HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1926-09-02, Page 4SCHOOL OPENIN SPECIALS Hercules Fo°ea. Pen $100. This is ate English made pen, the equal of any $nevi pen on the market—Self filler ana every pen guaranteed. Free - A 5ic Leacl Pencil With every l - oc. Scribbler (ria pages) or sot: Exercise B'ook. Sc Scribblers or Exercise Books :.,..:..... ,,8for 26c Special - Prey 5c ''Scripto et Pencil' pto Pock Wth each purchase of a packages of Script Leads at 23c each (a years supply for bay ter girl.) you will get a Sec Pen- cil cil FREE.. McKibbon's Drug -tor e Win Sre ie+ahais. Ont. Phone 53 You save with safety at your Rexall Drug Store ROOMERS W-kNTED Apply Mrs. M. J. Waterrs,, Frai�ices St. ei HAM ADVANCE -TIMES -------_ 11{a41G�1T}! [c it{i1{1>IM 1{tulE 1'{.3 {€�&?fl ll'�f 1•SCHOQL FAIR DATES, 906 ..----- --�--' Grand Rend i Here aria There r nslie — Dashwood � le Crediton Winchelsea Thursday, September 2nd, 1926 Sept. a III � � ; $, ,��:�., � � , �, Sept. Sept. ao i 11 Wroxeter „ (Gerrie°, Msept, ? 1:W R „t.,,�„�,� �. R� ���v _ �1 BOYS'SXO6S _ t inept. x3 # ` B6YS� SHOES: in Sautliern Alberta will reach the � � QQkI 000 pound snarl; this *ear Of is Sep# 2, It is anticipated that the wool clap a -- .iE' OAP. .rl9 "- -� la duan Co-operative Wool Growers' oil > y E Q Association., fleeces this y The i It Septe t 78 p' 'Tv. Sept�1 will be handled through the Cana It GrOderfleS. t t Chinaware Sept. rs . Ids a million and. a quarter pounds 14 X • r,L = Sept. Blnevale Ashfield Helens e1 ens .-., Colborne 1� A Whole are stated to be unusually large. That �_ ---_-- yi pule d l to 113 Per Lb. 110e. BLUEVALE Army of W Canada, in proportion Fo '- Have you tried it. Everybody tion, bas more golf courses than the j r lip �t �t'e lev jolinstoia and family of i U "left States With, its 6Q courses h spending too , ei q i tourists to Inas their lU = that has es it. : .. 1 vault Sr. Marie o are there is no need for the summer ef q eels on :a motor trip, called on ilk game. Ontario friends in around Ehnevale last -week. , leads with 160; Quebec, f0; Alberta, Mrand airs. W. J. Sleminon of 60; Saskatchewan, 53; Manitoba, 51; rea. Monday last 1f El ght Miss .i � British Columbia, 39; ?tpva Scotia, It ffi Come Here for Genuine 17; New Brunswick, 11; Prince EdeHealth Brown Bread ward Island, 3.si Breslau visited at. Mr Ed Johnston s on e Mrs Wm. Clark and daughter, ai Mary of Palmerston, visited with 1' on the I.nt tan.., �. The recent appointment of the Rt. Zion. Reginald Mcxenna, former Chancellor of the Exchequer of the British Government,. and E. R. Pea- cock, a director of tore Eamon Bank ti= friends and relativese ''..� 1t��i E��L11���4tR Tea id -•. � MiAi3rS, a few days last week Rev and Mrs. T. C. i iik-inson, a al- de pastor at B Users of our $5c Tea are -mer It is really ecILL - ways pleased. of Baring Brothers,. to the director- � � because goes a long lite of the Canadian Pacific ee Bail- = onomicalecaus way, has caused very favorable = way. dial*. I ;i comment in Canadian and E iee- financial circles. The annual acs•= -Canada educe- t 1 heTea a d Coffee for eee- auspices. ©f the Cain+ tan pacific SZ• railway', terminated recently at To- ronto and Professor Sinclair Laird, Dean of Macdonald college, who was in charge of the pari, of over 100 teachers, students and professional men, stated that their entire trip had been an unqualified success. tional tour 'earthed