HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1926-08-12, Page 3Cl�k h' „r ra ia.
Rev; Mr, Scobie of Belgrave, pre-
ached an excellent sermon Sunday
morning in the United Church,
R. Ranh and family returned on
Saturday night from a motor trip to
Frank and' Mrs. Sanderson of Tor-
onto are visitors at the home of Mr.
Thomas,. Ritchie;
Robert' McAllister and family of
Ethel, .spent one day recently with.
bred and Mrs: Kitchen,
Dr,; and Mrs, Smith of Detroit, are
spending a couple of. days ' with the
latter's father, Nir. Geo. Towne.
Miss Ina 'Bryans of Toronto, is at,
present visiting friends in and around
Ashton and 1VIrs• Morrison of St:
Catharines, are at present visiting
the forrner's mother, Mrs. John Mor-
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sanderson and
daughter of Toronto, are .visiting
Mrs. Sanderson's sister, Miss. Ritchie.
R. J. Rann and family returned
home Saturday from a motor trip to
Miss Agnes McKercher has return-
ed home from a six week's trip to
Europe, having visited the prominent
places of interest,in England, France,
Italy and Belguim.
Mrs. Frank Morfitt and daughter
Of Alton, Illinois; are spending some
time with Mr, and Mrs. F. V. IDicke
son. Mr:, Morfitt brought them up
and returned hotne on Monday,
Miss Janet Dickson who spent her
vacation at , her home here returned
to- Toronto with her, brother, Noel,
who also spent Sunday with his par-
Mr, and Mrs. W. J. Davey and son.
Harold` of, Sheibourne, spent ''Sunday
Pro1,'G'Gl. Your Summer Cottage From Fir 1
'Underwriters give lower insurance rates'
on summer cottages roofed with Brantford
Asphalt Slates because they are fire resistant
and Cannot be ignited r'
by burning shingles or
flying embers. 19 / 4,
crir rP11 fish ut—•��i�111►�lws�i i
e.l is oa 4a
�aID119U1111A1l�utssun�lgl ill�111,
;j1jii ""in • 1(aiiii j III ell Out �IiPD ud�r1lf iii''111i ff! ii Ii1Gl'l.
eDAiu, �1111l IIt1 IH.
•�:" Brantford, Ontario�Br �li fOT U 0Ofingeiali iter
Stock Carried, Information Furnished and Service
on Brantford . Roofing rendered by
Thompson, Wingham
Rae &CaQrrle
R. H. Carson,
Thos. Stewart,
' The University' Course in Medical
Science consists. of six years' resident'
Two years are given to Arts and
four years to IViedicine.
Not more thin fifty students are
permitted to enroll for the first year
Ztremedical course.
The Medical School has
the best equipped plant of
its size on the continent.
London's hospital and,
clinical facilities are ex- .
cellent. •
=1 The. School of Medicine has
made its reputation through the
quality and high training of its
McKenzie ar hol-
and Mrs. McKenzie
idaying at Shell ourne,
Mrs. John Wylie and Miss Bessie,
Gerrie, visited on ,Sunday at George
Lanes; Mr. and MIT.. Campbell of
Riversdal'e at George Her.drs; .Cecil
McNeil of Wingham, with .,his par-
ens; Masters Stewart nd A
Albert Ait-
ken of .Listowel, at John Darling's, ' ,,�
Mrs. Richard Jeffry and Stewart,
are holidaying at Whitby.
Misses Mary Stokes and Minnie
Jeffry a r visited on Saeurclay at Omar
Stokes' on the. tenth
The, call of fire was• promptly re-
sponded to on Friday evening, wlie
it was discovered that the fine barn
of Mr. Matt Willie, boundary line
was in flames, caused by the lantern
exploding,' It seems Mr.. Willie had
For additional ,in-
formation write.—
Ph.D., Registrar,
London,; Ontario
Mr. Willie's loss will -he a heavy .erre,
Our sympathy goes out to Mini and
'family in this trying ordeal.
Mr. and Mrs: Lorne Laird, How -
ick, were visitors at Mrs. Ellen Jef-
fray's on:Monday last:
'Miss Alba ' Gallaher of T,n onto,
ant a few days with her 'tat ants.
