HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1926-08-26, Page 1Single Copies, Five Cents.
with which is amalgamated rhe Gorrie V dale and The Wroxeter News
"Ted" Kerr Xilled in
Auto Accident Tuesday
An auto driven by' Ted Kerr, com-
ing to "Wingliam about 12.30 un Tues..
,clay morning, turned over just after
making the lase turn to *Ingham
fz-om Teeswater, and a few rods off
the Josephine street pavement, The
auto was apparently travelling at an
excessive rate of speed and failed to
,turn back on the road taking to the
-ditch. The axle soon caught and the
big Willys Knight turned complete.
ly over and righted itself, doing the
car little damage, Only the top arid
windshield. Ted was pinnedi under
it and his body crushed. The other
occupants of the car) Mervin Temple
men and Cecil Cooke were badly bruis
ed and the former pretty badly cut
The boys struck out to notify a doctor
:and soon as possible, medical aid was
,on the spot and the injered man tak-
en to Wingham hospital, where he
'died about ten minutes after being
.achnitted '
The patents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. J.
Xerr of East "Wawanosh, lave the
• -sympathy of everyone. The funeral
be held to Wine -rain cemetery on
"Thursda.y afternoon . Ted was a big
hearted boy, and has been employed
with'W. C. Lepard since spring,
The auto was owned by T. j. Benn-
ahd was loaned to Mr. Kerr.
Afar vitwing the remains, jr. Red-
anoncl decided an inquast was -armee-
A Brave Man Indeed
Mr. George Spotton is billed to
speak in Flesherten and Chatsworth
'next week Thete, are strongholds
, of Miss Agnes \ MeePhail, and we
would be sorry iceSee,, George's fat
'happy face all scratched up the morn-
ing after the-night'bafote.
:Friclay,:the x3th
Friday, the reth was evidently an
:unlucky day for the Howson family.
On that day a .wheel broke off their
ruck, and in the evening the Chev-
rolet touring tar caught fire when
tDr, Geo. Howson was driving it and
iwas completely destroyed,
kiive a. }Yelping Hand
Work is erogresing rapidly on the
new agricultural building in Lower
Wingnarn aid great credit, $ due the
presirIcnt, C G Campbell, and his
....aen for their good wo 1 4 Already
several men have given .f _heir ser-
vices free arid the boys will be -pleas-
ed if you will give thera a hand. Now
is. your chgenee to offer ,something
mace substantial than sympathy in
this needed work, Others are giv-
• ing either money or tirae, Won't
you show your appreciation by turn-
ing M. I;ave it to say that you had
a hand in the erection of this build-
The Late Edgay Patterson
There .passed away in New York
city, on Sunday, ..tSikagust reek., Oliver
Edgar Patterson, Amegeii: son of
Mr. A. , Patterson, -..-gharn, Ont,
Mr. Patterson was born* Bluevale,
September 8th., 1/391., He'lhad been
'ill about ten days, pl.Vsing away with
'hemmorhage, He had beeti etgaged
with an insurance ...firm in ihe city
of New York for the past foitrteen
years. Be was unmarried. Those to
sureive, are his fatheie Mr, Archie
Patterson, Wingham; four brothers
'arid three sisters, James John, Drum-
heller, Alta.; William Albert, Tor-
onto; Archie Hartley, Spain; Gor-
don Linford, Winnipeg; Mrs, F. Hod-
' gins, Toronto; Mrs. W. C Sterling,
Wiridsor; Miss Victoria Bell; Detroit,
The funerat was held on Thursday
safternoon, from the undertakieg par-
lors of R. A Currie, Wingham. The
pallbearers were John Currie, And-,
rew Wheelaris, Arthur Wilson, Thos.
Hardy, john Weir and MacKenzie
Patterson. Interment was made in
the Wingharn •cemetery. Rev. Dr.
Petrie of St. Andrew's Church, Wing -
'ham, conducted the service.
