HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1926-10-21, Page 1ate
With which Is amalgamated The Gorrie yldette and The Wroxeter News
1Vickibbori's Drug. Store 'ONE CENT SALE" on Thursday, Friday and Satur4ay, October 28th, 29th and 30th.
Single Copies, Five Cents.
OCTOBER 21st. 1926
The following is a synopsis of an-
nual report of tne Ladies' Auxiliary
to the Winghain General Hospital,
from Oct. zotli 1925 to Oct Isth 1926.
The object of this Society is to as
the Hospital Board, in providing
necessities for the hospital, such as
bedding, including (spreads, sheeting,
'blankets and pillows) towelling, linens
dishes, curtains and numerous other
things neceiiary to the general up-
keep. '
The meetings of thie auxiliary are
.heid,on the first Monday of the month
an the Council chamber at 345 p.m.
All ladies are cordially inirlted to at-
The Society held ten regular meet-
ings and, kne ipecial meeting during
the year, and has a -membership of
Donation day was held on Oct. 15.
The Ladies made a house to house
canvass of the town, and received
a generous contribution, 344 jars of
fruit, jam, jellies and pickles, i bag
salf, i bag of apples, vegetables of
all kinds, and $1.75 in cash.
"Hospital Sunday, which is the Sun-
day following Thanksgiving fell on
Nov. t5th this year. The church
collections amounted to $97.85. The of the church.
-"Society appreciates the eo-operation Mr- John Kerr gave the following
they have always had in collecting very interesting history of the build
this motley. ing of the church.: --
The NursesGraduation was held The Official Beard of this church
in the Town Hall on Tuesday, Jantz- extended an invitation td Rev. Rich-
„ard Hobbs to become pastor of the
.ary 12.th. The Ladies served lunch
to the Nurses and their friends. The church for the Conference year, be
silver collection at the door amount_ ginning June ist 1899 During the
. ed to $27.29. first year of his ministry in Wingham
Mr. Hobbs, assisted by the officials
Three suc9cessful Teas were held
during the yeat in the Council Chatnof the church, was saccessful in pay
bet The proceeds amounted to ing the debt on the old church that
was growing larger every year, with
The election of officers for the enS interest added to the principle until
suing yearwas as follows:-- it totalled $83z56. Soon after the
Hon. President -- Mrs. j. Wilsoncongregation had "lifted” that debt off
President — Mrs. R. VanStone.. , the old church, Mr. Hobbs suggested
1st Vice Pres Mrs. W. J. Hen., that we build a new church and out-
derson. lined a plan for the payment of the
2nd -Vice Pres. Mrs. J. Gibbons, Salne•
3rd Vice. -Pres. — Mrs. a Hanna. After a number of Trustee Board
Secretary — Mrs. W. R Hamblymeetings had been held to consider
Treasnrer -- Mrs. W. F, Burgmanthis question, it was decided that we
CorrSecy -- MrsWJGreer• build a new church. Some were
. .. . . .
