HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1926-08-26, Page 8INGHAM ADVANCE -TIMES Thursday, august: 26th, xoe6 ,mmon NO MNlosimis oisas amts tm■s ismana mmasio■anaanaangsm®)g li Charmin?NI :IN 1111MI is ■■ wi Frocks! . a , NI Id laW 11'. i Clear is lisMI1.16MICAUSINOMMOINIMMINIAMI.IIMMIIIMMINNIMU NIEl■ Take advantage of this opportunity for there is IN ■ ■ si $15.00 to $22.50 id ■ F U G I R ES S E S Printed Silk Dresses ■ ■ si ii ■. ■ NI■ ,■ n■ Men's Swe. ter Cats Jumbo Knit and Wind Breakers $3.50, 5.50, 8.50 Wats n's Silk Knit, Underwear Vests 98c, 1.50 Bloomers ................. 2.00 Slips ... i.........,..:... 3.25 Gossar lt`i and Negro C rsets See the new . styles' $2.50, 4.00 to 6.50. Hick'-ry. Sanitary Goods still much time and many occasions to wear such frocks. $10.00 to $15.00 7.50 $10.00 20 Voile Dresses, $10.00 to $13.50 To Clear $5.00 KNITTED WOOL SUITS Specially Priced $8.95 •Penmans' Silk Hose Special Elastic Top $1.50 TO CLEAR The balance of all Summer Dress Materials Reduced 20 to 50% Rayon Silks, Printed Crepes, Normanby Voiles, Dress Linens, Tricoline Broadcloths, Ratines. a1,da SIIk ' road- cloth 30 shades, excellent qual- ity, per yard $1.25 New Neckwear Belts, Aprons, Shadow Lace Vestees Skirts Collar and Cuff Sets Windsor Ties 69c Handkerchiefs IT PAYS TO SHOP HE Kotex KIN mama '-'t®NIO®®®®N® iI;;aRI a Pouch Purses New Fall Shades $2.00, 3.50 and 5.00 $1.50 All Silk Chilton Hose While they last 98c E Mrs, John Collie and daughter, Muriel, left, on Thursday for their home in Brandon, after spending six weeks with the Misses Collie and other friends. Rev, and, Mrs. Wm, Pocock and Miss Erma of Toronto, and Mrs. George Pocock of Wingham, were visitors last week with Mr. and Mrs. Lenard Clliott and Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Gannett. 0 Misses Gertrude McDonald and Millie Seli of Wingham, are guests of • Mrs. Leonard Elliott this weeks' Thern.embets of the Bluevale Un- ited Church enjoyed a special treat on Sunday by way of a solo, "Rock of Ages," rendered by Mr,Murch of Toronto. Mrs. Aitken and daughter, Dorothy, arrived hos on Monday night, after spending the summer in Toronto, Mr ,and Mrs. Robt, Nicholson • spent Sunday with Miss Fraser. on ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ El no ■ ■ ■ Nature's Rival Corselette ■ ■ Unusual value $1.00 ASHPIELD Mr. and Mrs ,Jno; Gibson ;tnd little son ,sperm the week end wi h the form er's mother, Mrs. Geo. ,Gibson of "Lion. Mr .and Mrs. Geo, ]3e11 and child ern of Kinlou.= h ,and Mrs. Jas. Cenifi of Kincardine, spent the week end al the home of 1VIr .and Mrs.:Wiii Mc Sail of Paramount Mr .and Mrs, Nelson Sushell, and Eileen, of .1.rsinlough ever° guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs, R ,Richards cif Paramount during the week end, Mr. and Mrs. Jack DeCow of .De- troit,, are spending' a week :tt the 14ome of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jno. j ohnston, Lothian , Mr. ,and Mrs. J .C, Stnthers• and sou of London, and Mr and Mrs, Sle- igh of Ter=.rn.o ,visited Mr .and Mrs H .Horton ,Mafeking last week, and Mi. andn Mrs. Cameron Ssothers and babe are visiting the fornteu's sister, Mrs. H. P'-orton, this week Miss B.11e Anderson of London is visiting at the home of Mr. S. J. Kil- patrick of Mafeking for a few weeks. Mr. and, Mrs. Jacob Hoore and Lill- ian, and Mr. ,and Mrs. Wes Hoore of Orangeville are visiting at the home of Mr, and 'Mrs Jno. 