HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1926-07-29, Page 8a;. tal ■ ■ ■ tIl ■ ■1 ° New Style, All Wool Fabrics in attractive 1 - color combinations that are such a comfort for bathers. Reg. $5.5o and $6.5o 2.8'9 fl Values. July Clearance per Suit 0 ■ WINGHAM ADVANCE -TIMES .Thursday, July 24th,, x906 • l•Nsa///////slg■////MrAtii■g$g/li//ai//r/gl/gi//t• f1I ■ ■'; ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ •1111■ ■ ■ ,11 111011111i 11111,,1111111011,11,0„1„[I01u1101 111,11111111111" 11111111,, 1,1,110,, ,1 1„,,„I 1111111 0 01111110„,11 1 0 01 111,1111; 111., „ 0111111,A 1111, 11,110,110,1„,0010,01110,011,0,11011,111111111111111111101011111/11111 11,1„1,1,;„111111011111 11 easonable Goods Price �--' For this Week -End we are making, Special Price Conces- sions on many lines for July Clearance. The stocks are all fresh clean Foods, but in some instances the quanti- ties are limited and of course will not last long. Shop Early for the lines in which you are interested. Women's' Batldng Sults $3.89 .. Natural Shade Pongee�Silk ■ 48c•. 1111 Green Edge Quality of fine even texture, ,■ free from dressing. For Blouses, Dresses, al Underwear, Curtains and Chil r1 Q C dren's `wear, 33 inches wide:per yd 20 Summer Dresses 82.98 A mere fractionof their oritginal cast. ' Good color combinations in Voiles, Broad- cloth, Zepher and Basket Weaves, $13.5o to $1645 Values. Out they go 2®98 July Clearance - "'MIM , ,010„11,11„1,,,1„ I01g11111111,1„1,,,,11,111,0,,, Knitted Sport Suits 58.95 One and two piece 'styles in these popular Summer Togs. Dresden, Camel, Green Fawn, Scarlet and Mixtures. Reg. **"•*; priced x2.25 to 15.00 July Clearance „ !r Normandy Voiles 59c The best Fabric ii the Printed Voile class. Spots and Figures in 'many sizes and de- signs that make Charming -Summer Dress- es. Regular 75C and 85c goods. 59 Cr July Clearance ._.,.,,,,r...=--._-, ---- a7. Kayser Silk Gloves $1.00 Long and short lengths in these Kayser Quality Gloves, many having. Cuffs, Frills and Tuckings, Values Y So to 3.5o 1.00 July Clearance, per pair..__.,..__ ,,101,,1„11, 111„11„110011„!,1„1:11,,,,,1,111010 ,1,1,1 Covering Chintzes per yard 33c All,are a yard wide in Pretty Floral, Stripe k■ 1 and Conventional Designs in Blue, Fawns, ■ Greens, Rose and, Combined Colors, for Drapery and Covering Purposes di?” ■ Per Yard -._.,.,,__ J T ■ ■ Genuine Tricoine Broad- s t cloths 98c ■ Claimed by' the makers to be the Equal of I■ ■ Silk, Tub'Fast, Sun Fast. Blues, Greens,' ■ Tans, Mauve, Peach, Ivory, Sunset, White ■ n� smart stripe ef- 111 '■ Black. and Navy in many p fects..:,...Regularly Priced' $1.45, July 98c ■ Clearance per yard .. 4--=,---•--- 1 1 1 1 ■ n ■ 1111 le ■ the bronze selvidge. Reg. priced • ■ $2.5o. Specially'priced per` yd. "LPL7 Swiss .Duchess Satin .. $1.58 .. A beautiful cloth of good weight and per- manent black finish. Ask for the one with 1` ODD NAPKINS IN The Cloths being sold. Values up 411 $15.00 per dozen on sale each ■ 44c, 53c, 83c r■ IRISH LINENS AT SPECIAL PRICES � Oyster' Bleach Linen Towels with ?5 C fast color red border. July 59c Clearance ._ ....., _ _ 0+5.50 All Linen Table . Cloths, size New Sweater Coats Jumbo Knit, Jacquard Patterns and Plain 1 1 ■ Weaves have just been received and are m among the smart knit things for most all 1111 111 $4.00, 5.75, 6.49, 8.00 111 ■ ■ Pure Silk Broadcloths $1.25 111 summer occasions. Priced Single and Cluster Stripes of high grade, All, Silk Broadcloth for your better Sports • or Street Dress. Gold, Mauve, Green, Tan ■ and Blue Color Combinations, 21001 ■ .25 . and 2.5o. qualities July clearance • ■ Women's Summer Vests •. 5c .. Watson's make. Of fine coiribed cottons, sleeveless style in a variety of rib's, ■ 25C '■ tl sizes 38 to 42.:Specially priced Ea. ■ ■ ■ 1 1 ■ Swiss Oyerchecks, Ratines and Silk Knits, ■ cotnprising all the New Colors arid weaves 98c, $1.45, .