HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1926-11-08, Page 2WINGHAVM ADVANCE=TIMES ..111114.00 Bargains For Everybody ! Men's Cashmere Socks—Sizes 10, 101, 11. Regular 50c line 39c pair, 3 pair for $1.00. SPECK LS — For — EN AND, BOYS Men's. Caps EXTRA SPECIAL 98 regular up to $i.75, each ......__. , c' MEN'S Winter Caps 1.00 With Turndown Storm Flap BOYS' • inter Caps Sarne quality as the men's 7a c good quality tweed . Leather Mitts Lined or unlined, real value 40c SaM1 Dayi Thursday •. Friday Saturday NOVEMBER a 4th, 5th & 6th .-0 M1.0411100 Thursday, Novembe 4t11, x926 :sans S�v�rigs` For''You Boys' All Wool Jerseys - Good weight, open neck with Polo collars, siz, s up to '32, and lots of colors, extra at 98c each. ownw.w.ruwor awomma.:o oro owwoembomwmiwolmorm.mk0 4. 3 BIG , ry r;* ' r DAYSpp N Heavy Wool Socks �3c ,pair L001•00111211.0 Record ,;1 "Round -up" time is a big event 'on the ranch it means searching far and wide for live -stock, then branding, shipping to market, etc. The Big November • "Round -pp" 'Sale In this store is, a result of our having "Round- ed -up'' super -values\ for you — Get your E, .share during these 3 Big Days.. Breaking .Sale. PERFUME ,. 2 for 5c 1 POUCH BAGS, Solid lea- ther 89c WOOL MITTS for Child- ren 24c pair CUCKOO STYLE CLOCK at 59e WOMEN'S UMBRELLAS, Worth $1.75 for 98c Women's SEAMLESS WOOL GLOVES ....49c pr. - HANDKERCHIEFS, Real Fancy ..... 9c each ' Remitted Sheets, Double Bed size......, .98e each MEN'S GLOVES, all wool at 49c :pair EAUTY BATH ' SOAP, at ... ....... ..... 5c cake PURE LINEN TOWEL 27c each MEN'S MUFFLERS, Ext- ra value • 98e, BIG D ft Boys' Cowboy Mitts With large cuff and • fringe, Black or Brown. Buy them at per ''.,. 50c. MEN'S L Flette Pyjamas y, Regular $2.00, P pair pair 1 .59 Flette Night Gowns Full fitters, regular '$x.so 9 X29 VanHuesen Collars Half Price 25c each - Fancy Checked SOX ;SIL'X IWOOL, SILKILISLE 5a Very special, per pair ..:_. ._ a� Heavy' Fleece Shirts and Drawers Sizes up 'to 44, per garment 79 `, Penrnan's Pure Wool SHIRTS OR DRAWERS Heavy rib, ,garment w: Gordon Shirts For Men Cxuaranteed colors, all sizes •9b$ 1 ar fa Women's Flannelette. Gowns HightC°I' at 89c DAG HORN'S SPECIAL YARN in stock at ".... .29c a skein 7 Piece Water Set Consisting o'f. o ne Pitcher and six Tumblers, in a'good quality nC glass, per set CPI BOXED HANDKERCHIEFS —Any box in the store Half Price 36 'Inch Special Black Duchess .All Wool €repel. Regular up to $2.50 a'yard, Checked A Real Bargain at • ` s $1.39 yard patterns, $ig Sale Prfce, �. .. Per yard `f'`J' STAPLES AT THE LOWEST PRICES IN YEARS Colored Dimity Worth 25c yard anywhere, '' �p 9 C our price, per yard .. .._ 3l a-7 Scotch Gingharns All our 2gc, and 35c quality go at this price, yd. 25c Underwear Crepes Plain or fancy, per yard 2 5 �, HEAVY CABLE MARQUISETTE Special for this week -end 45 C at per yard EXTRA HEAVY , GREY COTTON Regular 27c line, at per s� yard :' 23 c SUPBERB CAMBRIC tor Lingerie 29c a yard smow•Wookamomnanummwooftnimmaus YAMA CLOTH For Pyjaena4, etc., at per, "32 c yard Heavy .Right Bath Towels Special at this Bigg Three *'7'[l c, Days, per pair /, e� ecoid Breaking Sale son for Three - 3 -.: ��� �lS COME 200 Yds. ,Gingham 27 inches wide, colors, guar -1,25c anteed, 2 yards for . BEST QUALITY CANADIAN Prints 25c yd: • 36 In. GreyCottoin ! . LADIES , ti I ININTER,I Regular 25c value, for per 15'c yard . COLORED STRIP • —gOATS , I BED SPREADS Large size, Big Three 1 •9 e Days,,,at Clearing lines, I See them. at 5 owswn•.Dwo.mo. trwowd.im.oai. Pillow Cotton Reduced Regular 49c, for 3gc yd. Regular 5gc, for 49c yd Regular 65c, for _:_ 59e yd. All widths at each price. Every Article `'Here Listed Is Absolutely FIRSTUAL � IT'S': Standard Shirting Specially reduced per yard to5c Khaki DENIM Regular 500 and 6oc line 3(� c Clearing at „. White Bed Spl'eads Size 72 X, 84 Clearing 2 1(] at •7 o Macjeria Serviettes Good Designs, each 25c at i' RGAIN$ -- For Women&Children Brushed Wool TOQUES For Boys or–Girls, Special2a7 C. pp each at JUMBOKNIT TOQUE For Women or Girls, White, Camel, Red„ regular $x.00, • 79 C for _ ......:._. I Knitted • Woo; SUITS For Children 4 pieces, Sweaters, Olalls, Toque, Mitts, colors White,, Cardinal, Cannel, 3.50 3.75 4.00 22, 24 26 Worsted Hose .All sizes in stock, priced at from 390 to 69c per pair. minnownmemommidwomor Rib Cotton Hose '211 Rib Heavy Cotton, worthi� '40C pair, all sizes at ` :_ °� BIG CHIEF Buy this. Hose for hard wear Act sizes 6 to Ix, per pair `* Wid Rib Top Silk & WoolHose Women! see this line, very 89c special at per pair •7 'LADIES': Broadcloth Slips Pink, Sand, Black, Navy, 1 19 White, Peach, very special ; • ,. ODD LINES ...Of... Ladies' & Children's Underwear Clearing at from 2s% to 5o% re- ductions oliawimilmwommoiliwommaponimmomowelowwwwwilmweiniewwwww Ladies' Scarfs Odd utiles 'Worth $$,5o, clear' 1 95