HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1926-09-09, Page 1With which is amalgamated The Gerrie Vldette and The Wroxeter News Single Copies, Five ' encs. Win at Walkerton The Winghain rink of bowlers viz, j Messrs A. M, Crawford, J, Mason, T. /.Mek..Smith, .-and C. Chapman, who .entered in the Walkerton bonspiel on labor Day, were successful in winning ,second pirze in the association. The .prize was four beautiful tables .;Bluevale, School Fair On Wednesday, Sept. ,15th, Six schools, will takepart--Parade, sing- ing, public speaking—sports—supper will be served. Admission 2$ and i5 cents. In the evening the Fordwich `'Young People will present the play, 'j`Tlie Outcast." Admission to play .35c. and 25c. 'Or Hat by the Head Why not sell: Hens by the peck? usic by the quire? Shoes by the f ot? Hammers by the pound, Tacks the p'itrt? or Houses by the yard? on't worry because the other fell- ow adverstises. Do some advertising .of your own, and keep hint worrying about you. _Look at Your Label The Advance-Tianes mailing list has :been corrected this week, If you .".have paid for your paper see to it that • we mark your label up, A great many subscriptions expire on September 1st, and are now due. Thanks. : Making Him Mad Political consternation of the, high- est degree, was aroused in the iah.d of a venerable and life-long Paisley Liberal on Tuesday, as he perused i he , copy of the Globe, finding therin an, editorial defaming the. name of Mack- . enzie King as leader of the ;political destinies of our Dominion. Some t liours later the old . Grit discovered that a friendly, Tory neighbor had ; r- reptitiously inserted the editorial page •of the. London Free Press in the place where the 'Globe editorials should be. It was a great afternon for the Tories as they heard this old gentleman de- nounce and renounce the Globe and i.ts editors.—Port Elgin Times, Ethel Store Burns Fire of unknown origin started in the rear of Joseph Pearson's general store, at Ethel, on Tuesday afternoon, and caused approximately $io,000 of amage ea the building and stock, In- uxance partially covers the loss. The blaze wa sdiscovered about four ,•o'clock by Mr. Pearson and a bucket brigade lvas hastily formed. After i.three hours work the fire was extin- guished, but the structure, which was 'built three yearsago, had nearly all the windows broken and nittch of the interior woodwork charred. It is .owned by Thomas Vodden, who re- sides in the second story. Mr .Pearson's stock of goods Buff- . ered mainly from smoke and, water and some of the goods that were stor-. • ed in the rear were burnt. WINGHAM,0 ONT., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 9th. 1926 Subscriptions $a.00 per year. Official Nominations on Tuesday —Voting in Dominion, Sept. 14th The nomination meeting at Wing - ham was attended by a .fairly large audience, The two candidates, Me. Id, J. A. MacEwan and Mr. J. W. King, were the nominees, At the close of the nominations, Mr. John Montgomery, the returning offi- cer for North Huron, .,handed the meeting over to the public; and Mr. George Spotton, Conservative candi- date in the election last fall, was vo- ted chairman, which position he cap- ably filled without partiality, although. we must confess he looked very, much out of place when sitting calmly by, and not entering the debate for the Conservative: cause. The candidates, Mr. McEwen and Mr. King,put upthein plea to the electors, and were assisted by Mr. Halbert for Mr. King, and Mr. Le Stteur of Sarnia for Mr, MacEwan. Mr,. Halbert has been in Wingbane o -n sev- eral occasions. He is a hard fighter and: shoots right out from the shoul- der, calling a spade a spade, Mr, Le Sueur is one of the most interesting speakers we have heard for some time, talking fluently in a clear and con- vincing manner. Oh leaving the hall, one old gentleman was heard to re- mark that he was in the class with, Sir Wilfred Laurier, as`e pleasing and convincing speaker. The nominations in Ontario on Sept. 7th, brought forward 61 Liberals, 