HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1926-07-29, Page 3• ,ee • , • . Thursday, Jelly Zgtite 1926 Inumunismionimpaininasnimaniummainalumn • TO THE MEN AND YOUNQ MEN 4, We have put iia tnoet complete line of the farnous "Ar - f IM row" cellars and shirts. We have all the new styles in collars II • 1.1 IN which includes the New E and W Super Qu-ality, an entirely•m new kind of collar, softly flexeible, yet have the nice appearance • ;111 of the smart starched collar. Come in and see our new lines of• • -1111 shirts both in fancy checks and silk broadcloths. "Follow the Arrowand yu follow the style. 111 NI , Oe, "We also .; a carry complete line of ties, straw hats, the ..new sport jackets r sol ME (both' knit and flannel)' fancy socks Collegian belts etc. • TO THE HARVESTERS—Come here for all your needs IN for the harvesting. Leather Label -Overalls, all kinds of work 111 shirts, socks, gloves straw hats, woele shoes etc. M • 1 A. Munro --- - Wroxeter 1 0..a.sunmasialimmusiressitestuniumm THE ELECTION " had fine governrnents. Leaders -were changed, or were juggled The ,race has begun and will con- tinue until September 14th. As one reads- the election speeches that, are being made throughout the country. It wottld seem that the political spell bidders are beginning now where they left off last October. If the speeches 'become warmer, more elT1- phatin, 'ad,ruore vehement as the can5paige •goes on, a terrific strain is going "be put on the English language. llow much that old lan- guage can endure, no one knows. But, dietiona4es will be ransacked from cover to cover before polling day. That it will he a hot election is the foreca.st. No doubt the wea- ther will help in keeping up the heat •• Unquestionably Canada needs a stable tarrif—one -that will be pract- • ically untouched for about ten years, • • so that business Will be able to plan in alv,arice and be reasonably sure of its ground. • Canada can do.very well without a third party, especially a third -party • that holds the balance of power. •In the ..years between 5861 and •• , 1864 Canada ,(at that time composed of only the two central Provinces) • around, each time but the deadi ock could not'be averted. • - A deadlock can be broken only by the injection of a big, constructive idea. Back in 1864 that idea was Confederation. Sometiines it "seems as if the coun- try'ijs again drifting toward a Politi- cal d'ea,dlock. If it is, what construc- tive idea can be used this time? 'Af- ter sixty.4-Wo years under the British North America Act, does Canada need soine big ehange? She does. It is the old problem of Confederation over again. The nine Pr,ovinces are now nominally united, it is true, because they all form part of one country; but in in- terests theare not much closer to- gether, than they were years ago. • sixty-two INTERE$TINGTUP TO WINNIPEG. St, Paul, Minn., July TS; 1926 Dear Advance -Times, Wingliam. Requiring, 'to wait here for 4 few hours 'before getting a 'train to Win- nipeg we decided to write up a few experiences We have had, and sights witnessed since leaving Ontario. One is not long over here before getting alive to the fact that they are in Uncle S'am's domain. Right in Port Huron we asked an official to exchange' a Canadian 5 spot for en American of the same denomirTtion. He hung .fire for a few secorids, then said, "I don't like Canadian money, but being as its you I will oblige." Our Nianity was quickened to think owe had made such a favorable im- pression in Port Huron. Buying a paper on the train going to Chicago a newsy too had Ms fling at Canadian, money. We tendered him one of aur small silver five cent pieces, he lok- ed askance at it. • We queried, what's the matter? "Well," he says, "I don't mind Canadian -money so much, but I hate handling fish srealles," meaning our small 50 coin, They axe so accus- tomed to their own big nickles they demur at anything smaller in the way of coins. While going through Michigan, part of Indiana and Illinois, we were