HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1926-10-07, Page 11 ei,• .4, "14.• ' '4 • •.,••• 471 Jr; • , . • ' '"'"'" • ,, , • With which is amalgamated The. Gorrie Vidette and The Wrometer News Single opies, Five Cents. • WINGHAM, ONT., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 7th. 1926 111111/11111•11111•11•MORIIIMI, ' HO! The Wingham Thursday and if the will' be dance, Due to president show building be ready a hand certainly up with Entries ing in better it •would tendance assured. Gray's wheel and grounds tractions The ,Wornen's tge :refreshment means that be had The I-Ienderson don will ternoon, dy Co., irg the town' Merchants Laking the building it Should attractive The building first night ober 7th; Led for the dio music kddress A number Rey McLeod Sunday his uncle.and Reid, and ,orne club riress, prior g.o. To Roy . Your class.mates this' evening the eve 'of midst. ' 9anionship your association Tuxis Boys' ways shown Part in our marked interest our •Sunday these things :hough. :,..ontinue prompted Mg a step We therefore less in the Lo accept ••espect, guest that Sunday •school, may be• :last and ' Roy was mite but Eriends for • • FOR THE FAIR. ! ' Belgrave School Fair Held Last Wednesday Was a I3ig Success , . . • •• . , OCTOBER COUNCIL , ME. , - ETING . Local and General News of I t -r t. n e es to The Community' . , DIPLO1VIAS At Winghain the month cachit;ti'leil drncrdheannhcaesabtreceivedeSeunn • - • obtainable, their cvredit. sot; attendance Presentation gates which pared for t •his explained. the record, --and the two Tows in front Mr. Bennett habit has a livesr-and it, habit of attendance dThe an church. morning was • cation—the Whipped Giants—which the appeal ,of Manassah and the land that them though it. Eferyene and all maY of Christ it A pleasant . • too Was the of Mr. and .Mrs. Bias , ' Jenkins. . .. PRESENTED • • ' . , Fall Fair will be. bri, and Friday of this weep, weather •iS 'fine there-, a wonderful crowd in atten- • .' ' the untiring efforts .o the and. directors, the new 40 feet by too feet,' will to use. Several ladies gave with the painting' arid they made the men hustle to keep • them. . , for the exhibition are coin- than for a lot* time, and- now appears that a' big at- and large entry list was . •• • . , . shows will • have a Ferris merry-go-round on. the . and a number of • other at- . . will be here. ' Institute will have privileges .again, and real good hot meals may on the grounds. Kiltie Band of Lon- supply 'music...duringthe af- and the Alice Dunbar Come- will Put on an entertainment hall on• Friday. evening. and manufacturers are space in the centre of the and when it is all in place gitie the interior quite an appearance. ..,. will be open on the , of the .fair, Tharsday, Oc- and the public Will be admit- smal lsum• of ro cents. Ra- in the building at night. . . , • .* United church (luring' ,. of .September, a record, of Sunday School ' cSvtel. 11 leanondfia' 'rtthIlirIle's . - og. t and fifty had over eo •., 0 , 1 - Last Sunda' rx• orn rS.caSll, eadndonWM. 'Hr.. FF rEeEnc'cw. "„ . Secretary to assist in the, of very beautiful certifi- had been specially i i occasion Mr French • . method of keeping the Mr. Howson addressed, ' of children as. they of the altar rail, and referred to the fa,ct Vial; great deal to do with aut. is well to form a good at Sunday schgol sermon of 'the appropriate to the oc- theme being "Men .who was based on Joshua to the tribes of Ephraim to pos.sess had been a.ssig-ned to there were 'giants in must meet giants in life conquer if the assistance , secured. . feature of this service baptisrn of the children Elphic and Mr. and , ' • •, The• , , regular meeting of the' Wing- . . ham town council was held on Mon- day night. Mayor Feils in the chair. Councillors Present,: J. W. Hanna,. R. " A. ,SPottP,P, C. /R. Wilkinson, H. ./3, Elliott and W. Haney. g'.