1,Iullin. ]Belfast. Mr. and Iilrs. Henry Mullin' and family of Lucknow, spent Sunday at the home .cfthe former's brother, Jno Mullin, Bc:aast. Mr .and Mrs .Jno. Emerson of Langside spent Sunday at the hone ofMr .Ralph Nixon's iI3elfast . Mr. and, Mrs, Robt. Purdon and childrer. cf Whitechurch spent Sun- day at the i .r e of Mr. T. A, Camer- on soth Con. `1r .and Mrs. Adam 1'-hnston and fancily, Corey's Corner spe:.t ti„r1- day at ti .. It me of \lr. .C'rown's c.. Blyth. Miss ,Ruby Alton of Mafeking is spending a week's holiday with Miss Vera Little, tourney's Corner. Mr .and Mrs, Gilbert Vint, Belfast, spent the last week end with the form- er's rother, Mr. A .Vint, of Stratford. Miss Annie MacDonald of Para- mount is, visitingher sister, Mrs. L. MacLennan of . Detroit. RAPID CITY Mr and Mrs. Peter Carter and fam- ily, also Mr. and Mrs .Mark Gardiner arid family spent Sunday with John Carters of Lucknow . Mr. Colin McKinnon of the 4th Con., spent a day last week with Don- ald McDonald' Miss Nellie Collins. of Oakvtille is. spending her' holidays with her sis ter eJsise, at Mr. John Carter's. Mrs. McLeod of Lucknow visited her sister Margaret MacKenzie last week, Mr .and Mrs. Scott visited friends at Langside last week. BELGRAVE ITEMS Mrs, Ernest Geddes who with Mr. Geddes and children ,hav,e-"recently gone to make their hom'in Seaforth, was presented by the W.M.S, of the Presbyterian churcir,,03elgrave, with a handsome piece ofC staarivhich was accompanied by the following address; Dear Friend: It was with deep feeling of regret, that we ,the members of the Women's Missionary Society` ,heard of your re- moval from our midst ,and we wish to show in some way our recognition of your valuable services. You were always a faithful worker in our So- ciety ,ever ready to give of your time and talents, and to aid us in all our undertakings, and we trust God will graciously bless every efofrt you have rpat forth for the iipbuliding of His Kingdom, that your work during your stay among. us ,will be owned and blessed by the Master whom you seek to serve. We hope you have gained many helpful ideas by our meeting together as .fellow workers, and trust that the interest, lenthusiasm, and knowledge. you have gained from these meetings may prove beneficial to you in you future life. As a `slight token of Good Will and appreciation we wish you to accept this gift ,not for its value, but as a little reminder of the members of the. Belgrave -Missionary Society. Mrs. Geddes was completely sur- prised and appreciated very deeply the kindness of her fellow workers, in their remembrance of her , Belgrave L. O. > L. No, 462, will hold decoration services to Brandon cemetery on Sunday afternoon, 'Aug- ust 29th., at 3.30. Visiting brethren. are cordially invited. The Ladies', Aid•, of the United Church, Belgrave, held its regular meeting on Wednesday afternoon, at the home of Mrs. Jesse Wheeler in Morris. The meeting was in the form of a birthday party as the society was re -organized a year ago and an invitation had been sent to all the ladies of the congregation. After the necessary business of the meeting was concluded a social time and lun- ch was enjoyed. Mr. and Mrs. John Gordon and Miss Dorothy Anderson of Weston, Miss Mary Coultes of Toronto, mot- ored from Toronto on Monday and have spent theweek visiting friends in Belgrave and vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Anderson and son, John