HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1926-10-07, Page 3roxeter
Thursday, October 7th, 1916
Horiiely Fall Fair was blessed:with
a wonderfully nice day on Saturday.
The' show was held at Fordwich'this
,'•. year and attracted a large crowd.
Class x - Brood Mare -W .Id'
Geo. Ba er, Foal-. W .H.
Brown..- G Baker;
{ ,
1 Brown, Jno. Hai•rifield; x year old
R. Allen, Johnson Wilkin: Two yr. old
-3. R. Darroch, H .Gibson; 3 year-
old- J. R. Darroch; L. Gibson`,
Team in harness - T. Montgom-
ery, E. Martin, F. Young.
Class - 2 -Brood' Mare - J. Darr-
och, C Mahood: Foal, J. R. Darorch,
J. R. Darroch; i yr. old -G. Brown;
2 year-old,, G. Wilkin; 3 year-old J.
' McMillan, ,Geo. Wylie. Team in. has-.
ness-R. Graham, L. Brown, J. Mc,
Millan, Draft team that has never
won prize money, J. Darroch. Best
Horse in Draft Class; R. Graham,
Class' 3,- Brood Marc; Jno. Wilk-
in; Foal, "Jno. Wilkin; x yr. old, C.
Mahood, - Jno, Wilkin, Single Roads-
.Roberts, n W. ,
.H.Brow J
Tervitt Team in"harnes-Sam Hill
Richard Wilkin.
Class 4 -- i yr. old -J. McMillan,
Single Carriage J. D. Johnston, G.
Robertson, W. J. Roberts. Sweep-
stakes, Roadsters'and Carriage- J.
Class 5 Farm Team - R. J.
Sanderson, 'J. IvIcMillan. Gent Out-
fit - J. Brown, W. J• Roberts, F.
Bender. Jno Wilkin ;Brood Sow -Douglas &
Lady Driver F,. Bender, W. J:
Sons zst & 2nd. Sow under s year, Jno
Class 12-A,yrshires; No entry.
Class i3 ---Grades, Dairy Type.
Cow -J. Downey, x yr•) old he'fer
R. 5, Sanderson, Heifer `calf -W. S,
`Class x4 -Sheep; Leicesters:
Aged Ram -L, Brown, G. Brown,
Shearling Ram -R. J. Sanderson, L.
Brown, Ram Lamb -G. Brown,
Brown; Ewe - G .Brown, L. Brown
Shearing Ewe-G`,Brown, L. Brown
Shearling Ewe -G. Brown, R. J. San-
derson; Ewe Lamb, "G! Brown, L,
Brown; Pen of Leicesters-G• Brown.
Class x5 -Oxford Downs
Aged Ram -J :.Connell, Shearling
Ram -D. Rayson r &, 2:
Ram 'lamb J:' Connell x&2,
Shearling Ewe -J. Connell r & 2.
Ewe •Lamb -D, Rayson, J. Connell:
,'Pen of Oxfords - J. Connell.
Class x6-Shropsltires
All- prizes to, Jno. Wilkin.
Class 17 -Grade sheep
Ewe -•--W. H. Brown 1st and 2nd,
Shearling Ewe - W H. Brown x &
Ewe lamb - W. H. Brown 1. & 2.
Best mutton sheep, any breed
rid ited a. She.
