HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1926-11-08, Page 3or
Outtilag Afternoutt
0 for p1 faith that will not shrink.,
.•1Tj6u1pressed by, ma.ny..a. foe;
not tremble on the brink
L poverty or woe.
Lord, gove me such faith as this,'
And then, whate'er may come,
I taste even now the hallowed bliss
Of an eternal home. • •
W H .Bathurst
with the ancient people that they tha.t
Help us to learn from Thy dealings
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The city of Jericho was the Icey of
Palestine . It lay about seven miles
west of the Jordan and commanded
the entrance of the man passes into
the promised land. The city' was very
01 dand strongly walled. How to
take it was the military problem of
that day. When Joshua set his face
towards the taking of the tstronghold
the Lord told him it was already sub-
dued. "1 haye given into thine hand
Jerieho; and tke king, thereof, and the
inighty men of valor" He was then
directed how to proceed." No tren-
ches were to be dug, no battering
rams placed nor military preparations
whatever were to be made. The
ark of God was to. be carried by the to the messengers Joshua had sent to
priests round the city, once a day for
six succeeding days ,and seven times
on the seventh day. They were to
be attended by the men of war walk-
ing silently' all theWhile, but the
priests were to blow with ram's' horns. !strength or spirit to resist the on -
That was the whole program of at- 1 siaught of the children of Israel.
tack. God appointed atis way to 1 Gates of brass and bars of iron can -
make bare once again his own al- not starid before the God of Israel
mighty arm to encoruage the child (Isa. 452). '
nfusion "The Israelites, perhaps, when
put their trust in Thee shall never be
p,ut to shame, but they that defy Thee
shall be utterly destroyed. Amer'.
S. S. I.,eason'FOR NOV. 7th 1926
Lesson Title -The Fall of Jericho.
Less° n Passage -Joshua 6:x0 -2o. ...
Text -I John 5:4..
'Whei all the kings of the Amor-
ites, which were on the side of Jordan
• ren of Israel andto pt to
d they had taken Jerich,o, a large and
ThursdaY, November 4th, 1926
first occasion of their being surround -
ea ,but they must go...round thirteen
times. They were •kept waiting pa-
tiently God's time for action. No
doubt the people within the city were
amoused at the ochl procession and
scoffed at their methods of attack.
But a mighty shout was heard, a
cry to heaven fo rhelp, and the walls
fell flax and the Lord had given the
city int oche hands of his people.
As God instructed IVIoses how the
cityw as to be taken, so he gave them
direction what was to be done with it
and its inhabitants. The city and
all there were within, excepting Ra-
ha.b and her people were to be de-
stroyed. Rahab had shown kindness
view the land an din return kindness
Was shown to her and hers.
The sudden fall of the wall, no
doubt, killed many and threw, the rest
into a• panic so that 'alb* had no
Rev. gr. Craik of Gorrie preached ---*
delivered two excellent sermons. Mr. spent a couple of days last week vis -
in the United church last Sunday, and,; Mr, Parker Smeltzer of Guelph,
Craik 'will be welcome back at any iting his mother. .
fnture date,
d Mrs Eigene McDonald of
s, Walk in the open air,
2. Keep a contented mind.
Mr. 3 Breathe deeply of pure air.
• mr, Robirison and family left .Winghami were Visitors at Mr. and 4, Enjoy innocent amusements,
for Goderich on Monday where they Mrs _Andrew 1-101mes's on Stinda3/'. 5. Get plenty of sleep each night.
intend to spend the winter • 1 Miss Gra.ce Coulter of Listowel is r 6. Give "body and soul plenty of
Mr. John Davidson and daughter • spending a week with her grand-'
just enough of it.
8. A$sociate with companions -who
will benefit you. '
9, Give your body plenty of pure
water, outside and inside.
so. Do unto others as, you wish
them. to do unto you.
