HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1926-11-18, Page 7e"'","I':13,r7Tr.,01,:r,treitg4T,,r.4 • hursday, November e8th, 1920 • " • • ..., " • • '• • ,e'. tr'Il" •• l3,, . 4.; 4 , te, 4 "4 • "a3 WINONA* ADVANCE -TIMES OLir verlas No Batteries No Chenu'eals No Aerial HE pleasure, ,the satisfaction, the certainty of always. getting maximum, results from your radio -- of never having run-down batteries to replace -- of never having wires, to attach and detach of being able to "just plug in then tune in" at any time -- of moving your set from room to room or from one house to another Without fuss or bother -- these are experiences you.. can epjoy only if you own a Rogers Batteryless Radio. No other radio can give you what the Rogers can give. The new Super -Power Models include such features as single- . dial control, metal -shielding, power -tube volume, volume control, • wave -length indicator -- in fact every desirable feature that corn - bines Simplicity with quality — and total elimination of batteries! Apartment dwellers who have difficulty erecting an aerial will be particu- larly attracted by the Rogers. Let us 'demonstrate a Rogers in your home. Prices, $140.00 to $395.00. 4.*: t.ei Easy terms if desired. Just Plug in Prhenliitiici in • ees , • .-3 „ ete'elealli:,3110.1iPtefe3e volt A ONE-SIDED GANiE Wingliarn Utilities Commission cia• in regard .to the ituue otc many pro- hibitionist leaders in last federal cam - Mrs. Howard Fallis of peterboro, in an interview with the London Free Press, makes some pointed remarks paign. They are now shouting loudly for the defeat .of Mr. Ferguson, but yet enthusiastically supported Rt. Hon. MacKenzie Ring and his Gov- ernment, a GOvernment which Was ,0 ''''':'3g3W4;1'4.V.t".',,,I'..,30..011r;4.4,40,•',"" r, A WAI*ING, Buy our winter stock of potatoes from the nearest e , - , . Dominion Store this week. ' Owing to the extreMely unfaVOrable weather experienced this Fall, the potato crop has been badly damaged by a concealed rot. With this knowledge we ,have. made some very extensive enquiries and have .been able to secure some First Class Prance Edward bland Grade "A", Potatoes, which we offer to you this week for your winter Supply. You Can buy cheaper potatoes, hut Mir advice is to secure some of these offered in our stores this week. Every bag ii guaranteed. ' ' NOTE CAREFALY—ReaP potatoes •its a well *totaled place, away from extreme hot 1 Prince Edward Island' (whites) kV 2-7P, 90 1b 'Government Grade " A" . :111Q POTATOES ' ,...,- 4c 15 Ib. peic Cris o ' . BARS .°I;;5.'ii:g 21b . 29c tatrttuBare CORN 2 Tins 23c -1011•011111.10. • i Oakville r ; IVI A RIVIALA.D' 31b. Jar 35c MINCEMEAT • Botysido Yellow Peaches 25ctin Fruits Natio' Candi. , 2 lbs 29c -,----------- ' 17:17,47:. RAISINS 2 lb, 29c IckigESE Valencia Raleins 21b.25; ni,'„,,,,,,„ 25c/b. ?gm, DATES 21b.25c Rote/Area's 'CURRANTS 2111.270 COCOA MIXED NUTS 25c/b.. 1/2 th. fvVirel Brazil Nuts ,23c0,. Tiff ,. boOtho !Mold JELLY BEANS ' .-1,41, To A ‘,2nc Gum ottotis -, 4.3 ile ILIA 1.0:1 lb. 0,....,-6,...,r,..----..... Saxondo are661 t4t).,,, t_harapion Crearas - 25%, CATSUP t Pit:),e a ritii, c Wade •••••641.4 many mora apionilid toolues that CHERRIES 46 lib:„. . spate does not permit 'to Mention. it; .. • . -CALIFORNIA . Lialininion Stares 12 Boxes LIMA 9 lb ri 5e SAFET Pocket 5 . ... , 4 . c BEANS 41 I 4,-4 ' MATCligS s'" :' Take our advice and ACT NOW ! te, 40. • r • Special Blend Coffee 47%. Otor,ges • Eosporsted MILK .2Tins 9; tannin 'and Orange PEEL. io ' • • • • . -' e' 410 , PECULIAR, PENNITeila Copper Coin of 164 'Weighs Over Forty Pounds. Most people look upori George Ili', pennies, which are still peen ocea- sionallY, os the most cumbereorne