The Wingham Advance Times, 1926-11-08, Page 80.
Thursday', Qcto'ber 28, 2926
Again the piopularilty of the Big Sale has been fully demonstrated. Large numbers of Thrifty ii
Buyers many from long distances, shared in our1Bargains on Opening Days. h.■
■ a
:� ■
�° ill continue .during the gulp time of the. Sale. ■
III■ IIMU111111IIIIMAIWIIII1MMS III®Iii�lllFallll■Ill■III■ill®!IlElll■III�III®111■1111x111■Il AMA `
■ III®illi!!1199111�111�111�111®III':
■ = a Solid Brass Pins, 3 Pap- ,�
■■ ■ iannos smossamitio iamin i■■■ ■■■ mumm■imam oim ••
I�ighest Quality Merchandise at Genuine Saving Prices is the reason.
Everything as Represented - - Real Bargains In Every Instance
These Bargains ■
■ _„t_ a
■ - A• a
— .moi;'• ._
IN 5-
■ •
■ IT
Furs Furs Furs
i■ •
a t omen's Fine
Fur Coats
■ An opportune'. time to make a good
investment in a FUR COAT for your
wife or daughter. Selected skins only
31 are used in the garments we offer and
® we stand back of every coat sold.
W1 Persian Lamb Coats, Hudson Seal
■ Coats, Muskrat Coats, French Seal
■ — Coats, Trimmed and Untrimmed Mo-
ll dels, ranging in price from
$95.00 to $500.00
ers for ... .10c
Ladies' and Misses'
Ready -to -Wear
Northway Garments, Coats, Wraps, and
Dressess All Reduced ao%.
Kimonas, Underwear, Slips, Hosiery,
Gloves, Parasols, Knitted Coats, Scarfs and
King's Saving Prices, Less 20%.
House Furnishings
Barrymore Rugs, Linoleums, Window
Shades, Brass Curtain Rods, Congoleum
Rugs, Casement Cloths, Velours, Curtain
Materials, Art Sateens, Cretonnes. Etc. Etc.
All Reduced 20%,
1111111=•'1113111111111111181111®111S111181II811II11111i illn1l114111•
Linen Tea Towels each 23c
Pure Linen Towelling, bleached,
colored borders, 2 yds'
Linen Sheeting and Pillow Cases. Reduced
White Saxony Flannelette, wide. width 2zc.
Zoo yd cotton spools. Each
Heavy Pyjama Cloth, per yd. 320.
36", Turkey Red Chintz . 220.
Massfield Wool Blankets $8.85.
85c. Art Silk Stockings ...._..... _, M:_:..4gc•
Factory yarns, per lb. ......... 8gc.
Women's Combed Cotton Vests. Each 490.
North Star Bats, pound
size, 3 for... . $1.00
in N
r� { Yt M t.. f ■ ■
111r ■
Men's arida
I �f
°� . ■
Clothing ■
Backward, turn backward,
o time, in your flight,
Give vie' long hair again, just for for
Let me get busy, ere memory fades.
Washing my tresses and doing tip
Let some beau call for me driving a
Even a buckboard • ,would not be
so worse;-•
Let us come trotting back, me at his.
Let me say,I "Thanks for the old
buggy 'ride,'; '
Let me give parties where' all behave
Proper in manners, or `stories they
Let some good dancer, -With decorous
Waltz me around Vvith no flask o
Overcoats, Suits, Mackinaws, Rain. ■■
r 'coats, Windbreakers, Ulsters, Caps, ■
• I.
$1.95 •_ ■.
Warm 'Sweater Coats $2.29 — ■
Tiger and Stanfields Underwear $22g ■
Ibex Flannelette Blankets $222 = ■
is Shirts, Borsalino. and Brock Hats,
Neckwear, etc. - All reduced 20%.
$2.50 to $3.50 Fine Shirts
LI ■
1 Penman's Fleece Shirts and Draw- i ■
IA ers, each 79C A- ■
1 Big 88 Overalls ... $2 34 °'i ■
II — ais
6 yards Art Silk Elastic .... 29c ' `, ■
Sox ....48c II' ■
� Penman's .Cashmere •..
i Non Crease Silk Ties 88c ■
ii All Lumberjacks less 2o% = ril
50C a ®'
Arrow' Collars, 3 for
Umbrellas reduced
ml = ®,
his. hip.