• • . . Mr. ,Wilkinson, chairman of the Fire Commettee, reported that 2 coats and 3 pair of boots were required and purchased for the Fire Cornirlittee. I -Ie also reported all equipment- on hand ...• in gooa 'condition • • •, • '' ' There are still a few band instru- merits not sent. to the Town .Clerks • • • g • . office. . • • Mir. Mitchell, chairman of the Cemetery' Committee, reported p.o.. kress with the fence: Mr. Vint had . Put in the cement for the brick pill- ars. The well has gone., practically . • •. dry and', will have to be cleaned out and a sand sucker Used ' '• Mr. Crawford was granted permits- to erect another gasoline pump. i" - - H. .Elliott' B and J On -motion of W. .Hanna the Court of. revision for ' • • this year Will be compoSed of the' .. , kMyor, the reeve andd, councillors, Wil--. -inson, potton an Mitchell. . A by-law with regand to the reg- ulating "of hotira for restaurants and eating houses was , changed by the - . . . . 'Loss adding of the follownig clause: - u . , • . . . • Every licensed victualling house . .. . ,,. . , must be kept closed to the public from xl^ o'clock midnight Until 5 o'- ' • .• • - . clock next morning of •every day ex- •• Saturday anSunday.'?• oeptt d ' • ° , . , ...Beligtasve school Fair held last Wed- nesday was fortunate in having good weather and the exhibits were up to previous years. . Publie Speaking—Leonard Goslick. . fudging Livestock—Jerry Brydges, Ross Robinson, Lloyd Worlanan.' . judging Poultry—Ross Robinson. •* ` Parade—S. S: No. 13 East Wawan- . . ash, Sg.S. NO. 3, Morris, S. S. No. 7 Morris, S. S. Nb. 8, East Wawanosh, S. S. No. II Turnberry; S. S.. No. 17 East Wawanosh. ' ,' Black Minorca—Howara Irwin, Wil- nia Gregg, Geo. Gregg, Ivan Irwin, Geo. Noble, . • • • ' . Brown Leghorns — Hazel McGreg-. or. ' . • - . Ducks—Stanley Irwin, Mildred Ma- son, Calvin Robinsen, Harvey .C.30k, Myrtle Yuill, Dorothy Vincent. • . . . ' White Eggs --Doris M. Scott, Ivan Irwin, Harold Vincent, Edna Vincent, Marjory Hamilton. . . , . Rabbits — Verne. McCallum. . Dog — Rellison Bone, Geo. Gregg, Ivan .Irwin, Lloy)d. Robertson, .Edna Vincent, Ross Anderson. - • .. Cat — Howard.„IrWin, Marjory Rob- ertson, Clarkjohnston; Ferric McCall- um, Graham Anderson, George Gregg. . • . . _Pigeons — Jim McCallum, Roy Robinson, Ruth -Workman, Mabel Mc- CalTum, Harold Vincent, .Roy. Patti- on. , . • Catiary—Clelland s Bone, Eileen Mc- Callum, Helen Edgar, Mabel McCall- iiin, Harvey Cook, Stanley Black. ,' Any other Pet ___. Howard Bakgr, • . . . • . Leslie Vincent, Charlie Scott, Kenn- eth Wheeler, Leonard.James. • Cockerel --Graham Anderson, Ross Anderson, Hazel..1VIcGregar, Charlie Scott, Clayton McGregor, Edwin Foth ergill. , Pullet—Corrine McLean, Hazel Mc- Charlie Scott, Clayton Mc- Gregor, Bruce Scott, Harvey McDow- ell. , ' • ' . ... Pen of Three — Charlie Scott , Arc- chie •Stott, Corine McLean, Lloyd ,,, • Cook, George Machie. . 