Mrs. R. Beattie; Pillow Slips,GORRIE
ey; IVlann-J• Bilger ;2o oz. pippin - e Width];of Mr •arid Mrs. on Gamble are in Toronto attending the'United church conference on WorldService. x,Mr, H .Cooke gave a splendid acl-
dregs at the League service Fridayon "Impressions of Salt Lake City.There was a good atendance.The Y. P .League execittive met atthe home of Mr. and Mrs, G. Jeffer-
son on Monday eVening.Hear Rev. IVI, M. Bennett at Gorr -
ie anniversary next Sunday Oct. lothat xx a.m. and 7,3o p.m. Specialmusic by the local choir. Envelopesoo is requested by the Board of Stew -
Mr .and Mrs. T. -O. Johnston arespending a few ys wit their son,Rev. S. R. John ton at iloa.rn pars -
The funeral service of the late Mrs.John Trimble -was conducted by theRev. F. W. Craik, in Gorrie church,Monday afternoon. The pastor sel-
ected as his text St. John, Chapter14, Vtrse 27, "My peace I give untoyou." In a world of unrest, disasterand misunderstanding, there is a deepcry for peace . Our Lord speaksthe word in season, to sorrowing dis-
ciples just previous to His departure.He addressed men whose souls -wereanxious for Him to remain, for theyknew their choicest friend was aboutto retire front their midst. Whilethese followers were staggering underthe keen sense of loss, Jesus comeswith an enlightening word and en-
couraging program. "My peace, Igive." He always gives it in the needyhour. How‘often we are disturbedfretful, anxious, sorrovvful. Wouldwe not learn the pilgrims' lesson offinding the peace and tranquillity ofsoul. This divine peace is Christ'srichest blesisng for us to -day. Yetho wfrequently we lose the joy of peace. How difficult it seems tokeep otir soul sweet under all circum -
sign - Mrs. Savage, Mrs. Stroll; Seal- stances. The choir sang, "In they N.Vs. Willits; IVIitts, fine - Mrs. ing Wax, art - R. Brimbleeombe; gloryland."braided - Mrs. W. Beatty, Mrs. ed, conventional - Mrs. Savage; CupMrs. Brimblecombe; Mustard pickles Savage, Mrs. W. Beatty; Floor mat, Csahvinaagel:a jndw-paiii:itne;d,c1thienaalrthi: ,combe; Collection pickles -Mrs. Stroh tpickles -,-- Mrs. Brirnblecombe, T. C. A pretty wedding was solemnized -Mrs. Willits H. P. Douglas; FruitWils'On; Tomato Catsup -- Mrs. StrohH. P. Douglas; Strained Honey - H. T. A, Shearer; .5-pieee cold
Savage rs e a E, Trim
Cla f o h w -- Mrs, Savage, R. W , Mr, John TrimbleMrs,
T. � �' A. Tolman
Sweet- -A .Schmidt, 1, . Bilger, Winter Wheat -A. T
RedW r
A. Shearer; White winter whea.t--A=''J. Connell, J. ger,. Savage, Mrs, W. Beatty; Towels o, h,
Sclunidt, R, Wilkin; Barley- A. ter. Apples - A. Stinson, W. Lamb- Mrs, Savage, A. Stinson,
Schmidt, Geo. Haines; Peas, ama11 kin; Culverts ••-• J. Connell, A; Stin- trimming g ,
S Bath Towels - Mrs. Savage, Mrs. W.
A. Schmidt, Geo: Haines; Peas Large D h J McMillan R Brim-
-A. Schmidt;,White Oats -A, Sch-
midt; Timothy Seed -A, Schmidt, T.
A, Sh s
Class 23 -Dairy Produce &Provisions ell, Mrs, T.eonard; Fall GenetianSavage, Mrs, W Beatty; Lauri-
butter- Wilkin, Mrs, A. Schmidt; Wealthy -Mrs. Bride, J, ' dryBag R. Wlikin, A. Stinson; AP
solos ofb J
lbs Butter in rolls -Mrs: NlcMillan; McIntosh Red Austin
Locheed; 5 b Stinson; Ribston Pippin J. Conn- ,ron,'fancy - Mrs• Savage,•Mrs. Wear -
inpried, Mrs. Loeheed; 3: lbs butter lenheiirt' Pippin A, ing;' Lady's Work Apron - Mrs. Sav-
in prints ---Mrs. Leonard, H. P :Dong ;ell; J. Bilger; B_ A age, , J. Bilger; Boudoir Slippers
1 tell,
Dietz; Coll; of Fall Apples
As; Bread --Mrs. Stroh, Mrs. DougPyke; S n. Gen.: Collection of Apples-, Mrs, W Beatty, Mrs: Savage; Night-
le Pie -Mrs: Locheed, H. P. '. Stinson; � � , ,. 'robe Embr. - J. Giles &Son; A. Stirs-
1 , Pum kin Pie -H, P. Douglas, A,.• ( A. Stinson, W. Lambkin; Gravenstein rob; Embr. - 3 o. e, & on; A. Sav-
l P
Stinson; :.Buns -A. W. Kiel, G. Bak- .--H. Sparling', J. Downey; 6 -.Crab app- .age, A. Stinson; Kimona Mrs. 1Uear-
alces -Mrs. W. Beatty, ' les - J. Connell, G. S. Baker; Loin" Wear-
ing, Wilkin; Lady's Slip fancy r
H Oatmeal C
u las • Tea Biscuits --Mrs, bard ;Plums - A. E. Toner, G. S. IR Wilkin, A, Stinson, Hand bag,
H, P. Dog -;