0, let' ine rest from this soul killing
Throw away compact and' cigarette
Tune out the radio, let rne'expand,
Flaying sweet airs on ,the upright
or grand:
Let Inc wear skirts that are down to
my heels,
Put on a bustle to see how it feels;
How I'd love low heels, regardless of.
.height, •
Give 'me my corsets; back, just for
tiammiI I affloI sumIlli!1I■II ammilimmoIIlAlll■ill■iII■atIIImemalll■Ilimllirlll/111111
_ r
11=., Splendid Values in Rubber
Footwear of all :Kinds ,
j ',Women's Rubbers in all sizes:.
Nein goods: "direct from the fac-
t Low Heels 85c
Boys' Rubbers ini heavy plain,
wide fitting, •sizes 1, 2, 3,'4, •and
5 at ., ..: _ _._._ 95c
II9 Small Boys, sizes 11; 12 and
Card of Thanks
The family of the late Stephen L.
and Mrs. King wish tb thank their
many, friends and neighbors for their`
kindness expressed to them during
their recent' doublesad bereavement
in the loss of a kind and loving fa-
ther and mother,
■ IIRI11E111®111.111®IIID!11MAIIII®AI11111(iI@1!i1011iMllll9!!IMIII IillMlil®III®II!X11!P!liBll!>XNlel!1 11111111OIIIOV®IIIi9111MIIIlB!•!1011118111■1! EMNIII■MMIil(&i! EliliW■1!Ildll1011lOIRIMM 1111
Choice Walnuts,
Best Matches, 3
75c Brooms
75c Black Tea
llalll111111181111liUlfl 1111®11
per lb. ••48c Seedless Raisins, 2 lbs 27c McLarens Jelly:Powders, 3 pkgs. 23c
boxes •25c Capital Eattracts, 2 bottles .•..17c Choice Pink:Salmon, large tin •..23c 1 ■
.... .......,......... ,39c Crepe Toilet Paper, Scrolls ..>••22c New Figs, 211bs. 23c !' ''■
59c McCormick's Soda Biscuits, lb. •,.15c Pure Castile Soap, 9 bars . 28c 1 ■
•i 1 ■illalll■Illi111x111■III�IiIAllliilllall100111lO '■
I®Ilhllllil!Iuill®Iilslll�llil®111®III®!1ii11111m111®1113911fillli�lilolli®IIIAh.Iii11111111�1111®11181111�111J1111111111®IIIA I ■
Make an extra effort to attend this Big Money Saving Event. Everyline of our immense
■ stock is on sale. So come along and share in theiBarga4us .
■ /
ros. Phone 71 Wing
Moderately 'High Heel .-:_._.850
The regular monthly meeting of the
Bluevale Woman's Institute; will meet
on Thursday, Nov .iith at the,hoiiiie
of Mrs R .Shaw. Mrs. Robt, Aitch-
ison will assist with a paper, "Now
to Make the Common -lilting$ of Life'
Interesting,” by Mrs A ,Walden. Also
one on 'Our New Govlernor'General,'
will be given by Mrs. M. L. Aitken.
Roll call. A thought for Thanksgiv-
The,.Young. Peoples' Organization
of the Bluevale United Church, held
a Hallowe'en Social Friday evening.
There was a large attendance. A
pleasant evening was enjoyed by, all
who attended.
The Willing Workers will hold a
monthly meeting at the home ofnMrs.
Geo..Mathers, on Thursday of this
Mr .and M
Mr. Jennings of Windsor, visited at
Mr. J. L. McDowell's a couple of days TEN
last week.
Mr. and Mrs .Culbert, Dungannon,
spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Win.
ro tto
Mrs R. S. Longley of Toronto, , a
returned missionary from Scezeltewan,
China; giwc a very interesting talk on
the three appointments of the Auburn
Circuit, of her work in West. China,
`She was greeted by large congrega-
,tions from each church.
.Mr. and Mrs. Wit. Crozier of Mb -
'field, , visited the latter's parents, Mr.
and Mrs, W .IT, Campbell, on Sun-
- •s' a Strat-
Dellall�iac'Dowell wa
ford •visitor one day last week.
Mr and Mrs, . Charles Wightinan of
Whitechurch, Mr, and Mrs. Robt,
Hoover and Miss Elizabeth, and Rev.
