HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1926-10-28, Page 11Thursday, October, 28, /926 uperb in Flavour T38 Every cupfils et new delight. Ask for it.: »uito�21,S�RC0�ds after we Place one of, the in your �g� in home tune o Batt , ernes• Tlie:RO Rogers from any g,g s operates direct light socket on; anyalternating .: current. No chemicals; no charger;' no attachments. You "Juste Pli . I Tune In".No g In—Then Aerial. In most homes.the Rogers function . will tion without any aerial whatever, either outside or built-in loop -and. with ss dis- turbance than when less ani aerial used. And from the timeyou first pull the light turns on the cur � g cord that rent—from that time on, you have uniform, everlastin pbwer. 'No run-ckown batteries 't0 replace � place and re -wire; no mediocre rece Boni weak g bat- teries; no noises- fromm fading . ` no expense; no bother. ttt' Free �.�I.'151t'L��iflO1CY Added to the. 'above ,area dozen ',other: points of ,advazrtage that. combine'to make one set_ thatgive the Rogers the can you ail hoped Radio. If o�areyouped for in a you prepared to purchase providingit meets � p a Rogers, ets your expectations, in every -respect, ,we will install one in your home free of . Charge. If you are entirely eniize�y.s�,tisfied---payment can.. be made in cash or spread over `three to for a slighto twelve matt 1 h,,o � charge, Wingharn tiiyti Commission Distinguished Educators_ ,'Tour'. Canada Pr he luar And ,Conuteas of le I liner �g len, plxottigr3tpltedr on board the Anchor axneronla,, which brought them'to New T :Earl la Lord High Cammissioth,er of the Chureh ,of Se hind, atnd Chair - Man of the Carnegie Trust 'AMA. stet Crx'cat Britain. This its their first v`islt to Canada under the auspices it the National Connell of, Edueation: Together they are making a our of the .borninlon's' beaut Spots, yautl swill a. peals In the 1nterestc' of ucatlon 3h the larger cities. '✓Cites .'Earl is a bgrandson of Canada's moat famous Gov'or i!r-(Ieneral, anti his father orn n Montreal, aftertv'ap Viceroy et Iia„ ryas A STI:FF'REPLY Lake Joseph Muskoka ,'u Oct.'z7th, x926, Editor, Wingham, Advance-Times;— Residing on our grand Island, in the finest summer resort in the world, the Muskoka Lake District, in Northern Ontario for mostof the sumrrzer, has prevented an earlier reply to a letter you published from San Diego, Calif; przua, regarding the much exagger- ated clinmated of that part of the U,S. Pacific- Coast. We need not refer to the ,`Queen: of Sheba," or themuch married, "Sol- omon," who from all accounts were pretty tough cases like most of the residents of Southern California, the land of gigantic frauds, and religious humbugs and fakers. It seems strange and ungrateful, It seems • strange and rather un- grateful and unnatural for Canadians who go to reside in other countries, so often write in such exaggerated terms of climate and Conditions they find there, and to disparage and even insult the land o fthe maple, and the Canadians generally. It must surely be admitted by any candid' or thrutlnfu 1 e r P son that the sameness en e ofh t e climate of Southern California, would soon pall on any- one accustomed to the four natural changes of the year, which form a hearth point ,aIone, if from no other, are much to be preferred to the mon- otonous two seasons of "wet and dry." Now about the ;Florida oranges. 'Now about the Florida oranges— they are the natural growth of the peninsular state, and the trees were not interlopers, or imported from a foreign country—but are indiginotis to the soil of FlAorida, and who that has enjoyed the fine glove -shinned oranges of the middle of Southern Florida, would be satisfied with the sour and seedless fruit of California? The correspondent referred to must be thinking of Mexican Oranges when. he wi-ites of paleness ofi their color. The Indian River and Russett oranges of Florida are not pale in color by any means, and are justly claimed, t be the sweetest oranges in the world. There are two reasons why Florida. oranges•.,are referred as. "glove -skinn- ed," from the thinness of the rind and that they can be handled without even soiling a kid -glove. California or- anges will squirt, sour juices over the eater—but Florida Oranges never. Now about' the alleged parks. there are only two real and natio parks worthy of the name in Califor- nia, and they are not in Southern Cali- fornia.. They are the. National and Big Tree Parks of the Yosemite vall ey—and'golden gate .park in San Francisco.: The so called spaces in San Diego and Los Angeles are mere sideshows compared with then!. They have not a parkin Southern California worth calling, a 'Irak, and not fit to compare with the . Forest Hilt park of St. Louis or Druid Hill Park in Baltiunore. .if they only could have a grand inspiring, and. healthy breathing, place