Mr•, and Mrs, A. E. Gallaher. She was
accompanied back by het' sister, Miss
Iva• Gallaher;' who will spend a few
days in''the city/
at Fred ,Davey's. Mr, and Mrs. Dow
kes_aarne with,. them _and went on too
Wingham to visit Mrs; Skelding, w
formerly lived in She�lbourne.
Winnipeg, Aug. 3, 192,6
The Wiii ,hant Advance -Times,
Wingliain Ontario
Dear Sir :
I wrote you last from ,St. Paul, It -Min-
nesota, which I left an Sunday even-
ing and crossed the international
boundary, entering: Manitoba Monday'
morning' about q,' Polite and agree-
able as I found the Yanks to be, it
was Measurable to be again under the
Union Jack's folds. 1 eves not quite
so "carried away by the sensation as
a returned Canadair) stated once, he
said, that had tit not been for the lopks
of the thing he would have knelt
down and kissed the ground at Wind-
sor, so glad was he to•• see Canada a-
gain. No doubt there are thousands
"over the border'i'would be glad to.
return if they could get the wages on
this side. But if tfiey get the wages
from Uncle Sate be snakes thetas spend
their money' in rent, cost of living,
etc. We overhead several conversa-
tions complaining of high rents and
threatenings about raising rent still
higher, etc. I have my doubts if many
Canadians want to live in immense
human bee hives like Chicago, De=
trait,' Cleveland, New York, penned
i up in two or three rooms, working
for some big corporation where they
Mr. rind 'Mrs. Norman Montgomery
of lfalnierston, spent Thursday its:
Misses Ruth and Verna Hoffman,•
Burlington, tare visiting with friends
Mrs, Ainos :Attwood and two child-
ren of 'Wingham, are spending afew-
days with .Mrs. Attwood's, parents,
Mr, and Mrs. John Ridley.
BORN—Gibson--At the Listowel
.Memorial Hospital, on Sunday, Aug-
ust 8th., to Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Gib-
son of Fordwich, a daughter. -
Mr. Wm. Detnrnerling and two, -
daughters, also Miss Reta Mapletoft,..
motored to Waterloo on Friday and,.
took in the Tattoo.
A large number from here, were ire
Harriston on Monday enjoying the.,
sports and Midway.
Mr. Gerald Gray of Winghang,
spent the week -end with his smother
Mr, and Mrs. Amos Denny and
two sons, Alvin and Kenneth, spent
from Saturday until Monday with
friends in Hepworth.
Mr. Milton Cook is spending a
week's holiday in Kitchener; Guelph.
and Toronto,'
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Denny and little
son spent Thursday in Hanover and.
Miss Muriel ivioNair of Brussels,,
at the home
Toronto; is.•
the home - of
rattle s the ha are grilled, drilled and milled to a fin-
ed bythe true h 'Ever since their ,relay Y order, to produce almighty dol-
storyyn isi g wive i ' ish in
here they=
n he same house ansa
._ ve lived r t ion and imm
ee being woven by ova. tee agviihere for the corporation ed gentlemen pictured above. wane born. Not:once were they se}salaries for its.officers.
They are the Darrion brothers of parated ` in. all that time and they're
Norwell Mass,, and each of then. is still enjoying life working their nine
nearingthe century mark in `age. At. acre farm together. Incidentally,.
the left le Alden, 86;years old; in the this is the first time they have been
center is Albeus,.89"
"years• and at the photographed together,
right is Albion, 93 years old. ' Quite, a record!
Mr. and. Mrs. Milt'.•Edmunson was
in Atwood Saturday visiting Mrs.
Edmonson's niage
Last' Wednesday was Wroxeter's
.ivic holiday' and: , nearly' everyone
couldget away went With the
crowd to Goderich to see the soft
ball teams play for the trophy. Near-
ly two thirds of the people of the 'vil-
lage and. quite a number from, the
country: were there. The girls had it
easy in their first game with St, Hel-
ens and won, but the boys were drawn
against a fast /Goderich team and lost
-but they.put up a good game, 'much
better than the team that played
Goderich for the finals. The girls
were up against a 'fast :team from
Chiselhurst in the finals and lost out:
Two raw decisions by the base um-
pire in first innings and the game in.
