The Wingham Advance Times, 1926-08-26, Page 5`Thursday, August 26th., rx926 ■ ■ Three ■ ■ ■ ■ ore as 00 ■ Of Saving 0,.;. portunities at ■ Isar 's Clearing Sale ■ • ■Thursday, Friday ■ ■ ■ •• and Saturday COME ALONG FOR 1VMORE •.• Final "Reductions in all Departments to force immediate clearance of all Sultnxxller st''i=ck to make room for New :Fall Goods i NOW ARRIVING ■ Ladies' Ready -to -Wear Clearing at Big Reductions • ® '; • ■ • Ladies' Silk Dresses, all new ■ • ,Hoarse Dresses, now only Scg Broadcloth Stripe Dresses.,.$1,08 ■ ® Some sizes in Odd Top Skirts, M.on salt to clear at • Aprons, large sizes and fast IM colors al Bargain 'Tables in Ready -to- e ▪ '' Wear Dept, your pick for .:_75c ■ Hosiery at Money Saving Prices ■ best makes of Silk Hose on sale • at ,_.-::,.:_49C, 98c, $1.19, 1•,25,: 1.39 S Corsets, clearing lines on sale ® at ,__- .-_ 98c, $X.39, 1.95 Nil■ ■ SALE OF SHOES ■ of See window of Slippers and Ox ■ fords, Kid, Suede and Patent ▪ Leather, value up to 2.9 models, wear guaranteed, now reduced tei $8:5o, 9.5o, 10.50 12.75 See jiaem they are wonderful value. ® • $45o, now on sale at...... • t ■ ■ ■ Towels, ' Heavy Bath Towels, ® � .now dnlY,, Per parr __----r . .••.59C ■ All other lines of Boots and Shoes at Money Saving Prices. DRY GOODS • Flanneletten yard wide, heavy striped, sale .21c Towelling, all Linen, now -.._17c Cotton, yard wide Factory Cot- ton, for - -..._ . .._.........X4c Sheeting, z yds. wide, heavy. 49c Prints, act pieces to clear, re- duced to 25c Crepes, yard wide, good colors, reg. 75c, now ____.....35c Broadcloth in; Stripes and spots reduced to 39c Gingham English make in check and stripes, 32 inch, now,... -.....20c Curtain Lace reduced to __-...... 39C, 49C and 59c Underwe r a Ladles Vests V t to clear at :._.-_- .__:.__._._..._..19c SILKS Big saving on good quality, Silk. xo ends, to clear, Navy, Black, Brown, Sand or Grey; regular value $d.so, prices cut to .49 .L4SaatJ1YU alJJ•JJyVaL,- Table. Linens, new goods, red- uced to 98c, $1.20, 1.35, 1.6o DRESS GOODS DEPART - . .Big choice in all weaves, now. on sale less 20 per cent. Grocery Department' Is complete with all lines of +rash Goceries. Prices Down. You Save Here.. ■ • ■ ... MEN'S CLOTHING ■ STORE You make Saving?. Worth ■ While on all lines of en's and ■ Boys' Wear. Men's and Young Men's Suits, ■ sale .. $15.95 ■ Boys' New 'Model Suit::, reduc- ed educ ed;to _.� -.-- - _ ... m...._: $6.90 al Men's Raincoats,' rubber lined, I now __... _.. _-:r_ $6.go ■ Men's Light Weight Caps 75c PA Strong Braces for Men, now 33c ■ Boys' Wash Suits to clear rag Men's Plain and Fancy Sweat- ■ ■ ers, reg. $2.75 for :_.._ $2:19 Men's Strong Wearing Pants, on sale at ___: .: $2.95 Bargains in Overalls, Heavy weight -Black, regular $2.50 val- ue for $r.9'8' Men's S,ocas, reg: 35c, now ,.,,25c Fancy Shirts, value up to $x,.75, to clear now Summer Underwear Shirts and Drawers now - _ .._45c Silk Ties, value up to $x.00, on sale at Men's Strong Wearing Boots, bargain at _ _-..._ Men's Silk Socks, now on sale at - 59c BIG REDUCTIONS FOR LAST THREE DAYS I8E Co., ■ ▪ H E Isar®, ■ ■ 1 • Ingham I rusummumomminunammusimummunnumnimmummium UPPER SCHOOL EXAMINA' tIOIJ WINGHAM HIGH SCHOOL Class X-75 to 100, Class 2, 67 to74, Class 3. 6o to 67, Credit So to 6o. Any pupil wishing to ' attend a Normal school ,should make'applicat- tion to the Deputy Minister, Educa- tio>(i Dept, Toronto, Ont, Anderson His 3. Alg 2, Geom g, bt. 2, Zool 3 Physx Chen 3. . Anderson er on ..Trig c, Zool .,. D: k Armstrong - Comp.