HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1926-09-23, Page 2rw n. 4 WING [AM ADVANCE -TIMES 41i,,7p, iP Thursday, September 23rd, x;925 Special Introductory y Offer COOK'S FRIEND ,,:.. 'G, ING PO 1/zIb Ii 1 lb. reg. price 1.9c a; reg price 32c altrd Guararateed Quality—Contains No .Alum Domino Blend EA 73%. Prichmeilo "79ib. D.S.L. Bulk 631. Finest Canadian New Area' CHERRIES 29Tin Packed in British Columbia ii"e' BISCUITS 211'25c Globe Brand MATCHES NEW PACK Dominion Brand Fancy Quality PEAS No. 3 Size BRASS° 14c&23c SANIFLUSH 29c CHIPSO Quicksuds 23c STAR AMMONIA 3 for 25c S.O.S. for Pots and Pans 115c C Tin Fresh Milled ROLLED OATS 51bsm 25e .Bayside Brand Choice Quality TOMATOES. Large Tin 2 Tins C y: DOMINO CATSUP 19c H., SAUCE 28c LIBBY'S MUSTARD 13c 20 oz. QUEEN OLIVES 39c OLDIE 1L 25c OICE CALIFC8'''. N A LEMONS 1 5c :. oz 2 .!•;, These Prices in effect for one week from date of this paper oz. 2 .:. c 144-C U"t•u. " �!ua°b w.1':,: 1'in 'nta f l'011 '. µVQ ! °'?l' ::$121e410.1:1 BOYHOOD DAYS I sat an hour, today John beside the old brook stream, Where we were schoolboys in old time when manhood was a dream_ The stream is choked with fallen leaves, the pondhas dried away , scarce believe that you would know, , .the dear old place today. fit....., »r„�ecp.y,�. .. •e. -•w �ac.a�+.�!',�,a'n'-'Pr. 73eneatih :'ie grass -grown bank John, I looked for our old spring, That bubbled down the alder path, three paces from the swing; Tall rushes grow upon the brink, the pool is black and bare, And not a foot this many a day, it seems has trodden there, The old beech tree is dead J Mn, and and what is sadder now, The broken grape -vine •.,f "our swing, hangs on the withered bough; I read our names upon the bark and found the pebbles rare, Piled up beneath the hollow side, Just as we laid them there. The schoolhouse is no more John, To n Hall, Wednes. Sept. 29th MUSIC J E iss 'rail fain T BPS with a company of VARJET `tl, ENTERTAINERS Prices 25c and. 50c, Plus Tax. Curtain at 8.15. • f 111 Ill 1111111111111011111111111111 II IIIII • II 1111111121111111111E141111 .11i�lll u�mmi�i�iti�ia�m�m 7111 .I ony? The Advance -Times with other business men of the town will give away FREE FINE SHETLAfl El For each new yearly subscriptions �' for each year paid inz advance_. • PONYiii 3000 VOTES Send in your subscriptions and watch the stand ng of your favorite climbs For each renewal subscription for2000 each year paid in advance. , . 'VIbTlES Boys and arts Get Busy Early .ale You Want To Win The PONY OINf iconotioollituolloocticamocitiononommusiloomocononsmsolo beneath the maple trees, The wild rose by the window side, waves no more in the breeze; The Scattered Stonis look desolate the sod they rested on, bias been ploughed up by stranger' hands, since, you and 1 were ;cne,. I' took the old blind road John, that wandered up the hill, 'Tis darker than is used to be and seems so lone and still; The birds sing yet a4 ong the boughs, where once the sweet grapes hung 'But not a voiceof human kind, where: all our voices rung. I sat on the fence John, that lies as in old time, The same half panel in the path, we used so often climb; And thought how o'er the bars of life ,our playmates had gassed o And leftme counting on the t • the faces that are gone. RESULTS OF ELECTIONS SINCE •CONFEDERATION The following statistics show Fed- eral election results in Canada since Confederation:— The results since Confederation have been as follows ; 1867 Conservative Ica Liberal _._ _. _ 8o • Conservative, _.. 