HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1926-10-07, Page 8■ w_ wr wMa..waw.■..w■N. agar......... .r. .■r ..... ................ 1 Extra�rdjllapy VaIuo*W.�pjejs.;aIt Coats I .1 Thursdayto Saturday, ®� 1■ Selections are from regular stock .■ gi r j�I'inCl� ,■ pally1 NORTHWAY GARMENTS,made a a from unusually good warm cloths well• tailor- ed and interlined- and in most cases. are Fur. Trimmed. A rare opportunity to purchase a good coat at a low price. 25 Coats $16.85 tlf WINO AU ADVANCE -TIMES'' I;,uGxNpw Mr, Scott babel of Detroit seen a few days at the home of Mr. Jos Agnew, Messrs Elliott Miller arid :rchie MacIntyrre mtotoned to 'Windsor for over the week end. Mrs. D, Sheriff has returned bon after spending a couple of weeks in London and Welland, Mr. Ian MacRae of Stratltroy was a week end 'visitor, f: Mn T. Stewart Burns of New York spent his vacation at his ho.rne here. Mr. Stewart Doer of Chicago was ■■ the guest of Miss Annie Mackay pf ■ and Con. Kilross last week. ■ Misses Helen and Evelyn Caw also IN Mr, Walter Craw went to Toronto II this week to attend the University, ■ w Miss Lillian Mitchellgave a show- .■ er (miscellaneous) in honor of Miss alFlorence Cook ,on Tuesday evening Mr, and Mrsw,Ed. Johnston attend- ed the t funeral of the late Miss Greta • Spearin, M.oneri'ef, on Wednesday of last weok Mrs. John„ Pell is not as well as i1 her many friends would wish. Johnstone Ladies'. Aid meet Wed- r nesday afternoon of this week at the Parsonage, Bluevale,MI The willing: workers of the United Church• will meet at the home of Mrs. , Jas. Curtis on Thursday of this week. r� Ur. and, Mrs. Lorne Turvey and r Mr. Harry Elliott motored to ,De, 1 toit on Sundayrfor a couple of days.. Mr. Robt. Shaw and dai}ghter, ,lbliss i Bernice and N.iiss Martha Fraser, mo- — tared' to London on Saturday. Miss .r Fraser remained for a short time. 1 Mrs. Leonard Elliott and two child -r. ren returned' home Saturday night af= ter spending two weeks with relatives in Toronto, and Hamilton. ' Mr.Robt.. Masters of Toronto and It Mr. Thos. Stewart and son Howard r motored to Bowling Green to Mr, r of last week. All was cleverly. ar- ,■ ranged and the bride-to-be' was tak- en completely by surprise. About twenty presented her with in aizy useful d Rev Mr Velours and Duvetyns in Plain and Self Pattern oft fects, Fawns, Browns, Tans and other Fall; shades;, with a Fur Collars, Cuffs and Embroidery work. Regular vat-,■ ues to $32.50.■■ MI To Clear Thursday to Saturday $16.;85 14 Coats $27.85 Stylishly Cut garments of Duvetyn with French Seal, Opossum and. Sealine Trimmings. Also a few tailored Coats of imported cloths. Regular prices to $go.00,: To:Clear,,Thursdayto Saturday $27.85 500 All Linnen Tea T'I>wels, Red or Blue Women's Huse 98c Fall Weights of fine Cashmere and Silk and Wool mixtures in plain, stripe and check designs, regularly priced $1.19, r.gg and i.so: Thursday to Saturday Clearance 98e] ,,,,"49 a 22 Dresses $14.95 1■ Flat Crepes, Silk Cantons, Crepe ■p Satins, Tafetta, Crepe-de-Chene, etc. IMany having Embroidery and fine * Bead work. AlI good Fall shades, mostly long N▪ I sleeves, and sizes 16 to 40 in the lot. lagl Regular prices are to $35,00.21111 .. • Thursday to Saturday�r Clearance $14.95 '.j;1H8 • 1 1 • Remember Wingham Fair—Thursday and Friday, October � • Make ®� rs;,`�a�l�g 7 and 8 u r Shopping Place - • Complete Fall Stocks. �i' MCi �in T i�I 44 Thu'rs4 .y, .October 7tliir, r90 • iiiliiniciii11i111Mili�lnsoo UaIN�Nluilj ltl 11111'l1i�111■III�III Ill■ M . IHIII■1til�l,llgl�M1g111 Je i a lady friends were