HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1926-12-02, Page 1With which is arnalgalnhated The Gouge VldeIle and The Wroxeter Aie ws Attend the ° Ladies' Aid Bazaar of St. Andrew's Church, in the Council Chamber, on Saturday Afternoon Dece n er 4th, Single Copies, Five Cents, WINGHAM, 9'17"., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 2nd. 1926. Anglican Ladies' Bazaar The Ladies' Guild of St, Pauls Church will hold their annual bazaar on Saturday, Dec: rrth, in the Council Chamber. Sale of towels, aprons and fancy articles suitable for Christ- mas gifts, homemade cooking and •candy: Afternoon tea served. Sale to commence at two o'clock. Every- body,welcome. ter; Presbyterian Church Bazaar The Ladies' Aid of St, Andrew's Presbyterian church,will hold their annual bazaar and sale of Home Cook - in ,on Saturday afternoon, Dec. 4th,. i he Council Chamber; commencing o'clock , -Fish Pond, Parcel Post, and afternoon tea., Everybody invited. Mayor, Reeve, Commissioner, Council, Trustees All By Acc Far too few ratepaYers take an inr terest in the municipal matters of the town. The M nicipal Nominations were held on Monday night-. and not more than fifty men attended., The following were 'nominated for 'Mayor, Reeve, guatmissioner, Coun- cillors and 'tic Scli5b1 Trustees, and in eae'h se an acclagnation is given:— ° 9 N • T. IN A TONSt FOR MAY R—FELLS, - 'HOS. - Mover C..Rilki W nson. , econder R. A. Spotton Died in Alberta FOR REEV1;• GIBBON, J. W. —C, D. Wilkinson, R. A. Spotton. This week wordwas received of the COMMISSIONER -= GURNEY, W. sudden death from double pneumonia H., Mover -Wei. Haney, Seconder, W. of Mr .D. A. Scroggie, of Alberta,. Isbister. and formerly of Guelph, Ont. Besides her husband and one son, there are COUNCILLORS—'WILKINSON, 'two brothers, F. W. Galbraith, of C .R•; E. Pettigrew and J. A. McDon- Red Deer, Alberta, and Dr. Galbraith and'' with getting about $4,000 £rom.the of Lethbridge/from` h SPOTTON, R A. -:E, Pettigrew and county for the townof whose home theWmgham, C. R. Wilkinson. funeral took place , Many Wingham. people will remember Mrs: Scroggie as a niece of the late Mrs. Peter Fish- .tr. town on having an able superinten- dent in Mr. Herb Campbell, and his office assistant in Miss McDowell: He felt that the water pipes ai the south end of Josephine St, 'would have to. be replaced in the very near future: Reeve McKibbon-gave an inter- esting account of the doings at county council, where thirty-one members do the work of the County. During, the yea`' they had spent $r8o,000 on county roads; Of this amount they received $85,000 back from the Government, For schools the county spent $r35>- ono, and received from the government $65,000, They spent for Criminal Justice $ro,50o• and on the County Home $12,000. Financially thescounty of Huron is an outstanding county..' Mr, C. R Wilkinson was nominated for reeve but withdrew in favor of Mr. 1VIcKibbon, whom he credited • PUBLIC SCHOOL TRUSTEE 'A.. J. WALKER :Elected by. acclamation for a period, of two years to the Public School Board. He has served on this board for several' years, WINGHAM UNITED CHURCH Rev. M. M. Bennett, Bt A. Minister . JH, Christie, .Chon Leader Parsonage Cor.J ohn and Min- nie Streets. Phone 43.' DECEMBER 5th, 1926 •. II arn,—The Sacrament cif the Lord's Supper will be admin- istered at this ser' v -ice, ' There c.le also willS be O thereception of members, 2.30 p.m. -S. S. and Bible Class. 7 p.m, — `Counting the Cost,' will be the subject for the eveli- ing e sermon. 2 . Mon. '- 4./5 pm.. -- -Junior League. Mon, 8 p.m. -- Young Peoples' Leagpe, The Devotional ad- dress will be given 'my Miss Irwin, and Mr, Elmer Wilkinson will spear: on the subject, "What Does oili Church .Teach About Jesus?" Wed, 8 p.m. — The mid- week service will be in charge of the Session, !• 1 reasraY!