'
Chas. E. Smitli'df Ripley. They en-
countered a very heavy snowfall in
Windsor and Detroit.
We have the best Xmas assorted
stock now that we have ever shown,
Call in and look through. -A. j. Walk-
All gifts are well taken care ofand
deliverea when you want thein from
-A. J. Walker.
The ladies, of St. Andrew's Pres-
byterian church held a.most, sue-.
cessful bazaar in the eouncil cham-
ber on, Saturday afternoon.. The pro-
ceeds amounted to almost $5oth
1.11e regular monthly, meetifig of
the, Women's Institute will be held in
the:council chamber ort,T, inamed4Y, D• 4-
eentiber /6th, Directors for the month
are; Mrs. Robert McGee. and, Lrs T
Field. Don't forget the dime collec-
tion for Christmas clietz.
See our floor lams and dainty
tables - A. j. Walker -
A cantata entitled, "Grandtna.'s Christ-
mas Gua,rd, will he given by the young
people of the IP'resbyterian Church,
Blueyale, in the Forester's Hall en
December 23rtrAdmisSion 25 and 15
cents. Everybody welcome,
We can't put alt our, nice things in
the -window. So call and look over
our stock S.. Walker.
Cohimbia Phonographs -new de-
signs at bargain prices, Harmony Re-
cords 65c. -the very latest-McKibb-
on's Drug Store.
For better quality Personal Greet-
ing Christmas Cards at a saving, in
price, one cannot clo better than call
at The Advante-Times office 111d sae
our beautiful assortment, All who
have seen than are loud in their
A good stock of Smot,ers, Lunt5s,
.Sewite; Cabinets, Ferneries, Tea
Tables •Ittc.1 Chesterfield 'fables A,
Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. Dane, and
Mr. G. .W. Walker, desire to express
their gratitude to the many friends
who were so kind and sympathetic to
them during the time of Mrs. Walker's illness andher death.
Mrs. James Mifflin, (formerly Soph-
ia Nicholl,) wiahas to thank Mrs. M.
Beckwith for opening her home for
the funeral of' my deceased, brother
Alfred John Nicholl: Also many
thanks to the sympathizing friends in
B. Class - Helen Mifltir 258,
nia Stoakley 43, jean Muirbead 251,
„S.,orraine Carter 4/, Lillian ri'ttiler 23et
lam Assitt.3, FWcr4 Gi1o'e5033,
ondon, spent
hel parents in
Mrs. Cumming is a visitor with her
parents in Owen Sounci.
Mrs. George Stuart, is in Luck -
now, a visitor wirth.,4).° sister, Miss
We have, the tables and chairs fo?
children at $3.00 per set - A J.,
Walker, Wingliain.
Briar Pipes with amber sterns. Reg-
ular $3.50 and $5.00, For $2 49 at
McKibbon's Drag Store.
Mr. T. B. Taylor is in the Winghant
hospital where he is being treated for
inflamatory rheumatism.
Quite a number of old friends and
neighbors attended the funeral of the
late Mr. Jim Miller. in Lucknow on
iWedii es da.y.
It will soon be time; to store your
battery. Give it longer life, b3r bring-
ing it to Bill Ingham, Wingham Vul-
canizing Dep.ot:
The Young Peoples Society of the
United' Church, Lucknow, entertained
the Y. P. B. C. of Calvin church, on
Monday evening.
Independent Telephone Assoc.
1VIr. J. J. Hunter, publisher of The
Review -Reporter, Kincardine, was el-
ected President of the Canadian In-
dependent Telephone Association for
the year 1927. Mr. R. Proctor, of
Morris, was also elected to the direc-
torate board. A splendid picture of
Mr. Proctor appeared in a recent is -
MC of "The Blue Bell," one of the
brightest littbt telephone magazines
ever published,
We are now equipped for storing
your battery for the winter. Brin.g
them in and let us look after them.--
Impprial Garage, B'elgrave.
The teacher and pupils of S. S. No.