Buying- committee -- Mrs, 3, very decidedly opposed to the pro -
A -McLean (Convenor) Mrs. 3. Wilson ceeding to build a church without
Miss Adams, Mrs. J. Gibbons, Mrs, first providing a sinking fund. How -
A. J. Walker and Mrs, W. j, Hen_ ever after Mr. Hobbs had itested the
dersonfeeling of the people, in a Very prac-
Membership Commit* — *Mrs. R., tical manner, by making an every
Vanstone, convener; Mesa j. Wilson, nprieber canvass, and asking for sub
Mrs. j. Gibbons, Mrs. A. McDonald, scriptions toward the building fund,
Mrs. W. J. Greer, Mrs. j. Hanna, Mrs, and had secured promises to the am
W. 5. Henderson, Miss M. Adams, ount of $73o 00 the entire congrega.-
Mrs. J. McLean, Mrs. W. F. Burgrnan, tionswith very few exceptions, gave
Mrs. j W. McKibbon, Mrs. W. H, themselves very heartily to this great
Willis, Mrs. A. ji Walker, Mrs. R task. Mr. Hobbs proved himself a
, Clegg, Mrs .Taylor, Mrs. W. R. Ham- very' practical business rnan and the
bly, Mrs, F. Vanstone and Mrs, G. L. congregation, recognizing his ability,
Brackenbury. , took courage, and everybody help-
, Floral Committee — Mrs, R N‘Tan- ed to tarry this great undertaking to
stone (Convenor) Mrs'. J. Gibbons, a successful issue Rev. Mr. Hobbs
' Mrs. A. j. Walker, Mrs. W. F. Burg- received a -very hearty and unani-
man, Mrs, G Spotton, Mrs. W. 3. mous invitation to stay with us for
Greer, Mrs. A. -McDonald and .Mrs. W a second year. In extending the in -
R. liamblyvitation to Mr. Hobbs, the Official
Entertainment Committee — Mrs. Board expressed their appreciation of
'W. J. Henderson (Convenor) Mrs. F. his earnest fearless'.and faithful pres-
Vanstone, Mrs. 3. H. McKay and Mrsentation of the truth, and rejoiced
.A. McDonald. with him in the quickening of the
Sewing Committee -- Mrs. R. L. church, increased membership,
,Stewart (Ctnvenor), NIrs, J. A. Mc-
Lean, Mrs. L. C. Young, Mrs. P.
eGowans, .W. j. Henderson, Mrs.
A: McDonald, Mrs. W. H. Willis, Mrs
J. W. McKibbon and Mrs. Bracken -
Alrns Box Collectors --- :krs. J.
Hanna and Mrs. T. McKenzie Smith.
Auditors — Messrs C. P .Smith and
C King
Hospital and Visiting Committee --
Mrs. R., Vanstotle,(Convenor).Mrs. j.
'Wilson and Mrs C
The following is an account of the
inonies taken in during the year:—
Balance in batik, Oct /6, 1925..4176 26
Vembership Fees 13 oo
Wingham United Church Holds
Successful Silver Anniversary
Very successful services were held
in Wingham United Church on Sun-
day, Oct x7th, the occasion being the
Silver Anniversary of the Chn,,e9r
Bothmorning and evening the church
was filled to capacity, and the speaker
of he day, Rev. E. A. Pearson of
Dundas Centre United Church, Lon-
don, delighted his hearers with Ids
clear-cut gospel messages. Special
music was provided by the choir and
they were assisted by Mr. E. ,S. Hud-
son of Listowel, who gave appropriate
solos at both servcces.
On Monday evening, a congrega-
tional meeting was held, when the
auditorium was again filled. The
Pastor, Rev....NI .M .13ennett, occupied
the chair, and a s5lendid program was
given, consisting of choruses by mem-
bers of the choir, , reading by Miss
Yvonne McPherson and solos Ify Mrs.
J. W. Joynt of Lucknow in her usual
goode style. Greetings from neigh-
boring churches were, firought by
Rev. Mr .Curnming of St Ildleris and
Whitechurch, and Rev. Mr. Scobie of
BeIgrave. Letters of congratulations
were also read from former pastors
'VV. NI. S. from $7o,00 to $r5osio, plate
collections from $200.00 to $400.00.
Pew rent from Sr5o.00 to $550,05. En -
elope fund from $800.00 to $1600,00.
Satisfactory increases in finances were
made by all other departments.
Rev. G. R. Gundy DD, succeede,d
Rev. R. Hobbs as minister of this ,
church. During his pastorate, the
church membership increased sails-
factotlly,' and. he did splendid work
in helping to carry through to com-
pletion the work, started by Mr.
Hobbs and those associated with him.
It worth while to mention that
Mrs. Gregory, Wm .M. Andersoe and
joseph J. Kerr, who attended Sunday
School in Lower Winghain in the
"6os" were present at the anniversary
services on Monday evening.
The special feature of the evening
was the large five -storey birthday
cake, which had been Rrepared for
the oecasion. On two sides of the
cake was the lettering, "God is Love
1901-1926," and on the other two
sides, "Rev. Richard Hobbs 1901 and
(Continued on Page 4)
W. M. S,
Sectional meeting No, 2 of Mait-
land W.M.S. wee held fen Chalmer's
Presbyterian church, Whitechurch, on
Thursday, Oct rath at 2.30.