out under r'lic • 1131+X111;�11i511411f1i!1151111111111111i 1111e11i1� BRUSSELS Charles Pope, Brussels, will dormerlues-ale now ata- „,_ #.coned at Gests, Essex County, were III visitors in our burg last week. Mrs. Robt. Harris and sons, also a Miss Elsie Stewart of Cedarville, vis- ited ler. Ed..Johnston s on Sunday. IS They were acompanied home by' Miss 1 Mabel Jobnston s on Sunday az n Mabel Jobnston, Sr,bo resumes her dai- elle ties as teacher of Cedarville school. Johnston's Ladies' Aid meets on Wednesday- of this week at rhe home j E of Mrs. C. B. Forrest- , i The regular monthly meeting of the Telephone 23 — El his model compound steam engine at the Toronto Exhibition this year. The whole machine, from the ending of the first boiler plate to the last stroke Over 3,000 tickets were sold re- ee the paint brush was completed by cantly for the annual picnic and out- ?Mr- Pope .The work was done during ing of the Angus Shops in Montreal ileisure hours, which extends over five 1 to Ste. Rose, which proved the most years; the patterns, core -boxes, and successful ever held. Prominent every single piece being made and ma- officials w'ho took' part .n. the day's ,chined by himself . The engine is a outing were. Mr. Grant Hail, vice- acomplete model of a compound road liresideni of the Canadian Pacific 1b0c0rn0t. mounted on springs, back Railway; ,�fohn 'Burns, 'works man. and font, and the engine is designed ager at she Angus shops:, I. D. Muir, with a specially designed (combined 4 essrasit' wore manager, and W Isteam•chest and cylinders, which were 1 Peterson,. shop engineer. entirei5 evolved by Mr. Pope. storm' Satu B fat the home of Miss C. Jewitt on Thursday, Sept. 9th, at 2,3o pens Mr. Jamieson evil 'give an address. Mrs. P. D. Bing Neill give a paper and the roll call Swill be answered with my fa - Miss ante song . The ladies ., i -welcome. Miss Margaret Mcreag of= School Shoes ALL READY TO' DEFY THE ONSLAUGHTS OF SCHOOL WEAR TRAP �`.. This is the news we want every parent to know STRAP ' HOES, TIES, LOW SHOES, HIGH SHOES -- every style S I school .day! In every pair sound eleI JR if 111 It : ready for the first :eventfu workmanship and honest materials! PLEASING PRICES $2.00 to 4.O Sole Agent for Hurlbut Shoes for Children. J. GREER liaev,ale Woman's institute, will Qe The, rain anti hail - r - o H 1 decor-dli aced,soft and. heed water an e e - by C.P.R. hi the case of aman whose ! cuing dielconsiderable damage o t t: Alfred St.ed wieile ' •d HOUSE TO 12E'_�l'T—,=`sew y I*roxaiptaess First -Ala lien nig storm ou Sar�rday afternaoom and ev- d lch la truc lights., House on _ leg was completely LOST—Ye lGW collie dog with tag -. <,i2 ,'. berry. Anyone know- ing Tarnberry. of his whereabouts kindly noti- fy John A. Kelly, Route 2, Wing - harm WANTED—S.ale'S girls. Apply to H. E. Isard & Co HOT.5E AND LOT FOR SALF— To close an estate,. small cash pay- ment, ay ment, easy terms for balance. ,. p- 3a1:�' to Robt. Allen, TRACTOR FOR SALE—S16 inter- national,silos. national, suitable Cor filling , Apply to Howard ��'all srasoai, Phon E3 -I6. Bribe -els. _ ��] /'+[,���I�' OMIT. It YY INGHAM,, THEla it 111122112222223 WOE 32 22122121112 2222222214 GOOD SHOE STORE It ;o; Miss Monk and. Mrs. Monk of eta v C ht Ch+ca Toronto• also Nee. John MonkLITICAL Miss Louise .