HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1926-11-11, Page 101h� BUSINESS CARPS , ELLINGTO 1' MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. Established 0840. Head Office, Guelph, Ont. Risks taken on all classes of insur- *nce at reasonable rates, ABNER COSENS, Agent, Wingham J. W. DODD Office in Chisholm Block FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT AND HEALTH INSURANCE ---- ---- AND REAL ESTATE P. 0, Box 36o Phone 240 WINGHAM, - ONTARIO DUDLEY HOLMES BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. Victory and Other Bonds Bought and sold. Office -Meyer Block, Wingham R. VANST 1 NE i BASOLICITOR, ETC: BARRISTER, i Money to Loan at Lowest Rates ' Wingham, - - Ontario J. A. MORTON BARRISTER, ETC. Wingham, - Ontario DDR G. D. ROSS Graduate . Royal College" of Dental Surgeons • e Graduate University of Toronto is Faculty of Dentistry r Office Over H. E. Isard's Store.. F t W. R. HAMBLY 1 B.S., M.D., C.M. , b Special attention paid to diseases of Women and Children, having taken s postgraduate work in Surgery, Bact- d rio1ogy and Scientific Medicine. Office in the Kerr Residence, be - :amen the Queen's Hotel and the Bap- :ist Church. All business given careful attention.. Phone 54- P. O. Box Ire. fi Dr. Robb® C. Ref olid: tt VI.R.CS. (Eng.) L.R.C.P. (Loud.)` g' PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON W Dr. Chisholnes old stand. 01 exp gg p R. R. L. STE 1!"� as U By Percival Christopher Wren THE GREATEST MYSTERY STO FtY EVER WRITTEN .FIRST READ THIS Tower of London, and had, I think, The entire company at the lonely something to. d o with the British Ma - fort at Zinderneuf is found dead by seam. Re had written 1;o ask if he a rescue party,. The Commandant ,rni. ht include an acccmnt ,f Lhe `:flue has a French bayonet in, his heart. Water" sapphire and its history, A note in his hand admits the theft I gathered from what Claudia had of the ``Blue Water," s. valuable, Bali- heard her say, that Aunt Patricia was phire Is is signed "Michael Geste," not extraordinarily delighted about it, The young officer's body, found next and that she $ had replied that she to him, disappears, and the fort is set would be. very well pleased to show' oil fire. George Lawrence, who Sir Basil' the stone; but thab•very little hears this story from a major in the was known of its history beyond the French Foreign Legion goes to. Eng- fact that it had been 'acquired' (kindly land to hear the solution of the nays- word) by the seventh Sir Hector tory from Lady Brandon owner of fl...ndon ' I d" - I11. n la' in the eighteenth the Blue Water, and an aunt of `Beau' century, when he was a soldier of r Michael Geste. She evades his fortune in the service tpf one of the Iuestions, The scene now shifts to Nawabs or Rajahs of the Deccan r tdon household, :he B atandwe see probably 1 P Nun'e . . r<tt Y SultanMysore. of he three Geste boys, John, Digby and The General suras a very interesting Michael in their boyhood. They:are la e r, and at dieter that Might he rery'fond of adventure. The "Blue told us about such stones as theTirn- Nater" is a prize family posession: our Ruby, the Hope Diamond,and the OW GO ON WITH THE STORY. Stuart Sapphire, which is in the Kings That evening when we were various- crown, until the conversation at times y employed in the schoolroom, _ old became a. monologue, which I great- Burdon, the butler, came and told ly enjoyed. us that we could go into the draw- I remember his telling us that it was mg zoom• he who discovered that the Nadirsitah Claudia and: Isobel were there, the Emerald was, not, as had been Sup- rmer talking in: a very self -posers- posed, a lumps of glass set in cheap d and grown-up way to a jolly look- and crude Oriental gold -work. It had g foreign person, to whom we were been brought to this country after the resented. He turned out to be a Mutiny as an ordinary example of nie- rench calvary officer, and we were diaeval Indian jewel -setting,- and was trilled to discover