The Wingham Advance Times, 1926-11-08, Page 1....",j,`,if „...„,::,,..",..;';' „4„,,r, ,,,,,,,77r,..„ ..„ ,17,7„ ,r4,71,Tivr-,71,-,,,,,-1,-;riV,,rj"-,'V'''',:',',1 " '" • - . 01 , k • • • . • . , , ,.• • • I. -t• a •
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With which is anialgamated The Gorile %/Melte,' and The Wroxeter News
Single Copies, Five Cents.
Subscriptions $zoo per year.
Only regular monthly business was
transacted at the Wingliant Council
!meeting held on Monday night. May-
or Fells presided, and the others tires-
enf were Reeve McKibbon, Councill-
ors Spotton, Hanna, Wilkinson, Iian-
ey and Elliott. Mr. Spotton report-
ed that the fence at the cemetery was,
• almost completed. ,Mr .Robert Vint
is doing the work. Mr. Spotton
commended &at a well be drilled in
ithe cemetery and that the new pert of
..the cemetery be kept more level and
that the graves be raised no higher
.than 3 inches: Owing to the late-
ness of the season it, was decidedto
not. take any d'efinite steps until next
Mr. Fells reported that the. street
..oininittee had all the flush tanks in
fairly good condition. 52 loads of
•gravel -4 had been put on the streets
during, the, month ef October .
Bylaw No. 969, a bylaw ,to prepare
?for the coming municipal election, was
• paseed and read three timed. Nom-
inations will be held on Monday ev-
ening, November 29th at 7.30 o'clock,
••and ieleetions will be held on Monday
Dec .6t1i, 192.6 The polling places
swill be as follows: . •
Ward No a --,At Robertson's gar
• 'age, Edgar Pattison D.R.O. and John
McCool, Poll •Clerk.
Ward No, .2 -- At Davidson's Im-
plement Shop, Chas. Bowden D. R.
'0., and William Robertson, Poll
• Ward No. 3 --- At town hall, Lloyd
Hingston, D.R.O. and John McDon-
ald, Poll Clerk.
ward No. 4 -- At Dorninion Ea
;press Office, Thos. Garrett D.R.O. and
• .Josepl Pugh, Poll Clerk.
Ward No. 5 --- At Watson's Groc-
rery—D 'McGill D. R. 0. and Thos.
Miller, Poll Clerk.
The polls will be open from 9 to
5 o'clock as usual.
The statutory meeting of the coun-
cil will be held on November i5th.
.Shapiro Trial to Godericln
\ The case.of Griss and Shapiro was
inagistrate Reid of Goderich, in the
1 town hall, Witighani . Mr. Griss of
:the Economy Store, Wingham, charg-
ed D. Shapiro, who had previously oc-
• cupied thiS store with fraud by ob-
taining $300 unlawfully. Mr. ThOmp•
son, owner of the store had leased
it to Shapir®, ,who occupied it for a
considerable length • of time. He
was given the privilege of taking out
'the shelving and 'to store it, and to
put in shelving to suit his business.
'The same Shelving 'had been used,
when remodelling with, new added
as gequired . Shapiro sold this shel-
ving with some other fixtures to Griss
for the said sum of $300, which
ThomPson; the owner of the store,
claims belonged to him a.nd which
Shapiro had no right to sell. ,Enotigh
evidence was given to send him down
for trial. Shapiro is out on $n000
bail, and his case will be tried in
• Goclerich at some future date, Crown
Attorney" Segar acted for the Crown,
• R. •Vanston'e, Wingham for the de-
St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church
Hold Their Anniversary Services
Anniversary Services were held jn Andrew's Presbyterian church was a
St. Andrew's Presbyterian churell'ipn great success. Following the supper
Rev. J., La splendid program was given in the
Sunday; October 3ist.
churcl3, which was much appreciated
Tolmie, ex M.P.P., of Southampton, I by a very large audience. ,A large
hag- charge of bOth morning and , choir, made up froni all the churches
enitig . services. the church was' of he town, sang some beautiful se-
be'antifullY decorated withflowers and lections, led by F. J. I -fill, choir* lead -
evergreen for the occasion. 4 large er of St. Andrew's thurch. , Solos,
, • .