'Pon of Two -- Doris Scott, Annie . Stott, Robert C. Scott,' Mary Frisby, Stan Black, Alberta McMurray. Home Flock -- john Leach, Ross AnderSon,• Chardie. HiggiAs, Ruth Workman, Jerry Brydget. z r White Wyandottes' — Clayton Mc- Gregor. . • . • • • . • Rhode. ISlarid Reds — Ross Ander- son:. . ' . i. - Milking Stool — Cecil Hobson, Ar- , thur Scott, Harvey IVIcDowell, Robbie l'hiills. Clarence Yitill, George Noble. • .Patch on Overalls—Lloyd McCau- ley, Meryy McCauley, Norman Cont.. ter. - Woodwork ••1Viodel -=-Clelland Bone, • Northam Coulter', Murray Logan, Bob- .bie Yuill, Leonard James. . . • Chicken Coop — Graham McDow- ell. , .4, • , , .Dairy Calf —Albert Cook, Harold Vincent,Calvin'Robinson,Mason Rob- . •," D. Potatoes --, Hazel McGregor, Irlina .Casernore, Florence' Nethery, Margaret Cunnington, Robert Scott; , Marigolds -- George Carter, Gracey . Anderson, Bobbie Yung Leonard Me- Burn,ey, Lloyd Workman, Willie Mark •Turnifis — Elliott Johnston, Ivan, Irwin, Albert Cook, KennethgWheel-' er, Clarence Yuill, May Robertson. Beets — Velletta Chamney, Mar- garet Cunnington, Donald McLean, Gertrude Arbuckle, Lloyd Cooke, Fer- ne McCallum. , • ' • (Continued on Page .4) ,-• . . . . Miss Elsie Blackball of Crediton spent the Week end at her home, '..., Mr. and Mis. T. Met- Smith spent the week end with friends in l'orOnto. • M-' r. and Mrs. E. ,..I.g.,Nsh. motored. •to Grimsby on Saturday for over the week end. . •••.„,,, M . • r. Charles Gunn of 'London, spent. a day With his paretns, Mr. ?lid Mrs. Wm., Gtinn. ,,,,isinl...•••,-,..p.lit,3•,..* .• .• • , , .. , . , , „ . Mr .and Mrs, Wilford Reid agot ehildren.,are spending a week at Sar- . .. . . ma visiting friends, ' • . Miss Marguerite Johns of the Bell , . Telephone staff is visiting friends in . Toronto, and Buffalo • • • Mrs. 'K.. R. Howard of Toronto is . • , visiting at the home of her. sister, Mrs. R.' S. McGee Edward St. • ' • :1 ' Miss . Anna Blackhall .has returned T f . d' h 1 t to oronto a ter spen mg t e as ' . h h h - • two weeks at, her . ome ere. , , ,. • .. . Miss. Annie ..Blackhall , of Toronto is visiting with her parents, Mr. and C. S. Blackahll, I)iagonal Road. • • Fire Prevention week, October 3rd, re , . • . , to 9th, Canada's 1926. Fire Lin 1925 was •ProPertY $4o million Lives , .. • , , 35o. • , . • ' . M • d M A r: an Mrs.John A. MacLean and • • ' Miss Margaret, spent a few .,days at h• h f their- ' E. e ome o • son, Mr. Chas. • • - , . . MacLean,, at Sarnia. ernd daughter . Mrs. Wilson Turna Phyllis, of Toronta, spent\la few days at the home of• -her parent's, Mr. and ,og .. ' Mrs. V. R. vadslthh• ' Mr.. Bert Abell and Miss Bessie Ab- ell have been in Goderich owing to the serious illness of their father who . . is 'suffering from blood poisoning. Miss M. E. Breen ,R.N., Mrs. R. G. and little daughter, • ghter, Betty,. • .haye returned home from. visiting with friends in London and Port -Stanley. •South Bruce Ploughing Match at ,g in . Teesvgat , . ,men er•.eictober ieth. $400 .pnz- Write for prize .list to Alex B. McKague, Secretary -Treasurer, Tees- water. , • . Mr. and Mrs. Fax Sr., ari d their son Mr. Chas. Fox, returned to their homein Michigan, after spending a week at the home of their son, pr. J. A. 12 -1 -,ax' V ' Mr. and Mrs. •JackSOri-AValker of Toronto ' have' returned. libme after spending the past two ivisks with the , . former's brother, Mr. if'Walker, East Wawanosh. • Dance -- In Belgrave on Friday •October tl Arthur's fain- evening, 15 1, . ous Radio Orchestra will furnish the Music. .Everybody welcome. Admiss- ion 95 cents. and tax. • a letter ' Mr. Williani-4cGill had 1 from .is sister, '. W. A.Edwards in Fort Lauderdale Florida, in which •. descries .1 ' • and flood she bt le rricane a as terriblegtngw„itness. They escaped .fr.,5m their-117mm, which was totally . , y . destre ed 'rhe Wingham Rubber Co. Ltd, haved a display and advertising booth at , the show now on in Montreal. Thisis ' firm spends a good amount each year ,in advertising, and Wingham derives •a great deal of benefit indi- from it. Offers for' leasing of Lots 7 and ' 8, in the ist concession of Morris, 200 . . • 11 b received.. by the under- acres, will e • d t October th 1 26 F ir signed up o 20 9 , . t - ther 'pakticulars can be had on appli- cation tor -j. A. Morton, Solicitoi-, • la, Ont. • .. wino.in, . ' . . . H... The Ladies' Aid Society has .in•-• stalled a telephone in the Whighani 'United Church. Number of phone is _ .