HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1926-09-02, Page 1•
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Child Mangl6ci, In Hinder
Election Official In North Huron
Just North of Palmerston
For Corning Federal Election
at her home on the second concess-
- ion Minto Township, two miles north
of Palnierstorz, suffering painful in-
juries inflicted by a binder, feauled by
t team of horses driven ,by her fatly
er . Her condition is serious, and
the escape of her brother is mirac-
ulous . •
The accident occurred about two
p.m. Saturday, -ore the Daniond farm
when Lilian, playing with her four
year-old brother, wandered into a
tall field of grain where her father was
at work harvesting, Not having the
least idea that the children' were in
• e v c n ty of the field, he drove!
without warning onto the children.
The bo Y was little the worse, for his
experience, but Lilian'was terirbly In-
jured, and had the right arm cut off
below the elbow. Her recovery ' is
uncertain .
Agricultural Society Directors
Directors and oficers of the Turn -
berry Agricultural Society will meet in
the council chamber, Wingliarn, on
Wednesday night, Septernbek 8th. The
boys intend putting over •a big fair
.at Wingharn on October 7.th and 8th,
The Farmer's Sun, the political
organ of the United Farmers of
'Ontario, an organization presided
sever by T. S. Morrison, has pene-
• trated the folly of the fusion. can-
didates; that is, from the staralpoint
of the future of the farmers a
cgs Province. That organ has
discovered the real meaning of the
Liebral-Progressive candidate and
• since it recognizes that fusion is
nothing more than a ruse on. the part
••of the Liberals to get a farmer vote,
• it•earcie out in its latest edition with
two editorials which constitute an
•exposure of the whole political trick.-
In the course of these editorials
• it said:
" . . The most complete
confusion still exists in the kinds of
the large proportion of the U, F.
.0. membership. ....No doubt, follow-
-big the forthcoming Federal el-
ution, and after the Provincial el -
talon has been disposed of; 'the Pro-
gresive party; being duly swallowed,
as it will be swallowed by the' Lib-,
,,-eral party, farmers through -out the'
• 'length and breadth of the Province
'will suddenly awaken to the nature
7'of the cul de sac into which the Pro-
gressive -party has led. them. • . ."
With regard to the situation. in
:Northumberland, where W. A. Pre -
:sere Mayor of Trenton, is running as
„an Independent -Progressive- U F.0..
The Sun states:
What the Sun can.„
not understand is, how even a man
of Mr, Fraser's virile versatility can
_ride four political • horses all at the
same time. .....If he is Independent,
:how oan he be Liberal? • And if he
• .ie liberal, how can he be indepen-
. dent? He is not the only candidate
• who is trying to be U.2.0. and a
' Progressive both at the same ,time,
:but so far as the Sun is aware, he
is the only 'candidate who takes all
four groups to his bosom.
• e • "The fact ,of the matter is, this
man, Fraser is a Liberal, and for
this we have no fault to find with
:itim. But the Liberals are out to
;beat the 'Tories.
" What,' however, grieves, The
:Sun, is that at .this time, we find in
• 'the present campaign as in the
:Northumberland County, the Fax
`niers, under various group names,
-merely appendages of the Liberal
Tarty, It appears very much as
'though the IT.F.0, membership in
'llorthumberland County, has meek.
.ly permitted the wool to be pulled
over its eyes, and to allow' itself to
•'be tied to the tag -end of the Liber-
• .al party, like ,one of the paper tails
-a little boy ties on to the tag -end
of his kite
• The Farmers' Sufi ,having • dis-
covered that a Liberal trap has
•been set for the farmee vote) •
li• the form of Liberal.ProgrOSSive aab,-
didates, has sprung the trap. Xt
remains for the farmers of Ontario
no that their official organ hat
Warned them of this political, trick.,
ery to bear in mind on °Motion day
and to avoid voting for Liberal -Pre.,
gressive eanditiateS • merely because
they bear that misleading name,
1,2•;.irg••••••••••,,,,,, ,i44444.•6.)144,1111,fitirg.,••••40gi
The following is a list of the Regis-
trars and Deputy Returning Officers
in North Huron,'appointed for the el-
ection of September 14th
HOWICK No. x - John H. Dixon,
Registriee and William Crawford, D.
R. 0.
HOWICK No. 2 -- Fred Mahood,
Registrar, and Geo. Hubbard, D. R.