there and 1 Tirilhauz: Stewart's on Sunday, 1 an beautiful articles. Several hot) were spent°in games and social chat afte which.the hostess served lunch. Mr. and Mrs. Will Porteous arrived ■ home last week from their honey - Walden and Robt. Shaw s 'are attending the World's Conference of/the United church of Canada' in To- I = Mento thus week. Mr. Leonard Elliott was under the Dr's care this week. A. number from Bluevale took in ■ 1 1 ■ ■ • Each 23c N ■ ■ Fall Weight Vests 49c Hygeine quality in Ivory shade, fine N Camped Cotton, low neck, sleeveless ■ style of regular 85c quality. ■ Thursday to Saturday Each 49c a ■ ,•5 Cloth Dresses• ■■ $7.95 • Tweeds, Flannels, Jerseys, Chartheen, ■ Crepe and Kasha Cloths, plain and in patterned with braid and other trim- mings in one and two piece styles. Dresses of unusual merit for street or home wear. Regular values to $25.00. Thursday to Saturday Clearance $7.95 1 ■SIM■■,, ;'din z .WFCHAM I EAST WAWANOSH'Keep this date open and enjoy a rar "Mrs. Longley, returned missionary (treat eat, -will speak to the three apppointments Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Campbell sr id the Auburn Circuit, Auburn, West- ,daughter, lfiss Winnifred, are visiting -.field, and Donnybrook, on Sunday) Mrs. Campbell's parezits, Mr. and Mfrs ,Oct. 3rst•. B. Brown of Comber, Essex County: The Sunbeam Trio,' three blind lad- Mr. 'Albert Walsh is installing the nes, will give a concert in the West -Delco light, and Mr Earl Wightman is field United church, on October 12. installing the Fairbanks -Morse light, Messrs D. C. and Edward Rodgers spent Sunday with friends in S?,at- d ford. w' Mrs. J .Kiilough of Dungannon is (visiting with . relatives in this com- munity, SEM ■ • r■ 1 ■ ■ '■ ii■■mit • .GIS■ER IMO ®aMMVXWOaa>rIMEN14 E■®EMIN■a 1 ■ Lyceum'Theatre • ■ a, ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Thurs., Fri. and Sat., Oct, 7, 8 and 9 JOHNNY_HINES "THE LIVEWIRE" Comedy "HURRY DOCTOR" Monday, Tuesday, Wedznesday, Oct, 11, 12, 13 ■ ■ ■ • 61 Ronald Coleman -- Vilma Baan IN "THEDARKANGEL" Comedy "HUNGRY HOUNDS" iConiiug*Mary Pickford f1 "LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY" �y{y�..... ., y�y.�y�..y.. I� .. ��y, ...: ' .. (y��y �j y�.�y y�y �y /M yip 1�1�1 �[ IMIMIif�1 lDll 'IM i71RiRp .}�l�A l em eWA i b't1i��l ,lir.. •■ ■ ■. ■ ■atso BORN Wade --In Wingham. General.hospital, on Sunday, Sept. 26th, to Mr. and Mrs. Clarence. Wade,,,f; son. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given, pursuant to the provisions of the Trustee Act; that all persons having any claim or de- mand agauzst Janie Eliza Carter, late of Morris Township in Huron Coun- ty and province of Ontario, Widow, who died. on or about the xst day of August 1926, are requested to send by post prepaid or deliver to J. A. Mor- ton at Wingham, Ont, solicitor for the Administrator of the said deceased, on or before the' lith day of October 1926, their names and addresses with full particulars in writing of their claims and the nature of the securi- ties, if any, held by them, and verified by a statutory declaration. And take notice that after the said last mention- ed day, the A.dnrinistrator will distrib- ute the assets of the said deceased a- mong the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to the claim's of. which he shall` then have had notice, and that the said Administrator will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person, of, whose claim he shall not then have re.' ceivetl notice, Dated at Wingliatn, Ont., this 16th day of September, 1ga6. J, A Mot'ton, Solicitor