May, left for Stratford .on Monday, mother, Mrs. Snell. - 7'. Eat plain, healthful food, aria
Mrs. John Harris, who has been :Helens' spent the week end at his
under the Dr.'s care still continues home here.
very poorly , IVIr. William Taylor and mother,
Mrs, Lou Walker is at present 'Nis- and Miss Sharpin of Salem, were viS-
iting friends in Toronto. _ litors at Mr .and • Mrs. Len Elliott's
Rev. Mr., Scobie of Belgrave will last week.
take charge of the preparatory ser- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Armstrong of
vice on Friday eve of this week. The Detroit, were visitors at the latter's
Sacrament service next Surtclay in sister, Mrs .Charles Elliott this week.
the United church here. 1 Mr. Eldon McKinney of London
FORDWICH • '1 Mr. and Mrs. R .Shaw ,and Miss
been awarded a Carter. scholarship, Robt. Nicholson's at Belgrave on Sun -
to visit with friends, Mr, Archie 1VIcKinney, near St.
Ca.nnaanites, which were by the sea,ithei renemies Thus bys, ai ,
westward, and all the kings of
up the
not by force were the walls of Jericho
heard,that the Lord had dried
waters of Jordan 1 from before•the made to fall.
children of Israel; until they were i The faith, obedience and patience
passed over ,their heart melted, neith-lof the children of Israel were tested
er was the spirit in them any morel by the plan Joshua laid before them
because of the children of Israe. Now as the one he had been directed to
• Jericho was straitly shut up, because' follow in the taking of that strongly
of the children of Israel; none went fortified city. God could have caused
one ,and none came*." the walls of Jericho to fall on the
YOUR, HOUSE IS WORTH FROM' $7.00 to $15.o0.
By producing this 'coupon at our agent's store on dates men-
tioned, you will be given an EXTRA PAIR OF TROUSERS OF
COST, thereby saving $7.00 to $15.o.
The special representative from the BERGER TAILORING
COMPANY LIMITED, makers of "Clothes of Quality" will be at
this store on '
ues. November
Suits - Topcoats - Overcoats
Tailored to you indivi dual measures.
$20.00 to $55.00
Comet Take advantage of this great special value. Hundreds
of Fall and Winter Suitings and Overcoatings to select from, Smart
styles', beautiful new patterns and shades, see them!
Order yonr suit or overcoat here on Tuesday, November gth,
Get guaranteed satisfaction in made -to -measure clothes. This is the
greatest opportunity of the season. Take advantage of it while you
have the chance. , , -41
well built city, hoped they shoul
have that for their headquarters; but
God will have them yet fo dwell in
tents, and therefore fires this nest,
lest they should nestle in it. All the
silver and gold, arid all those vessels
which were capable of being purified
by fire, were brought into the treas-
ury of the house -of the Lord; not that
He needed it, but would be honored
-by it . The God that -gave the victory
might demand the , spoil." (Mathew
In 1832. Charles' Darwin, the most
celebrated naturalist in the world, on
a trip round the world called at Tierra
Idel 'Fuego on the„South American
, coast . He said he never saw such
people. They were such savages
that he consiared them beyond the
reach of civilization. One day a lit;
tle babe was found lying ,on the
streets of Bristol. The day on which
it was found, by a coristable, was St.
Thomas's day; so the infant was cal-
led Thomas, and, having been found
in a place which lay between the brid-
, ges of,the city, the name Bridges was
Iadded. Thomas Bridges was placed
in a workhouse .When he grew to
manhood he offered himself to the
Church Missionary Soc\iety and was
sent as a missionary to South Ameri-
ca He went among the very people
Darwin had declared to be incapable
----'' ' was home over the week end.
Miss Lenora 13eeswetherick has Bernice, were visitors at Mr .and Mrs,
having obtained the highest aggregate day.