This section includes the auxiliaries
of Belgrave, p elmore, Bluevale, Lang -
side, Wingliarn, Teeswater and White-
church. Mrs. W. H. Arkell of Tees -
water was in the chair. Psalm 31
opened the meeting. Dr. Forbes of
Teeswater, read the scripture lesson
Col. 3, and firayer by the three auxil-
iary members representing Belgrave,
Blueval and Langside.
Mrs. j. W. Dill of Toronto, gave a
very interesting and instructive ad-
dress Orl the work of the M. S
A/ ,
and fission, Band work Mrs. Dill
is a splendid woman, and a. very con-
vincing speaker.
Mrs. Perrie, Presbyterial President,
spoke a few words on .our work at
home in our auxiliaries, after yvhich
Mrs. Donald Rae, Wingham, 'sang.
The meeting was brought to a close
by a few Well chosen words by Mrs.
Forbes, Teeswater, and prayer by Mrs
Davidson, Whitechurch. Whitechurch
auxiliar3r Ladies served tea after the
meeting, 150 being present. '
VVill Lead the Tories
Hon. Hugh Guthrie of Guelph, was
chosen to succeed Rt. Hon. Arthur
Meighen as leader of the Conservetives in the House of Cc:en/none.
Raspberries in October
Mr. Wm. Stokes brought a luscious
bunch of raspberries to our office
which he picked in his garden on Oct
151.11. Why go to Florida or Cali-
Died in Victoria
The death occurred in Victoria on
Saturday, Oct. r6th of John Wesley
Connell ex M.P.P., and a foririer
resident of Wingham. Older residents
of the town remember the Connell
family quite well. His father was a
noted cradle ma.ker in the days before
mowers, he also built several of the
homes in Winghanij At one tithe
encouraging condition of the finan- they had a liquor store in the store
ces. It was the custom of the church now occupied by Mr. McElroy as -a
in those days in invite the minister
. 1 grocery.
to remain for another year, until he
had put in four years, which was the Brick Church Anniversary
pastoral time limit, Needless to say, /
The ann'versary at Brick church,
Mr. Hobbs received invitations for East Wawanosh, will be held on Stm-
the third arid fourth year .Mr. Hobbs day, October 31st, Rev. D, MeTav-
was'not only successful in pulpit and IA of Exeter will be the preacher at
Pastoral wock, but equally stteeessfill the service,s at xra.me and 7.3-o p.m.
in evangelistic work. Durifig his On Monday evening, he will give e.
pastorate, the London Conference was lecture, "'The Measure of a Man," and
held in the new church. Delegates ,here will be other numbers on the
to the Conference received a verY program. A silver collection will
hearty and enthusiastic reception from be taken. At the close of the lee -
the people of Wingham, whieh was lure a pie .social will be held.
much appreciated
Church CellectionsT
97 85 People who latiew Mr. Hobbs well, he Late John 1VIonk
Nurses' Graduation 27 29 will remember the following as two A very sudden death„took place
Alms Bole Collection , ,, .. ...... ....,,,,151 11 of leis favorite hymns, "No Dark Vail -
going to press Iast. Week, with the ,
Teas and Euchres Wednesday noon, just as we were
Donations .'..!' ..,'... ...... — z
2 24 ey," and "There's Not a Friend."