• .. • 140. This will be a great convent - e g'ff ' g . t f enee to t e 1 erent ep,a,rtmen s o , , b the elitircn. al.. Ladies are to e ' • .. congratulated -on their enterprise. ' ' The Amity friends of Mr. Charlie .... , . , d I McKibbon will be please to earn , d in that he is somewhat improve ' health. Reeve and Mrs. McKibbon , Toronto .. took Charlie to on Friday morning He tOok sick loll . - • tl owing le High School Games on Monday. ' ' . . ry services will be held Annivers.a, . at 'Saletn United Church Stinday, Oct . , ' x7th, Services at Man. and 7 p.m. lite following, Monday evening a hot fowl supper will be served from 6 to 8 p. In after which a good Program will . " - ' - - be5iven. Admission adults 50 cents Children g5 cents, ' Mrs. Bassett of Lis. to-Weli• sent p a day at the home 0 . , • R. f Mr. and Mrs R J. Tindall. . • . , . . CrManrbroaonkd, opMenrs; 'a PnallgiliwPithj,aMnir!s..anodf.it'llogp:Sh-neppta Mrs. R. .,Tindall. Mr. and Mrs. H, C. Gray of a. Ni • -g- ara Falls, are visiting at the home of'gg:- ' ' Mr. Gray's parents, Mr. and Mrs; W. G. Gray of Minnie St. , . • Rev. F. W. Schaffter held services Gorrie and Wroxeter. n Sunday at , . o.stood afternoon. 'Rev. Jones 0 f Gorrie ' preached at St. Fouls church on Sun - day night' ' ' ' - • . Mr. and Mrs. T. A. McElroy and little daughter Audrey Mr and lirgt. • , • R. C. McElroy and .Miss Annie Mc- El f - Elroy, allo Detroit spent over Sun- , . day with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. T .0 • 7 . McElroy of town — — . . . ' ' rvir. and Mrs. w. F. ICincaid and their daughter their daughter, Mrs. J. R.' McKay Of Ypsilanti, Michigan, rnotore • clover and visited with the former's sisier ,Mrs. B. -teary, Minn- ie St • . . • . Mr. and Mrs. j. A. Brandon, and • ' • Mr .and Mrs., Robert Maguire, have returned from , their 'Motor trip to the Western provinces. Their manY ' friends areglad.,go have. them home • tgtin and to know that they enjoy- . .. . ., , ed their trip so well. , s , . ,'• AUTO ACC,ItiENTS, - . , ,..,___-- • A motor accident which might eas- iiy• have resulted more seriously oc- curred.on the -highway about two mil- es south of' Winghain • on Sunday night. Roy McLeod turned on the seat to s/peak to his companion, Geo. Boyd, 'when he pulled the auto Over the side of the road and it turned over. Roy's leg' was badly cut and so Was his 1Pft hand, but other -wise no serious injurywas done. Roy left , on 'Friday for• Chicago, .but was turn- ed back to 'get the necessary ,papers . . before entering Uncle Sam's 'domain, . . and the land of his birth, • . - • . . * *.* . • • On Sunday evening, a Foi....d car carne to grief at Whitechurch. • 'It ran into another car and got,the worst of the deal. ' The sooner Some boys, 'and girls. realize that a car seat is not as solid as a parlor touch the , befter it will be for thenaselyes and' others. , -• . g . ' * * * ' '. . . "While returning'from a tiresome af, ternoon working,..at the. Agricultural Hall, Mrs., Geo. Coulter Was . thrown heavily to the ground from Mr. Chas. Campbell's buggy, and . badly shaken and bruised. Mr. Elmer Wilkinson was motoring te7Belgrave and Dr. Calder.' was Meeting h•rn, the buggy ), was between, and any otorist knows . 