HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1926-10-21, Page 3lY
,Miss ,Doris Baker spent the week
end .at her home in Gorrie. '
M. and Mrs, W m. Williams
cantly returned from Detroit.
Several from here attended the•an-
niversary services held at Salem
last Sunday.
Mrs. (Dr.) Grierson gave a splen-
did .ad,1ress at the special ' W.M.S.
ineeti g held last Wednesday night..
1 ,s. Grierson was a guest at' the
hone of, Mrs, (Dr,) Whitley, while
in town, v
Miss Ethel Hyndinan ,' silent the
week end ;at ,her home. • a
Rev. F. W: Craik was in Winghani
Wednesday, .assisting"in the spiritual
services being held in connection with
the .Silver Anniversary at the United
' Church.
Communion .service will be held in.
Gorrie United church , next Sunday.
morning at t1 ,a.m.; also at Orange
Hill church at 2,30. Let every mem-
ber be pre -asst.
Mr. Wm, Gamble gave an interest-
ing report of the .,Conference.' on
World Service at the evening service
last Su day.
W not attend the Young Peo-
ples' ' e gtte service Friday evening? 1 with God,
It will be "Canadian Night." Two Instead
brief topics will be given on the wri-
tings of Pauline.Johnson, and Rev.
C. W. Gordon (Ralph Connor),
Plantoattend the special preach -
milt t MtPr*niu t.
e o H
v t
Tt choose. and to command;
So `Omit thou, wondering, own
How wise, how strong His hand.
Paul Gerhardt.
Help, 0 Lord, all who are in,piaces
of authority to 'bow humbly before
Thee. seeking wisdom and . grace, to.
enable them to walk worthy of the
trust given in to their keeping.
Through Jesus Christ, our Lord,
S. S. LESSON FOR .00T 24th, rg26
Lesson Title --Joshua, Israel's New
Lesson Passage -- Numbers 27:18-
20; Joshua r i.e.
Golden Text Joshua I:g.
When `Moses was warned of God
that his life -work was drawing near
its close he did not look about for a
suitable successor. He might' have
done so, selecting one from among
the rulers and judges whom, upon
the advice of Jethro, he had set over.
the people or one of his oven family,
he took. counsel o ,
who alone could choose a worthy and
competent leader to take the children
of Israel over the border and settle
them and keep them true to Himself
ing services commencing Mon. Oct, in their new surroundings.
25th. Hearty singing:Evangelis-
tic messages,
Morl. ;Rev. A. W. Walden.
Tues.—Rev. David Armstrong.
Wed. — Rev. E. Chandler.
Thurs. — Rev: Jas Semple
Fri — Rev. C. N. McKenzie:
system. do
Al engine is being sheep which have no shepherd( 7
Moses prayed to God saying: `;Let
the Lord, the God of the'spirits of
all flesh,` set a:man over the congre-
gation, which may go oat before them
and which may go in before them,
and which may ` lead them out, and
which may bring them in:; that the
Gorrie is to have a better lighting congregation of the Lord be' not as
n of `161
installed' Another community im- In this prayer, Moses- acknowledged
provement is the building of a new the supremity . of God over man,
sink.: 'Let us 'continue to improve and that he alone. could therefore ap
point the man best fitted to be;"a
Winghan expect to move to Gorrie this expression he showed.y
early in November. We' are pleased ing concern for the people over whom.
to see' thein return to this vicinity. he had" been appointed as leader in
the beginning of their wilderness jour
rode LINE HOWICK ney In answer to this prayer God.