•►ewowXsoas,►oawo..wn ®iwa THE SALVATION ARMY MEETINGS) for SUNDAit, DEC. 5th, rg26, - :nn,••-�•' o in fis MC Ira I -I 1 n.(,titt . Sub- ject—"Conditions u g b deet---"Conditio ns of Perfect ee," yy u ch1 nda•5c oo . ,-Salvation ' cerin :'Suis- " i"IYe Hole: 'of Destiny, 1.s'as andMow rs , B ie s is • Clati , Charge. n. ge.' ;,BµL,, ;,BODY WELCOME oassosseras...e essieshialaiiduYwM HANNA, JOHN Alex. Robertson, John Morgan. ELLIOTT, H. B. — C. R Wilkinson, and W. H. Haney; expended $J3,19, MAGUIRE,'ROBT, — J. W>McKib- Mr,' R. A. Spotton reported 6n the bon and H, B. Elliott, work of; the cemetery. Next year HA_NEY, W. H. — W. H .Gurney and, the cemetery must be levelled -and C. R. Wilknson: I another well . drilled to- replace the PUBLIC SCHOOL BOARD old•one which has gone clry. He hoped WARD NO: r --- ISARD,, JAS - R to be able to' have more accomplished Casemore, R H. Lloyd. in the cemetery next year. WARD NO. 2 — FOX Drs. A. J: — Mr, J. W. Hanna said the town W. T. Booth; F J Hill. certainlyrad-a great council to keep WARD NO, 3 HILL, F J. — A. the taxes down. They were air tight 3 Walker; 5. S. Morgan. he said : He was a member . of the WARD NO, .4 (Two: Years) — property committee, but even though WALKER, A. J. —' F. J. Hill, W. T. he got down on his knees he could • Booth. not pull the rest. of tlte`committe ,to. (One. Year) — CURRIE, R .A, — D. spend $25.00 to better the appearance McG1il, Wm, Isbister , of the town park. He warned them, As soon as :.town Clerk Galbraith that -it would: cost -them more than that announced the nominations closed; he if they did not spend a little now. He asked for ,a motion appointing a said there would be no danger of chairman, and Mr. A. Cosens was el- him spending any money -not with ected. On taking his place he "ad his present' associates on the council. dressed the ladies and gentlemen prey- Mr, H. B. Elliottt deplored the fact ent, but to search our best, we couldn't that there were so few ratepayers'. find a lady in the audience, taking any interest in the municipal Mayor Fells was the first to give nominations. , He said he had•long an account of his stewardship. He since, intended to drop out of municip- deplored the fact that' so few people al life, but he rather liked ft, and a took enough interest to attend. He few old. heads were needed to keep congratulated the reeve on his sue- the younger ones in line and act as cess in getting several favors for the watch dogs on the treasury. He had town. The county were attending been a member of the street commit - to the upkeep of the pavement from tee, but like . Mr, Wilkinson, gave the B. Line to the C N. R tracks, Mayor Fells credit for doing' all the. also the Diagonal Road pavement, and work. He warned that the council the pavement a considerable. distance would need to be very careful]- until from' the town limits on 'Victoria St, 1930, when a few debentures would and prairie road. Mr. McKibbon be wiped'out. had borrowed the tar kettle from the Mr. Haney said the property cor•n'- county and thus saved the expense of mittee had spent $125.00 for the fence purchasing; a kettle to fill the cracks at the park and .later corrected hirn= on the streets, Mr: Fells reported' self in that Mr. Hirst had:paid half. Itis having gone to Toronto with Mr. He said they had spent $150.00 on re- Joynt and the solicitor to meet Pre- pairs to the roof of the old chair wrier Ferguson with regard to recur- factory building and also repaired the C. P. R. scales building: He said so- long as he was `chairman of the property. committee they would spend; no money unless they had" to. .He had served on the council for several years,Wand-one year from now it was his intention to look for. something better. ] fi Maguire, who was nominated, to fill the vacancy caused a y 5 by the re- moval from towft of Mr, E, J. Mitch ell,• was not present, but we learn '• he has been persuaded to qualify in order to save the holding of a 'ot"he' nom- ination. He should' make a splendid ham was able to continue their serv- member of the board i ice by switching on to the old plant.. None of the members of the Plib]ic Mr. "Gurney also complimented the School Board spoke, and -this' year getting a.: refund of $397• As chairman of the Fire Coin- inittee, Mr. Wilkinson ,reported every- thing in''good shape. . He had only • ing consent to renew a loan to the Gunn.. Sonola`Co. He assured those present that each. anis every account had 'his personal supervision before he -signed. it.