coine evex minted., But those are Dee completely in the eliede by some 01 the old Swedish pieces. One coin dated 1780 consists of slab of copper ten inches square and. Weighing six and a half pounas. When in, eircUlation ie value was about sixteen shilliags. But even this coin doe$ not hold the record for size. In the museum at Falum, in Sweden, there is a cop per coin of 1044, which measures twenty-five inches by thirteen. and Weighs over 40 pounds. Perhape the most celebrated fam- ily heirloom in the world is the Lee penny, which has been in the plekeee- sion of the Lockharts of Lee, in Lan- arkshire, since the Crueades. It is a silver coin, and at one time formed a part of the ransom for a Saracen chief. ' Its value mainly depends on the fact that it is suPPosed to he capaele of, curing any ailment, and for this purpose it was hired in the year 1665 by a plague -stricken town in ex- ehange for securities valued at £25,000. Probably the :mealiest gold coin in :he world is that recently minted at Geneva for the use of the League of •Nations. Though called. a franc, it has nothing in common with the familiar French coin, being worth only one penny in British money. It is octagonal in shape, and on one side are engraved the initials "S.D.N."—Societe des Nations. So tiny is the coin, however, that the letters can be read only by the aid of a powerful magnifying glass, while its weight is less than that ot an ordinary postage -stamp. This peculiar coiu is not intended for general circulation, but repre- sents the unit of .universal value. Its actual weight is given officially as .03225805 of a gramme. . BABIES ON STAMPS. •••••••••••/....... shown by proven evidence before the customs inquiry was in league with rum -runners and bootleggers. Hon. E. C. Drury was actually a candidate supporting the King Government, Hon W. E. Raney did all in his pow- er to defeat Rt. Hoit Arthur Ivleighen, is the alternative? Who could be put in their place? The other rs leadepresent themselves — Raney and Sinclair. "The people of this province • had one trial of the Raney - Drury Government Conservetive prohibitionists and ave YouTried lip Its tiq It is in a class rg3e by itself. As for it. Spain's Issue of 1889 •Had Portrait of Baby Alfonso MIL Some queer personages leave had to be portrayed on postage stamps by designers at various tins. Prophets, priests, and kings, ac- tresses, dragons and patriots — all hove contributed to the philatelists' portrait gallery, and. babies, too, have made their appearance. The best-known and most exten- sive issue started on October let, 1889, when the first baby portrait of .Alfonsd XIII. appeared and. re malted unaltered for •'eleven years. ‘Soon ,after, he turned up on the stamps of Porto Rico, the Philip- pines, Cuba, and Fernando Po. It was a very typical little baby that M. E. Julia. engraved, with bulging fore- head and serious gaze that haade an instant appeal to every collector, in spite of the rather formal treatment of the design. A much more vivid and interesting baby headed the Newfoundland Dia- mond Jubilee issue in 1897. It show- e.d a curly-head,ed little fellow, who looked out questioningly at you from above a somewhat elaborate Victor- ian pinafore. It was the Prince of Wales, who has grown up to become the Ambassador of the Empire. A 'chubby little nnknown ellen an - Pears among the 1919 issue of Jugo- SIavia, and he ma kes a sole appear- ance in the newspaper issue of the same year. Monaco heralded the ar- rival of their baby prince in a very half-heartod manner. They merely over -printed the date of bis birth "28 December -1920" on three of his grandfather's stamps. The Bulgarians did better than that in 1896, for they issued three stamps