HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1926-09-23, Page 3•• • '11.1"r"',111 s ' • , • ,, • 1'4,.• • , • • ,k WROXETER 'SCHOOL FAIR •1926 Wroxeter School Fair held on Monday of last week, has passed in- to history. The fair was a fine one in every department, Following is a list of the prizewinners':— GRAIN , I. Wheat (sheaf) -- Carl Fitch, John illets; Oats (i qt.)—Allister Green, Oats (sheaf) --Evelyn Cather.s, John Lane; Barley (i qt.) — Everett Wright Lyle Fitch, Jack Fitch; Barley (sheaf) —Lyle Fitch Everad Wright; Field Corn (Ic! ears) — jack Newton; Field Corn (3 stalks) — Jack Newton, Reta Kitchen, Ila M. Sharpin; Sweet Corn — Margaret Edgar, Walter Willets, Stewart Higgins, Marjory Brown, Margaret Montgomery, Isabel Davey.. 1 VEGETABLES lop,Billy Gibson, •Dorothy Brown, Jack Fortune; Parsnips — Ruth 11,1c- S.,enean, Gladys Fitch, Marie Doigi Vera Durst, Marjory Paulin; Oniont --Isabel Milligan, Jean Lane, Mabel Patterson,, Doris Musgrove. FLOWERS - Asters --- Reta Kitchen, • Everard Wright, Art Gibson; Sweet Peas -- Velma'Higgins; Zinnia—Vera Dtirst, Margaret Montgomery, Clifford Brown; Dorothy Henyy, Lila Mc- Cracken, Violet Erstington; African Sharpm, Ray Lout - tet, Evelyn •Montgomery; Calendula — Dorothy Brown, 'Harold Rooke, Fred Montgomery French Marigolds -- Doris' Elliott; Verbena—Lydia Wil - lets; Cosinos--Reta Kitchen, Jean Snell, Lily Ulaller; Pinks -- Myrtle, Montgomery; Gailardia — Marjory Brown; SalpigloSis — Jack Newton, ' . White 'Legliorts — Irene Wyse,• Carl, art Higgins, Stanley Grainger, 1 Fitch, I,,oreen Chamberlain, Gordon Parade — School Sections 1, McTavish, Clifofrd Brown, Mina 15, 16. ' Brown; White Wyamdottes--Mildred Strathcona Exercises,-- School See- Cathers, Lila Cathers, Wesley Nevi- lions, 14 Sr.; 14 jr„ 16, 13, I ton, Gladys Fitch; 'Barred Rocks—Ev- Spelling Match -- Irene Wright, elyn Cathers, Jack Fortune, Gordon Verde Newton, Katie "Beller, Harold Sanderson; Any Pet — Isabel Milli- Fitch, Isabel Earls ,Walter Willets. gan ,Billy Sharpin, Gerald Girls' Race (7 and over) Minerva Galbraith, John Lane, Clark Sharp- Higgins, Lucille Tait, Jean Snell, Hel- in; Barred Rock Cockerel—Stewart en Willets, Agnes Durst Higgins; White Eggs -- Edith Will- et's, Reta Kitchen, I1aIVL Sharpin, WROXETER COUNCIL Doris Elliott, Mary King, Ruth Me- The Wroxeter Council met in the Lerman; Brown Eggs -- jack Will council chamber at regular meeting. ets, Adeline Errington, Roy Loutitt, Members present, Alex Wright, Jas. Mina Brown, Evelyn Cathers, Dean Moffatt, Neil White, Reeve Henne- Gibson. • berg in the chair The minutes of LIVESTOCK•the last regular meeting were read and Halter -broken Colt — Wilfred Weir, adopted on inotion of James Moffatt Market • Lamb -- Richard Bennet, and Neil White. Stanley Grainger, Evelyn Callers; The accoUnts 'passed were— T. G. Beef Calf kenneth Bennertf Evel- Hemphill, August power and rent $95. yn Cathers, Anderson Gibsort, Wesley 50, H .Patterson, running plant Holland; Bacon Hogs -- Stanley o John Smith, work at cemetery$6.