like our moble. Higli Park of Toronto, Canada—they would have something to pc>'' them up and 'inflate then! ---and give thein something worth boasting about, but vIr. McComniins, and all his fellow "crazy bugs," might laud, fertilize, and irrigate; a gandaloupe orange tree, but they could never "acclimatize the Can- adian maple—the northern pine, the silver birch,�the grand Canadian Ce - day, or even the honeyed basswood, which grow in profusion all over On- tario, That prejudiced and conceited cora- respondent from San Diego, says.. he emphaticaly denies the truth of the. aphorisms I sent you about Southern California. Now let thews be :re- peated and we shall see z --"A country where the rivers are without water'' He admits this to be true. 2--Where,.tlit fruit is without,flav- or. iiINGRAM ADVi4IsICL,,,TIMXES mental calibre. That is-zxxore Qf is job for a nastute States Attorney, He a.diai'its that this is a fast age inwhich we are living, --He did pot coin that'., phrase, so he should have pati it in cltiotation narks, and it -cer- tainly applies, especially to Sonthern California. The women are rnostly ever•yt but virtuous. Their angular fen are mostly clothed in leather f complexions, Canadian girls, are so foolish as to go there, lose that "school girl complexion Who ever heard of a man of h remaining in that State? They., been trying for a long time to a plan' of honor in the boastful. of the Angels, but they had to it up even with the aid of Diogei lantern I: "'There may .'be a stray Cana there with some remnants of ho left -but he is a "rara avis." king tures. aced wlio s.00n. onor have find city give ries': dian nor ees are nts, pis - ere and d ght ion lu- of ad- is - in ith ist es' an ch r: o e 0 Now another word about the tr and flowers of California --they nearly all interlopers and ernigra like the writer of that rambling "E tie to the Ephesians, .they w brought from some ''other place` are not indigenous to the soil. T n the interest : of morality, ri thinking and justice; .this discuss on California should vat be conc ded without pointing the finger scorn and declamation at the dre ful hoax and farce now being tedio t ly thrashed out in the State Courts Los Angeles ---that angelic city wi its boasted tea population of fakers and. chief among them is Evangel' Aimee herself—branded by the Stat Attorney in open' court as'a faker a a fraud. Where else in the world would suc despicable state of things be tole ated, and where could such a lot dupes and California "crazy bugs," b 'gathered together and becomes s fanatical in defence` of such a faker and fraud as that "Rev." Aimee hum- bugs—as. to throve bricks and,stones from the top of the faker's Angelius Temple at Newspaper reporters and photographers who went there `to "write her up," and photograph her red horse tail hair bangs, <• Even in Chicago or New York, the tendency would be to have the farciai court proceedings cut short for her by a coat of tar and feathers, then she might become some converted "chick- en" thodgh she is long past the ad- olescent age. nal.. ,.For.,tle information of your corres- pondent, but not in a boastful way, I',can tell him that.I have had the advantage of rlesidingand travelling in every country in the world, and aim well acquainted with every prominent city. but California and Texas must have changed since I resided at. the "Golden Gate," or in the "Lone !Star State," or else despicable frauds and fakers such as "Rev." Aimeey Radio Ormiston, and "Rev." Frankie Norris the foulr murderer of a Royal Arch Mason and. Shriner, would receive but short shrift and be.strtdng tip to a mes- quite tree, and their worthless car- casses riddled with bullets. The least said about that old Open Bellows, or Organ,, the better. It re- minds .me of the song—: "I hate that bell's discordant sound,,,; Parading round and round and round.," ' 3 -Where the flowers are without fragrance: 4 ---Where the birds are without Song-, (Hie cannot deny these --abut tries to "drag a herring over the trail" by resorting to vapid, childish and silly abuse.) I do not require any ad- vice from him, and can prove that I know more about atiyfpart of Califor- nia than he ever knew or ever will know. 5—Where half the year rains without ceasing. He admits- that, but per- haps like the 'extreme cold of Mani- toba, they do not feel the rain. How depressing and monotonous and dis- couraging is-couraging however, nitnst six nio,ulths of rain be. No wonder they hold the suicide, and murder and divorce record of the rvoi•ld. 67 -Where, the women are without virtue, 7—And the men without honor. Why the Divorce redord of the state alone, will prove these statements to be ab- solutely true. Mr. Mike McCommins need not ar- rogate to himself the `defense of Cal- ifornia :women or mien. It is too big a job for anyone of his inecgre ✓ilii r .. al,• _ ?