HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1926-09-09, Page 8illuxussusususa
..A (i2n LEncLag
. a t�c�nce S4z®win5 of. uiie/7m e9czshions
in &elusive ., orthwu5 garments
Coats, Wraps, Suits and..!.-Dressesas
WHITECHURCH /Taylor of. East Wawanosh,
Mrs. Joe Tififn spent last week at
Toronto Exhibition.
Miss Margaret .Linklater of Wing -
ham commenced .teaching in S. S. No,
t4 ,of E. Wawanosh on Wed. last.
Mr ,and Mrs. Crone of Wingham
spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs. A.
E. Purdon.
Mrs. Bert Reid and children of De-
troit are visiting with Mrs. Egiestone
of the village,
Mr .and Mrs. Jas. Barbour, Mr, and
Mrs. Elwood I3arbour, spent Sunday
last with Mr. and Mrs. Herb Petta
Report says Mr. Ab McQuillan has
purchased the home. of Mr. Morris
East of the village. Mr. Morris, who
has been working in Hamilton, spent
the holiday with his family here.
Mr .and iVlrs, Jim Purdon and fam-
ily, of St .Helens, spent Sunday with
Mr .and Mrs. Wm. Dawson,
Mr. Milton Sheriff and son Alvin
of Hamilton, spent the holiday with
Mr. and Mrs. W, R. Farrier.
Mr and Mrs .Victor Emerson, spent
I\tiss Kate Smitlr of Galt is visiting
with Mrs. Anderson Fox. Mr. Fox
and Miss Isabel Fox are going to To-
ronto 'onto Ex. this week.
Mr. and Mrs. John Harkwss and
Lorna, of Teeswater, MrridMrs.
CThornton of Ripley, an . ', and
-Mrs. Orval
and c'
en of
Whitechurch ,spent Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. John Falconer.
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver McBrien of
Auburn, spent Sunday with Mr. Jas.
We are pleased to report that Mrs.
Jas. Laidlaw is improving nicely af-
ter her recent operation in 'Wingham
General Hospital.
Miss Kathleen Teriff of Toronto is
spending her holidays with her par-
,tints here, She had her tonsils re-
moved in Wingharn Hospital •on Mon -
Miss Annie Laidlaw and Helen Pat-
terson had their tonsils removed on
.Friday last.
Mr .Geo. Falconer Jr., of Culross
spent the week end with Mr. Geo,
ix Thursday Friday and Saturday, Sept. 9, 10, 11
• '" u l. 1 s
vau eys tIj j I aldpate
UM ft; I'u,EESrt s dl
- IN -
Also 2 Reel Comedy
Marr; "Tues, Wednes, Sept. 13, 14, 15
Lewis Stone and Annailison
"Too Much Money"
Also z Reel Comedy -
Thu ., Fri. and Sat., Sept. 16, 17 18
code SPECIAL o.«
The Prince of Wales Tour
Of Africa and South America
z1 Reels of Comedy, Drama, Thrills, Actual HappezairLgs--not
posed .sceneswyoiz travel x 000 mile '
5, sat the Elbow of Britain's
Admissiozns-Adults g5c,Children: roc
Sunday with M' and Mrs, A. Enter -
son. Con.,QWiC
son. Quite a number have gone to the
Mr. and
Mrs, Robt
Mowbray .and west for the harvest.
children, spent Monday. at Toronto' Mrs, James Vittio is away to Port -
Exhibition, age La Prairie on a visit to her sister.
Mrs .Frank Wilkie, (nee Maggie Threshing is the order of the day
Mowbray,) of i Tirnimns, and her in' the burg"
grandson, are visiting with her biro -1 jimmy Edwards were visitors at
then, Mr. 'Fred Mowbray.' Lorne Laird's, Friday evening of last
Mr. Roy Patton was a visitor in week,
our village on Sunday. Mrs. Jimmy Warren was a
Misses Margaret and Marjorie at John Dickson's on Friday.
Smith of Blyth, visited with Miss
May Wightman last week,
The W, M. S, of the United church
will meet on Thursday, September
26th, at ass% at the home of Mrs, J.
Miss Catherine May Sharpe of Tees- coerce building, and are leaving no
Committee Rooms Opera
The Conservatives have 'been busy
for, some time in their committee
rooms in the former Bank of Com -
water, visited for a couple of days stone unturned to elect their candi-
with Miss Catherine Ross, date, Mr. H. J. A, MacEwan. The
Liberals, (although not "officially"
endorsing the Progressive candidal
Mr, and Mrs. A. L. Cooper, of P
trolia, spent the week end with
and Mrs. Whitney Stewart,
Mr. and Mrs, J, Anger and farni
of Fergus, spent a few days with M
A. McGee.
Mr. J. W. King,) have opened com-
+ rnittee rooms in H. T. Thornson's va-
r- cant store, and are working overtime
to defeat Mr, MacEwan.
