HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1926-11-18, Page 3If • „ mo:Nompsamonmorsommorimax11•0011.111111.1.10MAIM1.01101=1110.111010=0111 rie Vidette' an Thursday, November x8th, x9z6 • • ' •.J.• '• • ,;1,,,p,••••••.,",•• .!:• • ••'' • :•;1 • ” .„1.1 •• • • ...„ roxeter ews *utibag 14fteruc11tt •(Ireat God of wonders!' all Thy ways Are worthy 'Of Thyself --divine; Bin the bright glories of Thy grace Beyond Thine other wonders shine: Who is a pardoning God like Thee? Or who has grace so rich and free? , Samuel Davies. PRAYER , , We thank Thee, Almighty God, for great leaders like Caleb and Joshua. who were ever ready to declare them: - selves on the side of right. Grant that in this our day more such men may be raised up to guide the affairs of state and church that the people may be brought to decide recogni- tion of Thee as the one living and true God. Amen. , S. .-Lesson FOR NOV. zrst, 1926 esson Title—Joshua renewing The nant. esson Passage—Joshua z4: 14-25. - Golden Text,a-Joshua In the preceding chapter is record- . people answered: "The Lord our God ed -What Joshua expected would be his will we serve, and his voice we will farewell address to the children of obey." Israel, but God having prolonged his So Joshua made a covenant with life, he naade use of his renewed the people that day, and set thern.a strength to again exhort the people statute and an ordinance in Schechem. To this tliey added, the reason, are afraid of persecution, but this going over again the history of God's , time a •group of relatives joined the dealings' with them as outlined by , old man and, listened eagerly to the Joshua, adding,: "Therefore we will' message, An elderly woman, with a also serve the Lard: for IT is our kind face, assented with much corivic- God." Dr. Parker, in his People's Bi- ble, says ,that Joshua, on hearing this declaration ofn:lieir choice, said in ef- fect: "What You have new said. amounts to little more than mere -words; you forget that God is a holy SYSTEMATIZING MILES and S1VIILES 'The man who 'cannot afford a chauf- feur envies the Man who has one —1 ore because of the, slick appearance; TURNBERRY COUNCIL Minutes of Council meeting held in I3luevale, Oct, 25th, 1926. • Members all present. Minutes of last meeting and Court . . not to go away without baptising the chauffeur holds his job by keeping his moved by 3, )3 d read and adopted. Edgar, Jourth son of the late Mr, Mrs. Geo. Tait and children ieturn-- eswa L 1. to the Memsahib. She implored her than for any other reason. But the ' were girl. She said it did not matter about • d R and Mrs Alexander Edgar of "Burn- after spend- . cars well groomed. Then why not 'Grain, that we finally adont bY-taw side Farm," 2nd Con of Howick, aged "1 her" SaturdaY night, ing the Thariksgiving holidays with , reecanri ge ae , • WR,OXETER• TH,OM,A$ D. 1,N.EDA.?2,AR -P:ASSES Mr. a.ncl M. Brown of Tororite, , • • were Weelc end guests of Mr, and Masa GVan el,esoo.r.Gib5on of Winnipeg,arriv- 'daughter, a ',young married woman ,and 'mechanical 'exodilehce of the car • of Revision on Te t mat of Gorrie in the person of .1, I), Thames, and Mae:. Qiaaan, ed on Sunday to visit his parents, On Wednesday NQV. 1.0a 1926, there DAalstas!dr foarYinaetr hressildloemnteaiinid Ineisstitcst •herself as aim was old,'but• the &ugh- do the. same with your chauffeurless aaa, /, /9'24 on -the Teeswater1Dram, 58 years, 3 months arid 14 days. He her mother and sisters:in Toronto. • car—it vvill Aspond with ' miles lull 'made by Engineer W. G. McGeorge. is survived by his wife,(formerly Miss Mr. and Mrs. John Chappel of I -la - God, end a jealous God, and you are ter must become a Christian. The 1 speaking from impulse rather than girl was found 'to be ready, but we of smilas. • Carried. ' ' 0 , IVIargaret Brown) four daaghters and ,aultota spent a few days last week ty and tedioas !job, if you attempt 1.0 claim of C. Bondi for expe ! Cleaning spark'plugs is a