- 3 Lit c Hist c Alg. c Geom c Trig c Bot c; Phys c. M. Ben- --- Comp c Lit x, Hist 2 Alg. i,' Geom 3,;• Trig x Lat A 2 Lat. C. i, Fr. ' Auth c Ft C. 2 E. Carr Comp 2, if Christie - Comp c Lit.; Geom S. Dane -• Lit. 'c, Hist, c, Alg. 3 Geom c, - Trig 1 Physics c. C.Dickson Comp c Lit 3 i, 2, A McLean -Comp 2. W. McFadyen Bot. c, Zool c, V, McGue Lit. 1. M. McInnes - Lit c, Alg, 2 Geom Trig, 3 Bot, c Zool c; Ag. McKague -- Bot, c Zool c. And McKague Lit. e, Hist 3, Alg Geom.' 2 Trig I Latin .A 2; .LatinG. Fr; A, s Fr. Comp c W. McKibbon Comp c, Lit. c,, E. McMichael` Coinp c, Lit, 2, Hist c Georn • Trigx Latin Authors 3, 3; Latin C. 3, Fr. A. �2, Fr, C 3. J. Menzies Coinp, c L it3, C. Messer ---t Comp 3, G, Mitchell --•, Comp c, .Yet, c, M. Moir - Hist, 3, Alg 1, Geom c,. Latin A. 2, Latin C r Fr, A. r, Fr, C. A. Montgomery -- Lit. c, Alg. 2, Geoin'2, Lat. A. 3, Latin C. c, Fr, A. c;' Iain. Comp. 2. M Perdue - His. 3, Geom c, Phys. c, Cheers c. J Robertson -.Comp c, Trig. 3, B. Dobie Comp c, Lit, 2. Botany c; 1 2 Al x Geom, W Ferrier -�- Hist g , , • Trig 2. 1 'i x Bot. 2 Zool. Chem. r B 3 g , O. Fells - Hist .c Alg, c, Geom. c. Trig e, Bot, c Zool, e, Field Conip C,, Lit, x, Gem 22, , J. fowler- Comp c Lit.' I. M; Gibson -- Conip c, I,it. x.' Mae. Grant -� . Geoni2 ,7."riga, Zbol 3, Ft Atttir c Fr ,Comp c. M. Chutney -- Hist. c, Trig. 3, Bot Conip c, Lit. r, and E. Henderson Geom. 3. I3ende •son Comp e, Lit. x, tw Ho I•lmultla ^• Comp 1,: Lit, x. S. Hutton ' Bet. 11 001 2, Phys. 3, Chetn 3.' W. Kew I-Iist c, Geom c, Trig. Comp, r. P .Kilpatrick W-•• hist c, Alg, c, Geo: ,40 Trig 2 Latin A 3 Latin Conip 3 Fr. ;Anil -c French Comp.. 3. L. Robertson -Coni .3, Lit. 3, Hist. 1 c,Georn c,Trig 1 Latin A. a A, 3, 8' h , Fr. 'C c. . T Robci tson - Comp 2, Lit.2. G. 'Roth Lit c, Hist c. G. Roth Lit .c. Hist C. P. Scott - Hist c, Alg c, Cleorri c, ' Bot. 2, Zool 2, ? ltys 3. V, Sellars- Hist .c, Alg c, Geom c, Bot. r. ,tool, 2, Latin A, ,, Latin C. 3,, Fr 'C 2 Fr i A 2, A Shackleton -- Comp c. Lit r, Ydist,, 2; Trig. 2; Boty., 3; Zool., 2; Cheni., C F, Shackleton -Hist., C.; Alg., 1; tali . Geom., G; Boty., C; Zool., 2; , y s, C; Chem, 3, O Stokes -Lit., 3, E, Switzer-Alg, C; Geom, C, ?tys,,, C• C, Trig., Y 3; Lat. A„ C; Fr. A,,, C; Fr. Coinp.; C A, Thompson -Comp,, Cs' Lit,, 3; Fr, 1 C01111).$ C. Geoid,, C; 1 r, A,, C; 1 i, L. Thompson -Hist., C Alg., 3; Geom,, C; Trig., 2; 'Bots,, 2; Zool., C; Fr, A., 2. R VanVelsor'Lit:, 1;' Hist., C; Georn., C; Boty., 3;'Zoo1.,C; .Fr, A. 3; Fr, C., C. J: Wright-Geom. C. G. Douglas -Hist., C. M, Mitchell -Comp, . C; Hist, C Ge9m. 3. - 8o per. • cent, of all` papers written. ine h tUpperSchool , were passed; ' Positions Guaranteed This is the time when nnany young people must make the decision 'as to their- life's work. If you ate ' su; e that you are going to eb a doctor, lawyer dentist, clergyrhan ,or teacher, we can he of ver-, -little service to :nee If you purpose ' entering the greater world.- of business, where there a', greater pttssibilltieiY' we car train e0 quickly and place you in a good sit- uation . In fact we guarantee every graduate a position. The pupils may . tatake, :ti their' le. • entire coarse at Home by Correspondence, or they may take.'