of Paris, motored here ori Saturday, and, have beenvisiting with• friends in Belgrave, Winghatn and Morris. Belgrave Women's Institute will hold its nextmeeting at the home of Mrs. Carl Proctor, Morris, on Wed- nesday, August 18th. Blyth Institrute will be present and supply; the pro- gram. A cordial invitation is extend- ed to all the ladies to be present. Vernon, son.of Mr. arid Mrs. Walt- er Messer, is improving after his ser- ious operation on Sunday morning ie. the Sick, Children's Hospital, Toron- to, when doctors removed twb pieces of peanut from° his left lung. iThe wee lad was able to leave the hospit- al on Wednesday morning.. Ladies' Umbrellas is ■ Stub and standard styles, ■ many with fancy tips to harmonize with materials. Navy, Green, Brown, Black $2.00, 4.50, 6.00 MINEME0v1111so® no no BLUEVALE Dr. Ed, Coultess of Pltilade'shia, at present visiting with itis sat; ther here. Mrs. R. Shaw and Miss Bernice Shaw and Miss Martha Fraser sprnt .the wcek end with Mr, and M '. Robe .Musgrrve. Mrs .Jobe LMment and IV. s 1,!tc•• e au:rch here: on Sunday and gave two ` very fine <serinons which were %sell .appreciated In the morning ser ' vice, Mr. N. L. Murch of Toronto :rendered a solo and at the evening service Miss Beatrice Thornton a solo.., Mr. R. J. Hettston is delivering a car of coal around the village this v Mr. and Mrs .Thos.. Nichol have returned to Toronto after spending their holidays with relatives here. Mrs. J. Quinn of Ingersoll is visit- ing . with Mrs .Thornton. IC.nicr''t si 'Toronto r'turu d after visiting relatives ,here the past couple :of. weeks.. Mr. and Mrs. R.a 1VIusgr ,i attended the re -union of the Pearson family, last week which was held at the Line Grey . Over.su were present and all report a very pleasant enjoyable' of -19 ll1f1111l�f1I Ili 1111111111111111111 111111111A11Id11101111111101IIp11I11111II1111!!®I110111MI11101111111411N1111111111' 11:111 t A Real Bargain four Men _ , .who"Real Comfort" Mr. and Mrs. Treble and farnily of Crystal City, Man, spent a few days with ,Mrs ` .Thos' ,Coultess. Mr. Robt. Shaw took charge of the services at+•Gorrie on Sunday as the pastor there is on his vacation. Mr. R. Johnston shipped. a 'carload of hogs to Toronto on Saturday, Mr., and Mrs. V'Tin. Balfour spent Sunday with relatives at Wingham. Mr. H. Hopper of Winghan'i took charge of services in the United The United Church Choir and con- gregation on-, gregation held a picnic at Point Clark on Friday and all enjoyed a good ternoon together, NNE yceum heatre 'Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Aug. 26, 27, 28 ■ RAYMOND GRIFFITH and MARY BRIAN 1 x "A Regular Fellow" A RIGHT ROYAL COMEDY ,TREAT .Also three reels,showing seer es in the Polar regions taken la ■ by Captain Roland Amundsen during his flight over the North X911 Pole, 1111 t - ate Wednes- 30, 31,and Sept 1 NI Mon, Tues, Augy d ORETA ISI - IN "L me�qq'," ALSO e COMEDY 0 0111000 al, 1Y MI Fs - Per Pair w wisfiamomvemamtwassvaian A splendid Cushioned soled shoe made of fine Dongola Kid, on a wide fitting solid comfott last with Oak tanned soles. In fact the best va, ue in `Mens' solid comfort shoes" that we have" is 1 been able to secure since before the war. B0_ Mr. Wesley Leggatt and Mr. Milton Cunningham were in Drayton' on Sat- urday attending the funeral of their uncle,. Mr,' Wesley Leggatt. They were accompanied home by Miss Lela Leggatt, who has been visiting there. Mr. Robt. Shaw