82 Conservatives, ix Progressives, 8 Restaurants Must Close At 12 O'clock at Night The regular meeting of Winghain town Council was held on Thursday evening last. All the members were present. Mayor' Fells presidin A letter from the'Canadian Good. Roads Assoc,, wasread regarding membership and summer convention,. Mr. A,"E. Lloyd was present on be- half of the Wingham Rubber Co., Ltd. and asked for the continuation of free water under the terms: of the old Aero Cushion Tire Agreement, until expiration of same.' No special con- sideration was asked in connection with taxation. Mayor .Fells pointed out that the town solicitor had advised that he old agreemen was annulled when the former firm ceased business. The matter was discussed and the fol- lowing motion cerised. Moved' by Conns Elliott and Haney that the mat- ter of water for Winghain Rubber Cee be refererd to the Executive Commit- tee to confer with the Utilities Clain-. misison and Town' Solicitor and the Rubber Co. The Finance comimttee recommend- ed payment of the following acacunts: YJtilities Cowxarrti sion, part account of taxes, $2e.eal Geo elllen, auto hire, $7,00, J. A. MacDonald, police duty $21.00; Public : school board $5.00, J. A, MacLean, supplies $605.20 Bell Tel. Service $32.3o, W. A. Gailbraith,. postage re • taxes $12.00; Provincial Treasurer, marirage licenses $4o.00, Town of Winglam, sewers $2o9.ro, G. Allen, Auto hire $4.5o, Waterworks Dept, service,' $366.75; Maitland Lod - I. O. O. F., debenture $120.37., Mait- land Lodge L O. O. F„ $57.37. , W. H. Davidson, supplies, $29.05; Robt W. Hogg, gravel $24.5o, R. Deyell, salary $15o.00, C. N. R., express 55cts., John McCool, labor $6.8o, J. A. Mac- Lean, roofing, $12o.00; Jas. Gilrnour rebate sanitary tax $2.75; Western Foundry, steel $1.51, W. A Gaibraith, salary $66.67,M Donlan, salary $87. - so; A Sanderson, teaming $142.00, Saftey Silent Police Co., signs $47.25; Wm. Stokes, salary $11.5o, Rae and Thompson, supplies $2.1o, D. Shapiro, rebate taxes $13.82. Transfer to Sink- ing Fund $209.1o, Transfer to ceme- tery fund, interest $24.33, Transfer to "Good Roads Fund, interest, $62.08; Transfer to tax account commuta- tions, $169.96; Transfer to Cemetery fund $635,00, Geo. Allen, salary 63.33, E. Lewis, salary 66.66, Mayor Fells reported for the streets committee that the usual work was being carried on. The sidewalk at the Federal,Rubber plant had been re- paired, fifteen blocks raised, and 1 1-2 new blocks laid. The worst sewers had, been flushed and all found to be in good condition. The matter of mo- torists going to Listowel up Victor- ia Street Hill was discussed, and it was recommended that a sign be er- ected at the Union Factory corner, Mr. Fells reported that a new catch basin was required on Minnie St., that curb was required at back of, town hall to prevent entrance of water af- ter rains, that cells in lock up should be whitewashed and that roof on im- plement shed should be repaired. Coun. Haney reported having meas- ured up the new fence at the park and that the cost per foot averaged 66 cents for 189 feet, He advised that 52 feet of this should be charged to Mr. Hirst ,and the clerk was asked to send account. Coup, Mitchell reported that ar- rangements for erection of fence at. the cemetery was going ahead, brick has been ordered, and Mr, Pugh en- gaged to do the work, Coon. Wilkinson said that very few band instruments had been dirtied in. The matter of early closing of li- censed victualling houses was dis- cussed at some length, and the foll- owing motion was finally •&passed.