{{t up partly by home' study ,and .finish at College, thereby saving board, This isa worthy link in Canada's Greatest Chain .of. I :igli-Grace ,Modern, Actual Business, Schools Graduates of the last year are earn- ing from One Thousand to Two Thousand Dollars per anurn. ,Ask us for a list bf graduates of the past twenty-five years, and their addt'esses, from your locality ,so, yotr' inay con fer with nicer , Lady stenographers start at a, better salary than public school teachers. Write, to -day for particulars to the '1 Tiiigliant 130siness College, Wingham, Ont, or Toronto's Greatest; Commercial School, the Canada Ltisiness College College & Spaclina, Toronto ,Ont. Pail terra be» gine, Tuesday, Sept: gnat WINGHAM ADVANCE -TIMES LUCKNO W Mr: Jas, McCall'uni of Detroit spent a few days with hie another and sis- ters here.. BORN - In Lucknow, on Friday Aug. 2oth, to Mr:• and Mrs, Jas, Mac- Donald, a son (Kenneth Alexander.) BORN -In 'Wiegharn hospital, on Thursday, Aug. x9th, to Mr, and Mrs. Wellington -lendersdn of Lucknon, a daughter, Mr. and Mts. E. A. Holmes and little daughter Patricia, also Mrs. W. Hamel of Detroit, visited last week with their uncle, Mr, D, C. Morrison. Mr. and Mrs, J. L. Falls, of Chicago, spent a few days recently with her mother, Mrs. Robt. Graham. Mr, Elliott Little of Chicago is spending his vacation with his parents here, z Mr, and Mrs, Gordon Johnston and children of Toronto are visiting his niother and other relatives here. Rev and Mrs. A. C. Stewart and family of Acton, who are Tamping at Bruce Beach, visited with Me. Stew- art's sister, Mrs. Ben Chestnut. Miss Grace Wray of Lo,rdon is spending a'few days, with her cousin Miss Maelle Allen, - Tailoring for Men; Fall and Winter These cool : mornings remind us that sunnner will e past before elec- tion day And while merchants are ofefring great inducements to have you pay your money for this season's styles and keep then for next summer; when other styles will be worn, I wish to sell suits of my own make .for the fall and 'winter, from new goods in Scotch ,English and Canadian cloths, from $25.00 up. Special patterns'in Scotch Tweeds. -A W Webster, The Tailor Up Stairs; over the Advance Times Office BLYTH - - Miss • Alberta Stothers of Denver Colorada,,is visiting her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Jloseph..Stothers. The Horticultural Society are hold- ing a flower show in Memorial Hall on Sept. est and 2nd: Miss May Laundy of St. Catherines is visiting, at her home' here, '` A number of young men from this vicinity went west on the Harvester's Excursion. ' - Mr. Harry Baker, has taken a pos- ition with the Bank of .Commerce at Chesley. Blyth Fall Fair dates are Wednes- day andThursday, Sept, 22nd and 23- rd. 1- r. Mr. Robert Howard, who for sortie - time ting has worked in Stratford et his trade of bricklayer, was suddenly seized with paralysis while working at a building on Friday afternoon. He. was taken to ,the hospital and pass- ed away Sunday evening, never re- gaining concicrusness. ' Deceased was the eldest son e.f the late Mr .and Mrs: Robert Howard. His wife predeceased him a few years, He leaves two daughters ,and two sisters, one brother John Howard, of East Wawanosh. Funeral services will be held at his late home ,Queen St., N. and will be in charge of 'Rev. W. B. Hawkins on Wednesday. EAST WAWANOSH -. Mr. and Mrs: Wm. Robinson and Miss Anriie, visited with Dr. Harold Robinson, of Walkerton, a few days last week. Hi11111®III®IIImi11®III®III®III�III�III®111lilll®li 1111 POLITICAL MEETINGS IY Meetings in the interest of J. W. KING AA Progressive Candidate for ' North Huron, 2 .will commence'at 8 o'clock each - evening as follows: 191 Fordwich, Friday, Aug, 27th. 1l.