HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1926-08-26, Page 2'HE WINCHA ,?, ADVANCE -TIMES
Published at
Every Thursday Morning
A. t;x, Smith, Publisher,
Subscription rates—One year $2.00,,
Six months $x.00, in advance.
• Advertising Rates and Application.
It was a great joy to the writer to
`spend a Sababth and conduct religious
-services in the United church in the
town of Wingham, My first visit there
was on ' January 1st 1877, ' and on
June 29th, I87g, I preached Sunday
school anniversary services there ,and
recall Mr. Flack (Superintendent), Dr.
Towler Rotb. Mclndoo, and John.
Neelands . Twenty or more years
slater, I was privileged to have a small
part in the corner stone laying, and
'iii the opening of the present church
edifice.. I was glad to recognize in
the 'congregation of Sunday last, . a.
number whom I knew in former years.
`W.. J. Howson, H. E. Isard, W. Fields,
T. Scott, Mr. Bolt, Wm. McKerzie, J
`Gailbraith, Dr. R. L. Stewart and
-others . I also called on John Kerr
'(so tong connected with the activities
=of the church and school) W. J. Greer
'Geo. Mason and others.
Nearly 5.2. years ago, I left my home
near Bowmanville, to supply a va-
cancy on the Arthur mission, and this
placed me within the bounds of the
London conference, in which I have
spent •all the years of any ministry.
Changes , there have been, but sin,
Christ and salvation are the same. 1
am not ignorant of the materialistic.
writingsof the day, which would
extinguish Moses, dislocate Isaiah, ab-
olish John, and discredit the diety of
Jesus Christ and his miracles, but I
would hold fast the faith of one'Christ
and Him crucified, with which I'start-
,ed out ,and I find in my visits here
and there, that the people still hun-
ger for the old gospel and the faith
of our fathers.
What a host of most valued friend -
'ships have been formed, ministerial
and lay, and how often they have been
Ibroken by the ruthless •hand of death.
And so it comes to pass that one
has more friends beyond the veil than
this side of it, but:
'Tis sweet ,as year by yeir we rose.
Friends out of sight, in faith to muse
How grows in Paradise our store."
After forty-four years of active and
unbroken service I retired seven years
ago ,and while' grateful for the opp-
ortunity o rendering service on the
Sabath, to the extent of my ability,
It am enjoying the relaxation from the
crowding urgencies of a busy pastor-
te, and ocacsionallyr lift my eyes to
see how .low the sun is setting A
kind Providence has watched over our
life and ordered our steps, and we
are grateful for the rich and glor-
ious things of this life and the hope
of the better things in the yonder
land where so many of the friends
of a half century ago, have gone,
"Happy is he that lieareth
The signal of his release,
The bells of 'the holy City
The chimes of eternal peace."
—D, Rogers
St. Thomas, Aug. 16th 1926.
To the Editor of the Wingbam Ad-
vance Times.
Dear Friend: Last time I wrote you,
we•were in Winnipeg, where 'wc spent
four days, leaving on the n5th of JnIy
for Brandon and Souris. We went
by Portage La. Prat're, trough some
very fine country, and the crops were
1 ::iuig good. They say it is a i'r+.
vincial Highway all the way from
Winnipeg to'Brandon but mist say
we thought some of it quite a juke
fora Provincial I ighwa> It was
just a prairie trail, wideenough for a
car, and the ruts so deep .that you
had to watch for a place to turn out
if a car came meeting y»i .
When. we got to Souris we parted
from Mr. and Mrs. Maguire as they
were stopping there with friends. We
spent ten days around Hartney, Lan-
der, Medora, 17elerane, Resdon and
Melitta. We spent a night with Mr.
and Mrs. Robert . Sterling in Melitta,
old Belgrave friends,and they sure
have not forgotten the Belgrave folk,
for they asked for everybody .
From there we crossed the boundry
at Pearson, out of Matt.toba into
Sash:uchewan, and came tc Almeda
and Frobisher. where my brother J.
