HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1926-10-28, Page 2L.
To the Editur 'a -w all thitn Wingham
Dee k' Snr*1 t hate to bo always
'grumblin about what our goon TOrY
Ia.yders do be cloin, biat here is kishter
Ferguson gone and shpilled the banes,
,so to shpalce, instid av 'Lakin in the acl-
vOicc 1 wa safthef givin him more,
than wance. Av coorse thirn brewers
.and distillers are moshtly Tories, an
:hey some roighc to say what will be
111 ;the policy a vthe parthy aven if they
dosubshchoibe to me Grit canipain
fund at elickshun i.ohnes, but Mishter
,Ferguson didn't riade to lishten to
-thim, and sitter up thrubble trie
•‘b.ouse av wan av his frinds who nas
don.e more fel: the parity, widout ix
pibIctun annyting ter his wurruk, than
any wan av thins boose millionaires
:ivir did.
• As soon as the 1Vlissus got honk! av
;the payper, I knew she watt soon be
havin something to say, I mane some -
:ling more than usual, an I began to
,tink up what I ctta say in reploy, if 1
• evir got a chance to git in a wurrud
at all, at all.
"I wondher what ye tink av yer
• frind, Howard Ferguson now, sez sne,
fer a shiater,
""Whoy, what has he been doin
',since?" sez 1, goin on wid fillin toe
"Has he been puttin some
- move bootleggers in jail, arr what?"
but 'tis the innocint ould birr
no: ye are," sez she. To hear ye
talk, a person who didn't know ye wud
tink ye, wus shtill in the pin feather
htage av yer loifc, wid mebby some
av the shell av the egg that hatched
ye shtill shtickip to yer back. 'Tis
roight well ye know what's the mat-
ther," sez she, "wid y'r frind, Howard
Ferguson turnin on the taps agin, an
Misther Nickle an a lot .more dacent
min layvin the parthy, be rayson av
it. 1 wondher how much sbitoik he
owns in the big brevverie$—„rt
4'Hould on wuniman,' lie aisy now,"
sez I, arr, if ye can't be aisy, be as
ais Yas ye can. Shure, Mishter Fer-
guson is wurrukiu in the besht. ;inter-
ests aV the Prawvinee, an is throyin
to shtop the boot leggin thrade, an the
prescripsitun monopoly av the doch-
tors. He is a gil'aleman, an a schol-
ar a na judge av what koinds av whis-
key an beer are good fer slithminicks
av the payple /Ho wants to see that
they get ti: e rale slituff, inshtid av
what they have been dhrinkin an kill -
in thimsilve s wid—homebrew, an
moonshine, an fotty rod, and wood
alcohol, an all finds av divas dcc,ok-
"Now you've said the thrue wurr-
uds," sez she, Divil's D/ okshuns is
might, hut what differ de ,;s it nialce
whether it sould be the, governmint
arr • peddled be the bootleggers,
whether the fellahs who git the prof-
its lite on Rumrunner's Road, arr in
Roesdale, in Toronto?" Can't a
mon git just as clhrthilc sittin at a
table dhrinkin beer, as shtandin at a
bar dlarinkin it? Has Mishter Ferg-
uson so short ,a mimory that he does-
n't remimbir attindin the funerals av
any fellahs that whiskey kilt in the
ould days, whin it wits aisy to git, an
doesn't he remirnbir often havin to
put his hand in his pocket to hilp the
widdies an fatherless childer ay dr"tmk-
ards? 'Tis the giner6us heart he has
behoind his Coat, an I bet he often
did it. Shure I know he wuddin't be
afther intindin to hurt annybody, but
thirn booze min have pulled the wool.
over his oyes till he can't see sh-
traight. . Wid all his shmoiles an
good looks 1 cud nivir vote fer him
as long as he shtands 'on a Govern -
mint Conthrool platfoorm. 1VIebby it
isn't a platfoorm at all at all, but
only a raft to carry him over to dhroy
White Pastr FLOUR 2.44b.
Satin y Bag
Domino Brand 1 lb. tin PURE LARD
BAKING 1c 3-3b.5 c 20c
POWDER Pail Print
Singapore rinv A nvya• 4,741 viD
Sliced 4-'4111.1 k1.4'`."