and two daugh- ters, Mrs. Fraser and Miss Bernice, also Miss Martha Fraser, were vis- itors last week at Mr. and Mrs. Leon- ard Gates of Cherrywood. Mrs. Fras- er and son, Bobbie, are leaving there this week for their home in'Idaho. Mrs. Stewart Young and two child- ren, Isabel and Jack, and Mrs. Young's mother, Mrs. Diluent, left last week for their home in Toronto, after Spending'a couple of months at their summer home in Bluevale,. ,Mr. Geo, Campbell returned from Fergus IIospital last week and is do - nicely. Mr, Leonard Ruttan is shorting a nuew For Coupe.. Mrs, Bainton, who has been eon - fined to her bed for over a week is able to be around again.' Mr, and Mrs. David Hutton and Robert of Cleveland,Olio, are Sony f visiting at the home of Mr, and Mrs, John Hutton, Miss R•oxie Hewitt of 'Guelph, and * her girl friend, are visiting at the tat - o._ ter's grandmother's, Mrs. Smeltzer, The employees of the Wester. mFoundry, Wingliam, carne to Bate - i■ vale on r Wedtresday evening for a M .:f;atne of soft all, the' score beiiftg x, -6 iilti favor of he home team. 1 tallow 'x111 I l tet i o 11®m 1An 1111n111E1111®I I i VOTERS' LIST x926. Municipality of Township of Turn berry, County of Huron. Notice:is hereby given that I have complied with section .so, of the Vo- ters' Lists Act and that I -have posted up at my ofifce at Township of Turn - berry, on the 24th day Of August, 1926 the list of all persons entitled to vote in the saidmunicipality at Municipal Elections., and that such list remains there • for inspection . And I hereby.. call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any and all errors or =missions corrected according to law. Dated this 24th day of August, A.D. s926. W. R.Cruikshank, Twp Clerk 1 WHITECHURGH Special note to the Girls and Boys We are giving away FREE with every pair of shoes (this includes running shoes), one Aero Cushion high bouncing ball. Phone WILLIS ®:, THE SHOE STORE a Wingham, Ont. II®Ill isim ultimill®III®Illolll®Im1111 till 1nist11 here. Miss Kathleen IVicKenzie of Lang- side, spent last week with her cous- in, Miss Merle Gaunt, Miss Annie Kennedy ,who is train- ing in London is spending her holi- days with her parents on the 2nd. Miss MacGregor, a former teacher in S. S .No. 9, Kinloss, is Visiting with Mr, and Mrs .Robert Laidlaw We congratulate Misses Winifred Farrier and Mary 'Martini ,and Mr. Malcolm Ross for successfully passing their examinations . \e, ,1 Mrs. George Jacques, ancr aughtr ter Yvonne, Preston, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs .Eli Jacques. Mr. and Mrs .Shell and Mr, and kirs Allen and Clifford of Berkley, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. John Webb . Mr .and Mrs ..John Purdon and fam- ily, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel Bolt of Marnoch. Masters Ronald; and Lloyd Mac- Gregor of Paramount and Clark Mac- Gregor of Teeswater, spent last week Mr .and Mrs. B .S. Naylor and, Mrs, Emerson ,and Alfred attended the' funeral of Mr, Daniel !Whitley at Ac- ton, last Monday. Mr, and Mrs. Charlie Rivett and babe, and Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Pellatt from Dungannon, spent Stnday with Mr .and Mrs. Jas. Cornelius.. Mrs:" (Rev.) Stewart ;and Marjorie, Kenneth, and Muriel, wlio are holi- daying at Bruce, Beach, visited with friends in this community last week. Mr. and. Mrs. Gibson Gillespie and children, spent 'Thursday with Mrs, (Dr.) Jamieson