HOWICK No. 3 - Dr. James Arm-
strong,. Reiistrar, and D. W.- Dane,
and Wilford King, D. R. 0. •
HOWICK No. 4 -- Miss •Minnie
Graham, Registrar, and James Walk-
on and Norman Harding, D R. 0,
HOWICK No, 5 -Albert E. Toner,
HOWICK No, 6 -- William Spence,
Registrar, and John W. Spence, D. R.
WROXETER. No. e - George J.
Town, Registrar, and Fred Davey, D.
TURNBERRY No. x --, Roy Por-
ter, Registraradncl Robert Deyell and
Roland Grain, D. R. 0. ,
TURNBERRY No. 2 -Robt. Mus-
grove, Registrar, and Thos Stewart,
• TURNBERRY - No. 3 - Robt.
13reen, Registrar, and Gordon Wray
D. R. 0.
TURNBERRY No. 4 - John D.
Metcalfe, Registrar, and Samuel Mar-
shall D. R. 0.
WINGHAM No.. x Harold Bu-
chanan, Registrar, and J. Edgar Patt-
ison, D. R. Q.
WINGHAM No. 2 - A. G. Smith,
Registrar, end Charlie Boevden, D. R.
WINGHAM No„ 3- Wm. H. Han-
ey, Registrar ,and• and R. H. Lloyd,
and A. L. Hingston, D .R. 0. •
WINGHAM No .4-D. E. McDon-
ald, Registrar, and Thos R.1 Garrett
and Edward; Nash, D .R. 0.
WINGHAM No. 5 -- Thos. Bower,
Registrar, and W. I. Miller, D,R.O.
Potter, Registrar and Walter 5, McGill
D. R. 0.
M. Bennett Registrar, and Cyrus W.
Scott, D. R. 0.
Kerr, R.kegistrar, and Allan V. Pettis -
on, D.' R.. O.
McBurney, Registrar, and Mrs. Rose -
term Chamney D. R. O.
Leslie Buchanan, Registrar and D R.
BLYTH No. 1-J. G, Cmigh, Regis-
trar and Jos. Stewart, D 0.
•• BLY.TH No 2,e -A. W. Robinson,
Registrar and Prank Bainton, D. R.
Mole, Registrar, ancl,Arthur Culbert,
IVIary Ellen McNeil Registrar ,and R.
Medd D. R. 0.
Cameron, Registrar and, Geo. McRob
erts, D. R. 0.
Durrtin, Registrar and Lorne Wood
Miller, Registrar, and Wallace Miller
Thompson, Registrar, and R .Chain -
nay, D. R. 0.
ASHFIELD No, x John Johrie-
ton, Registrar, and J. Balfour Simp-
son D. R. O.
ASHFIELD No. 2 - Samuel N. Al-
ton, Registrar and Roy Alton, D. R.
ASHFIELD No. 3 --Fred Anderson
Registrar, and Wrn. B. Ritchie, D. R.
ASHFIELD No. 4-. Wm. Hawk-
ins Registrar, and John Tigent, D. R.
ASHFIELD No. 5 -- George Coll-
inson, Registrar, and Dennis Sullivan,
D. R. 0.
ASHFIED No. 6 -- Miss Emma M.
Rose, Registrar, and Daniel Long, D.
ASHFIELD No. 7 ---James McNain
Registrar, and Frank Hamilton, D. R.
Colborne No. r Mrs. S. E. Gard-
ner, Regist`ear, and C. A. Vanstone,
D. R 0
Colborne No 2 - Mrs, A. J. Gold-
thorpe, Registrar, and W, S, Symonds
D. R. Q.
COLBORNE No. 3 - Mrs. Jarvis
McGride, Registrar, and Alden Allen
D. R. 0.
COLBORNE No. 4 --• Mrs. Wrn.
Vrooman, Registrar, 'and Win. Vroo-
rnan, D. R, 0.
GREY No. x J. J. McCutcheon,
Registrar, and Bernice Payn, D. R. 0.
Grey No 2 - Mrs. Robt Tyerman,
Registrar ,and Robt Tyerman, D. R..
• GREY. No. 3 - Silas Johnston,
Registrar and Fred Oster, D R. 0.
GREY No. 4 - Fred Cox, Regis-
trar and Alex Spierman, 0 .R .0.