75 It W as really wonclerfel, and I think passing of John Monk, Maple street.
Bank /Merest ,, . ,, - ..... ..-..—....--- 5 45 unprecedented; in this country, that Mr. Monk had been well and active
a church having a membership of only to the last He had been piliog wood
474 98 389, and carrying -a, debt of $832.ota, itt the yard Wednesday morning and
The follovelog is a detailed ,ac- could and did accomplish 80 much in had walked to the postoffice and ti
count of the monies spent during' the so short it time. on entering the house at noon, he
year. , , • 'The building -fund for the 'new expired without a struggle, The de-
xx.e yds sheeting' Pipe Organ SP -
is survived by his wife, two sons and
12 13edspreede ..........
eale:- . •-• ......... - 48 00 church was $17,794-74 ceased man was iii la,is 83rd year. He
x8o Towels 71 70 a8t8e, Piano $220.00, l'arson'tge re -
three •datighters, Will at home; Don-
e() 04 pairs $ees,.76, a total of $2o,689.0o, and
79 yds pillow cotton ..., - 39 96 all paid before the end of 19o4i Dur- ald and'Mrs, Fred Horwoocl, Detroite
TOT yds Cotton , ..........„. .... 28 28 ing these five yoears, the peoA c not Mrs. 'William Monoltan, Port Huron
1081 yds Flanellette .. . . e,„,.............- 24 19 only paid for the mangitificent new and ,i)/frs. Arthur Knight Toronto,
• 41i• Yde. Curtain Material ... • . ••••-• 20 62 cherelt but increased their offeringes Funeral service at;as conducted at Inc
914 yds Cheese Cloth ....„..--...a.. . . /3 7a to the 'various funds of the church, late residenc.e \Friday afternoon at two
6 4=11 table 'covers ,......----- ix 70 offerino to missions increased frona o'clock. Interment was made in the
(Cottinlled on Page 4), abott $200,00 a year to about $700.00, Wingham cemetery,
Official Visit to Palmerston
Mrs. Harvey Shane, District Grand
Matron of this district of the Eastern
Star, paid her official visit to Palmer-
ston Cha.pter on.Monday evening-. She
was accompanied by a few of the
Wingham brethren.
Cadet Had Blood Poison.
A number of High School cadets
left on Thursday to. take part in the
-shooting competition being held in
London. W. E. Brawley, Jr., was one
a the boys to go frone here. He had
a sore heel when he left, from which
blood poisoning developed. His father
motored down with .G. L Bracken -
bury, princippl tef the school, on Fri-
day afternoon, to bring him home.
Winghatrt Boy Weds
A charming wedding of Saturday
afternoon took place at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. R. j. Robinson, Ailsa
Craig, when their daughter, Kathleen,
was married to Dr. J. Hardy Gedd-
es a Detroit, Soll of Mrs. Helen Ged-
des of Wingham. Rev. G. W. Moore,
rector of the Ailsa Craig Anglican
Church, officiated at the ceremony,
which was attetyled by the Mimed
ate fainilies of the bride and'groom,
The bride, who was given in mareiage
by her father, wore a lovely frock of
atmosphere georgette with tucks and
lace. A' bandeau of gold leaves was
worft and the bride's flowers were a
corsage of roses and lily of the -vall-
ey. Mrs. Stuart Draper, of London,
was her sister's matron of honor,
wearing a-stnart costume of portdre
blue georgette with corsage of tea
roses and silver bandeau in her hair
Dr. James Jarrot ,a Ailsa Craig, -was
the best man. Many -autumn flowers
were used throughout the%house. In
the dining room, buffett refreshments
were scrved..The bride's mother wore
a handsome gown of black panne vel-
vet and Mrs Geddes of Wingham,
nother or the bridegroom, was also
becomingly gowned in blur.. Later
Dr, and Mrs. Geddes left for Montreal
and Quebec, the bride going away in
poudre blue and grey costume.
Guests for the wedding were Mr. and
Mrs. Stuart Draper of London; Mr,
tid Mrs, Wilson Geddes of Water
00; Miss Murry of Wirighatt, Mr.
ticl Mrs. Charles McCallture of 13eech-
Subscription $
pep yew-.
Local and General News of
Interest to The Community -
Mr .Chas, Jobb has accepted a
ition in North Bay.
Mr. T. H. Gibson attended a baker's
convention in Toronto last week,
Misses Gertrude and Gladys Rob-
ertson are sp/ending a few days in TO-
r°,1VIrnt°.. Elmer Purdon is reli ng M.