>. anti.«�, t...,q111,{.., , qft, y ui 11 Yours sincerely, H, R. Holmes. z Dunn Ave, Toronto. �ne rs iol`ers: 'MUT* yaNrnc,u.,' 4'24 A THREE DAYS' COUGH IS Your Danger Signal Persistent Coughs ' and Colds Lead to Serious Trouble YOU CAN STOP TH.BM NOW WITH HAMILTON'S THROAT AND LUNG BAL- SAM, 'ibis,.i>i•eparation is guaran, teed in the treatihent of persis- tent coughs and other forms of respiratory diseases, such as, bronchial asthma, bronchitis,. croup, etc May be procured at your to- cal druggist's or direct by mail from HAMII.'r'<;'o14 DRUG CO. Windsor, Ontario ,d+�..tlah,•r,Ina+eraawwrwos.b...nairrcna,wu.le,.a �, I 1 "r rfd.atri 4;,fi lil 1(rl N, nil �a,1,l;1" WHY SUFFER FROM RHEUMATISM FHAIT-A-' ES" HAYS' UELPEO iHOUSANDS Mna. DAVISON If you are made miserable by this painful disease, read this en- couraging uz'aging letter from Mrs. M Lo" Davison of Eauurs Claire, , Ont. years ago, I had a severe attack of. Rheumatism. A tried„many remedies but received little benefit. A' few months ago, I saw an ad- vertisement of "Fruit-a-tives” and decided to try them. After taking four boxes, I am now able to do all my own work besides putting in a large garden. I take great' pleasure in recommending "Fruit -a -tines" to anyone suffering from Rheumatism "Fruit -a -tines is aennine fruit rust. medicine, made from fruit -juices in- tensified and combined with tonics. It frees the system of poisonous waste matters and purifies the blood stream. Try "Fruit -a -tines" yearself and let them ! estor eon to health alt h a nd vigor.0 25e. and 50c. a hos -- at all dealers. PROMINENT LIBERAL TAK ISSUE WITH LEADER SINCL A. E. Brad- in, one of Onta best known Liberal editors, and for many years, was assistant s. tary 'of the. Canadian' Press . As ation, takes issue with W. E. N. claire, leader of the Liberal part the . statement the latter hat pub ed in answer to Premier Fergus proposals, amending the Ontario peranoe Act. Mr. Bradwin, who just disposed of his interests in Arnprior Watchman, said today. he was going to support Premier guson's platform at the forthco election, "I don't agree with the state made" by Mr, Sinclair," he said., that statement, Mr. Sinclair sp only for himself and not for the eral party at large. Premier ,Per son's policy is not' directly oppo to Liberal principles. There are o ra Liberal members in the Onta Legislature and over 50 per cent them are opposed to the O,' T. A ain a Methodist too, and I ani not drinking Irian, but in the interests the people of the province,I nx oppose a continuance of the O. T. Anyone, who thoroughly understan he situation and who has had t opportunities to study its effects ca of conscientiously or honestly- su ort the Ontario Temperance Act. "I don't want to see the open ba ut as the father of eight children m fearful of the further degenerac f the morality of our youth. Whe ie O. T .A. was 'voted on a few - years ago, I voted for' it, and so did y. wife, under the mistaken impress - n we were doing the best•' for our hildren . It did not take long for e to see the folly of that vote,: and e more I have watched'and studied e question, the stronger has become y opposition to the O. T. A. Mr. Bradwin referred to the nurner- ts deaths front drinking poison li- or in Ontario, and contrasted that edition of affairs with: the freedom vin such calumnies in pre-prohibi e days . Re claimed that prohi- fon had been the cause of an in- asecin ci:une in this province, just ft had resulted in gang murder in icago. Also, he thought prohibi n- had been a detriment to. the pro ce. in a business way. Travell- round the province as he had'. oe- ion to clo ,he saw many towjls .af- ted with industrial stagnation that re wont to. be` busy hives of indus- ES AIR rio's, who, ecre soci- Sin- y, in lish- on's Tem- has the that Per- ming went "In spe Lib- gu.- sed my rio of .I a of est A. ds he n- P- r, t y n t n P b 0 tl in o to th th of dlu co fro do bit ere as Ch tic vin ing cas Ellie we try. ded man Wil read to this fully Icav gray the paig I want to see a change," conclu- Mn l'radwtii, "and so do many, y LiberaIs "—Loudon Free Press.. 