GREY No. 5 --- W.\H Love, Regis-
trar, and Cecil Bateman and Leslie
Earl, D R. 0.
Grey No. 6 -- Th'os, Mills, Regis-
R.egistrar, and Robt Bowes, D. R. 0.
GREY No. 7 - Harvey Hunter,
Registrar, and 5, H. Armstrong, D, R
BRUSSELS No r Robt J Bow-
man, Registrar, and Alvin Hunter and
Alfred W Dennison, D. R., 0.
BRUSSELS No .2 - 5. C Baker,
Registrar and Angus Campbell, D. R.
MORRIS No. x Robt. Wallace,
Registrar, and John Brown, D. R. 0.
MORRIS No. 2 - Frank A. Kelly,
(Continued on Page 4)
The following table shows the total votes cast in Manitoba. for
the various political Parties in the • Canadian general eleciions of
492/ and 1925:-
• Parties.
192.1 1925
'Election Election.
42,218 70,241
29,386 •34554
75,578 • 46,067
251581 19,325
. •, 172,76,$' 170,287
• r. The total votes cast in the two elections were about the same.
-2 The Conservative vole increased from 42(218 to 70,341r -a gain
of 66 per cent.
3. The Liberal vote increased from 29,386 to 34,554-a gain of
only Ty per cent.
• 4.' The Frogressive declined faom 75,553 to 46,067-a loss of 39
per cent, •
5. The votes for other, parties than the above declined front
• 25,58x, to 19,325-a loss of 24 per cent.
6. By far the greatei number of the votes lost by the Progress-
ive and other partiesywent,to the Conservatives. ,
7, 111,1021, the Conservatives did no win' a single seat in the
Province of .Manitoba, In 1925, the Conservatives Won 7 out oA17
seats, the Liberals won i, the Progressives 7, and Labor 2. In addi-
• tion to the 7 seats they won, the Conservatives came close to winning
4 More, in which there Nvere'straight contests between Conservative
and Progressive candidates, as follow -
Constituencies, • Conservative; Progressive: Majority
BRANDON .„.. 5,428 6,411 •083
DAVPHIN .. . . ..... . .. . .. ... 4,883 5402 • 219
LISGAR .. , .... .. . . .... ..... . 2,736 3,112 376
NELSON •.... . 2,14,3• 2,485 342
• In the !present election, the Conservatives have good prospects
of winning: I.14lidon, pattphin, Lisgar, • Nelson anti St. Poniface,
where a prominent VrenclaCenadian is Conservative candidate, They
also tope to tapture Winnipeg North and Winnipeg North Cettre
fr0111 the two 5OCIA•liSt6,.
• .• (Advertisement)
h Respected
Man GoesHome
Mr, John Cooper ,a highly respected
old gentleman, passed to his eternal
Rest, -on Monday morning, at the
bone of his son -iii law, Mr. W. .G.
oa ter, two miles, south of Wingharn,
Fr years, Mr .and Mrs. Cooper res-
ided on John St., in Winghant ,in the
house now owned by Mr. Jas. Mitche-
The Late John Cooper
ell He was aevaltied employee of Bell
factory for many years, and was sup-
erintendent of Wingham Methodist
Sunday schooll w
For the past fe
years, since the death of his wife, he
has made his home with his daughter,
Mrs. Salter, who has kindly adminis-
tered to his every need. •Deceased
was in his 82nd. year
Interment took place in Wingharn
cemetery, on Wednesday afternoon.
A little while, and then
Shall 'Come the glorious end;
And songs of angels and of new
In perfect praise shall blend.
Returning Officer
Mr. John Montgomery, Returning
Officer for North Huron, will be at
his ofifce in the Griffin Block, Wing -
ham, all day, September r4th, (Elec-
tion Day,) from 8 a.m. till ro p.m. Any
person wishing to get in touch with
him should phone 34, Wingham .
Ladies' Organization Meeting
All ladies interested in the return
19 power of the Liberal -Conservative
party, are invited to an organization
in the, council chamber, Friday Sept.
.3rd at 3.3cap.m., to organize a Ladies'
Association' for the town of Willi -
ham, in the interest of the Liberal
ConserVative candidate, H. J. A. Mac -
Two Auto Accidents
Mr. William Clettdentig was knock•
ed down by an automobile near the
corner of Alfred and Josephine Sts a
Friday evening. 7`
Mr .E. 3. Mitch 11 was struck by a
car in front of C wiord's garage on
Saturday night 4, The front whet.'s
ran over Mr .Mit H's legs, which
wers badly bruised. We are pleased
to report that both of these gentleman
are about as usual again.