that he was on cave from Morocco, where he 'bad een fighting. "Bags I we get him up •to' the chool-room to -morrow, whispered Michael, as we gathered round a glass ome, like a clock cover, inverted ov- a white velvet cushion on which ay the "BIue. Water" sapphire.' We looked into it in silence, and, to me, it seemed to grow bigger and big - r until I felt I could plunge head rst into it. Young as I was, I distinctly had he feeling that it would not be a shown as such at the Exhibiti:oe at the Crystal Palace. Sir'Basil Malcol- mson had examined it, and found tl ,t the "scratches" on it were actually the names of the Moghul Emperors who had owned it, and had worn it in their turbans. This had` established, once and; for all,. the fact that it is one of the world's greatest historic gems, was formerly in the Peacock Throne at Delhi, and literally priceless int value. I think he added that it was izow in the Regalia at the Tower of London. I wondered whether the "Blue .Wa- nod thing to stare too long at that ter" and the "Nadirshah Emerald" had onderful concentration of living col- ever met in India, and whether the It seemed alive and, though in- l blue stone had seen as much of -brim- ressibly beautiful, a Iittle sinister. `"May we handle it, Aunt Patricia, ked Claudia, and, as `usual,. she got raduafe of V.niversity of Toronto, ,her way. Faculty of Medicine; Licentiate of the Aunt Patricia lifted off the glass an misery and villainy as the great green one. Quite possibly, the sapph- ire had faced the Emerald, the one in the turban of Shivaji, the Maratha sol-` dier of fortune, and the other, iia that Ontario College of Physicians and;cover and handed the jewel to the of Akhbar, the Moghui Emperor. Surgeons. Frenchman, who quickly gave it to And I remember wondering whether« Office in. Chisholm Block ',Claudia. ' *"- . the stones, the i I.. the n the posession as eau sereleeedoor., ge one ,expecting to find „ n th rel Of MIce1 iii Armour uc � @ e �• A,f S . bessfully for what seemed XUi ppall- he said. "What a tale it could te111" g ' a WINGf•IA>,N! ADVANCEeTIaVIES TRY lTLOURSEiF THOUSANDS OWE THEIR HEALTH TO F WWT-A-TJVE NIR. ALPHONSE COOL "Every person suffering from Constipation or Indigestion should take ai Fri--` utata res and am posit-' ive that they will soon feel in the - best of health. .As for .myself, I have tried nearly every.other kind of remedy and have'come to the conclusion that • "Fruit-a-tives" is 1 best. s. Mr. AIphaxise Cool, 2922 Lafontaine Street, Montreal." s Because "Fruit-a-tives" is a gen- uine fruit medicine made from fruit juices, intensified and combined with. tonics it corrects constipation stomach, kidney and bladderjtroubles, in a natural way, and purifies the blood. No other'remedy can be t1 sante 'as "Fruit -a -tires." '2,5c. and 50c. 'a box — at demerit • everywhere, • armour was removed and restored to decanters in front of hint, ne suddenly did what 'he had never done before' -- "broke out" in Aunt Patricia's presen- ce.. We had often known him- to be queer, and it 'was an opErt secret ,in the house that he was to be humour- ed when queer, but if open, it was still a secret nevertheless, though he was always perfectly normal in Aunt Patricia's presence. - And _ucw it happened! PP "Burdon " said he. in the quiet voice in which one speaks "aside" to a ser- vant, "could you get me -a very beau- tiful white rabibt with large pink eyes, and, " if possible, a nice pink ribbon round its neck? A mauve would do. . But on no account pale blue ribbon Burdon;" It was ,a•bad break and we all did our best to cover it up by talking fast -but Burdon and Michael were splendid. "Certaii ,lv, your Reverence," said Burdon without turning a hair, azul marched straight to the screen by the josephnie Street. Phone 29.i 'That h Dr. Margaret C. Calle"Can you tell tales of strife and of General Practitioner bloodshed, please?" asked Michael, Graduate University of Toronto land as Claudia said, "Whyof course' F3aculty of