number of marks on not more than The Young People of the 'United
ten papers of the 1926" June Upper i Church were entertained by the young
School Examinadons in the County people of the Wingharn United church
of Wellington. 1 at a Hallow,e'en social on Monday
Miss Kate Stfong is home from To- II evening and all enjoyed a good time.,
ronto for ta few days. '' L A masquerade Hallowe'en social was
I ,
Messrs Alvin Denny; C. M. Bryans held in the United church oh Friday
and E. E. Denny, we're in Stratford: evening last . About a hundred and
Thursday afternoon on business . fifty being present, and all report a
Mr. 'Harry Akins was home over good time. „ •
the week end. 1 Mrs. Thos. Coulter is leaving this
Mr: --and Mrs E .E .Denny, and son week for Toronto where she is going
Teddy, spent the week -end with their to spend the winter with her daugh-
riends in Harriston. ter, Miss Mabel. She will be greatly
Mr .and Mrs. Dewitt Strong are missed by the village people. ,
visiting the latter's parents; Mr. and Mr .and Mrs .Bob .Bosman and son
Mrs. Geo. Hargrave. "1' of Leamington, are visiting his par-
____- I ents, Mr .and Mrs. L. H. Bosman.
The hunting season for territory
north and west of the French and
Mattawa Rivers is open from Octo-
ber 25th until Noveml?er soth. For Mr. Smith -
the district lying' south of that only1 Dear Editor - I am writing you a
„from November 5th until Novernber few lines for my . Mother, Mrs. Ea
2oth. Last year 1,291 moose and 17,- James. Mother wishes to thank you
634 deer licenses wee issued to for your promptness in sending her
residents' and 1,581 licenses to non-1"The Wingham Advance Times." We
residents. This means that over iall enjoy ityery rnuch, and appreciate
$131,000 was received for the deer and your kinaness in sending it so _prompt -
moose licenses alone, while the rev- ly each week . It conies as a good
' of 11 1 tt --- om a friend. In and near
Mill1r0, Wroxoter
• 1.1)
It •
111 IMIN...01=11.0011MOIMPINSOIMEO
Husband Follows 'Wife
Mr, E. Snell, father of Mrs, Leon-
ard and. Mrs. Anson Rutton, is ser.
iously ill at his home neat ja.mestown,
Tke ittembers of the )1.0sior League
had a very- enjoyable social in the
church .schoolroom recently. .
Rev. Mr. Armstrong preached two
excellent Sernions the United
church last Sunday. At the even-
ing Service, the sermon was Illustrate&
with lantern views . A large crowd,
Mr. Robt. White is on the.sick"
Mr. and Mrs. E. Butcher of Burling-
ton, visited at the home of Mr and,
Mrs. Hilton Ashton recently.
Rey Craik will preach anniversary'
The death of Mr .Stephen L. King day.
sermons at Ethel church next Sun -
of Turnberry, was quite a shock to Hear Rev. Duncan Guest at both4
the community. Only a few days be- services,.vett Sunday, Nov,. 7th -At
fore, his wife was buried, and tills sia.m.-2,The Spirit of Thanksgiving,t;
no doubt hastened Mr. King's death, At --Armistice Service -The
be- 'Blessing of Peace. "Lest We Forget."
as he had a stroke a short time
fore, but was able to be about the 18
house. He was resting on a couch
Thursday, evening when the end came
suddenly. Mr. King will be missed
in the community where he had re-
sided for a long time, as lie was a
1885-0 Abby Ave.
Cleveland, Ohio.
The week of preaching services was
very successful.
Come to the Senior League Friday
night .' It will be musical night. A
good obliging neighbor. The funeral Mr and Mrs.. J, Grainger of Moles -
to the Wroxeter Cemetery was lar- worth intend locating in Gorrie for a.
gely attended. The family have the few months,
Mrs .E Tremble and Mr. John
sympathy of the neighborhood in.
their double bereavement. Tremble returned to Winnipeg recent -
How to Store Gladioli - 'ly, after visiting with relatives in this
vicinity for a few weeks.
leaves of the Gladioli, dig up the The popular Thanksgiving Supper
As soon as the frost has killled the
bulbs, shake off the earth, arid let w
Monday night, Nov. 8th, from 5.30
ill be held in Gorfie church next
them dry for a day, then remove the
to 8 p.m, followed by excellent con -
tops and store them in a dry cellar or
frost -proof building. They will cert. Come early.
