HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1926-08-26, Page 7Thursday, August 26th, 1926 WINGHAM APVANCE-TIMES for Economical Transportatioa e 'e ROM a movement almost: irnper- ceptible—through easy, quick accel- tration—to a thrilling display of speed all With unbelievable ease and smoothness --Chevrolet sails serenely over the hardest blas To the resistless power and supreme economy of the Chevrolet engine has been added a smooth,iess—a freedom front vibration—unexpected and hith- erto unknown in a four cylinder car. Never before was even Chevrolet cap- able of establishing such performance with such evident ease and smoothness. Compare the smooth Chevrolet -- not alone with cars in its price class—but with cars snore expensive, more costly of upkeep, mord difficult to, handle. Chevrolet welcomes any test or com- parison you care to make.. The Smoothest Chevrolet in Chevrolet history is selling at the Lowest Price for which Chevrolet has ever been sold in Canada. Ask about GMAC Plan oi\Deferred Payments Roadster • 0640 Sport rt Roadster s 71 Touring Sport Touring 715 Coupe i 'Coach Sedan 810 810 920 Landau Sedan - 970 Commercial Chassis 495 Utility Express " , 730 All. Prices at Factory Taxes Extra c -3t8 See the advance showing of Canadian National Exhibition Models at the Showrooms of .. CRAW FORD "The Economy Dry Goods and Clothing Store" Successors to the Wingham Enterprise On or t r` l l th . '{ With New and C m lete Stock of Ladies' and Gents' Clothing,Q Dry Goods, tc. We will give everyone a Square 'I! e The 1— Give Us a Trial Economy Dry Goods and Clothing Store Harry Greiss, Proprietor bath day, except an opportunity to go tearing around the country It is no light thing to throw your private property open to the curious gaze of the public seven days a week, to have your best tulips torn up like grass, your home entered and made free with in your absence ,and your barns endangered by careless smok- ers and take it all with equanimity. The sage of Kingsville endured it for years, but the day came when he said, "Enough." Who can blame him? NOTICE TO CREDITORS T E IS HEREBY GIVEN, IC pursuant to Section 56, Chap. 121 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, that all persons having claims against the Estate of Janet Jobb, deceased, who died on or about the fourteenth clay of October, A. D. 1925, at the Town- ship of Turnberry in the Province of Ontario, are required to, send by post, prepaid, or to deliver to R Vanstone, Wingham, 'Ontario, Solicitor for, the executrix; on or before the twenty- ® third day of August, A. D. 1926, their si names and addresses, with full parti- ®I culars in writing of their claims and the nature of the securities (if any) ▪ held by them duly verified by a sta- ® tutory declaration. M®®M®®M®MMMISI , AND TAKE NOTICE FURTHER that after the said twenty-third day of • • Jack Miner Says "Enough" (Toronto Globe) In characteristic fashion Jack Miner has servednotice on the`public that around his ''bird sanctuary at Kings- ville .he will erect a fence next spring limit the days on which visitors may _inspect his grounds; and that from now on he'will hang on his gate al"No Admittance" sign on Sundays which lie will not take down for Lloyd Geo- rge or eo-rge`or Calvin Coolidge:' Mr. Miner states that he has been forced to take this step much against his will, but the lack of consideration for grounds; 'property, and home by the thousands of visitors who call upon hint each year, has necessitated his taking this drastic action, There will be general sympathy and. agreement with the Canadian . natur- alist in the action he has taken to ensure some measure of privacy in his life,' particularly on Sunday. Mr. Miner believes that Sunday was giv- en to man' as a day of rest ,and we agree with him. He is old-fashioned: enough to want to go to church and school an the Sabbath Day, and we commend hirno but the demands that were being made on .him by thous- ands of non -churchgoers coming to see his home on Sundays broke even his long suffering and patience, and resulted in a drastic protest, As an editorial in the Stratford Beacon -Her- ald points out, it can never be said that Jack Miner was stingy with his property. \ Far from it—it is doubtful if there is in Ontario a place ,where private grounds have beenmore thoroughly placed at the disposal of the public: -, that the big kick ,if t at phrase properly represents' Jack Miner's feeling, is that his view of what Sunday means is all out of line with Shat of the horn -tooting