MedicineI He leads charges of Arab cavalry bee 'lice—Josephine St., two doorssout'h.;Under Two Flags," as though she had of Brunswick ,Hotel. known high for years, we all begged Telephones: Office 284 Residence Tel „him to tell us about his fighting, and. i he ranked second only to the "Blue F. A. PARKER Water" as a centre of attraction, OSTEOPATH On the following afternoon, the All Diseases Treated Captain deputed Claudia 'to get the Office adjoining residence next , to I`Frenchman to tell us some tales. sed, we know not what of a country gentleman, the other in But later, in the drawing room, when the "011ie •Water" w is smiling, beguiling', and alluring from its white velvet cushion beneath the glass dome and we stood round the table ou^.which, it lay, the l haplain certainly was him- self, and•if possible, even ntorelearit- ed, and interesting on the subject sof gems than the g at Sir Basil, I was.'very thankful indeed, for a lay heart ached for Aunt Patricia a 5; she watched him; -,watched him just as 'a mother would watch are only, child of doubtful sanity, balanced betwen her hdpe and her fehr, her passionate denial of its idiocy, her passionate joy in signs. of its normality. ' Poor Aunt Patricia! She had con- tracted an alliance with Sir Hector' Brandon, as one might contract a dis- ease.' The one alleviation of this particular affliction being- its iptei- •inittence; for this monument .ofisel-.. fishness was •enerally anywhere but I Thursday, November xtth, x926 Foundtjor, VRY fortune has had a � fo rtdati u qtl. Lid Every foundation, in the' first instanee, is laid with the first few dollars saved. 9 Start tq' save now and lay your'foundation: Save seriously --save consistently: For rodney in the Bank is the buffer against rriisfortunrr and the barometer of future prosperitt., A. M. BIAHOP, WINgHAM BRANCH, Manager, ■�� at home, he being a mighty hunter ® - _ _ _ ,,,ENINN��IBEINNIMI befohie the Lord, or Devil, and• usually .se s, in pursuit of prey, biped,' orr quadru- . ■: it ■;,', ped, in distant places. ' It is a good i�, f. • ■ ■ thing to h av fixed i. ed�purpose, g t a it n Aa '' l■ and an ambition in Life' and Str Hec- �' °�;t.:?•:K> tor boasted one. It was to be able' .■ '. ' ' ,,,„' T * .,. ■ to say, that he had killed onef� ®# `t u p t . ■ Y\ o every species of beast and bird and fish in ® ,>,t r ``tt Y' ! ■ the world, and had co w , courted a woman, ,■' ,� .� _ , �, �:. ■ Feer:nationality, o vin theworld. A�• "^ 1� Y ® � c great soul fired with a noble ambition. fl As children, we did not, of: course, realize "what Aunt Patricia suffered in at :the hands of this violent and bad ■ an when he was at home, nor what his tenants and labourers 'suffered when: he was absent. ■ As .we grew older, however, it was ■.: impossible to avoid knowing that he II was universally hated, i nd that he - b , d the estate.shamefully and shame- 1® lessly, that he. might enjoy himself IN abroad. Children might die ' of diptheria FA through faulty drains' or lack of drains ■ and old"people might„die of chills and rheumatism through leaking roofs and damply rotting cottages; every farmer might have'a cankering grieve ance; the estate agent might have the position and task of a flint -skinning slave -owner; brit Sir Hector's yacht and Sir Hector's lady -friends, would lack for nothing,, nor his path through life be paved with anything less thap gold. And Lady Brandon might remain°at home to face the music—whether an-. ® -* gry growls of wrath, or feeble cries ® RAE $1 THOMPSON, Hard're. ° NORTH END GROCERY. ■"� he Pony -■ ■ ■ ■ d ; ■ ■ ■ "How many votes. have you got in the Pony Contest or how ■' near the top is your favorite. The boys and girls are. makinga ■ ■ wonderful showing and the list' is changing every week. • ■ ,You girls and boys who have not entered t ■ Y t ,yet—lots of .cocas ■:. ▪ for you, both ,from the town and country, and you friends will ■'i + A be glad to help you to win. Don't wait any longer. Start, tosday. t . Ballot -box