• a'. t 28th - La. et, Sat, Angus Gorrie, Monday, Aug, 30th,. Wroxeter Tues, : Aug. xst. , Aug. 3 The candidate and others will ee,,address: the meetings Itio ' EVERYBODY WELCOME ® Ladies Specially Invited, ` All ..the Ki Gbd Save ng„ 11111111111111111111110111111111111111111111111IIIIIOIIINIIIIrat tiallei II 111�111111 Il11111111111111101111IIIIIIIII111111i1111A Ilii � it 1 I� lAu-dilon AI! lel 1111 " will continue at m. The i Store Enter' ��a Sla INI � wl Bad r Night Aug. '� INR IA Nw JOIN PUI Vi'1 , Act IiI INIII$i1I 1fli*t 1MllllI I{1l111ilil lllli11111 11ll lli 111 eormencin'g at 8 o'clock, on iw.�ini��aawt�r «Grry•.r' Personal and. Local . Items of Interest Mies Cora Beckwith of New York is visiting her mother, Mrs. . M. M, Beckwith, Edward St. The 'Brussells Post will take its holiday week next week, Ivlrs, E. Hammond and son, Bobbie, have returned to their home in South Bend, Indiana, after visiting with; friends in Wingham. Mr. and Mrs, C. W, Aitken and two children' of Listowel, attended the Meads - Chandler reception here Saturday, August 14th. Dr, and Mrs .Rogers and fancily of Ingersoll called at the home of Mrs. (Dr.) Kennedy while on their way to the beach at Kincardine. , Mr. and Mrs. Geo.. McEwen and Tittle daughter of Goderich, visited at the home of. Mrs. McEwen's mother, Mrs .Scott, Frances St. Mr. and Mrs, Garay Willis and daughter of Toronto, are visiting with the former's parents, . Mr, and Mrs. W. H. Willis, John St. - Mr. George Akins"of • lesherton, and Mr. Stewart MacGr gor'sof Bel - more, are now on the. stafffof , the Wingham Advance- .:Times. - Rev. J. Carlton McCrackin, Wood- stock ;and Mr .and Mrs. A, Lavelle Taylor ,of London, were guests last week with the Misses McCrackin. Rev. A, C. Riley Mrs. Riley and family, returned o' their home in Marengo, Illn i , af ex visiting with her parents, Mr.a Mrs; Blackhall. Mr, and Mrs. Thos: Scott, Wing - ham,' and ing-ham,`and Mr, and Mrs. W. J. Scott, Morris, motored to Clinton and spent a day with friends last. week. Mr and Mrs. ` Fred .Anderson of Canning with their 'son. Jack, visited. last week with Mr .and ,Mrs. Thos. Deans and other relatives in this vicii- it . y Mr. and Mrs. , Geo. Allan and Miss. Janet ,have returned from Rochester, Minn ,where they have been visiting Dr, Frank Allan of the.Mayo Clinical Staff. Capt. Rev. A ..C, Cummer, Rector of Christ Church, London, Ont., and Miss. Cummer are visiting at the home of Mrs. Margaret Stewart, Frances. Street. We are sorry to report the serious illness of Mrs. C. D. Shackleton. Her sister, Miss Flo. Fleuty, who has been in Huntsville, was called to her bedside. Miss Joy Tolton, Walkerton, Miss Clarence Bieman, Clif'o,d, recent stu- dents at the WinghamPleueinese Coll- ege have taken excele.nt positions in Toronto, - ;'.,•... ,,<• Mrs. Will N. Robertson, Jean and Lloyd, returned home after spending a couple of weeks at .Kincardine, ac- companied by her sister, Mrs. J. Robinson. Rev. A. E. C. and Mrs. Pentland, left for 'their home in Loanie, Ili., af- ter spending the past two weeks with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs, J. H. Christie. Mr. G. R. MacKersie, principal of Bounty School ,Sask. ,1eft oi. August nth ,to comemnce his duties. He has been in that same school for over - twelve years. In our last issue we stated that Mr. 'Vin. Wilson was inspector of Lower Winghai,ir school. We find we 'were in erorr as the trustees have not engaged an inspector, Mrs, (Dr.) Lounsberry, and 'daugh ter, Miss Elizabeth, of •' Philadelphia, are visiting at the horn of ,the form- er's parents, Mr. and 'Mrs. Thos, Thos. Scott, Diagonal Road. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Swanson and Messrs. C. and A. Brown of Detroit, and Mrs. Swanson of Goderich, spent a day with the former's' brother, Mr. C. M. Swanson, Frances St, Mr .and Mrs, R .0. Meads returned to their borne in Toronto after spend - to their home in Toronto after spend- ing a fp wdays at her parents home, Mr. and Mrs, W. L. Chandler . Mrs, McGee, who resides in the Advance -Tines Block, fell on. Tues- day and broke her -leg. This will likely go hard with the old lady as she is well past the allotted span. Mrs. W. Adams Shiner 'St, has re- turned home after spending the past week with relatives in Orangeville, accompanied by ;the Misses Helen and Ruth Hughes'"•qf• Orangeville, Rev. Chas,ashb rr W t n, wifeand, familyof West Pint I" Point, krch,Mr. and Airs. John 'Orr, 'London, Nlrs. Prank Sturt, Detroit, Mich,, were visitors at the Brunswick over the week -end, Mr, and Mrs, Free] Morris and dau- ghter Dorothy of Oshawa, also Mrs. C. Laeleie and daughters Jencvieve' and Ruth of Milton, are visiting; at the hone of their mother, Mrs, 1'. L Jobb. ' -Miss Jean Copeland ,who - is lion - (laying with her grandparents in Ow - en Soupd, successful in winning second prize in an essay writing colt- test concliicted by the Owen Sound Sun -Times . Miss Evelyn Linlclater, who has been visiting her brother, Dr. E. Link - later, Rouyn, (tie., is spending tete i;iit :m!r'UlIi;N11111111a1111l1111111111111$iIiI11111 11111111, 1111111 1111I.111.. I1 III11IiII1III$111111111iIIuIIIm111411lmillmlllmij ,1 ...i IN OIA 111 Staples and Summer Goods, 27 in, White Flannelette, splen- did quality, reg. esc value for 2oc a yd. 36 inch Plain White and Light Striped English Flannelette, reg 37c and 4.oc, for _,___ -33c yd. 36 inch Flannelette in dark and light patterns, extra fine quality reg. 3oc for .4 25c yard 36 inch Chintz in medium and ▪ dark colorings All good pattern,. 1 g reg. value 35c, for ._,,.,29c yard ® - Crepes, Voiles and Broadcloths;, the balance of our ` summer stock, reg: value $x:oo a yard, PATENT SLIPPERS $3.g5 Ladies' fine Patent Slippers, one and two strap styles, low op or Cuban heel, regular $4.5o and $5.00, for $3„95 - 11 J L,WINGHAM IIMIII®1IN11111111®11181II®IIINISII®IIIKIIOINIIIIIIIMIIVIIMIII®II110111111MINIIIKIII 113111111311! 36 inch Pajama - Cloth in a soft finish material of best English make, reg. 445e for ________-37c All Linen Towelling from the - best makers, special prices at -_, 23c to 35c 36 inch Bleached Cotton, free fromdressing, extra value._:.a8c 36 inch Factory Cotton, splend- id quality, reg. value 250 for_2oc 40 inch Heavy Factory Cotton, ear leader, reg. 35c for 54 inch All Wool Botany 'Serg- es, fine quality Black, and Navy, regular value $2.75 and $3.00, for ._ __ __._.. $2.xg yd. HOSIERY Entre value in Silk Hose, spec- ially priced at ____._._69c and 95c Mercury full fashioned all Silk Hose, new shades at_.. 2 - $•39 Why Pay More 7 j Buy Here and Save Money. esesexameemzeom Security f i� ":1 , WHEN you keep in your home' or your office important papers, negotiable securities, jewelry - and other valuables, you run 'a daily risk of complete loss through fire or theft. A Safety Deposit Box in this Bank affords you s place of absolute safety for your valuables. The: moderate rental is a small price to pay for security.. 26 THE J A. WALLACE, WINGHAM BRANCH, Manager,- • Linklater, Victoria St,. A former Huronite 'visited former friends, 'Mr. W •.