Rev. Mr. and Mrs. McKenzie . of
Belmore visited at the parsonage re -
of civi
in peril of his lifeas he, learned their
Every day he live
- Oh yes, she certainly misses her
enue from licenses for all in
ds shooting was over $402,000. The hun-Wingham Mother is greatly interested
roon. The evening was spent ni
ting season, besides being a revenue iin the news the paper brings. She
social chat, music dancing and cards.
cl' some time with my farn-
winter well wherever onions will
keep . If you have many bulbs to
store, put them in shallow trays made Rev. Mr Craik will return to, his
former charge to conduct Ariniver-
of lathes and place the latter one
sary services, Sunday, Nov. s4th. Rev -
above another, leaving an inch of
space betweenqhe bottom of one and
A E. Farr of London will preach at
the top of the next. Gorrie and Orange Hill the same day-
, t
Wedding Reception
On Wednesday, a goodly crowd of
so° or more, gathered at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. William A. McCall
Morris, township, for i' a reception in
honor of Mr. and Mrs. Archie J.
young, who were married that after -
producer for the government, pros, lis p
ides an added income for sporting 1.19; in Cleveland, Ohio. Mother wish -
and out -fitting establishments. It es me to tell you •she is quite happy
as learned that the initial expense I and enjoying herself.
Mother has been very well:and has
been to Sunday school and clnirc
service every Sunday since she Came
for equipment, including boots an
rifle is about $100 for each hunter.
Upon instructions from g
oVerflment, Provincial Officer Phippen sent many very good neighbors and the
away a number of guns and rifles splendid friends of Wingham, but says
which he had taken front the differ- , to tell you she has met very kind
ent law breakers from time to time.1people here and to be sure and tell
Each one of these guns figured in you she has been enjoying the fresh
some crime with the exception of two ripe strawberries and red raspberries
which were tlitinght dangerous to be ;with cream and sugar for breakfast
fl • the months of September and
queer vocal sounds and creatd ae
language for them He translated
part of the story of the Saviour's life
and got the people t oread it. They
were through his efforts civilized and
christianized, and the matter -being
brought to the attention of Darwin he
instantly subscribed to the funds of
the Missionary Society, one of whose left with their owners. ses
e agents had wrought, under God, such
and guns have been in his possession I October. We have in our garden the
a stupendous change. The Englisu, for a number of years. , lEverbearing Strawberry Vines and
1 the Ever'bearing Red Raspberry
A tasty lunch was served in the host-
ess's best style Mr. and Mrs. Young
will reside on the groom's fine farm.
Among guests from Brussels, who
attended were Mr. and Mrs. George
McCall and Miss Verna, and Mr. and
Mrs .T C. McCall . The party dis-
persed in the wee sma' hours of the
morning, wishing the bride and the
groorn many happy proiperous years.
Admiralty had issued orders that that
part of the coast was pot to be ap-
proached by their • ships; hearing of
the change that had taken place, the
orders were recalled, ships were al-
lowed to visit and to trade there.
"Fly aproad, thou Mighty gospel,
Win and conquer, never cease;
May thy lasting, wide dominion'
Multiply and still increase.
Sway thy sceptre
Saviour, all die world around.
1) Joseph Parker.
Robert Aitken.
ni 1.6 inch long, for sale, consists oi amarack,-Hem oc ,
ri Price $3.25 per cord deliverel in Winginun
I in 3 or 6 cord lots, Cash on delivery.,
Mr. Frank Scott, Bluevale, receiv- ibushes. 1 picked them Monday, Oct-
ed a telegram stating that his sister i ober 25th and we had them for lunch,
at Sault Ste Marie, had passed awaY• , The strawberries we had for breakfast
She had been in poor health for some on Tuesday',October 26th had lots on
autiiminiuminllumnamtisimpsliInhoetbruipsehnes,nao'nwd.vines yet, but they may
IP.I We haVe had a lot of rain lately.
en inter .To -day was a fine day: but quite cold,
111 so we have had a little fire in the fur-
= %
i , gl.
al nace all day.
Wroxeter and Belmore News;got
into quite a mix up recently. The
Belmore Women's Institute are not
lucky ,endugh to have a. Mrs. Arm-
strong td invite them in, or a Dr,
MacLeod to address the meeting, but
they ca.n put tip eggs for donation.