- Grainger ,Wesley Paulin. FRUIT •, Apples (Van Velsor — Viola Wil - lets, Lila Cathers ,Marie Doig, Mar- jory Brown, Evelyn Cathers; Apples (Carey)—Evelyn Cathers, Marie Doig Mina Brown, Gerald Galbraith Myrtle Cathers, Stewart Musgrove; Pears— Evelyn Cathers, Eva Willets, Elmer Gallaher, Dorothy Brown, Gerald Galbraith, Lyle Fitch. BAKING L C Potatoes --Irene Wise, Myr- .Geo. Brown; Asters (Chem er am.), tle Montgomery, Robert Hoperoft, — Jack Mcean, Ila Sharpin, 1VIabel Elaine Huffman,- -- Jean Milligan, Har- Patterson, Jean Elliott, Clarke Char - old Kaake; G. M. Potatoes - Alfred pin, Doris Elliott; Asters (Munro) H o er Wesley Paulin, Jean Milli - Dorothy Henry; Clarke Sharpin, Geo. Brown, Jean Elliott, Stewart Mus- grove, Jean Milligan; Bouquet --Min- erva Higgins, Katie 'Mailer, Roy Rob inson, Margaret Durst, Marie Doig, Vera McCracken. gan to V1Tesley Newton ,Violet' Erring - Clifford Brown; D. Potatoes— Eftai .gy Grainger, Robt. Paulin, Ev- elyn Montgomery, Manjorre Waller, Alma ' Fitch , Loreen Chamberlain; 'Marigolds George Gallaher, Fred Montgomery, Donald Fortune, Stan- ley Dottglas, Stewart Musgrove; Turn- ips — Leila Hislop, Elmer Gallaher, Andrew Douglas, Robert Corrigan, Jack Weir; Beets — Mina Brown, Gerald Galbraith, Norman Hall, Jack Henry, Maud Milligan, Jack McLeod; Carrots — I-Telen Milligan, Eileen His- , POULTRY Cockerel --Doris Muegrove, Lor- een Chamberlain, Evelyn Cathers; Pullet— Doris Musgrove, Loreen Chamberlain, Evelyn Cathers; Pen of Three --Reta Kitchen, Doris Mus- grove; Evelyn Cathers; Rhode Wand Reds --Geo. Brown, Velma Higgins; Take in the Fall Fairs ONTARIO They're better than ever, this year MOST of the crops are in. Relax. VisitMLTD. the Fall Fairs. Here you'll find old friends; make new oneS, establish valu- able business connections, profit from the instructive exhibits and thoroughly enjoy the fun. ,.GOod roads make it possible for you to see not only your own district Fair, but also those more distant. Take in as many as you can, for time so spent will pay you divi- dends in health, enjoyment and better understanding of what's what in Qntario general:1y; ' CO-OPERATION MEANS CONSERVATION Tens of thousands will be streaming'to the lajrs over Ontario's motor highways. Th"iplenclid. roads represent a large money investment in which 'you have • shared. So do your part in preventing cost- ly repairs. Drive reasonably. By your example help the • traffic patrol which is rigorously enforcing speed laws for the • greater protection of everyone. THE HON. GEO. S. HENRY S. L. SQUIRE Minister of Highways Deputy Minister Issued by the Ontiaro Government to secure ..), . athe co-operation of motorists in abating the abuse of the roads of the Province. 69 GORRIE NEWS Mr. Walter Simson is expected home from Brandon this week. He expects to bring a car load of cattle to Gorrie. Mr. and Mrs. Richard r$parling of Calgary intend visiting in Gprire in the near future. A very successful. Ladies' Aidnieet- ing was held at, the home of 'Sirs, R. R. Clegg last Sunday Mr .and Mrs, W. Earl of Ethel were visitors at the home of Mr and Mrs. H. Stephens recently. Miss Doris Baker went to Stratford on Monday where ,the will attend Normal School. Rev. Canon and Mrs. R. J. Perkins of Chatham, are visitors in Gorrie this week. Rev. Perkins, is an old Gor- rie boy, who is very successful in.the Anglican ministry, and highly esteem- ed in the Dioces of Huron. Many friends will be glad to -know Bread -- Ruth Lerman, Janet Woods ,Doris IVIusgrove ,Marie Doig, Dorothy Brown, Ila Sharpin; Biscuits --Viola Willets, Marie Doig, Isabel Milligan, Ethel Fitch, Ila M. Sharpin, Jean Lane; Tarts -- Ruth McLennan, Lila McCracken ,Adeline Errington, Lida 'Mallets, Ila Sharpin, Mairell Tait; Light Cake — Lila McCracken, Ila Sharpin, Dorothy Brown, Jean Woods ,Marie Doig, Isabel Davey; Pie—Marjorie Paulin, Violet Erring- ton, Lida Ulellet, Marie, Doig, Ruth McLennan, Ila Sharpin; School Lunch —Dorothy Brown, Ila Sharpin, Leila Hislop, Doris Musgrove, Ruth Mc- Lennan ,Violet Errington; Homemade Candy (pupils under to)—Jean Lane, Mairell Tait, Ila Sharpin, Lily Ulaller, Margaret Tait, Ethel Fitch; Hoine- made Cantly — Doris Musgrove, Vio- let Errington Leila Hislop, Jessie Douglas, Ila Sharpin, Helen Milligan. Lida Ulellets, Isabel Davey, Viola FANCY WORK oo, Bert Sage, cutting hay in cemetery on motion of Neil White and that Rev. Geo. Kerr a genial and much Alex Wright ,the above account were esteemecl former pastor of Gorrie cir- passed and order drawn on the ft.eas- cuit, will preach anniversary sermons urer for sane. Motion of A. Wright at Orange Hill, on Sunday Oct. 3rd and James Moffatt that by-law No. 6, at II a.m. and 7.3o p.m. to levy taxes and collect same now Rally Day services will be held at read three times be passed. Motion of i Gorrie and Orange Hill churches next James Moffatt and Neil White that Sunday, Sept 26th, Gorrie io a.m., and by-law No. to amend certain sec - Orange Hill at 1.30 p.m. Parents are 7 tions and add Sec. 28 to by-law No. 5, cordially invited. 5902, of the village of Wroxeter cern- Rev. S R. Jones preached in God- etery now read three tines be pass- erich last Sunday, taking the place of ed This by-law pat the cemetery on Rev. S. Hardy, who preached in St. Stephen church at the re -opening ser- vices. The supper and concert given on Monday evening in the township hall under the auspices of St. Stephen's church, was a decided success. The program was well received by the large audience. Miss P. Earngey, spent a few days WROXETER Misses Edith Eerls, Eva MeMichkel Rona Van Velsor and Mary, Baker, are attending Normal schotil in Strat- for this term. They are all gradu- ates of the Wroxeter Continuation school. Two cars collided at the street in- tersection at Pope's Corner, Satur- day afternoon. Both cars were dam- aged considerably, but no one was seriously injured. This is rather a dangerous corner, and motorists should be careful when approaching. G. A. Gibson, the local contractor, has his gang of men putting in cement culverts on the provincial highway be- tween Guelph 'and Arthur. Buttonholes — Ruth McLennan, L. 'Ulellets, Isabel Davey, V. Ulellets, Dorothy Brown, Lila McCracken, Dor (Ally BrOwn, Lila McCracken, Doris Musgrove; Tatting — Doris Musgrove Isabel Davey; Sock Leg —Doris Mu - grove, Lila Ulellets; Wash Cloth — IVIarie Doig; Centrepiece — Doris Musgrove. MISCELLANEOUS Model in plasticine — Evelyn Cath- ers; Model in wood -- Stewart Hig- gins, Clifford Brown ,Ruth Routtet; 1 Six named knots -- Ruth McLean, Anderson Gibson, Roy Robinson, Wesley Paulin, Stewart Higgins, Al- fred Hooper, Wren House — Robert Hoperoft, Clifford Brown; Woods and leaves -- Ila M. Sharpin. Leila His- lop; Noxious weeds and seeds — Leila Hislop, Lila McCracken, Dorothy Brown, Doris Musgrove; Injurious in- sects — Irene