1111111 44 1 l l ill111111111111 l l 1111111s1H.1111111s11
Dr. Tupper preached with
g eat acceptatiee last Year,
All Welconte,
r iniututUr4kOtiiiwOra
Wingham Boy Worsts
Veterans in Gibson Match
i We residents of Wingliarn and vi-
cinity are all proud of the wonderful
reeord made by Will Taylor, son of
Mr .and Mrs :Thos .Tayloaa'' eatrick
Ste,twho scored3.'N of a possible
'35 'at the Gibsonikifie latch at Toron-
to last week. 0 Theeldil,ewing is the
accomet as pubjishid in thee Toronto
pally Globe of dThursday, August 12.
Man -Ling six shots on the bulls -
ye in les sthan a minute, re -year
oid. Wililam Taylor from Wingham
carried off the honors in the Gibson
rapid -shooting ruatch yesterday again-
st an array, .f the crack shots a the
.1 , . Unknowei as a marks-
man, this Wingharn collegiate cadet
came down alone to represent his
school and community at the Long
Branch ranges, 'and gave en exhibition
of fast -firing shooting t hat was the
sensat;on of the day.
Shooting seven shots in One min-
ute at 300 yards ,the boy hit the bulls -
eye ei.r. times ,end with the other hit
not figued largely in shooting be-
fore. His practicing—and he had
not been intensive in practice, he told
the Globe — had been largely with
his own "22,' back home, and with the
Wireg-harn Cadet Corps .
Although Taylor': ner FI -mance, by
reason, posisbly, of a certain dramat-
ic element in an unknown marksman
outsheoting more famous ,,hots, caus-
ed considerable attention it she ranges
although outstanding skill was shown
in other matches.'
Will has received telegrams of
congratulation from Col, Gillespie,
and 5. A. Cuthbertson, also post -cards
from Miss Floody and Miss Finch.
He has brought fame to the town
and his achievement is worthy of re-
Diarnond Jubilee
Anniversary services will be held in
Ebenezer church, Morris Twp, ,,on
Sunday ,September 12. Rev. D. Rog-
ers and Rev. George Jewett will be in
charge of the services at Ix a.m. and
7 p.m,
Goderich Office Vacant
Daniel McDonald, for marly yeara
clerk of the High and Surrogate
Courts of Huron county, at Goderich,
will relinquish his office on Sept 1st.
The fee of the ofifce nets around
$5,o0o per Year.
'Torn" Tisdale is Gone
From the Red River Valley Leader
of Drayton N.D., we read an account
of the death of John Thomas Tisdale.
He was born April 6th ,1863, at Donny
brook in Huron county ,and went to
North Dakota in 1882. Ten years
tater he reterned to Huron county
and married 1VIiss Eleanor Armstrong
He was very successful ,and was in
charge of a grain elevator of the Great
West Gram Co. at Drayton. Besides
his wife, he is survived by two sons,
Elm& J., of Kevin, Mont, and How-
ard R. of this city, and the following
brothers and Sistus F, W. Tisdale,
Lake Stevens, Wash., Mrs, Josephine
Robertson, Portland, Ore.; Herbert
David, Albert and Walter, all of Lo.
verre, Sask, Mrs .Albert Stien, Ayles.
berry, Sask„ and Dr. H. Tisdale,
Greed Forks.
The Late James Boyle
• The remains of the late James
Boyle, were, laid to rest in Wingham
cepetery of last week lgoJ, Neathe
Rev. Mr. Schaffter of St ?aids Ang-
lican church conducted the services
at the house and grave and the breth-
ren of L. 0. L, n'4.,• acted as pall-
bearers and assisted with the many
beautiful floral contributions„ and
coin:Meted the Orange ceremonies at
the grave Deceased was ainember of
the Orange Order for ex years, he
having joined the order whea he was
in Leland. He was born in the cotin-
ty of Ferinallagh, and lived, in New
York for many Years, For thirty-sev-
en years he was in the express busi-
ness and contracted flu seven years
ago and has shied been troubled
with heart and liver complaint. For
the pail. few years he has spent his
summers at the home of his sot,
Gearge, at Winghant
Among the'florai tributes were sev-
eral front relatives 'and different
members of the , family, also one
from L O. L 320, Washington
Heights Lodge, New York, of which
he was gt membee, also a wreath front
Mr .and MrS, Geo, Finley,
The family wish to publicly think
their many friends for kindness and
sympathy extended in their time of
A Few Hours, Late
Owing to a break 'in our machine
this „week, we are compelled to ask
the indulgence of our readers for our
being a foie hours late in publication,
We will endeavor to be morrsunctual
n the future.