Mitchell it the C. N. R. e egraph
Mr. Russell Hopper has arrived
home, after spending several weeksIn
the West. • .--- --
Mr Eliza. Pocock has returned home
after assisting Mrs Harvey Maize for
three weeks. •
Wingharn and vicinity is ' (enjoy-
ing?) its first snow storm of the sea-
son Wednesday morning. •
Dance in the Wingham Armouries
on Friday, Oct. 22nd. Reavn's Orches-
tra, A good time f all)
Mr, and Mrs. E. ,J. Miteliell are vis-
iting at the home o their daughter,
Mrs. I. McNaleb in Toronto
Car of No. 2, Yellow Seed Corn to
arrive about October 27. Special prices
quoted from car -- J. A Mills.
A fowl supper will be served in the
Presbyterian church on November
1st. Further notice next week. .
a .
Mr. James Simpson, Barrister, of
Toronto, visited for a week with his
sister, Mrs .McDonald, Patrick St.
Most people "think" about the
same way a chicken eats corn. They
just grab ideas whole and swallow.
Mr. W. J. Wiley of Swift Current,
is visiting at the horne/of abis parents,
Mr. and MrS. AS. 1M4Seir, Victoria
Mr. A, Maize, Mr. and Mrs. H.
Maize, and little daughter Helen, vis-
ited Mrs. Eliza Pocock one day last
IlweeD5efral 1 ,1 IA I. C.
Calder was called to Ia., on Sunday, owing to
n -
the serious illness of her sister, Miss
Jean Calder.
Mr. and Mrs .Lewis Storey of Flint
Mich., spent a few days at the home
a her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos.
Groves. •
Mrs. Dudley E. Holmes and child -
ren of Goderich, are visitini at th
home of her parents, Mr.' and Mr
j. A. MacLean, '
Mr. and Mrs. John ,...Gnie-ve,, accom
panied by Mr. Walterprieveeof Strat
ford, visited at the h me -t -t- Mr. an
Mrs. Donald Rae.
Mrs. M. W. Betikwith was called to
Goderich, owing to the death of her
sister, Mrs. Mitchell. The funeral
was held on Saturday.
We are glad to see Mr. C. S. Van
Norman able to be out again, after
being confined to his home for some
time with bealding earsee,
Mn and Mrs. W. ,ee, Walley and
daughter, Dorothy, cit,..,Sf. Thomas,
visited in Witigexam at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. j. B. Mason.
Car a No. 2, Yellow Seed Coin to
arrive about October 27. Special prices
quoted from car — J. A Mills.
Mr. Currie Wilson, of the Bank of
Commerce staff at Sotthampton,
spent over the week end ea the home
of his mother, Mrs 3 S, Wilson.
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley McBurney of
Toronto ,are visiting at the home of
his father, Mr. Hugh McBurney and
with other friends in the vicinity.
Mr. arid .Mrs. Geo. G. MacEwen,
and little daughter, motored up from
Goderich and spent over Sunday with
her mother, Mrs. Scott, Francis St.
Mr, John Fryfogle motored to Lon-
don last week, accompanied by his
Sister, Mrs. tWilliam Herd and little
daughter, who have been lisiting here.
Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Hudson, pub
Usher of the Listowel Banner, and Mr.
and Mrs. Earl Bennett of Listowee
were Sunday visitors at the home of
the editor.
Mrs. W. R;Hamilton's many friends
will be pelased to know that she is
progressing as well as can be expect-
ed after andergoing a major operation
in Hamilton.
Dr .Parker will be in Niagara Fails
N.Y., on Friday and Saturday, of this
week, attending the joint meetlegeOf
the Ontario and New York Osteopa-
thic Associations,
Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Linkleter and
Miss Margaret, left tide week for their
new home itt paterforct It is with
deep regret th'ut we lose this estimable
family fron't our midst
Mrs, Renwick, of town, was suc-
cessful in 'winning 3 firsts, 2 seconds
and x third priegain"tir Lady Driv-
ng contests at/the lo al fairs this
all. Mrs. Rah, avieje, id not always
lave the same lalitlae, Intt drove four
iffererit horses during the fairs.
wood; Ond Mr. and,Mrs, Ralph Rob- l
inson, of Ansa Craig
The Victory Mission Circle of the
Wingha.m United! Church. will bold
their annual bazaar on November 27.