Grainger, Ruth McLen"- nan, Dorothy Brown ,Leila Hislop MAPS Nap of Huron -- Marie Doig, Clif- ford Brown, Gerald Galbraith, Jean Lane ,John McLeod, Nellie McLaug- hlin ;Map of Ontario -- Ruth McLen- nan, ,,Dorothy Brown, Richard Ben- nett, Florence Hall, Margaret Mont- gomery Janet Woods; Map of North America — Dorothy Green, Irene Wright, Robert Bennett„ Edith Weis, Jessie Dotiglas, Isabel Davey. WRITING Writing "Dandelion" -- Dorothy Henry, Fred Hoperoft, Margaret Tait Cameron McTavish, Willa Brown, Allister Green; "Lullaby" — Vera Durst, Doris Ellliott, Marie Doig, John McLeod, Jack McLean, Billy tJlallcr; "To -day" — Irene Grainger, Ruth McLennan, Dorcithy Brown, Georgina Lackie, Arthur Gibson, Florence Hall, "Crossing the Bar"— Jessic Green, Evelyn Hupfer, Kat- ie Ulaller1 Irene Wright, Dorothy Green, Carl Smith; "Alice" -- Vera, Dtirst, Marie Doig ,Jahn McLeod, Doris Elliott, jack McLean, Jean Lane; "The Last Rose of Sunnite,' —Jessie Green, Evelyn Hupfer, Ir- ene Grainger, Dorothy Green, Carl Smith Katie 'Mailer. ART Monogram —Isabel Davey, Doro- thy Green, Lida Menet, Jessie Green, Norman Hall, Georgina Lackic; Cray- on sketch — Lily 'Mailer, Marie Doig, Clifford Brown, Ila M, Sharpin, Jack tileLeod )Helen Milligan, Public Speaking — Jack Fortuna Alava Fitch, Lyle Fitch. Judging Competition -- (fled cal- ves or Lainbs -- Roy Robinson, StOW- the perpetual upkeep, the price of lots are raised. Owners of lots paying the difference can have them put on the perpetual upkeep basis. The award of the engineer. re Michael's drain was presented and tenders will likely be called for digg- ing same. Motion by Neil White and Alex. Wright that Council adjourn to meet in regular meeting or call of the reeve. in Clifford recently. - • Fred Davey, .Rev John Smith of Molesworth vis - Clerk. ited' at the parsonage recently. The United church welcomes you to the services next Sabbath. Attend the Rally service in the Sunday sc'Fool at 50 o'clock, Rev. Craik will preach at ix a.m. The Haven of Rest at the morning service,and Our Heaven- ly Father at 7 pan. You need what the church can give. TENTH LINE, HOWICK EORN EDGAR 7:- in Wroxeter ,on lfriday, Sept 17th, to Mr •,and Mrs. Arnold Edgar, a. daughter. , All aceouitsare due and PaYPILle, t; Van Velsor. on or before Oct, 1st, 1926 — FRED DAVEY Village Clerk Issuer of Marriage Licences The law now requires the !license be taken out three days before the cere- mony. Subscription taken for the , , Advance -Times. Clubbing ra+es given NORMAN WADE Gorrie, Onta.rio Agent for Hartford Wind Insurance Also Walkerton Fire Insurance Co. Automobile, live Stock and Plate Glass Insurance Married in Listowel A quiet wedding was solemnized at Knox Presbyterian church manse, Lis- towel, Wednesday afternoon, Septem- ber 15, when Mr. William Morley Mc- Michael, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert McMichael of Turnberry Township, and Miss Isabelle Doig, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Doig, of How - ick Township, were married by Rev J, M. Nicol. The bride looked lovely in a gown of orchid cut velvet with hose to match. She wore a string of small pearls, and carried a bouquet of Sweet heart roses, snapdragons, and ferns. The bridesmaid, Miss Margaret Doig, TENDERS FOR DRAIN Tenders will be