long, dir-; VanStone; Wingham, ent d two sous, /Mrs. A -lex Tetulel't, °I h friends M town. • . I did not wish to baptise her without. pres with b Rossington Alta, Marjory, nurse -in Mr. and Mrs, Will Pearson of Wat- ed home Saturday night, after spend - Thanksgiving holidays with friends in the vicinity. „ Mr. Clarence White and family of Wingham, spent Sunday in town. ' The death cif Mrs. Maggie Harris, on Tuesday, Nov. 9th, at the home of Mrs. James Huffman, came as a re- lief to one who had been ill for same; time and suffered much heart trouble : - The deceased lady was a much re- sected citizen of the village, but since the death of her husband the late John Harris, hag' made her home. with friends and relatives in the: cant- munity. A few -Weeks ago she came to stay with Mrs. Huffman, where she was taken ill. The remains iarer, taken to Wingham cemetery for bur- ial on Thursday. Death came suddenly to William Errington of Turnberry, who was strickened with heart failure on Sat- urday about noon. The funeral tabk place Tuesday to McIntosh's ceme- tery. . •Mr. George Gibson of Winnipeg is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs.. Thomas Gibaon, Laurie Van Velsor of Midland is, visiting his parents, Mr. W .E. and - Mrs. Van Velsor. Miss Annie Monroe of St. Cather- ine was borne over Sunday. Owing to a broken shaft in the wa- ter wheel, the electric lights were off for a while Saturday night until the power was changed over to the en- gine. Mr. Mac Allan of the Bank of Mon- treal, Alvinston, Ont., and Miss Jan- ette Allan, Queens University spent Thanksgiving with their parents, Mn, and Mrs. George Allan. Miss Frances Newman of Toronto, was the guest of Mr. and M.rs. George: Allan over the week en& a from settled conviction." Then the people replied that Joshua hiriaself is mistaken; and they have really made up their minds once afor all to serve the Lord. • So be it, then, said Jos- shua—"Ye are witnesses agaanst your- selves that ye have chosen you the Lord, to serve Him." The people an - brought and was also found to be do all four, six, eight or twelve -a.t the ing stuck with large truck on Bound_ training at the Royal Alexandra Hos- her husband ,, He was found and ready, and there in that village, where one time . You spend time looking ay between Culross an urn ., . most of the people were very hostile, Lu the prolier wreriches, and, because This was referred to Globe Indemnity they bravely took their vows, and the you have no glOves in your equip- Company for their adjustment. girl's face shone with joy and peace ment, spend the rest of the day try- The following a.coctints were paid; as we left them. - ingto• clean the earbon off Your Austin and Galloway $252.65, balance swered—that is even so, "we are wit- Then on we went to another village, • hinds. Buthen things are handy Johann Temash Drain; R. Elliot $75z- nesses." Then said Joshua--The're is , but the man we wanted was away— you can cleat one or two plugs while 52, Patrolman; J. H. Wylie $215.2o, one final word to be spoken. If : you I a very common disappointment as we waiting for someone to do an erranIL patrolman; G. O. Walker.$76.17, pa - have riaa.de up your minds to this ' make our rounds in the district. If a little of the system people use araimara , W. Baethenaidke $11.25, eourse you must put away the strange' It was now getting towards even- in their business would be applied patrolman; A. Forgie $29.15, pafrol- f idoltry must remain behind. The I long -way from camp, but.the preacher I be far less need for repair shops or man; A. IVIoffatt, $9-50, • patrolmaa; gods which are among you, no taint 1 ing. • We were aired and hot and a to runnning of their ca.rs there would Mat Willie $177.92, patrolmanThes, insisted that theye was a village sev- the laying off of Cadines when their ; 1-1 W. Weir $82.02 Supt.; Geo. Casernore en nines away; where two Chris - services are needed the most. Because $x.50, log one car owner of my