11 (r, l3radwiu is' a fox•niet: resident of ighanl, and known to many of our ers. We learn' that he was about start another 'paper in 'Wilighan month, but after• looking care - oven the ground, has decided to e the field to es, 'rte is a, dis- i"tied Liberal, who stumped against Liberals in the last Dominion cam - BORN WALI(ER —. Its Winghairi General Hospital, on Wednesday, ' October•, loth, to Mr.. and lairs, Russell Walk- er, of 'I'eei'tvater, a son, "SWEE THE MOMENTS;. IN BLESSING" ICIf lzer rted to his l tti;, parish. in l All his his deep humilation' seen find expression in the lines confessional. hymn, and thro n' life it remained his favorite. died in 17.86, and he cantina preach until almost his last hot - tune everyone aA,sociaied' with e hymn is "Soleil),"from an old hymn-ttnne, "0 Sanctissima." t SWEET the moments, rich ing, Which before the cross I spe Life, and health ,and peace po ing From the sinner's dying F Plere I rest, in wonder 'viewing All my sins on. Jesus laid, Here I see redemption flowing From the sacrifice He made Her eI find the dawn wn of heaven, While upon the cross I gage, See my trespasses forgiven, And my songs of tr•igrnph an. 0 that, near the cross abiding, I may to the Saviour cleave, Nought •t1 H The author of this beautiful fzynz especially appropriate for Good Fri day services was .Rev. James Oswal Allen. He was born at Gayle, York shire, and began to study for tli ministry of the Anglican church, 1;11 after one year at Cambridge Univer sity, he left, and became an itineran p•,-eacher, As is; well-known, a grey deal di religious controversy foiloweei the' great evangelical revival' under Wesley and Whitfield; anct Allen while a man of culture and unmistak- able piety, .seems to have been a man of shifting opinions. He served for some time as a' preacher to a seEt known as the "Inghanites" and for them he wrote more than'sixty hymns, which he published, together with some by his colleagues in 1757, He called his book, "A collection of hymns for the use of those that seek„ and those that have redemption in the blood of Christ," Some time later he changed his views -for the third or fourth time -and built a church where he ministered to a congrega- tion u ti1 `1 i rely of tigl.t wi i int my heart -dividi About this time a clergyman of th Anglican ,Church, Rev. Walter Sliir All for His content,to leave, A e ey, who was a relative of the very devout, if somewhat erratic lady, the Countess of Huntingdon, was assist- ing in every way he'could,: the ev- angelical movement Shirley was greatly interested in building up a hymnology y olo $'y which he considered ex- pressed the views as well as the ie- ligious emotions, of earnest Chris- tians. With this, end in view, he carefully searched every possible sour- ce for a hymnal which the Countess of Huntingdon published in I '7q. These hymns appeared with the caption, "The Collection of Hymns Sung in the Countess of Hunting- don's Chapel," In this collection ap- peared James. Allen's hymn, "Sweet the Moments' Rich in Blessing." There .can be. no' doubt that Shirie THREE MEANS OF GRAC. A .negro preacher walked into office of a newspaper in Rockyiac North CaroIina, and �� said, -"Minto Ito they� s . forty-three of ,my gregation which subscribe fo' yo' per. Do that entitle me to ha church notice in yo' Sadday iss- "Sit down and tirrite, said the ed "I thank you." And this is the tice the Minister wrote :"Mount mortal Baptist Church, the Rev. J Walker, pastor, Preachingmorr and evening. In the promulgation the gospel, three books is necess< The Bible,, the isynin"book and pocket -book. Come tomorrow bring all three. -The Christian Rel y tere. greatly improved the hymn --so much <• : Serious Motor Accident so—that it is safe to say that he is almost as much its author as Allen himself, There was no . thought whatever of plagiarism, in. Shirley's mind, for he never laid claim to hav- ing written the hymn, or indeed have played any part in to' the �compos- ition, yet a comparison of. the hymn with the .form: in which it appears, re- veals how much its, universal popul- arity is due to Shirley's hand; Rev. Mr. Shirleyrevised y evxsed this hymn under circumstances which made him feel that every line expressed his own sentiments- His brother, the Earp of Ferrars, in a fit- of rage murder- er an old servant . For this crime lie was executed at Tyburn and the fam- ily disgrace drove Shirley broken - bl e id,. sees Herman and Mrs. Albrecht and t sons, also Mrs- Albrecht's rnoth Airs. : Ben Gibson; all of the seco concession, were -victims of a ratl serious motor accident ih Brussels Supday last. They were.proceedi along the Main Street when their c collided with another car, driven John Speir, of Morris Township, wi was running onto the main thoroug fare from a side street. A fro wheel' of the Albrecht car cau•ht tl bumper on the other vehicle, : ausir the former to swerve and topple o• er, pinning the occupants beneat Mrs. Albrecht suffered bad cuts abot the face and hands, while her husban received slight cuts about the face MAITL kvCREAM Phone` 271 . gll.. Ontario uyers o - ePaalli E gs aq Poultry y The United Farmers Co -Op. Co. Lt WINCHAM, •ONTARIO OEM a ; , M�qp�MpE�, g MOM 1 '� 1fUY 1�. I�YC! 'M .. , l'�� ti. ��; 1�� Ci!' ."�t :t!N '.� GEi h'W�&L'L7d�l:dcC . THE `IDI =I, SHOP r m Sign XJUST ARRIVED! — AN ENTIRELY NEW LINE OF ting itui°es in Our ;p prices a e very !ow and She quality o our fixtures is the best. t3� ,._.. lia,,m Crawford Block 111111111011111110 yy °hone. 156.