Barker of Brussels, were Westfield
'visitors on Sunday, also Mr.and Mrs,
Duncan; McCallu,trt and r.liildren,
and Mrs .Quinn and children, and the auspices of Queen st., Ladies.' Aid
rs. J .H ,Hoover of Blyth lin Memorial Hall, Saturday afternoon
and evening was well patronized, not-
TH LINE, HOWICK withstanding the disagreeable weath-
----•— er.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Horsburgh; Mrs .Henry Young, who has leased
and Miss Elda Ferguson were iYi Tor- Mr. Thomas Kelly's residence, Will r
onto last week on business. move into it this week.
Mrs ,Fred McIntoshreturnedt
d home
The members ofL. O.
L. No
last week after spending the past two n Trinity church on
I attended service i y
weeks with friends in Stratford,', Sunday evening. Rev. Rural Dean
Mr, and Mrs.John Fleet and fam- Hawkins gave a splendid address,
ily, spent Sunday with the latter's The W ,i, are holding their annual
parents, Mi1,and Mrs., Wm. Scott, Pawl and Concert AIini
Mr, Arthur Newton of Hanover has 'I tice Day, Nov. II,
er, and gave two practical sermons.
Girls' ;Rubbers in
23, x and 2 __..._
sizes 22, 22,
iB i'
Small Girls' sizes' 6, 7, '8, g; zo
and •2o1 at _..85c
Mr. and Mrs. R. Wilson, Perth
Lanark County, spent last week with
Mr. and Mrs. 'W. J.• Geddes and other
friends. ,
Mr.• Joe .Ruddy -spent a few days -
with friends in Auburn
Mr: arid Mrs. A. Brooks of Centri-
ala, spent the week : end with Mrs.
Scandret. , •
Quite a number from here attended
the anniversary , services at Brick
church on Sunday. •
The, following is the school report
for S. S No. 8, Morris, during Sep-
tember and October, with an asterisk.
for those who were absent part of the
, Sr. 4th- Possible total 77.
Edith Garniss 6o7, Ross Smitho583,
*Freda Mustard 27o;'
Jr. 4th Possible 'I Total loo.
Eva Dennis 534, *Harry Goll o.
Jr. 3rd- Possible Totkl 700
Jean Turvey 564, Tom Gai`
s 545,
*Dorothy Goll 388, '`Jean Garniss 356.
Wornen's 4 buckle Overshoes, E.,
either high or low heels in fine —
quality—all sizes 3, 4, 5, 6 and 1
7, for . $3.2'5 per pair
a 1
Long Rubber Boots for Men,
all sizes 6, 7, 8, g, xo and ii, at
$3.75 per pair
Men's -Long Rubber Boots in
"Triumph make" with red soles
and made by High Pressure 1
Process. Price ._...:.. ___ $475',
The above prices include felt �
or cork insoles
Long Rubber. Boofs for Won1
en .and Children at low price
as` follows: _
Women's sizes 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7,
very nice quality $2.75
Misses' sizes xI, 12, 23, 2 and 2
for $2.15 per pair
Men's Rubbers in sizes 6, 7, 8, Children's sizes 6, 7, 8, g, io and
9, io and II $1.25 per pair io-1-for ' $1.95 per pair 1
e Phone 129. • Winghani, Ont. ii
Tral11millwllm i1iwiill■111x111■11111111mwsIII■I iquiIIimsIII■111.111■III■1m1111■IIIi111al11�l�1i
1 assami><s■■®nnasmis■■■■m■aiaau•masio m`
■ ■
ThursdayNs Frida Saturday
1 ■
• Blue Overcoats •.
11. 100 Men's and young Mens' Blue Overcoats it
. 2;50` sale special •
■ f
By the death of Mr. Roderick Mac -
Charles, which occurred at his home
on Friday ;morning last, Lucknow
lost one of its most esteemed cit-
izens . Mr. Mac Charles had been
ill.: for some time, and having suffer-
ed a slight stroke of paralysis a few
years ago was unable to cope success-
fully with his illness. - He was 73
years of age. Before moving to Luck -
now, eighteen years ago, he lived at
Lochalsh. The funeral, which was
largely attended, was held on Mon-
day afternoon to Greenhill Cemetery.
Rey .C. H. MacDonald, of Presby-
terian church, conducted the ser•vibc
Mr. Mac Charles is survived by his'
wife, formerly Jessie MacKenzie, also',
one daughter, Mrs. N. D. MacKenzie,
and three sons, Donald, Potcher and
Duncanreall of Lucknow ;also a bro-
ther at Leamington.
Mrs Allan MacLennan and Mrs.
