HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1926-10-07, Page 7/Beforeld%Avarle14044Nr Every Meal Whether it's breakfast, dinner, supper, a luncheon or the children's after-school "snack; your nearest Dominion Store has the most complete supply of quality foods found anywhere -- and they ; are always low priced. CRISPO NEW PACK CAMPBELL'S LL' SOUPS ALt. KINDS 10 2 tills 25c , NE' ' r'i`l . `'a, E .Y'' s; EAT lbs• 29c tlOYC.somaa+minimiramal antro mralsowlav oralosm,[ CHOICE G' lbs. CANNED ': NEWIt'14 P&O • WHITE NAPTHA Cakes Griddle Cakes and Syrup AUNT JEMIMA BUCKWHEAT FLOUR idJC PANCAKE FLOUR k OC 5-11,. Pail ri CORN SYRUP .1 C TEA Etceptional Value RICHMELLO CEYLON ASSAM 9c Ib, DOMINO 73c lb. D.S.L. BULK 63c lb. DOMINO ERAND Fancy )Whole Grain RICE or Rapid Cooks nig TA '"IOCA ,t 1 -lb. pkts. These Prices in effect for one week from date of this paper 1.46-C ArguallEMIMMTSIZEMISSIMEMME".2WMookkreOZV w .11564:4A Asa' NU Ahlge.' try Thursday, October 7th, 1926 WINGIAM ADVANCE -TIMES Spar; in harness --- Tames Forster, R. T. Armstrong, W. H, 'reeler. Two-year-old gelding --F. Camp- bell. Year-old filly—D. McGregor. Three year old mare or gelding,— W. 1-1. Taylor, 'D, McGregor. Female, any age, Canadian Beed;- D. McGregor, z & 2. Agricultural •Span'i.n harness --D. McGregor. Brood mare — D. McGregor, Cecil Falconer. Foal of 1926—Adam McQueen, C. Falconer. Two-year-old gelding Cecil Fal- coner, Neil MacDonald, J. Forster, Two -year -old -filly —' Jas. Forster, S. A. Carnochan. One-year old gelding — Adam Mc- Queen. One -year -old -fitly -- W. H. Taylor. Three-year-old filly'. or gelding 3, Gaunt, Neil MacDonaid, Philip Mac- Millan. Female, .any age, Canadian: Bred- D. McGregor, 1 &, 2. Brood mare and two of her pro- geny—Adam McQiieen. Special MAKE YOUR HOME BEAUTIFUL —with a Brantford Roof of Asphalt Slates. You can have a soft toned roof of any color or combination of colors that pleases your taste. They add permanent beauty and value to any kind of home and give years of weather protection and fire resistance. 15 =' 71 r ,�rrrr�iri.r..rr�ir�/rr�E -,.'.4+�► i ilii ���'��_ �x�ir tri ��unliW AI ---_ �0�►11Y► iii/ - u 411% , off WatiffatenoCiftnie4imittea Brantford, Ontario Stock Carried, Information Furnished and Service on Brantford Roofing Tendered by ' - - . , Wanharp Rae & Thompson, ®ryapso>t�, � R. H.. Carson, .> Gorrie Thos. Stewart,r, p Bluevale LIST OF PRIZE -WINNERS, .LUCKNOW FALL FAIR 'Horses -Registered Draft , '(William Gould, Croton -Judge) Registered brood mare—W, Martin, `i'ohn McQttil'litt. Hand hemstitching- Mrs; MacMorran. Eylet Embroidery — Miss 3. Ly- ons, Mrs. 3, S. MacKenzie. Solid white embroidery — Mise 3:. Lyons, 'Mrs, J. S. Macieeez e. Modern floral' embroidery Mrs, J S. MacKenzie, Miss A. M. Carrick. Core entional " embroiddeY, colors— Mrs. J. S. MacKenzie, Olive Helm. Ltinchedn Set, embroidered - Miss J. Lyons, Mrs, J. S. MacKenzie. hand —, Lttncl?ean Set, otherd work Mrs. Jas .Gaunt, Mrs, D. C. Mac- Morran, Tea cloth, handwork — Mrs, D, C. MacMorran, Olive Helm. Serviette 4 to match, hand work—' Miss 3. Lyons, Mrs. D. C. MacMorr an. Six ±able doilies,hand work —Mre, D. C. MacMorran, Miss J. Lyons. Five table mats, set hand work,- Mrs. J. S. MacKenzie. Tea cozy Miss 3, Lyons, Mrs. D. C. MacMorran. 