Rev. M. IVE 13ennett,, B. `
3, H. Christie, Choir Leader --
Parsonage Cor. 'John and Min -
hie Streets, Phone 183.
tia.m, The rite of Baptisim
will be admirdstered. at this
morning Service.
7 p.m.—The pastor will continue
the Stinday evening ,ries of
The subject is: "A 'Tactful
Is this the most tiSeftil of all
the gifts of womanhood'?
Other stthjects to be consider-
ed are':
Nov. t4 ---A Quiet, Wornan.
Nov 21—A Society Woman,
St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Wingham.
congregation was Present both morn -
ng and evening, and Rev. Tolmie.
preached two very impressive qerm-
In spite of the very unfavorable
weather on Monday evening, the fowl
supper held in the basement of 'st:
were sung by Miss Sarah MacLean,
Mrs. Donald Rae, Chris Templeman,
Mrs. A. H. Coombs, a duet by Miss
Sarah MacLean and A .M. Forbes,
an instrumental by Miss Kate King
and a reading by Mrs. W. Hender-
Dtuation to Co..Hom •Wroxeter PeopleGrateful
The Women's Institute of Bluevalc The business people of Wroxeter
recently sent to the Huron County wish to state that they waist to
pub -
Horne a bale of clothing for the use licly thank the firemen of Wingham
of the inmates, including socks, stock- for going over aid assisting with the
ngs ,and,also some yarn for knitting. fire fighting a week ago':
The donation was much appreciated Whitechurch Anniversary Services
by the inmates and also by the Man- .
ager and Matron.
Anniversary services will be held in
- - • Whitechurch T_Tnite& church on Sun -
Conservative Convention Tuesday day, Nov. 7th. Prof. Dow of Tor -
The convention of North Huron onto will be the special preacher. On
Conservatives was called for Blyth on Monday, evening, Nov 8th, a hot, fowl
Tuesday, but owing to the fact that supper will be served. Miss Aileen
t was only advertised in the Goder- Bawden, an elocutionist of high re -
ch paper, very few in this end of the Pute will assist with the program. Ad -
riding knew anything about it. ' at mission 5o and 35 cents. ,
'Wee . therefore deemed advisable to
postpone the meeting for one week.
The Convention will be held in Blyth
on Tuesday afternoon, November 9th,
when a candidate will be nominated
to contest fhe riding in support of
Premier Ferguson's Government.
Wingham's New Club ...
Wingham can new boast of having
one of the coziest and certainly the
most handsome Club premises -in
Western Ontario. The -Club is lions:
ed in the former Bank of Commerce
Bldg., whichewaa purchased 'by Mr.
J. W. Hanna Tor'this purpose. Ex-
more dstRet have been the victims
of sneak thieving during the past
week. • A general raid was carried
out last Friday night, when' the
premises of Michael Schiestal of Cul-
ross were visited and a fat pig and
a good set of double" hartiese were
removed from th ' premises . Mr.
Schiestal was al o uni?„,latinate an
have a pig stole 1 fryn his stales
about three week go The farm
of Mr. Adam J. Darling was also vis-
ited last Friday evening 1:'hen six fine
big geese were stolen. They made
43, '
a. very quiet escape witli their booty,
as no sounds. were heard about the
place, and even the dog was not
aroused. Proceeding south the mar-
W. C .T. IJ. Hold Meeting •
The last meeting was held at the
home of Mrs. T .T Field, and took
the form of a parlor meetie".. A
most, excellent report of the anneal
convention at Hamilton was given by
•Miss Lewis, who was one of the del-
egates from Wingham • The other
delegate was Mrs. R. J. Tyndall. Both
ladies weremuch pleased with the
Wholesale Barnyard Thieving
Many of the farmers in the Bel-
The U .F 0. convention held in
the council chanibers oLthe Wingham
town hall on Tuesday afternoon was
poorly attended. It was decided net
to put a Candidate in the field at the
present time . A resolution was pass-
ed that they siipport only "a pledged
dry candidate," whether he be Liberal
or not, so long as he would pledge
himself to- support the 0.T.A,
Veteran's Notice
Veteran's Church Parade will be
held to St. • Paul's church, on Sunday
evening, Nov. 7th. • Dress optional.