instructed- Moses to ordain. Joshua,
Misses Verda and Ove Strong, for he is "a man in whom is the spit -
.and Lizzie Graham, spent Sunday:it?" Joshua had'shrown himself to
with Miss Florence Demmerling. . be a man of courage when sent by
Mr. Raymond and: Ida Arthurs, Moses to fight with Amalek: he had
spent Sunday 'with their cousins, Mr. shrown his faith in witnessing against
and 'Mrs. T. J, Strong. 1 the report of the evil spies and his
Mr. afid Mrs. John Demmerling :humility always in' his bearing to -
and Mrs. Jos. McLaughlin, `wards Moses. This was the' character
hof the than upon whom the choice
of God fell
MAKES STATEMENT Moses was instructed how to or -
dein him to his office. He was to
"HERB JUICE is such a wonder -lay his
nding upon
nof him'he in
ngotoken of
Jul medicine, stated Rev. E. A. Saey, from the one to the other,. He was
popular pastor of the M. E., Church,
Windsor, Ont. "It has dyne me so to present him to Eleazar ,the+tiht priest
was as -
I would) indeed. --be and the people, that they '? he was full of the thy life."What he began he
much good that chosen of God and 'priest. Though{
u t do nothing' wish- , sired would be carried through i£ he
frit ..yet hems es
our town. shepherd over the sheep," In using
Mr. and'Mrs. W. J. Gallaher of his yearn-
Thursday, October a st 1gz6
Iul�i!„4i�4�4111f 111111011Iiinlluilullllll �„�.,IIII{luiiuwultlllii�� ',,,,�Ilfll►►►lun�11111iIIIA VIII 111 11���1
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, 4i
t� Il i t
it a J
V 1111 1 11
� I (I. 1 li
IIjj I II`{ �I • ,
II ,
II Fin the Twins?*
iII�Ic, I 1
ow- Can Y..
Two and only two are identical, and are,the twins
No, 'tht;y are.not all twins! Y
find. Can you? To be sure, the 18 pictures • all look alikeo,,
are asked to y
but look closer. IIa�w alaut their hats? � tTduplicates.r;o other
��ere�nwc�esy� ��
Read'the clues. `Only two girls are exact
you find them?.
of tlte,pictures `look alike. But . upon examinationthe differell nce see
At first glance all some
in the ig t oronedark ba in somee brimway rof thom le hat orilin then brimming, on the hat or the
in the light me band on t
•' collar.. Or, some may -wear necklaces, . or ear -rings; or both. Only .two are exactly alike.
No, it's not as easy as it looks. You must search carefullyend in your answer; Some-
look'closely-make �sure.'that you have the, twins, then
body who finds the right twins is going to win a big prize. Make that ""somebody•1 be
First Prize 29t We0
This is one
of the greatest array of. Cash Prizes that has ever been fered winner. Mal and
range Puzzle o$50 That's what it lkAlland you pr prizes will be awarded in time to reach
range from $2 to $50 and from $ $2,000.
the winners by Christmas Day.' be Won
it! You can win as much as $2,000. Yes, sir, $5,000 in }eTr zea may 11th.
Think of
Therein his interesting puzzleecontest, Firwill ize, the,golden =opportunity, $2;000 IN,a CASH.
be 60 winners andprize, duplicate
Won't that:be a wonderful Christmas Gift' In the' event of ties for any p
prizes will be award points for finding the Twins. Itu-
i1,000nedi 1►oints wins eirtt of yourPrize. We willanswer,
n wer youive 950
gwill send you ..particulars of a word-
buildingupon contest, in,. which, if successful, Yp u earn the final 50 points required to win a
$2,000.00 First Prize or one of the 49 other Cash -Prizes. •
Now, ,find the Twins. Write the numbers in the coupon below; fill in your name and
address,'and mail it to the Puzzle Manager, Get started for the Big First Prize,
Puzzle ; Mgr.,. Room 207, THE MAIL AND' EMPIRE, Toronto, Canada
Puzzle Manager, Room 207
ITHE MAIL & EMPIRE, Toronto, Canada.
Numbers and are the
1 twins that I have found. If these are l
correct please give me the 950 points and
toll me how to gain the final 50 points to
win First Prize.
Listed below are the maximum
1st 'Prize.. .................$2,000
2nd Prize.; :. . .. .. .... ..........$1,000
3rd Prize....... . $700
.4th - Prize.. $200'
5th Prize. . • . • .... $200 Q Name
6th Prize.. $100 1
7th Prize..." $I00 Postofiice Province:.