(Bonk of Beamsv-slle, in spent a few days with Mrs. A. H. Cooms. Mr- Robt. Shaw took charge of the services in the United church on Sun-4a- -day un E -dd gave a ver} nue sermon, The er- MEETING ay and Pastor, Rev. Mr. Walden will be back !c f gin his -vacation for next Sunday. j In the interests of the Conservative Candidate r Mr. Alex .Evans shipped a cat o3 9 s the on Saturday, Mr. F. Black, al- 011- sever I e3* at �, � G Armstrong's. .Apply i work unloading the S crops nal this district.ldo oats an ca h b flattened erl don n whin j *also shipped a car of cattle and one a to Mrs. B. ' @ was �. scorn have been r a fen - ellontroyal'r at Quebec recently un- , have been stripped of large of bogs. visited J. Dolan#sou, Eos nos, ilir ,iTafailaceburg. elaubt wily saved the mazes life; ac- ?trees tee s and branches Mr. and Mrs. Geo. - Thomson v sa ; ee- t oyaL to the surgeon of. end "Mora- byCunningham, passed y relatives in Guelph over Sunday i gMiss l:.yel?,sa Casal." The First Aid rendered I Mr. and Mrs. W. T, Masters spent �vw-ith first class honors in the l.sppz'r Sundayr.with relatives at astereter. ICel Sergeant Ile Can and i fic Rail- ai - 'School Eti ansinations. way, - a the Canadian Pacific b ponied to laaQe been ;he , Dr. C. Ci Ramage, formerly of CookMiss Louise Patton is spending a of Roomers or Boarders Wanted--APPsv to Mrs. Wallace Hough, opposite park•, or Box 396. Coal 11 Heater $3.00, Fire 'place 'screen and grate; also second hand cool;, stove an good condition,— Thompson and Buchanan, Hardware. way', - re means saving the injured maws 1 stowcia, sopened up offices over e life. tStandard Bank at Erusesis, for the a general practise of dentistry. .e Canadian owned Ayrshire cow, '!, The Misses Hunter of the Variety a a store, have advertised it for sale and will give possession the .:first of Oz - "N ' Osborne of Etmsh d the '16th," owned by W. C. Wyllie, of LOST — Hound, color white and. Howick, has displaced the American black and tan,,. answers to name of owned. &shire for the world's re- Cry. Anyone who... can give infer- Cor{( milk and butter production for 'tial -win ' £Dti-da official; * Z.rT'i� - S � recovery ...e. en �.siia'waoii,that will lead to re ov r� _ ,1 tlai� -breech. receive reward. — C. R. Willeinson, .tet she produced 21,241 pounds a3: FOR SALE - Two residential Phone 19 i\� sngham - properiies with god lots in village cif Wroxeter For full particulars apply—W.A. Rutherford . i. FARM FOR SALE =- lob acres f viii -icc land in the township „of E..8 " 'awaie sla, all in first cuass state of ,. cult.v`utien, an excellent farm for eith- j er ero'p or picture. Will be stdie reas-',4 �onab;v . For further particuiaes ap- :1 to The voter's lists for the township. tai of Morirs have been, completed here been posted up. The list con- tains the names,. of those vrho are ens - .s - iniln and 909 pounds or butterfat. titled to vote at Municipal or General The Previous reeo'ri production for ;Elections to the Legislative Assembly. f the sante nurn'ber of days -was 18,266 P02. SALE or RENT — Residence ,' cads of'milk and X39 of butter - f the late H: Davis ,?Centre. Street. n Apel on premises or to J. E. Dais Sae Logan Ave, Toronto . FOR SALE—Ford Tudor `19z m lel ;I in first-class condition, splendid ano- tor....Apply Box C, The Advance - ply o- Time, ply to --Jas. F. Yong. Route e, ';'Ping- 1 �lr�t VOTERS' LIST x9.16 with in Jan. R. Beattie. T'i�tion to Canada fox the first two months of the fiscal year amounted to 36,113, according to an a-_f�,ir.a�I statement