Those who attendeck the 'funeral of
T B. Aitken of Tees-Oater, Wednes-
day, were. Mr ,and Mrs. Peter Hack-
ne Mr. ,aad Mrs. Wm, Mundell, and
Maple, Beech, Birch, Elm, etc.
ry, souna,
Kindlin Blocks, 16 in., at $3.25 II
George Rutheford has finished his
;work at WhiclSor.
'Nurse McKee of New York, spent
,Sunday with her sister, Mrs. George
Elders and managers of .the Union
'Clittrch attended a meeting at Walker-
ton. on Thursday evening.isi•
t .s in the village lately were
'Mrs. Thomas Walker is spending a.
month with friends in Toronto and'.
• Mrs .Robt. Hunter, Mrs. R. Stocks„
and Mr .Lloyd Hupfer,where in Tor-
onto last week. •
Thomas Hoperaft and family spent.
the week end in Woodbridge: ./
Mrs .(Dr.) Woods of Tottenham is:
visiting her father, W. A. Rutherford.
Mr. and Mrs .Albert Hopkins of;
Meaford, spent Sunday with Mr. and.
Mr.; T. W. Henry. Mrs. Hopkins is.
a sister of Mrs .Henry.
The Wroxeter Continuation SchooV.
held a Hallowe'en party in the town.
hall on Friday night . There was a
good crowd of pupils and ex -pupils,,
who enjoyed the games, among which
was a "Mock Wedding," after which
lunch was served . A dance was put
on till one o'clock. The School has.
organized a Literary Society among
the pupils.
The members of St. James Anglica.rr
Church have purchased the Methodist,
Church, which has been vacant .since
Union took place. The building is,
of brick, situated on Centre Street; a
nice comfortable church . The An-
glicans will likely dispose of their
property, which is a frame building
in good repair, with two good lots,.
on Queen street.
Unscrupulous Finders Punished
Last June' a leather club bag was
found on a road in Elma Township.
There was a tag bearing the owner's
name attached to the bag, but the
finder did not return the bag to
the owner, nor did he advertise the
find. Instead, he kept the club bag
arid divided the contents with another
party. Constable Wilson was
put on the case, and this week he
was successful in clearing up the
case and brought the culprits be-
fore Magistrate T. L .Ha,milton on
Wednesday . Froin the finder he
recovered the ChM bag, some of the
contents, and restitution for the bal-
ance. Magistrate Hamilton found the
finder of the bag guilty and gave 'a
sentence of a $25 fine or 3o days in
jail. The guilty man paid the fine. -
Listowel Banner.
NI The weather is quite cold to -night.
l'We may have a little frost, but have
fi -a,i had none here yet this fall. "Our fall
= YOU NEED OVERSHOES P. , ful. May spoil now: I must tell
Wo. account of "The 25th Anniversary of
111 I Wingham United Church." "Her
E---' We have them for Men,
- men and Children.; -
flowers have been and are yet beauti-
!IF AND RUBBERS •'a you Mother was so pleased with your
ITI Church." Mother sends kindest
I - ..--,Iwishes to her rhany friends and loves
= Men's 4 buckle Overshoes...$4.25 P_
- Women's 2 strap and 2 buck- a
- to get letters from them.
Mr. and Mrs.' Eldon. Petertnan of
ne inch IVIaple Lumber on hand at $15,00
c il McNeil at Mr. Mc -
2 Wingharn, at Mrs. Peterman's, Mr.
WI• per M. at mill or will deliver at cost' extra. to farm-
ers, poultrymen, etc, Splendid for flooring on
- 4 RI
" top of cement or for linirig tip inside
an •
Neils, also friends from Kincardine at
George Herd's.'t
Winter will soon be upon us again,
11 11 be sneezing and cough-
le galoshes at ------------$3.75
rd Misses' 4 buckle Overshoes
- They are made from wool Oct. 26th, 1926.
Thanking yoti, again
I am sincerely,
Mrs. J .A. Caspell
it cloth water roof and guaran-
it- teed fast colors, cheaper grades 1.1!
