HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1926-10-14, Page 4• ►NllY SPEG�ALS 0 Cents per 1b Peppermint Patties (CHOCOLATE COATED) 29 Cents per lb, 5 1b. box for $1..45' 60 Cents per' Ib TrulyGood Chocolates (ASSORTED); 33 Cents per 113. 5 lb. box $1.59. COMING ONE CENT SALE THE UNITED DRUG CO, HAVE SENT US WORp THAT THEY ARE GOING TO HAVE A. ONE CENT SALE I OUR STORE IN THE NEAR FUTURE. .-WATCH FQR DATES. IVcKibbon's Drug Store Tho _ Shue Wingham. Ont. ,�Phone 53 You save with safety at your Rexal•1 Drug Store 1 AUCTION SALE -Of Farm stock & Implements at Lot 31, Con. 14, E. Wawanosh, on Friday, Oct. 29th. See bills for particulars. Earl Hart Prop., Jas. Taylor, Auct. AUCTION SALE—Farm Stock, Im- plements and Household Furniture, at Lots 29, 3o, 1st line of Morris at Bluevale, on Monday, October 25. See bills. Geo. McDonald, Prop., Tohn Purvis, Auct, AUCTION SALE Of 55 head ,of Cattle, 'also xoo acre farm, at Lot 12, Con. 8, Grey; 2 miles west of Ethel, on Friday, October 15th, at o'clock., 49 head of Fat Heifers, 2 -year-olds and yearlings; 3 head of yearling steers; 2 milch..cows, 1 due tofreshen this month. These cat- tle have been on this farm since June and are a good quality Dur- ham, Hereford and Polled Angus 'Heifers and are fat. Stock will be sold without reserve as proprietor has no winter feed. For terms see bill's. H. T. Thomson, Box 249,1 Wingham, Prop., D. M. Scott, Auct. Grain etc, at Lot 3o, 7th Con, Mor - ..1161111 FOR SALE— Eight Pure bred Ox- ford Ram Lambs. Priced to sell—L. Forgie, g con., Ttirnberry. FOR SALE — Pandora Range, Small New Quebec Heater, Table, Large chair, knitting machine, Washer and Wringer, Kitchen Couch, Organ, Alladin Lamp, Some books (Cham- bers' Encyclopedia,) Some canned fruit, Hay forks and shovels, Bar- rels and pails, Box of Irons; Hand Cultivator 9 -year-old hens, mangolds squash, and carrots, silk cans, dried beans and other small things. -- Mrs, Mrs, J. O. McGregor, Lower Wing - ham, FOR SALE — One of Wingham's ni- cest homes, at a reasonable price, as the owneroses ur p leavingtown. P p Every modern convenience, also garage, good garden, and fruit. $1,- 000 cash, balance on mortgage.—Ab- ner Cosens, Insurance and Real Es- tate. FOR SALE — Auction Sale of Farm, Farm' Stock, Implements, Hay, Auction Sale -Farm Stock, consist- ing of horses,cows, young cattle and pigs, also 5o acres of grass- land, will be held at John C. Casemore's premises, 1st line ,Mor- ris. Lot 1r-ra on Thursday, Octo- ber 2rst, at two o'clock,—John Pur- vis, Auctioneer. BOARDERS WANTED — Comfort- able home with all conveniences: Enquire at the Advance -Times. ,FOP. SALE—Second hand coal heat- er — Apply George Olver. See McClary's New Quebec Cook and heater. 14 inch oven with white panel and deep square roomy" fire- box. Barns any kind of fuel, spec- ially prided at $28,00, on display at Thompson & Buchanan, Store Mer- chants. FOR ,SALE — Steep range chemical Closet and quantity of tools, Apply to Mrs, F. Prant, Catherine St. FOR SALE—Oxford shcarlrng ram lambs and ewes, Shorthorn Buns, ten months, and. Yorkshire swine, both sexes, year old White Leg- horn, hens and cockerels. john Far - risk & Sons, Lucknow, Ont, ,IFOR SALE * One Range, Welcome National, burns both wood' and coal. One Mars Wood Heater, a ntnnber hot alt piped, 000 iron 'fed, one mattress, one extension table.--AP- ply able -.Ap-ply Mrs .W. 5, Gallaher, Shutes St. & Maple, 10R SALE Four real first 'class Cows,. tot sale, three Durham artd one blue, three to freshen this fall. All our fowl which are most - y one year,old Bullets„ Barren Strain T.L,eghortis, l P, Rocks and ILl.:l.eds, all hi Splendid condition, nd laying fairly .well, also about too bushels of excellent tar ,tnan- golds,-1. 5, Till. ". ris Township, •2 miles south of Brus- sels. Sale unreserved at 1 o'clock sharp. See bills for further particu- lars.