4es. what happened. The piggy without a light, is hard to • see?`'When... between. ' cars, and Mr. Wilkinton's lights Were very . pi:ion his.,,,,,,atiO rammed into it, 'beaking 'Or '.a. wheel.• Fortunately no serious darnage was done, although Mrs .Coulter was badly shaken up in' ,Frequency her* being thrown out. Mr. Ross, driver fOr .Dr,. Calder, pulled their car over into the ditch •to save, hitting. Mrs. Coulter, • and only that he is. a good driver, a more 'serious acCident might have happened. — . . ' Types K2 Words Per Minute ' — - . • • • In a recent Typewriting contest. held by the Underwood Typewriter Company, 'Toronto; Ivliss Mable Bell carried off the silver .rnedal. After all erors were deduced, she had Written 52 word.s per minute. ' .1',Iiss Bell comes from Drayton, and only enter - ed , the Whigham Business College last February.. .'• The Pony Contest Continue' s , The Royal Sales Co. wish to pub- . ' • through our columns that hely say ,,,. . they are continuing the pony contest, ... . . as there is not the in ring - . slightest- f • ment o le aw in e ,conducting f the 1 • the . . . of it. They are lost to know why take art in. refused • any one who to ta p the contest should now try to 'block . • . it,. and their solicitors are dealing . • . with the Retail Merchants Association - who have threatenedaction. . How Many Read It 4, • ,• This week we publish 265o copies. of The Advance -Times. That meal:re • it goes into that many homes and in each home an average of three peo- • , ., ple read -the paper, that would be - . 795o, and on top of this we know ,of o duty in our omes,, papersthatcl • • f h and a great many go to tw,o and three homes. . A neighbor borrows the ' d 1 b d ''' paper, an that las to e returne so• , that is can be tied up and . sent to a; - . ' • • . son • or daughter, now living in the West. or the States. . . Mr. Advertiser, does it pay to use our ccilumns? '' ' ..., • , , • . . , Wingham s New Industries,, gg. '. , ' in ' . Mr. Clarence White has , rriv\cl to is occupying• Mis I Tohns- town an . . .., „ ton's house on . Alfred street. ',,Mr. img. • • • fitting up a portion of the —Ate • - . - • - • • former chair factory which has been • - — leased frorn the liannees Fertilizer i , f, • Co., and will n the c,ourse o ., a couple , . or weegs commence the manufacture . , , • .,• of little wagons; sleigns, Kiacue cars,, ,, etc.N.1: W. H. Gurney will be, con - cted with the new firm. Ile— . - . • v.i. , F W. Willisit.is rimy nicely lo - Mr F. • • . r cated in town and his factory, rhe -. geciernl, Rttbber Co • is busily engaged ' ' • • - in the manufacture of ninny lines of , • i W 1 t h rubber goods. e lope o ave a ." • more lengthy account.of the progress, • -, of these nwindustriesei i the near future. We welcoine both of therm. . ' ,•• - . Presb . yterial. Meetings Seetional.rneetings of Maitland Pes- byterial .Wornan's. Missionary •SOcie- ly for the church will be htld as follows. , ' ' No. /—At Moleswortg on oetoker r3th at 2.30.. . • . No. 2 — At Whitechurch, on Oct.. r4th, at .2.30. • . •Gannett -- '' No. 3 At Ripley on October r5th, at 2.30.. . ' Mrs; J. W. Dill of Toronto M B • ' "' Secretary of General Council will present an ese meet- be t •d address these ings.. , - -- • . A Mistaken Idea. ". . ,Since the . Town Council set apart Josephine Street •as 'a through street, and have made •certain highways lead- ing; thereto as'stop-streets . , where mo- torists are compelled to stop before