•. Moved by C. R. Wilkinson and E. J. Mitchell that the licensed victualling houses be required to close every night at 12 o'clock midnight and that bylaw be amended to carry same in- to effect. The license of Fong & Fong was. transfererd to Wee Lee, who takes charge of the Queen's cafe next week, The Clerk reported that out of $62,- 000. taxes on the roll, $17,000 is al - reedy paid. The matter of half yearly license for sale of cigarettes vas discussed,. and it was decided that after the xst clay of Sepember he license fee to sell same would be one Jealf. Mr. H. J. A. MacEwan -' The Conservative Standard -Bearer Liberal -Progressives, ib Independents and 4 Laborites, making a total of 176 candidates running for the 82 seats. The Race is onl The. Late Archibald McGillivray An old and highly esteemed citizen of Winghain passed to his reward on Sunday, September 5th, in the person of Archibald McGillivray, of Pleasant Valley. He was in his • 78th year, and had been.in poor health for sev- eral weeks. Mr. McGillivray had lived in Winghain for about half a century. Older residents will re- member him as a tanner. For •some years he has been night watchman at the Bell factory. ` Always an honest and respected man, a member of St. Andrew's Presbyterian church, and a staunch Liberal. Besides his widow, he is survived. by two sons, James at home, and Dun- can of Detroit, also two daughters, Mrs, L. S. Dunford, of Detroit, arid Mrs. David Robertson of Toronto. Interment was made in Winghain cemetery on Tuesday afternoon, Rev. Dr. Perrie conducting the services. USE YOUR .FRANCHISE Today it is the privilege andthe sresponsibilty of every man within the confines of the British Empire to. Ilse his franchise in what he consid- ,ers to be the best interests of his country, On September 14. the Do- minion of Canada will hold • another general election, and return to pow- er a bod3a of men to whom will be ,entrusted the government of the. 'country for a longer or shorter' per- xd. We do not pre sume to tell l l our r aders for whomthey should vote =theYmfst .-exercise their judgment Sind good sense, and inalce use of the franchise that is theirs. Before anyone cart vote his or het :name must appear on the voters' lists Every person should make certain. that it is there, and this must be done • at once. Every British subject twen- ty-one years or over should visit his .place of registration, and should. if ~..not listed, register. Only by doing .this will they be entitled to vote on :.September 54. CARD OF THANKS .Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Salter and fain - wish to publicly express to their friends: their grateful thanks, for kindness and sympathy shown in their recent bereavement. IN MEIVIORIAM memory of :fvicl�:INNEY �.In Wiring Mr .Joseph McKinney, who passed away` Sept. xith, 1925. One by one, earth's ties are broken, le by one they arc linked tibove.. 'ionic day thcr'll be sweet re -union, ace again with .those we love. -•.-r"ainity WHERE KING GOVERNMENT FAILED': (Advertisement) The United States was formerly Canada's best market for farm and dairy products. But in response to the appeals of American farm- ers the U. S. Government enacted the Fordney Tariff. It practi- cally shut Canadian farm and dairy products out of the United States' while the products of American farms continued to pour into Canada at a rate of some $So,000,000• worth a year. The King Government could have really, benefited the Canadian farmer by at least saving for him his OWN market. BUT THE KING GOVERNMENT DID NOTHING. Compare these duties and ask yourself if the situation is fair to C dian farmer the Cana ; PRODUCT U. S. Tariff Wheat 42 cents bush. Corn 15 cents bush. Wheat Flour ... ...... ..... _._...... _...... ...•..-,.$2,04 bbl. Hay • -,.- $4.00 per ton ' `Potatoes , 50 cents cwt. Butter 8 cents per lb. Cheese . .-5 cents Ib. Eggs 8 cents doz, Fruit 35 per cent. IS IT FAIR? The King Government Allowed This Unfairness to Continue. The Meighen Government Proposes to Give The Canadian Farmer a Pro- tection Equal to that of the American. Premier Meighen Proposes to Reopen the Door to the Canadian Market for American Farm Pro- ducts, only as, and to the extent that, the door to the American Market is Reopened to the Canadian Farmer. i DUTY CUTS NO BENEFIT Another claim of Liberal campaigners is that the King Government gave the farmers cheap implements by reducing the duty. Again the facts show this claim false, FARM IMPLEMENTS COST MORE TODAY THAN