'Pair. Tray Cloths — Miss J. Lyons, Mrs, D. C. MacMorran, Buffet Set,. three Pieces—Beatrice McQuillan,` Mrs. J. S. MacKenzie Bedroom towels ,embroidered -Mrs J. S. MacKenzie, 11/Liss A. M. Carrick. Bedroom towels, other hand worts —Mrs. D. C. MacMorran, Beatrice McQuillan. Bath towel and wash cloth, trim- med -Mrs. ID. C. MacMorran, Mar- garet Taylor. Pillow cases, hand trimmed — R. Beattie, Miss J. Lyons. •Day Pillow slips, hand work --Miss J. Lyons, Mrs. J. S. MacKenzie. Boudoir curtains, hand trinimed Mrs. J. S. MacKenzie. Dresser and'stand covers — Mrs. J. S. MacKenzie, Miss A. M. Carrick. Pin cushion — R. Beattie, Miss 3. Lyons. Ladies' night robe, embroidered— Mrs. J. S. MacKenzie, A. M. Carrick. Ladies' night robe,. other hand work -Mrs. J. S. MacKenzie, : Mrs. D. C. MacMorran. Ladies' Hand made Camisole—Mrs. J. S. MacKenzie, Mrs. D. C. MacMor- ran. Ladies' Fancy Tea Apron Mrs. J• S. MacKenzie, Mrs. Jas, Gaunt. Ladies' Wrist bag - Mrs. J. S. Mac Kenzie, A. M. Carrick. • Ladies' Handkerchief -- Mrs. J. S. MacKenzie ,Mrs. D. C, MiacMorran. Ladies' Boudoir slippers Miss J. Lyons, Mrs. J. S. MacKenzie. Infant's wear flannel or wool — A. M. Carrick, Mrs. J. S. .MacKenzie. Child's romper. suit — Mrs. J. S MacKenzie, Miss. J. Lyons: Library table runner -= 0. Heine Mrs. R. Beattie. Library table runner, other hand work — Mrs. J. Agnew, Mr.s J. S. MacKenzie. Sofa Pillow, embroidered in colors —Mrs. J. S. MacKenzie, Mrs. R. Beattie Soft Pillow, washable --- Mrs. D. C. MacMorran. Sofa Pillow; (ether kind of hand work, Mrs. R. Beattie. Single piece, fancy knitting Mrs. J. S. MacKenz ie, Miss J. Lyons, Single piece chochet — Mrs. J. S. MacKenzie, Miss J. Lyons. Single piece embroidery — A. M. E. Carrick, Mrs. Jas. D. Ritchie. Single piece . other fancy : needle work — A. M. Carrick, Mrs. D. M. Thompson; 5 pieces needle work, suitable for Christmas gift — Mks J.Lyons, Mrs J. S. MacKenzie. Bedspread embroidered in . col- ors—Mrs. ol-ors-Mrs. J. S. MacKenzie, Mrs. K. Caineron. Mare or gelding, any age or class —Dune McGregor x & 2, W. le Mar- tin. Foal sired by "Coming Craze" —J. McQuillan, W. R. Martin, Cecil Fal- coner. Foal sired by "Royal Gift" --Adana McQueen. General Purpose Horses (Judge W. F. Clark) Span in harness—Archie Kirkland. Carriage Horses. Single carirage horse inharness and rig—R ,C. Armstrong. Two-year-old, gelding or filly—Jas. Forster. Brood mare—M. MacMillan. Foal of 1926 — J. Fortune, M. Mac - Milian. Light Horses Buggy horse in harness —. J'. H. Brown, W. F. MacLean, G. Tevet. Brood Mare — R. W .Craw, Jas: Fortune. ,. Foal of Ig26—R. W. Craw. Span in harness and rig — Clayton Fry. Special Lady Diver — Mrs. Renwick, Jean Johnston. Gentleman's Turnout —5. H. Brown Clayton Fry, Geo. Tervitt. Ladies' Hitching Race—Jean John- ston Eva Gardner. Halter -broken colt handled by boy 15 and under—Jas. Forster, Goldie Martin, Adam McQueen. Road Horse—W .F. MacLean, Judging horses, boys 15 and under —Harold Gardner; Willie Hunter, W. Carnochan. Judging horses, boys 16 to 19-- le Martin, Alfred Ritchie, Pe I Thomp- son. LADIES' DEPT., HOME MANUFACTURES Ladies' Work—Useful ,(Judge—Mrs. N: A. MacLean, Allis- ton, Ont.) hlr nr mat o.rhearth rug—Olivc Helm `f r• J. E. Ritchie. Quilt pieced cotton — Mrs. L S Mackenzie, Mrs. Jas. Gaunt. Quilt, fancy .quilting Olive Heir Comforter, home made -Miss J. Lyons, Mrs. Well Henderson., Quilt, any other Lind -Mrs. J. S. MacKenzie. • Fancy Bed spread, hand work —` Mrs. J. S. MacKenzie, Miss J. Ly- ons. Man's work shirt, cotton — Mrs. J. S. MacKenzie. Hand made cotton garment—Mrs.. J. S. ivlacKenzie.. Working Apron — Mrs. E. Gard-: per, Miss A. M' Carrick. Working house dress - Mrs. Jas. Stanley, Mrs. J. Agnew. Hand knit woolen socks, (coarse,) -Mrs. J. S. MacKenzie, Mrs. D. Hus- Alton & Son: Special Three bacon hogs, las Alton Son, MacKem ie Webz, Pear of hogs—tas, Alton, MacKenzie: Webb; Berkshire Sow—Jas, Alton &'Son. , Sheep Leicester Aged -- ram Jolin McQuillan, Ed Purvis ,Shcarling ram—John McQuill- en, Ed Purvis, Ram Lamb—Johr Me- Qaillin, Greer Bros; Aged Ewe -Greer Bros., John Mcguiliin; Ewe Lamb— Greer Bros., Ed. Purvis, Pen=John McQuilltn, Sliearling Ewe,Greer Bros, John 'McQuillin. Oxfords Aged ram—J. L. Tolton, C. Coulter;;. Seharling Rain—Cecil Coulter, J. L Tolton, Ram Lamb, Geo. Kennedy,J. L. Tolton, Aged Ewe—J. L. Tolton x & 2. Ewe Lamb — J. L. Tolton x & 2. Pen—J. E. Tolton. Shropshire Downs Aged ram—J. L ,Tolton; Shearling ram -John McQuiIlin, J. L. Tolton, Ram lamb John McQuillin, Ed. Purvis. ' R.egisctered mare, 2 years old—W. R. Martin. Foal' by registered damn—John Mc Quillin, W .R. Martin, Female—any age—W. R. ctVlartin, 1&2. Horses—Heavy Draft, Canadian Bred 161111Elllovll�lllallilmonsignia 111 ti aminll + Il®IIIrIIII®fIIISIIIs111Eliilit9111o11hslli�➢IIU'�IllNlil� II _ W t•® \7il1 Wi The Pony?.. s fa The Advance -Tunes with other business men = Of the town will give away FREE 1iow1 (Judge—A. M. Babb.) Anconas, cock -- W. I. Miller, Mrs. Frank Maclntosh.., Anconas ,hen—W .1. Miller, Mrs. Frank Maclntosh. Bantams W. I. Miller, Kenneth Cameron ;Leghorn, white cock—Phil- ip MacMillan; Leghorn, white hen—D C. MacMorran, x & 2; Leghorn, any other variety ,hen—D .C. MacMorran; Minorcas, cot±,—Kenneth Cameron Minorcas, . hen— Kenneth Cameron; Plymouth rock barred, cock— •I. Mill- er, r & 2; Plymouth rock, barred, hen —W. I. Miller, i & 2, Wyandottes, white, cock—W. L