HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1926-10-28, Page 9a,N frame,,: er}a vibe e 'with nest of. refused, ante of mani- it they -1 :arts." asually, called rere re - raiding Bets of idering, 1soners' rry ex- rnother, xn oth er, of an ay by ;minine he bow nselves up the e great stn en- uisition, on, arid) us re- salva- etofore Ick for ut it is ized it. Evading wheth- rnerica, le sea, :dliness ;turned lackest takig Less ;of r a SC S. ess f.' ptisrn' MO rpper ite of s par- •rowth bear- itities. fight 1sease• ds out f , this d of n )ssible'' cli`est» In for' iistatit Et the Ian of 1ment Na- IL the f , idle 1h t 8' i and other Ick tb ttef+m td ^'rte pur. Thursday, October 28, xg26 : WIN AM ADVANCE -TIMES a� IU� ma I�aa� >� � � ••Nlcrrsa•a•••aa••a•Ic•alia•■sa luemmsi a Style - Value �► .Val!ife in �� • nfl ' E i ■ i/ a aa a /- MORE COATS ANLOWER PRICES �` = ■ a 1• • r / •a ■ ■ a al Wonderful, Values In Women's, .Misses and Children's Coals /and'Dresses ■ a inLatest models with ;large Fur Collars, and some with Cuffs; made in ■ ' Needlepoint Marvellas, �} Duvetyn, Velo r..and Fancy Tweeds. " Well ;tailor- ■ ed, duality linings, and inter -lined.' Compare our value, Our prices are ■ , -Lower, See ouh value in Women's Coats at ■ $, 22.50 and 25.00 ■ ■ INBETTER THE COATS a a ■ See our range of the leading colors in' Needlepoint, Pin Point; Mar- ■ • vellas and Suedene, with best grades of Fur Collars and Cuffs. Sao • Special showing at _ .._�::.. .....__,-. ...:._.: ..;..�_..... _._. ..._._ ■ ■ GIRLS' COATS ■ is large in Plain a1 Our range g Cloths and Tweeds. Some are at $6.g0; $7.50, $9'.95 and $12.56. F... •n 'mored ` Real Bargains s ti� fur .tri g 1 1111 QUICK SALE OF WOMEN S • HOUSE DRESSES I■ Good 'Gingham checks and strips.Nicelymade,• doz on a •5 ■ sale at ...__::_ ....•(1 .a Only a ' FLANNEL DRESSES • : In Women's and Misses', cut 11111 price $5.75, $6.50, and. $7.50. - ■ a. ■ ■ 1a a. a a 1 a Isar ■ SILK CREPE DRESSES FANCY FLANNEL DRESSES ■ alltheleading shades.See , sand` or Black - ■ InleadingNavy, , pin•■, stripe., Sale $7.5o and $8 so 1150 UNDERWEAR a our special.. Value at _...i SWEATERS Complete'stock.of wind break- \ ers, and Sweaters. Bargains' at $3.75, $4.95 and $6.5o. 110SE '• ' io doz Women's silk and wool :Hose. ` Best colors. 98 Special ■ Women's Misses and Child- 1 ren's Winter Underwear, in all ,sizes; Watson's .Penman's and /` Stanfield's now in stock. Our range is • large; and "complete 11 and PRICES ARES DOWN! a a SILK H Good qualityOSE, cut price$1.39 OUR MEN'S WEAR STORE ... '.. You will want warm clothing SUITS for, a long cold winter. We have Complete' range of men's'and it at prices you can ^afford to - young men's suits. Plain serges pay. MEN'S OVERCOATS Made in attractive models; and best cloths, tweed lined and Boys' Suits Big choice in leather lined. Good windbreak- Best Models; made to give good ers. Special at $18.00, $so.00, and wear. Real values at $4,75, $6.9o; $25.00. $8.50 and $9.75• and Fancy Worsteds. See them at $22.5o and $25.0o. UNDERWEAR Combinations and shirts and drawers in, Tiger Brand, Stan - fields, Mercury and Watsons. at a ■ LOWEST PRICES quoted on a all Lines. Bargain. a 1:50 �■ Heavy Wool shirts and a drawers, aIN. a, II ■ IIII ■ ■ . NI Wingharn • Who Gets the Pony? Make your purchases count at this store, and pile up Ballots or your favorite boy or girl. Isar giallmi1I amlume®Eli[umilalinnomm®e®I II II isulln mamllM®III/I Ill*II 1 WHITECHURCH Mr.and, Mrs. Charles 'Gillespie of Kincardine, spent Sunday with ht parents here. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Pu•dp1•i;^•, t nd din s ent • edn a it n W esd w r. and , P Y Al - .Mrs. Ab, Canieron of Ashfield. The W. M. S. of the United church met .last Wednesday at the ,home of Mr's. Thos. Gaunt . There was a good attendance, a'nd about $25.do was collected` for the annual' Thankoffer- ing Rev. Duncan McTavish of Exeter, formerly of Whitechurch, will preach anniversary services at Brick church on Sunday, Oct. 3Ist at 1x a.m. and 7.30 p.m. On account of this, there. will be no service in the United' church here on Sunday next, Mrs. McBrien is visiting with rela- tives in 'Clinton this week. • . Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Purdon and fam- ily, spent Monday last' with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Purdon. Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Cottle and Mr. Harold Sparling, spent th"e week end with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Browning of Kincardine. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Love, and family of Goderich, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. AmostCornelius. Mr. and Mrs. Robert • Purdon and family, spentSunday - with Mr, arid Mrs. Irvin Henry, Belfast. Mr. -Aldin Purdon left 'n Saturday for Leamington, yvhere 1(e "las work'. for the winter months. Born -On Friday, Oct. 22nd, at Whitechurch, to Mr. and Mrs.' Ben McClenaghan, a daughter. isimmmunnummmomemmosimmommusEssommumagommintlimmommmummummmml ■ ■ a a a ■ ■' a u 10 the mil ref `your ebbe( 1/h4t rarity' The New . . NECKWEAR You can just about go th* limit in colorful ties this Fall. There's the same leeway . as last Spring. Only that the patterns are decidely ,smaller ;■ -clleclts, small .figures, overplaids, and' NI a limitless number of small all-over designs. Knitted tie in stripes and plain; shades, and regimentals in silks, are also good. a At left, a coat that will appeal to a hast majority of men. A r°ugged, war- mly comfortable coat that a man can't help liking. Blue fabrics, for example =tare particularlye smart in, this` model. Id'ty t5read anna Limited, ` Wiinghani UU BLIJEVAI,E Mr, and Mrs . Robt, Taylor and family of Salem Mr, and Mrs. Henry Ross, and children, ''Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Cowan of Wingham, Mr, and Mrs, Leonard Elliott and family were ,all visitors at Mr. and Mrs. Charles Elliott's on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs, Lorne Turvey left an Sunday:, for their ne whonxe in Wind- sor. Lorne has a positi'On in .Detroit.' Mr..and Mrs. Robt. Shaw and Miss Bernice, were visitors at Mr.and Mrs Arthur .Shaw's on Sunday. Mrs'a3ravnei• and nephewHoward Buck, of Toronto, „called on her cous- in, 1VIr.Robt,haw ,this week, Young People The:,>�Ie of.' Wroxeter ,l United 'church debated:with the fioun` people in Bluevale Mondayevening;: The Subject, Resolved that Farts Politics should be abolished. The affirmative 'w was taken by Miss Timm and Mr. Gibson, the negative by Miss Wardell and C. Johnston. The de- cision wa's in favor of the negative,_ Mrs. Alex MacEwen is: at present visiting relatives at St George, Aflr, and Mrs A. H. Coordbs spelit the week `end with relatives `at New Hamburg; Mr. Geo. McDonald held a very successful auction sale of stock. and implements on' Monday. Mr..T. Haddow •is` at present visit- ing with relatives at Brantford. CARE OF THE TEETH You are faithful in.. our m • n h toil- et,', y mouth et„ brushing',your teeth at least daily, but you still find deposits :forming back sof your ;lower „ front teeth, to' which the tongue continually.: goes be- cause of their roughness, and which you cannot remove 'by brushing, try as, you will. ' Now, what is this? `Tartar,' so called, is ' salivary