at the Lyceum Theatre.” ■` ■ y■, ® H. E. ISARD & CO., Dry Goods, Ladies'Wear, and Men's.Cloth-- is ■. ing and. Fui nishings. GREERS, (The' Good Shoe Store) R. A. CURRIE, Furniture.: ' T. H. GIBSON, Central'Ba�kery ■r of pain. But we boys and girls were exceed ® IIZUSH MILLINERY , � STORE. followed our leader Michael,care-free ®' c ON S iDRLTG STORE, Druggists. Subscriptions. • IN W. C. REID, Garage. ABELL'S MLUSIi STORE' ■' ingly fortunate, a happy band £who ■ M KI�B , , and joyous. . THE ADVANCE -TIMES, Newspaper Subscrip I think that the feat of. Michaels that' impressed us most, was his sustain- t ®■■■®ill/itamniiimons®■ainna I� mini in sof strife and sorrow and bloodshed," that of the King of En land had white rabbit bn the table behind if. "That's a novel idea, sir," said l\ti- chael "I suppose its a modern e,lu- iyalent of -the- roast peacock brought to table in its feat hers, looking as though it were alive? Great idea "Yes, Digby took hien up. Boar's head, with glass eyes and all that. Never heard of a rabbit sefved in its jacket though, I think. Good idea any- how.” 'The Chaplain smiled vacantly, and Augustus Brandon • giggled' and re- marked. "I knew; a' man who jugged his last hair, though," I hastened to join in,so and -Isobel began to question the Chaplain as to the progress of his book on Old Glass a book which he had been writing for years, the subject being his pet hobby. I wondered whether my aunt, at the head of the table had 'noticed any- thing, Glancing at her, I saw that she looked ten years older. than she had --done before it happened. As I held the door open, when the ladies retired after dinner she whisper- ed to mein passing, "Tell I12icltael to. look after the Chaplain this evening. He has been suffering from insorttnia, and is not himself.' « Anglican Church on Centre Street. Sundays by appointment Hours --9 a. nz. to 8 p. m. Osteopathy Electricity Telephone 272.' A. R. & F. E. DUVAL CHIROPRACTIC SPECIALISTS Members C. A. O. thrilled us to the marow of our bones Graduates of Canadian Chiroprac- by tales, most graphically and realis- tic College, Toronto. Office in Craw- tically told, of the Spahis, the French ford Block, four doors north of Past Foreign Legion, the Chasseurs d 'Af- Office. rique, Zouaves, Turcos, and other Hours 2 to 3; to 8.3o p. m, and by romantically named regiments. aPPointment s. Special appointments He told of desert warfare, of made for those coming any distance. Arab cruelties and chivalries, of hand Out of town and night calls re- to -hand combats wherein swordsman nponded to, met swordsman on horseback, as in Phones: --Office, 30o Residence >s days of old, of brave deeds, of veiled on dot. Touaregs, veiled women, secret Moor- ish cities, oases, mirages, sand -storms, and the wonders of Africa. Then he showed us fencing -tricks and feats of swordsmanship, until, when he left us, after shaking our hands and kissing Claudia, we were his, body and soul. "fin going to join the French For- eign Legion when I leave Eton," an- nounced Michael suddenly. "Get a commission and . thea .,air, his regi - mane" "So am I," said Digby, of course. "And I," 1 agreed. Augustus Brandonlooked thought- ful. "Could I. be a viveediere and come too?" asked Isobel, "Decoy yon handsome stranger to our lair,"_quoth he, "I would ,wring his secrets 'frons:' him." Nothing loth, Claudia exercised her fascinations upon him after lunch, and brought him to aur camp in the Bow- er, er, a clearing in the woods near tate ed to' Sir Basil, house. "I am not a dealer," replied that Here he sat on a log: and absolutely gentleman. And when Claudia asked Aunt Pa- tricia if she were. going: to ;show Sir Basil the Priests' Hole and the hiding place of the, safe in which the sap- phire reposed, the interesting youth observed. a. "Better t t er not, Aunt. He might wine back and pinch it some dark night— the sapphire I mean, not'the Hole,'" Ignoring him,. Aunt Patricia said that she would take Sir Basil, and the. other guest, a man