Auto Struck on Diagonal
On Saturday night an auto from
Brussels ran into Mr. Ted Manners'
Studebaker, which was parked an the
Diagonal Road. The 13russells 'car
did not stop, but another ear chased
him to Bluevale, where he landed in
the ditch.
Wornen.'s Institute Meeting
The regular monthly neSeting, o
the Wornen's Institute •will be hel
in the Council Chamber on Thurs
day, August 26th. The ladies o
Lucknow, will put on the program
The holder of ticket number., 324
should claim the quilt. .. stan.
Subscriptions $2.oe per yelkits
• Burglars Escape With
jeivelery and Ford Coupe
Burglars broke into Hamilton's Je-
welery Store in Wingham on Sunday
morning and escaped with over
• Sxsoo worth of jewelry. They also
broke into the Ford garage and stole
a FON coupe in which they made
their escape to. Guelph, where they
were: seen leaving the auto and walk
hastily over to the Guelph radial sta-
They broke a hole in the back dooi
of the Jewelery store and tried to re-
• move the inside bar with their halide
but finding that impossible, they clim-
bed on the roof and reaching down
removed the glass from a high win-
dow b§ scraping the putty off, They
apparently opened the combination of
the safe ,for the outside was not mark-
ed but they were not so careful about
the interior for they pried open draw-
ers and safety boxes with a bat- witich
we understand they stole from the CN. .
13tioThey cleatedathe jewel-,
f ery store ,practically out Followni
• is a list of the stolen goods: Diamond
Rings to the value of $1000 also eight
,.white and green filled wrist vetches
at $reace one rectwrist watch en-
graved ozi back V.M,M from K.C.,
1926 $xe.00;five gents' 168 G, F wat-
ches at $24o0 each; three gents' 168
G.F. watches at $18.5o each; one gents
watch 168 Sil. watch at $8.00; one
gents' 6s G F. Ntg. Mot. in 0.F. case
$ro.00; also bar pins, cuff links, tie
pins, Adam silverware; watch chains
and fountain pens; plain wedding rings
stamped on inside W.R.H.; six ladies'
fancy finger rings; six Masonic rings.
Leaving the jewelery store they
went directly to the garage and from
there to the. Supertest Oil station,
where they stole seven gallons of gas
The remarkable part of it is that
evidently no one in Wiegharn saw or
heard them . It is too bad that bur.
gla,ries like these can be pulled off
and the culprits get away without no-
tice and probably• never be caught, as
was the case of the robberies at King
Bros last spring Business men should
have bettee protection . It is not fair
that men must lose so heavily as Mr,
T. C King and Mr. Hamilton have.
The day of the burglar alarm in the
sinal town should not be far distant.
The Ford coupe was recovered at
Guelph, practically none the worse
of its e.gerience and -we suppose sev-
eral of the diamonds will have quiet-
ly changed hands long before this.
Autos Collide On Culross I3dy.
Church Picnic And Programme
Under the auspices of Sacred
Heart Church, Wingharn, on Tues-
day, Sept. 7th., on the church lawn,
Carling Terrace, Wingham. Supper
served from 5.3o to 8 p. m. Games
music and Prominent speakers. Ey-
er3body welcome. Admission, Adults,
5oc., Children, 25 cents.
L. 0. L. Decoration Services
A very large number of people were
at the Wingham cemetery ott Sunday
afternoon, Aug. 15th, at the Orange-
men's Decoration. Service, under the
auspices of L 0 L e9e. Over zoo
members paraded to the cemetery each
carrying a bouquet of flowers, which
were laid over the graves of departed
brethren . 'The Chesley Band head-
ed the procession. The solemn ser-
vices were in charge of the W7M., Bro
C. R. Copeland, and he was assisted
by Rev (Bro.) A. C. Curnmer of Lon-
don a formerWingham resident, Sev-
eral ladies of the L. T. B. A. were
present at the ceremony.
