HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1926-11-11, Page 12p9. W NONAM ADVANCE -TIMES usoissist 11ttll11irlI* BIU1 iUiI*SoU10N/NNraf11r/1/1r'uuaasl 1 • ,IN B. 1 NI 11 1 IN 11111 Ill 50 S 1 Fresh Dates, 2 lbs. �_.____.._23 Matches,boxes :......:._-_.-_ry ;Choice Walnuts, 1 t 1 c3 35c u, Ha f ib. 4$c 1 Castile Soap,Forest CityBakin11g g bans ...__._..._• 28c Powd- Extra Quality Cheese, lb.w_�4c• El ■ er, large jar .:._._.-_..-..34c McCormick's Soda:Biscuits . 1 Kellog's Corn Flakes, 3 _ McLaren's Jelly Powders, per ck- m for_.::;_ „...__,__ 3� packages 29c 3 packages ._._,,......._23c Choice Pink Salmon, large 1 IN Seedless Raisins, 2 lbs.. -:-.+27c " ' Crepe Toilet Paper, 6 rolls -22 tin at __... ...._._.._...- _..._,_... I! c 23c 1 1000 ':-ars Laundry Soap, Grid, P. G., Comffort..... 5c Per Bar ®' 1 nit __ ni1 ▪ Hercules Flanne.ette Blankets 1.891 1 2.50 Black Duchess $ u ess Satin 1.58 1 YI 11/1 INI IN 1 IN 11 1 1 UES As expected, r!ur ig Sale has been a great success, and with this week's business we believe it will be the best we have ever had - Never have we had such steady response to the Bargains offered. Satisfied C; stomers tram tar and near tell the same story "That it is a Sale r f Quality Merchandise at Genuine Marked Down Prices" MEN'S3N. BOYS' CLOTHING Overcoats, Suits, .Mackinaws, Sweaters, Lumber- jacks, Underwear, Odd Trousers, Socks, Gloves,Neck- wear, Mitts, Work Shirts, Overalls, etc. ALL REDUCED 2o%. Stanfield's and Tiger Blue Label Underwear ......---$2.29 Men's Tweed . Suits ' $3.00 English Broadcloth Shirts _________ ..... Men's Silk and Wool Socks,pairs for Uncreasable Crepe Ties . .-..._._... Men's and Boys' Combinations, Shirts and Drawers, Wool Socks, Scarfs, Pullovers, Jumbo Knit Sweaters, Heather Knit Vests, etc. All Reduced 20%. ATS AND CAPS Borsalino and Brock Hats, Eastern and Scotch Caps, King's Saving Prices Reduced, 20%. BLUEVALE Mr, Harvey Messer of Toronto spent Thanksgiving, with his parents Mrs, M. Srneltzer spent the week endwith her son Parker, at Guelph Miss Wardell spent the week end with her folks at. Strathroy. Miss Florence Hall and Miss Kate Waller. of Wroxeter, spent a few days with Mrs. W, J, Masters. ' Mr. Thos. Hemphill of Wroxeter shipped a .couple of cars of turnips from here this week to New Yorlc, Mr, and Mn,sA, I', Coombs spent the week end at Toronto, Mr. Harry Robb of Stratford visited old friends around here this week. Mr. John Underwood has returned home to Saskatoon after a couple of weeks visiting with relatives here. Mrs. Thos. Coultes has gone to Toronto where she will spend. the winter with her daughter Mabel. The Presbyterians did not have any service here Sunday on account of Anniversary services. at Eadids'. Quite i number from here were over there aunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Balfour spent Sunday with relatives at Ethel. Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Enwright and family. of Toronto visited with Mr. and. Mrs. A. Holmes for a ,couple of days. Mr. F. Black shipped a car of hogs and cattle to Toronto on Satur- day. Mr. King " MacDonald of Toronto was up for a few days this week. 1 BELMORE 1! , ■ . Mrs. George Herd attended the fun- ■ eral of her grandmother at Lion's 1 Head last week. 1 Visitors in the village over t week 1 end were: Mr. James Flemin of T on - 1` don, Lloyd Zinn and Miss A y Nw- ans Sunday evening, Mrs. George Lane ook suddenly ill, and was removed to • Wingham hospital, where an operation ® was performed, from which she is progressing 'favorably. Mrs. Ellen Jefray spent Thanksgiv- ng with the -Roberts family at the Brick yard. A number fro inthe village attended he Mission Band concert at McIntosh Friday evening. Miss Mary McNeil visited her bro- her. Cecil, near Wingham, last week. Mrs. Newans and Miss Edna Lin- oln were: appointed deelgates to Lon- don this week from - the Belrnore branch of the Women's Institute. Wednesday evening of last week was set aside fora a socia] evening, when about thirty ladies, with their husbands and gentlemen friends met t the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Fitch where all enjoyed an evening ogether. A length program of sing - ng readings, mouth organ and piano elections, speech -making' etc., helped o while away the hours. Lunch was erved. Mr. an dMrs. Fitch make apical host and hostess. ,Miss Hannah Stokes has spent some irne with her brother Isaac on the Tenth. e .