Miller, Wyandotts, white,. hen—W. T, Miller; .Ducks, pek en -F. G. Todd ,i & 2. Geese, any variety, gander'—'Phililp MacMillan, Geese, any variety, goose—Philip Mac Millan, Turkey, bronze cock—Philip MacMillan, Turkey, bronze, • hen -Phil ip MacMillan. ,� 1 A NPONY AND , 0 subscriptions300 ''� F'or each new :'yearly_ rti1. for each year paid in advance ..... • VOTES '!. II sr i A a iiia _ trap for rl 2000 311 s1.1bt�C p ai For each.. renew .i . each year paid in adv. n VOTES ■ Send in your subscriptions and watch the standing of your favorite climb... p1 • Boys and e yYott mh �%�l�l. The PONY Want To IIi�I11M1II•I111�IIII�I1 mmsilll ilemmoilllaIllmI1llNnlollpd111 9111�1n11�i11�1'I(MIII IIImmillimm dist Hand Knit Mitts double—Mrs.J. S. MacKenzie,. Mrs. D. Huston. Hand-knit mitts, fine Mrs. J. S. MacKenzie, Mrs. D. Huston, • Sweater coat, knit or crochet — Mrs. J. S. MacKenzie, Miss A. M. Carrick. Shoulder shawl or verandah jeck- et-Miiss J. Lyons, Mrs, D. M. Thomp. son. Mending horn hose or socks Mrs. D. C, Macivtor ran, IVirs T. ' A. Cam- eron, Five labor saving devices—Mrs. J. S. MacKenzie. Ladies' Work Fancy Irish crochet Mrs.' Jas. Stanley, Mrs. J. S. MacKenzie. Filet drochet fine — Mrs. J, S. Mac Kenzie, Mrs. R. Johnston. Tatting —' Mrs. J. S. MacKenzie, Mrs. D. C. MattMlorran. , 13raid thread lace, coarse •— Miss J. Lyons, .Mrs. J. S. MacKenzie. Other hand made lace — Mrs. J.S. Mackenzie, Miss J. Lyons, Drawn thread work -- Miss J. Ly- ons, Mrs. J. S. MacKenzie. Swedish weaving — Mies 5. Lyons, ' Mrs. J. S. MacKenzie. 'Modern Beading--Mfss J. Lyons ,. Miss A. M. Carrick. Roman eat work - Mies J, Lyons Mrs... Shanley.. MAITLAND CREAMERY Phone 271. ��%... ql.,_.._ ../-'_�..�y-y+.�710 110111 Iuyers of - Cream, Eggs and Poultry We will possibly ship a Car ,'a; f Poultry by the end of October. Advise fattening chick- ens for H. Get the Poultry ready., The United Farmers Co -Op. CO. Ltd. WINGHAM, ONTARIO Chickens Anconas, cockerel — W. I. Miller, Anconas, pullet - W. I .Miller; Leg - horns, white, cockerel—D. C. Mac- Morran, Leghorns, white pullet — D. C. MacMorran; Minorcas, black, pull- et—K. Cameron, R. J. Button; Min- orcas, black cockerel,—Kenneth Cam- eron, R .J .Button; Orphington buff cockerel — W. I. Miller, Orphing- ton buff pullet — W. L Miller. Plymouth rock, barred, cockerel, Plymouth rock, any other variety pul- let, Plymouth rock, any other variety cockerel,. Plymouth rock, barred pull- et, Wyandotts, white cockerel:; Wy- andotts, white pullet; Any other stan- dard variety cockerel; Any other stan- dard variety pullet. All prizes in these classes to W. I. Miller. R. 'I .Red, cockerel—Phillip Mac- Millan; R. I. red, pullet—Philip Mac- Millan. Best exhibit of pigeons—Kenneth' Cameron; Domestic pet ,any kind-- Philip ind—Philip MacMilleet, K. Cameron; Dozen hen eggs; white - I. Congram, Mrs. Jas. Webster. Dozen hen eggs, brown -D. C. MacMorran, Mrs. Geo. Hunt- er; Best dressed cockerel — W. R. Martin. 