—Wm. H. Maunders, Prop. Jas Taylor, Auctioneer. HOUSE TO RENT—Large brick je- sidence, all modern conveniences, and garage. Apply to Robt. Allen, LOST—A man's watch somewhere in Belgravc on School Fair Day, Fin- der will please leave salne at Dan Geddes' store. MIXED HONEY FORS LE -In 3o pound pails fax $2.50. Will leave it at Mr .Mills' Feed Store for those outside of Wingham--.Jas. H. Case - more. TO RENT -- House in good repair, with all conveniences, on Minnie Street, suitable for small family— Apply Chas. Cooke, WANTED — 500 cedar rails. Apply to United Farmers Co -Op, Co. AUCTION SALE The property and Household ef- fects of Frank McConnell, Josephine St, North, Wingham, on Saturday, Oct. x6th, ,Household effects cash. Terms of Property made known on day of sale,—Jas. Taylor, Auction- eer. AUCTION' SALE Brookside I1erd of HOLSTEION FRE.ISIAN CATTLE WEDNESDAY, NOV. ';3, 1976 1.30 p.m. Sharp, At Lot 13 Con.cessioit, 3r Flowick Twoand a half miles south and two italics west of F'ordwich, C.?.: , train at Fordwich Met Tuesday night, Wed- nesday zuorning and noon; Gowans - town C. N. R, Wednesday tntirninf trains, Free lwieh at noon. Comae early, and look them ov :r.. Uw @Tpr 7 Craws in full Milk flow, 17 'Cows, due to ;freshen'; 9 Bred' Heifers, 'z Bulls ,ready for service; 6 Bull Calves, 3 York 'Sort's, x York sowwith'litteh, x Fancy Pony x year old; i ANNOUNCEMENT 22 daughters and 2 sons from King Echo Ranward. His two nearest dams average 27Qoo lbs milk, xo$o lbs butter in x year: " Six sons from King Mutual Berke Imp. Bred by the noted breeders, Hargrove & Arnold of Iowa. His Sire is out of the World's record Jr. 2 year old, 1200 lbs butter x year. Dam Jr. is 2 year old, 948 lbs butter in one year, her dam 4x lbs butter in 7 days, 1280 lbs in one year. Write for cat- alogues. TERMS: -Cast 0r12 months with interest at 6 per cent, on bankable paper. MERRITT MOORE, W.L. LAMKIN Auctioneer . Proprietor, R. R. No. 2, Gorrie; NOTICE TO CREDITORS • NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to Section 56, Chap. 121, of the Revis- ed Statutes of Ontario, that all pers- ons having claims against the estate of Samuel Burchill, who died on or about the sixteenth day of January, A.D,, 1926, are required to send by post,prepaid, or .to deliver to R. Van- stone, Wingham ,Ontario, Solicitor for the executors, on or before the nine- teenth day of October, A. D .1926, their names and addresses, with full particulars in writing of their claims, and the nature of the securities (if any) held by them, duly verified by a statutory declaration. And further take Notice that after the said nineteenth day of October, 1926, the said executors will proceed to distribute the assets •of the said es- tate'ainong the parties entitled there- to, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have had notice, and the said executors shall not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to. any person of whose claim they shall not then have receiv- ed notice. DATED at Wingham, this twenty- fifth day of September, A. D. 1926. R. Vanstone, Wingham P. O. Solicitor for the Executors. WINGHAM. FALL FAIR PRIZE WINNERS (Continued Froin Page r) foal , at side Thos. H. Moore; Pe- ter Fowler, W. 3. Henderson,. Spring foal - W. J. Henderson, R. Allen, Peter Fowler. - One -year-old Filly dr Gelding AIex McDonald, Gordon Brown, Thos H. Moore. Two-year-old Filly of gelding — Fred Toll, Win. Mundell, Jr. Team in Harness - Tel Montgom- ery, Duncan McGregor, Fred' Toll. HEAVY DRAFT: Spring Foal — Robert J. Purdon. One -year-old Filly or Gelding — Duncan McGregor. Two-year-old Filly or . Gelding- Grey Bros., Alex McDonald, Jas. For- ster. Team in harness — Robt. Graham, R. C. Armstrong, Jas. Forster. Best Three -Year-old Heavy Draft or Agr., Special Prize — Jos. Gaunt. Light Horses, Carriage — Two year of dFilly or Gelding - G. Reid, Tees - water; Jas. Forster, Lucknow. Single. Driver G. T. Robertson, A. & W. McKague, W