at Bruce Beach. Mrs, Morrison of Bluevale, is visit- ing with Mrs. Andrew '.Pox Mr, and Mrs, Wm Martin, and fam- ily of Paramount, also fsilr Norman. Siears of Orangeville, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Falconer. Miss Florence Purdon ,nurse -in training in Toronto, is spending her holidayswith her parents, Mr. and hits. A. E.'Puadon, Mr, Harold Sparling had the rifts= fortune to sprain ,his ankle, while playing ball: on Thursday . All roads lead to Mildmay on Thursday ,Sept. 9th. Biggest day in the history of Bruce County. Athlet- ics, Baseball, hard and soft, champ- ionship team, Races, Amateur and Professional: Tug-of-war, putting the Shot, a splendid day of athletics: Great display of music by Kitchen errs Famous Ladies' Band, Brilliant exhibition of hiunan fireworks. Por- traits of 31. R. f•I, the Prince, of Wal- es, Rt. Hon, W. L. MacKenitt King, and Rt. Hon, Arthur Meighen, the Dumbbell wheel, pocket's, bombs and various other multi -colored fireworks. The popular Wingham Orchestra will end the day of thrills, spills and ,fun. Watrth for :bilis and don't forget the slate, with Roy MacGregor and. Milan Moore. Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel Stewart and Mr, and Mrs. Roy Stewart of Quinsy Ill., and Mrs. David Girvin of Dun-, gannon, visited a day last week with Messrs T. H., and Arthur Moore. Mrs. John Barbour and children of the 'West ,are visiting wish Mr. and Mrs. Wm .Bar ?Is 4*, all of whom spent Monday with Mrs. Norirsh of Wal'• err ou,s Miss Elsie and Miss Mac Whit .ea and Alba as..+ 1 suit 1? .'c spent tr.e \seek .end with M: and Mrs. Archie Radford of Blyth. Rev .Mr '.Scob' a and Mr. Mitchell of Belgrave, and Mr. Andrew Pox. spent a few dais motoring in the Ni- agara Peninsula and I;uffalo, last weel:. - Mrs, Cecil Falconer spent last week with Mrs. Elfin Wellwood of Oran, geville Rev. and ]Vire; 'Henry Martin and afmily" are visiting with his mother, Mrs, Wrn. Martin, 1131111111111 MC A Note of Thanks On behalf of the IIttron Veterans, 1 wish to thank the.busine•ss inert of Wingltam, who so kindly donated the splendid prizes for the sports at their picnic at :lies -field, R. Wilkinson Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Moore and family, spent Stinday with Mr. Wesley Moore. r' of Palmerston : ?.ev;Mr, Storey of the, Inland S, American Union, gave a very interes- frig lecture, illustrated by lantern slides in the United church here on Tuesday evening , On Wednesday last,. Mrs, (Dr.) Gri- erson gi Korea, who is visiting her parents in Londcsboro ,addressed the members of St, Helens, W. M. S. and Chalmers W 11.8,, and the United church W. M. S, in the United church III 111 1111111111111111111111211191112111Elli111ll ltll{AliIuIIIIIIIIi 1111mn11581111 nsillsllli1111e111' "Fall T Lir For Your fa- rt 11: N FALL SUITS All, Suraamer Suits, Ousting Trousers,Un- derwear, Hats, etc. at reduced prices to clear this month. Odd Trousers and Work Goods only the if best lines in stock. to The NewFall Clothing with the new doub- =. le breasted style are here.; i here attd we can assure you that this. �. The Fall Clothing S ■ .;storo wants to satisfy you both itt style and price,. Always the 'best values on our racks, test 'values offered at Popular Selling' Prices. Mli r1I 1i�t l fle111011111‘111111111 1111111111011011111111111111111411101111111101111111011iillIft1161111111110111011101141110111101111 111. tia 0. Ltd INA Ir`