Pw�ev. Mr. Walden and family have Sli�Ilflfi t;g$f1'9g a n d Rum-
returned home after spending the past r>gIInillllg has cost the Ca -
few weeks ;qt the lake, uadian Citizens $200, -
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Enwright, and j 000x000 to the last live
faanily, of Toronto, spent a few. days
with Mr. and Mrs, X. Holmes. years. Let a s h ; ve an
Mrs. Wm. Balfour is spending a few honest and efficient Gov -
days with relatives at Toron, o• erliEllnent for the
n xt five
Miss Dorothy Aitkens has retu,:ned
I years and slop all this.
home, after having her tonsils remov-
ed at the Wingham Hospital. V L`le f :tom' . eEi AN on
Mrs. Roger Oke is visiting relatives Tuesday, September 14.
in Toronto this week.
Mr .and Mrs. A. H. Coombs, Mr,
and Mrs. J. W. Leggatt, spent a few
days at Toronto exhibition: NOTICE tb CREDITORS
Mr. and Mrs. Robt, Aitcheson and
family, are at present visiting relatives In the estate of John L. Little, late
at Port Colborne, of the Town of Wingham, in the
Mr. and Mrs ,Thos. Field of Wing- County of Huron, Gentleman, deceas-
ham, spent Sunday with Mr .and Mrs. ed•
J. Underwood, Notce is hereby given, pursuant
Mr .and Mrs. ilex Hastie, Mr. and
!to Section 56, Chapter 121 of R. S.
Mrs, Elliott, of Wroxeter, spent Sun -,'O" 191.4, that all persons having claims
day with relatives here. against the estate of John L. Little;
Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Hamilton and
family` spent Sunday with Brussells
Messrs William ane-l\E
the week end in To
ney, and Mr. Gordon
Mr .Wm. Cleghorn
Hamilton, spent Labor
atives here.
Mr. F, Black shipepd
and lambs to Toronto to
Mr Rb Sh
and son, of
Day with rel -
car of 'ho
Robt t , aw preached for R
Chandler at Gorrie and Fordwich
Mr. H. E. Thom of Hamilton, spe
a few days with Mr. Arthur Shaw.
Idon McKin
who died on or about the fifteenth
day of July, A,D., .1926, at the Town
of Wingham, are required to send to
Dudley Hohnes, or J. H. Linklater,
Wingham, Ontario, the Executors, on,
or before the 7th day of October, A.
D. 1926, their name and addresses
with full particulars of their claims
writing, and the nature of the securi-
ties (if any) held by them.
And further take notice that' a#ter.
the said 7th day of October A. D. 1926,
the assets of the said Estate will be
distributed by the said Executors a-
mong the parties entitled thereto, hav-
ing regard only o the claims of which
they shall then have notice and the
(Toronto Saturday Night, Independent) "
Disgraceful as wasithe Customs scandal, and disastrous as it was
to business, it was hardly a' greater evil than irresponsible government
dictated by insignificant minoriites. Mr. King is treating the country
to figures showing favorable trade balances, which are utterly fallac-
ious when the vast aggregate of unlisted imports which were smug-
gled into Canada in recent years is added to the port returns, He has
boasted of a prosperity bestowed on this country by Providence in
the shape of three bountiful harvests, -but it is a prosperity of which
the people at large have not enjoyed the full benefits owing to insta-
bility and irresponsibility at Ottawa. Liberal candidates have made
a boast of the "Robb Budget," but that budget was promulgated in
such a way as to alarm and paralyze the business of the country for
weeks. Messrs. King and. Robb, were the first to attempt toscuttle
it and sacrifice it for the sake of their precious "consitutional" issue,
when they refused to co-operate with Mr. Meighen in finishing the
business of the session, The Robb budget, in truth, ,was in its ulti-
mate form a joint product to which both opposition and government
contributed. In its original form, of which the indignation of the
country forced the alteration, it was dictated by Mr. Forke and his •
small group of Progressives, and for weeks the -uncertainty it cre-
ated did untold mischief, When Mr. King's own following was fin-
ally permitted to function, the objectionable features of the Budget
were modified, and the Conservatives behaved excellently by refrain-
ing front any attempt to make party capital out of a matter in whi;oh
manifold business interests were involved. This episode shows how
much better it is to have the stronger and older parties with a stake
in the whole country in charge of affairs.