acqnaintance d gravel for Holmes' side- tian men lived, and where the people , road;.R. Musgrove $5.00; J. L. Mac - had been often visited and taught, failed to keep a record of the parts and he hoped that he would accept ; ! of...the car he greased and the mileage Christ. Our bodies yearned for rest, 'dates he over -oiled the generator -and bttt our spirits yeaaned for fruit, so the starter motor and overlooked a to, faithfulness. Be gathered all the tribes to Sche- chem and called for the elders, heads, judges and officers of Israel to pre- sent themselves before him and be- fore God. It -was a soleran assembly • gathered at an historic spot for She - chem was the resting place of Abra- ham when he took his journey from And Joshua. wrote these words in the book of, the law of God, and took a on we went to the village. Surely, universal joint entirely. He lost wo great stone, and set it up there under the Holy Spirit too, worked mightily • days valuable -use of the ' car while . . an oak that ilvas by the sanctuary of , in that earnest erowd of men:women the service station was making amends the Lord. And JcIshua said unto and children, and the3r could not be , far his mitsake. ' • the people, Behold this stone shall be held back. They literally flocked in - One of the most important things a witness unto us; for it hath heard to the kingdom, "And believers were . . . in nianaging a car is to keep account all the words of the Lord which he the more added to the Lord" twenty - of all sapplies bought for the car, to - snake unto Us; it shall be therefore six men, women and children. • gether with the date and mileage reading of the speedometer when Central India Torch. . a -------• ;purchases are made. This tells TOOTH CLEANSING FOODS , !you right off the reel how long it has • ' • --• been since you last ;changed the oil in The rnost highly civilized peoples of the crankcase and what mileage the to -day an& in particular, those living car is giving to the gallon of gas. The upon the North .American continent, advantages of knowing :the former buy more tooth 'brushes and. dentifri- are that it keeps from going to the Ur to Canaan, and there is was that a. witness unto you, lest ye deny your God renewed his covenant with Aa. God (verses 25-27). It is the con- rahara, and there he built up an altar jecture of interpreters, Matthew • to God. It was at Schechem that Henry tells us, that upon this great Jacob called upon those of his house- occasion, Joshua ordered the ark of hold and all that were with him to G,od to be brought by the prieats to give up any strange Gods that were Schechem, which,they say, was about in their possession, and "he hid. them Iten miles from Shiloh and to be set under the oak that was by Schechem" down by the place of their meeting, (Gen 35:4). Schechem -was also a place of remembrance to them for it was near there at Mount Gerizim that they had renewed their covenant with God -when Joshua., soon after entering Ewan and Thos. Gilmour, each $3.00 for selecting jurors, W. R. Cruick- active part in the song service, an shank, $7.00, selecting jurors; Domin- management of the church, and later ion Road Machinery Co., $7.8o, blade , passed with his church into Union. In for grader; G. T. Robertson •$1.:53, I politics he was a Liberal and always Rae & Thoi:npson $3.85; T. C. Dunkin $9.20, accts rendered; Jno. Potter $16.