the afternoon, (the girls being tired)
was partly responsible , for their'
downfall, but the girls in khaki play-
ed a snappy game and deserved to
win the trophy The North St. Gode-
erich :team defeated Centralia in the
finals and won the trophy
for the
boys teams while the score was one
sided the Centralia team. played good
ball. :Everyone enjoyed the games
(and:, the scenery by the lake,
We have justrpixt in stock our
and Winter Overcoats, the tyles,
Overcoats have changed this ar
and these are the newest. Look them
over and pick yours out,, also,Men
and. Boys 'ready-to-wear Tweed Suits
for Winter wear, The Boys are two
piece Suits with Bloomer Pants tined.
throughout, the prices .are $8,0o •and
$8,5o; Men's are $sz,00; Men's Odd
Pants and Vests, Overalls, Combina-
tions, Smocks or anything in Men's
Weir- we have it.' Groceries that are
fresh and clean. Redpath Sugar this
weel. at $6.75 per cwt.-••UAVEY'S
There will be no service in Knox.
United Church next Sunday.
Rev, Rural Dean 1 awkins cif Bly-
th, will preach in, St, James Anglican
Chuich next Sunday at 4:30 p.
The local Order of Oddfellows with
visiting' brethren from\ other plea"
es marched sixty-five strong to' St
James Church on Sunday afternoon
The rector, Rev. Mr. Jones preached
an instructive sermon which was
much appreciated by all who were
Miss Edith Weir and Miss Ela
Dane spent a few days recently' Vitla
friends near Teeswater,. ',,
Miss Sarah Gowdy of Wingham;
visrted at the Borne of her nrother,
Mr. John Gowdy for a few days last
occasion to go into the root house week.
number from this locality at
the gasoline engine. stood,
ice he 'was tended a picnic. at Formosa last Fri
• - ;moment's Hall .,.. ` ..
hoot a .�
w .
enveloped in flames. The timely ar-y
rival of . George Kennedy saved hien
from a hor"rlble death at the time. Al-
though suffering intensely, fi'oro.
face1 may
barns on and
13y Ross Farquhar.
Friday—If I was :Jake I woodcut
go and see envy grand opry shows
entil he knows more a-
bout a few tings like
that, Las nite• are. fa -
mil and Jakes ma and
pa and him went to `see
g ,sirt out to the
Park and the orkestry
played: a few peaces
and then a lady got up
& sung and the leader,
keep a waveing a club
at her and Jake sed to.
me Issent she singing.,
the Song rite and I sed
I gess she was and he
sed well then what does
that fellow keep acting'her
like : as if he was going to'slam
ldr. and Mts. Edward . Galbraith
who live near Orange Htit, spent one
day, recently, with Mrs. Win, Weir.
Mr. and Mrs,'1•e; Cateuiore and
i .+ tilted the for.
circ a, v
the arms itt
recover. The barn Was consumed children of its - ' l isited Wm",
with the seasons hay; a large quan-I mer's parents,
tity of grain, two calves perished. Casemore last week,
Loni Trip Again Fruitless
with his stick for then, here at
Saterday=Blisters was up
are hatise this Morning & We was
playing to gather and ma give me a
cupple- apples I of "them was big and
i vas little. She told me to give
Blisters his choice. Well I did. I
sed to hint he cud have the little one
or nuthing. T was afrade if 1 lade
them both out in frunt of hien he wood.
forget his manners & take the big is
Sunday -pa went to shave to get
reddy fer church this morning and
finely T herd him in the bath room
and he sed Owch. then he called ma
Columbia ..-.s... have }Ant'rii'�'efL
'�.� J i 7�Itdi9
t'ou'ted to Lo
u. Chiefs from BritishBritish
ndori to interview
reaches King
aboue t tr their
r. h iwero
and fgrapg rights ora dab heli
photographed ole. board thetOunale t oobta What they they rettirned to from, Ottawa,
they cal last wheels. w ti
they believed the Ding would glob theist satisftiou, They 1we1•e again
referred. to rightals to the CanadiaBasil David, Of Shh wap; Chi f Willliain Plerissh,
GoVerninent for settlement,
Left a Chau Chief
Of the Olatl shah reserve, who ie a veteran, of the Great War, and 10.et a
arra Ovrereeas; Chief ,tohtif.Y Chillttsa, of ,Nicola, leader of the delegation;
and Urs% d'. G. Willianee, interpreter for the party, to oft Douglas Lai ed
Will kill many times more flies
for the money than any other
kill flies
fly killer. pad will
all day, . every days, for three
weeks. At all Grocers, Drug-
1gists 25 aneral Stores per package.
r11191111!#1111511011 111511jlizt{1111II1/1IIIEi1ll'
When I landed in Winnipeg Union
Station I felt at home arid knew the
routes' of all street car lines so well
I had notrouble getting any where.
