HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1926-09-09, Page 41 lA ADV:,R'.NCE^T1INIF$ 111.111 11111fll. f!(�111111 1111w111�1130ii IIIl;silailli I SLAT'S DIARY' 111.•N1INIF:$ SCHOOL OPENING • SPECIALS'.. Hercules Fountain Pen LOO This is an English made pen, the equal of any $r,5o the market --Self filler and every pen guaranteed. Free a e LeadPencil With every zoc Scribbler (192 pages) or ioc Exercise Book. 5c Scribblers or Exercise Books .. ..8 for 25c pen on Special Free 35c . "ScriPencil" �O PocketP' � encnl Wth each purchase of 2 packages of Script• Leads at 25c each (a years supply for boy or girl) you will get a 35c Pen- cil FREE. Wia»rbeen, Ont. . i 's Drug Store mss Store Phone 53 You save with safety at your Rexall Drug Store FOR SALE — A quantity of No. 1 FOR SALE :-, One barn, henhouse softwood. Phone `22 - 629. $so attached, built four years, ago; cost per cord. . $39o.00, will selL,$2oo.00 cash. Apply Wm. Sneath Bo 42 T 1 4 , W' STRAYED — A pig, about middle of August, weighing about 13o llbs, eon to' the premises of Richard Cham ney, Con. g, East Wawanosh. Owner may have same by proving. proper- ty and paying expenses. FOR SALE — Six' roomed brick house with plastered'kitchen, all Conveniences, also barn, and I 1-2 acres of land. Suitable for market gardening.` Situated on Victoria St. on the hill—Apply John Gray on premises. , WANTED -Sales girls. Apply -to H. E. Isard & Co, HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE— To close an estate, small cash pay - TIM ON POLITICS , `eI 2 Ing ham, Ont. FOR SALE -$8,000,00 Six,Roomed brick veneered dwelling house, with frame wood -shed attached. Frame' stable. Four-fifths acre hand. Village of Gerrie, Ontario. Buildings in good repair. Apply to W. S. Mc- Kercher, Wroxeter, Ont, or to Geo. W. Walker, Gorrie, 9nt, FOR SALE — One' upright` piano ,in good ':condition, 2 lounges I newly upholstered, ,r bedroom suite, r au- to knitter, x extension table: Win. S. : Linklater, ;Victoria St. TO RENT --Garage to rent. Inquire at The Advance -Times. rnent, easy terrns for balance. Ap- ply to Robt. Allen. TRACTOR FOR SALE -816 Inter- national, suitable for filling silos. Apply to Howard Wilkinson, Phone 13-16, Brussels. FOR SALE - Young Durham calf— Apply to Mrs. Jennie- Currie. ROOM and BOARD WANTED— Apply to Box 298. FARM FOR SALE — 10o acres of choice land in the township of E. i]lTawanosh, all in first class statet cultivation, an excellent farm for eith- er .crop or pasture. Will be sold reas- onably . For further'particulars ap- ply to -Jas, F. Young, Route 5, Wing - ham To the Editor av all thine Wingham paypers: Deer Sir,—I suppose a lot av th. byes will be wondherin whoy I heven' been handin out some: advoice wid respicket to the elickshuns,. so I moight as well give nie rayson, In the fursht place, sinsible nein don't rade army advoice, an the other fell - ahs won't take it, so what's the use, as me bye who was over -says wud say, Thinfs two good rayson ,but. not the only wans.•Ye wud notish that I didn't git .ajawb takin down names av the payple who ,hey a roighf of e t FOR SALE --- Five acres, garden and pasture, a variety of fruit, six room- ed house,' barn and henhouse, Shed' 12 x 24, `Wingham Town Plot --Ap- ply to Mrs. J. 0. McGregor. SEWING TAKEN IN -Also men's plain sewing, also a country mail box for sale—Miss Mary Annie Marsh, care M. Edmunson, Wroxe- ter, P, O. FOR SALE—x buggy, e phaeton., 2 buggy poles, 3 team wagons, also a baby's push cart.—Apply to 1 H. Saint and Son Phone 24 FOR SALE—Eight pure bred Pigs, six weeks old.—Apply to Jahn R. Salter, Pon 11-618, "FOR SALE—New Home `and Ideal Sewing Machines. They are the best. The best is the cheapest, They are r vara nted r by the. makers. and, sold by an agent that knows all about them, or any other old ma- chine. yon may have that needs to be repaired. Needles, shuttles bobbins, bands or repairs supplied, �.. W, Webster,' The Tailor i.7pe stairs, over The Advatico-Times cc o vote. It was harrudiy dacint to lave out an ould war parse, loiI.e me silf, and appoint a lot av young fell - ah, jist because they wus betther look- 11750 ook- U Q s Docipo�ar Use an earthen jar: - 1 gallon vinegar:, 1 cup TEeen's Mustard 1'cup salt Add onions, sliced green to- matoes, small cucumbers, and cover in the usual( way. '.These. pickles will be ready to eat