= will fade out. a
= ren's Rubbers in all sizes. i-
!I sTi
A Overcoats, Sweaters, Under- E ----
hig. We wish to tha.nk Timothy for
tibsOn unktner tolcier il where to go for Goose Grease and Daey's Store:- °r
w Poi _11 Arviiii • those old time cures We in know -1.11
511111111111411101411110111110111111111i11111111111111111111111111111111110111111111.11101, 111111111111111111111111111111111)11111111
IVIen's, Women's and Child-
Pony Contest
I. Preston Lediett,
2. Geo. Beattie
4 Mary Plingston.
3, Harry Brawley.
5. Carl McKay.
• till room for a boy
s =
wear. We keep Penman's
fani:Itzlwho have not previously been
ons 95 Fleece lined for boys at
= 75c each.
Have you taken advantage. of -I.5
-6: our 'SATURDAY SOAP SALE li-1
Something special. . IITI
ill =
We want Fresh Eggs and
--2-.- Cream. N.
• .,-...
- •
-......-_. .i.,,_
'T. •
or girl
Fall Assizes Next Tuesday
Beside the murder case in which
Miss Kate Hardman is the defendant,
the Fall Assizes which open in -Walk-
erton before Mr. Justice Logic, an
Tuesday next, will be featured with
two civil cases. For the jury sitt-
ings the action of A. B. and Margaret
Warder of Wi;,.rton to recover dam-
ages for alleged libel against the Can-
adian Echo, and Mr. E .A. Duncan,
publisher, of that towa, will be heard.
The plantiffs, who contend that, in the
issue of the 28th of January, 1926, the
Canadian Echo reflected upon the
manner in which they conducted
a pool room and dance will be
represented by Mr. F .G. MacKay of
Owen Sound Counsel for the -de-
fendant will be Mr. J. Carlyle Moore
of Wiarton, A case for the non -jury
sittings will 'be that which was ad-
journed at the Spring Assizes. 'Vie
plaintiff, John Edmund, Crawford, of
the township of Arian, is asking the
Judge to direct that an agreement
entered into by hint with his father,
'Who died April, 1923, which implied
that certain property was to be con-
veyed to him, the plantiff, be carried
ut Two sisters of the plaiatiff,
AUCTION SALE -Saturday, Nov.
Isth, on premises of late Wm. Stin-
son, Gorrie; consisting of House-
hold furniture and chattels, Chevro-
let car, also farm, consisting. of 150,
acres adjoining Gorrie. --- L. II.
Stinson, and P. Walker, Execs.
• Village Clerk
Issuer of Marriage Licences
The law now requires the license be
taken out three days 'before the cere-
Subscription taken for the
Advance -Times.
Clubbing ra+es given
Having disposed of my business to
Mr John Douglas, I wish to thank
my many customers for their patron-
age hi the past, and solicit a contia-
uance of same for him. ,
All aecounts, noteS, ete., are payable
' 1 it not settled by Islov.
DR. H. A„. Attl.ITTON
Graduate of Royal College of Dental
Surgeons of Ontario
Graduate of University of Toronto
At Fordwich Tuesday and Thursdar
At Gorrie the rest of the week.
Ditector of Pntieral Services
Motor Hearse or Carriage, *MAP
ever Is tequired.
Phone x6
Pordwicit, Ontario
Georgina latrines and Pearl Ctirrie, Licensed Auctioneer for the Cotintititt
-- fat pork, but where ate we geitig I_ 11.- 2° 9 4, .411 11 f the Townships of Arran arid Elder.:, Of lidrot. VV'ellington
Phone 30 Wroxeter I. got the old d'woolen sock for ot.tr Wroxeter, Ohtatits I ge8PectfUlly Yotirg slie respectively' are tile defendants.- i'ho.tie x9 I
ti 1 2v W•ta .,e o
it is silk
to W. A .atrin:81roizi) W'allterton Telescope, , Or PStteraort's Hardware Stor
thr0A' a8 a t1iess' daY's' iilltilli1111101111111111111111111111111111111111100111
. Mil
•• •
, • ,