issued by. the De- partment of Ianreigratfon and Colon- ization. illation. This is an increase of 11,- 791 over the same two months a year ago. Immigration for May ed n included which is the latest mcg tui s IN MEMORIAM Lepard In loving memory of ar es E. Lepard, who died Sept. 6th, 1925. In sorrow we waited day by day, And watched hien suffering there, a- J. A. ac ;ASN H. will be held in the ern rial Hall, Blyth at 2 p. m., on eve weeks with Fiends at Toronto z Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hall spent Thurs., Sunday with relatives in Howiek Mr. and Mrs. J. Musgrove of Wrox- eter will be addressed by spent Sunday with Mr. 'm Themeeting Thornton. - Messrs Robt. and Geo. Stewart t, 9th Milton spent a few days with rely F e. e5 he Mrs. Rob#, Musgrove is spending WI of ti v- a . Hon. couple' of weeks wit hToronta friends. MTS. las. Masters visited friends at Torontolast week F.!. `Col. Hugh Clark and others, Mrs Griffiths, and son, 'Fred, have ' il returned to Montreal after spending a et couple of months at theft stammer a home here. ;l 1 Mr. Burns Moffatt is at Paisley re- Hering the assistant this week. 1 ldlll llt11 Arthur eighen iTt IE. 1. EVERYBODY WELCOME Ladies Specially Invited. "GOD SAVE THE KING" >a1l livanaull'11 {livai bill?;11 nium111u11iellinIlit®1111I11�111>I@I11 i1:�1 f e 11a111Pf117E!{.a�l!a 1 Mrs. M. Sellars spent a few days „this week with friends at Toronto. r Mr, Harold Holmes axed friend Miss iSlovvly but surely pa -sing away - spent a fesv dura From the pain he could not bear. M. Blair of Detroit, he suffered in patience he at his home here. ilea silence Mr and Mrs. John Geddes of Bel - 1 'called lata luorne to suffer grave were visitors at Miss Martha fid an the statement, was 18,62 this 1.fall God ca e Cao more' Fraser"s on Sunday . C S' eSed with: 18,338 last has Peace at last. Mrs. Charles Garniss is visiting teeensiii i of Three ear, as corals tad in Inm eta. NOV -s f T y -•e in , yu .rt*d years, eh_.ce,. one . a . SALE—Two 13tdrliarti �i2. one Mcrp 1ty o , Comity €at �Iaa-leaf. - year. British inixnaigt:•ation hasfriends in Toronto. err, elevate a 1525, to "Noticed is hereby given that I ii e et ease from 6,559 in. May, i of an n sit d think of hire Miss Laura Holmes left this week sa: . y i e c93 6 int 322:y, 1926. .For the same : Then i tan an gone, for Wolverton where alae teaches a ',tete fill nAct �Cd�+12+� X93, Sf $ 3 �� immigration fret :. jixnttecl I For 'iv'Jentoa a Ye`.:the only frle'idd, sng,iy �•and that leave postedmonths " Lists Act � ` :ce+- a sed from 1.,, iliaii "*rie'� Caa3• Call its Own, it' gALE_..i�'ne Steel .;nes at Township nship of Turn- ;, States has increa s _ :� � ails at y�._, tbFs3 faoaas otteer coaan�cnes• 5,i12�.! Days i�f' Sadness still conte ere m A. 'G' to Fred L. Davidson, Boxes? ,ten � � #lt da>,� of-u�.ast, t�251 �. flow, ..'� ;s.t ui:+ all '35er �ea5s entitled S+i7 vete ; a y,.,.. _ ; _ ;the For memory keeps hint ever near nil enee i.+3 p� .:'r'ral. T..4v''"c5.w A tis a -• were.. .Sl."'�.Jsxj` sv �,.$ir5. � `�'• rel Tank, es barrels. For sale cheap -^,+r lriafw e "67 iso'lT �e, the said inh�csgality at M napes was nnade frons the e o 'file died one year ago. �;raaomi..in ,c'I'h .�:;]� and that such lasut. '1'i.:.�`:a'i C pp - berrw, be '} �`0 8 ss €1. � Tears in silence r , le-ANTED—Gel • ri_ _ be ,tiquarters of the Canadian Pa -;3 F ARM mad :t 9i' PO SALE .