8th Price $100 p
9th Prigs.. - . ... ?'.... $100 9
10th Prize $100 Street or R.F.D. No.
• • es btebssive $I0 »rn�.r _e «r_6,-,-n.—e6.•, -a pm. —
11th w 50th Prises, -0,44.0,`,..^P _
,s, P-
ungrateful i t
it has done'for' consent to that choice. He was to give
me.": Continuing,
from indigestion, consti- be 'solemnly committed to the shade
p .terribly
ation headache, and a'ieeling of full- herd's care and he was to be Moses was
P accountable for 'them. M
ness after eating. T could not "sleep
pains. Nothing to take Joshua into partnership with
with the terrific gas
gave me any relief until I tried ,HERB 'him, while he lived, eacting
tinge. �sah share
The results were truly trio=- sistant, and thus r The eo-
J llous
llous. Even after the first few of the honor given to Mosess un ed to
doses my condition Seemed to tinhis ruleda fid sbecome obey l=int mors.
prove. After: taking` two bottles allafter wouldtho removal him
- Moses.
-my, troubles have disappeared—head- readily
are a thing of "Thou shalt put some of thine honor
ache and constipation
a petite is:excellent upon him, that all the 'congregatiodn
the past.. My p
good night's rest."—For of the children of Israel may be obeh-
and I geta
cKibbon's Drug Store and ient. Moses was also to charge Josh -
e by M ua to use the ministry of the g
other druggists, ; Wirtgharn.
f I did not request you cognize
to publish just:what
C hesaid:• "I suffer-” Joshua a charge—the sheep were to
op ,
out asking counsel of God. Their had faith and courage to do as os
going out and their cog
inin in must !had commanded hi}n. "Only be thou
all be under the guidance of. God. 1strong and very courageous, that,
Moses did according as
he was dir-thou mayest observe to do according
ected and thus resigned his leader -,to all the law which Mosesmy
ser -
ship into other .hands, passing over I commanded thee; turn the left
members of his own family, lcav- ivant
it to the right hand or
ing them in the rank'of common Le- that thou mayest prosper whitherso
vices. Bishop Patrick says this , ever thou goest."
shows Moses to have had a principle! Joshua was then told to conform
-which raised him above all other law- himself in everything to the law of
ers who always took care .to es- God, making it the rule of his iolife. ,
tablish their families in sortie share of He was in the midst of lzis nGod'
y life
that greatness, which they themselves to take time to meditate punto ht's
possessed; but hereby it appeared law. It was to be p
t d not from himself be- —=
testismanoltinisul ealsul■Nliulsulpnionwi s innali Ir
l� ulimslniulanism/main _ w
16 inch long, for sale, consists of Tamarack, Hemlock,
1VIaple, Beech, Birch, Elm, etc.
1 ed in Win • hasn't
Pr*ee $4.L5 per cord deliver , 9
Cash on' delivery.
in '3 or 6 cord lots, C
wpm Blocks, 16 ill., at $3,25
Cedar Kind
Dr �
' ""Maple Lumber on hand a $1 x.00.
Drys sound, one inch extra, to farm
per M at mill or will deliver at cost
men etc. Splendid'for' flooritlg on
1s yrs, poultrymen,liningupinside.
top of cement,. or for
mber Cider Mills
111', Gibson '��
Phone 30 - Wroxeter
Moses acted
he acted not for himself. ' illsllllllll®11ms1111�111�6111®III®IIIIlIII811111m111111111v
feet and a light upon his path and by
paying good heed to its commands
and by setting them before the peo-
ple for their direction God promised
him success in his life -work "For
then thou shalt make thy way pros-
perous, and • then thou shalt have good
In Igoe the Chinese Students
Christian. Association in North .Ain -
erica was organized at Hamilton, New
York, Sept 2nd to 6th. Few,
people realized at that time the sig-
nificance of the organization and
even fewer people realized at that
time the significance of the .organiz-
ation and even fewer people realized
the influence that was to come from
men who were in the mak:
ause N
After the death of . Moses, God
spoke directly to Joshua as He had
d toMoses Though Moses had I s
one — r
charged Joshua to approach God A
through the High Priest, yet for' his
encouragement God canie to hint with
instructions:: to proceed t0 carry on
"Now, therefore arise, go over this
Jordan, thou, and all this people."