Pot' the said Administrator. moon trip. -They are occupying Mr. A. Boyd's residence. % • Rev. W. R. Craw assisted at anni- versary services at Belgrave on Sun- day, Mr, Walter Craw took service in the United church here.'' Marrie At the rectory on Satur- day noon by the Rev, Traverse, Mr, Frank Tyler and Miss Florence Cook, of L' ucknow. BELMORE Rev. Paton, Teeswater, conducted Preparatory service in Union church Tuesday afternoon. - The Women's Foreign Missionary Society met Wednesday , afternoon wh an attendance of; 13, with Mrs. Hector McLean as leader. The meet ing opened by singing prayer in un ison. Scripture reading by Mrs. 'Peter - man. Minutes of last meeting by Sea Treas. Mrs. Wm ,Mundell. Topic "India," by Mrs. McKenzie, reading by -Eleanor Jeffray, Collection $4;85;. prayer in conclusion by Minnie Jeff - ray_ Miss Elizabeth Hacking returned from Toronto last week, where she spent the past two 'week ', and Miss Irene Mundell from Brucefield. Miss Amy Newan underwent an op- eration in Walkerton hospital' last week for nost trouble, and is now con- valescing at her home here, Mr. and Mrs. Clyne of Harriston, and Mr .and M'rs. Archie Lowry of Toronto shoolc hands with old,,fri-ends last week and took in the hot supp- er given by the Women's Institute on i Friday evening, Mrs. Sour and children wlio have made their home with Mr, Paul Will ie for some time, left for Kitchener Tuesday. Grissie Baird is filling the vacancy. Mr. McGee, of Auburn, kept the audience in good humor at the sup- per given by the Women's Institute Friday evening, every number being heartily encored. 1 the anniversary services ,at the\United ft church at Belgrave gave on Sunday, Mr .and Mrs. Lorne Turvey motor- ed to Detroit on Sunday where, they will spend a few days with relatives.' Miss Olive Willits of Howick, spent Sunday with Mrs. Wni. McMichael. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Masters; Mr. and Mrs. G. Hall visited friends at Gorrie ,1II■11211111l111111111111/1111.111■111611Ia111■111I111!>1. it Fall Wearabl OS i, I ..,For Men ... Our, na ,IN Shoes For i' w buying plan whereby the aare bulk ®i' our Purchases are now made. Direct from Factory to Our Store Enables us to, give very excellent values in all kinds of footwear. Take ths boot for instance,just as illustra- +tio..Made o1, Black orBrownside calf,good sole stock an rirubber heels on th Inew shapedlast., An sizes for men kept in stockat all times.; ■�Fr $3.95 Per Pair This and other good values are now ben shown in our South Windg--TARE A LOOK• if F'I s H. WILLIS• r,, it THE' SHOE STORE !�' a ° Phone 129. Wingham,' Ont. ' a i`I(1a11u■ tsilenimuni1ID1111d111�1 isial11111111nalimiata1lAlllltlli�lll■III■11111111■ll!■nsti ■f N on Sunday. Miss Louie Patton is improving ni- cely and hopes tb be.able to get home r 1 from the hospital shortly. A Miss Martha Fraser is visiting with: .z.--... friends at London. . �——•___ — Mr. John 1IcMichael. of Wingham Autumn Top Coats _ spent Sunday with his parents here. s Suits, Hats,Mr.and Mrs. Whit. Stewart motor - ii ■ ed to Petrolia and spent the week end mNeckwear, Shirts 1 with Mr, and Mrs. Alex, Cooper. 1 - `i Mr. R. Johnston shipped a car of� Socks hogs and lambs to Toronto Saturday. A Light truck carrying a cow upset �, on B. Line on 'Saturday near F. Black, ®] badly damaging, the car but the 'cow gland driver escaped serious injuries. O1 Miss J. Morrison returned to Tor, onto to -day after spending a short ■ i vacation with her parents. Mrs. F. Kershaw 'Toronto is spend- 111 ing 'a couple of weeks with h P. Lumber Jacks,. Caps Underwear 'NT /Boys' Clothing • ®_ il'KING BROS. ria l■11111111■11110umuifti11g111111111cielil11 1!'