- cls ��.... wbh ` �:.:y bull I ? Aad 1 hereby ,ill, nsp�ata all' vo#els 'i .C' ria i Yee `:rl .. ke Ito ea din s to 1 hags, t erj' r` stables, vtin .�. ti� ey F.`e y .ak... mediate `. e meet x?n a e eta., at Tees le ate! ' cave any a'^d all et eers or oared . i pals' * " 1 x n tee )::..rune been '� i, o etv i aoteed stag to law. t, C ry , ; thise day of August, w AD. 'i lim''L._"�Si, a3,y.-Fee W "'r=�.%` w r�3'` ,i3zw7 ,iu,._ w y it teats. s iv ,: gre -s..s M--. S rt -- linte ,, et. jw 'o,, i lite e- i" ry k SALE.' e riei , wens re,l fwd Pollee •r' ,:-a IG .e e e ere ta:telt. $3nr c U V a w t Y G r• e .. ."a''i5'•i:...:r. Bite l e " Zee " w �g Yd ,y. F .y "'� f eerie 7 w n out, ecsps ha>rltiieLe4. n ikele ale I'vep Clerk ECTI011 OFFICIALS IN NORTH HURON ._tri. «;sS$,til S. Jx . "aN W L, - .1 : 4Is i -3-:?,2.6:;.. rr ca#rr t e war °'w 5 is I $1:00 r n+tia t 11:ac:1*al h..e:.eee �? .s"„ eattlise. ) I . ',1 way Comassilasiiers. • GxFeaiv i messed by cifie Railway at Montreal rcoen y l His Wife e retirenieet otaaffioB. general Jewett. h from the services of the Company for E ot'tbti't'rfttl Truustturtutiols school. Mr. and Mrs. George Ituttan and `d:rn. were isitors at ;two sons of I -ie, -e .sand. Mrs. Milton Smiths, and L. r . 'w. Ruttan's on Sunday. and Mr. Harold Holmes, Miss Blair, uisses Laura. and Jessie olnaes; Mrs, Charles Euwright and two eltildren, which he has served for Lforiee 'd tontintaraus yeas . is r reg doe as ene of the outstan'ding authorities on rail rates, and, el - though relieved from active official1 duties at Isis own 'request, he wiIIl tri } retained in the company's service in, order that bis ~ °i knowledge and. long experience in traffic matters 4 may be available inconnection with 3>, enquiries bore the. 'Board. of R•a1'd. • >Wd . F. Bredges, Sse 'oo 11 spent Saturday at Kincardine. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hewitt, acocm- aanied by friends of Guelph, spent the week end, at Mrs. Hewitt's mother, t Mr. M. Seltzer's. They were accom- panied panied home by their daughter, and n ' girl friend. Mr r .and Mrs. Robe Aitcheson and i children, and Mr. and Mrs. Whitney Stewart, spent Sunday at Mr. and Mrs Will Abrams'. Rev. and Mrs. John Hutton Jr„ of Montieth, New Ontario, were visitors last week at the forrner's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Hutton's. Mrs. Will Clark .and daughter of iainierston ,spent a few days Visiting friends and relatives in and arouaad Bluevale. Mrs. Snell returned home after spen- ding a week with her daughter, Mrs._ Charles Co ultes, Mrs.. Fellow and two children re- turned home onaTuesday, after spend- ing some time with her brother, err.. George , Greenaway. The people ' of the village are vera* sorry to hear of the illness of Mr's. J» Moffatt, who is ill in the Wingham General Ilosptal. kir. Leslie Hetherington returned to his school ie. Toronto on Monday, af- ter spending the holidays tinder the parental roof. he "5 goE Bide P history -fa se lizg at ttJleLowest Price !Or*kith .Chevrolet ZSswever been &old qn• tinada. Let 'tour'alewrrnle deolonstra:adza chase wilderPaynatitt t ,er (mows that, .iencash the hood, -es that mill cot fail cy, while tev' its it'sfc.ass,., that makes slow —2 and satisfaction.. Roadster 4640 Sport Roadster - 715 Ton ting: - 640 Sport Touring - 115 Coupe - gId Sedgy 930 Landau. Sedan - 9;0 Coutaaercial Chassis 49S Utility Express 730 All Prices at 1:'aCtory 1"axes LrtI& an