Sacred Heart Church Picnic
A pleasant afternoon and evening
are assured to all who attend the
"Grand Picnic," to be held on the Sac-
red Heart church grounds, Wingham,
Sept. 7th.
• The Cominrttee in 'charge have al-
ready begun to put their designs into
effect, to pro-i7ide acocmoda,tion for a
record crowd.
At four o'clock, the "Sports Com-
mittee," have ararnged for a soft -all
game. •
From five o'clock till eight, fowl
sapper will be served, followed by a
delightful program •
Home from the West
Mr. Abner Cosens has returned to
Wingharn, having spent several'weeks
in Western Canada . While on his
trip lie met with many former Wing-
hamites' and others from the vicinty
of his old home, In Edmontott he
was surpried ,to see a familiar face
eyeing him now and again tinttronftvl
eyeing him across the room and more
surprised to find it was Mr, Robt Ma-
guire of eVingliant In this city Mr.
Conte oriet Dr. Agnew, and his wife,'
former Wingham people, also Mr, W.
IvIcQueeta ,the city treastftlete a former
Brucefield' boy. lie also met Mr,
W. Booth's brother, who is in char-
ge of a Creosote Compa,ny, A, D.
Chambers, formerly of Seaforth, and
Mr. 5. McLean of Seaforth, who, Is
an encle of Bob, McLean, former
teacher in Lower Wingham sehool.
Mr. Cosens had the misfortune to
sprain his knee while on his journey, '
He says he was mighty glad when the
train left the barren fields and'roeks
behind and sped through the beauti-
ful grain fields of 014 Ontario,
more , We believe that even Wing -
ham looked better than ever to Mr.
C080118 011 his Malta.
Local and General News of
Interest to The Community'
Mrs, (Dr.) Stewart is visiting wit
friends in Toronto
Miss P. J. Stinson was in Londoi
and Stratford last week.
Miss Minnie Kerr, of Betfehd, is
visiting Mrs. W. 5, Greer.
Mrs. W. R. Dyer, Josephine St, is
visiting with friends in Orangeville.
Mr. Fred Piper is visiting • with
friends at Amherstburg and Detroit,
Marie A. Pilon R. N. of 'rce:lonto
spent a few days with friends in town.
Miss Mildred Fitzpatrick • of De-
troit, is visiting at her home in town.
Miss Dorothy Piper is spending her
holidays with friends at Hamilton and
Mr :and- Mrs. J. H. McKay and fam-
ily spent Sunday with relatives in
Chesley .
Mrs Agnes Emerson, Paris, is vis-
iting with her sister, Mrs. W. J Boyce
Minnie St
Miss M. McPherson of Minnie St.,
has returned to Agincourt to resume
her duties.
Miss Doris Hart spent a few days
with Miss Mabel Johnson during the
past week.
Mr. Clifford Robertson coalmen-,
cid his duties as Principal of the Not-
tawa school.
Mr. Ed. Geniis has returned home
affer spending a week with relatives
in Ingersoll.
h Dr. G. T, Greig and his brother,
Roy, of Detroit, visited at Mr. and
t Mrs, W. J. Campbell's, Turnberry,
Miss Alma Ha.stie has returned t o
her home after spending the past mon
eh with her mother in Grand Forks
• Miss Bernice Lockeridge hes re-
turned home after visiting her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Wrn,' Lockeridge
of Preston
• The Women of PalmerstoreWom-
en's Institute have given $25 for the
new 'fountain to e placed in the cen-
tre of their park,:
Miss N. M. Walters, Reg, N., is
visiting with friends at Toronto and
Niagara Falls.
Mrs .W. J. Campbell, also the form-
er's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Hut-
ton, Bluevale.
Miss Florence Johnson of -Clinton,
spent a few days with her cousin,
Miss Mabel Johnson.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. McKie of Strat-
ford, spent the week -end with Mr.
and Mrs. W. J. Greer.
Misses Isabell Bremner and, Mrs.
Vernon Higgins of Torono, viisted
at Mr, Robt Mitchell's .
Mr. and Mrs. Orlando Wade of Ow-
cn Sound, called on Mr. and Mrs.