•,A. Hoag ,of Moss - bank, Sask., has been revisiting old scenes and former friends in .Wing - ham and around Bluevale, Lakelet and other places in this locality. Rev. Wm, Monteith` and Misses and family from near Montreal, and his father mild mother, Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Monteith from Exeter, also. Miss Kat- elena Montieth were visitors at IVIr, Wm. MacKersie's last week end. Mr. and Mrs Jno. Gordon of West- on ,accompanied•by their nephew and niece, Miss Dorothy and Mr. Gordon Anderson ,spent their holidays last week with Mr .and Mrs. Thos. Deans and other relatives in the vicinity The waters' list for the town ship of Morris has just been complet- ed and has been posted up. The list contains 1076 -names in Part 1, 55 in part 2 and 118 in part 3. There are 466 persons in the municipality eligible for jurors. Get Did of the Pests -Just spray. "rilack, Flag" Insect Destroyer in the reoiii, pantry or closet. It kills flies inoths, ants, mosquitoes, bed bugs, roaches and other insects, aed their eggs. - Per can only 3oc, at Thomp- son and Buchanan Hardware. Miss.` Elizabeth Irvine, of Shanghai China, who for the past twenty-nine years represented the Woman's Union Missionary Society of Amer- ica, as a missionary, is spending a few days with her friends, Mrs. Margar- et Stewart and argaretStewart-and Miss Ella Cloakey of Francis Street Mr: and Mrs. Phillip Jar nes of 1 Grey Township, and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Caspell and son, of Cleveland, Ohio, who are visiting, at the home of Mrs. James, Sr., Frances St., motored to Owen Sound on ° Sunday. Mrs,. Janes, will accompany her daughter, Mrs. Caspell, on their .return to Cleve- land. Miss ;Norma Rogers attended at the door; while Miss Margaret Hunter was upstairs in the linen room and: Miss Delka Reid in the lingerie room.: The guests then proceeded to the din- ing room, where Miss Glady Browne,, assisted by Misses Martha Burns t'id Mary Beckman, served a dainty lunch. A large number of Winghamites - were present at the Teeswater=Ory- en Sound baseball game on Monday evening. The Teeswater- boys are winners of the Bruce League and met Owen Sound in the finals de- feating' them 3 to 1. The return game- will amewill be played in Owen Sound . on Wednesday afternoon, The Tees water boys are playing a great game this season, and' are ably assisted by Dr. Geo, Howson of Wingham. When miss Ethel Chandler, bride- to-be n returned to Toron :o the t o t e ev- ening of Wednesday ,August 4111, a very happy surprise, awaited her at the home of her friends, Mr .and Mrs. Edwin G Taylor ,S9 Northcliffe Blvd.. As she proceeded to the dining ro.rn, the lights flashing on, revealed', a num- ber of her many friends assembled a- bout the table, which was heaped with beat/Wel gifts.' The decorations of pink and white, with stertmer flow- ers, added a pleasing touch to the scene. IiIIIIIIRIM11111111 111, III 11113111411INIIIIIIll 1111E1111111111111Z11111111 11131111 • d tho',,StoPy .ems Baru e '1 Corn len;cx . In the Next lss`' � axe of the :Adv?aAllCe.x1mes Beau Geste is one of the very best stories we could procure. It was written by Percival Christopher Wren, r Here is . a Story Worth Whiled Don't Miss it, ap- i pearing in 37 generous installments Now is the timeyour �to commence SL1bStrrlpt10YI to this pa" paper paper. Start next week's p p p to that absent ...., friend. It is more appreciated by those away from M their dear ones renxaitxdcr'of the holidays at the home,, o£ 1 it4 paree nts Mx.;.inxid Mis, WntY s, $Ilfitllisi{1NI111iIIIiIIIg111m1111N1riktIr1ot11illmIliMta1fMg111M1111�I11�iN,�Muf>N�il1�Y111�Nliil�lll�lllalallNlMINI