` Mr. Gurney' gave an accotint of the receipts and expenditures of the wa- ter and light nY t 1 t cb i scion. �- g ii He ex- plained the reason why they ran the old water wheel power in the even- ings was to save the cost of the peak load , 'He believed it payed well to keep Mr. Walker.at the power house, to attend to things and when any- thing went wrong with hydro, Wing - More Stores Broken Into-- Thieving nto -- Thievin B. ' Local Youths. We regret to learn that 'there is still more thieving going on, in Wing,- harm, On Sunday evening a couple • of lo- cal boys broke through the coal shote into King's store and helped them- selves to some .small articles, This titne another business elan saw them aid tlrcy were soon rounded tip,and: the stolen goods returned to tale own- er. It is to be regretted that young boys would stoop to break unto tt builclitig and steal, 1 1 ii•, s on `flYtit is �> ss th'� f st step o k to .y P 1 - re °• that to end with the gall- ows aca career n g Ows Yet what is 10 be done? MY". King naturally does'. not want to heap sorrow and grief "on the patents, aP 15 r • tlYe bo s sat told bc, .eve i a le; �,- but y c g less - o t1, r daysago e small boys A few' . go a f w. i a 1 br y picked„ttp some small articles while no One -was watching them itt the Waller Store, Mr Phsliff; principal• of the Public'. S'choof, got busy and' soon rounded tip the culprits, M a Barr, -manager'of the store, is lend in his praise =of Mr :Posliff for the efficient way ii`Y• which he hattdl'ed'the boys.. Sometime• on Monday, some person broke 'open the back door of a vacant' store between W. J'. Greer's and John • Galbraith's, and cleaned out a `few bales- of d�toti •which the Jews had sold' to another merchant, and`"wineb P had not yet been called fot. 'P _r . 'Phis thieving is becoming "'r P ev titi h ro ntt g altrnrring in a town this size•and the tint is P now fax' distant when a halt should Il have been. called, 'The mono to,ht. I lamented is tate fact that Some o:C`the I 1ni; n ticreants ire children tot! yet. tett I� Year4.of arse; UTILITIES -COMMISSIONER W. H. GURNEY4 Who has' been elected by acclama ion Sask., 'accompanied byMrs. Cumm- for the Utilities Coinmissi'on. Be i mgs„ is viy�icing at the home of Mr. fore the formation of a comm]ssion;. and Mrs: 'Rout. Subscriptions $+2.ocs per yer.i Local. and General News of Interest to The o . u� itr Mrs. Geo. Lott renewed old acquain- tatices in Brussels last week. Miss Griffith of London, is stenog- rapher at the Federal :RL�ibber Co,•' Mrs, John Fowler was called to Guelph last week owing' to the illness of her brother,,Mr: Conery. Miss Marjory Gurney of Stratford Normal spent the weak -end at the. home of ller parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H, Gurney. • Briar Pipes with'amber steinsk. Reg- ular eg ular $3.5o and $5.00. For '$249 at MVlcKibbon's Drug Store, Ivlrs. Vance Sand£s•son spent a couple of .days in )rt ssels at the home of her mother, iblrs. Ida Willis. Mr, Norman. Cuminings, 'Manager of the Imperial Branch, at Hepburn, Maguire , Mr. Gtuney was a member of the Bring'in your battery and have us council committeO' in charge of that. r work. He. has served in this ca- pacity for.the past twelve years. GOVERNMENT : REELECTED IFERGUS•ON TED BI' LARGE FOLLOWING Th e stun mare t I a ro.3o ,n y a t. Thurs- day aur - s day was as follon*�: Conservatives Liberals Lib,-Prog- - - - Indep. Labor ... 