HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1926-09-23, Page 544 Thursday, SeRtember 23rd, x926 simmisomutummessionsisioniummanommisismissimmul 4. a - Make your purchases count for votes and help •• yourfavorite Boy or Girl a Win the Pony! Who Will Win The Pony? "Boys and Girls Get Busy," Votes issued at this store on • AND UP • • !ALL SALES OF 25 CENTS Purchases in all Departments of the store count in the Contest -- Dry Goods , w La- dies' Ready -to -Wear, Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Rus and Linoleums. House m • • • Furnishings Men's and Boys' Clothirig, Hats and Caps, Gents Furnishings . a , ' • III N • • Ladies' Ready -to -Wear Some real good values in Ladies, Misses' and Children's Winter Coats in Smart Models. Made of the leading cloths and newest colors. Take a look at our values at $17.50, 19.50, 22.50 and 2500 1111 NEW ,DRESSES Latest models and good materials. Specially N priced for quick sale. M ROUSE DRESSES N Made of Good. Quality Gingham 98c 1.25 value at ..... . ..UONAS Just opened a fine range of Ladies' and Girls' • Kirnonas made of good material in choice pat- terns and colorings, Special value 4.75 at._.._............ • Shipments of All Lines of Fall Goods wixamm ADvAwcs-Timas Some Choice Glad Mr. Chester Copeland sent a few samples of Gladiola from his garden to the Owen Sound aFir and vvas suc- cessful in getting a second prize tick- et, in spite of the fact that there Were entries in the same class from Tor- onto, London and Kitchener, Win Advance:Times Cup The Veteans won tie Wingliarn Softball League Championship for the season of 1926, and thereby capture the Advance- Times Silver Cup won last year by .the Western Foundry, • WROXETER COUNCIL The Wroxeter Council met in the council chamber at regular . meeting. Members present, Alex. Wright, Jas. Moffatt, Neil White, Reeve I-Ienne- berg in the chair The minutes of the last regular meeting were read and adopted on motion of James Moffatt and Neil,White. The accounts passed. were- T. G. Hemphill, August power and rent $95. 5o, I-1 .Patterson, running plant $44.- • So) John Smith, work at cemetery$6.- oo, Bert Sage, cutting hay in cemetery on motion of Neil White and Alex Wright ,the above account were passed and order drawn on the treas- urer for same, Motion of A. Wright and James Moffatt that by-law No. 0, to levy taxes and collect same now read three times' be passed. Motion of James Moffatt and Neil White that by-law No. 7 to amend certain sec- tions and add Sec. 28 to by-law No. 5, x9oz, of the village of Wroxeter cern- etery now read three times be pass- ed. This by-law put the cemetery on the perpetual upkeep, the price of lots are raised. Owners of lots paying the difference can have them put on the perpetual upkeep basis. The award of the engineer re Mc - Michael's drain was presented and tenders will likely be called for digg- ing same. Motion by Neil 'White and Alex, Wright that Council adjourn to meet in regular meeting or call of the reeve. Fred Davey, Clerk. v. To Carry Canada's Products Abroad, The new freighter S.S. "Cairnesk," just launched at Sunderci lxn, Eng- land, is one of the two new sister Vessels specially designed for the, Cairngannara. on Line service between the North-East Coast of Great Britain • and The carriage of perishable foodstuffs from this/ tountry to Great Britain is a most Important function of this service. The ",Clairnesk'sr •equipment embodies the most modern facilities for refrigeration, ventila--, tion and carriage of perishable goods, ll111111111111111111111111111011111111111111•111111111111111111111111111•11M411111,1111411111111.11111. 