BEFORE THE DUTY WAS REDUCED. more important Tarin iiitple- prices of some of the P • tic iii ) s The following ti 1 g Canadian mems are taken from the retail price lists of a well-known Cana implement manufacturing company; Implement 1921 price Seven- foot binder (no attachments) $23500'. Five-foot : heavy, mower . $ 96.50 Ten -foot rake $ 52.00' Six-foot, xe teeth cultivator, three -horse $79.00 Single disk drill' (complete) $s47.00 Walking plow, No, 121 (with attachment) $23.5o Disk Harrow $ 58,0o These increases' in price occurred in spite of the fact that in 1925 there wms 't ales tax of three per cent, while today there is none. And. the further fact that, when the duties on implements were reduced substantial reductions were made in the duties on the raw. materials Canadian Tariff 12 cents, Free. so cents $.200 35 cents 4 cents 3 cents 3 cents 25 per cent. 1926 price $2.37•oo $ 96.5o $54.00 $82.00 $157.00 $ 23.50 $ 62.0o from which these implements were made. These figures show the farmer paid more, instead of less for his implements, Yet as a result of the reductions iii ditty, Canadian im- plement -factories, did much less business and employed many fewer workmen. As far back as 1950 Canadian Iinplernent plants employ- ed mploycd 0,56o men, yet in 5925--e---held up by Liberal propagandists as "the big yeai.,"-----t:he .industry employed only 6;954 men. Many more instance could be cited but these suffice. to .show the fanner suffered, m,tead of benefiting, as a result of King Government Policies. Canadian industries were;fnjured <ind them: were fewer Canadian workmen en:tployc.d7--fewer people to buy the products of Canadian farms. The Meighen Goyent-tient Offers•Real Remedies For the Canadian Farmers u ' Troubles ---policies that Will Benefit the Farmer, The Industries, The Factory Worker, All Canada. FARMERS Or NORT I HURON; VOTE CONSERVATIVE VOTE FOR MacEWAN Local and General News of Interest to The Cornmunitr Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Gibbons are away on a visit to their son in Sask- atchewan. —.- _ MR. J .W. KING The Progressive Candidate Miss Mae Purdue is attending Wes- tervelt School in London. Mrs. A. Cosens, and Miss Mary are attending Toronto Exhibition. Mr. Fred Manuel was home from Detroit for over the week end. Mrs. William Walsh of Detroit, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Harry Hins- cliffe. Miss Evelyn Reid spent her holi- days with friends in Hamilton and Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Field and Mrs, Thos. Fells motored to Toronto 'Ex. on Thursday. Mr. Alvin D. Smith of Turnberry, is spending .a couple of month s in the Canadian West. Mr .and Mrs. Walter Maxwell of Newcastle Penn., visited with Mr. and • Mr, N. L. Butcher of the Canadian Batik of Commerce staff, Dundalk, spent a few days with his mother, Mrs. Butcher. Mr .and Mrs. Theodore little son, Norman, also hall, an dMiss Elsie of C ited in Aylmer. Mrs, R. H. Deacon of Guelph, and children, were at the home of her par- ents, William Salter, attending the funeral of her grandfather. Miss Marie Pilon R. N, : Toronto, and Miss Lilian. Jackson of Blyth, spent a few days last week with their friend, Miss Maud Bell, Morris, Mr .and' Mrs,' L. B. Eighmy and daughters, Ruth and Jean of Saginaw. Michigan, also Mrs. Phillips, of Flint Mich., visited at J. D. McEwen's. Mr .and Mts. Allan Findlay and family of Chatsworth, visited at the homes of Mr. R. A. Coutts and R. E. Hetherington over the week end. Mr .John Groves of Toronto, is re- newing old acfuaintances in Wing- ham. John's many friends are pleased to see his smiling countenance again. Mrs, Jas. Walker attended the Tor- onto Exhibition. She was met in. Toronto by her four daughters, and their husbands, and two grandchild- ren. ,...: .