received by the un- dersigned for digging, laying and cov- ering an 8 inch tile drain along Fra - lick Street, 5584 feet long, also digg- ing 290 feet of open ditch on same street. Plans and specifications may be seen at the clerk's office„Wroxe- ter. Tenders -will be received up to 8. o'clock p.m. on Oct, 2nd. John Henneberg Fred Davey, Reeve. Clerk ,13111.0.01•=102•Pa.....011011MNIMILMISI Proted Your Summer (voltage From Firel • Underwriters give lower insurance rates on summer cottages roofed with Brantford Asphalt Slates because they are fire resistant and cannot be ignited by burning shingles or 41' 41 flying embers. 19 g140, 4 1 rir im JatlIiil4 41i r 1 !IV,' Lip 111 01111111 I - MOM 1Iaak, 4710,4•k Assativisistramisralisc,„7 0 a d EjIItJ 1 Vratitibralaivirinieditiniitta, Brantford, Ontario Stoek Carried, Information Furnished and Service ort Brantford Roofing rendered by Rae & ThOrrIPSOIlq • • Wingharn R. 1-1. Cart i Gorrie Thos. Stewart, 1 . • ; • „ , I ,,,L,41,11.1L.111,1fit4Ilialt.WItILsklailifittg4k4k aglaw Clean to handle. Sold by all Druggists, Grocers and General Stores DR. H. A. MUTTON Graduate of Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario Graduate of University of Toronto At Fordwich Tuesday and Thursday At Gorrie the rest of the week. G. S. DAWSON GORRIE Director of Funeral Services Illotor*Hearse or Carriage, wide crepe and wore small pearls. The ever is required. Phone 16 was also very attractive in sand silk groom was attended by Mr. Stanley Edgar, of Gorrie. HARRY AIKINS - Mr. and Mrs. McMichael left on the . Fordwich, Ontario four o'clock C. N. R. train for Ham- Licensed Auctioneer for the Counties ilton and Niagara and upon their re- Of Huron and Wellington turn will make their home in, Turn- Phone 19 berry Township'. Or Patterson's Hardware Store Most of the farmers are through harvest around here ,and threshing is the order of the day. Mr. and Mrs„ Adam Graham, and Miss Minnie,. attended the funeral of their cousin near Millbank, Monday afternoon. Miss Elda Ferguson spent Sunday at her home in Clifford . Mr. Robert Arthur spent Sunday with his father near Drew • Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Strong and fam- ily were Bluevale visitors Sunday. The stork called at the home of Mr .and Mrs. John Demerling and left a bouncing baby girl. EAST WAWANOSH Miss Myrtle Killough of Dungann- on, was wed to Mr. Will Kelly of this vicinity on Wednesdky last by Rev. L. Gross of Auburn Congratulations 111111111181111211191111111511111115111111111111111101111111111.11 are extended, Quite a number of the Westfield Don't Fail to See Our r-lpeople attended the Anniversary ser - Stock before select- N vices at Donnybrook United church on thi 111 ii 111 = = =illi They are new and up-to-date. i We also have a few coats we P. = got with the stock to sell at re- i = ..uzed prices. We have Men's it- - arid Boys'Ready-to-wear Suits i for fall and winter, the obys' i Leo are line dtbsoughout. For Un- 1e.rwear, Sox, Sweaters, Hatsfi -,....