HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1926-11-11, Page 8ld ■ • ,inin ■ Lyceum The t■ ■ ai ■ ■ ■ iu ■ 'hors,, Fri. and Sat.Nov. 11, 12, an 13 Johnny Hines — IN -_- "RAIN OW RILEY" Comedy "GOOSELAND" Monday, Tuesday, Nov. 15, 16 Martin Harvey —IN — "THE ONLY WAY" Adapted from the stage play based on the famous novel "A of Two 'Cities" by Charles Dickens. Wednesday, Thursday, Nov. 17, 18 Jack Holt and Florence Vidor —IN— "SEA HORSES" Comedy "AIR COOLED" ■ ammaranteasnedi FOR SALE — Young calf for sale.— FOR SALE — Two grade Du rham Apply to Geo. H. Tervitt, Phone 6- Steers, x polled Angus Heifer, stock- 6o2.ers two years old.—F. J. reeds, R. x, Wingham. Phone 2-6/2. FOR RENT -Brick House, with gar- age, and all conveniences. Apply PP Y to Robt. Allen. LOST In Wingham, on Sunday evening, a sum of money. Finder kindly Ieave at this office and re- ceive reward, LOST—A white Yorkshire sow. Last seen near Wroxeter. Pleasenotify AROOMERSWANTED -- Apply to CIifford Scott, R. R. 2, Mildmay. Advance -Times: TO RENT — About Dec. sit, a sev- LOST --- Spare tire of Truck '34 x 5, en room, furnished, cottage, elec- tric lights, hard and soft water. A Somewhere between Wingham and Clinton Finder kindly communi- good cellar. Apply at Advancecate with the United Farmers Co- Times. Oper. Co., at Wingham. FOR SALE ! A few barrels of Spy FOR SALE --'One of Wingham's ni- 1 f test homes, at a reasonable price, as the owner purposesleaving town. Every modern convenience, also garage, good garden, and fruit. $t, coo cash, balance on mortgage.—Ab- ner Cosens, Insurance and Real Es - NEW 1927 WALL PAPERS — Why not re -decorate your living room now, ready for the long winter ev- enings just ahead of. us. We will gladly show you samples, and give. an estimate on the cost. -- Elmer Wilkinson, Decorator. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE —Farm Stock, Implements, etc., at Lot 2, Con 3 ,Turnberry twp,, at x o'clock on Thursday,' Nov. x8th. See bilis. W. E .Stewart, Administrator John Purvis, Auctioneer , WANTED -Young man with some app es, 1 o russets, z of greenings. Apply to Wm. Fields. AUCTION SALE—xoo head of young cattle will be sold in the field be- hind John Jaynt's residence, Luck - now, on Friday afternoon, Febru- ary xgth, commencing at 1.3o p.m. sharp. 5o yearling steers, zo two year-old heifers, 40 two year-old steers. All well bred ,and good quality. Terms — r to 7 months. interest on approved joint notes with 5 per cent per annum interest. John Joynt, Proprietor John Purvis, Auctioneer, NOTICE re VOTERS' LIST Take notice that His Honour Judge Lewis; will hold the first sitting of the Court of Revision on the Voters' List for the Town of Wingham for 1926, on Thursday, the 25th day of November, i926, at 1.30 p.m. Dated at Wingham, this loth day of November 5926. W. A. GALBRAITH, 1 experience in Wood Turning. Apply Clerk. Wingham Rubber Co: FOR SALE Apples for sale, at Bluevale Creamery. Phone 6o9-4. I r , t;1 i )•..wit gold wed 'i g ring. Own- c:r may i.;ve same 1 proving the 3r:one :'Y = = "i paying fol .this edict- tiasmeat- -Advance ilnre:.. FOR SALE — Six year old horse,' and good rubber tired buggy.—Ap- ply Advance -Times. STRAYED:_ .. Four polled "Angus cattle, Finder kindly communicate with—j. W. Joynt,Lucknow, FOR SALE — Handsome oak side- board, also four. burner Oil Stove with overt. For sale cheap. Ap- ply;at residence of -- E .J.,°111atchcll, FOR SALE -Sewing machine needles at thirty cents a dozen, for any make. To avoid mistakes, bring or send samples of needle shuttle. Bobbins and bands for any make. ow i e li. Now Raymond, oX d, N w Williams, White or any matte repaired' and made to work as well a's itew.New Home and Ideal Machines Gold at Cut rate prices for cash.