The whole history of the Budget shows how difficult it is to deal
with the pros and cons of propositions in which the economic affairs
of the country are deeply involved at a time when every political
maverick feels himself in a position to dictate to the government. -The
influence of the. two Winnipeg Communists, Messrs Heaps and
Woodsworth, over the government was a matter of such notoriety
that in their home city they d?dl not hesitae to boast that they held
the balance of power.. The manner in which they secured recogni-
tion for the One Big Union, in close alliance, with the Third Interna-
tionale of Moscow, hasan several occasions been ventilated in these'
colurnns. They had Mr. Xing so subdued that he felt obliged to de-
clare himself subdued on the subject of the British General Strike,
backed by Soviet money and aimed at tile' destruction of the British
constitutional system. These are matters in which the West is more
interested than the East, where Moscow ideas have failed to get a.
foothold; but perhaps the iriost flagrant instance of minority dictation
was when Mr, Bourassa was able to hold tip the Alberta National
Resources bill and proved himself more powerful than actual cabinet
ministers like Hon. Mr, Dunning, Hon, Mr. Motherwell and Hon, Mr.
It is of little use crying over spilt milk, and it is not• pleasant to
rehash matters of this kind, but it is necessary to recrir to theins as
a warning to the electorate that .unless they turn out and support
P f"
stable government that sort of thing will he carried on. Mr. King
has practically tied himself up to the group system by endorsing of
refraing from opposition to representatives of minorityg roup,
wherever it seemed possible that such a coarse would result in th•
defeat of a Conservative, Quite obviously it is more important
hint that the 'Conservatives should be beaten than that his old pe-
als/mild be restored to a position of solid influence and authority,
Estate will not be liable for any eiaiinn
not filed at the time of the said distri-
Dated at Wingliam this sixth day of
September, A.D, sea6,
Dudley Holmes,
J, H ,Linklater
Misses Mary Aitcheson and May
Davison are attending the Toronto
We are sorry to report that Mr, R.
MacCharles isnot so 'well these last
few weeks, •
Mrs. Wilfred Graham and two chil-
ember 9th, xgz6
ren of Vancouver are 'visiting with l i
Mr .and Mrs. Geo, Graham and 1VIrs
H. Sheriff. .r
Mr. J •lVfcNab has bought Miss Re- i'4,
becca Campbell's residence,
Mrs, John G. MacLeod has bought
Miss Margaret lvlacKenzie's property
and Mr. Darroch, H. Cole's property.
Rev. and Mrs. MacDonald and fanc-
ily have returned home after spendit
ing a month at their cottage at Wa- pn
saga Beach. . I
Mrs. Hart of near North Bay has 4,
come to spend the winter with her
sister, Mrs. F. Malcom. ril
Mr. James McCallum and Misss
Martha McCallum were home over i'
the holiday, 9 , made to ord
Mr .and Mrs, Chas. Foster and fain- .or brown, s
ily returned to Toledo, after spending Srnall Boys Sh
a few weeks with Mr. and 'Mrs". A. GIRLS' SCH
1VIcCarroll. ; a good w
1Vlisses Margaret Miller and Alma
MacKenzie also 1VAr. Elliott Miller, .11
motored to Windsor over the week Igl
Miss Mae Mclvlorran spent the
week with friends at Bayfield Beach.
Mr. Geo. Greer was called to Port
Huron on Monday, owing to the sud-
den death of his sister, Mrs. Pocock P
of Detroit, i
Mr .and Mrs, W .E. Henderson,
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Watson and son
Malcom, motored to Toronto this
in sizes r, 2, 3,4
Brown, standar
sizes x, 2, 3, 4
double toes a
week to attend the Exhibition there,
Mrs, T. C. Joynt and children ,also
Mrs. Robt. Bonthron, visited last week
with their cousin D. C. McMorran,
Miss Isabel Douglas returned to
Chatham this week
•i) ROOT with standard s'erew soles;
5 ,,,,..- for__ «. =
._..: _.__...w $2.35 per pair'
ES a much better line in both black or
xew and sewed s•oles and nd rubber heels,
5 for $2.95 a pair
E BOOTS, made of best box
extra dualitlkiP wikh
e y
sole stock, a line that we get
or, Boys who are hard on shoes, in both black
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, for ,..................-....-.---------,$3-95 pais°
n all the above qualities at most reasonable prices.•,
SHOES, in Box kip, sizes Zr,12, 13, z and 2, • f_L
....s...........-........_-_-....".......-................. or2.