Grace MacRae are back to town af-
ter visiting with friends in Flint, De-
troit and Port Huron;,
Mrs, Patterson of Vancouver, who
visited with her daughter, Mrs Win.
MacKenzie file past. month, returned
to Vancouver this eek,
Miss Day of Teeswater, spent a few
days with her cousin, Miss Mary Alt-
fMrs. T of North Hut-- Class 2 —, Posible total --600.
been halidayint, with Mr. and The Conservatives
imeet on Tuesda Nov. 9th,Charlie Mathers 457, Irene War -
Galbraith. on will,ince Y, ,
I la,
Elmer Sellers
Messrs Jack and Junes 'Craig spent, i n Memorial Hall at z p.m, forthe ,Fele 457, 443,
, ' .. ,i: t� to Goll o *(Stanley Mustard 243.
Sunday with Mr, 1`Iarry Reid at Mt purpose of nominating. a candidate 34 , r5
Forest, Econtest the riding on Dec, tst for the
,and Mrs.' Thos. Strong were in, Legislatttre.
Wrn#,lia �h - tri 11'rida on business. Anniversary services were held In
Sr. 1st —•• Possible total —400.
Wilfred Nichol 314,
Jr.. 1st,— Possible total :400.
United Church on Snap;Margaret Turvcy 362, Isabel Thynne
St. Andrew's
day, g gat Large °..e con -ra ations were 358,. *Irene Antent 232, •
i — Ros`s TurveIsabell
present at both services. 'rev: Stan- Primer y,
The and supper : held Sander ley Owen,. of Stratford was the preach- Mustard,, Dorothy Stewart, I
In honor of her Inarirage, which is
to Make place shortly, Miss Rebek c i
Campbell, was given a silver shower
at the home of Mrs, Jos, Agnew. Miss
May Davison also gave a miscell-
aneous shower,'
Mr. J McNabb S and family have
moved into their home, formerly
owned by Miss Campbell.
About twenty-five Guildites motor-
ed` to Teeswater Monday evening,
where they were entertained by 'the
Guildites there.
200 New Smart Style 'Suits
for boys in all wool Tweeds,
Long Pants and Bloomers, two
and three piece suits Iess 20%.
, 300 Forsyth Fine Shirts, sale ■
includes our entire stock, plain ■
colors and broadcloths in the IN
best cloth, sizes x41 tor7.j-. Spe-
cial sale less 20%.•
' ■
Sole agency for 'the famous
Barriecloth Overcoats for Win-
ter wear. The heaviest coat
made formen for driving and,
a coat that takes the place of a
Fur Coat is here for your in-
spection. Special Price $32.5o
` for this week.
We sell for Wingham Car-
hartt's_ Famous Overalls, stand-
ard price $2.5o, ,every garment
Bargains . in all Men's and.
Bbys' Wear: for Ten Days make''''
this your Clothing Centre. Pric-
es lowest in town always. ■
s■■ samma■■■mwsmaswias■■`■■■■■■■■■■■■■r
Quite a number from here attdn
from the -United Church went to St.
Helens, where they put on the reg
athe Society,
weekly program of y
Mrs. Hugh A ;.Anderson and babe,
of Buffalo, also Mrs. Will Shawl and
children of Toronto, returned to,their
homes, after visiting `with their mother
for the past two weeks.
Mr, and Mrs. Will Falconer and Er-
nest, of Bluevale, spent Sunday,rwith
Mr and Mrs. John Falconer on Sun-
day. '
Quite a number v from here atten-
ded Brick Antiiversary services on
W, E, VauVelsor has taken over the
Bead Business recently conducted. by
.fit :
Mr, Win, . 'Robinson, First supply
expected on Friday, Nov. 5th,
The following is the report of the
ptipil's standing in' school' section No.
3, West Waw anosh for the months of
September and October.
Pass 66e4; honours 75%.
Sr. 4th — Donald, McDonald 63,
Florence Cranston 36.
Jr .4th John Foran 831I, Willie
Ptirdon 74, Charlie Durnitt 45, Harold
Fowler 41. rt
Sr. 211d Jean Pardon 54
Jr. 2nd Joe Foran 59, E1wo d
Fowler 57•
Sr. ist Isla. Fowler 63, Ern(
Dtirttiin 6x;
i ... ,`
Prt ver Robert McAllister 67,
Number on roll 1
:lull Attendance Donald McDon-
ald, John Foran,
Archie TX11 eKinney5