.Parade at the arniouries at 6.3o p.m.
All veterans are asked to attend.
C. R. Wilkinson
Euchre and Dance
• The Loyal True Blues of Maitland
Lodge are holding a progressive eu-
chre and dance in the Forester's Hall,
Belgrave, on Friday, November 52.
Jackson Orchestra,. Admission 500.
Proceeds in aid of the Loyal True
Blue's and Orphanage Horne.
Women's Missionary Society
The regular monthly meeting of the
Women's Missionary Society of St.
Andrew's Presbyterian Church, will4be
held on Wednesday, November loth.
commencing at aa o'clock. Subject,.
"Prayer in the Life' of the Oriental
Christian will be given by Mrs. A.
Carr.' All the ladies of the congre-
gation are invited to be present.
Y. P .S. Hold Social •
pensive , alte ations decorations, and
furrtishiaigs now 5 mpleted, make it
a club pa r xcey,ence, and onethat
la be proud. of. The
all membersm
large rooon the main fibor will
make an ideal social centre, for all
occasions, and smaller rooms up-
stairs lend themselves to cards, Bill-
iards etc., ..making the whole a most
delightful spot for the tired business
man to spend an occasional everting.
All, progressive Winghamites should
become members.
Cattle Killed by Car
Four dead tattle and a badly smash-
ed car is the result of a bad motor
accident which occurred about nine ?alders called at Jas, S. . Darlings
farm on the townline, where they era,
tered his barn, and carried away •a
lot of grain bap, a valuable pipe
wrench and some •other tools. The
next call was at Wesley Tremble's, in
Howick, where they were not ao suc-
cessful. Mr. Tremble happened to
be in his stable when they called, a-
bout two o'clock on Saturday morn-
ing, attending to a sick animal, and
hearing a noise around. his 'poultry
house, he went out to ascertain the
celiac of the disturbance. The plund
erers turned their powerful flashlight
in Mr .Tremble's eyes, and then made
a bolt towards the road, and Mr.
Tremble was a little too dazzled to
give immediate chase, There were
three men in the gang. On Saturday
night the premises of Mr. Appleby,
near Gleeannon, were visited and all
his geese atolen. The proviticial pol-
ice have been notified and aaith the
clues the thieves loft, it is not expett-
ed that there wilt be much difficulty
of tovvnin rounding up the guilty parties
• There was a delightful attendance'
at the Young Peoples' League of the
Wingham United Church last Monday
evening. The girls had a great trip
to Guelph according to the story they
Hallowe'en was celebrated in a man-
ner that brought surprise and delight
to old and, young. The Hallow-
e'en chorus, Mrs: Elphie's Ghost stori.
The Fortune Telling and the splendid
music of the Orchestra made an
evening of pleesure and delight. •
A few auto loads 9f friends from
Bluevale visited the Young People's
and enjoyed the evening with them.
o'clock Tuesday evening on the biotin-
dary west, itbout three miles the other
side of Molesworth,
Harold Siegal, accompanied by
James Dick, Milton Ronalel;Tlarence
Routledgeand LIcerd,Siddall were mo-
toring to .Wingham. Tuesday night,
and were travelling at only a Mir
rate of speed, according to their story
when they ran ,Into, a herd, of ten
cattle . No one saw the cattle. until
they were only a few feet from them
sb it is thought that they must have
jest' coine on to the road front he
'Rive of the. cattle were strack, four
of them having to be killed afterwards
and the car was badly wrecked. For-
tunately the boys escaped with only
a shaking up, Several neighboring
fariners assisted the boys and they
were unable to discover the owner of
the cattle until Wednesday, when it
was found that they belonged to Ur.