crowd who see nothing in the Sab- GOING RETURNING To�aA9lE� 1lP EG From WIN 6PEG Plus 36 cent per mile topoints beyond, but not vest �i r: Pias A cent per mile, starting of Edmonton, MacLeod and Calgary '' point to Winnipeg From Stators in Ontario, Snnith's Faits to and including Toronto on Lake Ontario Shore %arae and Havelock -Poterboro Lino Prom all Stationson to Renfrew Junction, inclusive. • From all Stations Burketon to Bobcaygeon, inclusive: Dranosi to Port McNicoll and From all Stations in Ontario, South and West of Toronto to and including klaniilton, Weiland, Niagara Falls and Windsor. Prom all Stations on Owen• Sound, Walkerton, Orangeville, Tcoewater, 'Flora, Listowel, Goderich, St, Marys, Port' Burwell, and St. Thomas'Branches. From all Stations Toronto and North to Bolton, inclusive. Pere Marquette, Windsor Essex & From all Stations in Ontario on the Michtgsrn Contras, 1' ro 9 w Lake Shako, Chatb i , Wallacebung "& Lake Erie, Grand River, Lake Ergo & Northern and Tomato, Plia'oilton & Buffalo Railways di child and their escorts. Travel Ladies said R."hblditreat—Special Can mil be reserved;;far the exclusive u� of ladies, res d m ` ,Full iuforlaaation from any Canadian PacificAgent THE FAMILY NEXT' DOOR August, 1926, the said executrix will proceed to distribute the assets of the said estate among the parties entitled thereof, havitlg regard only to the claims of which they shall then have had notice, and the said executrix shallnotbe Iiable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person of whose claim she shall not then have received notice: DATED at Wingham this twenty- eighth day of July, A. D. 1926. R. VANSTONE, Wingham, P. O. Solicitor for the Executrix BORN Burchill—In Culross, on August 1st 1926, to Mr. and Mrs, William R. Bur- chill ,a ;son -William: Roy. 1111E111 111E 11El111®111.!alll1El l 1111111E1111f11lffil l iEF l lN ga Sig. Re sons Why 1 ,I Recommend it E lei UDOER N�� r gSE 7 ERIE ES t9 Reason Ni, 6 N Owners of these . debentures T together with savings deposi- II tors have FIRST claim upon ev- A ery dollar of Huron & Erie as- sets totalling over $3x,000,000. 5 PER CENT. ® Per Annum is payable half-year- I® ly upon $loo or more for x, 2, 3, W 4 or 5 years. ft Avoid unnecessary risks by tai selecting a Huron & Srie trus- tee debenture investment, A13NER COSENS • hili iI HoIL'VIII". IImiliOl®IIIsIi lll�lll®111 LUCKNOW Mr, Gibson White of Seafbrth .spelt a week with Lucknow friends. Misses McCal1iurt, Murdie and Craw are camping at Point Clark, Mr, Herb Graham of Toronto and.. Mrs, Aniley' : and two daughters of Lewiston visited with their mother Mrs .Robt, Graham . ;Mr ,and Mrs, Elliott of New York City ,are, spending a few days with Mrs. R, Mullen , Mr ,Robs, Lyos- Of. Grand Mierre, Quebec ,motorerto town last week to visit his fathe , Mr. James Lyons, Mr, Storey of the Toronto Inland Mission, who is a returned missionary from South America,' preached in the Presyterian church, here on Sunday. Mrs. (Rev,) Watt is visiting her fa- ther, Mr. A. Barber. Mr. Stewart Mackenzie, who un- derwent an operation in a Toronto hospital, returned to lis horde, here last week. The Lucknow Bowlers are hold- ing their annual bowling tournament on Thursday of this week. Mrs. Helen Thompson is visiting her sister in Toronto.. Miss Pearl Henderson of Chicago is spending a few weeks with her father and sisters here . kfter an illness of eleven years, Mr. Lloyd Alton ,passed away at the home of his mother; on Saturday evening, Lloyd was a young pian with a cheer ful, disposition; and was so patient all through his years of sickness, that he will be greatly missed by his many friends The funeral took place front: the United church this afternoon, and was largely attended, service being conducted by Rev .M .Cousins and lit-. terment in Dungannon cemetery. He is survived by his another, who faith- fully attended him all these years, al- so his sister Alma, and two brothers, Harry and Tom. We extend oar sy n- pathy to the bereaved family, Mrs .McLeod and two children al- so Mr, and Mrs .Cutting and two children of Shallow Lake ,motored to Lucknow ,and spent Sunday with !wlr. and Mrs. Jno. A. McDonald Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Douglas and s',n Geo. and daughter ,Mar; ,also Miss Lena Carrick, visited with friends in Owen Sound- over the week end Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Treleaven and daughter ,Miss Norma, of Timmins, are visiting Lucknow fri• t l Ibirs. Pickering and daughter Dor athy of Detroit spent