pr.oPeeding unto the pavement, an idea that is prevalent that autoists on throngh stre•ets. have always the rih t of way over parties corning on kora other thoroughfares. • On this hypo-. thesis toine motorists have been mak- ing speedwaYs of the pavement in the ' assumed assurance that all others coming in on:themfrom side streets are. transgressors against the Ontatio Motor Vehicles Act for not making certain the road is c ear_be ore enter- . mg. No less an authority than J.' p , pi ,,,.. • . P.Phelan of Toronto, Solicitor for ' . • • the Ontario Motor League, has an- . d,.,s,'• e that through streets 'don't nounc.. furtherprivileges es give drivers any fu , 'regards rightZof-way over what they. . would ordinarily have on any Other ' . . highway. , In Ontario,the law is clear on the point that a: driver on your right has invariably. the .right -of -Way. nt all street intersections . ' - . • I'rectly C tti o the Highway a e n e • ' • contrary to theby-laws ' of the totynships.,of all the counties in Oitario, there ale.still several lilac- es where horses, . cattle, sheep and are permitted .to roan 'at large . and a source of worry and anxietyto Constituting a. menace •on the roads those who have occasion to use them, • -. • a • • e- avoid Motcnists in ke ev, zy,effort to d contact with cattle, not desiring to injure any of these, and Particularly . not Wanting to injure their cars or endangering. their lives. Yet mo- . , torlsts are blamed for carelessness if any animal happens to be bit or in- jured, while the • owner in many cases is quite indifferent to the dangers and . take a chance in allowing their stotk .. 1 . , ., d , •., to wan( ei unienue xi.= one sine or the road to the 6ther.', Bovine intell- genee to get out of travel cannot be depended upon, but something more than that standard of wit is exppeted from, owners of livestock who allow. their stock to get a portionof their 'feeding from the roads of the country Whether on the tnain, highways or the sideroads. If it is a misdemeanor fot Cattle to run loose on the toad the by-law should .be enforced. Rtinicing into these- might easilyqtstilt in the loss of human life. The roaming at ' large of livestock constitutes a clang- el' tOo.grea to be ignored, •. . .• Who Holds Lucy Ticket, . , . The Women's Institute would great- ly like to hear from the person -Who 'holds the lucky ticket, number 324, on their. quilt. , If tlie. winnet does not claim the quilt within onemonth it will be re -sold. . , . Dental Health. Day • • The. three dentists in Wingham, at the.suggesti°4 of the Ontario Depart- o ea 1, willobserve e nes- t f H ItlW d A ,• . ' ., ." ay, October -oth, as Dental Health Day. Oil that day they will give free dental examination and advice to all who seek it. Further announce- ment next week. , . , Glaring, Headlights Constant Menace . .. , . with - which. •glaring headlightS are mentioned as a con- • • . • tributary or main cause of motor accidents should m k - ,d • - • a e every. river of a inotor car exercise care to re- - . duce this menace as .much as possi7 , ble . Notwithstanding all the reg- . illations designed to reduce the glar- • ' • mg headlight evil, it is still very much. in evidence, Motorists have the remedy largely in their own hands. Use of powerful lights are • • • . • largely uneccessary, aid their abuse ;sour au4 I() uotiviorn queskeLt a si fundainental 'courtesy by those who • - use th ,e highways a sif they were the ir own private playgrounds. ' • A Splendid Exhibit ' ., F d Blackhallshipped Messrs Frya quantity' of furniture to Kitchener. this week where it