76 r, 14 ro 5 r Total Seats ........._.-...._._ rr2 The results of the voting in Ontario on Wednesday:— Algoma -'Robb, Cons. Addington.'-- :Blade, Cons. Brant County — Nixon,-Prog , Brantford— Martin, Rev. W, G,, Con. Brockville .- Clark, H. A., Cons. Bruce -N.,— MacWhinney, Lib. Bruce S - McCallum, Prog. Carleton Acres; Cons; Cochran, N. - Waters, :Cons. Coch.raner`S — Kenning, Cons, Dufferin Slack, P'rog. ` Dundas—Smyth, L,-Prohib. :. Durham — Bragg;, W. J,, Lib. Elgin 'E, - filler, Lib, Elgin W — Macdiarnlid, Cons: Essex N Poisson, Cons, Essex S' Fletcher, Lib. Fort `William — Spence, Cons: Front -Lennox — : Ming, Lib: Glengarry- McGillis, Cons , Grenville Ferguson, Hon. G. Cons. Prune Minister, Grey N - Taylor, D. J., Prog. Grey S —. Oliver, Prog. Haldimand = Miller, Liberal. Halton — Hilhner,'• Cons. Hamilton E — Carr, Cons..- . Hamilton W --- Stnye, Cons, Hamilton S 'utters Thomas, Cons, Hastings E. -" Hill, Cons: Hastings N n-- Cooke, Coo.c Cons. g Hastings W. - Irelancl, Cons. Huron N. -:Robertson; C. A. Lib. Huron' S;- Medd, : W. G., Prog. Kenora — iarngey, Cons. KentE. — Gardiner, rd er Prog, Kent W — Calder, Rev. A. C:; Cons. Kingston -- Kidd, dd Cons. Kingston , d S Lambton E. — Oke, Leslie' W,'Prog, La:tubton W — Haney, 'Cons. Lanark N — Tlton pson,. T. A„ Cons Lanark S— .Steadman, Cons. Leeds Skiinner; Cons. Lincoln Kemp, Prog. London N — Moore, Cons. London•, S.— -Wilson, Cons, Manitoulin Farquhar, .Prog; Middlesex N — McLean, Alex, Prog Middles. W; Lethbridge, Prog: Muskoka, Ecelestone, G. W,, tons. Niagara Falls—Willson, W. G., Cons Nij issing Doubt'. Norfolk -�- Martin, Cons. Northumberland- Robertson, Lib, Ontario N — Widdifield, Prog, O'ittario'S -- Sinclair, W. E. N., Lib. Ottawa•E - Pinard J. A,, Lib, Ottawa N'- Iloneywell Cons, Ottawa S. -•- Birkett, Cons. Osfrrt!' IV'...:. Ross, Lib, Prog.: Oxford' S'-- Scott; Lib. Parry Sound -- blttt'cotirt, Cons. Peel — Kennedy, 'Cons, - I'ertln bnteith C ins. Perth 5 •� Colquhotrn, Lib. l 'r etc. bora City — Bradburn, Cons. eterboro Co, - Andertt'on, Lib, Ott' A•rthtir �-- Hogarth, .Cons: resc0tt — 1 cti ulx — Ind 'C , Edward - ,) . 'ince -- I,3aney, Prog, ainy River'-�•. Mathieu Cons, , �cnfrew N --Stuart, Alex, Cons; �difrew S. — 'Costello, Coos, trssell Belanger'- In: ,ted, .Li1�, (Contietted on Page' 4) look after'it for the winter,- or call and have us go after it First Class Battery man in charge at Robertson's Garage. • Columbia Phonographs—new de- signs at bargain prices, Harmony Re- cords 65c.—the 5 very latest McT�ibb- on's Drug Store. Christmas: Greeting Cards at' 5, ro and 15 cents, jour' line at 5oc. a dozen will surprise you, Mc- Kibbon's Drug Store- The teacher and. pupils of S. S. No. To, Whitechurch, are holding a con- cert on Friday, Dec'elliber loth, at 8 o'clock: Admission 25 cents. The Annual Christmas entertain- mlent will be held in Ebenezer (Brown - town) United Church, on Dec. 22nd, /927. Fuller particulars later. It will soon be .time to store your battery. Give it longer life, by bring- ing ring: ing'it to Bill Ingham,-Wingham Vul- canizing Depot. Keep this date in mind, Saturday, December 4th. • Ladies.' Aid of St. Andrew's Presbyterian church Bazaar in the council chamber. ' We are sorry to learn of the,serious illness' of Mr.'Jas Miller of .West \Vawanosh. Mrs. W.' T. Miller of Pleasant Valley, is in attendance at the bedside of his brother. . Mrs, W. •H. Willis attended the ju- bilee of tite-United church in Brussels H,, last week and put one of thecandles on the birthday cake in memory of her mother, the late Mrs. B. Gerry. i Mr. )I .0 11cLean business than IN - ag'e:r of the Western Foundry Ltd., a has returned fiom a trip to the West. 'in Mr. and :Mrs. J. W.McKibbon, and p daughter Betty, spent:' a few days in a • We are now equipped for storing your battery for, the winter- Bring them in and let us look after -them.