111111111111111/11111111111011111111111,f110111111111110111111111/111l1M11111111111111311151111111131110211211111111101111111111111111611119111112111111111; ;pp! a ies or. • • Have been received, n ew Blankets and Flan- si nels, Flannelettes, Shirtings and Linens, Towel- al • lings, Underwear, Hosiery and Gloves, Art Sat- •al een, Dress Goods and Silks. Some very pretty patterns in Silks and Crepes are here for your ra inspection. • Men's and Boys' Wear . just passed into stock New Models in Men's and Boys' Overcoats and Suits, values are the Best. TAKE A LOOK. Men's Work Shits and Overalls at Cut Prices, Special Overalls at 1.95 • • New Sweaters, Underwear, Fancy Shirts, Mi Braces, Socks, Neckwear, Hats and Caps, Boots in and Shoes. a 1111 a IN RI MI Isard 84 4, 0 9Wi gh-4,-; anin , ., ,.,. • • . • le mummwmumnsimilmmmswmmmminsmmummummsommummwmiunum. Boot .Bargain $3.6g •in at Hanover \Three rinks of Wingharn bowlers t. in the bonspiel at Hanover on F ida,y and Mr. McDonald Rae and , r. Hal McLean were successful in • winning the trophy. Card of Thanks The family of the late Mr. Andrew Langley wish to thank their many • friends and neighbors for .their kind- ness and sytnpathy shown to 'them in their recent sad bereavement . Guelph Friends Say Farewell The many friends of Mrs. A. G. Mc- Donald, who has been living for the • past few years with her son-in-law Mr., Bert, Smith ' Guelph, are very pleased to welcome her back to God- erich. On the eve of her departure fro'fn Guelph, son -re twenty-five of her 'friends gathered to bid her farewell. A social evening was spent during which the following address was read and she was presented With a very fine club -bag: Dear Mrs. McDonald, - We, your friends, wish to take this opportunity of expressing our regret at your removal from our midst. We shall miss you from among us and we wish you to know how pleasant -to us all these associations have been. 'We feel assured that on your return to your old friends again you will find the warm welcome that always sur- rounds -a kindly spirit which has en,:, deared you to us all. We realize your life with us has been ofie of sacrifice, but the love and devotion you have always manifested have made your life strong, trusting in our Heavenly Father's care Who is always near to sustain you. Our Master's life was one of sacrifice and service and you have followed His footsteps. As a slight token of our esteem for you, we ask you to accept this club -bag, and trust that as you journey among your friends you will' always remember your friends in Guelph. We pray God's richest blessings will be be- -. stowed upon you and that you may be spared to come often and renew old friendships.- (Signed) Your Guelph Faiends.-Goderich Signal. The above item will be of interest to many of our readers at it has re- ference to a sister of Mrs. Andrew McDougall of Lower Winghani. Attend Wingliam Fall Fair. Help to make your fair avid our Fe- E.'. uccoss. If you Boost:tit, it will. doppi.insmais. .COACHvNo. MOTOR COACH • • • -- COMPANY • - OEN SOUND, WALKERTON St,. GODERICH • • TIME TABLE Leave A.M. P.M. OWEN SOUND ......... 7.30 • KILSYTH ..... .... 7.5o TARA INVERMAY-....,,,8.o DOBBINGTON CHESLEY • .... ••••• ELMWOOD .... . HANOVER . ..... . . WALKERTON (Arr.) ... . WALKERTON (Leave). GREENOCK /0.05 7.05 l'EESWATER 10.35 7.30 .. ....... ....... .. . .. . 12.05 7.55 BEL RAV• 11.2o 8.xo BLYTHE . x1,35 8.25 11.5o 8.40. ROYAtx2.05 8.55 DUNLOP' _ . . .. .. . . _ 12.10 9.00 GODERICH 6:1-6 ..... ..... 12.20 9./5 4.0o 4.25 4.$p 4.53 8.35 5.25 8.55 5.35 9.20 5.55 g,30 6.xo 9.50 6.3o Leave A.M. P.M. DUNLOP • 7.30 4.00 GODERICH ... • 7.40 4,05 AUBURN' ROYAL , . - 881.:2515°5 4.2044..5305 BLYTHE BELGRAVE • 8,40 5.05 WINGHAM • . - 8.55 5.20 rtEESWATER 9.20 5.45 GREENOCK - - 9,55 6.xo WALKERTON (Arr.) 10.05 6.25 , WALKERTON (Leave) - ...... .. 6.45 HANOVER ----- ..... -- ............. " 21°1..2 77..42 5 7.05 05 5LMWOOD 10.45 55 CHESLEY DOBBINGTON/... x1.15 8.05 INVERNI-AY ....- ...... . .... _ ..... .......-.. xI.20 8,25 TARA 11.30 8.30 KILSYi_ 11.55 8.55 OWEN SOUND (Arr,) 12.20 9,20 EFFECTIVE SEPT, t4th., 2926 Stop the at shy toss road or farm gate and t drop you any where on route, FARES BETWEEN TOWNS 25 CENTS kept .betWeeli 'TeetWater and Greenock and, TeesvviAdt. and Wingitain, *filth is o tents. 44, liwitill.11111111111111111111101161 6i4.4011., 34. .4.31o. • 1 Coming to • CARAV CUSTOM oon - FRI = N September 24th The pride of custom lines for a woman, the economy of One Profit price for a man, and the thoroughbred air that quickens the young to step on it and go. WATCH FOR THEM RIDE IN THEM 4. -4 • POST OFFICE ration _ 111111101INIIIIIIN111111111111111allanliwaiiiiinamailI1111.1111111111111111111,1,111111111111111111alliNtiguiffiallitilaillnlia111111111111N111111111111111.1111MINIIIMMIIIIIINIIIIII . . , . . NJ