Winnipeg is growing, new houses; a-
partment blocks, industrial buildings
are going up on all sides and the noise
of the carpenters' hammer is heard
on all new streets, Eatons are build-
ing a huge addition to their already
large store and are enlarging their
business capacity enormously. The
Hudson Bay Cos', new store on the
corner of Portage Ave and Memorial
Boulevard, the first unit of which -ii"
tiow'ten storeys high is to costs $5,-
000000 (Five million dollars) rs a
highly' substantial structure. The
is .spending a few days
of Mr. and Mrs. Thos.
'Mss Peg Wilson of
spending a few days at
her brother, Mr. Thos.
and set( whets the '.'natter with this ly:0ed work trim is in mahogany and
•rater"it wont cut a tall.' Ma sed, O walnut and for something special they
thats just yure emaginashun it was
all ,rite yesterday when I' cut the oil
cloth to put under the gas stove,
Munday-Mrs. Gillems sister is here
on a visit and she has just got back
frum a place called Rome acrost the
Oshun, She says we have lots of It-
alians in this country but she beleav-
es they are more of them. over there.
Tusday-Well when T corn hone
this evning ma was sowing' a button
on pa's best shirt and had bawt stmt
of his favrit hani far sandwitches and
when pa cum in she sed. Why deery
how well you are looking today. So
T spore they are a bridge game on
for tonite, .
Wensday—I gess Mr. Henrys trip
to ,Ploridy effected his mind, When
he cunt home I . herd him telling pa
that he had paid .6 thousand $s for a
frunt ft. But pa never let on.
Thirsday — Well I mist going to,
can'ip this yr. I cud of,went and had
the money and evry thing but who
wants to 'warsh there teeth evry more
imported am immense "teakwood'' log
from the East Indies, 24 inches in dia-
meter and eo feet long. It was un-
loaded on a big barge at Winnipeg
and taken up the Red River to Brown
and 'Rutherford's saw mill on Lake
Winnipeg and sawn into lumber for
special trim in the new store on Por-
tage avenue. Mr, Brown of the a-
forementioned firm showed Hie a pho-
to of the big log before being mann-
factored into lumber. The Hudson
Bay Coinpany is one of the richest
corporations in the British Empire,
that they are erecting such an im-
mense structure in Winnipeg goes to
show their unbounded faith in, the
possibilities of these Western provin-
ces and its northern Winterland•
There is also an immense corrugated
paper box factory underconstruction
on Wall street not far from Ford's
But there's quite a lot of empty of-
fice space in Winnipeg blocks, and
while a lot of business is going on
there are already too many on hand to.
do it and some are movinig out, The
crop is of fair promise and people are
hopeful for the future. I have already
seen a few old friends in Willie ant i
Ches. McLat.glin,' Alex. Lunard and
Rev. and Mrs. Jones' and Dick have
returned from Brighton, where they'
spent the pasts three weeks, aridMr. and :Mrs, H. Williams
daughters of Detroit, spent the week. -
end at the home of the former's
father, Mr. W D. Williams.
Mr. and, Mrs. Will Earngey of De-
troit, are guests ofs. Earngey's
father, Mr. R. Ea', nge, and'other
friends at present.
Miss. E :Taylor of IKitchener, e is
visiting her sister, .Mrs. Knowlson• at.
Mrs. Arthur Miles and family of
Toronto, are visiting her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Wade.
Mrs Graham and daughter of St.
Louis, Mich., are visiting friendsin
and around the village.
Mrs. Cormnan of Alpena, Mich., is
visiting her brother, Mr W. D. Wil-
Mr. Russel Walters of Niagara Falls;
is renewing acquaintances in the vil-
Mr. Milt White of Dunnville, is_
holidaying with his parents at pres-
Dr. and Mrs. Montgomery and
little daughter.. from Winnipeg, are
visiting the Dr's. father, Mr, Wm
Montgomery and other friends,
School Fair Date i election
Owing to the Dominion
taking place on September "14th, it
has been necessary to change the
date of the Gorrie School Fair from
Sept. I4th, to Sept. estl..