Hislop, father of Mr. LawrenCe Hislop
THOMPSON' --- In Buffalo, on Oct.
25th to Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Thornp-
S'on, nee Harriett Campbell, a dau-
FORSYTHE -- In Wingham, on
Saturday, October 3oth, to Mr. and
Mrs. Alex 'Forsythe, a daughter.
-Thrown from a wagon, when his
team bolted, Roy Phippen, aged 36,
son of John Phippen, of Kearney,
was killed instantly . His wife suf-
fered minor injuries when the buggy
which she was driving ahead of ,Mr.
Phippen's team Was struck by the
latter in their wild dash, two wheels
of the buggy,being broken off and
-Ivlrs. Phippen thrown to the road.
When she learned of her husband's
death, the shock, rendered her iuncon-
scious, a condition n which she re-
mained for 24 hours.
The deceased was a nephew of Pro-
vincial Constable G. A. Phippen, of
Local and General News of
• Interest to The Community'
Did you see Greer's Ad .for Rubbers
and Rubber Prices?
Mrs. J. Peterman of Bellmore, is
visiting with relatives here.
N. Price, claims agent of the C
P. R. was in town on Thursday. •
Mrs, F .Buchanan spent a few days
visiting with relatives in Chatham.
SPECIAL --Children's Rubbers, siz-
es 3 to f &a. Price 59 cents at Greer's.
Miss Mary Carter of Wingharn
spent the week end at her home near
Dr. Hambly will be away ffom his
practise from Nov. 3 -to Nov. 2oth.
Japaar .M.wcCRo.ol.
McDowell. , •
at the home of yr. and Mrs.
Mrs. Wesley ICerr,--of Brussels, is
,,,......./ Lloyd spent the summer with rela-
tives here, and h 'returned to her
Mrs. R .G. Shoebottom and son
Hambly and Mr. George .. . ,
McKay left this morning on a hunt -
who motored up, for her on Satur-
ing trip to Frenoh. day night. TheYitr---ere accompanied
Mr and Mrs. J.' Hopireaapent the by her sister, Miss Annie Stanley, of
Ma; and Mrs Glamis. ' 1
week -end at the home o
Jas. Brayon, of Brussels. Look at the quality before you buy.
Mothers—protect your children's Buy Greer's Rubbers.
feet with Greer's Rubbers,
Mr. Alex Reid was called to Kincar-
dine on Thursday, owing to the death
of his sister,iMrs. Jos. Anderson.
Mr. Roy McLeod anda,Mr. W. G.
Akins spent the week fa' t the home
• of the latter's pareats etaFlesherton,
Mr. and Mrs John Hanna, Josephine
street, spent a couple of days in Lon-
don. F .0. Paterson, of Chicago,
who has been their guest, accompanied
them as far as London.
Thanksgiving Day will be observ-
• ed on Monday, Nov. 8th, Special ob-
servance of Armistice Day, Thurs-
day, •Nov. arth,, ha's been requested
and the people of Canada are invited
to observe a two -minute silence at
as o'clock that morning.