® • 0 1 .® 1 ■I FRESH GROCERIES REDUCED cks of D 'minion Sugar $6.59 per cwt. 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 .1 1 1 1 ■1 1 1 1. 1 1 r 00 Ladies' & uses' Ready -to -Wear Northway Garments=Coats, Wraps, Dresses, Slips, Skirts, Underwear,' Gloves, Hosiery, Corsets, Brassieres, Sweaters,Scarfs, Kid Gloves, Winsome Maid Silk Hose, Kimonas, etc. All reduced 20 per cent. Natural Silk Pongee, per yard Penman's $x,00 Cashmere Hose, per pair $1,25 Silk and Wool Hose, per pair $x.25 Dress 'flannels, per yard .6gc • FINE FUR COATS Persian Lamb Coats, Hudson Seal Coats, Muskrat: Coats, French Seal. Coats, Fox Scarfs, Men's Fur Coats. KING'S SAVING PRICES ON ALL DRYGOOD'S Poiret Twills, Charmeen, Silk and Wool Crepes, Tricotines, Duvetyn Coatings, Dress Flannels, Indigo Serges, Table Linens; ,Sheetings, Pillow Cottons, Flannelettes, Pyjama Cloths, Linen Towellings, Flat Crepes, Silk Broadcloths, Crepe-de-Chene, Silk Velvets, Velveteens and all other Dry Goods, KING'S SAVING PRICES LESS 20%. IVMOSSFIELD WOOL BLAN- KETS=Double Bed size, $x2.00 quality, per pair sit eR j for Gray All Wool Blatt- Cd' kets, per pair ----- w 40C and 45c Pyjama Cloths, per yard µ The n*' 5oc_.Plaid Dress Goods, e19,,, per yard �r Just the thing for House 'Dres- ses and Linings. FARMERSI MORE GRAIN BAGS -X quality Seamless Cot- tots Grain Sacks, each 43, Continues. Now is'Vou 9�1 We expect another shipment of /se Fine Strong ala C: Brooms at - .._.... �7 PENMAN'S FLEECE 110 c Shirt's & Drawers,. each I 1 1in 1 1 1 1 0 1 1. 1 1 a. 1 1 1. 1. ■ 1 1 III d 3Vlen's V Neck All Wool Sweat- 1 er Coats, each 2.19 at ... IIl 4 orlal sit w. Ito Here & Save 1 Oppor �' SIC 1 mom r s si** f lsommusa **Nso BLYTH Mrs. Fox of Toronto, spent the hol day with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Johnston. Mr. Alexander Elliott has taken a position with the Bank of .Commerce, Exeter. Mr. Wiliam Cook had the misfor- une to have one of his legs: broken while returning from shooting, Mon- day evening. He was struck by an utomobile. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Riddell have moved to Auburn. Mr. and Mrs. Graham of Stratford, vere visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Art, Barr. { _ Miss Jean Barnaby has taken a pas-' tion in Detroit. Messrs R. M. McKay, James Cutt, Robert Somers, B. rri *ton left asi week forNorthern Ont•rio on a hunting trip. Rev. Dr. Owen of Toronto, Presi; dent of the Prohibition Alliance, will speak in Queen St. United Church on Sunday evening. ST. HELENS Mr, R, J. Woods and Wilson, mot- ored to . Guelph one day last week. ars. R. I., Miller and Mrs. Gordon, Mr, and Mrs. Tom Salkeld and family Mr, and Mrs. W. L Miller and' fam- ily ,and Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Miller and family were Thanksgiving visit- rs at Mr .3. W. Salkeld's, Goderich, Mr. Robert McQuillan was a week- end visitor at his ''(tome here, Mrs. Alex Stuart has gone to Tor - ono, when she and her daughter, 'Miss Anna have taken an apartment for the winter. The following were among the teachers- and students home for Thanksgiving, Mr. Alvin Wods, Tor- onto,Misses' o0 oro t Vera W d o f T r r; o, Winnifred Wood of Galt. Card of 'Thanks Mr. C. Shackleton wishes to thank his malty friends and neighbors, also his fellow vu'orkers of the Gun -Son -01a Co,, for the kindness and sympathy shown him iii his recent sad bereave- ment, also for the beautiful floral tributes. GLENANNAI9` Miss Mary Haugh oT Toronto spent