Passed their examinations at Wrox-
eter itt the Lower School Depart-
mental Examinations, Spencer Ash-
ton and James Sanderson were suc-
cessful fu
eSirs. John Beecroft was operated,
on in Toronto on Wednesday last
She is progressing nicely now. ,
Mr. Clayton Robinson caf Clinton,
apetlt last week < at his home on the
le 9th. 9th. Concession,
Mr. and Mrs. John ,J. McGee: loft
rs.pon Thursday last to attend the Lon-
don Old Boys Reunion and took ill.
r2,-7--..1 MADE ARE THE NE'WES. T ell
We have ' them in fancy plaids. L9
The executors of the estate of the
late Mrs. D.:0, Mackinnon will con-
duct an auction sale of the farm, Lot
26, Con. s, Kinloss, the stock, itnple�.
monis and household effects belonging'
to the estate, at tbo farm., on Monday,
,August 16th, conminciicing at t,3o p.m.
The farm will be offered subject to a
reserved` bid, John. Purvis Atiet,, Geo..
Murray and J41110$hI. MaeIntosli, Ex-
Get one and be up-to-date.
We are selling our Wool Knit
Sweater Coats at reduced prices,
. A few Straw Hats left in F
plain and fancy bands to clear.9
in the trip to Niagara Falls.
Mr. and Mrs, Stewart• Mcl;urney
and children spent last week with re-
latives in `Toronto.
1/1r. and Mrs. . ;eri "s Cornelius,
;presses, Franc Vatt'ncs, Jas. Cornel-
ius and Thos. l brit { ffc attended
the tares at•Gotten): 1 01i Monday, braith and }'Terme', Harrison made a
- •-•--- business trip to vVinp'lialn oft Sat-
CLERKurclay evening.
'S NOTICE OF; FIRST Henry$ l:loltrhauer and, Mi•
T, Gibson.
(lad to report that Mrs, Gordon
Simmons and baby boy , ere home.
;,roti the Winghant Hospital.'
lir. Wttm. Hays tooke in Walkerton
one day last week.
Messrs. Thos. Nickel, Eldon Gale
i Fruit Season is now here, lea- 1
ve your order and,get youir,Gent�
Jar Zinc and Robber Rings,
Glass Tops, etc.
Try our bulk Teas, they are
cheaper than the package.
• Section 13. and :Mrs, Kertsil and family of Pres-
'Voters' List, 1926, 1Viunicipality. of Ston called cn„ lxt. and Mrs. R. A.
W roxeter, County of Huron
Notice is hereby given. that 1 have
cotnplied with Section to.,9f the Vot-
ers' List Act and that I Have -posted
up at lily office at W roxeter, on the
9th day of August, 1926, the list of
all persons entitled to vote in the
said municipality for members of
Parliament and at municipal elect -
dons and that such list remains there
for inspection and I hereby call on
all voters to take immediate proceed-
ings to have any errors or oiriissions'.
corrected, according to law,thc last
day for appeal beitig,thc 3oth day of
August, 1926; Dated Hits 9th day of
,August, Icigb, pt ore o putting more gravel
Fred Dy,
ave Clerk of Wroxeter 14t11 and i th con,
Davey's Stops
Taylor, on Mies De.rke spent Sunday
with Miss Edna„,Vaylcir.
Mrs.. I:Z.ichard Clegg of the Teth
conceseiore• left on ,Illonclay : for the
Soo, where elle •will vie)), hee 'sister:
Thursday at London.
Mrs. Wm. Bushfickl of Vancouver,
and daughter, Mrs. John Xean
Mississippi arid, Mfs. P.1,13rown and
Lexie of Clifford, 'called on Mr. and
'Mrs:R. A. Taylor on Merida
ThUrsday on the for
Village Clerk
Issuer of Marriage Likeences
eggshe law now requires the license be
taken out three days before tile cere-
Subscription taken tor tne
Clubbing Wes giverk
Gorrie, Ontario
Agent for Hartf.ord wita insurance'
' Also
Walkerton Vire Insurance Co,
AtitomObile, Live Stock and Plate
Glass Insurance
Graduate of Royal College of Dental',
Surgeons Of Ontario
Graduate "of University of Toronto,
At Fordwich Tuesday and Titursdp3,.
At .gorrie the rept of the week,
Director of Funeral Services
NiOtor Hearse or Carriage, whickr
ever is required.
Phone ifi
Vordwich, Ontario
used Auctioneer for the CO011
Of Huron and Wellington
Phone 19