Keep the date in mind. Do your
Christmas shopping early.
Dr. W. J. McLean, Superintendent
of Westminster Hospital, London,
and Mrs.. McLean spent the week -end
with the former's mother, 'Mrs. Mar-
garet McLean, Catherine St.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Claire Adams, who
ihea; e yresided h aivneHlna.rr.9iviltdon,;ofb7n
and have taken upregd.= e in the
cornyn cottage on Shuter St.
Mrs. Start, who has just returned to
her home in Detroit, after spending
some time in caring for her mother,
Mrs. John Imlay was called back a-
gain, owing to her mother's illness.
One car cottonseed meal, one car
oat middlings, one car screenings, one
car salt and one car oyster shell for
sale. If interested we will quote
special prices off car — A. C. Adams,
Phone ao, Wingleem.
. Mrs. Parker is spendi g the week-
end with friends in Ga d Preston.
Mr. and Mrs. Chae. teeneck, De-
troit, motored up and spent over Sun-
day at the home of their uncle, Mr.
W. j. Henderson, Junction.
Reeve j. W. and Mrs. McKibbon,
returned from Toronto Wednesday.
They have been in the city for a week
or more With their son Charlie, who
has been quite ill, but we are pleased
to say is now making a steady re-
The regular meeting of the Wom-
en's Institute will be held in the coun-
cil chamber, Thursday afternoon, Oc-
tober 28th . The directors in charge
are Mrs. W. J. Henderson and Mrs.
John Fowler. . Some basketry and
brooms will be sold.
The Mission Band of St. Andrew's
churchwill hold a Thanksgiving con-
cert in the class room of the church,
on Friday evening at eight &clock.
It will conssit of a, pageant, recita-
tions and musical numbers. Silver
collection at the door.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. S. Isard, Wing -
ham, Ont, announce the engagemen't
of their. daughter, Mabel Gertrude, to
Mr. Norman 1. Murray of Toronto,
son of Mr. Jas. Murray aid the late
Mrs. Murray of Toronto, the marriage
to take place early in November.
Autds, owned and driven by Miss
Brewer and Mr. 1-TeV'rhompson, col-
lided at the corn*r of iagonal and
Victoria Streets! Nei er saw the
other because ok sno ' on the wind-
shields. Both C1.'±'5 were damaged,
Mr. Thompson's much the worse a
the two. .
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Hamilton of
Listowel, Mrs. John Curnoe and fam-
ily of London, Mrs. Cecil Angus and
children, London, Mrs. Minnie Fean-
aughty of Detroit, Mr. Jack Angus
of Toronto, Mr. Hugh Angue of El-
mira, and Miss Evelyn of Detroit,
have returned to their homes, after
having attended the funeral of Miss
Mable Angus,
Morris Lady Breaks Limb
Miss Mary E. Ca.semore, Morris
township, met with a painful accident
on Thursday evening, when she broke
her leg above the ankle while driving
cows in the barnyard. Miss Case_
mores many friends will be sorry to
hear of the accident.
Thanks to Firemen
Mrs. Wm. Henderson wianes to
thank the Firemen and employees a
the Western Foundry especially„• Ll-
oyd Hingston, Clarence Ilitigston,
Hugh Prentice, and Jack Deyell, for
their promptness in getting her fire
under control.
Chas. Proctor Passes "Nii
Mr. Chas, Proctor, 4th l'n' of Mor-
ris, was taken suddenly il while driv-
ng cattle on Tuesday and passed a-
way quietly Wednesday afternoon/ It
s believed that a blood vessel. broke
n Mr. Proctor's head. Mu
thch sym-
pathy is felt for the family hi their
ad bereavement.