$2.00 Nirlr • `v ELla1E•VALIia t Mrs, M. Eldritde, Mr, Albert Man - ser, Buffalo, N, y,, J. L. Mansel, Mrs. Stewart :Lawless, Palmerstan, Mrs. Thos. Phair, Garrie, Mr,and Mrs C. Phair and children of Toronto, Wes- ley Manscr of Niagara 'Falls, N. Y.,. were visitors at R, Aitcheson's last week. Mrs, Will Kent of Brantford; fs vis- iting her sister, Mrs. Chas Elliott U Mr. and Mrs. John Mundell and children Hazel and Hugh, were visi- tors at Mr, and Mrs, Geo. Mtindell's in Drayton ,on Sunday, Mrs, Geo. - Mttridell accompanied them glome., High Grade Suede Shoes in several: Mrs. Erskine and daughter of To- ronto ,spent the week -end with friend,' Miss Bernice Shaw. . Mr. and Mrs. David' Jewitt and Miss Cora, Mr. and Mrs. White Stew- art were Sunday visitors at Dungan-, tori, Mrs. e- Mr. at, Elliott, Mr. and. J ' �• �� children of visited' �II�III�III�III�IIIMIII�I11A111/lh�lh�lll�lll�III�IIIMIII�III�IIIrIII�III�IU�pl�lll�lllrlll�lll �; Iplendid Shoe Bargain forWornen. her ' colors and in practicallyall .:. sizes for 2x23• yards.July az Clearande _,.. , , ... _. _ .-- I aa77 All Linen Glass Towels.28c and 25c (Many stamped for embroidery) to. All Linen Delft Blue 5 j10 1.0 .oO .. Bridge Set-..___ _ x only -first come gets it All Linen Set, Hemstitched A 3.5UNapkins. 2 Cloth and Q •75 Sets Only.,__.__,._..__-_:.___�.._._- V Old' Bleach, all linen face 1.259$c towels colored borders $2.5o and $2.00 Venetian Scarfs ,,,,-_._..$x.39 Linen Napkins, already hemmed 25c x8xx8 inches, Each --_____—...- nn ..-..-.-__, ,- ..,:._,• p_ nn Natural Shade All Lin- 2 no • en Cloths _ . • (Hemstitched all around, 3 only) All Linen Hand Towelling 1 7 C 25c gI 50c All Linen H. S. Plain Serviettes' for__-__..._ 1.00 ,3 qn Old Bleach Luncheon 9�6� • Cloths - - V Dice Pattern, Soft Finish Serviettes A Q� g. to match. each _ _ •• - `x O Colored Border Bath �p 1.25 Towels ., . ��C Turkish Towellings 25c, 48c, 65c Bigreductions on Maderia Centres, Ovals and Oblongs Summer Dress Fabrics Silk and •Cotton Georgette, Art Silk Crepes, Printed and Plain, Embroidered Voiles, ■ 1 ■ ■ Trlm nings and Accessories i Laces, Bandings, Medallions, Fancy Rib- ■ bons, Gimps, Edgings, Ties, Collars; Hand- 1 kerchiefs, Pouch Purses, Parasols etc. ■ ■ •■ ■ 0 ■.; • ■`. ■ •■ •■ Imported Flat Crepes $2.69 An Extensile Color range of this excellent rig Dress Fabric awaits your selection.: Over In 20 good shades' from which to 2 069 Royal: Summer Dresses To Clear Less 20 j All our Summer Dresses, the pick of the season's most wanted materials and styles. July Clearance less 2o per cent. 111 „11111191191111111,IYI1101111111111/ 11111,,,,,,1, 111111111,111/lit 11 0 0 11111 /1,11„1,1111 am. REMEMBER -=-THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY yr choose. July Clearance . .:._. Mercerised Breakfast ■ 1 ■ Cloths 81..29 Pearly White in neat self , check pattern. IN Sizes 'about : x xz yds. Reduced 129 ■ to clear. Each _..._...r - ...._ _ • fa a7. ■ ■ 111 ■ IT PAYS TO SHOP HERE row an n Toronto, 1 on Sunday at W. J. Duff's, Mr. Harvey '.Messer of Toronto, is; spending, his holidays under the par- ental roof. Florence and Norman Hall of Wro- keter, are visiting relatives in Blue - vale. Miss Jeannie Sheddon spent Sun- day at 1VIr. Robert Aitcheson's, Mr. David Jewitt has bought a new *Ford sedan. Some class to David. Miss Florence Murch of Stratford, formerly of Wingham, is spending her holidays with her girl friend; Mrs. L Elliott. KING •BROS. _ WINGLAMI /MANN/ isaansianammaminuaisimmissawitamummessec WHITECHURC%i /, Mrs, H, G. Hamilton and daughter, ■ ■ Elisabelle, motored 'over from Bruce Beach with Dr. Perr'ie and spent the j ,, m h e atru day with their aunt, Mrs. Eli Jacques ■' and also Rev. MVIr. and