Thanksgiving at the home of her parents, Mr. and IVIrs. Thos, Haugh, Mr, George Falconer of Culross spent Sunday with his friend, Nor rpan Muir,. Mr. and Mrs, Roy Hasting and children of the ard line of spent Sunday at the home f r and. Mrs. Harold Gilkinson. Mr, and Mrs• Omar Stokes and family, vipited on Sunday, with friends at Zetiand. • Miss Mabel Gilkinson of Bradford,, and Miss Nellie I1Gilkinsori of Strat- ford spent Thanksgiving with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Gil- kinson. Mr, and ..Mrs. Howard Wylie vis- ited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs Thos, Weir, Mr. Ralph Piper of Amherstburg spent Sunday with Mr, Oliver' Stokes. Mrs. Mitchell Sr., and Miss Agnes of Wingham, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John C, IVlitch ell. Mr .and Mr's. John Mundell of\,Blue- vale, were recent visitors at the home of Mrs. Wrri. Haugh. Miss Irene 'Mundell and George Mundell w.ere Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Stokes. The anniversary services at Eadies' church were conducted on Sunday by the Rev. Mr. Jaynes of Kinloss, a good crowd attending both morning .and. evening. LUC rKNO W Mr. and Mrs. Steele MacKenzie and little daughter of Kitchener, spent the holiday with his parents, Mir. and Mrs. V. Mac•Kerizie. Miss Helen Thompson visited with her ;sister in'Torontd over the week- end. Mrs. Algeo, of New York City, is spending a few days with her sister, Miss Marie Murray. Mrs. J. Bryan returned to her home. in Vancoyve,'; after visiting for a week with her friend Mrs.. A. M. Spence. The following were Thanksgiving visitors at their homes here: Miss Ma- bel MacOlure of Niagara Falls, Miss Dean Geddes of Mount Forest, Miss Eliz. Lyons of Wingham, Mr. Dan MacDonald, Welland, Mr. Steuart MacKenzie, Waterloo, Miss Dorothy Douglas, Rockwood Miss Margaret Geddes, Toronto, •Mr•. Wilfred Mur- doch, Tom Alton and Bob Andrew of Toronto; Miss Audrey Spencer of Hamilton. Mrs. Pears of California visited re- cently with her mother, Mrs. Robt Graham, The Adult Bible Class of the Pres- byterian church --here, herd their ann- ual "At Home," at ,the home of'Mr. and M\r•s. Wm. MacKenzie last. Thurs- day evening. A most enjoyable time was spent. Mr. T. Stewart Robertson spent the week end with friends in Owen Sound. Mrs. MacLennanhas r urned to Paisley, after visiting her fr end, Mrs. Grace' MacRae for some ' e. ' The annual Mission Band Thank offering was held in the Presbyterian church last Friday evening, The Cantatta by the children was a decid- ed success. IVIr. Elliott Miller motored to Wind- sor for over the week -end. Mr. Harold Freeman of Cleveland visited with his mother, Mrs. T. Free- man and Mrs. J. W. Joynt last week. INDIGESTION AND CONSTIPATION GONE "Under great strain and in untold misery, I was suffering from stomach trouble, indigestion, teriffic gas pains, and Constipation. I was losing weight at the rate of two pounds per month and could not sleep at night. After trying many things without success I heard of HERB JUICE. This ex- traordinary medicine gave me immedi- ate relief. Even after taking only one bottle, the gas pains disappeared, also the constipation. I eat"and sleep splendidly, and what is more I am putting on weight at the rate of one pound per week . My. liver is active and bowels regular. I atii z00% im- proved in every way." .This statement was made by W; T. Carson, popular and well known build- ing contractor, residing at '365c, Elia Ave., Windsor. For Sale by Me- Kibbon's Drug Store and leading druggists everywhere. WHITECHTJRCH The Anniversary services held in the United church here Sunday were a decided success. Owing to the ideal weather conditions the church was packed at both services. Dr, Dow, Professor of Theology in Knpx' College, and late of Scotland, gave two splendid discourses morning and evening ,and the choir rendered spe- cial music for the day. Over $300 was received •for Maintenance and Exten- sion Funds. On