cul- culus, and asit's name implies. It enters the mouth through the saliva. ,The fresh deposit is soft and can be washed or brushed away when it first settles. , This brushing must be done however, . -within from five to twelve hours of its appearance, since rernaiinng longer it begins to `set.', The calculus increases in bulk thro' more or less repeated accumulations, until often large and thick masses of it are formed; these, pressing upon the soft guns tissues ,cause them to be- come inflamed, which inflamation pro- gressing, may lead to the ultimate loss. of the teeth. Now, three `words' more. These deposits do not appear in ev- ery mouth, icor where, ca cutus does occur ,it it found constantl'yr, `Tartar' is found generally on the `inside' of the lower incisors and cus- Aids, and on the 'outsi'de' of the,ttpper first and second molar teeth, the rea- son for this being that these localities axe\ opposite the mouths of the saliv- ary ducts. Lagtly-once calculus has formed, its removal can be accomplished only through the medium i special instru- ments of ments in the hands of the dentist. But . if are subject to tartar, a faihfii1 Brushing following each meal especially in these areas, will do much towards keeping the deposit down to a minimum. SHERIFF'S SALE OF LANDS The County -'of Huron, to wit, by virtue of a writ of Fieri Facias, issued out of His`.Majesty's'Supreme Court. of Ontario, andjto me directed and de- livered, °'agaihst the lands and tene- ments of Milton J. ;Smith, defendant, at suit of Robt. W. Shaw, Plaintiff, I have seized and, taken in Execution, all the right, title, interest, equety of, redemption, and all other , right or claim of Milton J. Smith in 'the foll- owing lands "`a'r'id premises: - All and Singular that *certain parcel or tract of land and premises, situate lying and being in the; .Township of Grey, in. the County of Huron, con- taining by admeasurement together Two Hundred and Thirty -Seven acres (237) be the same more or less, and being composed of (A) lots number ed Twenty -Seven and Twenty -eighty in the 'Seventh Concession of the said Township and (B) that part of Lot Numbered Twenty Six, in the Seventh Conttession of the said Township, which is more particularly described. as follows: that is to. say, Commenc- ing on the North Eastern angle of the said lot numbered Twenty-six, then Westwardly, along the North limit of said lot Forty rods, then Soutl- wardly, , parallel with the Eastern boundary of said lot, to the road al-, lowance' North of the Maitland river, then 1 astwardly along the said road allowance to the Eastern boundary of the said lot number Twenty-six„ then Northwardly, along the Eastern boun- dary,of the said lot, to, the place of beginning 1 1 Which lands and Tenements./ shall offer ,for Sale, at my Office, in the Court House in the 'Town of God01l- ich, on Wednesdays the Tweitty,fourth, day of November tga'ti, at the hour of Twelve of the clock noon. -..--R. Cr, REYNOLDS, :Sheriff, Huron. Sherriff's Office Goderieh August Xath,2b. .,1 RQINENT FARMER IS NOW HAPPY "If there was ever a medicine wor- thy of the highest praise it is liERB JUICE," said Mr. Arnlin, prominent farmer of R. R., r, Arnherstburg, "I suffered terribly with'stcmacla trouble I had -no appetite, and what little I could eat would sour my stomach causing gas pains , I, could not sleep and did not have any energy. Many medicines could not give me (any re- lief until I started faking,HERB JIT- ICE, , The results were remarkable. Evenafter the 'first few doges, my condition improved. I am now .in my secon'dbottle, and never slept bet- ter in rsy life, My stomach is in .per- feet