to celebrate the baptism of Prince Boris. The young Queen Wilhelmina of Rolland, when she made 'her first a.ppearance on the stamps 'of 1890, was ten years of age, and therefore a little too old to be counted.as a' stamp baby. AGE TN arrSIC. and WE. N. Sinclair stumped on be- half of Mr. King. Here is what Mrs. temperance people like Mrs. Fallis Faiti says.. • feel keenly the action of these, so - "During the federal election called•prohibition leaders in their n at the last Federal election. They resent the efforts to brand a party tv,hich has given Ontario its most advateed temperance legislation as "wet." They cannot help doubting the sincerity of men who could sup- . campaign of 0925, discussed treatment of Rt'. Hon, Arthur Meighen • this matter with several strong prohibitionists and • was told • this: just as soon as this cam- paign • is over, the prohibition people of this province will d€s- force them to take some action port the King Government, ttrub its in regard to theclosing of dis- outrageous record on this subject, ' 'tilleries Ontario' my ans.. and then denounce with all their pow- cend in a deluge at Ottawa and -... wer was this.• 'If the Conserve- . . • tive -party, led by R.t. Hon. Ar- _ The three chief obstacles in the 'thur Meighen, is in power in Ot- way of D. T. A. enforcement' have • tawa I do not 'doubt that you Peen'• will be there in full force. If 1st, The fact that the manufacture of spirituous liquors is legal, in On- tario by federal enactinent. As long as it is legal to maitufacture drink it will be sold . This is a matter for the Ring GovernMent . The Fergu.S- on Government has no control over cr the Ferguson administration, the Liberal party, led by Rt. Hon. W. 1.. Ring, is in power, there Won't be a word.' They were very indignant with me. Who was right?. Have you from that da.y to this heard anything of a deluge of prohibitionists manufacture. invading Ottawa or abusing the znd. • The fact that home -brew - in permits are issued, by the thotts. Ring Government as they have abused the Ferguson GOverh- Men? NOt a werd. Why? Simply because the leaders of the. prohibition Moveinent in this the issue of these permits. province are Liberals • first • 3rd,. •The fact that the King Gov- , and prohibitionists •'afterwardsernment'made a farce of •the export Where were these men, Raney of liqoor by issuing licenses to ex. - Drury, Rowell, etc., when Sir. pori: to Cuba, Mexico and other world William Hearst went to the coon- • points'. TheseshipMents.either went try after giving us the Ontario tO the 'United States or returned' to, Tertipetance Act? Out to a matt i Canada. • This was amply proved be - working against, him and , help- I fore the customs inquiry. ing to defeat .hini. What , has Have there been any sigrrs of an 1 • the Liberal party ever done for invasion of Ottawa to force actiOM the cause of temperance either in i from the Ring Government qn these theProvindial dr Domihion Gov -et ,stibjects so as to make 0,T.A. enforce. ertmlent? Where could you poss- i mot poseibie'? None. Mr. Ring is ibly find e wetter Government no embarrassed. ‘ than the one led bY Mr. King at 1 . Is it any worider that Conserva- , Ottawa , now? And yet prohibi- tive temperance people arcfed up by tionists helped to put them there. the one -aided game which is played I am going to do in the future by certain prohibition leaders and re. as I have done in the past—trust ' sent the bitter savage attacks on the " ''' '•,.'t of' Ion Howard Ii`ergeeeon •Let Us Convince Yout WHEBalltteyroyulesrrRatidlieoPSeerfiectleyWeaNeeewt-' inghouse demonstrated you will agree that it is the greatest radio achieve,. nalten,s tx:ofdtehreataeiyage. priced, too for a set of such