HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1926-08-12, Page 2+ .;;�+�` Wi �•,� ..; it � , �; ?,; �+nhJ N WINGIjfAM ADVANCE -TIMES THE WINGRAM ADV,ANCE.TIMES A. G, Smith, Publisher, Published at INC�HAM, ONTARIO Every Thursday Morning Subscription rates—One year $2,40, ig: months $1.00, in advance, Advertising Rates and Application. A 1V,IISCHEVIOUS STATEMENT Sir Henry Drayton has requested us 'to publish the following state- ments in reply to the address deliv- ered at Wingham Liberal Conven- tion ;last week by Mr'. "Thomas Mc - Milian, M. P. for ' South Huron, in, which he led his hearers to believe that if Hon. Arthur Meighen's Gov- ernment was returned to power the C. N. R. and the C. P. R., would be amalgamated and that Sir Henry Thornton's position would be taken over by myself or some of the C. P, R which he tried toshow were members of the Meighen Cabinet s as fol - The communication in part i lows: -"It is simply uuschevious to suggest that the National system can be made the sport of politics or to insinuate that Sir Henry' Thorn - ton's position is in. the slightest de- gree jeopardized." • "My' attention has been called to. the fact that The Toronto Star also making prophecies as to what I in tend doing after the elections, and is slating me for high office,. "I -wish I could look upon The 'Toronto Star's interest in my wel- fare as personal to me, but. I am afraid that such isnot the case. Dur lug the last election this paper tried' to make much of the fact that the Conservative party wasin some way or other going to get rid of the National Railways and in some way or other hand them over pre- sumably to the Canadian Pacific. There was; of course, nothing in its rumor of that date; there is :absolute- ly nothing in the Star's prophecy, under which prophecy I am to re- place either Sir Henry Thornton or the Hon, P. C. Larkin- This: news indeed, is news to me; but it is not news to all; the suggestion is simply -untrue,': and is made merely for the ;purpose of the election. "Anything that is either said or written wllich in any way disturbs the administration pf the country's greatest undertaking is particularly mischevious. The President of a large system such as ours represents much more than himself; he repre- sents the organization which he has built up, and through which he fun- ctions. There have been differences of opinion in the past as to the rail- way management, but as I have said before there can be no difference of opinion as to the tremendous im- provement made last year-theim- pressive economies brought about in transportation cost. "I have now been acting Minister of Railways for some time, and am pleased to be able to say that 1 look for an assured improvement this year over 'last. These results have been achieved through the loyal co-oper- ation of one hundred thousand :em,- ployees working -with and behind Sir Fleury Thornton. Sir Henry Thorn- ton has been eminently successful in obtaining the most loyal co-opera- tion of the executive and of the whole personnel of the system. "It is simply mischevious to sug- gest ,that the system can be made the sport of politics or to insinuate that Sir Henry Thornton's position is in the slightest degree jeopardized: In order for him to obtain proper results his position must be certain and subject to no question what- ever." -- CAMPS FOR MOTOR TOURISTS ARE CAREFULLY INSPECTED The health Department of Ontario has issued the following bulletin of interest to touring motorists, and deal- ing with the preservation of health: Tourist uri camps and refreshment s P booths alongthe highways and roads of Ontario