—A, W. Webster, The Tailor Upstairs Over Tlio Advance Titles Office $ ONTARIO NT.A RIO E LECTION CONTEST The Family Herald and Weekly Star of Montreal are having an Eke- ; tion lec-;tion Contest for the Province of On- tario, in which they offer a total of $5,000, in prizes for the best estimates as to the total number of votes cast in the fortheoming Ontario Election, This Contest is open only to readers of the Family Herald in the Province. of Ontario. The annual subscriptionprice of the Family Herald and Weekly Star is $z,00. One year's subscription. en- titles NEW SUESCRI13ERS to make FIVE ESTIMATES in this eleeti+ rt contest, Present readers,. who RE- NEW their subscription for IpAe NOW are entitled to ONE ESTTM. ATE, providing the renewal is sent in during the Contest. The Contest will close sevetal days before the election actually takes place. For an annual subscription s piton fee of $r•oo, the .reader receives, not only the greatest farm and family paper for one year, but also the opportunity to win a eash prize of $2,5oot k By entering this .Contest readers,, as well as sew 'subscribers have noth- trig to lose—yet possibly intuit. to gain. Sherrif£'s Office,,Goderich, DON'T DELAY! The time is NrOW l August; lath, lee6, Air WINGH'AM ADVASCVIIMES WESTFIELD Mr, and Mrs, Charles Lockwetid and son Jimmie of Honssll, anent Thanks- giving with their father, Mr. David Carter, Miss Ruth Vincent of Loudon, spent Thanksgiving with her parents, • Mr. and Mrs, John Vincent. AN TRISI-T:MAN TT To the,Editur av all aim Wingitain paypers, Deer Sur.—Did ivir re see such a mix up in yer loife. Here it is only tree weeks until .elickshuri day an nivir Tory in the field fer Nort Huron, at Mrs. Charles Keating was called to the Nile on Sunday owing to the all, at all. Mosht Ioilcely theer will ser- ious illness of her mother' Mrs. Ed- be wan befoor yet payper is printed wards, who is making wake, fer it isn't ldike us Tories beim zneshtly;Irish, to miss the chance av gittin into a shcrap, but, shute, our man, whoivir he may be, will hev a harrud road to thravil be rayson av parents, Mr, and• Mrs. J. L. Stone- gitin so late a shtart. Thin tank av house. the handicap he will be at`ther Navin,, Miss Ella Sowerbyis spending the wid Mishter Ferguson's polislty not Thanksgiving 'week with her parents foindin much favor wid the winin•iin, an his havin to put up a foight be his in Goderich Township. Mr. and Mrs. Alva McDowell and • lone, so to shpake, an the Grits, an daughter Fern were in Londesboro on ! U F, O.'s' and W. C. T. U.'s an the Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Campbell and family spent Sunday with Mrs. Camp- belI's sister, Mrs. ' R. Gardiner of Lucknow.i Mr. 'Aand Mrs. John Buchanan of Wingham; spent Thanksgiving with the former's parents, ,Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Buchanan. • Mrs. James Tunney returned home last Thursday after a few weeks visit with friends in Goderich, hev a good. foightin chance in Nort Mr. and Mrs: Thomas Kernick of Huron, 'in shpoite, ay all the . (Ids a - Blyth visited with Mr. and Mrs, Johr. gainst us, not iviry tirrpirince,Tory is Vincent on Sunday. goin to turn his coat an vote an wurr- uk fer the'Grit parthy that wus 'half wet in the lasht parleymint, an.rnebby will be so agin. Nobody ivir heard av Mishter Sinclair,. arr Mishter Charley Robertson, ayther, fer that matther, wurrukin