-.- Imperial Garage, Belgrave, The`Literary Society' of School Sec- tion No. rr, E. W. are holding a con- cert in the school on December '7th. The program consists of songs, read- ings, dialogues, drills and a Christmas tree: Everybody Welcome! Mr. G. L. Brackenbury M. A:, prin- cipal of Wingham High School, has been confined to Isis home` for a few days owing to an abscess on his knee: He is, we are. glad to know, back, on the job, again:. A couple of ladies were ing ov- er the stock of Christmas Greeting Cards in the . Advance -Times . a few days. ago. One ordered a dozen, for which we paid $2.00. The'. other lady in surprise exclaimed, "Why. 1 paid $3.75 fora,dozen of almost the same cards," ' lar, James Elliott Mr: Fred Elliott and Mr. Frank - Elliott -crf„Sault Ste Marie, s Ont,, ar ;'4isiting with their brother, Mr.. V iliiam E11iertt of the Belrnore 'Brickry )31iey were in London last week 'Ctending the fun- eral i°of their brother-in-law, Mr, W. D. Kemp. Mr.' Kemp was a Tees - water boy. Carl McKay wishes to' announce that he is going strong in the Pony Contest and if you have not promis- ed your Pony Votes to anyone, he would be glad to receive them, eith- er by leaving it at the restaurant, or Phone 77 and he will call and get them. , Please remember Saturday, Dec.• nth is the last day. ' The regular' meeting, of the Worn - en's Auxiliary to the' General Hospi- tal will be held in the Council Cham- ber on Monday afternoon, December 6th at 3.30. Mrs. Hambiy, who' was delegate to the Hospital Aid Conven- tion at Oshawa will give a report of -that meeting. Tea. will be served by the losing side in the contest for new members, and others interested are invited to be present, This is, the time of the year when the greater bulkofthe subscriptions come due. Renew your daily papers aldng with The Advance -Times . sub- scription and save 5o cents. It is worth • while. We handle hundreds of doll- ars subscription money to'the city papers eae'Ir year. A two dollar bill tvl11 send the Ad- vance -Times to your address every week for fifty-two weeks, or to your• Is or daughter, now living miles a- -ay from the old home, Would they ppreciate it as a Christmas present. For better quality Personal Greet - g Christmas Cards at a. saving. in rice; one cannot do better than cal: t The Advance -Times office and see ur beautiful assortment; All:' who ave seen them are loudin their Toronto. - o Mrs. J. McEachren of,1VTtlwaukee, is h praise. visiting at the bonne of ,l]'er parents; Mr. and Mrs. Richard. Vanstone. Mrs. T. G. T•ipling of Belcarres, Saslc, is spending a' ek'at• the home Of her, broth r -in- s • e la r. Amos o. 'I i - P ling.. Mrs \Vatter, Ieltlon, a fo.rnner Tip - resident of Win haul b �'ut now resid- ing in Saslcatch wt is also visiting with Mr, anti. Mrs• TiPling, ,, What About a Xmas Tree? Where is the Lions' or the Business Men's Club in regard to tate holding of another Community Christ- mas Tree at Wm,ham' The kiddies surely apprecia.tett it, and it didn't do business any harm either. C. A . Robertson Elected To Represent North Huron Riding North Huron Election returns were no surprise to John Joy.•nt.. He' said: right from the start. that Mr. Robert son„would be elected, and later when he ;found so many. Temperance' Con- servatives working,hand in hand with old-time .Liberal politicians, he said they would, in all' probability roll tip a majority of over, 2,000 against hien. Mr. Joytit was never anything but a true ,temperance roan, and never thought of giving his support to, Gov- ernment Control,, its feet he couldn't have beeti bought to do so, and the abuse he got from those who knew better, in this campaign, is the only reason he has to feel badly. He play- ed the game like a yuan, and accepted the nomination,recognizing defeat from the beginning. ' Mr, Robertson is a former Warden of Huron County, and will no statist t bt make a very, good representative in the Ontario. Parliament” As we are tanv,bIt 10 2•1: present give the vote by`'polling subdivisions, "we are only giving majorities until our tre;lt paper: • Mr. Robertson obtaitte'cf the follow- , lig majorities:.