$d 1
S per pair i
GIRLS' BES{BOX `KIP SCHOOL BOOTS, with double toes !!
and the sole stock, this is a boot we get made to order
for girl t.are hard on shoes and they are absolutelyde-
pendab n sizes 11, 12, 13, x and 2,, for _....--..........-$3.35
a pair
n,rnrry r, ER LINES n� SCHOOL -_
p' a 129.
Wingham, Onto w•
i zellus filll}lflllllomIIP,8111R9111i111esisi Ialisl11i111icial11111(1ansium111aNlYIIIll tasultl
Mrs. • Mrs. Ewen MacKenzie left this s\
morning for Detroit, where she will Do)
remain for the winter .months.
,Miss ,!Margaret Geddes
Toronto last week where she will at-• .. Cook and other friends. •
tend business college. ' • he Anniversary Services of the,
ch, have been
La Burr and her daughter
y, of Toronto, returned home
o turday,. after spending several
went 'to .w s at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Miss Ruth Vincent has
gone t
o Lo
don, where she is taking a busine
course. ,
Mr .and Mrs. Elvin Taylor visi
the former's father, Mr _ 3., H. Ta
of Goderich, on Saturday.
Miss Ella Sowerby 1<ias return
her duties as school teacher to
6, after spending the summer i the , and Mrs. Marvin McDowell, Mr.
with parents. and other frie `:o e owe ,an rs, J. Woods, Line. -
estfield United church,
ianged from
o Oct.
n Miss 11Ionna Harrison of Goderich
spent last week with her cousin, Miss
Marjorie Campbell..
Mr .and Mrs, J .H. Hoover of Blyth
land Mr. E. Hoover of I3russels, spent
'Sunday with Mr and Mrs. J. N, Camp-
s, bell.
with herf J I M D 11 dM
The Rev.. Dr. Barnby of Blyth' will
have charge of both afternoon and
evening sessions.
attended the Woman's Missionary-
issionaryConference held in the Victoria St.
church, Goderich, on Thursday last,
Sept. 2nd.
Much sympathy is extended to Mr.
ok in the e de
ash of
their infant son, on Thursday, Sept.
Mr .Bert Taylor has purchased the
farm of Mr ,Wesley Farrow, purcha-
ser to have possession in the spring.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Snell and .
family ,spent. Labour day with Mrs `
Snell's sister, Mrs. J. lVlcBrien, P, ise• ;,1
tentate Pays First Visit to Canada
p•� 4 f t :i 9p^
{fir.. 5.:4?"_<u%�•. F:t'. ,'"�"� ."o..Zbi 3
a from Indtu at Chateau Fronwaac•--Inset, The biwan.
Diwan Bahadur Sir T: V' Yaraghavaeharya, dis- Indian inlaid and lac tier work
g p �, q which was sent aver
the Madras to Canada by the Indian Government at the Diwan's
Presidency in the All -India th z ,Cochin
Assembly, and instigation. He assured E", R. $ruse, director of
a former Primo Minister h State of
exhibits for the C"P.R., who met him in Quebec, that
he would see that the collection is added to on his,
return to India. Before the Aiwan boarded the Cana-
diet Pacific liner Montcahn for. Qnebee he was.
skeptical' about the preparation of his favorite Indian -
"I ant a vegetarian you know," he said, '" .
matter of fact my Indian currie and betteras a
prepared on board t s and rice were;
his IVl:ontcalnn than is generally the
case on Indian steamers. I was agreeably surprised;«
at this."
The great length of the distingtilshed visitor's,
name, has, according to the biwan, been a stumblin ,
block wherever he went. In England he said they hit
upon the (helpful expedient of referring to him as
"'biwan" , to a letter to Canadian officials recently he
remarked, "Such 'acontraction is, strictly in accordaznc
with Indian etiquette and will be quite ` in order.'r
tin'uished Indian re re
Southern India, who Minister
Canada, on the Canadia
opened the National Enlhib
The biwan was a pleb
of the various cities h
turban of crimson acid sil
the continent on a recto
tati e of
e oc in
for the first time in
acifie liner Montcalm,
xi at Toronto on August
sque figure on the streets
isited, wearing a native
He anticipate§ erosaing
our and visitin the Cana -
than Rockies:Si titin e Laurentians frons a ran.;
g g..
tage point in his hotMontreal he. exclaimed
asSu'rely those aren't tw Rockies! "During his trip
across Canada hal§ ran.' g a study of conditions,- for
he believes that a. c, fete understanding between
radia and Canada co onlY be reached through a
knowledge of each 0 -
At Quebec he we, .:guest at the Chateau l 'ron-
henaa and shouted iatereet tri, Elie display of