• Dies While on Visit
In her 93rd year, Mrs. Amanda. Ser -
vis died at the residence of her dau-
ghter, roes Florence street, Landon.
Mrs Servis had lived rnost of her
life in Ingersoll, but was visiting her
daughter when she took sick. Funeral
services 11111 he held from her resi
cience in London Sunday at 2 pen.
The remains will be forwarded to In-
gersoll, where interment will be made.
She was predeceased by her husband
22 years ago . Surviving are one bro-
ther, Jonathan Emigh at ,Blyth; five
daughters; Mrs. S. Keen of London,
Mrs .P. Bears of Ingersoll, Mrs. W.
Blanco of Listowel and Mrs. 5,Milier
of Battle Creek Mich. Five sons are
also surviving.
With the Bowles at Wingham
The annual Scotch Doubles Lawn t
Bowling Tournament was Field at o
Wingharn, on Wednesday last, with s
an entry of 36 rink a , Playing contin- d
ued entil the wee sma' hours. The tro- g
phy was won by Downey and Heather t
o Southampton, Ont., with Reeve
Johnston of Lticktiosv and his brother, 3
Gordon, seconds. The Association T
was won by Spiers and Allen, Mown a
Forest, with Alex- Crawford and Jim
Murray, seconds. The special event T
was won by Olivet Thompson and
Dr, ,Ross of Wingham,with Will Mc. p
Cool and Jack Mason second . p
The next da -y three Wingharn rinks re
attended the Lucknow borispiel, but s,
were unsticcessful. •
Friends of Miss Ila Stewart, will
be pleased to see her out again after
her being badly cut and bruised in
the automobile accident on the Cui-
rass boundary one evening recently.
The auto she was in was run into by
another car and both were badly
d.amaged. Miss Stetvart Was pinned
under the Ford and her ear was bad -
•y cut and required several stitches.
Washouts Cause Delay*.
On Monday night, Wingliam and
he surrounding district eii•erianced
tie of the worst rairtstorms of the
eason, Washouts are reported front
ifferent' parts of the district and
rain and corn ie lying flat, owing to
he heavy downpour, t The CP.R.
ram, due hete from Toronto at eo.:.
6 pen., did not arrive until 3 a.m.
uesday, owing to a washout as. Cat-
he Late Mrs. Jermyn
On Monday, August 23rd ,there
assed away in Victoria Memorial hos
ital, London, one of thi older arld
ost highly respected members of the
ommunity in the pe eon :of Mrs,
Vhitfield Jermyn, of the Ilittevale
Mrs, Jerm. n had been in iU health
arj sortie time though death came un-
xpectedly, Deceased Wa5 a daughter
f the late James Hobbs, J.P. of Lon.
en . She was married forty-six years
go to the late Whitfield j ' n and
tortly afterwards came to reside in
mnghanand -vicinity, Where he
:era the remairider of li a tilie
as a member of the United church,
id her quiet christian character and
fluence were a benediction to those
ho kn t v. her.
Two VCItig and three dates tXtets sur-
ve, Victor of St, Marys', Retssell az
ime, Miss Margaret eel Mis, Nor -
Ian Murch of Toronto s arid Mrs
Rev.) S?rclair of Hensall, Two
tr4....:t.Cf8 4 So, survive, Mega RioneY of
Sarnia and Mrs, Lerigtord of Lon.
The rem:this were laid to rest on
:Amide y ften Itoort in ohm a
• Amid a 'setting Of summer flowers 0
and feins, before the eller of Boner 0
Presbyterian church, Toronto, Ethel d
E., daughter a Mr. and Mrs, WM. 1.. a
Chaadler, Wingham, Ont. and Rob-
erts '0, son of. Mr , and Mrs.