IL's family are settled . Crops are
looking fine, we hear reports of dam-
age with hail ,but have seen none so
far. Roy Brandon started cutting
barley on the 29th of July and Willie
started .two, eight foot binders . into
oafs on 31st of July, and /got the
third one going 2nd August; There
is a heavy crop of straw and well fill-
ed. I drove one of the three eight
foot binders around a 16o acre field
of grain, and tell ,you it seemed like
going awayfrom home for dinner.
When I got my 'license from you
last year, you sold me a.. small plate
marked Wingham, and which has giv-
en us a grdat deal of cunversation. On
coming to the car after parking, we
often find someone waiting to see
who the fellow is driving a Wingham
car ,and the have met a great many,
whom ,n•e would not have met :i it
had not been for that plate
We got an introduction to an old
gentlermin'in tow.,, j,rho lived at one,,
iitnr:t: Hlensall. 1 -fa .•kPr.',i.i.at part
of Ontario I was from, and when I
told him Huron County, Oh he said,
"Front God's Country." Our next
move from here will be to Woodrow,
200 miles west of here ,where Mrs.
Brandon's brother lives We have
been able td keep in touch with things
at home through your paper, which
we appreciate very much.
Yours truly,
J. A. Brandon
Or (he
en: ne
11ILcLaughlin-Buick now presents a
new; and finer rn.otor car with art
engie vibration%ess beyond aIJ pre-
vious experience!
At every point in its whole power
range, this engine will remind you
of the smoothness and quietness of
electrical operation.
No other car today, regardless of
its price, accomplishes the same
freedom from noise and rumble.
No other closed car interiors are
so divorced from mechanical roar.
McLaughlin -Buick engineering has
achieved ,the result that all motor
car engineers have sought for years.
Let us: give you '`•a demonstration.
MP -410
1 ht rsdayl ' Algust". 'oah, xg 6,
Every Day Sees ore Good's Placed on Display for Quick.Selling.
Be Sure You Get Your Share of These. Specials
We Don t Want To Carryver, y : c�. Jour rGoo.
So Prices Are Slashed To Assure A Complete Clean -Up
Geta Dress length now,, attlieselowpri-
ces, all very low, priced for a Clean. Up.
29e, 39c, 49e, 69c, 98c yd.
A few good patterns left, in qualities that
have been selling up to $x.g8, all 0 Q
going at one price, yd.
VOILES, Very Special.
A last chance at these as we must have the
room for other goods, so out they 4 c
go at ...._
A clean up of odd lines in Pure Silk quali-
ties, reg, up to $2.00-a pair, while _
they last, per pair _____________ �9'¢:
Ladies' Black Cotton Hose
You should see this line in Black, White,
Brown, very special value, per
pair for ��
18 Inch Bot. Silk Hose
Note the length of silk, colors, Black, White
Grey, Nude, Keach, Champ., extra _9y
valuper i's `�®�'
A real number at $i.00, but we made a'good
purchase, so offer a limited quant-.
69 c
ity at this low price
We offer below, a few suggestions by way of outfitting the
Boys and Girls for opening day -Low Prices Prevail Here
Girls' Mercerized, Hose
A clean up line, colors, Black, White,
Sand, all sizes, reg. up to 3
6.50 pair, for
Misses' Slips
Made from the popular nain-
check, sizes n2, i4, rs yrs: _ _ 63
Misses' Middies
White Middle • Twill, trimmed with
Blue collars and cuffs, en- 1
sign on, sleeve
Serge Skirts
Sunt Special
A splendid ' quality Tweed,grey or
Brown mixture, with two 6®9
pair pants ,
2/1 Rib Hose
Splendid wearing Hose in 25c
Black only, pair
Rubber Belts
Colors Black, Grey or Brown 9
with box buckles, each -.._.w_._
Pleated in Box pleats, 8 and to years
$r.6g. 1x2 and T4 years ,$1.8g
Boys' Braces
27 inches long, and a real brace, lim-
ited quantity,
per pair . 15c
All sizes up to 44_, waist, worth tri -,the, reg__.
ular way $2.25;. ,Clean -U15' 1 9.