Geo Day, Dairy Farm ,
Mr. and Mrs. George Day, and Mrs.
Coles visited Mr. and Mrs. Lewis
Pridham near Harriston.
Mrs. MacPherson and family of
Holyrood, spent Sunday with Mrs. G.
Taylor, Lower Wingham.
The usual large number of people
from Wingham and vicinity, are tak-
ing in the Toronto exhibition.
Mrs. J. Moorehead ,and son Lorne
of Listowel, visited her sister, Mrs. Al -
Van alstyne, 1st Line of Morirs.
Miss Elsie Stewart and Miss Kath-
leen Pringle returned last Thursday
from a motor trip to Belfountain.
Mr. Wm. Forgie left Saturday mor-
ning for Saginaw, Mich., where he
may spend the rest of the summer.
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Wright of
Lower Wingham, attended the Wright'
Dudgeon yeeddirg at'- Port Credit, on
Saturday, Ther6-ooni is a nephew of
Mr. Wright. lea'
A bus wil iron twice daily from Ow-
en Sound to Goderich, via Walkerton
and Wingham, the service.. to com-
mence 'next week.
Mrs. Jas. Thompson has returned to
her home on Shuter Si., after spend-
ing a few weeks with friends in the
Western Provinces; ,
Mr. and Mrs .5. A. Mills motored
to Toronto, where they will visit for
a few days. They were accompanied
by their sort Harold .
Misses Ethel Mitchell and Reid,
have returned home to Tekorna, Wa-
shington, after visiting at the home
of Mr. Robt. Mitchell .
• Miss Marie A. Pion, graduate nurse
from St. Michaels Hospital, Toronto,
spent a few days last week with her
friend, Miss Anna Forgie.
Mr. and Mrs. David Hutton and
son, Robert, of Cleveland, Ohio, have
returned home after spending the past
two weeks- at the home of Mr. and
Miss Lenore Carlisle has returned
to Toronto, after spending a coiiple
of weeks at the home of her grandmo-
ther, Mrs. Jas. W. Walker, John St.
Rev. and Mrs. John C. Hutton vis-
ited at the home of Mr.e.e. Mrs. W
5. Campbell, also at the former's par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. kitton, Blue -
Mrs. Jas. E. Robinson and Frances
of Catherine St., also Mr. Ernest Ro-
binson of East Wawanosh, spent a
few days last week with Mr, and Mrs.
Hecker of Brantford.
Mrs. Morley Counter (nee Mabel
Swarts,) has returned to her home in
Buffalo, after renewing friendships in
Wingham, where she wastheguest
of Mrs. T. McK Smith.
Mr. Peter Fisher motored up from
Toronto ,and i, "4-pdirtg a few days
at the home o his sisters, Miss el, E.
Fisher and Mt 5, G.- C. Hanna. Mrs.
Fisher, and soli -Peter, have been here
for a few weeks
Mrs. Mort Smith of Courtland, N.
Y., and Mrs. Hililard, and little dau-
ghter of Sandusky, Mrs, Backster and
little son of Toronto, are visiting with
their mother, Mrs. Jas. McGee and
their sister, Mrs. Ellacott ,
The Wingharn girls niet the Luck -
now girls in Lucknow on Thursday
last ,and played a gante of ball The
Wingham. girls 1,lrotght congratula-
tion to their toiNn by beating them, to
a.. score of 45-8.--''
Repudiation of Hyphenated Candidates by Farmer's -Sun Proves
a Political Bombshell. Why the U.F.O. Will Vote
This Election for the Supporters of Rt, Hon Arthur
• Meigheit
This week's issue of the Farmer's Sun, the official organ of the U.
F. 0, has been the chief political sensaion of the week. The Sun is
editorial repudiation of the Progressive movement, and denouncing
hyphenated candidates, as only camouflaged Liberals and protesting
against the eforts to make the U. F. 0. the tail end of the Liberal
kite, has proven a bombshell to those Liberals strategists who have
been endeavoring to lure the Progressive party into the Liberal
According to the information received at Toronto, The Sun's
editorials, which it is believed were inspired by J. Jr. Morrison,
• the eneregtic secretary of the U. 14', 0. will mean the loss of thousands -
of votes to the Progresisve-Liberal cause and, will settle the fate
of nearly every hyphenated candidate in the province.