Frnits and Candy Canned
vil.e.Q.lityeavatz Thorn Seedless
Domino - 6.5i7;;.RAISI.I4S 2IS. )C. Larta,,,e Tins
RichMeiio 7qc va/c=cia . 2 for 25c
DSL Bulk - 59c Lemon and --, Assorted
Mimed Golden Hallow: ,
Orane PL'L `-'91b WINES
2 2'
NU1S DATE ths CDali4. 49c
1-1Box Holl wood etc-, Armour's
Fresh Milled 13-1b- • es 20 -oz. Mason Jar
OATS `)1.".en 012VES
. .
2 Tr.m.
k1/4„v, k 0, ',JD. •
Telfers' Orange -
it,ICUfTeS 4Z,SarR2C
Cream' Slice ." " '
These Prices in effect for one week from date of thi3 paper 149-C ;
ritm&my,ApogdftsgrilMirc4.-I 'Prt. 4
r4r,t, -.lope', , •
Rich, Soft Tones Of A Brantford Roof
I3rantford Asphalt Slates harmonize with any style of archi-
tetture and their rich, soft tones blend with their surroundings
at all dmes of the year.
They last for years, are fixe resistant and give perfect protection from
all weather conditions. • is
crt • 'r's,
AO, 4
44k •g atria
in pa
• " „JIMA NM
• 4,5•1'..S.A.Z.::
• ru
„no:Latimer vii, valy ......,
nnir \New , ll' %
n flifFJPL 1.. 1 1 'lip'
; .• ,i/ Y
• 4,, -4114 711,,
Bran1fardT4oefingCe.Lingteal, Brantford, Ontario
Stoe1.0earritcl, I nfor roation Furnished and Service
on Orantford Roofing rendered by
Rae ez ThompsorA, Wingharn
14.. Carson, - Gerrie
Theo$,, Stewart, Bluevale
ground agin."
wan av me rules to nivir argY
wid a wumnian, an 1 wus glad to
bear the inissus say that she waddin't
vote "fer Ferguson, an not that she
wad vote aginst him. Ye will see
be what she said that she has, a soft
shpot in lier heart fer him yit„ an $o 1
didn't Argy wid her fer feat- she
rnoight take a slitronger shtand it n
thin it wad be more thrubble to git
leer to change her moincl.
Me advoice to the byes now is to
nominate pa dhry Tory, an thin tl'e
missus and littnclreds more Ioike her,
will shtay wid the partby, an we kin
win Nort Huron; an, afther all, what
differ does it make to Mishter Fer-
guson, whether his supporter's are wet
arr dhroy, so long as they are good
Tories. If his majorif; is rnoshtly
made up 6f• dhry men, sure, he kin
tell the wet wans to go to Lucknow
arr Kincardine.
Yours till nixt wake
Timothy Hay.
Old October's part nigh gone.
And the frosts is comin! on,
Little heavier every day,
Like our hearts is thataway!
Leaves is changin' overhead
Back from green to gray and red,
Brown and yeller with their stems
Loosenin' on the oaks and e'rns.
And the balance of the trees •
Gittin' balder every breeze—
Like the heads we're scratchin' on!
Old OCtober's pert nigh gone;
I love old October so,
I can't bear to see her gp--
Seems to me like losin%some
Old -home relative er chum --
'Pears like sorto .settin' 6y
Some old friend 'at sigh by sigh
Was a-passin' out o' sight
Into everlastin' night!
Hickernuts a feller hears
Rattlin' down is more like tears
Drappin on the leaves below—
'Jove old October so!
Cant tell what it is about
Old October knocks me out!
I sleep well enough at night—
And. the blamdest appetite -
Ever mortal man possessed,—
Last thing et, it tastes the best!—
Walnuts, butternuts, paw paws,
Iles and limbers up my jaws
Fer raal service, sich a new
Pork, spareribs and sausage too.--
Yit, fe ra.II; they's somepin 'bout
Old October knocks me out!-
---James Whitcomb Riley
• by Ross Farquhar
Friday--Viry Boone got marrycd
to a man last weak and today when
• ma wa sasting her how
--,cum she picked on
suchy fellow as he was
she sed the reason why
shec.hoosed him was
• becuz she all ways herd
heed all ways ben so
kind to Dum animals.
Sat.—well we had a
lot of Xcitement at are
house this evnin'g-. Pa
cum home with a cupple
black eyes and a Swell
jaw. The way it cum
to happen Mr. Gillem
was telling us later. It
seems that a man by
the name of McClancy went up to pa
and §ed. Do you biong to the
Arish race and pa repiyed aril sed. No
sir I blong to the Yuman race, and
then it happened. Well pa all ways
has to have his little Joak.