Price , A !-
You know the,lizie; (Zifitmerknit'gtlalify,);.
lay hi your supply .now.:
Bal. Shirts and Drawers
Long sleeve and 'ankle length •. in sthe same
qualityy as theecoznbinatfons
Regular 5oc :line, neat patterns:, and' most:
serviceable.- While ' they: last
each do:
Lisle SON . To Clear
Worth about dbubl& the:. price- we ask;, but
for a -clean up:me..offer-thematlowr 2,
price, per pair_:;,:.._._.,..._. ""`�"
This is -an opportunity to• put as stock of
new goods -at' al -very," reasonable: �q9
price, each _ S
Get your straw• now, before they are all
gone, note theprice
Pe >l di Boxes, specially priced at 8c, 12c, 18c
Scribblers, 144 pages, reg. 5,c, n . ...2 }ler 5c.
Lead Pencils, regular 5e v . hiie, Special , .2 for 5c
Towel Sale Continues This
Week ..
1200 Towels were put on, sale a week ago,
we sold a lot, but ,have a good assortment
left for you, so come in and get your share
while you can save from 25 to .4o per Lent.
32 Inch British Gingham
A. splendid line for everyday use, 9 1
irr,slots of colors, yard .
Suitable for Girls' Dresses, 'House Dresses,
etc., in a variety of newest pat-. Sg
terns, per yard ........ -_........ :_..,_...... _...... _.-.._
Large size, regular price $2.95, 229
Week -End Special
All sixes, all colors, 35c each
Made from a good
quality Rubber, col-
ored in Bine or Red
and has plaid imed
hood attached, wor-
th regular $1.75.
\House Furnishing
Don't be without a few of these at
this low price, 2 for ..
_ aim
Good size,. and well made, suitable for Bed
room, Bathroom, Kitchen,' etc.
Wee T s,ts Dresses
Good quality colored cloth with print-
ed designs, ready to wear 49c
each for
Pantie Dresses
Regular, up to $r.49 lines ,all go at.
this low' price, sizes s to 6 yrs,
Narrow Pat. ,Belts
Black, White or Red with 1 5G
Trench buckle, each
Silk S Very Special
Sizes 4 to. 10, lots of colors, 19C,
reg. up to 5oc value, pair -_-_
For the weekend only we offer our regular
stock at this low price
per yard ...
Misses' Early Pall Coals
A clean up of lines that were selling ,.
up to $14.00, Sizes 6, 8, to, 695
xs, and 14 years _ -. .,
Girls' Early Fall Coats
Sizes 4, 5 and 6 years, regu
lar ry.5o value.„ .450
oys' Reefers
Made from a navy Irish ser- S
ge, teal value, at .....
Polo Collar Jerseys
Made with the new turd dowttA"A,
collar and buttoned front each i• "
Balbrigg n `Combs.
.Short sleeve, knee Iength, 69c
sizes 24 to 32
Boys' Wash Sults
A few of theseleft, regular
up to $5.00, for � 4P+
lhaki Bloomers
While they last we will clean' C"
up at w-» 4°
Khaki Long Pants
Thislis an extra special for the 7
boys, get yours early ._.- ..:.....
A clean up of odd lines worth up to $r.6g,
some have lace, some insertion trim, others
plain, all go on sale this week -end
to clear, very special, each �-D
KnlZited Ties
Always a popular line with theta jg
boys, specially priced each __
Valnes up to $1.49, all go at 6
cin price, all sizes, each _..__ 9 °
--- The —
arnily l"leaa qusirtera
Atnd Buy For Lest
gods for Ixchtngs or Re
fund MUST BE .returned 1
ronritlgn 'ONE WEEK 'fro.,
of ptrchase,