are now inspected by the Department of Health, and each pro- rprietor who maintains his premises and the necessary equipment in a san- itary manner is granted an approval sign. When you are motoring, look for this sign: 1Vr'OTOR TOURIST CAMP APPROVED Ontario Department of Health It will help you to locate water safe to drink and proper accommodation for rest and camping. Away from home, you cannot af- ford to fford:.to take chances with your• food and drink. An attack of typhoid fev- erfollowing ct inf the use of infected ed w ater or milk, or swimming in a poluted stream, wilI certainly spoil the effect of the happiest holiday. Milk—Know your milkman—at least try to secure pasteurized milk. The (nest best is milk that is milked clean (and kept clean' and cold.:' :Meat:-l3uy meat kept on ice. You wouldn't think of eating ,'hot dogs" , whith had been heated and reheated for' a week, if you were home—then insist on having your weiners taken off the ice and boiled fresh for you. Nater:—Secure your drinking wa- ter at approved camps and refresh- ment booths; they have safe water supplies. Bathing:=There are plenty of safe places to swim. Bathe only in water which` is free from contamination. Safety First! A little mishap in any of the above may mean ' sickness. Prevention is the best plan for mot- or tourists -get '+ inoculated against typhoid fever before you start on your motor holiday. Vaccine is sup plied free for use of Ontario resi dens by the Department of Health. ti Lt Col. Harry Cockshutt, Lieut- enant -Governor of Ontario, was the speaker at the Lions Clu Dinner in Goclerich on Thursday. ' volu thes v 27-20S 5 Pass. 2 -door Sedan 27-24 4 Pass, Sport Roadster 27-25 5 Pass. Sport Touring 27-26S 2 Pass. Country Club Coupe 27.26 2 Pass. Coupe 27-27 5 Pass. 4•door Sedan 27-28 4 Pass. Coupe 27-40S 5 Pass. 2 -door Sedan 27-47 $ Pass. 4 -door Sedan 2748 4 Pass. Coupe 27-49 7 Pass. Sport Touring, 27,SOL 7 Pass. Limousine 27.50 7 Pass. Sedan 2751 5 Pass. Brougham 27.54C 4 Pass. Country Club Coupe 2754 4 Pass. Sport Roadster 27.55 5 Pass. Sport Touring 27-58 5 Pass. Coupe s s 11 lues (1144." W.B.) $1600 113W . 1585(4 " 3) 1143" W.B.) 1685 1143" W.B.) 1585 1143" W.B.) 1710 1143" W.B.) 1685 120" W.B.) 1880 120" W.B.) 1980 120" W.B.) 1945 (128" W.B.) 2050 (128" 128"W.B.; 2850 2645 (128" 2550 W.11. W.B.) (128" W.B.) 2340 (128" W.13.) 1.080 (128" W.B.) 2020' (128" ,W.B.) 2455 Prices 'n:O.B, t actorry—Gbvernuieet Tams Extra ME -216 A. ' M cite CRAWFORD `•.X" P TACK i nonsmapinnommarmalionnownroaanicamomiamolamemoonannisanoni sameamanuasanumennsaanains Thursday, August xati :, gz6 WINGIUUM'S GREATEST STORE. .lo®orr.rww j3f'. �,�, • "Yy{hf''�f,l tly+rSr�'. 'f f�,�trt q;' �l it[�..kf �'.. �y tru:;,�.t' rias {.: ,.krnd la .�::..i- ua tl"ktM.+t� [a- +�. 'dta'EPNri"+is a Po- .. ,ria.u'I7,1:7, v: r i f Ola 144' 40a4 at Fk�k, aS'.ti't 1}rc,014 7; o • +I, ,: _'ah['�l irk } i : ly three days left, in which to get y,.: r share of the tremendo , s bargains we are offering during our Clean Up Sale of Summer G • ods. Check up your requirements, Io 1k over the list of Specials below, the hitch up Okl D s bbin. or put gas in the car and come. BE SW. E TO BE HERE EARLY,.:. As tie e k!s .71e „orf"y.. iatlikAr.