— Ashfield ...............: Birth .. ,....-,...,,,,.;, Brussels -,- 115 Colborne ., - 218 Grey 58r Howicl: ...-.. 273 Morris 265 Turnberry” - , 222 Wawanosh~East ,,,,,., -...:,...,,-..,.- Wawartosh West ....• -. , ' Wiii'ghatn ----ass...—. ,,.,.,„. .- ....... ....... Wroxeter .......s.—' 42 J. IP. 2I 240 57 90 Total -... 2234 Mr, Joynt received a majority )0ttty in Goderieh of ,336. Majority for Robertson /898 The Voting . in Wittm lia Was g Joynt Robertson Winngliam No.I 91 r95 n 9= 1.38 3 117�, 134 4 '+S 15,1 i6s 0 490 Box Social . The annual Box Social and Christ- mas entertainment will be held in the Stone School, No, , Morris, on Wed- nesday evening, December '7th. A good program, consisting of dialogues readings, songs etc, will be given. Ad- mission Adults 25 cents. Ladies with boxes free, *' A. J. Nicholls is Dead Word was received in Wingham on Tuesday, that Mr. A. 5. Nicholls, for- merly an esteemed resident of. Wing - ham, died in Toronto on Monday ev- ening, We have no particulars as' to the case of death, The remains will:; be brought to Winghain and interred in the family plot on Thursday after- noon. Funeral services will be'held at th`ehoine of Mrs. Beckwith, Ed- ward St. at ;; p.m. The late. Mr. Nich- olls was in his 63rd year, The fam iy have the sympathy of a large circle of friends in this vicinity . Mrs. Imlay Goes Home An old and esteemed resident of the town of Wingham passed away at the home of her daughter in Morris, in the person of Mrs,` John Imlay. She has been in failing health for several months but has' borne her affliction with true Christian fortitude. Her maiden name was Sarah Jane Clark, and. she passed away in her:68th year. Besides her husband, she is survived bythree daughters,�' r Mrs. Frank Stark of Detroit, Mrs. Chas: Hopper of Winghaiu, Mrs. J. Stewart Proctor of Morris; and one son; Mr, J. Gordon Imlay of Detroit. The funeral was held at Brussels cemetery on Wednes- day, December- Ist at 2,;;o p.m. PUBLIC SCHOOL TRUSTEE E. A. ClissRTE Electedto the Public Seho•.l Board by acclamation to fill out the term of Rev, Mr, Snell, who l;c.. gone to Stratford, Saietn shank Offer,iig The Thank Offering service of W. Nt. S. of the Salenn United church will be held on Sunday, Dec. 5th. An interesting address will be delivered by Rev. Idonicr Brown, Supt of the Educational Dept. of United church in West China. The Pony Contest As the time draws to a close, the Pony Contest is taking on new life. People are .renewing their subscrip- tions'' to The Advance -Times. a few weeks earlier so that they may get their •2000 votes to give to their fav- orite in the Pony Contest. The Pony will be on Winghain streets on Satur- day afternoon, Dec. 4th, and the con- test closes on Saturday afternoon, Dec. nth. The standing of the can- didates is— I. Geo; Beattie, 2. Preston Lediet , 3, Harry lirawley 4, McKay, MCarlary Hitigston, Ross -Davidson Nuptials The marriage of Miss Taloreric,, Rossie Dorene Davidson, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac David- son, of Detroit, to Mr. R. Colin Rass„ of Toronto; was solemnized on Nov. 20th at'the Metropolitan M. E. °chitrch by Rev. l)r, M S. Rice. 't"1te bride, who was givers in marriage by bet '. father, WAS lar cry hi a 13,uffant gown of white Georgette, trimmed in : ilk applique lace and pearls tIfi and 'WONi bandeaus, of orange blossoms and car- rierl a bouquet of "rosebuds, sweet Paas and' baby cltrysantheintun s, V:ftcr this c'cr-en-cony, a dinner was served to 11,,: ii nrtitlti:ttt' families , Aar, ;1•1'(1 ? [ri, k,oss Will feslrle a:t. Al Richton .Aire,, I igliland .l:?ark, Detroit,