J. Roberts, Pordwich. Roadsters One year-old, Filly or Gelding—Robt. Allen Clifford, Wm. Finley. . Single Driver - Robt. McLaren, Hensall, W. J. Roberts, • Fordwich, J. C. Currie, Wingham, W. J. Roberts, Fordwich. , Shorthorn Cattle Two-year-old Heifer — Oliver Campbell. Bull under r2 months — W, 3. Cur- rie & Son. Aged Bull—W. Murchison. Herefords — Breeding Cow, milk- ing or near calving— Jas. D .Little, Teeswater, Foster Marshall, Teeswa- y, ter. Bull over 12 months Geo; Kenne- dy, .Lucknow, Jas. ' D. Little. Bitll under 12 months - Geo. Kenn- edy, 1st & 2nd. Heifer, under 2 months — Jas. T, Lyons & Sons, Foster Marshall. Two-year-old Heifer — Jas. D, Litt• le, xst and 2nd. One year-old Heifer Jas, T. Ly- ons, 'Thos, Taylor. Polled Angus •-- All prizes' to F. Todd, St. Helens, Jersey or Their Grades -- Breeding Cow, milking or near calving — Geo. Cruiltshanks, W. J, Currie. Heifer over 1a months —"Geo. Cru- ikshanks, Wm, Wilson, Holsteins or their Grades -- Breed- ing Cow, milking or near. calving - Frankl3eninger, Geo. Currie, Grade (Beef Type)—Breeding Cow, milking or near calving — W. 5, 'Cur- rie, tst & and. Two yea, -old Heifer - W. Jk Curs. tie tst & till,. Orta: -year-old Heifer -"','hos. Tay- lor, Foster Marshall. MIK ••F WINGHAM ADVANCE -TIMES ilaPia 1 altall I11A111� noli i1101111M1110101 IChrislie'sJ pedigree Gordon Brown Gorrne l--- Phone 59 Groceries & Chinaware A YOUR GOOD WILL .car under,not to'be shown. in any lather. scctiozz Jas, T Lyr�ns; Fat Steer or ° Heifer; any breed -- Jas, Jas. T, Lyons. Leicester Sheep — Aged Ram with Shearling Ram, with pedigree — Edwin Purves, Lucknow, 1-1 Means a great deal to tis and m; f" 's • one of the assets in our bus- r j mess we value tremendously. t! To obtain and hold this we offer the best that money can I buy and our customers have the supreme satisfaction All the Time of High Quality EATS. 1' SAFEGUARD YOUR HEALTH 111 By eating only the Eest ,and • get that Best at CHRI'STIE'S 1 • TheTea and Coffee Store oisi pnlelll.lIlitiiillIsiIlUIII■IllulIIIillIlI MAKE MONEYT Men and women agents wanted to take orders for an attfactive, exclusive line of up-to-date Christmas cards. Very, liberal commission means ,good earn . ings for workers. Write to -day to A. Talbot & Company 382 Clarence St. London, Ont. Le OUS worieh. .2.26 111711811.11 mast &upcs„ra,a Yin.. w.v..t.�� Heifer Calf, ' carved since last show —Foster Marshall.' Steer Calf, calved since last show- Jas. T. Lyons, Frank Beninger. Fat Cattle Baby Beef, 55 months RA eo Authorized dealer for • 6. Stromberg-Carlson 1927 models 5 and 6 tube sets. PADA 1927 new models in 5, 6, 7, 8 1 tube sets. r WESTINGHOUSE A Models from $35 to $55o. A good reliable set that will E suit any pocket book. me 171 Tested tubes, B. & A. Batter - 6 -1 - ies and service. ■ I THE... RADIO SHOP W. CRUICKSHANK 'Next Brunswick Hotel 15f11111111MIII111IIIMI111E133111111111$II111hillIr111•11. Ram Lamb, selling class — Gordon Brown, Edwin Purves: Aged Ewe, raised .lamb in 5926 —. Bdwin Purves. Shearling Ewe --r Gordon Brown, Edwin Purves, Ewe Lamb `- Edwin Purves, Gor- don Brown. Oxford Down Sheep — Aged Ram with pedigree—Jas. L. Tolton, Walk- erton, Jas. Connell & Son, Palmers- ton. Shearling Ram, with pedigree Jas. Connell, 1st & 2nd. Ram Lamb, selling class - Jas. Connell, Earl Caldwell, Blyth. Aged Ewe,,,raised lamb in 1926 — jas. Connell, 1st & '2nd. Shearling Ewe Jas, Connell, Jas. L. Tolton. Ewe Lamb — Jas. Connell ist and 2nd. Downs, any other ..