will 'be on display in ' • a large furniture show room. There will be different spaces divided. into . room d • 1 d d -an •appropriate y papere an s decorated stalls. One apartment will , display.kitchen furniture, .the prod-. uct of one factory, and another bed- roorn firrniture etc, The Fry and . will ruing ro Blackhall display'11 be I - ore. furniture, and will be not only •a cred- it to the town in which it is inaliti- . factured, but will also be a credit to , tl t fa t t • r 'T1 i fur itu is le man 1 e t re s. 1 s n re in the first class of Canadian furni- ture, no .shoddy goods, or second class lumber finds . it sway into the manufacture of Fry and Blackhall , goods • • '' . . , , • , . , • Shiell-McBurney Wedding . A quiet wedding. waS solemnized at rx.30 on Wednesday Sept, agth at the •' , , • S ' • " St. Andrew s Presbyterian Manse, 'When 'Miss Ella Mg . eldest daughter . , of lifr. and Mrs, Samuel IVIettlrn0Y, was united in martiage to R. (Greg,) „, Shiell, so.. of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shiell.. . groom returned to the home of the bride's parents, w.lete dinner was serss, -I I l.i • ved. In. the 'afteruon, Mr, and Mrs. . Shiell left by motor for Toronto and other points, the bride going away in a, navy suit and. black hat with rose- tyood trimmings and. scarf. . Among the gifts received was . a Chesterfield table from Calvin Pres- byterian Church choir of Which,' the 'bride was a.mernber, . ,, ' „' . . and Presentation ., . .0• ,, / of ithe 'classmate7 of Mr. from thee -6T &Church School 'me at the .home, of aunt, . r. and rs.."Alex. presenteq him ith athand- bag and ''t- ollowing ad- . to his leairing for Chica- -, . .Gregor, McLeod: . , are _gathered here to bid you .farewell • on . your departtire from our , . We have' enjoyed your com- • and. have also , enjoyed ' as -a member of our Group.. . You have ..a.1- ., a willingness .„to take activities, and have •shown in the discussions on essons. • 'School sons. Fo . we will miss you,iand al-• we would like to have you with us, yet We feel that, , by ambition,. you, are tak- ,forward in . your. life work. wish' you 'every suc- • future, and would ask you this gift as a token of:our, which carries I with it a re- you continue to attend no mater Where you located. Signerby all the those present. • ' • / . taken' cpmpletely by -stir- appropriately thanked hit their kind reinembrance. A Splendid . Show . . , • . A fair house greeted . the Musical. Eckharts on Wednesday night,, and • an entertaining. two hours Was given by these ,artists. The musical num- beS were well up to theirusual stand- ard and the dancing and comedy. . '' ' sketches were fine. The pis- .. ter's, who did the tap dancing, just • came to Canada from England about• *. months ago. They had been 'on SIX • • • the Moss Vaudeville circuit. in Eng- . , • . . land. . . , . Wettlaufer--Watson • . A pretty • autumn . ' wedding took • ' place,. at the home of Mrs. Helen Ged- - - • des, Leopold St., Wingham, when her h • • . I blW . fW niece, Mary sa e Watson, o atet- loo was. united in marriage with Nor, ' ' ' inan J. Wettlatifer, riitchener.' To g mare p- the strains of the wedding h "L ' hengrin," played by Mri, j. Ferguson, .Bayfield, • e ,bride,, en ere the iv- the t al• li with 1 ' G 'W-1 gg room, her cousin, . nson• , an. too er p ace e ore a Geddes • ci g k h 1 b f • bank of ferns and asters. 