At the very beginning he was faced
by a situation that called for faith•,.
He. was' to cross the Jordan whose
banks were. at this time overflowing
it being the'time of harvest (3:15).
Going over the Jordan was going into
Canaan, and God had said He had
w- given' it to the children of Israel..
"Every place that the sole of your
foot shall tread 'upon, that have II
given unto you, as I said unto Moses."
Godgave Joshua the promise,
s J
- 'iiia
once would go with, 1
� His pros
p this great work to which he had been
ri called. As God bad been with Moses
directing him and sustaining ,hint all
through the wilderness journey, so
He would be with Joshua in his task
of settling them in the new land. "I
will not fail the nor forsake thee"
]'-le also had Gods assurande that
enemy would bvercottte him but
Li no Y
rather that he would triumph.
rs "There shall not be any man able
to stand before thee .all the days of
The Village council timet in the:
Council Chamber Friday night, Oct..
15th, Members present, Neil White,
3 .Stocks, James Moffatt, Reeve Hen-,
'r Minutes of the
the sat,
• in chair, cher
Y - do
mid 4L
read � d
i p~
e n
r t
uta meeting last regular g
led on motion of White and Moffatt..
Accounts presented for .payment
T. G ,Hemphill, power and rent for
September $92.50.
H: Patterson, running plant four
weeks at $1x.20, two hours overtime`
$l.:oo. Total $45.80.
Winghani: Advance printing $34.25.-
Motion of White & Stock, that - the -
above account be paid and orders...
drawn on the treasurer for same.
Motion that the Clerk order trans-
former through R. W. Philip of Mil --
ton Hydro system, as per offer ire
letter of Oct. 14th, to be sent on 'an
'Motion by James Moffatt and Neil
White, we adjourn to meet at regular
meeting, or call of the Reeve.
Owing' to Anniversary' services at
Salem, there were no services in the
United church last Sunday.
Harry , Hupfer . has taken the con-
tract for digging the drain. of Fralick
14Ir, and Mrs. Martin and'child of -
Toronto, spent Sunday at John Doug-
Miss . Edith Earls of Stratford Nor -
nal school, spent Sunday at home. ,
Mr, and Mi s. Fred Kitchen have re-
turned from a four week's visit with
their daughters in'Toronto ,and De-
troit; stopping at Leamington, and
States. -
Mr. T .W. Jackson has sold his
farm on the boundary and will have,
an auction sale on Oct: 28th, after
which he and Mrs. Jacidin will move
intd Wroxeter. . -
Jim .Wright, who formerly lived on
the Brussels road, but now living in
Windsor, was in town last Friday.
The annual Thankoffering service
in connection with the W. M. S. of
the United church, will be held on,
Sunday morning, Oct. 24th. Dr. El-
izabeth McMaster of India, will give
the address.
which the saliva is acid in reaction—
turning blue litmus red.
Normally, salvia resting in the mou-
th is neitral or very slightly acid,
while saliva as it flows from' the
glands is but slightly alkaline. .
The danger of real acid mouth in
which the saliva exhibits a marked
acid reaction is that the acid content
injures tooth enamel and bringing
about a general weakening of tooth
structure giving rise to decay.
But normally the salivary' glands
will not tolerate for long, a marked
acidity in the mouth as they are sti-
mulated by the very presence of the
acid contents to a flow of slightly al -
For example:—You may eat. some
citrus fruit, grapefruit, or • orange,
and from the presence of the fruit
the great ing in that group. Then they were acids the saliva in the mouth will
• marked acid reaction. But
comparatively unknown students; Iow give a
the unknown students are well known I this condition will remain but a few
men. Among the officers elected in ininutesas a rule, the saliva return-
�1 ® 1909 were Chen, Tsao, Kuo, Han, ing shortly to neutrality or near-
- Yui and Wang. Dr. Chen is, nbtiv neutrality.