11®1112MIS Grain Fall wheat, red or amber -A. Sch- midt; Fall wheat, white—A. Schmidt; Oats, long, white—A. Schmidt; ;5. Al- ton Sr. Son; Oats ,any other variety— A. Schmidt A. McQueen, Jas. Alton & .Son ;Barley, any variety—A. Sch- midt, J. Alton & Son; Peas, large -A. Schmidt, J. Alton. &Son; Deas, small - Schmidt, A. Schn J x.J. Alton & Son; Fla. Ti thy • seed --Jas. Alton & Son _, seed—James Alton & Son, A. Schmidt Field Corn ,stalks — D. Milne, Phill- ip MacMillan;. Ears dent corn -Jas. R. Hackett; Sunflowers -A. Schmidt Greer Bros; Sheaf fall wheat—A. Sch- midt. Sheaf barley -A .Schmidt; Sheaf barley- A. Schmidt, Sheaf Oats—A. Schmidt, Collection weed seeds—A. Schmidt, Jas. Alton & Son. Collection grain and`,geeds-A. Schmidt, Jas. Al- ton & Son. Collection of corn, grain and grasses. Roots and Vegetables Potatoes, two varieties—A. Schmidt Late Potatoes Wallace Miller, L, Weatherhead ;Mengel, yellow A. ing land Furnishings. Schmidt, Mrs. D. G MacMorran; Man NI GREERS, (.The Good Shoe. Store) T. H. GIBSON, Central Bakery A Schmidt, Wallace s9 a ▪ Crawford ■ .. THE HYDRO SHOP .. We carry a full line of m a 32 Volt Lana ma am eti at ,4 gha � tie ti ^ s Phone x 56 FOR FARM LIGHTING PLANTS Our lamps are the best. . Our prices are the lowest. lock. ▪ M®NiIN®�®O� NNENNIMIN Swi>ie (Judge—Ephraim Snell) Yorkshire Pigs Boar—Jas Alton & Son, MacKen- zie Webb, Sow that has raised pigs in 5926 -'jas. Alton &' Son, T & 2.; Boar under 6 months—Jas. Alton & nth Son ;MacI�.cnrie Webb. Sow 6 mo and • under 52 months—MacKenzie Webb, Jas. Alton & Son.. Sow' under 6 months—Jas Alton & Son, :1 & 2, I3oar 6 months and under t2 months— Jas. Alton & Sona ; Tamworth Pigs 3t Boar—Jas. Alton & Son, Sow .that has raised pigs in 5926—Jas. Alton & — Al- ton Boar under 6 months Jas,. ton & Son; Sow tinder 6 months -Jas. Get her back to w o r k. Moulting hens dont lay eggs.Put Pratts Poultry Regulator in the feed and hens get the vitality to hurry up the moult, and quick- ly ui k-ly get back to lays eggs. It trays o i ✓ jets seta ay beat ire axis sva Ceeeee, nit fir eeerr:� eo JL'rnr73 O1c FUER R PRADT MOOD CO.aF Cls. ori Lie • 3Zn CnrliSjJ.Svc., c�wbh b,S, ma ma MI a sa is ®®®NI0® 'S ■N Fine Shetland P at Loi /1aiN�ef tia NI ma l � ma NI 4 Givo Away FREEma Will be "Every Contest Store is busy giving out thousands,of votes bid to those interested in helping their favorite Boy or Girl win the Pony. Who is going to win it? No one. can tell until the last votes are counted. Thousands of votes are voted each day and the judges are busy counting them..: Pick out your favorite and' SS work hard for him or her. Ballot -box is at Lyceum Theatre. Entry Blanks are obtainable at the LYCEUM THEATRE. ma ® Ballots good for soon votes given with each admission at BI IN 9s Matinee next Saturday. of the Every boy