103 Liberal » . _.....—_........_.... 97 1874 Liberal ._�. Conservative 1878 Conservative _ _ _::___ ...137 Liberal » - -__ _._. 69 1882 Conservative ...... Liberal .... _ 71 1887 , Conservative... :..._._ _ .__._..... _. 112 Liberal _._:......_.._. _ :,».._.:.» 93'. 1891 Conservative ..._ 124 Liberal __ 92 z8g6 Liberal _... .. 117 Conservative ..._...._ __»_.w_ __....-_. 89 Independent ...._-:____._. W_ _ ; W. 7 1900 Liberal __ _»...._ 128 Conservative ...- _.»_.., __ 78 Vacant, Ind 1904 Liberal. ,,.. ... ..... .139 Conservative_______ ...... _ 75 1908 1872 133 --- 73 139 Conservative ....... _.._..:__. ..._.. 85 Independent .._...:,.»_ .r_.. » 3 1911 Conservative m- _ .._ 133 Liberal . 36 Independent _,._...._....... _, 2' 1917 Unionist ..... » .,., 153 Laurier -Liberal 82. 1921 Liberal 117 Conservative 50 Progressive . _ _ ........__..... 65 1925 Conservative » .. _ 116 Liberal ...._.,..... _... .._.......... . ._ . _ lot Progressive _._....... :.._..._._........... »»»_ ._» 24 Independent »..._ ,._ : . 2 Labor BLYTH Miss Melba McElroy is leaving this week to .resume her .duties at. Alma College, St, Thomas, Blyth Fall Fair will be ,held on Wednesday and Thursday of this week. The list of prizes this year, both for the ,agricultural show and school fair ,are extensive and fruity present indications, competitions will be keen. The Kiltie Band of London, will supply, music for the fair. There passed away on Friday ev- ening, Sept, x7th, Margaret Howatt, beloved wife of Mr. Robert JJhnston, of East. Wawanosh, aged 61 years. Deceased had not enjoyed the best of health fo a,long time. She was taken suddenly ill while visiting her son, George in town. She is survived by her husband and three sons `and two daughters, also one sister, I'vf,rs. Char- les Whiteman and one brother, kir. �tr'liiam Howatt of }Billet t wnship. a r Rev: Dr, l.aranby conducted the ser- vices on Monday, A large concourse of people followdd her remains to their last resting place, WARNING Motorists and others using the streets in the Town of Winghain are Hereby notified that "Stop Street” signs are to be strictly observed, Josephine St., from Victoria Street to Alfred Street will hereafter be a through street, and all vehicles and conveyances must be brought to a standstill before com- ing onto Josephine Steret at the in- tersections, No packing will be per- mitted closer than six (6) feet to any fire hydrant, Non -observance of these regulations will result in prosecution under the provisions of Trafifc 13y -law No, 967 of the Town of Winglrar . The said 13y -law has been approved by the Department of Public . Highway. 13y Order, Thos Pells, Mayor 1 R' 1 ary WINGHAM'S GREATEST STORE e Specials REAL. ON SALE THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY Be Sure and Come For Your Share Kiddie Sox Get in on theclean up, regular up to 5oc, lots of colors 1 9 c pair ...__.._ 7 Children's Colored Bloomers' Black, Navy or Brown, splendid for school wear, Special �/ 9 per pair,at _:....