'Rev. Per. ..e i , . ' • n , D.D., W 1 gham officiated in the presence of about thirty-five friends and relatives, The bride wore a pretty frock of white georgette witl I • silk • -• • • . .1 moire tin -innings. Her vet of sill- net was held in place by a wreath `. of orange blossoms, ' She carried a baguet •of sweetheart 'rases and lilies of the valley, ' Her bridesmaid, Miss Hilda Schaefer, Kitchener, wore a . ' -c i 1.1 -F.F. pretty dress o. Pa.e gme ta-eta, with a bandeau of silver leaves, The groom was attended by Mr. Waiter Schaefer Kitchener. During the signing of the register, IVIiss Annie Geddes, Bel- grave, sang verY' sweetly; "I .I,ove Yon," After a'buffet ltinehlon was served by four of the bride's friends, the happy couple left on a inoto'r trip the bride travelling III A 00Stt11110 of black taffeta, with •White velvet trimin- ings, black piettire hat, coat, shoot and 'aockings to, match, After Nov, x5th, Mr. and Mr's. Wettlaufer will he borne` to' their friends at Raddatz.St., ,... lgitchener. ., . , „ Ille .• ,,:•k . *,%. 1 i . ..,....- ..----- ; .'--• inson. . ' Beef Calf • — May. Frisby, Vernon • . Chamney, Margaret cunnington, Ron- aid Cenetree, Clayton McGregor, Har- i vey Cook, ,. .• •Agricultural, Colt — Jerry .Brydges, Lloyd Workrnan, Calvin Robinson. Roadster Colt — Murray. Logan. . • Pail' Fecl•-•-Beef Type .Calf —' May , • Frisby,. • ' ' Lambs, s ,. r woo — Aileen Mc- ' ho t . ' 1 ' Callum, Ronald Coultice, Manion Rob- ,inson.. • Bacon. Hogs — Geo,. Carter Ron -hogs , . .- ald Coultes, Ross Robertson . • Baby 13eef --• Bruce Scott, Harold Vincent, Ronald Coultice,. Arthur - Scott. • :. . ; ' . Drown Eggs — Dorothy Vincent, . . 'Leslie Vincent, Hazel McGregor, •Geo. 'Gregg, Jack Higgins, Je,tr "3rydges,. t —.Howard Irwin Wheat, 1 q g • •. Wheat, sheaf — Howard Irwin. • . --. ...- • Oats, sheaf -- elayton McGregor. • . .. • Field Corn —. Io ears—Jean Iiigg-- ' •. g • ins, Ronald c oultes. . , . Sweet Corn — Marion McCauley, orman on tgr, ruce . coo, , arson N ' C .1 /3 S C a w t G . • • a on, raham McDougall, Marion - Rebertson. • • :Soy Beans — i pt—Duce Scott, W. • Black. ' , . .•..„ . Soy Beans I sheaf — Alberta Mc- . .Murray, Bruce,. 'Scott, ClAyton Mc- Gregor, 'Willie Bleck, ' ' I, C. Potatoes — Corina McLean, - •,. v illetta Chimney,' May Frisb`g, Kenn- ' eth Mason, Stanley Irwin, Orline Bak.; • or. . 1 • Potatoes' Cr. . M, — Roy Pattisoig, Jean' Robertson, Doris Scot, Doris ..Corb'ett Vernon 'Chaim -Icy, iMgrgan• ,, „,,A., tA . ' ' • tit, '..ogggint. ' ' n g • •g• WINGI-IAM ; - Rev. .5. H. ' Parsonage Me Streets. Rev, pulpit Ing.. Bennett versary g.3o—Sunday 'Class. The arrangements pleted, be this aa'y . ready. ty-five in lune, planning for ering v. _ - - - , .Supposedly , i. ,,.. ' • '- • - ' •• • • - • UNITED 1 CHURCH , , ,• . M. M. Bennett'. B,• A. Minister Christie, ,Choir Leader. Cog John and Min, Phone x83. - ' • SUNDAY Oct. lath . 6 Mn Craik will occupy Ur at morning and even; services. Reg-. M. M. is to preach the anni- service S at .Gorrie. , School and Bible ' . . • , , Silver Anniversary Service •are being corn- Oct Igth to a4th, will a very, special oceaSion for .church. The big birth- cake, with its candles, 'is „..The singers of twen- years ago ate getting and the -, ladies are for the tefreshinents iihe congreg-ational ,Gath-' ,• on the evening of Mon- , Tgo. hist. , . .: ',, 0.444.41.1141.401.411411144.116401114441111.444141.111., .e.o, ...1.. , 3r11,111111. , le, 0, 'h tigg ‘.1001,.11.0 tin. &matt* itig_a - Wan .. . tv.a' .. . , ,41 rt.. . C. ,.....marbe , --,--,----.7--.:•-•--7--- g ....f.., \T • 'r.. 1„ liA • . , / .. , . , gig I. : gg ' iegula 16441uCe i' At* ,, ' wogs. if v,j, ICU ysierot • SOCIAL DANCE — Mildmay Tawn Hall, Friday, Oct. ttt. Music by Jean's Royal City Orchestra of Guelph. ,