Looked Like Bad Fire
An auto which was short eircuiting,
aught fire in the Merktey garage on
attirday, and, without a moinent's
yarning, a wall of fire shot through
he building. It was by dint ofmighty
ast work that the fire was got un-
er control before inueli damage was
one. Another Minute, and the build -
ng would have been beyond control.
fire in this oil soaked frame build -
ng /night mewl a serious loss to the
The Ontario Legislature stands die
solved, The elections will be hell
on Wednesday, Dec. 1. Official noni
Marion clay wiU be Saturday, Nov
11).)eroepinleieornFaerpg:iiscoyn ot,Evi11GQaypeprnelmaent
control of liquor, with local optien
the feateres of which are:
The abolition of prescriptions;
The appointment of a high-clas•
promise that
that there will he ng -
turnth kgr5;
The protectiota of local option ar
Provision for machinery for con
lof the act with the Com
The jailing a "poison" vendors;
The reduction of taxation from
quor revenues.
Other features which the Prim
Minister stressed in an election stat
ment, ea.rly Tuesday morning, and d
which he bases his claims for r
turn to power at the head of a Co
servative Government, are the assu
artce of a balance budget; reduce
taxation; niotor licenses reduced,
usement tax cut; debt repayment p
vided; municipal incomer tax reduce
highways policy extended; pro,gre
in Hydro administration; developm
of the North Country; increased a
ricultitral markets; and an holiest a
Badly Injured in Explosion
Richard, the nine year old son
Mn and Mrs. W. a Reed, of Ashfiel
was badly burned about the legs a
Sunday last While he and a lit
brother and sister were making tore
es from "cat -tails." They were sea'
nig the bulrushes with coal oil tak
from a steel 'barrel. In some
one of the blazing torches got ne
the oil barrel and an explosion folio
ed. The burning oil was thrown o
er all three children, but only Di
got much of it, the others escap
with slight burns. The boy was
badly burned that it was thought
a time that he would not recov
However he is improving steadily.
Lucknow Sentinel.
Mr. James Macdregor bead
There/passed away at his home
Whitechurch ,on Sunday morning,
old andrespected gentleman, in
person of Mr. James MacGregor. D
ceased had been about, as usual,
til a few minutes before he died.
He was born in Cape Briton, ite
a TJnited Empire Loyalist and
87 years of age and belonged to
United Church here.
Besides his wife, he leaves to mon
him, one son Duncan of Teeswate
and eight daughters, Mrs. Mac Ro
and Mrs. T. H. Moore of Whit
church, Kate (Mrs. Moffatt), of Di
Alberta, Edith (Mrs. Henderson),
Paramount, Jean (Mrs. Brayford
and Jessie, (Mrs. Shaw), both of To
onto, Flossie, (Mrs. Cla.rence Russel
of Waubaushene, and. Millie, (Mi
Hugh Anderson), of Buffalo .
The remains were laid to rest
the Teeswater cemetery on Tuesda
afternoon. Rev. Mr. Cuminitis
St. Helens conducted the services
The Late Mrs. Roderus.
On Saturday afternoon, 1VIrs. F,
Roderus, a respected citizen a Win
ham, passed to her reward after a
illness which extended ,over seven'
months. Before her marriage, 'cli
was Miss Mary Ann Moore, Hibbei
towitship, Perth Countyand she wi
married in 1869 to Mr. F. a Roderu
who predeteasetleher about a year a
They came to Winghant immediroe
after their marriage, and she has cot
continued to reside here ever since.
Surviving her are four daughtei
and one son viz. Mrs, j. F. Crande
arid Miss Harriett a Wingheara Mr
E. C. Laundy of Blyth, Mrs. K. •
Stanford of Beffalo, and air, F. V
Rodertis of Alhambra, Cal. Thei
are also seven grandchildren and tee
great grandchildren, The datighte
at ineine have tenderly cared for le
every watit during her lengthy Mae
The late Mrs. Rodents wee a fait',
fill member of St. Paul's Aftglict
chortle and was an honorary memb•
.' the Wotheites :Auxiliary, a whil
orgattizadion, ehe was a past pre,
The funeral services were e.ontittett
it the clittrelt by the rector, RP V.
Schaffter on Tuesday aftern
and anterment was made ill the f
ily plot it the Winghain cemetery.