- 25, patrolrna.n; N. Muir $12,00, 6o rods wire fence, loth Con„ B. Greening Wire Co, $9.98, acct wire; Breen & Breckenridge $431.00, Abraham drain; Jos. Greenway $500 Elliot Underwood Drain; C. Cleghorn $65.95, Jermyn Drain; -F. A. Edgar $91.04 Inspections of Jermyn Drain and Johann Ternash Drain. Moved by D. Fortune and J. Breck- enridge that we adjourn to meet Nov. 26th, at a p.m., at Bluevale, Ont. W .R. Cruikshank, I They are gathering ohe by one. Clerk. I ---- - SLATS' DIARY HUSBAND AND WIFE DEPART , Friday -- Pa and Mr. Gillern spent pital, Edmonton; Gladys teaching neai Westlopk; Zelma, Argyle and K.ent- eth at home. Also a sister, Mrs: D. F. Stewart of Molesworth, and a bro- ther Alex Edgar of Gorrie. Work- ing until a young man on his father's farm, then taking a Business Cqurse at Chatham and in 1896 he entered the hardware business in Gorrie, In 1903, he with his wife and family moved to Edmonton Alta., and in x919 they moved to VsTestlock., • About eight weeks ago -he contracted typhoid fever which resulted in his death as above stated. In religion he belonged to the Presbyterian church, taking an ces, and pay more attention to mouth trouble of changing the oil too often ark making it so at that time: and or any previous age. But yet, among ing a bearing as a result of running thia was done to grace the solemnity them,... tooth deea.y is universal and the car too long a period on one fill - and to strike an awe upon the people rampant. ' • • To be able to successfully utilize the ' ing of lubricant. which is therefore called the sancta- „ toilet than any other peoples of this ary of the Lord, the presence of the d f restalls the possibility of burn ' I worked for the best interests of the community. Being of a kind, c heer- ful disposition, he made friends where - ever he went. In the home he was a faithful husband and loving fathera From the ranks our friends are drop- • ing; One by one they pass before; Safe within the golden City, They shall dwell forever more, Through the Saviour they have con- quered; And their life worknow is done; At the river, tranquil river— In contrast it appears that primitive man suffered little if at all from de- spare moments which constantly pre- cayed teeth. "sent themselves if is of utmost im.- Investifaators after having examined portance to carry' all a.ccessories to 1 in and adjusting process al - Canaan, lia.d read all the words of the that attended. •. lavv before all the congregation of' He set up a --great stone tinder an Israel. So now at this same p aL. look as a monument of this covenant Joshua snake to them in God's na.me and perhaps wrote an inscription up - several hundred skulls of Indians, of the South American continent, who ong with you, and also to keep them on it,' thus making it to speak and • tl located. The fact that and rehearsed thealustory of the na- tion. Through it all he traced the adings of God. He mentioned Gcd:s , al dealings with Abraham Isaac„ and Jacob; told how the children of Is - real had been delivered from Egypt by the hands of Moses and Aaron and then, step by step, recounted their triumphs over their enemies and their final peaceful settlement in the pioni- ised -land. Having thus outlined God's gracious care over them, Joshua exhorted them to be true, saying: "Now, therefore, fear the Lord, and serve him in sincerity and truth; and tlie thus becoming a witness unto you, lest lived betwen two and, three hundred cony 'Then the assembly dispersed, never years ago, report that only a single the screwdriver is under the seat clash- . Ye deny your god." to meet again under the same great tooth in the entire collection showed ion may be the cause of your de- . dental caries. , • ,1 • lc. In proof that this is not merely a tighten the screws whic.h hold the li- e plates in place. And so, when • • th. t there isn't time enough to leader for Joshua died soon after at the age of one hundred and. ten.• The • eaning to gather tonite and they got One of the greatest shocks for to discusting thissen years came to this community the that and sutch things ect. and finely they got to tawkirtg about the rnost illings they bad ever herd in there lifes. Mr. Gillem sed the most rmiarkible thing he ever new of was time he new a Jew of Hebrew desert witch started a store , and diddent sell nuth- ing onev ashes:us goods witch I diddent see nuthing so lcweer about that. Then pa sed the most remarkable thing he new Was a Scotchman with startey to play golf and bought two golf balls to play with. Saterday—Well