___. `� Child's Rompers, Blue I White Chambray, Black 1 Red Sateen, Checked '] Gingham, reg. $1.00 val. • Girls'' Slips Sizes 12, 14, 16 years, Checked Nainsook in Pink, Blue 63 Yellow or Peack, each.. C Child's School Sox length in colors White, Grey, Sand, Black or Copen, 29 f• worth 500 pair, for . Fancy Ric-Rac Braid All colors in the lot, 9m,.. special 8 yards for "11.4"'"' 36 Inch Heavy 'Eiderdown 10 Doz. Ladies' Hose Black Union Caslinrere, all first quality, size 81 to, 1a 49c Special per pair. Suitable for Kirnonas, comes ;in. colors, Blue !Fawn, Fawn I; Red, • Grey Red, Brown Blue, regular $1.25 value, per •00 yardfor 31 Inch Checked Satinette Colors Peach, Fawn, Mauve, Paddy, Pink, Black, Cocoa, Blue and Mullberry, suitable for Slips B}openers, Linings, etc., us- ually sold at 750 yd. Special this weekper .......:_....:_. � P yard.... 54 Inch Santoy, A11, Wool This is extra special value, usually sold at $2.5o per yard. 198 Colors, Black Sand, Navy, Copen, Rosewood, Claret, yd. b 31 Inch Striped 'Linin.g • .Splendid cloth for lining Ladies or Children's Coats, conies in Brown, Red, or Blue, real value at 750, Special this ' Week -End, per yard -...._M 49 e' Pure Linen Hkfs Full, ladies' size, in plain or checked designs; worth la, reg. 3oc each., for Bungalow Aprons Just the thing for house use, in good quality check Ging..(] gs ham, reg. $1.0o each _.. •� Ladies' Silk Gloves A,ny pair in' the store, long or short, all go at one "-JUL;price, per pair:.,.........,..__ ✓�lr Black Silk Hose SECONDS Another lot of these go on sale for this Week -End at 41,0%; per pair Silk/Wool Hose Regular $z.00 value, colors ga- lore, per„ ,' Extra special at ,-, 69 pair ..._... , ..�. C E,V NANTS etnnaa `'t s EM ANTS Tables of them on Display for Thursday, Friday and Saturday Curtain Net 29 inch wide, in Fancy designs, reg. 25c. val, yd20(' Marquesette Curtains Checked pattern, frilled i edge with tie black, pr. 1.-"4,1,-•• Ecru Panels Beautiful quality of Ecru Net, size 38 in. x -2i yds. Very special each 98c ,Military Flannel 29 inches wide in Grey or Khaki mixture, a real heavy 5® C cloth; yard a7 36 inch Chintz Great cloth for Comforters, Dra- peries, etc., in a choice•25c lot of newest patterns, yd. Linen Dish Towels Red or Biue Border, all +"y 51 Pure Linen, each ...».._ 7 Piece Water Sets 'Set consists of one medium size Pitcher and six Tumblers. Made in a goodclear glass, with Grape designs, Extra Special perset.at . , _ _ ... ._...... _...... _..... . 1.19 MARMALADE JARS Limited quantity of these so come early for them, Orange 69c in color, with assorted raised fruit designs, each Special Window Blinds Odd lines with lace or insertio` n, Green only, regular up to $1.80, 'while they last, each ... ._,_.. . ..._. ..........1.. 79c Brass Curtain Rods Limited quantity of odd lines, while they last, they 3 for 254 go at this low price Boys' Wool Sweaters Sizes 24, 24, 26 at... $1.19 Sizes 28, 30, 32 at $1,29 Open front style and all pure Wool. Boys' Golf Hose Clearing the balance of our stock, reg up to 1.5o pr. 69 C' sizes 6 to 1o, per pair ._.., SHOP CAPS BOYS' KHAKI CAPS, Also Black, Khaki or Blue White strip ,shop caps, Ci Men's Lisle Hose Reg. up to sec pair, all.go at the one Brice, A pair for all colors `* r �� Turkish Towelling Regular 40c line, heavy weight with Red 'stripe, per •o t) JGc yard Colored Strip Spreads Come early for these 2 .89 reg. $3.49 for Pay Cash and BUY FOR LESS THE FAMILY HEADQUARTERS i