= First Secretary of the Chinese Em-
There appear to be, however, real.
� � 'cases of acid
The important feature of the Worn -
en's Institute meeting this month will] -
be a "Health Talk," by Dr. A. Mc-
Leod, Roll Call—Donation of siac
eggs. As these eggs are to be given:
to the Wingham hospital, a generous•
response is requested. This promises >:
to be a very interesting meeting, and.
all the ladies of the community are .
invited. Non-members may take part
in the donation should' they so des-
ire. --Thursday, Oct. 28th at Mrs..
Chicken thieves are getting busy :
again, and yet Timothy will have it
that a loire wus wurse than a thafe,.
because ye cud lock yer dure agin a
thafe but ye had no proteckshttn agin
a loire at all at all. Those thieves cer-
tainly make some good breaks.
Miss A=ny Newans has returned to• •
her work at Mildmay.
Mr .R. J. Barton, Palinerston, call-
ed on old friends in this village on
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mighton and
family of Durham spent Supnday with
his sister, Mrs. Neil IvieNeil,:also Mr.
and Mrs. Oliver MacCaslin and son.
••• NOW •.� ITN
Sums and Overcoats
to Measure
, New Styles and Fabrics at
e1 the New Prices.
i $25.00 to $45.00
�I will be at
Wroxeter, Oratorio
bossy in London, Mr. Tsao, President
of Tsinghua College, Peking; Dr.
Kuo, President of Southeastern Na-
tional University, Nanking; Dr. Han,
Director of Government Forestry
Bureau, ,Peking; Dr. Yui, General
Secretary of the National Y. M. C. A.
of China; Dr. Wang, Commissioner
for the Rehabilitation of Shantung.
On March 7 to 9, a group of Chris-
tian Oriental students from the Col-
leges of Iowa, - representing India,
China, Japan, Korea and the Philip-'
met in the
pine Isla ,
le •e
Coe ,
' tats at Co g
ference of Orientals
Cedar Rapids, Iowa, : and were the
guests of the people of Cedar Rap-
On Thursday' and
s1 Friday.thiis week 1 w
ISI fHe will give you his personal
attention. If you Cannot calf on
him call us and he will call bit
*ITIRII animIIalll*IllUllillis1iata ►1(�lltatil
mouth in some individ-
uals, and to combat this they are of-
fered both alkaline dentifrices and
pastes in which are incorporated
fruit acids:
Nevertheless, exhausive tests have
proven that mouth acidity or alkali-
vity cannot be controlled by foreign
substances for any length of time,
A real case of acid mouth, there-
fore, can only be premanently reme-
died by a diet that will build up the
alkaline reserve of the body to com-
bat acid mouth.
.fruit and vegetab-
build up the alkaline reserve of
the body, while eggs, meat, . cereal
and br'eadeplete it. The average
diet meat, bread, potatoes and pas-
try tends tow
pleted alkali reserve.
Fence, it is not so important whe-
ther we use this or` that dentifrice
as that the tooth -brush may. be ha-
bitually employed for the maintcn-
1 h ith mouth
For a fewweeks we are publishing
a few paragraphs on the care of the
teeth, This should prove very in-
teresting acid beneficial reading.
First—Acid Month
Acid mouth denotes a condition in
Village Clerk
Issuer of Marriage Licences
The law now requires the license be -
taken out three days before the cere-
Subscription taken for the
Advance -Times.
Clubbing ra,'..'.s given
Graduate of Royal College of Dente
Surgeons of Ontario
Graduate of University of Toronto - -
At Fordwich Tuesday and Thursday
At Gorrie the rest of the week.
Director of'Funeral Services
'ldotor 'hearse or' Carriage, which
ever is required. -
Phone 16
d ards acidosis or a de
1'ordwich, Ontario
Licensed Auctioneer for the Cbtitittica
Of Iturptt 'and W eilirigton
Phone Ip
Or Patterson's 1eordware Store