I gess pa has made a nother enixny because he maid it miss take in his noosepaper job where he wirks. He rote a hed line for a wedding witch we wont menchen enny names about and insted of calling the groom the Lucky man he rote the Plucky man a.nd it diddent please the brides mother very much. Nor the bride neather. Sunday—I gess Ant Emmy dont no last week of October, when Mrs. Stephen King was called to her re- ward on Oct. 2211d, and the follawiig Thursday, Oct. 28th, Stephen I.. laing followed. Their death was surely nnexpected as no one thought the end so near, "1"--aa.,-0. • Mrs. King had been in failing lealth all. summer, but never confined to her • great man dies but "The throne, bed and the morning of' her death God, is for ever and ever." wherelsavage people and others have I later the screws come loose arid. a I had dressed herself and was able to 0 racial factor, they have found t WORLD MISSIONS modified their diet in a manner simil- plate falls off, you are put to fifty I eat her breakfast with the rest at half ar to the European or American, there times the • inconvenience of raising !past sia, She passed away about has resulted a rapid deterioration of the seat cushion. • IN MEMORIAM ' We were camped by the Pingla river across from the village .where one of our preaehers lia.d his head. - quarters. The river ford was just be- low our camp and roads stretched out in four directions. It -was beauti- the teeth with tooth decay becorning very prevalent. nine. Her maiden name was Sophina E. Haskins, and she has been a resi- • dent of this community for 23 years, Now, undoubtedly much of this de- . JAMES -- In loving memory of Rob- and was well known to eiteryone in section. She wa sham in Kent put away the gods which your fathers teriora.tion of tooth structure has been) ert James, who departed this life onIthis- served on the other side of the flood, iful spot, but not very quiet, for it was due to lack of inorganic salts, whichl November iStil., 1925. County 67 years ago, coming to these and in Egint; and serve ye the Lord." ,the time of weddings and bridal. pro - tooth tissue. But,aon the other hand,1 • ------ !parts when quite a small girl, and I are the essential "baildiag stones" of 1 •SadlY missed by family. 1 sions were passing night and day I of Behnore on the Howick and Car - 1 spent the earlier part of her days east with the adoption of softer foods with BORN ' .or' Sat -1 rick boundary. She is survived by N In Seaforth, ' ' Joshua was a great leader or he • did not merely 'exhort, he declared with all the pomp and noise that ac - what he himself intended to do. • It companies these. order tnencourage them he made this We had just a week to visit the solemn declaration: --"but as for mea Christians in the surrounding villages and my house, we will serve the and to examine a.nd baptize the in - Lord." ‘ quirers, whome the ."Preacher" had Jobhua put the gods of their fore- and preoared. Our first visit fathers mid the gods of the Amorites was to a village where a man and his -on one side and the god of Israel on wile, both earnest Christians, drank the other and asked them to make a , in the message and beamed gratitude definite 'choice. It was -a solemn for our .,,risi.t. Then on we went to hoar; it was Decision Day, The peo- a village six miles away, where one pc responded to his appeal by say- ' of the older CIViatians had been much i ing: "God forbid that we should for- persectited, We aid not expect a very sake the Lord, to, serve other gods." enthasiastic welcome, for the people i ---' - 111111131111111111P11111111X1111111111011W11111111111111111111111111111111111112110111111511111111(1111111111111,11111111N111111111111: la = II 6 : DRY MIXED SLABWOO their modern methods of preparation, H much less masticatory effort is re1uir-1 u ed on the part of the teeth, and thy ! A lose the beneficial effects of, scouring; F and cleansing such as were secured ; when grains, rnots, and raw fruits aa. formed the chief articles of diet. dra The habitual use of some of the P_ harder foods such as toast, crusts, ki shreddeewheat and nuts, along with certain of the raw and dried fruits and vegetables would prove most benefici- al as tooth cleansing foods apart front '1! their nutrient values. • 41. 