much fer the cause av Tim pirince until' it became a' political ques- tion. Thim Grits do bate the whole wurruid fer turnin' an twistin. thin, av course, a lot av fellahs, who ginerally vote wid the Grits,' are in. favor av Mishter Ferguson's po'.ishy av .shtronger beer, an more av it, fer thim that want it. Mebby there will be enough av thim-vote wid us to make up fer the'droy'Tories we will mebby lose. . Nort Huron has a Tory majority to shtart wid, if ye.,count ould toime Tories, an ould toime Grits, but, av coorse, tings hev' chang- ed to what they used to be whin ye cud count up the votes in almosht army pollin place, befoor the ballottin shtarted, an not be ashtray more than wan arr two votes. Now wid' the U. F. O.'s an the 0. T. A.'s, an a lot av new payple who hev .moved into the towns an villages, an the wimmin's vote, an a lot of young byes an girruls growin up wid more interest in dan- cin than.in pollyticks, 'tis harrud'to' make an eshtimate, so it is. 'Tis loike drillin 'a well, siviral hundred : fate dape;.:ye.are wurrukin in the darruk to sortie ixtint, an' kin only guess at what ye are comin to be examinin, what ye bring up in the ind av the dhrill. 'Tis. mesilf that has been afther dolt some borin into tings fer the pasht'few wakes, an' be what I foind, I don't tink it is wather we are goin to :sh-. troike this toime. I Link' mebby I hev the missus `a- bout cpnvinced that it wuddint be roight fer her to 'shpoil' a good record at her toime av loife, be desertin her parthy, fer, afther all, whin ° ye git. down to brass tacks,'as me bye who wus oversays wud ''say, 'tis just the. ould shcrap betwane the Tories an the Grits. I am not ,goin to say what. t cosht me to change her nioind, fer heven't paid me bill yit at The Wal- ter Shtore, but I tink she is all roight. ow, but ye can't always depind on the winunin, so ye can't. 'Tis a foine day, an the missus says shod be out rakin up the laves aff the lawn, an so I tink I had betther o an do it, as I want to kape her glazed until afther the elickshun ,is ver. 1Yours till'nixt wake, Tiinothy Hay, d her home with her daughter, Mrs. Seagus of Nile. • Mr. and Mrs, Roy Stonehouse and son Donald of Goderich spent Thanks- giving day at the home of the former's Toronto. Globe' all busy cuitiri black thorns fer the other fellate. "lis an Irishman we will nade to nominate, fer the harruder the foighc the betther plated an Irishman is, He always 4loikes to .be tri the thick av it wheer the harrudest blows are bein shtriick, • so he does. I don't want anny av our byes to be discouraged be rayson av' anny. ting I hev said;. fer 1 'belave we shill. AUCTION SALE — Of Valuable Property in the -. Township - of Kinloss Under and by virtue of a power of sale contained in a _certain mortgage which will be produced at the time. of sale, there will be offered for sale by public auction at the premises on Saturday the loth day of November, A. D. 5926, at 2 o'clock in the after- noon, the following valuable premises namely: That portion of the southwest cor- ner of.lot number Twenty-six in the Fourth Concession of the Township of Kinloss in the County of Bruce, having a frontage of 231 feet by a depth of 377 feet 1, inches. On this premisesis situated a frame store and dwelling combined x8 feet by 51 feet; and kitchen attached 15s feet by .20 feet and woodshed r4 feet by 31 feet; also a good frame and ce- ment stable 21 feet by 24 feet and a frame garage 12 feet by 21 feet. The premises are: all in good repair. There are about two acres of good young, orchard and a good well. The