HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1926-08-12, Page 5Thursday, .Aiignst 4%4 2,926 _ ■N moms' 'a■■ ISI■nam .4k,...... us ,musiliul1111�fill 11Rillairllialtini113.11i�111rrirl ul lu ■ r '■ ' ■ oki The 77,1477 7 til• IarGHAM ADVANCE-TIMRS mmummim simmummissicummumaammaimonmenummunimmoom ■MMS■asMMamai■■o 111111181411111413E11131,11201 111lgIIaiII mallei!@Nltf'18 111 ■ ii Only ro rn ere r . •few of t . many.B tirgins offered. Visit the Stor. u,� �t� �' ,e t� � TSI L ® . _ they ..® llllilliallafinall,ilmaiiimIIanaliall1.111ill11IIi11111 31 See the argon's Ni■ ■ IN Mt■ ■ ■ ■ IN■ WI and ■ NI MI, ■• ■I Of IN' ■ ■ ■ Parasols, all kinds, less ___� 20 per cent. IN Sale of GIoves, Iess _ _ 20 per cent. ■s Fine �■■: Hand Bags, your choice at ggc Whit 111/111119111 11111UI�111111111�11111111p1111�( rogisanssmarssemardalluoa ■ • BI Q "STOCK OF BEST MAZES . AT (CUT 'ACES 1 Children's White or Black Cotton Hose 10 -dozen Women's Cotton Hose value ®' 45c2 Sale _ IN AM ■ Sillrr,I pse, fancy colors, cut price _c, g'8c, L19, 25 HOSI ,RY La] ILA - Clearix ,;,lines on sale. See them. Real Bar ':BARGAIN TABLES ON SECOND FLOOR 121 IW m. GROCERIES ON .SALE ,5 .Bar.s Laundry ,Soap .for :Dutch .Cleanser Monarch Blend tea, sale Corn ,cStarch • xoc Beedles's Raisins .,Corn Flakes aoc Mixed;. Pickles, 25c 'bottle _._..__.age .Jelly ,Powder, 3 pkgs. _...___.25c Toilet Soap, 7 cakes for Polishing Soap per .cake _._.__..sc Extracts, 2 large bottles .._.25c :Laundry Starch, per lb :___•ioc Snap, land .cleaner Your Opportunity to Save at these Wonderful Sale Values SALE OF GL ES All lines of Ladies' and Girls' Gloves on sale Iess 20 per cent. GREAT VALUES AT TSS SALE Gingham House Dress- 042 es reg 1.25 value Sale Broadcloth Dresses;' Regular Value, $2.5o, Sale ` • 1 c3,12 1® Price _..._. Summer Dresses, comprising Voiles, Crepes: and Ra -9 5 tine, now on sale at__.° APRONS—Large roomy ap- rons, fast colors, in Checks, Spots and Plain Goods "g)�� COATS—Women's and Misses Summer Coats on Sale $8.50, $9.50, $11.75 BLOOMERS— Ladies Nova Silk Bloomers, Reg. 1 °8 $2.5o, Sale __ _ DRESSES— New Models in Women's and Misses Dresses, , made of good quality Silk Cre- pe, Fugi Silk, Knit Silk all on sale less 20 per cent. SLIPS -At reduced prices, see them at _.._m --79c 98c, $x.xg. CORSETS—Clearing Lines of Crompton and D&A Corsets at $x.39 and $1.g5 ST LE Towelling, Pure Linen, Roll- 1 7 er Towelling Sale Price Crepe, 5 pieces Colored Cot- 35c ton Crepe, yd wide 75c value Towels large turkish Bath ` 49 Towels, 65c value Sale _ Shirtings, 10 pieces Heavy Shirting fast colors now only 29 C Gingham, clearing out all Dress, Gingham at a big saving, cut prices are �5C' 1gC, 25C Sheeting, Heavy Sheeting, 2 yds wide Bargain _ 9c and 65c d Ins I,ect this large here. Bargains In mots and Shoes Children's White Canvas Shoes and SIippers go at _.._.___._._,�5oc Women's White Canvas' Slippers and Boots, now only $x 00 12 Pairs Boy's Strong Shoes _._.. $2.39, Girls White Canvas Slippers, Sale Now- 98c 25 Pairs Women's Shoes, Broken Lines, not all sizes, Salem _$x»oo Women's Grey and Sand Suede Slippers, Value' up to $4.75 Now Only $2.95 20 per cent. off regular prices of all Men's,'Boy's and Women's Boots and Shoes. Cotton Special yard wide, 14e - Factory Cotton Wash Cloths, fine quality 325671 for ' Prints, 15 pieces Best Quality, wide prints fast colors, Value up a) 5 to 35c they go at-___________ �a Flannelettes on sale at Cut Prices, good quality and wide in 1 CI stripes, now only, Chambray, fine weave all colors good width, 35c quality now Linens Big Stock To Clear LOAD UP' AT THESE PRICES Table Linen, new patterns,. good width, reduced as follows $1.25 Linen, sale price $x.5o Line, sale price _ _,...,_-$x.ao $x.75 Linen,'sale price $2.00 Linen, sale price $2.5o Linen, sale'price .— ._:.$x.95 I■®■■■■■■■■IIIIMMEM■■■■■ MMMII MIIMII■MUMM ■ l■l�i MMIMM� FAVORITE •. ilk "GOD BE, WIDE YOU' 'ILL W.E MEET AGAIN Perhaps no hymn sung dining the past fifty years' has closed more re- ligious nteetings than this general favorite, It was written by Rev, Jer- emiah Eames a ties :12anliiii, for lean, (Years astor of a Congregational c It • c. ur in Washington, tori, it , Later g , G `lie was president of Howard 'Univer- sity there, an institution for colored eople. Few hymns sun at the close people. y g of a service of convention, can so thrill people and because of this, many stories have been circulated as Y C to what particular circumstance ted. itscomposition. Dr. ianti i to c Rankin said p that the idea catnte to hitn as he 1 Dress Goods and Silks 10 ends Silk Best Colors, Value up tot $2.50 per yd, on sale now 1®A ta Silk Crepes, now `t1,=g Printed Voiles, any color Rayon Silks fancy patterns Q and colors val. up to 1.25 for �"� Fancy' Pattern Voile, wide Broadcloths, Spots and Sari- 3 pes, Sale 20 per' cent. off all other lines of Silks and dress Goods MM ' ORM t ,• ■' i ,'^ MMM thought of the,,oft-repeated expres- sion, Good-bye."' is remembered that this was simply a contraction of "God be with you" and he wrote his hymn with the hope that the relig- ious significiance of the elig-ioussignificianceofthe phrase should not bo forgotten. 