•;.p., Mr. W. A. Galbraithy town clerk has purchased the ,residence of the late Peter MeLare and will move into ture. . Miss Phemie Deacon of London, and Miss Florence Deacon of Toron- to, have returned, after spending the holidays at their home in East Wa- wanosh. Mrs. (Dr.) Loin berry and Miss Elizabeth have returned to their home in Philadelphia after visiting at the home of her parents, Mr .and Mrs. Thos. Scott. Mrs .Chas Campbell and chldrehr, ;Patrick` St., returrted-'Thursday: 'froxrr" a visit to friends in Sudbury, Sault St Marie, Bruce t Mines and other Al- goma points. Mr .and Mrs. R. H. Hunt and fam- ily, motored to Niagara, Buffalo, and Welland cities, also other pointe. Mr. Alvin Burke of Listowel also accom- paned them. No vigorous legislation has been adopted and our people are leaving in thousands far the United States. Vote for MacEwan and stable Gov- ernment. -1 t. Miss M, E. Rowarn Ra . N., of Toron- to, is visiting hersister, Mrs. W. J. Adams, Shuter Sti et. Miss Rowan has returned from a two months tour on the continent. Rev. M. M. Bennett and Mrs. Ben- nett have returned from their holidays at Oakville, and Mr. Bennett is oc- cupying his pulpit in Wingham Un- ited church again. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Fairbanks of Grimsby, and Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Webster of Burlington, visited with Mrs. Elizabeth Pocock an Sunday. Mrs. Webster is a sister. Mr .and Mrs. H. A. McCall, former- ly of Winghain and Bluevale, motor- ed up from Hamilton, and are visit- ing with friends in this vicinity. Her many friends will be pleased to know that Mrs. McCall has recovered from injuries received in a motor accident several months ago. A pleasant evening was spent at the homeofMrs,Arde, Edward St., when her daughter, Miss Jean, cele- brated the anniversary of her birth- day on Sept. 5th. A few of her friends were treated to a corn roast, and the remainder of the eyeing was spent in music and games. Mindy and MO, Black - Alton, vis - Mrs. Levi Lott. Rev C. Homuth of E welcome caller at Mrs. cock's last Friday.. Mr .and Mrs. Fred Staples of Stev- ensville, visited with Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Bell, Morris. The garden party at Sacred'ifeart church, Winghain, drew a lar e crowd on Tuesday evening. Miss A. Maguire, Nurse of Detroit, visited with her sister, Mrs. John Dennison, Patrick St . Ivir .and Mrs. Ted. Elliott of Detroit are visiting in Winghain with their, mother, Mrs. Carson. Miss Lilian McEwenel Saginaw, visited her parents, M lnd Mrs. J. tu D. McEwen last week. Mr. Orval Strothers of New Ham- burg spent a couple of days at the home of Mr. T. J. McLean, Mrs. C M. Dickenson, of Toronto, is visiting at the home of her daugh- ter, Mrs .W. A. Gailbraith.' Miss Margaret Tyndall of Listo- wel, spent the week end at the home of Mr, and Mrs. R. J. Tyndall. Mrs.,Edminston and son of Drunibo visited her friend, Mrs. R. E. Hether- ington,. 1st line Morris for a few days. Miss Mabel Walsh has returned to her duties • as teacher in Preston, af- ter spending the vacation at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Burgman have returned home after spending ing their holidays at Detroit, Windsor and Port Huron. Mrs. Jas .Edgar and daughter Fran- cis, spent last week in Southampton with the fornmer's daughter, Mrs. Headon. mvood, was a Elizabeth Po - Will Preach in Belgrave; The Reverend H, W, Snell, B, A. of St. Paul's' church;Stratford, will con- duct Harvest Thanksgiving services at Trinity ch,rch, Belgrave, on Sunday, September 26th, at 2.30 p.m, Highway Traffic Acts. A ,G: Smith, issuer of motor ver hide permits at Winghain, has just received a.shipment of 1926 Highway Traffic Acts, l which we are giving out to all motorists who call for same at' The Advance -Times office, r. ,on' Centre St., it ti the near fu Ensign Wheeler has resumed her work in 'Toronto after spending the summer with her mother, Mrs. H. Wheeler, Catherine St. Mr .W, .5. Howson has leased the residence on Shuter . St.,owned by Mrs. R. Vint, and intends moving from John St.' in a few weeks. The regular monthly meeting of the Women's Auxiliary for the Winghain General Hospital will be held in the. Council Chambers, on Monday .after- noon, September 14th, at 3.45. Mr: and Mrs ,William