• .,•"• ,
home in Detroit with her)thusband,
Mrs. W. Hillmanved
of Stratford t are r ea welcomeThanksgiving
visiting with her parents, Mr. and
is it
Euchre, "Lunch Box Social,"
Mrs Wm Dore, Shuter St. ing, in the Town Hall, Teeswater, on
Mr. Harry Kerr spent the week end Monday evening, Nov. 8th, 1926. Mus -
at the home of his parents, Mr. and ic by Arthur's Radio Orchestra. Ad -
Mrs. Arthur Kerr, Brussels. mission—Gentlemen 75 cents. Ladies
Mr. and Mrs G. E. Bell of London, 35 cents.
spent the week end at Mr. and Mrs. Buy your Footwear at Greer's, and
A. W. La.wlor's, Victoria St. get Pony Votes.
Mr. and Mrs. R. Muirhead ,ar ita The Alexendria bus will not be on
ing from. Victoria St, to Mr. 14:4Van the Owen Sound-Wingham circuit for
stone's house on Francis street. the ne-xt three or four days, as it is
Mr. Gordon Cruikshanks, former4y undergoing repairs. This is the bus
of Winghaw, has purchased a half in-
terest in a barber shop at St. Thomas.
Mrs. M .Perrin, of Toronto, is vis-
iting at the homes of her sisters, Mrs.
Thos .Field and Mrs. H. Buchanan.
Mrs Alex Cloakey has returned to
her home, after visiting her sister,
Mrs. David and other friends in Lon-
Miss Jennie Stanley
troit, is visiting with h
W. J. Shoebottoni for a 4.e.v(days this
week •
S, S, No, 11, Turnberry
, SR. IV—Ada Phippen, Mary
en, Geotgena Pullen, 7e1ma Orvis.
JR. IV --Laura IVIcOcer, Eva, Dick-
son, Margaret Elliot.
R. III—Gladys Newell, Mac Grov-
es, Mildred Phippen, Viola Phippen,
Gertrude Deyell, Tl1elma Phippen.
JR. III---Ittlar4tOrvis, Howard
Baker, Maud KetA 4iline Baker, Gar-
field Finley, Beth Holloway, Marion
Robertson, Fred Finley, Bill Thom-
son, Willie McCoy, Pearl Everett.
SR, II—Stewart Ritchie, 'Fired
Horn, Henry Everett, Annie Dennis,
Agnes Nowell, Lilian Baker, Alvin
JR. TI—Gertrtide Kicks, Ted Holl-
oway, Pearl Finley, Harry Bailley
Nora Newell, Marguerite Phippen,
Austin Thomson, Willie Hunter.
1ST . CLA.SS—Xenneth Rintoul,
Stine Groves, Dorothy Phippen, Ralph
Baird, Agnes McCoy, Mary Cruiek-
shanka, Haael Orals, Lloyd Casemore,
Sim Netterfield, Wallace Griffin, Gor-
don Thomson, Adeline Baier, Stuart
Holloway, Herbert Hunter.
PRIIVIDA—Zetta, Dennis, • DISie
Melts, Velma Item Cecil Hunter,
.1,1m Newell, Vertb Caseinore.
NO. On roll, 59,
of De-
r sister, Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs Ted Bath and little
son, also Mrs. Livermore, London,
spent the week end with Alex,and Mrs'
eSloa.key. •
• The Women's Institute will hold
their annual Poppy Day, 'on Satur-
day, November 6th, in aid of the dis-
abled soldiers.
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Fixter of Wal-
laceburg are visiting at the home of
the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Fixttire.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm.C1 apman of
Seaforth ,spent the wee end at the
home of their da.ughte Mrs. A./ j.
Walker, Shuter St.
Mr. andMrs •Robt, Bosnian and
little daughter, of Leamington, are
with friends and relatives at Blue -
vale and Wingharn.
Buy your Rubbers at Greer's where
you, get only first quality.
Keep this date in mind. Saturday,
December 4th. Ladies' Aid of St.
Andrew's Presbyterian church --Baz-
aar in the council chamber.
Mr. E. Peterman of Detroit visited
at his home here. He was accompan-
ied by/ Mr. A .Crossman and Mr. A.
Henderson, also of Detroit.
Mrs. M. Copeland and daught
Margayet, have moleci from the resi-
dence of Mr A. j 4Ross to the ree/- ted church, was held in the Sunday coming to Wingham aver fifty years
denee of Mr. J. Casemore, John st School room on Friday. There was ago, and having resided here since.