'An apple a day,' might indeed keep , the dentist away as well as the doc- tor. W should avoid the excessive use 5 of sweets arid sweet foods, particul- =-- arly of the pastry tyne, which adheres -t1 to the 'teeth. rday, Nov. 13th, to Mr. a.nd Mrs. ;three daughters, Mrs. Jas. McTavish, Mrs, Ward Sharpin and Miss Emily, lbert Ha.rrison, a daughter -- Lois , I erne. , at home. Funeral services were con- ------------ ..... I ducted by Rev. Mr. Jones ••1 Gorrie, etcry. The deceased waa a' sister of 1111111111•1111111X11111111111111111111111111111111111110111!; and interment Made it Wroxeter cern- 'T'he . . • WI- 16 inch long, for sale, consists amarack, Hemlock, • 'Maple, Beech, Birch, Elm, etc. El Price tier cord deliVered in ii/Vingliam • , 3 or 6 cord lots, Cash on delivery. • Orytedar Kindling Blocks, 16in., at $3.25 ry, sound, one inch Map e -.umber on ha.nd at $15.00 — • Consider This Point 11 Temperance Conditions in westerh provinces are held up before us. Ar- • I dent prohibitionists will tell you that government control it a failure in :a these frail. provinces. Moderationists and government control advocates Faa, eat produce evidence to back up their !I -arguments. But the best judgment a i'-'1 Messrs. Albert, • Wesley and David when winter i Haskins, also of Mrs.. Jno. Duffy, Bel- -a more and Mrs. Jno. Wilton of Walk - 111 -11- erton. , IV The late Stephen L. Kinn- passed III Coale NI :1 '' Comes Li away six days later. • Mr. King had am suffered a slight stroke two days pre - YOU NEED OVERSHOES il Vious his wife's death, but appeared • I!' to be doing nicely until seized with AND RUBBERS : a spell of cramps which proved fa - We have them for Men, Wo- r. tal. He passed peacefully away while • I e in ' in his arm chair. Mr. King men and Clu re . Men's,4 buckle Overshoes...$4,25 Lii was born in England and came to - sed. No she diddent have a bit of _ Women's 2 strap and 2 buck- 11 Canada with one olcler brother, and - trubble herself but sum of the dam - of one year and a half. He avas in trtibble to understand theer own lang- at .....__ ..... —__._......_ _ .$2.75 i his 76th year and is survive y on widge seen down at Blisteres house to -day Pallbearers for both ftmerals were teed fast colors, cheaper grades 11: - rnust of ben a awful lia.r or else he will fade out. . re Messrs Jas and John Kirton, Jas. men, sand_ is oldern he looks like. He was Child- igi Nichol, N orrnat liarris, ii 11 of started to teech in high skool. TENTH LINE HOWICK Mr. and Mrs. De Wett Strong spent a few days with the former's sister, Mrs. Win. Craig. • Miss Minnie Graham is spending a couple of week t at 'Tara. Mr. James Craig spent Sunday at the home of Mn and Mrs. John Dem- rnerling. Miss Verde. Strong has not been enjoying the best of health. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. caalg were Sao - day visitors with Mrs. J. 'Strong. Warning to Truck Owners The Ontario Government is issuing an appeal to all motor users not to overload on the highways. Fall rains • soften the subgrade and excessive loading is the short road to ruts and bumps. The road users are asked to• exercise judgment in the loading and operating of trucics, fail- a few heavy trucks can undo the work of days much about quotashuns and ect. To- I damage. Repaired roads are never as d do thousands of dollar's worth of day ast what was the mother of all invenshins and Ant Emmy spoke op and sed., -Why enny body shud ort to no it was Thomas Edison of coarse. Monday—Ant Emmy,s cuzzen come back frum Germany yesterday and she was here on a vissiting trip today. Pa ast her did she have much trouble with her German talk wile she was over