wonderful tone, great volumes:2d, long distance. We are headquarters for Westinghouse Receiving Sets, Radiolas, Radiotrons. Brandes Loud Speakers, and alt Westinghouse accessories. The name Westinghouse means • permanent supremacy in the • radio industry. isseinessealweetellanenenteeenneellwellmememettome"saasoreenallem& ands in; Ontario. These permits are issued by the Ring Government. The Ferguson G6veritment has no say in . . New Type of Pianoforte With 2121 Orgern Effect Musieians aro predteting a ton in music and the development of a new type of musical. coluposition as the result of an invention which has just been tried out in New York This invention is a new type. el pianoforte, in Which an organ effect, allowiiig the player to tetrin control over the, notes after the keys have • been struck, is obtained. A new prin. • eiple in pianoforte construction, de- pending upon a fourth pedal and re- velving slats, which open or close la- -tam 31, grand piano, ht.- 'been intro- duced to give this effect•. sell who have heard the new in- 5trunient are enthusiastic about its --yore and the Invention is a.calaim- ed. as the meet remarkable improve - lees ever made in the pionoforte. • t' John 'Reyes Rarnmond, Jr., the inventor, is well kn'own in 1J, seientific circles. He is an expert on n d r9.1. incendiary proJectires NJ" 11831 in war: Music -lovers in this dountry may entieipate a • delightful experience when the new piano crosses the bor- dee, if all that tnited States auth- orities say about air. Hammond's dis- covery. is correct, the party that. itas given it ,, province all the temperance leg- i in the, legislation which he in swo en, as, a ,town called 4. ' troditc. , d le , 1 islatiott they have ever had. What ed? — London It'rce. lt . A • A Vorhiddee Plant. In, California, if yott grow a Mari- • huana bush you risk imprisonment Lor three months, Marihuana, is the Spanish-American name for hasheealt, • or Indian hemp. It grows freely, and its smalleritaves and seeds are dried, crushed, and made up into eigarettee. Althetigh the cost of production is much leas than that of ordinary to- bacco digttrettes, the retail price in the und.erworld isez puch as ten or fifteen cents each. The drug first exhilarates the smoker, and then completely upsets his eelf.:corttrol. The Califereitta po- llee officers have a difficult problem lil the, tontrol of this drug •whtah pant, Metibans and NegroeS struggle cultivate in spite of the penalties linposed: • the town of A. MAKE YOUR HOME BEAUTIFUL —with a Brantford Roof of Asphalt Slates. Yon can have a soft toned roof of any color or combination of colors that pleasesoyour taste. Theyddirmanellinmmt beautyandvamirlilinayerany,...7d;:f4.:ome • and give years of weather protection and fire resistance. 2,s - __.'',4r.,^7,110fr '''''.411711.,.'lea.'"‘-.71rwrtt,,malaiirli.rame.' asuritillrLA.4tirAir f") 444 , -„, ... 4 .... ' . r.• AiriarAllai I. rr. Illilli. ........-____ la I ‘ / millialigkirAt mirwAirmir. , oillzr , ( Aar \SP"' Brantford 20ClingCCIfinaittect Brantford, Ontario Stock Carried, Information Furnished and Service on Brantford Roofing rendered by Rae & Thompson, Wingham R. H. Carson, Thos. Stewart, ION 1:10 Gorrie Bluevale ..031APINSIIMPRZMINCIMILINI•611S „,,.• Ate MAITLA D CkE 4 Phone 271 — Wingh „Ea - Ontario yers o — RN Gra Eggs and Poultry ••••.ffiseraMi=nataMes,r[203* The United Farmers Co -Op. Co. Ltd. WINGHAM, ONTARIO SIMMS • JLIST ARRIVED! -- AN ENTIRELY NEW LINE OF E3le . THE HYDRO SHOP . Lighting Fixtures1 X X 1 1 1 1 1 tis N Our prices are very low and the qualily of " • our fixtures is the best. 31 13 . Winghain Utilities crawford Block. Phone:1.564 litultharsisommosioniiimmilaillis101110.1000121111010010111m