at the end of six weeks, and will keep perfectly: ' his is only one of the many recipes for delicious home. Made Pickles, Gatstaps arid Relishes in our Recipe Book. Write for a free copy. Co r*x,4ceeh (Catyada)1dt»itedi Debt, 187 ioao Amri cent StH Manteca; eeres Mils rat, i!2 tion, ha, arr mebby wint to school ton but Meer did wan tinth as much. the parthy, 'Tis the way av the w ruld, an "thine as has, ;;its," as me o grandiiuother used to say. Sh it wussint the bit av Money I wus ther, fer I don't nide it, but the h or av the ting, an the privilege av in around Levin a yarn wid the in arr wwimin, if the min didn't hapliin be at home I bet .; cud hev got t� ty votes fer the Tarries in. wan wa widout army wan ivin tinkin I throyin to talk pollyticks, fer tis t long expayrience'an the•shloy way bete wid nie. Thine wus all good r sons fer not givin army advoice, ' the present critical toime in the htory av the counthry," as the noos pers say, but the main thrubble wid• wus that me fried; Jarge Shpotton, n't the Tory candydate, Loike i silf, he has been a harrud wurruker f the parthy, an that's all the tanks gits. Av coorse I don't intind to la the Torries, fer that wud be a he loss fer thin, an mebby mane the ickshun av jawn King, the Progres: ive-Grit candydate, but is isn't ai fer me to git up shtame wid tings they are at prisint, If I don't harp to be taken bad wid me lumbago. the 94th, loike 1 wus the day the las timpirance vote .vas held, ,1 intind be out to vote as usual,. I undherstand that there are a 1 av fusion candydates in the field th toime, but fusion is the ,wrong wur tad fer thin, so it is; confusion catnd dates I call `thim, an shure, that what they are. Av coorse, in sone cases, 'tis betther so.' 1Fer inshtanc I had a letter from me ould broth Matt, and he says that out in Albert where he lives there will loikely b no Tory in the field, be rayson av th fact that•the Progressive, arr U. A. men, wus wan av the fellahs wh helped defate the Grit Governmen lasht June, so it wuddin't be rayson able to put up a Tory in that case. T wint to the,noinmashun' on i'oos day and hear the conshtitooshana question discussed to me sorrow, fe the main question Vivid me wus whetlie me own conshitooshan wud shtand th shtrain av sittin on :thine harrud sate till the maytin wus over. It wus about the droyest affair wus ivir at, and a fellah nayded conshitooshan as shtrong as the T3rit ish Nort America Act to shtand it, at all, at all. Shtih theer wus some funny shtunts, but the funniest part av thim wus that the fellahs who wus throyin to do thine didn't see, how funny they looked. Fer inshtance there wus-that U. F. 0, fellah callin down both the ould parties fer crook- edness, wid the mimory av the Droory Government still fresh in the moinds av the payple. Thin -there wus .Dawn King throyin to roide : two horses at wance, which is no easy jawb, 1 wance saw a girrul in a circus do it, an turnin summersetstroo .hoops iviry littli whoile, as she wint arround the ring, but'Jawn- isn't young enough to begin doing thin tricks. Mebby the funniest ting av all wus to. see Jarge Slipotton in the chair widout a chance to roast the Grits, arr the Pro- gressives arr annywan Ilse. ,'Tis a great hilp to a mean troo loife to be Irish an able to see the hum- orous soide av tings, so it is. Yours till afther the elickshun, Timothy Hay. ger, fer ur- uld Ire, of Qn go - to vin - rd, rvus he I ay- at his- ga- me is- ne- er he ve avy el- 5- sy as en on ht to of is r- y - is e e, er a e e F. 0 t 1 r r e s I a BLUEVALE Mr .and Mrs. Eldred Nichol and Will Mundell spent the weekend in Stratford, visiting Mrs, Nichol's fath- er, who is very sick. - Mr. and ick..-.Mr..aid Mrs. efherington were visitors at Mr, and Mrs .Ed. Johns - ton's on Sunda Miss. Dorothy Aiken returned home Sunday from the hospital, after hav- ing her tonsils removed, and is get- ting along fine. Mr, and Mrs. Bone and two children of Detroit, were week end visitors at their aunts and uncle's, Mr, and Mrs. Leonard Ruttan. Mrs. John Anger and cls deed ) of Fergus, who was visiting :her parent s, Mr ,and Mrs. McGee, for tw ` wees, returned ;tome on Monday. Mrs ,Hesson of Stratford, called on her cousin, Mrs. George Mathers this week. Mr. Jini Scott, of Wesk*,,.,ox'ne was a visitor at Mr, and Mrs' G�arniss ov- er the holiday, Mr, Charles Enwright