Writ, J. Meeds,lElesiserteri ,Ont, were
United ni Marriage on SeturclaY, Aug
ust the seVenth, nt 'letro 'o'clock by the
1:Z.ev. 'Norman A. MeEacherre forther,
pastor, now of Winnipeg. The bride,
who tvaa given away be her fathers
looked charming in .hetbridal gown
of White canton with trimmings of ail -
Vet and ribliffin, wearing a V cil of tulle , n
with coronet of orange blossoms, end (
carrying a bouquet of Premier roses,
lily of the valley maiden -hair fern, and
baby's breath, She was attended by
her youngest sister, Aliss Mary Al.
in potuize. bine georgette, over gold,
, (Continued on Page 4)
Local and General News of
Interest to The Community
• Miss Irene ell visited in
Toronto for a f ys,
• Miss Myrtl I rd is visiting in
Toronto and t Credit.
• Mrs .W .M. Reid visited for a week
With her brother in Hamilton .
Miss Velma M. Lennox spent last
week with friends at Bruce Beach.
Mr.. Frank Moore of Hamilton,
spent a few days at his home/here.
Mr. Robert Beattie was at New
Hamburg on a business trip this week.
Miss Irene Davis, Centre St, is
spending two weeks at Algonquin
Mrs. C. S. Blackhall visited. Mr.
and Mrs. Lawson Bisbee of Mt. Bry-
Miss IVIarion Simpeort has returned
home after spending a month in Tor-
onto, „..,
Mrs. A J. Barnes—Or Tdronto, is vis-
iting with Mrs‘.. j. G. Stewart, Fran-
ces St.
Miss Beatrice Graham of Joseph-
ine St., is visiting with friends in
Miss Mae Hunter of Morris ,spent
last week with her aunt, Mrs, R. J.
Miss K .M .Bone underwent a ser-
ious operation in Wellesley Hospital
Toronto .
Misess Harriett and Burdetta Mc-
Crackin are visiting in London and in
Toronto .
Mr. and Mrs. C. M, Swanson and
family spent Sunday with friehde in
Mr. and Mrs Theodore Mundy and
little son, Norman, visited at Mt.
Brydies. •
Miss Eva Greer ot the Bell Tele-
phone staff, spent oher vacation in
Brantford. , eee"
• Miss Olive errtwright of Preston,
was the guest of Mrs. Chas. Hopper,
this week. •
Miss Phyllis johns, John St., has
returned home from visiting friends
in Scugog.
Miss Bessie Wright is spending her
holidays with her grandmother on
Catherine St,
Mrs, W. R. Hamilton and daugh-
ter, Ruth, are visiting with friends in
Owen Sound.
Mr. Geo. Ansley of the General
Motors Co„ is renewing acquaintan-
ces in town.
Mr. and Mrs, Leonard Elliott, vis-
ited at the home of ;their aunt, Mrs.
Eliza Pocock.
' Miss Millie Seli has returned home
after visiting friends in London and
Port Stanley.
Wing -ham Public and High Schools
svill re -open on Tuesday morning,
Sept. 7th., 1926.
Miss Viola Wilson of Brussels, is
visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
John Galbraith.
Mrs L. S. Beninger of Cayuga, is
visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
B. j. Beninger.
• Mr. and Mrs. L. Kennedy and fam-
ily of Toronto, are renewing acquain-
tancee in town.
Misses Ada Laundy and Mary
Armstrong, are spending a few days
at Port Carling. Fr
IVXiss Mary Coultes of Toronto, is
visiting with her uncle, Mr. Thos. toe
Deans, Singel,. St.
Miss Mabel ard c)f Toronto, is
visiting at the ome of her parents,
Mr, and Mrs, Jas. S. Isere!. • ''
Miss Evelyn McKay is spending a
few days in Toronto, at the home of
her uncle, Mr. Jack McKay• .
Mr. and Mrs, A. G. Sutton of
North Bay, are visiting with the for-
mer's sister, Miss E. Sutton,
• Miss Katherine Adams of Hamil-
ton, is visiting with her parents, Mr,
and Mrs. R. W. Adams; John St,
Mr .Jas., H. Howell of Toronto, is
visiting with his grandparents, 'Mr,
and Mrs. Wm. Gannett, John st• .
Mrs. Geo. Spotton, who was the
guest of friends in Toronto, for two
weeks returned home on Saturday.