and girl' would like to own a Pony. Think is pleasure in store for the winner of this Contest.' Get in at the ka start and get your friends and the. folks at' home to help you. lilt NOTE—No persons connected with the Contest Stores. or mi l� their brothers or sisters will be allowed in the Contest, and no 411 allowed to enter. Everyone enter - sympathy contestants will be r • ing must be' capable of working and 'hustling for votes.' Contest SI starts Saturday, September x8th, and ends the night of December ai M I Irth• i N W. A. Galbraith, Town Clerk of Wingham, and A. L. Pos- 10 tiff,.. Principal of Public School, Winghaul, have been appointed � II judges to check up the counting of the votes and decide on the 141 mwinner, and their decision is final. $ is IN H. E. ISARD & CO., Dry Goods, Ladies' Wear and Men's Cloth- ith 1 • 1111111151151111 NINNINNININNINNENNIN gel, red—A.. Schmidt, A. McQueen, R. A. CIJRRIE, Furniture. Turnips, Sime— b RAE & THOMPSON, Hard're. NORTH END GROCERY, Miller; Turnips, any other—A. Sch- L. Weatherhead. Sugar beet— ▪ W. C. REID, Garage. A gELL'S MUSIC STORE midt, A. Schmidt; Field Carrots—A. Sell- RUSH MILLINERY STORE. midt, A. McQueen; Winter Cabbage— A, Schmidt, K. Cameron • Winter squash, — A. Schmidt, R. Beattie; Collection of field roots - Mrs. W .T ;.Gardner. Large squash— Geo H. Smith, R. Beattie; Large pumpkin - Phil MacMillan, Citrons -- T. A, Cameron, Mrs. D. C. MacMor- ran ;Parsnip—A` ,Schmidt, W. I. Mill - ma 'er, Table carrots, long—A. McQueen; A, Schmidt. 'Table carrots„ short J. R. Hackett, Margaret Taylor; Beets long— A. Schmidt, Jas. R Hackett & Son Beets; short --Jas. R .Sackett & Son; Winter Radish — A. Schmidt; Tomatoes, red or pink — T. A. Cam- eron, Jas.'Alton & Son, Ears of ,corn golden bantam, ,D.C, ktacMorran, A. Schmidt'; Ears of rani, any other van• fcty—Mrs. I ,Congram, Geo, Kennedy; Cauliflowers . R Beattie; Wtitermel- • IVLcKIBBON'S .DRUG STORE, Druggists ▪ THE ADVA.NCE-TIMES, Newspaper Subscriptions. ® Ballot -Box is at the Lyceum Theatre where the votes can $ be deposited and the standing will be announced each week on the 1111 screen and in this paper. • i� NNIIRI®NN® on—Greer Bros., G. H. Sintih; Musk- melon -Mrs. I .Congram ,G. H. Smith Beans, small white James Reid, any other' -Jas. R. Heci.ctt & Son, Jas. Reid; Dutch Sets -- A. Schmidt; top. onions --A, Schmidt; Potato onions— Geo. Kennedy,. J. Reid ;Onions, red-- w A. Schmidt, Jatn'es Alton &'oon;Orr- ions, yellow—Mrs. I).C. MacMbrratt, Jas. Alton, and Son; Three Varieties vegetables — A, Sclinri;dt,, Mrs. D. M. "Thompson; Collection garden produce A .Schmidt; Mrs. L'Congrain. Rep- resentative trade exhibit—T. A. Cam- eron, Alf. Andrew. School Children's' Department Bate, short - T. A. Camerae, ' E. Steeleyv . Carrots, short - -- Miary Mlaefittoslt, T. A. Cameron; Onions, any variety Clarence Greer t�,ditt .--Harold &C , Stanley,