pro- perty is five miles from the Village of Whitechurch and about seven miles from the Village of Lucknow, on a good gravel road. TERMS OF SALE:—Ten per cent of purchase money on day of sale, and the balance within twenty days thereafter. The purchaser can ob- tain possession forthwith. The pro- perty will be offered subject to a reserve price. FURTHER particulars and con- ditions of sale will be made known at. the time of sale, or may be had on application to the undersigned. DATED the fifth day of November A. D. 1926. R. VANS'TONE, Wingham, Ont.. Vendor's Solicitor. SHERIFF'S SALE .OF LANDS The County of Huron, to wit, by virtue of a writ of Fieri Facias, issued out of His Majesty's. Supreme Court of Ontario, and to me directed and de- livered, against the lands and tene- ments of Milton J. Smith, defendant, at suit of Robt; W. Shaw, Plaintiff, I have seized and taken in Execution,, all the right, title, interest, equety of claim of Milton J, Smith in the foll- owing lands and premises:— All and Singular that pertain parcel or tract of land and premises, situate lying and being in the Township of Grey, in the County o# Huron„ :con- taining by admeasurement together Two Hundred and Thirty -Seven acres (237) be the same more or less, and being composed of (A) Lots numbers ed Twenty -Seven and Twenty-eight, in the Seventh Concession of the. said Township and (B) that part of Lot Numbered Twenty Six, in the Seventh Concession of the said Township, which is more particularly, described as follows: that is to say, Commenc- ing on the North Eastern angle of the said lot numbered. Twenty-six, then Westwardly, along the North limit of said (lot Forty rods, then South-. wardly, parallel with the ' Eastern boundary of said lot, to the road al- lowance North of the Maitland river, then Eastwardly along the said road allowance to the Eastern boundary of the said lot number Twenty-six, then Northwardly, along the Eastern boun- dary of the said lot, to the place of beginning, Which lands and Tenements 1 shall• offer for Sale, at my Office, , in the Court House in the Town of Goder- ich, an Wednesday, the Twenty,fourth day of November zo26, at the hour of Twelve of the clock noon, -j:, 0, REYNOLDS, Sheriff, Duron, z 0 SCHOOL REPORT School Report of Union' S. S. No. Turnberry and E. Wawanosh. Sr. 4th - Charles' Coulter 81, Phyll- is Weaver 76, Jean Coulter 721 Fe..i Lott 63, Alex Coulter 45. Sr. 3rd— Jim Weir 7.5. Jr. 3rd Chester Coulter 65, Orton Grain 64. Class 2 •— Janet Coulter 78, Elsie Webb 74, Herman Mowbray 69, Kett,,, neth Currie 63. , sat — Flora Coulter 79, Norman Deyell 7r. Primer Isabel Coulter, Russel Mowbray, Dorothy Deyell (in order of merit). Marie Livingstone, Teacher. ST; HELEN'S Clara Woods of Guelph, Colima Clark of Mount Forest, Caroline 'Webb of I-Iepworth, Mabel Woods of Nile, and Irene Woods of Stratford holidayed at their homes, Here, Mr. ' and Mrs, D. Phillips spent' the holiday at Luean, the guests of the latter's sister, Mr's. Beatty. A meeting of the Farmer's Gull will be held next Friday everting. All interested are asked to attend. The funeral of the late Mes, An: -us s g McDonald, a former resident of St. Helens was held at Ltaoltnow on Tues. day• y 11illI11�Il1 I11gu11rM114 1N�ll l � 1M1 � 1 20 pairs Strap or Brown leather. ,sizee3and 4. Thursday, November . xxtb, 1926 IIIglII liIhlll lil i(III(lf�IIINfIIfYi.li■IIle11IIM111IiI11NNliii111 1110:11111111 411101110lli 1111NlIison11/llI)•lill tlIN 1 Slippers and Oxfords, Black Regular price $3.5o to $5.50, Sale Price 89c Another lot of Women's Oxfords