in Germany. She replyed arid le galbshes $5 = his :,father and mother when a. child d b e natives seemed to bave gooddeal Misses 4 buckle Overshoes I • Tuesday—The old skool teacher I They are made from wool - scvne,eWanur,giji. eorfs, th(neamgreadvepli ervoiaodu,sa)td cloth water proof and guaratt- d t • good as the original roads, and :then they cost a lot of money for the fix- ing. And that fixing comes ant d the pockets of the ratepayers So the idea is to save the roads an, save. money. The Highway traffic Act fixes the limit of the weight of roads in fall and spring, and hea.ary penalties are extracted for the violation of this section. telling Blisteres pa that he taught ' • burn aud Henry ' Timm. Interment lien's Women's and r• en's Rubbers in 01 sizes. Pi • X • - took place in Wroxeter eetnetery, The Shakesneare for four years when he of all is the fact that since prohibi-;, tion avas aupplanted by government ' tontrol there have bean elections in , each province arid there 'was to de- / mand f---ny Change.. The people Fa family have the deepest sympat y fa -lye a a _ Overcoats, Sweaters, Under- EFE1 , out at the dinner table today for the I) balling N the commanity in their dotible sad WednesdaY-1 s , X • bereavement. , ist time since Tticaday as fur as I wear. We keep ±-enrnari s fam- He found a black hair in the oua Fleece lined for boys at It • lently are satisfied, • Then, too," E --a • bear in mitcl that there are- taro Farina, II per at mill or will deliver at cost extra. to farm- - ar Governments and two Liberal Gov - e tcp of cement, or for lining ti.p rs' poultrymen, etc. Splendid, for flooring on eraments in power itt those four pro- vinces enacting' Goverriment controld' d es 75e each, Have you taken advantage of , our SATURDAY SOAP SALE Somethirig special. • We want rreso Eggs anu Cream, High School Literary mash potatoes and made a big fuss • Wingham :High School :held a Lit- about it. She sed to him, Why you ar meeting on Friday; November use to• say yon cud eat me.and tow, , = • • kal Program consisted of an openingaehor- MI us by the school, busiriesa discussion, an Maugui-al address by the presideat, 15th at Winghain School The • ' . not comaintd half of his late follow- ea ala 'Morris Christie, piano solo by Irene Tit Ontario, the Liberal leader do as Jackson. reading by Ada Corbett ; aaolo . ing in the Legislature, while the Pro- - gressive leader some tiine ago said g 9 1 • by Gertrude 1,1acDoriaid I b , s ore_ v .tourna, y -1,1atilsa Hotnuth and a thorns bit' the Wroxeter, Ontario • , pro;.aram ethic mad the Meeting WO. held at 8, S. NO.; /I, East Wawatosh, Gibson,. Lumber & 16,1iieste• r he would tot e a ran( tclate. We be- = m r 11 = school. Mr. Bratkenbury acte a ey „,„ 1 b _ hove terguson las a po ley Phone 30 Wroxeter you got wirryed over one hair in the Thirsday — Are warsh wornaos bend died today. Just -a months ago she tok out ensuraoce policy on him to, Witch was a very good envest- ment SeyS. FRED DAVEY Village Clerk Issuer of Marriage Lieencea The law now requires the ncense be taken out three days .before the cert- mony. Subscription taken for the. o' Advance -Times. Clubbing raies given cl A Christmas intertaintrtent will be • cli1111111111111101111111111011111111111411101111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111X111111131111111X1111111111MIIINCIXIIIkIll evt • ,elosed, with "God Save the Xitig. ee, wm help to relieve out tempera, id • ,O. DR. H. MUTTON Graduate of Royai College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario Graduate of University of Toronto. At rordwich •Tuesday and Thursday At Gerrie the rest of the 'week. G. S. DAWSON • GORRIE Director of Funeral Services 11fotor Hearse or Carriage, 'whirl, ever is required. Phone 16 •*......--...a:..............**-•..---a'—',.....a.a. liAIRRY ATKINS Fordwith, Ontario Licensed Auctioneer for the Cetettekie IOf ntitedi old Wellington • Phone xgt Or Ptttterson's Hardware Store '1•T. 4