acocunt of the Anniversary set - vice in Chalmer's church was with- drawn. Miss Evelyn Gaunt of Wiarton spent the week t 1d wwith her parents here. hursday, November ttth, r926 iini 11pIIlfsolll Imaii5 111a111o11 mmi llllrl111•I1 ommi111nIlIies1 iti lllnlllslll milmnmil A fA LNr111 IE It For Men and Boys The -Ideal Christmas Box ■ Made of Smooth BrdWii Kip leath- eit, spring fronts and easy to put on and off. We make these at our place of bus- iness, and our prices are just the same as asked for by wholesale deal- ers -in other words we save you the middleman's • profits. NOTE THE VERY ATTRACTIVE PRICES Small Boys' sizes, 11, 12 and 13 Tor $1.75 and $2.15 per pair. . These will fit boys from 6 toxo years old. ALL BOYS LIKE THEM -THEY ARE CLEAN, WARM & DRY 1° Boys' sizes, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, $1.95 and $2.35 per pair. 1 These will fit boys from to to rs years old, J i sa- Men's sizes, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 for $2.25 and ▪ $2.75 per pair. q _ ii ® s a WILLIS . kii, i . m THE SHOE STORE ii i Phone 129. Wingham, Ont. i. O 1111111MIIIIIIIIEIMIIM11111111811111111111111111111111111111E1111111E111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111•111 Messrs Douglas Hickeson and Stew- art Moore of Toronto visited with the latte#,r's uncles ,Messrs T. H. and Arthur Moore. Miss Winnifred'Farrier of Toronto Normal School spent the holiday at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Thompson and family of Tronto spent the week end with her sister, Mrs. Joe. Tiffin. Mr. and Mrs. Charles. Gillespie of Kincardine, spent` Sunday here with his parents. Mr .and Mrs. Browning and Ernest Srarhtg of Kincardine, sp.•i,t Sunday w.' ! Mr. and Mr„ George Cottle. Mi .and Mrs. Adam Johnstn ,and 1v1e. and Mrs. Watson of Curr! y's Cca`- ners, also 'Mr. Hen;)' Mailers ' and hel and Viola of i31..evale and Mr. 'Vill Alton of Mafelcing sent' Sunday Auburn, retnurned h ince, last week. N'rs. McBrien, who has been' vi-- itinb with relatives in< Clinton and Auburn, returned holm! last week. Ili and Mrs. Ru:::e1 Reid of Branr ford, spent the weak end with his vat'nts here. I11: .Will Srnith and Miss Torarjnrje Smelts of Brussels, Mr. and Mrs. Nor man Wightman of London, Mr. Win,, Wightman and Leslie and Grace of E. Wawansh ,Mrs. Robert Henry, Mr., T. H. Taylor and Mr. and Mrs. Mel- vin Taylor and children, and Mr. and' Mrs. Geo. Wightrn.an and son of Westfield, spent Sunday, at the home of Mrs. Charles Wightman. Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Wailer and chil- drenof E. Wawanosh, and Miss Leila Humphrey spent Sunday with Mr. and. Mrs. Andrew Fox. Andrew with Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Farrier. Miss Barbara Weir, who is teaching dri s .McBrien, w'io hams been vis- in Carrick` Tp., spent the week end icing with relatives in Clinton and at her home here. .11116I INSIE 1/1B®l11®g11®® fil®1111®fa111 .:MUM' :111®®® i4•® Thursday al Friday Sa Blue Overcoats gm ® 100 Men's and young Mens' Blue Overcoats 1 $22.50 sal a special anna IHISHISOU111101010111 if � tt f�119 f l l BOYS' SUITS 0 200 New Smart Style Suits • for boys in all wool Tweeds, 1 Long Pants and Bloomers, two ■ and three piece suit's less 20%. •1 FORSYTH FIN1E SHIRTS 1111 Soo Forsyth Fine Shirts, sale 1 includes our entire stock, plain 1 colors and broadcloths in the IN best cloth, sizes • x4ji. toznt-. Spe r cial sale less 20%, 1 1111 ■ : Sole agency for the famous • Barriecloth Overcoats for Win, ter wear. The heaviest coat 1 made for men for driving and 1. a coat that takes the place of a ■ Fur Coat is here for your in- spection. Special Price $32.5o 1 for this week, . , 1 1 We sell' for Wingham Car- 1 hartt's Famous Overalls, stand- IN and price $2.5o, every garment ■ • guaranteed, .Immo BARRIECLOTH OVERCOAT CARHA1 TT OVERALLS' Bargains in all Meti'S and Boys' Wear for Tett Days make this your Clothing, Centre. Pric- es lowest in town always. , ■ ■ ■ C