2 e will be recalled in this connection that Hen- ry Ward Beecher once said, "Good. bye' is "God be with you" shrunk tip' to a skin;" Dr, Rankin was w a man of unusual literary gifts. He was borax in the village . of !x g ,T ornton, New i=xairtpshzre inrS8l ,� te bad c • li S otc x ,a pedigree . l g e and throughoutlife was passionately fond OUT THEY GO Fine quality Lace, 2 yards for ;yc Rubber Aprons, Sale �3gc, Wide Colored Ribbons, your pick roc Fancy Colored Handkerchiefs, 2 for esc Lace Insertion on sale at __ _ _ _ c M Skirts White to clear out at 39c ■.; Fancy Collars,:clearing at ■ Blouses, several on sale at ......98e®' Selling out, Underskirts at 8gc 411 Ladies' Summer Vests, sale _____._.xgcMI , N. ®. III ■. INNEMI All lines on sale at Bargain Prices. See our 1 90 special for sale atPil UMBRELLAS GM. S e.o Silk. Ties, Values up to 5 c $100. Sale _____� Work Socks, Sale price 19c Pair Overalls, heavy weight 5 and strong, now.A° Strong Wearing Shirts Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers, go at �___45c Strong Police Braces Sale 3c Socks, Silk and Wool 5 , Socks,' Sale _ Raincoats, rubber lined°0 to clear at Boys New Model Suits6 95 Now Men's good wearing e5 pants, bargain ___... Suits, Young Men Models Red. to Boys Wash Suits to 1 ®I clear at Boys Blue Jerseys, Na- .29c vy or Brown _ W___• Men's Fancy Worst cai50 ed Suits on Sale at ° Men's Summer Caps to", clear at ..._._� 20 per cent. off all other Lin- es of Men's and Boy's Clothing gym..°®^..ypara>..aOcattatom,,,,elra,,.____ L S ma Il� 2®3 toMenommehurs•ailatalatIlemmtenhssunmommatmentameseekonsreasex.... of Burns poems. He wrote a book in the Scottish„dialect, Auld Scotch Mither, which liacl quite a vogue in his day; Other works from his pen were 'Ingleside Rhymes” Hymns pro 'atria, and quite 'a :nttniber of prac- tical essays and works on the culti- vation of the devotional life. Idis fer- vid preaching drew large congrega- tions to his church at Washington and his strong sympathy with n y the colored race won him many friends and no doubt made enemies during ng. that period when the' 'entiio country was so agitated over slavery, ti; can almost be said that. Wm.; 111 Gould Tomer, ;tvlio, at Jr.;7Rankin's request, wrote, the music for this hymn, was associate author for the hymn and tune are inseparable. Tom- er was not a trained musician, he was simply a country lad, with little education, who loved music and be- came the leader of a village choir.' He taught himself to play the violin and wrote musical sketches which in- dicated that, had he received a tic ttsi... t c al education, lie would in all probab- ility have made bis mark in the wort d.n T x862 SG he enlisted as pri- vate soldier and at the close of the Civil war was appointed a clerk in emireumilmanninsnememminaolsarnmatervanomataxmconemaaratemmosemeemetv.nrmimennmwmnetemmtwasnetestaanziarott. . .. .. the service at Washington and ' it Meet Again." 'In was there .thatg an instant froixx he met .Dr, . Rankin.. cit r.thousands of`' 'throats io" t •rs D• L i. The hymn with Mr. Tower's musical , hymn swelled like•El soxn setting was first sang in Dr. Rankin's the notes of some church and its o iularit r great organ. n 1 y was instan• - taneous The hymn will never rank high as Iiterattu•c but like the plaintive "Negro Spiritualsy, it carries with it a strange 8' power to move ,human emotions. Some years ago after Theodore Roosevelt had ,addressed a huge tn gathering at Memphis, Te h. 1 r lin., he turned e to wave a farewell when someone broke out with the. lines of "God Be With You Ti11 We first Is Your Natne Written There? Returning Officer John Montgotn- ery, has appointed the following reg- istrars to prepare the Wingham V"t- tors' Lists viz, Ward r-44. F. Buch- anan; Ward 2—A, G. Snaith; Ware .5, T2, L Lloyd; Ward 4--D. E. Dec - Donald; Ward ,—Thos, l owes 1"f your name is not en the voters list and you think it should be see the, roan in charge of yotir ward.'.'