■/®■■IL®■■1811111■11211 ieltN IMENg ilaa® a ■▪ . Township of East Wawanosh 1 ■ Notice is hereby given that a court will be held pursuant to the Ontario, Voters' List Act, by His. Honor, the judge of the county court of County of Huron, at the Forester's Hall, Bel - grave, on Thursday, the 21st, day of October 1926, at 2 o'clock p.m., _ to hear and determine complaints of er- rors and omznissions in the Voters' List of•the Municipality of East Wa- wanosh for the year 1926—A, Porter- field, Clerk. r W. GLENANNAN Mr. and Mrs.. Roy Hasting and children" of Morris spent Sunday at the home of iblr. and Mrs. Thos. Gil- mour. Mr. Arthur Lincoln also Messrs, Al- lie and Lance Lincoln, and Miss Ev- elyn, motored to 'Toronto fast week and spent, a couple' of days, Mr, and Mrs. Alex Stewart and daughters ' of Howick, were recent visitors ail the home of Mrs. Forgie. Mr. and Mrs. Omar Stokes and fam- ily visited. on Sunday at the home of Mr, Roland 'Grain,: Zetland. Married Edgar—Jewitt---At the Wingham Uni- ted Church Parsonage, on Sept. 29th by Rey. M.' M. Bennett, James Kingsley Edgar, ,of Culross twp, to Margaret May Jewitt, Kinloss twp. Margaret May Jewitt of Kinloss twp.. BLUEVALE The:; regular meeting of the Bluevale Women's Institute will beheld on Thursday, October 14th, at the home of Mrs, P. D. King ' at 2,3o p.m, Mrs, Chas, GarniSs; will give a paper on "Our Opening Ode," Mrs. Robt. Ait- chison 1 50 n one on "A Canadian States- man.' Roll call will be answered with an apple recipe. ler thie cut lour elcthe.r that cotrn encs; Mr: and Mrs. Geo. Turvey; Mr. Robt, Masters, Martin Masters,. Thos: Stewart and Howard Stewart, motored to Bowling Green on Sun Mrs, W. H. Stewart; • Mrs. C. L.'Elliott returned home on Saturday, night after -spending, the past couple of vveeks with relatives at Ham ilton and Toronto. Dr. Win.` Elliott of Brandon, Man„ .spent a few days; with his father,. Mr, Jas. Elliott. A large number from here took in the Brussels Fall' Fair on Friday off last week and had' a good days, of it ' Sacramental wan `a' good turn out to th amental` services: at United Church c yesterday. �.RText Sunday -,h Oct. roth, they will will' hold; their' anniversary services when Rev, Mr. Chandler of Fordwiclt, wilt preach morning and e^r par- l evenzng:, sinnannenniniittaanannanna ■i. ■ ■ You can be almost as informal as• ■ you like when it comes to hats this Fall. The gray felt will again be pop- ular. Still smarter, perhaps, are the new welt edged felts in brown or green. You can wear one either with the brim turned up or snapped down all laround. A free -an -easy style -•- you'll like it. The conservative 'znan will find a rather stiff felt, in pearl gray, about the smartest thing going. A Word About the NEWHATS The double breatsed suit (as left) is more in favor than ever. Rightly! It has a smart character entirely its own. Majestic Serge makes up ex- ceptionally well in this style. The, new Fall model: high shoulders, hips rather snug, peak lapels. ■ ■ ■ ■ 111. ■ `� ■• ■ +: ■ 1limui.II.iIrI1111Ui111■Be lli/111■IIIwlliil imul181ishi e ; N. . • Boys' Clothin ■ !R The craze for Boys' Clothing~ 111A Fall is this 11114 piece Suits, Golf 'Knickers ■ i1 .eland long plants in neat tweed and Na- ~ '' ■ vy Blue, double breasted plain coats, ■ jl Popular prices at iii • $10.00 and $12.50 Always new things for Boys at, this store, ` :.i INIIN111li1 1111011 11111111■NI111•1161111Ii11.111 1101111 111■ ariri J ainingggBlllgB> g■ggwgggg a :)IPA.