Holt returned on Monday for their home in New York, after visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs, William Austin, : They will go home via Toronto, and Mon- treal, Mr. S. M. Hare, Forest, motored to Bluevale and spent t Mr.J. "wtieek'end with and Mrs, • aby .i Mrs. Hare and son Jack, accfcmpanied hint' home after spending two weeks with her parents. Mr .and "Mrs. Frank Galbraith Md..,. little daughter, motored up from Tor: onto for the holiday. They were ac- companied home by their parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Galbraith, who will spend a few days at the Exhibition. Mr. A .J. Snell of Toledo, Ohio, is spending a couple of days .in town re- newing old acquaintances , Albert has a great love for the town of his birth, and would like to know when the boys at home are going to have another Old Boy's Re -union, Mr...and Mrs..Ered.:Hill of London,' Mr. .and Mrs. A. Buttery and Misses Josephine and Mary Jane of Detroit, Mr ,and Mrs. H. H. Buttery, and son Richard of Detroit, visited over the holiday at the home of their parents, Mr, and Mrs. A. Buttery, Scott St. Mr. Alex .Murdie, who has been the popular clerk in McKibbon's Drug Store for the past four years, has gone to attend the Ontario College of Pharmacy at Toronto. He is suc- ceded in the drug store by Mr. Clyde Loutitt, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Loutitt ,Shuter St. The regular monthly meeting of the Missionary Society of St. Andrew's Presbyterian church will be held on Tuesday, September 1q:th, commencing at 3 o'clock. Subject, "Prayer and the Missionaries," will be given by Mrs. Lloyd. A cordial invitation is ex- tened to all the ladies of the congre- gation to .attend. Among those who attended Toronto Exhibition were: Alderman J. W. and Mrs. Hanna, Miss Helen Preston, Miss Janet Murray, Mrs. John McColl, Mrs. Beckwith, 1Jr. Lawrence Pearin, Mr. \\r, P. McCool, Mr. Dean Scott, Wal- ter Lockeridge, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Currie, Miss Blanche Irwin, Mr. John Wilkinson, Mr. George Finley, Mr. Wm. Stokes, Mr. Mark Cassels, and Mr, Will Currie. Mr. and Mrs, Jas .A. Patterson, who. has been spending a few weeks with friends and •acquaintances in Winghain and vicinity, have left for their hoarse is Tor- onto, o` n Man, They 'n B oissi�t a Y g i , onto, where they intend to take in the C. N. E. exhibition, and visit some friends on the way . They are. accompanied by Mr, O. Strong who goes with them to their home in the west. Duiiug the past five years the King• Government devoted all their energies to keep in power, Vote for ktacilwan and stable, Government. -1t, ANSWER TO WHERE JOHN W. KING STANDS BY FOLLOWING ISSUE OF FARMER'S SUN (Advertisement) As was to be expected, the Conservative Party Press has gone to the very limit in making political capital of the Sun's objections to fusion candidates in the forthcoming election, One paper goes so far as to .say that there is growing evidence that the U.P.O. vote in Ontario will liac'up almost solidly behind the Couserva+ive cause, But in case there may be any tendency on the Part of Cotiservatives to become unduly puffed up at this prospect,, The Sun hastens to assert. that any disposition of the U.F.O. vote in Ontario to Hite np solidly behind the. Conservative cause would be calamity of the 10reatest magnitude, Fertherreore, nothwithstanding Premier ivfeighcn's Vagueinodifi- cations of his tariff proposals attuned to the ears of, his western aud- iences, the 1irriff policy of ills party is too well known 'to warrant the belief that the U. F. O. vote will be stampeded into lining up with the apostles of 'high protection, Premier Mcigh:en will haveto hide the high protection pill in a lot more jam than is contained itt his vague r t promises to aid in the developing of co-operative market- ing, before the U.F.O. vote will be disposed to swallow it. brailin Charlie 5aYs 1t may be hhLh' Utah who has ccic *t~cl t' 1~ lois doe ta: falik‘tery niuch becattstt of tib sechtsoit he Oros atcustorqea O-