named Lawrence, a Nigerian official, who was an old friend; and show them the Priest's Hole. The conversation then turned upon the- marvellous history of the Hope Diamond, and the incredible but true tale of the misfortune which hived - ably befell its possessor; open Priest's i Y r Holes, an the a yin tide of relig- ious ersecution which led to the fact that the saline hiding -place had shel- tered Roman Catholic Priests and Protestant pastors in turn; and upon the day when Elizabethan troopers, searching for leather Campion, : did damage to our floors, pictures, pan- elling, and doors (traces of which are still `discernible,) without discovering reacher the ends of their respective histories of theft, bloodshed, and hu- man suffering. Certainly it seemed impossible that the "Blue Water". should again "see life arid death"—untik ne remember- ed that such stones are indestructible and immortal, anti may be, thousands of years hence, the cause of any crime that greed and covetousness can fath- er. e Anyhow, I should be glad to see the big sapphire again and hear -any- thing that Sir Basil might have .to. say about it. I remember that Augustus distin- guished himself that evening. "1 ,wonder how much you'd give =v- " Aunt for the `Blue Water,' he remark- . ALV emark; .ALV IN FOX DRUGLESS PRACTIONER CHIROPRACTIC, AND DRUGLESS PRACTICE ELECTRO-TIIERAP`Y' Phone tot. pours 50-12 a.m., 2-s, 7.8 p, rxi: or by appointment. D. D. MicINNES CHIROPRACTOR ELECTRIC/TY .Adjustments given for 'diseases of all kinds, specialize in dealing with children. Lady attendant. Night Calls responded to, Office on Scott -St;, Wingham, Ont, Telephone /so, , loss ** t tl,F/I„1YII„ei,ll,YYltt tie eeYeeee et, 7. Plianesc Office .Tori, 3.2esiti. aa4 A. J. WALKER Il`URNI't'C)l2E .1. EALER x .,.. and + PI,11 URAI DIIT E-O4t R: `tient Mtst r i `ui � q p x 'VitlNGXAM, ONTARIO YdidAeed,BtciAliY6iYYYi�1Yi,YY #daaikentokimionti siiY sot, "You shall visit me in your officer's the wonderfully contrived Priests' Hole,, t all. ' It was near the dud of this very in- tctesting dinner that our beloved and reverend old friend, the Chaplain, .made it more memorable thats it oih- erwise would have been, He had sat throughout the dinner behaving beautifully, talking beauti- {ally, and looking beautiful, with his ivory face and silver hair, which: spade hint look twenty e older than he t Y y trs de a uniforms,” promised Claudia. "French officers always wear thou in France. Very nice too.” Next day we went back to our pre- paratory school at Slough,: The next time I saw the "Blue Wa- ter," was during the Holidays befoi`e our last half at Z ton, The occasion was the visit of Oen. era]. Sir Basil Malcolnison, an it author,- y a ti gems, who was " at the time teller of the Jewel House at the was, and then, just as Burdon put the DR. G. W. HOWSON DENTIST Office Over John Galbraith's, Store • Make your home brighter with Del- co . Light. The' dependable . farni Electric Service. • Get our new low price and easy terms. I•IE1 ERY JOHANN Delco Light Dealer Giennannan Ontatio.. GEORGE A. SDWDALL ---w'�Bf oke..- • Phone 73, • LUeltnow, Ontario, IV[bney to lend qtr first Mad stecend mortgages on farirt and other real es- tate properties at a reasonable rate of interest, else, on firrst Chattel mortga- ges on attu k and on pernonai notes, A few farina on hand for sale be, to .crit on easy terms. SAS. GOEMOIJR .-.Agent Prr CIIL1 OSS FIRR I14St7 IANC; Insure in a flood Sotirrld itomnpatiy Brix ..in gliamo, Ott qt , Phi .*q6 ' sr -r ingly long time. It wasenearly long Digby, who, Itroni long and pain- enough to cause my death, anyhow. We were in the .outer ha1!1 one wet afternoon, and ` the brilliant idea of dressing up in one of the suits of armour occurred to the"Captain of the Band. 