and Strap 11! • Slippers in Black or . Brown, Regular price , $4.5o to $6.5o, all sizes 3 to' 6. Sale Price $2.79 6 MEN'S, OXFORDS In Black or Brown, Goodyear welt soles, only 14 pairs, all sizes. Regular price $5.00 to $6;54• Sale Price 93.69 WOMEN'S RUBBERS µ.. 85c Mr sEs' RUBBERS _ _.._..._ 75c CHILD'S RUBBERS 65c tomosoftwommeasevadoianor MEN'S RUBBERS -------- $1.15 BOYS' RUBBERS' 95c YOUTHS' RUBBERS ......... ::_..._ 85c 'RUBBER BOOTS MEN'S RUBBER BOOTS -43.95 10 5.50' WOMEN'S RUBBER BOOTS. $2.75 MISSES' RUBBER' BOOTS ._ $2.25 • -;. CHILD'S RUBBER BOOTS $1.95 it al SEE OUR LINES OF LEATHER TOPPED RUBBERS IN 52 and 15 INCH—THE BEST MADE ® • PRICES $4.50 to $6.50. a ,I; ai ® iii i JUREER WIMiIIAM ii, 10111.111 111®ll®I1I>IlII110111isIII IaINallallllllll®NI - ■Iimitsilin I om1®111111llellalll iiiiiimii ®lll� nnillaillalmaiI�1io lll�lllliltl1®11a alIntts TENTH LINE HOWICK BLUEVALE NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Galbraith and littleHarold were the guests of friends near Drew. - Mr. Walter Horsburgh spent the week end with friends at Holstein. Mr. Robert Artlturs spent S'inday with' his father, Mr. Richard Arthurs of Drew. WHAT HE DID NOT WANT A small boy, taken to a restaurant for the first time by. his bachelor un- cle, who believed in giving the lad what he wanted, ate four large .cream puffs, besides : a quantity of other food. ; His uncle noticed him staring) as he thought, disconsolately att' his plate. "Do you want another cream puff, Johnny?" he asked. `No, thanks,'` Johnny replied sadly, "Y don't want he ones I've had," d Mr. and Mrs.' .john 'St mol' ani d • SLATS' DIARY friday-They was a Burgulery corn-- Sunday, and they ben basting Mr. King McDonald of T detecktaves on the job Tor nto was try and ketch the bur - family of"Harriston, were visitors at'mitred here in town. .tl Mr .and Mrs. Robt. Aitcheson's . onze other ` mite,. home over :the holiday. to Mr. and Mrs. Wesley, Legatt and children were; visitors on Sunda/at 1NIr. Prank Wock's at Teeswater.. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Stewart and son of Belgrave, Miss Bella M Kenzie. of Woodstock, were visitors_ at Mr. an Mrs. Robt. Aitcheson's Saturday ev gulars. When pa cum "home this exiling he was a telling us taht they were z of those there detectaves in the noos paper shop wear d he wirks at looking for a 'titan with i eye Ant T_smrny diddent think it was rite to pay a man a•ood munny un-elsewhe uses both eyes when he is looking for crimen- als and burgnlars and ect. l aterday-Wel ma has went & - roof- ed around till she l;ot mea job at the grocery witkin,. Mothers' is all rile in there Glace but it wood be a lot better .if they wood tend to theer own' bisiness and let us kids alone.: Pracliically evry fella has'got a moth dr and knows how it goes, ening. Mr. and Mrs. John Mundell, Hazel and Hugh, were visitors at Mrs. Hau- gh's on Sunday and also at the Ead- ie's Anniversary services. Mr. and Mrs. A. Combes and Miss Mary, were visitors in Toronto over Thanksgiving. ' Mr. and Mrs. Ter • win spent the week -end with relatives in Simcoe. Mrs. 