I°, Whitechurch, are holding a con-
cert on Friday, December loth, at 8
o'clock, Admission 25 cents.
Robert Wallace, 8th line of Morris,
had the misfortune to have his leg
badly injured; by: being, trampled on
by a cow on the day of his sale.
Remember the play, "The Path
Across the Hill,",,to .be given by the
Fordyce YounePeople in the Com-
munity this (Thursday) evening.
Pony earktett
The pont6st is getting keen as thi's;
is the test week for the contestaats
to work. It evidently pays: to, ad. -
as Carl McKay, the only' One
to advertise in our last issue, mount:.
ed from fourtit..to top Dieu; and we
happen to know that it is so close now
that it is still anybody's' chance.
, Carl McKay.
2 Preston Lediet,
3 Geo, Beattie.
4 Harry Bra,wley,
•5 Mary Hingston,
Funeral to Brussels •
• The rctnains a the late . Imlay
were interred in Brussels ettnetery on
Wednesday afternoon lust. Rev, M.
Denitent conducted the services at
the house and grave. The pallbearers
were Messrs, S. Bennett, Dr, Stewart,
The town solicitor, Mr. D. E. Hol-
mes, was at Toronto before the Ap-
pellate Division of the Supreme Couct
arguing in the case of the National.
Sanitarium against the town of God-
erich. This was an action brought
by the National Sanitarium against
the town for the maintenance of an
indigent patient, who, it is claimed by
the sanitarium, resided in the town of
Goderich at the time of his admission
to the hospital . The patient came to
Goderich in the spring of 1923 with
his wife and family, taking up resi-
dence her; and remained here until
August of 1924, when he became too
ill to support himself or his family,. He
then left Goderich fax his father's
place in the township of Stanley, leav-
ing his wife and family with his moth-
er-in-law, who resides in Goderich. He
remained in the township of Stanley
until the end of February, 1925, when
he returned to Goderich •and resided
with his wife in a house she had rent-
ed in the town. He stayed in Goder-
ich until the 8th of April ,1925, when
he was admitted to the hospital. The
case first carneebefore Judge Lewis,
who held that it was a question of in-
tention on the part of the patient
as to Where his residence would be,
and that, as he had expressed his in-
tention in August of 1924 of staying
with his father in Stanley township
for the short time he had to live, he
was not a resident of Goderich, and,
therefore, the town was not liable for
his maintenance. On the appeal it
was argued that, .no matter, wita.t his
intention in August of 1924, he chang-
ed his residence in February of 1925,
but the appeal, Court held that there
was no evidence of his intention to
change his residence permanently
from Stanley to Goderich and dismiss-
ed 'ie Sanitarium's appeal, upholding
the decision of His Honor Judge Lew-
is. The case means quite a ,saving to
the town of Goderich, as the patient is
likely to be in the Sanitarium for
some time and during this whole per-
iod would be a. burden on the town
for his maintenance-Goderich 'Star.
Neil MacLean has again been ap-
pointed for the. Arena and if the
cold weather prevails, it is expected
that the rink,will be ready for skat-
ing.about the end of the week. '.
Miss Bella 'Wilson. of the ' .Hotn.e-
Stead farm Turnherry, left on a trip
to,vatioo.,,, ,,., where she will
visit herb open. C.. H. Wilson and
family, alsolohn andfamily, of Ryer-
son Sask..,, and: Richard of Toronto.
A two dollar bill will send the Ad-
vance -Times to your address every
week for fifty-two -weeks, or to your
son ar daughter, now living miles a-
way from the old. home. Would they
appreciate it as a Christmas present.
Bbx, social and Christmas Enter-
taniment will be held in the school
house of S, & No. 14, East and West
Wawanosh: on Thursday, December
t6t1i, commencing at 8. o'clock. LadieS
with boxes free. Admission 25 cents.
Carl McKay wishes to a.nnottnce
that he is going strong in the Pony
COntest and if you have not promis-,
ed your Pony Votes to anyone, he
would be glad to receive them, eith-
er by leaving it at the restaurant, or
Phone 77 and he will call and get
them. Please remember Saturday,
Dec. lath is the last day.