Mrs. Fitch Mfrom Ohio,, spent a few hours and al - 'a Thursday, Friday and Saturday, July 29, 30, 31 IIII fig Thomas Meighan — IN 4'A .Man Who Found Himself' at by BOOTH TARKINGTON A' COMEDY—"PAY THE CASHIER" ■ II Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Aug. 2, 3, 4 Pola Negri IN ”W�manQftheWorld' AND COM1 DY ■ so avIrs, Andrew. Currie. ■ Miss Barbara Brown of Wingham, ■ also Mr. Glenn Philips of Detroit, ri spent last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Malcohn Ross, ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 111 ■ ■ 1 ■ ■ ■ 1111 ■ d ■ ■ MMI. / oslo1�t1/maMt��IIII� m / Mr. and Mrs. John Falconer and children of Culross and .tr. and Mrs. John Falconer of. East Wawatiosh, spent Sunday with the latter's daugh- ter, Mrs. Elgin Wcllwo'od of Orange- ville, The three pupils who tried the en trance from S. S. No. 1o, Kinloss Russel Moore, Eliza Waddell and Clarence MeCletiaghon, all succeeded in passing the entrance. Mrs. Fred Elsner and children, who have been visiting her sister, Mrs. 7 dot, McCletiaghan left last week for her home its Detroit. Miss, Jeanette 13. Cottle of Bran rp- tots, is visiting at her home here. Mrs. and Ben MCClcna glia,, and Doris, spent the week -enol with her parents, Mr. mid Mrs. Jas. ;arbour. Mr, Edgar Wellwood, Mr, Watson Copeland and Miss Clara Belle Clow of Toronto, vi'ited at Mr. Ari.hur Moore's last week, Miss Merle Wilson and Tom, visit- ed last week with their grandmother, Mrs, Alec. Ferguson of. Culross, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Tiffin and fami- ly were invited to attend the Jubilee Services, held in Zion Church, Ash- field last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lovatt and children of Clinton, spent lastweek with :Mrs. Mel3rien. Died -On Saturday, July 24, at her lltome on the 2nd, con. of Kinloss,. Mrs. Dan McKinnon, after a long ill- ness. Mr, and Mrs. Allan Turner and ba- by, Marie of Lucknow, spent Sunday. with Mr, and Mrs, Mac Rose t $2.66per pair These shoes are not obselete being up-to-date in every way but they are "the ' last few pairs” of several kinds. The above shoes are now beingshown i h n.� 1 North Window with 'size ticket” s - • • 141fiacined, The Manser family, held .a' fainily, picnic at i ormosa last 'T'lurrsday and 1111' 111 all enjoyed a good time, as it was twenty-isix years since they have all been together. Mr. and Mrs. Pete McEwen of Par- ry Sound, are -visiting friends in Blue - vale and Wroxeter. Mr. James Aitcheson, Port Colbor- ne, olborne, is visitiing his son, Mr. Robert Aitcheson, also his daughter, Mrs. W. Abram, 1st line of Morris. Mr. and Mrs. Will Stuart of Grand Valley, motored up to Bluevale o Saturday and returned home Sunday with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Stewart. - Mr. ;and : Mrs. Geo.•McDonald of Goderich, were up to the barn raising last week at Mr. Peter S. McEwen's. i >• MondayNext, Aug. . 2nd being Civic 11011- _ ex� da store closed all _ �' — day,but., open onL. ill .following;,,Wednesday, Aug. 4th, all day. o t Ei n Phone .129. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to Section 56, Chap. 121, of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, that all persons having claims against the Estate of Esther Breen deceased, who died on or .about the sixteenth day of ,May, A. D. 1926,. at .the Town of Wingham in the Province of ,On- tario, are required to send by post, prepaid, or to deliver to R. Vanstone Wingham, Ontario, Solicitor for the Administrator, on or 'before the se- cond day of August, A. D. 1926, their names and addresses, with full parti- culars in writing of their claims, and the nature of the securities (if any) held by• them duly verified by a sta.