Mr. R. Gerry, operator at the C. P.
R. is away on holidays, and is being
relieved by Master ,Bill Brawley jr.
Mrs. Elizabeth Kent of Detroit, is
spending a few months at the home
of her siker, Mrs. Brack, Minnie et
Mrs. W. J. Proctor has returned to
her home in Toronto after spending
two weeks with relatives in Culross.
Mr. and MrsyeEdo West of Strat-
ford, spent the :trek -end with Mr.
and Mrs. J. W.\ -Dodds, Catherine St
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Holt of New
York city, are on a visit to Mr. and
William Austin B. loiner Turnberr
Mr. and Mrs. R. 0, Meads of Tor-
onto ,visited recently at the latter's
parents, Mr. and Mrs .W. L. Chand-
r. Charlie Deyell left on Friday
norning for British Columbia. Charl-
ie's many friends wish him every s
Mr. and IVIrs. R. C. Cantelon and
fatally, spent Sunday with Mr. Can-
telon's sister, It.fts. H., Kent, Water-
Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Brackenbury
and family have returned home After
spending the past five weeks in King-
Rev. Mr. and Mrs. •Pocock and
daughter of Toronto, visited their
sister-in-law, Mrs. Eliza Pocock last
ueeeskt'sof Mrs. R,er„..-Stewart, Pat-
Miss E. Mulvey of -Straiford, and
Miss Henderson of oronto, are the
rick St.
Mr. and Mrs. W. j. Gallaher and
Mrs. j. T. Lennox, spent a few days
last week with Hamilton Rad Guelph
• Mrs. (Capt) W. 5. Adams and
son, returned honee ,after spending a
couple of weeks with friends in Or-
• Mr. and Mrs. A. MacDonald and
farnil3r have returned to Windsor, af
ter visiting with Miss 1VIeFarlarie,
Miss Doris Wheeler of Hamilton
spent the week end at the home of
her mother ,Mrs. H. Wheeler Cath-
erine St.
Mr, Wilson Turner of Toronto,
spent the week -end :at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. V. R. VanNorman,
Minnie St.
Mrs. Chowen and daughter, Miss
Audrey of Toronto, • are guests at
Mr. and Mrs, J. Mason's home on
ances St,
Mr. and Mrs. :Harry Dore of Sar -
are spending a few days at the
Mr .and 1VIrs, H. C, Boyce of Lon- Sh
on ,spent the week end with his bro.
her, W 5 „Boyce . day
Mrs. H. J. Boyd of Winnipeg is Nis- frie
ing• at the home of her brother, 'W. her
Boyce, Minnie St. •
• Miss Irene McDowell has returned Afr
ane of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dore,
titer St.
Miss Elsie Stewart sperit a few
s in Stratford last week. Her
lid Miss Vera Hall a,ccompanied
home .
fr .and Mrs .Levi Lott and Mr and
a Win. Cole and daughter of E.
wanosh spent a day in Goderich
week .
r, and Mrs, G. E ,Pocock of
rpeth, spent a very pleasant even-
, with their auttt, Mrs, E Pocock,
• .k4,,c.
r.vR. Callawa,y arid sort Billie
Elora, visited recently at the let-
s grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W.
tits Mary M. Chandler of Toronto
ruled the Meads-Clia.ndler recep-
t 14th,
rItheme here on Saturday,
he Federal Rubber Company loc.
d in the carriage factory; former
owned by Wm. Dore, has tom -
:iced operations,
rs, (Dr.) W. C. Read, Oleo Miss
tta Kertned§,) of Vita, Man., ie
ting at the liotete of her mother
•,(Dr.) Kennedy.
15 Dettcart aiid da,ughters Misses
et and Gertrude, •have returned to
r home in Owen Sound after tfris-
g with tile formers daughter, Mies.
t. Copeland,
(Additional Locals on Pet;
home after spending a few days, at
Toronto and Stratford.
Miss May -Thendler returned to
Toronto after spendiree the week end
at her parent d home
'We are sorry to lea,rn that Mrs.