'Smeltzer isvisiting with her aughter,• Mrs. William Hewitt at WN T E..D1 A representative for the Ontario Equitable Life Part or full .time. Apply to Boz 473, The Advance -Times or to M. T. Cpirless, District Mgr. Clintonr Ont. tintlialtnial111111111011111111111111111111111111111111111110 I ! Guelph. Mr. and Mrs, Lewis Duff and chil- dren: of Welland were visitors in the village over ' Thanksgiving. Mr: Hairy 'Barnard of Detroit is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. -Ed- ward Barnard. !Mr. Leslie Hetherington of Toronto sent the holiday p av under the parental roof. Miss Vera SellersofStr_a tford Nor- real was hone for Thanksgiving, Mr. and Mrs, 5... A. ' Geddes of Bel - grave, spent Sunday at Mr, and' Mrs. Robt. Shaw's, Mr, and Mrs. Wilbur Mathers of Guelph were visitors at Mr, and Mrs. Gro. Mathers over the holiday. Ma. and Mr.. Thorns of Fruitlands were week end visitor; at Mr.. atid ro• Arthur Shaw's. s_ ris le S rN A 1 Phone � j . hone 59 — SCHOOL pi • . REPORT A Groceries & China'ware = '_) The following is f�1 S. No 7 Morris kr Dependable Food 1 111 We • think' everlastingly How and _ `W'here to eget the Right Fe Tind of Eats. We 'always get li- g them,„ We're quite sure that it E. means something to the house- !_ ize wife to know that her food has g le been carefully u y selected and also .11 t' that it has been well kept. J p QUARTERS In our CHINAWARE 1.14 fil' 112E and PURE FOOD HEAD. SUNDRIES Departments, New „ goods have .been arriving for w' i.the past 3 months. Come in r j 1 now 'ai,% pick out your Christ'. ,= tsias Present, • . i • 10, SIEI.EC7CICy1il' sir ilr Thelon e an dtoffeeStorn Ifinfpiiittinit Ilin11101116111 M11111111n1011f October. ' Sr.'3rd•-- Dorothy man Coulter 63. the report of S. September and Higgins 68, Nor - Jr: 3rd - Nae Coulter $4, Jean gins 61, Dorothy Golley 61. I Sr. 2nd — Ferrol lliggins 71;, Mary l Scott ort 68, He1en'UEdgar 67. • Jr. 2nd — Irinia Casernore 7.7, Fran- ces Edgar 7o,_Bernard Thomas 68, Paid Hastings G2, Winnifred Edgar 62, Bert Hastings 53, ,<., Sr, Pi'. Margaret Higgins is. stars, Ring Hastings .8 stars. Jr•.Pr. Margaret .,Cutter 8 stars, Harvey, Edgar 7 starsq,Charlie Higgins 6 stars, Laura •Hopper 6 stars, Jack Higgins 4 stars, Clarence Gulley 2 stars. M. R. McMichael, Teacher, W1O ETER W. E. VanVelsoi' has taken over he Bread nosiness recently conducted Mr. Wm. Robertson: First supply *heeled on l'ricia7, Nov, 5th, Sunday—I was eating pa this morn--` ing what was a Monolog and he an- serred and replyed that• a monolog was where x person done all the tawk-; •. ing• I gess he means like when he and ma has an. argurnint sum times. Munday—When I cum h.oaiiet. = a past eight a clock this morning :ma.. ast me did I go and get fired frum my new job a ready. I 'told her moa I diddent get fired but when. I got there to go to wirk .why they was' a nother kid in myplace y ' and no buddy diddent reckonize me. So I' quit. Tuesday --Mrs. Bloom is a gr,irig on a trip to Yurope and also toGer-•" many next wk. and this' morning lie telefoned to Ant Emmy. & ast.' her•' diddent she want to `'by a nice Insack: lopedy (may be rong) and Ant Emmy Sed No she diddent beleave she did.,` on acount she was to oldto lern to 1 ride, it now. I had to taik a bath to go to a party. - Wensday-Got all mixed tip •in ray dates today. I .ltep fliiiticing. this was. Sunday all the time. Thats bath does in the middle wekt a � 1e of the week. Thi sday-Ma 'told pa she wanted, to discuss some money mattersafter supper but when the discussion was. Anished all pa bad contributed to the dsctision•was his silence. and a zo $ bill. Dr. Ai v nson, missionary on idaY furlough' It fr in ;,.-i e gave a splendid talk, in It i il.r United church on S i , tl main_ ' >,,• 111 k Ito gave a tall: to the b. and .toile in the Sunday school in the tiirr'il set, when Ile ;y aeon1>a• nied • by hi4•'little daughter Helen, who was tlr s ed ;,e ,the little girls in is we and sang for the Sunday selioisl• Dr,.. Zvi c n t', hilt in temp.'', was the guest it Mr. ;h. XT. Lloyd,