There is a growing evidence that the U. F. 0. vote hi On-
tario this election NVin line it almost solidly behind the Conserva-
• tive cause The reasons are given for this: '
First - As a protest against the betrayal of the Progressive
movement by their leaders, who have made it an adjunct of the
discredited Liberal party, Irt has ruined the party.
Secoad lJecause the TY. P. 0, has always stood four-tquare
for clean and hoist government. The U. V. 0, vote will not put
• its seal of sanction 1.115011 a Ministry which has been tesportsible for
the scandalof the King Govertnnent • The U. V. 0. is in favor of
prohibition and the record of the Xing Government, in regard to
rum -running, is such that it cannot support It.
gecause Hob. Arthur tileighen has as wee of his
main planks, the development and encouragement Ot co-operative
marketing. The U. P. 0, is convinced that this will be one of the
great economic developments of the 110t /Ware. Mr. Meigheres
platform on this score ib thoroughly satisfactory,
Wayfreight Is Wrecked. a
Few Miles From Goderich
Five cars of the C. N. R. wayfrel-
ght from Stratford to Goderieh left
the rais three miles from Goderich
Monday afternoore Aportion of
the track was,torn up while the cars
'rolled -down an embankment. The
cars wrecked were two coal cars, a
gasoline tanker and several box cars,
The caboose had a part of its front
torn off, but remained upright on the
track, The auxiiary frora Stratford
was called and succeeded in clearing
up the debris and straightening up the
track, The tanker car, containing a
large quantity of gasoline, rolled ov-
er down the embankment, and diffi-
culty was experienced by the wrecking
crew in getting it back into its place,.
The fluid began leaking- out, and in
order to avoid any possibility of dan-
ger, the tank was drained.
Train No. 36, which is scheduled'
to leave Goderich at' 2.20 could not
go out, and passengers were ,taken
to Clinton by motors, where a special
train had beeri sent from Stratford,
The wayfreight was able to' proceed
to Goderich, but did not get out un-
til evening when it and train No. 36
left here on the arirval of the pass-
enger train from Stratford, which is
due here at 7.2o. The wayfreight
was in charge of Conductor Bart and
Engineer S. Wahl, both of Stratford.
Card of Thanks
Mr. and Mrs. J j Kerr and family
wish to publicly express to their nei-
ghbors and friends their grateful
thanks for kindness and sympathy
shown in their recent sad bereave-
At the Salvation Amy
Major Hector C. Habkirk of Toron-
• e -•„----ea
to, will conduct a jneeting in the Sal -
cation Army Hall on Fri'day evening-,
Sept. 3rd. Major Plahleirk was born
in Wingham, and is looking forward
tooneeting with old acquaintances.
Nomination and Election
The North Huron Nominations will
be held in Wingham on Tuesday af-
ternoon, September 7th, Don't fail
to be present and hear both sides of
the question disctssed from the same
platform. The elections will be one
week later, September aetle
Ladies' Bowling Party
The ladies are certainly enjoyi •g -
their new pastime on the, bo vling
green. Several rinks from surround-
ing towns visited Wingham greens
an Tuesday afternoon and participat-
ed in a frieadly bonspiel. Following
the play, lunch was served by the
Wingham ladies
Meeting in. Wingham
A. political meeting in the interests
of H .J .A ,MacEwan, Liberal -Conser-
vative Canidatt, in North Huron, will
be held in Wingham Town Hall at
8 p.m. on Friday ,September 3rd. The
meeting will be addressed by A. J. An-
derson K. C., Ex 111. 1'. for Parkdale,
Toronto, Mr. MacEwan, and others.,
Come and hear the qaestions qf the
day intelligently discussed. Ladies
specially invited .God Save the King..
Exhibiting at Toronto
Mr .Josh Hirst and Mr. Percy Mar-
shaIl are condu,cheugeateita.11 at Toronto
Exhibition for the advertising of tLe
famous Aci-o Cuthion Tires, made by
The Wiptigham Robber ,Co. Ltd. They
will diseEibute over 25,000 circular fol-
ders, printed at elle Advance -Times
office • The rubber company is one
of the firms loyal to Wingham, who
get their printing end everything else
procurable in their own town,• instead
of helping to keep ,ap a Toronto priate
ing office.
SmilinCharlie Saysi
t rt$, 4 e ow
telitt" you. 'how gboa
•Ile 1$, thows
aoemit believe it
self aitid1i3 afraid.