condition and I eat "'anything without, fear:, of my distress after- wards. < Everyone who has, stomach trouble, gas pains, constipation, ,loss o fappetite' and • sleeplessness should take Herb Juice." For sale by McKib bon'.s Drug Store and other druggists, Win glare. LUCKNOW Lucknow's paved streets were form- ally opened on Wednesday last. About 4.30 p.ni., the school , children with: their teachers(by the Luck - now 'headed k uc now Brass Bartd,)to the bridge on the main street where they sang a. song welcome and two ;,-patriotic songs,,, They were acco n/pa-nxe'd-by,Mrs. (Dr.) Newton on ,tlign'piano, and instructed by Mr. W , Th onP' s on.s Shor t addresses v re gi enbYR. Muir, Prov. .Engin er, Hyman,,Ixwin, Pro- vincial En i er . N Tolmie Ex. M. P. P., John roynt. M.P., Wm. Mac- Donald Ex., M. P. and. G. E. Stepb- enson,,County Engineer. Mr. T. L. Squires, Miniser of Highways, gave an address, and officially declared the street open to traffic. The banquet in the town, hall was a success. The local women's Insti- tute had charge of the catering -ar- The street carnival, was well patron- ized, the music for the dancing was supplied by the Guelph Jazz Band in Costume, also' the Buescher boys ,Or- chestra from London. BORN - In Winghanr, Hospital, on Sept. 3oth 1926, to Mr, and Mrs. Nelson Winterstein of Lucknovw-, a daughter, Elva Ruth. Miss Elizabeth Hornell and her sis- ter, Mrs. McKechnie, of Toronto, are spending a couple of weeks with their brother, Mr. Wm. Hornell. Mr .and ,,Mrs. Avery motored up from'To-ronto and spent the week end with their sister here. Dr. and Mrs. Bean and two children, also Mrs. Jno. Murchison of Toronto, visited with Mrs, Bean's sister, Mrs. F. J. Armstrong. The induction of the Rev. A. Free- man Traverse took place at St. Pe- ter's church on Sunday last. The very Arch Deacon Doherty officiated, Mrs. Brown Mallough, son Day. , ay.'. id of Il agersville, are visiting her par- 11111I11111I1111111111I I■1I1111IO111111111111I111 11 Owen 'Sound Motors • Coach Transit Company _ Owen Sound, Walkerton ando � Bench - _i TIME TABLE • Leave ' A.M. Owen Sound s._ 7.30 Kilsyth . _ __.._ 7.5o Tara _. 8.15 Invermay __ 8.2o • • • 1 M P.M. 4.00 4.25 4,50 4.55 Dobbington 8.35 5.15 Chesley _.... 8,55 5.35 Elmwood .__ 9.10 5.55 Hanover _._. __ 9.3o 6.10 Walkerton (Arr.) _. 9.50 6.30 Walkerton (Leave) 6.50 Formosa z _. 10.05 7.435 Teeswater 10.35 7.30 Wingham ._ 11.05 7.55 Belgrave .._ 1r.2o 8.10 • Blyth -- 11.35 8.25 - Auburn x1.50 8.40 Royal 12.05 8,55 • Dunlop __ 12.x0 9.00 '- Goderich (Ari,) ,._ x2.20 g.xs Leave A.M. P.M. Goh 7.30 4,00 = Dunlop...................... ._ 7,40 4,05 A Royalderic. _ 7.55 4.20 j. Auburn................................................ _,S.xo 4 - 35 = Blyth .. _ __ _ 8.25 4.50 5.20 Belgrave ..,. 8,40 5- ,05 ■ Wingham .... 8.55 . H Teeswater .:_ '.:.:. 9.20 ' 5.45 Formosa ___.. -._ 9.55 6.zo Walkerton. (Arr.) 10.05 6.25 • Walkerton (Leave) .- 6.45 liain...-. ,5 Elmwoodover t-.. ..._.., 10x00.4525 77,0.25 Chesley ._..„ 11.05 745 111 Dobbington 1x.15 8.05 rermay ,_ 11,20 8.25,n a ,_,:.. 11.30 8.30 Kilsyth - 1x,55 8.55 = Owen, Sound (Arr.') 12.20 9.20 til ■EFFECTIVE SEP`(' 14th, 1926 0 p Stop me at any cross road or I_ farm gate and 1 drop you any I -` where on route arretbOtwe.en towns 25c lit Ekcept between 'Teeswater arid Formosa 'and Teeswater and. Wirighatn,which is ,O.cents.. r Ilili1111111i111Mfi'IMIII111rIIiIIlMII10111M1111MIMllf and bothers in town. ti 111 i I I 1 1 11 1 111111,1 M1UIr Illi 1111 11111iC111tN 111111111/ lid ! Inl11�i11I1t 111111I1IE1111111I1II11N11: u r For Fall and Winter EXTRA VALUES - RIGHT PRJCES It-1":"" 54In,FLANNEL$z:s9 A pure wool FrenOh Flannel, fine` quality in Sand, Fawn, Nile, Green, Coven and Red, 54 in, wide $2.00 value.. $x.g yd. = -CHECKED FLANNEL $2.75 The se'ason's newest Flannel in small check effects, An ell wool import cloth, 58 in. wide, Special .._ .