-- ER ES, - = ill rt Caps, etc. we have just what FE i ;youned. ' eIN ing your New vE A /I Sunday. Mr, Raymond Redmond and Miss Grace atended London r Fair one' day last week. Mr, and Mrs. J. L. McDowell were Goderich visitors on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Wm. IvIcDowell visit- ed Rev. and ISM Win, Taylor of Moorefield on Sunday. The people of this locality were shocked to hear of the death of Mrs. Robt Johnston of near 13lyth on Fri- day. Mrs. johnston lived in this immediate vicinity a few years ago, and was highly respected. Much syni. pathy is extended to the bereaved family and -friends. A number attended the concert put on by the "Bell Ringers," at Myth on Monday evening, and report a good time. WHITECHURCH NEWS 11 Nj We have just opened a case il = ro of assorted Crockery in which gl -a are some of th)p nicest fruit sets r111- .1.--. and, Salad Bowls for the Money - e... - we have ever seen, also Clover 111 leaf and plain white cups and IFI saticers, plates, Al jugs, etc. for 131' 'threshing time. 301111ETHING SPECIAL, 'L-- 7;1 WHILE THEY LAST I tifil 3 pkgs. jelly Powder and a 55 Scribbler for . ... ---.......25c ,Redpath Sugar ... .. -$6.75 a seek, el F=- avey s Storo; 1.; /••• , 1 Try these Recipes for The quantities are exact; the directions sim- ple. Just follow the recipes, mak- ing sure that you use KEEN'S MUSTARD, and your Pickles will be an entire success. Write for our Free Recipe Book It contains other excellent recipes for Pickles Chow - Chow, Catsup, Rel- ishes, Salads, Salad SASIt lid A I, Er Put in an earthen jar:— 1 llon vinegar 1 cup Keen's D.S.F. Mustard 1 cup salt Add onions, sliced green tcmtatoes, smalleucumbers, cucumbers, and cover in the usual way. These pickles will be ready to eat at the end of six weeks, and will keep perfectl3r. "41DIEWICIOUST, 1 quart small onions 1 quart cucumbers 1 large cauliflower 2 heads celery 2 red peppers Peel onions, cul vegetables in small pieces, cover. with weak brine and let stand over- night. In the morning bring to a boil and M draoff. • Take 2 cups brown sugar, 1 cup flour, 6 tablespoonfuls Keen's D.S.F. 1Vlustard, 1 tablespoonful turmeric and 2 quarts vine - Lor twenty min - Dressings, Sand- • earpour . Box t wiches etc. Mailedt5S, utes, stirring continually, r over vege- tables hot. Let stand ten days, stirring FREE on request. every day; then bottle. COLMAN-KEEN (Canada) Limited, Dept. 187 1000 Amherst Street, Montreal 422 torwar Iv% ,MairialftWgit,IM5 esti rk gelderapeolopmenmarmreammossornesseemom*eamirsesossommamet.scoormonarommemmameasenago,.....mannwrompairmarmoomonsisay, Mr, James Martin received a tele- gram an Tuesday of last week, that her son-in-law, Mr. John Fleming of Hamilton, North Dakota, had died very sudednly the previous evening, Kr. Fleming .is well known to many around the village, as he was born and lived to manhood on the second concession of Kinloss. • Since, that time he lies lived in Nort Dakota, but has visited here several times. Mr. and Mrs, Fleming- spent part of the Wroxeter, Ontario 21 summer visiting friends and relatives illallall011118111101111121111/1111011111111 1111111911131ittthis vicinity six years ago, • Four Ge erations Come t Canada erhaps the first great-grandanother tO bring her family to Canada is 1. Mrs. Marianne 00X, of London, who arrived 'with her family, consist- ing of four geteration, on the Cunard liner Ansonia, which doeked at. Quebec retently, All are eager to settle in the land �t thelt adoption and their "Ultimate destination. b Yellowgrassly 'Saskatchewan. • .• .„ , • 4445