D. Somera is in e critical condition
in it hospital in Toronto,• ,
Miss Lyons of the Walker Store
staff, spout her holidays with friends
in London and Niagara.
Mr. and Mrs, GetseeT „Robertson,
Mr. and Mrs, E. S. COpeland motor-
ed to Guelph oe Seaday.
Mrs. W .R. Hamilton and Ruth Are
ie Owen Sound ;visiting the foriner'e
brother Mr. C. Washburn
gisses Gladys' and Christie Robert-
son spent the past week in Toronto,
Niagara Fells and Buffalo.
Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Carlisle and
family of Toronto, are visitieg with
Mrs. Jas. Walker, John St.
Miss Minnie Andersoe ,who has
been vieiting with Mr. and Mrs. Thoe
Dean and other relatives in this vicin-
ity fot the past Month ,returned to her
home in Toronto on Saturday
Bluevale Presbyterians
Lay Corneratone
hreatening rain and the very
strong winds blo sing, did not keg),
the crowds oc penple from witnesieg
the laying of the corner stone caf the
new Bluevale Presbeterian church on
Friday afternoon,]nor did it make the
people hurry awdy without supper.
We heard the remark madc as to
what kind of a jarn there would have,
becn had the W.'4ther been fine
The stone leas well and truly laid
by Rev. Dr. A j Mekallvray ,of Guel-
ph„ Moderator of the Presbyterian
General Asserrtbly, the trowel being
',resented by James Elliott, ope 'of the
edest residents of the village. Rev.
Dr. Perrie, of Wingham, moderator
of the Presbytery, presided.
A scripture readine was &Yen bY
H. B. Jamieson, student minister. Ad-
dresses were given by Rey. W. G,
Richardson, of Waterloo, an old Blue -
vale boy, and Rev. D. T. McKerroll,
of Victoria. "chnrein Toronto ,
Lunch ivas served by the .ladies of
the Bluevale church, assisted by those,
of Eadie's Presbyterian church, while
a fine program wes giVen by outside
talent. The proceeds ,amounting to
over $600, will go towards the cost of
building the edifice ,whice, when cora-
' leted will be zn the neighborhood of
litre,000 or $15,000.
Successful Mail Clerks
We are pleased to note that among
those taking high marks in the recent
London Mail Clerks exame, where the
names of three Winghant men viz A.
Copia r d and *-o. H. ighes, wiz
took 99.7 per cent ,and C. R. Cope-
land, whose percentage was 99.6.
There were over one hundred mea
who tried these exams, and only,twen-
ty were over 99.5 •
Garden Party
A Garden Party -will be held at
Mr. Frank McCormick's, Cuiross
Boundary, on the evening of Tues-
day, August 3ist. Supper served from
5 to & Program and dancing. Re-
freshment Booth on Grounds. Arth-
ur's Radio Orchestra. Admission,
Adults 500; Children, 25c. A special
invitation to all.
Canadian Pacific Express Co .
After forty-four years of,operation
during which it has growe up with
the country and contributed in no
small way to Canadian developmeee
the Domihion Express Co., will no
longer be known by that name. After
September xst next, that great trans-,
portation agency will be known as the
Canadian Pacific Express Company.,
In al parts of Canada and the United
States and throughout the civilized
world signs an the windows of many
hundreds of branch ofifces will Le
changed, and thus will be forged a
still closer link with the great P"
company whose railroad ,stearnships
and hotels are known around the
Married at Bluevale
A quiet weding took place on the
lawn at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
George Turner, Bluevale, Tuesday, at
high noon, August e7, when their
youngest daughter, Olive E., was unit -
in raarirage to Adam Neely, eldest
son of Mn. and Mrs, William Neely,
Yoting Street, Stratford, Rev. ID, M.
Guest officiating. The bride was
given away by her father and attend-
ed by Miss Helen Neely, Sister of the
bridegroom, as flower girl. After
the wedding ceremony, the young -
couple left on their honeymoon for
Louisville, Kentucky, Washington, D.
C, and other American points, before
taking up their home in Windsor Ont
Out of totyn guests were the family
of the bridegroom and cousins of the