- tutor declaration. AND TAKE NOTICE FURTHER that after the said second day of Au- gust, 1926, the said administrator will proceed to distribute the assets of the said .estate among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have' had notice, and the said administra ter” shall not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any per- son of whose claim he shall not then have received notice. DATED at . Wingham this tenth. day of, July, A. D. 1926. VANSTONE, Wingham, P. 0. Solicitor for the Administrator, Try this one on your harmonica 011, give me a sense of humor, The grace to see a joke, To get: some happiness from life And pass it on to folk! You never heard any talk about farm relief in the old days, a gent said to us the other day, Oh, yes you did! It went something like , this: "Horace! Thoinasl Matthew! John;! Obediali 1 Samuel! Robert- Four ! 0 oloCla It's time to get tip!” a ..1L1N. unr.,r-v, ILLIS 4 THE,SHOE STORE Wingha'an, Ont. III®111®1llahama IISIInsillemn lwla lgall aIIIa l aiI sulrl11111iail jouIeila anlaIll EAST• WAWANOSH Master Kenneth and Little . Jean Campbell, are visiting their grandmo- ther, Mrs. J. Barkley of Dungannon. ' Miss Mabel Walden is visiting her aunt; -Mrs. A. Vincent of Belgrave. - Mrs. J. N. Campbell is visiting her sister, Mrs. J. Tambly of ` Londes- boro. Mrs. J. H. Hoover and Miss Muriel of Blyth, Miss' Irene Hoover, Mrs. D. Woods, Miss Barbara and ; Master Warren of California, spent last Tuesday with the former's nephew, Mr. W. F. Campbell. Mrs. R. Buchanan and her son, Mr. L. Buchanan, visited the former's son, Mr. J. Buchanan of Wingham on Sunday. - Mrs.. H. Ceasar of Dungannon, re turned horzie on Sunday, after'spend- ing a couple of weeks with .her sis- ter, Mrs. Albert'Campbell. 4 Rev. Dr. 'Medd of Dutton and Mr. John Medd of Clinton, spent last Thursday with their sister, Mrs. Mc- Vittrer Mr. John Carter of Sask., came home. on Thursday, to attend the fun- eral” of his mother, Mrs. David Car- ter. Mrs. La Burr and Miss Dorothy ,and' Master Charlie of 'Toronto, are (visiting their friend, Mrs. J. Fred Cooks Congratulations are extended to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McVittie on the birth of a baby girl, born on. Monday July igth., also to Mr, and Ivtr.s. Harry Cook on the e birth of a baby girl, born on Thursday, July 22nd. Mr. W. J. Parks, motored to Cot - tom on Saturday with Mr; and Mrs. T. Kernick of Blyth and Mr. A. Vin- cent of Belgrave.'' They are visiting at the home of Rev. and Mrs. Miller. Mrs. David Carter passed away on Thursday p. m.; 'July 2and., at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Charles Lockwood of Blyth after several months illness.. The funeral was conducted from her late •residence at ` Westfield. The service being con ducted by Rev. Alp of Auburn. In torment being made at Union Cern tery. Much sympathy is extended to the bereaved husband and 'family. It is rttimored that wedding bells will be ringingthis' week. TENDERS FOR, CONCRETE BRIDGES Tenders will be receiyed by under- signed,clerk on or before August eth, for the following bridges: , On Sideline 9 & io East Division. On Sideline 3 & 4 East Division. On Con. 2 at of 12 East Division. On Con. ' 1 at Lot 4 East Division; On Con. i at Sheppardton East .Di- vision. Gravel laid down at all bridges and cement supplied at; the two on Con. C. Plans and specifications` may be seen at any time in Clerk's office, J. Farrish, Reeve. C. E. McDonagh, Clerk, Lucknow, R. R. 3.' 1111111111111111111ui•Innu11III 111.111•ui111111111111nllllelnAnlrcn111111elneill®III UIIlli01lil®uhlil11nlsillAu11lnsnl®m1111111(�ln/111111Usin�lnlI�i _'l. GREATEST HA■ SALEPI .. w Every Straw Hat In The Store Must "Get The Air” ' Take Out Yours for ■ 95c English Tress Straws fir III (M1111111101111MIII MI1111M111111111011161111111111 p II1113111illwilliIli101IMIILIIR IT .,:• 11X;1.. !ri ui It