- In this class Mr N. G. Ross of Londesboro, exhib- ited in each section, and won six lsts' and ,4 seconds. Pigs - Sow of 1926, not less than 4 months — Wat. Carruthers. Breeding Sow — Wat. Carruthers, Sam Alton. Yorkshires - Boar of 1926, not less than 4 months W. J. Currie, Sam Alton: -' Boar, prior to 5926, with pedigree— Sam Alton. Sow of 1926,.not less than 4 months Tl>os d Congram, ist & 2nd. Breeding Sow — Sam Alton, 1st & 2nd. Tamworths- Samuel Alton secur- ed one first in each section. , Poultry — Ducks, Pekin or Ayles bury W. 3. Miller, W. J. Hender- son. Ducks, any other - M. H. Vollick, Mildmay; Gordon Brown. Geese, Toulouse -Sam Alton, Geese, any. other — M. H. Vollick, Ist & 2nd. Bantams, ornamental — W. I. Mill- er, G. H. Orvis. Pigeons, best exhibit, open to boys under 16 Years—Harold Finley, -Bruce) Campbell. ' Leghorns ,brown male -M. H. Voll - ick. ' Leghorns, white, male—M. H. Voll - ick, 1st and `2nd. Leghorns white female — Jas. S. Scott, M. H., Vollick. `� Minorcas,` male —W. I. Miller. Minorcas, female- W. I; Miller. Plymouth Rocks, barred, male — W. I. Miller ist & 2nd. Plymouth Rocks, barred, female — W,'I, Miller, 1st & 2nd. Rhode Island Reds, female — W. I. Miller. Wyandottes, white, male — W. I. Miller, M. H. Vollick. Wyandottes,, white female — Robt. J. Powell, W. I. Miller. Wyandottes, any, other female— W. I. Miller. ' Chickens — - Ducks, Pekin or Aylesbury- W .I. Miller, W. J. Hen- derson. Ducks, any other — Sam Alton. Bantams, ornamental — W. I. Hill- er, Geo. Orvis. Leghorns; brown, male W. Miller. Leghorns, brown, female —'W. Miller. Leghorns, white, male Jas Scott, 1st & 2nd. Leghorns, white, female — Jas. Scott, Ist,"$i 2nd. W. I. Miller captured 1st' and 2nd in following breeds: Minorcas Male, Minorcas, female; Orpingtons, male; Opingtons, female; Plymoth "Rocks,' barred male; Plymouth Rocks, barred female; Plymouth Rocks white, Plymouth Rocks, white, female, Wy- andottes, white male; Wyandottes, white, female. Wyandottes, any other, male — W. I, 1. S. S. Thuraday, October 14th„ 1925" III■Illslllelll III ioininamilIAlil*I11ai1(timall l.11rlUo11Awat ISIIISIIIAIIIAIIaIIAIIbill., r i it r 2 2 2 2 s I• 0 i_ 2 2 e 2 d i 2 2 �, e i1 Telephone 23 — — i THE GOOD SHOE STORE WINGHAM, ONT. Fi 11111111111111311111111111111111111111131111111111151111111131111111111111111111111111111118111111111111111111111111111111111111117 PRETTY. TIES. $5.0o To Just arrived -a smart selection of -the New TIES, featur- ed in . Brown Calf with alligator trim, Black Patent with Seal, and Hazelwood Calf with Burgandy, on the popular new lasts, with heels of medium height. . . Bargains Becken You YOU'RE INVITED --- SEE OUR BARGAIN TABLES. Pony Votes Given with Every Purchase W. J. GREER Announcement Extra. r.nar The Economy Store is now under new management and is entirely independent and with no connec- tion whatever with ,the former Enterprise Store. A few Opening Sale Bargains still to be had. Come in and give us a trial. The Econom Stott' "A; Square peal to All" 1. Miller, M .H. Vollick; Wyandottes any other, female -W. L Miller, M. H. Vollick; Best pair utility fowl—W. L Miller, 1st & 2nd. Four Cockerels, bred for export W .I .Miller, Robt. J. Powell. Grain and Seeds — Timothy, quar- ter bushel Andrew' Schmidt, Salm y virtue of Merit is the outstanding leader in Canada.. por usines, licotiomical Transportation j x fi r,: CHEVROLET Coupes for salesmen's use and Chevrolet Utility Express 'tucks for hauling and delivNery,are speeding up business for thousands of firms in'tanada. Careful owner records show that Chevrolet pays for itself many times: over in lower operating costa in freedom from tie-up, and in longer life. These records prove beyond doubt that. Chevrolet cars and trucks pro- vide the unrest economy of transpportation itt commercial use. Asir your Chevrolet dealer to sltgiv you the reports of actual Chevrolet owtten. They may suggest ways itt which Chevrolet can speed up your business and cut down your casts. The Smoothest Chevrolet in Chevrolet history in selling et the Lowest Price for which Chevrolet irks ever been sold nix Canada.As`& about c3MAC Plan of Deferred Payments. Roadster $840 Coupe, $810 , Suiten $920 Sport R. /15 Coach - 810 Landau Sedan 97+ Touring 640 Comtrtertaal Chassis 495 Sport t.718 utility Express. '' W • 130 -All Prices at Factory rraxeti Extras, cr-tets