Sunday—Ester has been sending a
visit with he Ant out in the countr3
and today when she got home from
the viva her pa met her at the dour
and told her she had a new baby
sister. Ester rite away run in the
house to tell her ma' all about it
but sum one had been there rst. her
mother all reddy new all about it.
Muriday—Ma was not feeling , so
well today and pa 'went and go, her
stun rneclisine at the drug Store and
after she had tuk it she tawked to
her self all the time. When pa was
a telling Mr. Gillem about it he ast
pa rite away for the prescription and
sed he wood get sum if it costed a $
Tewsday—I ,guess Mrs. Deaver is
a going to leave her husband for
crovelty. She told rna that last
Wensday nite he trumped her Ace and
then the very next tate he •brting; a
freed for supper and it was the cooks
nite off.
Wensclay—Went to party tonite an
we danced a hole 10t and 1 danced
a good deal with Margery sum, budy
from away down ..south. She 18 a
miter good dancer but it gets awfly
Jones= danceing with her becuz she
holds you off at arm tenth. And her
arms ia awfly long to,
Thireday—,Ant T-1,trtiny and her cuz-,
zin from Mane went to the City to
take in the show and had a grate dis-
ii)10..et it. They advertized the
iintire Bal ony t $ and she liusseled tip and payed tier $ and then an
fod a lot
of other i .iople there.
n 44. Pi !•F!.._,”1..F +i!
Ribbed Topped
Silk / Wool Hose
In a variety of good pta
colors, all sizes, pr. ‘"'
Newest Designs 111
Fancy Check Hose
And in the best colors to be
worn this season 1 1 a
per pair .. A 1-1
• Heavy Quality
. Silk Hose -
• In 20 of the best 89
colors. Our leader
Under Hose
To be worn under the mn,,,
finer Silk Hose, pr. (1"'"
A most complete stock of Puritan Maid Hosiery, in Silk,
Silk and Wool, Cashnaere, Lisle, etc. always on hand. Let us ser-
ve you with Hosiery.
•Silk„ Plaited on
Comes in ten good colors and
sizes ro to 112, real
' value at per pair
Checks in Silk and
Wool, Bilk/Lisle
Latest out in designs and co-
lors. Extra Special mag,
Value per pair ti
Wool Fine Rib
in shades of Heather, Lov-
ets, Coatings, Greys, Black,
etc. A real service- ma,.
able line per pair at L".""^—
Made from fine BotatizziWool-,,a,Biitish Sock,....rnacl&for par., -
ticular trade, where a fair amount of weight is reqnired„
all colors and sizes, per pair '
BIG CHIEF — Equally as big a seller as the name would htdi
cate, strong and serviceable for real wear. Made from a connbina- -
tion quality Wool and Cotton, and we sell all sizes 6' to Ix t4
at one price. Try a pair To -day at
LITTLE NELL—Even the name means something in . this
stocking, meant for the bright and carefree children, whom you want
to look smart and well dressed. Comes in colors, Black, W.kiitec Sand_
Nude, Brown, Cardinal, etc., in sizes from 4 to g. Priced ifornY413c
to goc pair. Absolutely all Botany Wool.
At Present We are Showing a Very Smart Range of Ladles' 'and Cltildren's Coats,,Dresse
Hats, Scarfs, Fancy Buckles, Fancy Mations.
• New Neckwear - New Dress Goods in Silks, and Woolens.,Ete;,.
• Also a range Of Woods' Lavender ,U/wear. We Invite Your Inspection: No Obligation, to,Buy.
• Cannot
Be Beat,
If As quality, fit, pr;-
'ce, etc. you are after!
Buy Gordon • Shirts
HERE. Priced from...
Shfrs $1.28
Abiobta, Corm* UP
We Feature Broadcloths
veralls and "Smocks
for Big Men
take pleasure in recommeading this
linci tO, you* made frdm a strong, Denim,
proper .fitting, and at a most reasonable
price, considering the quality,, per,.
2 19
In fast, guaranted colors at .. ; .............$1.98 • garment
Fine Shetland Floss at ............... . ..15c a Ball
Last Week's List of Bargain Staples
Will go on sale for your benefit for the balance of this week, read last week's'
paper for these exceptional bargains. They are worth buying.
' 4