A meeting of the.liospital Auxiliary
was held in the council chamber on
Mloaday afternoon with over 75 lad-
ies present. Mrs. W. R. Hai -111)1y,
w.lio, was delegate to the Hospital Aid
Convention, held in Oshawa, 'gave a
report of the meeting. After the bus-
iness part of the meeting had been
completed, Mrs, A, MacDonald gave
a reading, and Mrs. George Hanna an
instrumental, which was much appre-
ciated. Lunch was served by the
ladies of the losing side in a contest
which had just closed, for securing,
new members.
8t5t11 formerly of'Chesley,i and Situth,
fotmerly of ,Galt, now in the bank at
Moorefield, and for Player Leeson,
formerly'of now tatalim
at ;•, , .Tho. appliCatieeS:
4iA,retet:ILmty..0totI :11
Doctor's Practice Sold ,
Many citizens of WingnainNedl be
sorry to learn that Dr. W., R. Hambly
has sold his medical practice b,nd will
leave Wingham early in the. New
Year . The doctor will spent. a 3• -ear
in Post Graduate work in London
Eng. Dr. H. W. Colborne will take
over Dr. Hambly's practice. on Janu-
ary ist
The strong ties which bhtd natives
of Huron County to their birthplace
were indicated last evening, when the
Huron Old Boy's,Associatlion of Tor-
onto held its annual meeting in the
auditorium of the Centgal Y. M. C.
A. There was a large, attendance »af
former Huronites to participate in the
planning of a program of wide activ-
ities fax the coming. year and to el-
ect officers to diteet the affairs of
the associa.tiom •
The association' vv -as said to have.
some 1,100 names, on its books. Ire
the business.part of the meeting there.
Was some, al.SCUSST411 00 the method of,'
electing officrets, and the prevailing
plan of doing, so through a nominat-
ing commi•ftitee• was confirmed.
was openlY conceded that probably
Godenielk had been securing too many
rnembess on the executive, and a
strong desire WAS expressed. * heal
any, Nreach which this might have oc-
eaeioned and to maintain the associ-
ation as one which was strongly un-•
iled in its interest in the old, county.
During the evening unique 'honor
was paid to two or the distinguished
active members of Ott association,
General W. ID. Otter and Major Jos-
eph Beck, in their election. to life,
membership in the organization, Gen-
eral Otter was declared to be cele,
brating his 83r4 birthday at the pres-
ent time and Major Beck Was also.
said to have reached an advanced but
vigorots age,
The officers chosen for the cotn.
ing year were: Honorary presidents,
Sir john Whitson, T, A. Russell, )3,
MeCre,ath arid j. A. McLaren; hott.
orary vice-presidents, Mrs. H. B.
Stowe, Mrs, H. 11. Morrish, .1111`14. R‘
"King and Mrs., Harry Ma.rtin; presi-
dent John -Moon; tit ViQC-pre8ident,
krther Forbes; .zral Vice-president,
Mrs, E. Vioody; cI vice presi,dent,
Mrs, j. Beek; secretary, Mrs. L. Pat-
terson; treasarer joint Robertson;
• u- Sheppard
Licenses Reduced
The promised reduction of $5 on.
automobile licenses will take effect
With the issue of the 1927 markers,
which will be ready fax distributhen
all over the Province about Dde. 15.
With approximately 340,000 pass-
enger cars at present owned and op-
erated throughout Ontario, this re-
duction will amount to some
000, in the aggregate.
Died in Vanitoba
Mrs., Geo. Peacock, East Wawatiosh,
received the sad news of the death of
her brother, jatnds Rutherford, at his
home in Sommerset, Man. He had
not enjoyed the best of health for
some time, and tmclerwent an oper-
atioit some three weeks ago. Besides
his wife, he is survived by three chil-
&so three brothers and three
sisters, Mr. Rutherford was always
of a cheerful clIP.positioft, and will be