Dance in the Forester's Hall, Bel- a very large attendance. Mrs. Will- She was a woman of a particular hap-
py, kind and charitable disposition, a
faithful worker in her beloved St. t
Pauls' church, and was one of the
most active and energetic members of
Fern Lodge of L.T,I3,A., of which she
had been an officer almost since its
inception, and had on several occas-
ions been a delegate to Grand Lodge.,
Her friends in and around this town
were legion . The funeral took place
on Tuesday afternoon. Revs. F. W.
Schaffter, rector of St. Pauls' and H,
Snell, of Stratford, late of Wing -
ham, officiating. The magnificent flor-
al emblems told eloquently of the
love and esteem in which she Was
held. At the grave, a lame number
of her sisters and brothers of the L.
T. B., Wingham, Btyth, Belgrave and
Ethel ;joined in performing thier last
sad rites. Mr. Shackleton and (laug-
her, 1\ifyrtle), Mrs, 3. R Misetier of
•Stratford, and members of the family
Of deceased will have the sympathy
of the cot/inutility in their bereave
• Death came with alarming sudden-
ness to one of Ripley's most popular
young men, when Robert Catinnore
lvfartyn, son of the late Angus Mar-
tyn, passed away at his home here,
at noon, Monday, Nov. 1st, the victim
of heart trouble. Deceased had not
enjoyed the best of health lately and
only a week ago arrived home from
Toronto, where he was employed, as
travelling bond salearnan for the Roy-
al Securities Corporation, 1 -le had
been around town in the forenoon and
had only been home a short time
when he expired. Funeral arrange-
ments had not been completed at the
time of writing.
Brampton. Gains Title
The Brampton Lacrosse 'ream won
their game from Weston on October
24 . They are now Champions of the
Senior Amateur Lacrosse Association,
Mr. Roy Cruikshanks, formerly of
Wingham, is one of the strong players
bn the Brampton team. The boys are
being banqueted on Thursday evening
of this week, •
Prominent Farmer Passes •
Mr. Tilos B •Aitkia, a prominent
and very highly respected farmer of
Culross, passed away last Saturday
after an illness extending over sever-
al years. Deceased was about 55
years of age, and was a noted breed-
er of Hereford cattle. He was also a
former director of the S. B. Rural
Telephone Company. • His funeral
took place on Wednesday afternoon
to the Teeswater cemetery.
Please Look at the Label •
The Advance -Times mailing list
has been corrected up to Monday,
Nov. 1st. See if your last payment
has been credited, if not, tell us at
which passed through Wingham a -
On the othe
bout 8 o'clock each ievening for God-
others who may chance tosee your
erich and r
eturns about 9 a.m. The '
aihand, don't let
once. -
paper know that you are in arrears.
other bus will continue as usual. A great may subscriptions expire this
Mr .and Mrs. Norman Shackleton month. Let us renew your daily .
and daughter Mlle of Belfast, Wm. :paper subscription, and thus save you
Shackleton of Komolea, Mrs. Thos. 50 cents on The Advance -Times, and
Maud' McCue and Miss MauCalvert of either Globe, Mail, Star, T'elegrani,
Kincardine, Mr. and Mrs.)
J. R. Mis- London Free, Press or London tadver-
ener of Stratford, apd11
, r. and Mrs.
W. J. Fleuty of Oakville, were in town
for the funeral of the late Mrs. C. D.
Belgrave L. 0. L. Entertain
The Orange Lodge of Belgrave held
a. most enjoyable time in the Forest-
,. The Listowel Choir of the -United er's Hall on Friday; evening. A large
Church, exchanged with choir of the number of people were present and
United Church, Wingham, for Sunday partook of a sumptuous Fowl Supper •
evening service. The music, with which was followed by a progragn as
special mention of the men's quartette follows: --Mr. Bert Watson made a
was much enjoyed by the congrega- capable chairman.. IVIr. Seigus, of near
tion. Lunch was served to the mem- •
, the Nile, proved himself a really clev- ,
bers of the choir by a ntunber of the
er magician, and kept the audience in
ladies y
of theoar m
clatiurceha. . • wonderland for sometime, Pleasing
repaire.d. by the instrumentals were given by Miss Mc-
New Method process at Greer's. Gregor, Miss Alberta McMurray, Mr.