-iFI l:i l!er' w.e:N.40.14Y,C'?'011.114„,: •tY tth F. • AIRMAN FELTOL :ATS — 2 ler 25c f11 11 Don't forget to get some of these at, this price. Fancy voiles 49c .. Clearing all our... yard stock at one price and. it is low. Gingimms, Crepes 49c yard. Rayon Ginghams, Rayon. Crepes and Ratin Crepes, etc. Regular up,: to $Loo values. Kimona Cre les 59c Four good colors, worth regularly $r.00"yard. EXTRA SPECIAL 98c yard CREPES — CREPES — CREPES - A clean up of our stock all put in regardless of cost, to clear this low price. - GET 'A DRESS LENGTH NOW Beach Cloth 69c yd. In' about tett of the best shades. Linenette Suiting 55c yard Great cloth for Dresses, or Kiddies' Rompers, etc.: Raycott for 98c A better dress, plain colors and of course the best. Na nchecl _-_- 23c yd. For Underwear, olors, Maize, Blue, Peach, mink, etc. Underwear Crepes 25c yard Plain or Blue Bird effects, in White or Blue grounds, eight patterns to choose from. ex.nnd.kln+Mmri ... White Spreads 2.29 tare Double Bed •size Crochet Spread, 1 ilia m'�l 5ata!""1, 1 Am; 'kMg P,kti°uttL'y�'i Shirt Clean $I..69 - Regular stock and values up to $a.so included in the lot, plain and stripe ef- fects. ffects. �. en's lattalci Pants ....$Il.79 Regular $2.25 value and full fitters. Cotton Nightgown ....98c,, Only a few left, regular up to Sz,5o. Very special. . Striped Pyjamas ....$1.89 Properly made, all new goods, our re- gular $2.39 line. Van elinsenn Collars ....29c Always sold at 50c. Balbriggan ClfI robin,;; flans 98c Each Zimmer Knit make, sizes 34 to 44. Regular $1.3o. Balbriggan Shirt s and Draw'rs 59c Same quality as the combination. Wash Ties . . . „39e Neat Patterns, while, they last 390. Fiilne2Braees • .1,.....33c F xncy Check Sox .....59c Regular 75c quality. Good Quality Lisle Sox 35e Colors 'Black, Brown, Grey and Navy. Crepe les ...... .....79e Newest` patterns from the regular $t.00 lines. BOYS SNAPS Catton Bathing Suits.... ... 6gc Cotton :jerseys, long sleeves 35c Polo Collar Jerseys ... :.. 4J0 I3oys' 131ouses 690 Khaki Bloomers . , .....w,.•._-_,..-.. ., ...., 590 Khaki tongs : r 790 Balbriggan Combs. .._u 6gc Extra Spec$/,.f�.1, I in l� resses f$..41.95JL 0 U95 U. A clean up of lines picked fsom our Summer stock, that have been selling up to $f2.5o. In the lot are : Fugis, Voiles, Crepes, Rayons, etc. Br1eadledalin B ouses....$L49 ONLY --A FEW OF THESE LEFT Misses' Middies . .. $1.95 Regular up to, $3.00 lit}es. Ladies'Hats. , . .$1.95 One table of' these, that were marked, up to $5•g5• dies' Vests A clean up of better 'qualities, lots of styles. Made from a good quality nainelieck in a host of good bright colors;` size 12, 14 and x6 yrs. Of the same. material. 79c, Ladies' Slips . :......89e Same quality as the Misses' acid made shadow proof for only 89e. , e• Sill( Rose .:. ..25c pair Still a few of these left get a supply now, Goocl quality (seconds), 1 1 1 Children's Hats 59c While they last, our regular 59c $1.49 line will go at Ladies' Suer Combinations Clearing our complete stock 'of this. line at one price. 49c per garment Kiddies' Soy 19c Silk or Lisle qualified i to length were regularup to sac lines., 2 Length Checked Sox 29c Not all colors in each size; but plen- ty to ,choose from. Aorscaarers 7-8 Le gth 5 x . 29c Lots of colors . and sizes, lay in a supply for the cooler days. onnimearueerniaselesietrusweacErciamacconersaslotam ys' Wash Suits 98c Clearing all our stock,, regular up to $3.00, now one .price. • BATHING ING SUITS. Ladies' Wool, reg. up to 6.‘0:,---.,.$3.98 Men's Wool, reg. up to 3.50.— .... Children's Wool', reg. up'to 2.75.-82,29 Children's Wool, reg: up to 1„75-•$=.49 Ladies' Cotton 'Suits .:. ... .. Men's Cotton Suits g8c Children's Cotton Suitt' .. English Cinghains 21c yard 10 patterns, 32 inches wide, regular 8oc liner 3 DAY SPECIAL 27 inch GINGHAM, 25 patterns, clean stock, guaranteed colors. 15c yard SAP TY PINS, out sizes 3 cards for... .,,..... RUBBER BALLS Regular 25e line. BEAUTY BATH SOAP..,;: .�.n�l.,,..lfl.n...1.:ls! �I� ..l�..n�•��h.., h_, Iwt, 5c Cake