a few days re- cently with her sister„ Mrs. Thomas Burns of town. Mr, and Mrs. Steele MacKenzie and little daughter of Kitchener are visit- ing the former's' parents ,Mr. and Mrs R. V. MacKenzie. Mrs. White and children of Orillia are spending a few days with her sis- ters Mrs, Jas. Johnston and Mrs. Dor- athy Gates. SCHOOL FAIR DATES, 1926 Grand Bend 'Sept. 7 Dashwood _. _ __ Sept. 8 t Crediton :_ P • 9 Winchelsea _ ,_Serpt.lo Wroxeter'_ _Sept. 13 Gorrie .....:.,..... - _. Sept 25 BIuevale Sept, '15 Ashfield Sept. 16 St. Helens 17 Colborne r.. ___._. _-___.Sept. x8 Hensall _...Sept. 20 Zurich Sept. 21 Varna ' Sept, 22 Blyth _Sept. 23 Ethel Sept. 24 Walton Sept 27 Goderich Tp. 28 Clinton . _ Oct, 3 and 4 Dublin 3o 'Belgrave _ 4 Sept, 29 it EAST WAWANOSH Rev and Mrs. 'Mills of Cotton were renewing old scquaintanet. at the South end of the township last week Mrs. 'i'Vesloy Stackhouse of',l3rtir.. field visited her brother Mr. Earl, Wightman last week. Mrs. Ceasar of Dungannon spent a couple of days last week with her sis- ter, Mrs. Allen Campbell, and left on Friday for Limerick, Sash, USSE%-BilDOY, TN' �3Kx Goss ' 1S JUST CR'e'ttse 1115 EYES GOT FOR ';`100 Y' CQW.E; tIV -n- t E 'N' IF '1OU VffiNT NW ADVICE VD 'SAY NEVER MIND tkeSok T OUR ACAILGE .- TAKE TOUR DIRTY SLEEVE OFFA T1i1A . PAPERS a - Ttt' iNlS %t ILL VklET 1NONbER W NE RIE eve %web, NOW* C NENCY j TM oineseiarooe liErtE h1R. NEXiOOR. THE SOARS Or atR.kCTOR"a 11 Vii!@ JUST COI'tCLUOED A NERY ttNPORTANi CONFERENCE',, AND AMONG OTMER 1.H1NGSI � `ioT.D A mist, (IF 62.50 ' OLI JUST A WEEK FOI YOU - Now, Poi/. %ET I THE EENIFI'v 00 "CIAE COMPANY, WILL TM ASKING 'YOU to KEEP 4T To YOUrtSELF AND NOV MENTION IT 'to ANVONE.va . CANADIAN NATIONAL >E L-1XY31T1O N TORONTO—AUg. OSth to Sept. !, a th Be sure and visit our booths in the Pure Food Building. 'T'ime Dominion Stores Limited stand for Groceries of high Quali Merchandise under. our oern label carry our Petsal Guarantee. Look gox merchandise: under these Brands • "Domino", "Braeside",Tiayeide", "Mayfield", itichuiello", You can lis assured that such merchandise is the best that money can buy. You also get the added advantage oS Dominion Stores Low Prices, Bove and Girls—We Piave something for you at the Exhibition SOVEREIGN BRAND SOCKEYE SAL `' N . 1 ib. TIN 39c1 1/ lb. TIN 20c CHRISTIE'S ASSORTED SANDWICH BISCUITS 35cith BI': UNSWICK S DINES 3 TINS 1.5c BRITTANNIA SPINACH Delicious. As good as the fresh vegetable , Oc TIN. We especially recotanaaaend -merchandise under our, own private label �t aF lk, r.t.a .sa.•�eu. Guaranteed quality and the: best that Money can buy lAYFIELD. BRAID.. BACON I SL!CED. ' d eib. DOMINO BSD TOMATO CATSUP 10 ea. bat. RICHMELLO COFFE 1T6N CCtIOS 1 9c IV, 354 THE CHOICEST TEAS IiICHMELLO 79c lb. DOMINO. 73c lb. D.S:L. bulk3` 8b. CRQWNJAILS suR F-er Preserving Snell $1.09 dot. FINEST. MILLED Medium $1 A9 aoz. ROLLED OATS 51bs.25c Theta Prices an effect for one week ekYA :ern,.+fro WHOLE MIXED. PICKLING SPICE 25 1b. T,'m, DOMINION1 CORN FLAKES 3 f'kta. 29c .... x(10..... date of this paper 140-C Ci19Hnn' I MAITLAND CRE ME .... — Phone 271 Win `s ham - e 0 it,.;itI We are Iaclina CARof k On THURSDAY, AUGUST 19th, 1926:, The Co-operative Way. Get your hens culled by Government cullers. Buyers oI Cream, Eggs and P ultry Remember to participate in Commodity dividends, you have to be a Club Member or Shareholder. The United Farmers Co -Cap. Co. Ltd. • ih iv 51l t*naN'EN N O . . T Y .0 SHOP We Barry a hill Iii r ,i e FOR FA F , LIGHTING PLANTS Our lamps are the best. Dur prices are the 1 ingham Cra lord . i:lteka west. tilities Phone 156. 1112/111111111111111111211111EN THAT'S MUTUAL! MUCH -ASHAMED OF rt i °U AoREi, lir. Raymond Redmond and his. mother ,Mrs. J: Redmond atsd daugh- ter, c .tired to Michigan tie; Latter port of last week, where they were joined by l frs. Bell's daughter, Miss Mary, who had been visiting friends ilx Detroit the past week. Miss Mary has been receivieg her education in. Ont. and is returningwith her motho er to the west . Mr, i crtnan Wightnran of the Soo visited his brotitei` Mr. Earl Wight - man last ween ph his return home Iris sister 1tis"a Arline acettnpsinied hint. The Donnybrook United church ttre holding their anniversary services on :Sent. lrjtit ,and the Westfield United t:leerct• are having their antnv'`t 'u v' services ori Oct. 3rd. Further Par - Ile ilars will be made later. Mr. and Mrs. i1,Telvin Taylor acid ehildren ,visited Mrs. Taylor's totrents .:tad ,Airs, 5".ntith of .liras ick Ott,. Sunday. 7