'Nothing loth, . we, his henchmen,. quickly became. Squires „of, more or less, High Degree, and with much in genuity, and more string,_ more or less correctly cased the knight in his afi tottr. He was just striking an attitude and bidding a - caitiff to die, when the sound of a motor -horn anachronisti- cally intruded, and the Band dispers as do.. rabbits at the repoxt of gun. Michael stepped' up on to the ped- estal and stood at east (Ease') Digby fled up the steirs, the girls dashed hi - to the.drawing rooin, Augustus and another Visitor rushed' down a corridor to the service -staircase, and I like Ginerva, dived into a; great old achest on' the' other side of the hall. There I la as though sc icwe d down in a coffin and pride'forbade me ignominiously to crawl forth, ' I re- alized that 1 was suffering horribly— and the e next thing,tliat I knew wa that? . was lying on Y g my bed and Mich eel was smiting ,>ny face with a wet sponge, while Digby dealt kindly blows upon my chest and stomach. When sufficiently recovered and suf ivchently irtbalced fott.'..being such an ass, I was informed that Aunt Patric- ia had dtven, up with la "black man" --'-mys:eiy of inysteries1—and' had r, t r` co ..<bulat l Cd withhimeight 't� t right in front of the Man Ian in Arniot , afterwards spc ediitg the "black man" on his' way at,airt in her car. We were much intrigued, and iti- ulgt r1 in /With specitl.t ;` t1ie more. n :Lar 'Hiciiael wohld rice Sava iv' .id nd had: goite again, and that he him - elf had contrived to remain so abso- titelystill lie that heavy armour that here actually was a Man in the Ar- flour!' r tnourrl In the universal and deserved ad mirat tin, fbr this feat, my own per- ormance in preferring death to dis- overy and dishonour passed unprais- d. I must do Michadl the justice how- ever, ;to state that directly Aunt Pa- tricia had left the hall, he had her - r w s it the Rajkumar Cilege at Ajrnir, be- ful practice was. an ` ex''ert bugler,. fore. doming P � g to Eton. He was:a splendid athlete and: on the what sportsman, and devoted to Michael to, the point of worship, Aunt Patricia 'welcomed, hire! td Brandon Abbas at Michael's request, and when he saw the "Blue Water".: he actually and literally and comple- tely fainted. I suppose the sight of the sapphire was the ajrasion rattier than the cause but the fac remains. It was queer and uncanny beyond words, the more so' because he never tittered a sound .. and neither then nor : subsequently ever said one syllable on the subject of the great jewel, And so vee lived our happy lives; at Brandon Abbas, when not at:our- pr. epschool, at Eton, or later, at Ox- ford, , (Continued Next,Week) took down his' old coach -horn, from itsplacewall and blewh he said was an "honorific fan -fare of herald's trumpets," in recognition' of the tenacity displayed both by Mich- ael and myself, I must confess, however,` that in spite of` Michael's reticence concern- ing the visit of the."black inan," we others discussed the strange event,in all its ,bearing's. We, however, arrived at no conclus- ion, on lu - c s ion, and were driven to cntent ourL selves with a foolish theory that;the ed strange visitor was en some way con- e nested with a queer boy, now a very. 5 • d a s 1 t e `eel to raise ,the lid of the ,chest int hich 1 was entotribede and had him - elf f circled the upstairs as son as his s place, distinguished and enlightened ruler in India. , He was the oldest son and heir of the Maharajah, his father, and had been at the Collette for the sons of Ruling Princes in India, I think. IINIiIININ1111111slII11111111isile1ll tINHIIIIIiIIOIlNINiii Ili■Ifli iiiIIINIIIi!iNI (il Itl■ Iis I" a i. W ■i, .; w . WIn# ' ■ s The Advance, -Times with other business xxgen of the town will give away FREE ! w e r y A FINE SHETLAND PONY _N. For each new ,earl' - subscriptions'�' 3000 ® • for eachyear.-- paid in advance V� VOTES ! ■ Send inour° subscriptions do �' � ns and watch the w st ndin of your favorite climb. " 1i For each renewal subscription: f or 2000 1i each year paid in advance... VOTES -BoYs�n� Girls (�����s�rl f You Want T livI 1111 u111i> Ioli■mitt III iI grail fly Illlill cliNill! ingrfIiiifKi itifilliNlmllllll !mico - 111.