- . _ $2.75 yd• is STRIPED FLANNELS $2.25 L 56 in. all wool -Flannel in a splendid quality for serviceable wear, in Black and Navy with White stripe, regular $2,75 for $2.25 per yard: YAMA CLOTH 37c Yd. M, 1 J. A. MI LS WINGHAM imunininutionommorsimaiminiumayormitinimilnimmullawsuiptinu, 36 in, Yama cloth in bird pat- terns for. Kimonas, Gowns, etc. in Blue, Mauve, Pink or White, 'reg. 5oc for _.._.: .... 37c yd. MEN'S WEAR BLACK 'SATIN $zags Yd 36, in. Duchess Satin, a woad-• j er£ul quality for dresses that will $ivei extra wear, fu11ey guar--. anteed, Specral ,-...:.:$2,95ayaz4 ayaxd 54 In. SERGE $2:19 Yd, .All Wool Botany Serge a real fine qualxt.t y, a splendid wearing fine, for Coats and, Dresses, reg. $3.00,'for $2.19 72 In. LINEN $1.39.( aid A' special value, in a pure lin- _ en, tabling, fine quality and spe- *'' cial patterns, 7z in, wide, reg. „+ value $x,75, Special .---$1.39 yd. BLANKETS,, All Wool and Union Blankets for Winter. We ;,are offering some real value at great sav- ings. HOSE 95c Silk and Wool Hose in Mer- cury make in the leading Fall Overcoats, Suits, Caps, Und- shadesa regular $125 value, ourr erwear, Shirts. leader 95 -- pair ... ... "e -•- Westinghouse $6 Desk Type Receiving Set The Whole Continent At -Your° Finger Tips; ITH a Westinghouse Radio See youcan sitin your armchair. at'. home and listen to the world's best music, preachers, public speakers and lecturers. A touch of your finger tips on the dials brings them all to your side -into the very room, where you sit., No matter what your income may- be you can enjoy the world's enter- tainment for a merely nominal sura,: for Westinghouse Radio Sets are priced from $24.75. to $340. and each one affords entire satisfaction. When you buy Westinghouse Radios Sets and accessories you have a, permanent guarantee of ''merit. an& continuous service. Come /n io-day and let us aloe' " gou a demonstration of the happiness that Westinghouse can bring into your home byameans of a ;radio set: The Radio Shop 1111111111®III®III®Ii111111111®111®11111111111111112111111111111111®Ii111111®11111111111111111111111111111 `Leather Topped Rubbers Madeat our place of business in Wingham - and therefore are able, to sell at very lowest prices, at the same time the qualities are absolutely guaranteed. The boot we recommend is made of the very best quality Dark Brown Oiled Kip -good weight, yet soft and pliable. The bottoms ` are first grade "stub proof" the height of top 15 in- ches and 7: The Prieel$6.50 per pair The same top with Iight Moccasin: Bottoms for $5.5o per pair.. Other lines of "x5" inch top rub=• bers from $3.95 per pair and up. LEATHER TOPPED RUBBERS, F'IrR BOYS 7' 7 7 Boys' high leather topped Rubbers in sizes xx, 12 and 23 for F., = small boys and sizes x, 2, 3, 4 and 5 for larger Boys. We have these M. -11, at different prices and they are simply great for Boys who: like dry Vii• P feet and comfort. A A �H wILLI 4 a s - THE SHOE STORE --- Phone 129 WI ugh lxn,, Ont. Iilhl9'I�I111�IIIMly1>�'IIIN�I1lIMlllfllll3l�NhI�I111�N11111�I11�11I11111�iII111IIRII1�I11iAAlIfI�I11�AlILN1111�MhilM�lll'�illldl}l� encs Mt. and t1 rs.."'altos: MaeDonald.. AI's., and,14.1 C's. Thos. MacDonald of Mrs, F ,L.ueas and daughter Audrey Detroit spent 'a few' days recently* of Toronto' art visiting .her sisters.'tvith .his at'eats Alt, and g P x >1 . 152rs, ' 1X. MacDonald, north of the station', its