of Toronto spent the week end at Mr .and Mrs, Andrew Holmes, He aws accompan- ied home with his wife .and family, who were visiting there, Mr, and Mrs ,Alex 'Cooper -of Pe- trolia werersitoi=s/at Mr. and Mrs, Whit, Ste it's and other friends ov- er the we end,' Mr .and a c. Mrs. Robt. Aitcheson and. fainly, are visiting relatives in Guelph, Port Colbourne over the holiday, Mr. Eldon McKinney and brother, Will, and .Gordon Messer took in the Ex last; week, Mr ,and Mts. Leggatt, Mr .and Mrs, Combes and Mary, toot, in the E hi Dition last week, 111 ; P Phone 59 lit ▪ Groceries & Chinaware i �1 � MARVEL,LOU ► I VALUE' . We have just received a ship- al iE merit of FIRST QUALITY GLASSWARE! I Each price, in its clearness and brilliancy, sparkles like a .§ P veritable diamond TUMBLERS Ir Optic Straight, each „ 5c Fluted and Flaring, each. 6c I !'SHERBETS Limited Quantity, each. roc M . PITCHERS Large size, optic, Special Bottom & handle ..79c' CUPS AND SAUCERS, B/ PLATES, FRUITS, Etc. m Special. Glaze equal in quality it to that of much higher priced Dinnerware. E Cups Orily roc Each Cups and Saucers, each .15c TheToaRod Coffee Store it iIi191111191111311111111 >!A111111191111911191111®11I1CIA IN MEMORIAM In loving memory of Joseph Mc- Kinney. Never will your memory fade, Loving thoughts will always linger,' Around the place where you are laid. Oft we think of you dear brother, And our hearts are filled with pain 0' this earth would be a heaven, Could we but hear your voice again, Friends may think 'we forget you, When at times they see us smile,. But they 'little know the sorrow, That smile hides al ;the while, Days of sadness; still come'o'er us, Tears in silence often flow, For memory keeps you ever near us,.. Though you died one year ago. '' Written by his sisters, Mary and Martha amomumonesszomsettain Too L w Thrall ll has driven our sons Ilgd daughters to seem their fortunes in United States —Vote for acEWAN & bring them back ag,..; in. ISPEIMMITSILIMEIMIZOW Beautifying Lucknow Park We understand that the local Fire Company, which has in the past done so much good work in the way of patriotic and charitable work, is a- bout to 'undertake another big Local improvement project, Having brbug ht Victoria Park to a high state of per- fection as a place of beauty and out- door games, the Company is now preparing to give the town a beauti- ful, if not a large body of water suit- able for boating and bathing. It is proposed to take up the abon- doned project of clearing the Tre- leaven Mill Pond of the stumps and decayed tiinber, to .dredge the muck.. fromthe margins and thus ocnvert it into a clean body of water with dt+y banks . The banks and bottom of the pond are naturally of fine gravel and naturally clean. With- the use of a powerful steam tractor and a steam shovel, now av-' ailable, the undertaking is not at all the big job it was a few years ago, It is to be hoped this project can be carried out, as a body of watersuch as the pond can be converted into will be a great asset to the town. As one enthusiast said: "There trill be no need of them going away from home to the lake."—Lucknow Sentin- el, By Ross Farquhar Friday—Since ma was lernt how to drive the , end hand ford she does nearly all of the driveing most gen- relly all ways. When Mrs, Gillen was asking her the other clay'' how it made her feel to be driveing zna ans- wered & sad driveing diddent make her nervus a tall; well all I got to say on the subject is that about two 3rds of her littel fainly gets verry nervus when she is driveing, Saterday---Mose Hix was out in the country today and seen a man witch has got the rooinatizern so bad that he cantMsa' lkand Mose offered him his L'ysickie so he cud ride into town and see a docter. Sunday—I cant acct, .for the sev- enty .5 cents 1 ernt yesterday; mowing a cupple yds. with are lawn more. I spent 30 cents for Malted Milks and 20 cents for lickorish and r5 for pea- nuts and I can't remember nothing else enless it was for foolishness ineb- by, but I wassent out with no girls. Enny how I had to pass up the col- eckshun at Sunday 'school, Munday-Ant Emmys cuzzen died this week £runt a operashum. Ant Emmy sed they was a sort of a shiff- less famly becuz the Dr, had all reddy sed she wood of died with out the op erashum enny ways but they went on ahead and spent all that money. a, ".t'hursday ,Sepieanber 9th r926 mommoismo nom, ���iiI$IQI 119 School Shoes N I N I N I rr � „ �,; �;' sound �o �' ret ■< fir:;• ■ .s. 1 ' ALL READY TO DEFY THE ONSLAUGHTS OF SCHOOL Ng WEAR. 11 This is the news we want every parent to know --STRAP al SHOES, TIES, LOW SHOES, HIGH smogs every style Ni ready for the •first teventful schogt day! In every pair IN workmanship and •honest materials! IP PLEASING PRICES 1l3� Tuesday ---Mrs, Helton brung her18/ netinn baby up here to see us tonite and it 11 kept looking at pa and laffing and Mrs Helton sed for pa not to pay no ten- sion to it as she all' ways was laffing at the most stupidest things ye cud emagine. Wensday—We all went swimming tonite but ma woodent leave me go out very fur. I sed she shad ought to leave mega as fur as pa bu she sed No yore pa has got life ensurance and you aint. Thirsday—I got to visit a facktory where they make tin cans and I was telling Jane about it and I sed it was so noisy I cuddent hear myself think, and she sed well I gess you diddent miss. Much did you, SCHOOL FAIR DATES, 1926 Grand Bend Dashwood. Crediton Wroxeter Bluevale Ashfield St. Helens Zept. 7 Sept. 8 Sept. 9 Sept. 13 Sept. i5 Sept. 16 Sept. 17 $2OO to $4.00 Sole Agent for Hurlbut Shoes for. Children. J. GREEK -- Telephone 23 THE GOOD SHOE STORE WINGHAM, ONT. ■. TO THE ELECTORS OF NORTH HURON: Ladies and Gentlemen: On Tuesday next you will go to the pollee to decide who shall' represent you in the next Parliament of Canada. I have been your representative for five sessions, and have tried to serve you faithfully,,, It has beenimy aim to advance in every way ,possible the interests. of the: Dominion of Canada as a whole and of North Huron in par- ticular. . My actions during the last important session evidently were - such as to meet with 'general approval, for the opposing party have- not ventured any public criticism. My record is before you, You know my stand on the issues be- fore the electors. My opponent has not confided to the public where. ..e stands, except that he is a thick -and -thin supporter of Mr. Meighen, whose policies have time and again been demonstrated to be framed. without consideration for the welfare of rural communities such as. North Huron. I ask for your vote' on September r4th;.and if I am elected I will during the next Parliament, use my influence, as I have the last two. .r'arliaments, for the securing of further measures in the interests of the common people: Yours sincerely, J. W. KING. Victorious in! ,{{�q \ , Z � } ty Yell W ?}.>nata 4� �''�`a a 31� s� n' he' aerie This picture shows the falnott Kolapg, e Cu d 1 members .g r back to Canada by the victorious!,9rCups, d Bisle Team, he Clemenha�-Smith trophy, all orwhich' are e were brought aPs an a t e t shown grouped by the t trophies: Canadian am, on the Cunard liner Ala Major G. shewnle the right is Major C, R. Crowe, Commandant; and ont e e t, Wheatley, M.C., Adjutant -of the Team, Cash prizes won by the team amount a A e left, a very large number of contestants composed of the Empire's best crack shots, the `Canadiansed er tai ly Against upheld the prestige the Dominion enjoys for the eneouragernent of rifle shooting, certainly more the ,Ar Econom:cal TrizvOitatkr12 MIR it 1 "HUMP( Ire #A °ti M Crawford THE %e of a car is what you par—the gine is what you Value is the combination of Ottz¢liiy and Price. Notwithstantti g the recent resns4 , dgewtoleable � tot hncstht prices, not ahn to be cheapest car in its class. It does dm anti is julttly considered _:: the greatest value iu its class. The smooth Chevrolet is owl( tend bgt Mot only because it costs yen more -�- nore ohne giveste it tlt`man4e--srio po'whr nitdospm -more instant acceleration, --more r,ttlking beauty of litre; and fattish. inere,,tithitts4 trf vphoisi ...,ii to compictettem oi',apptru leas auiiil,, s:" To pay less than the price of the smooth Chevrolet im to sactifice quatity. To pay mote, fora cat in the Cevrolet class, is /leafless The Smoothest. Chevrolet in Chevrolet history is selling at the Lowest Price ler wh ch Chevrolet taxi ever been said in• yourAsk Chevrolet dealer abbot the SMAC Plan of buying a car on Brite, port"fir 71150 40 tench - ` ti 816 Touring 040 Sedan 920 $10 Sped " 795 Linden Stden 970 Commere el Chassis ltlility Sorest 'r "130 ,dtl.Pxinear at It ictoer . t+etrs .xt he