Alex Bruce Sr., Mr. Frank Silverthorn
Purchased Michell Property 14)c . and Mr .Athol Bruce, while Mr. John
Mr. Hal C .MacLean has bought
Bruce, who is nearing his three score
the beautiful homeaof kr,,,‘E. J. Mitch-
and ten gave a Step dance which few
ell, on John t. Mr. Mitch -
of the younger generation could equal.
;Recitations were given by Mrs. Bert
ell and family will leave Wing -hem in Watson and Miss Mario McCauley
the very near futhre:'
and Miss Deacon whistled in her us-
Eadies' Anniversary. nal good manner. Short addresses
Anniversary services will be held at were given by Rev. Mr. Hawkins, Rev.
Eadies' Presbyterian church, on Sun- Mr. Scobie and A. G :Smith, County 1.
Master for North Huron.
After the program, a few pleasant
hours were spent dancing
day, Nov. 7th, at ax ,aan. and 7.3o p.
xis. There will be no servicea in Blue -
vale Presbyterian church next Sun-
day so that all may worship at Ead-
ies Rev. Mr. James, of, South Kin-
loss will occupy the pulpit Mr,
James is an interesting speaker and
a good attendance is looked for
hank Offering Meeting
The annual thank offering meeting
of the W M. S. of the Winghain Uiti-
The Late Mrs. C. D. Slia,ckleton
• The death took place at her home
in Wingham on Sunday afternoon of
Elizabeth Ann, daughter of the late.
Mr and Mrs. James Fleuty and wile,
of Clarenee D. Shackleton, following •
an illness. of about three months.
Deceased was born in Walkerton
grave, on Tuesday, Nov. 9th. Towees
Orchestra Admission. 95 cents and
tax. ,Extra Lady 25 cts. Lunch
Mr. Jack Reid of Wingham spent
a few days this week, -visiting his
uncle Chief Ferguson, and hunting
the elusive hare in this section.—Wal-
kerton Herald.
Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Cra foid, John
street, are visiting with fr'endl in Way
City, Mich. Mr. and M s. rawford
will leave shortly for St. etersburg,
Fla., for this winter.
Miss Evelyn Sotheran, tcache n
public school staff, Wingham, ente-
tained a number of her friends to a
Hallowe'en P.
at her home hi Ford.
with out Friday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald M. 13axt'er, and
son Theodore, of' Toronto, returned
home this week . Mrs Baxter h•as
been helping care Igor ,hor mother,
Mrs Jas, McGee Sr.;‘Who met with an
eidene McLean, teacher, aceidettt Solite tints age.
iam Field, president, had charge of
the meeting, which opened with the
singing of a hymn . The Scripture
Lesson was read by Mrs. John Wil-
son. Mrs .W. H Willis lead in
prayer. The mil-ates of the last meet-
ing were read by Mrs. James Gilmour,
Mrs, Walter VatiVVyck gave a splen-
did reading Which was much enjoy-
ed by all, The speaker of the oc-
casion was Dr. Elizabeth McMaster
of Indore, Central India, who gave
a very interesting talk .on the habits
of the natives and of how they were
divided into different classes and of
what splendid work the W. M. S. was
doing for them. Mrs. (Rev,) Teller
of Myth, financial secretary of the
London branc1i,. gave a short talk on
"What can we do to 'help them?" This
concluded the speaking, after which a
duet was very pleasingly sung by the
Misses M. Gibson and M. Mitchell.
The thank offering was then taken,
after which hutch was served, and a
aociel haif-liont spent together.