surprised to see nearly all cornfields not one whit further advanced- than those in Ontario, we understand they had a late cold spring in the afore-, m-intioned territory same as we had in Ontario. • When we reached Chicago the Elk's National Convention. was on, and -we had a time to get a decent place to 'lodge. However, we made the grade. There's one thing we can, give the Americans credit for, and that is edurt,esy. Street car conductors, po- licemen, both mounted and on ,foot, are most obliging and will go out of their way to set one right if off the track. It's a big contract to descr,e Chicago, and we will - not attempt it. The rush of street cars, autos, trucks, vehicles of all shapes and sizes, the crush of humanity and the constant reverbration of the cars ion the ele- vated tracks. in the loop is terrible and to a green horn from a little • country town in. Ontario it's as much as life is worth to navigate the street crossings. The mounted and corner officers however have the situation pretty well in hand. They stop the whole works on one street and per- mit those on the cross street, pedes- trian and vehicle to proceed. It's up to one to watch wild. It was an interesting feature, ri6+131. Gorrie Garden Party A garden party will be held on the Gorrie United Church 'lawn, next Wednesday evening, August 4th. Sup- per served from's& to 8 p, in., follow - Ed by a good program. Gorrie Or- chestra, Vocal and Instrumental mu- sic, Readings and Speeches. Admiss- ion, Adults 35c, Children 25c. "VVROXETER COUNCIL FORTDWICI A. R. Evans and E. WalIcer, arri - ston merchants, were each assessed' 855 and costs in police court recent- bY Magistrate Eeliyer of Kenil- worth for violation of the egg grad- ing act • Miss A. Schaefer of Toronto is visiting at the „home of her parents, Mr: and Mrs, Chas. Schaefer. Mr. R. Garry, spent a few ,da,ys last week, at the same home. sosismalasmuismusisumuniesmikas ass minsionso - bi- ro"Keep more hens, Wraps some bees, , min m Tend themwell and' wealth you'll seize.' m. re,r, —Old Song. la to ONTARIO'S PRODUCTION m it DI.Poultry Honey Stock Butter and'Cheese a 1111 9 9 9 • ; is increasing by leaps .,.\ nd bounds ' am `,• And it is going to double in a few years. Farrn lands are • AU alreadydue for a rise. If you want to be in the swim, Mr. Farm ▪ er, you had better get busy right now, but, do not expect roo per . ill cent results from a 20 per cent Equipnient. Build up to date hen • and hog pens. Improve your staletingsaccomodation A number from here attended the Street Carnival in Gorrie last Wed- , nesday night, • DIED Dageey—In Howick, on Thursday, July 2.2,nd., 1926, Thomas DarceY, in his 8xst year. King—In Ho -wick on Friday, July 23rd., 5926, Mary Elizabeth Gilkin- son, • beloved wife of Ethelbert King in her 62nd. year. Mrs. Ed. Matthews and son, Law- rence, are visiting with friends in Guelph this week. Mr. and Mrs, E. E. Denny and eon, Teddy, spent Sunday with friends in Walkerton. Mr. Frank Cavers of Hepworth, spent the week -end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Amos Denny. Mrs. M. Jackman of Madison, U. S. A., is visiting her mother, Mrs. S. Johnston, and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Etherton and family of Galt, are visiting at the homeof Mr. and' Mrs. E. E. Denny. ▪ there in the loop to see the thous- • ands -of pigeons, flying about. They • are so tame they will light 00 the treet beside you, they light on tse All elevated track's and buildings, wind- • ow eills, etc., and are quite at• nome in awful -this vortex of life. Pardon us if we take a fling at the 13 "fair sex", the every day honest to 111 goodness girl or 'woman one sees in si all cities, towns, villages and Oren in '‘ ist we N I 5 . ,• pe the country .now. e mt say a If -It 0 tHirbeir no Cali Our Number u. NI in Chicage. We have seen more in never saw a really good looking girl 111 0 Lilo •IN .Wingham, especially when 'there were . • 112 those froni Gorrie and Wroxeter at- , , I G I bSO [I Lumber & cider ID •i tehndint, co,:i. egiate ,t‘whain dwecisaw, I; a w ole weel in ehe n y, ty . oo WROXETER Phone 30 _ ONTARIO IN ted types. "Nrif Sd" along this line, WROR.., There was ,a, good eeteedayiee at Misses 'Margaret McPOugall an4 • Ithe morning service in .the •,•,• I.Inetetl Jean Earls, live. reterned froin a trip. • Wroxeter, jelly cothe 1926 Ch • h d I t ' "The ley of down the St. Lewrence as far as The Colipcil /net in tile Conncil Living" WaS the Pastoz.'s :theme, The he The Oirls travelled by bo4t, • • + 011aniber on above date- text ws taifrom Hebrews Chap 2 from Toronto g+oiri through the' •' , Minutes 01 last meeting read andverse"gehatii anointed thee. Thousand islands and down the adopted on motion of Be Stocks argl with the oil of gladness above thy Pids, Which affords a great thrill, . "+.••• N. White. ; f he rhe a4dress ws" a plea' They spent two days viewing the' Accounts— H,' Pattereep, running for living the rife of joyfulness before sights in this nyeeine •old city and vise, plant, $44.8o; Matt. " anderson, col- the world. The countenance is a itede Ste. Anne de Beanie and Mott- - • • 4 fair index of the soul. Joy is the real essence of Christiarity. ,. What petty things annoy us. What jify of life do we constantly forfeit by an2,i- eties and unnecessary worries, Fear Lis the thing which defeats us. We have' little money, we fear starVation, we obtain money, we then are afraid of losing it. We put through' a busi- ness deal, then wonder if there could be any mistake made in the transac- tion. We find the soul of a friend, and we fear lest our friends someday will misunderstand us. Think of jes- leis midst the storm saying "Peace be Stll" er in the 'face of opposition. "This is the victory that overcometh the world even your,faith." and again of the year 1926. Motion of Whit• e and Stocks,' that when He stands in the ehadow of the "Who for the joy that was set council adjourn to meet in regular before Him endured the cross. • He meeting or call of the Reeve. baptized the common folk with joy. Fred Davey, Clerk. Joe,- is God's tonic for the soul. Look out not' in, look forward, nbt back- ward, look up, not down." The choir sang, gladness"S. 'Serve the Lorclevith joy and. • At the, evening service Rev. Craik spoke on Gideon. The address was based on Gideon's call by God to ov- erthrow the Midianites. This rural resident is called to be a soldier. Up through doubt he feels sure of God's presence and a divine call. Gideon and his three hundred men who tann- ed the water but did not kneel went out to victory. Gideon was true, by, lecting and work 22,00; J. Smith, work at cemetery 27.70; Dan Kaakes, work on Sidewalks xo.8o• W, Case - more, work on sidewalks 2.50; T. G. Hemphill, power and rent, June, 92.50; Gibson Lumber Company, Itun- ber and posts 73;6o; W. A. Ruther- ford, mower for cemetery 11.75; F. Davey, salary as clerk to July 1st., 5o.00lIebstage, Express et,, 5,47. Motion of J. Moffatt and N. White that accounts be paid and orders drawn on treasure for same. Motion of R. Stocks and N. White that By -Law, No. 5, 5926, now read three times be passed. This By -Law is for holding nomination and elec- tion for 1 councillor for the balance BELMORE A warm reception was tendered to members of the Women's Institute and their friends at the home of Mrs. Jas. Douglas, Gravel Road, Wednes- day of last week. This being the girls meeting, everything passed off to.per- feetion, only a shortage of home- made candy. The program was lengthy and var- ied, piano solos by Miss Roe, Miss Blanche Irwin and Irene Mundell; Mouth Organ Selection bylMiss Eve- lyn Lin`coln, reading by Annie Doug- las and Minnie Jeffray, Contest. after which the Temperance meeting was held with Mrs, Thomas Abram, as President. At the close of the meet- ing an excellent lunch was served by the hostess, over thirty were present. The PreSbyterian Picnic which was to be held on Teeswater-Park, Thurs- day was postponed. Mrs. James Hamilton of Oshawa and Mrs. James Cummings, Wing - ham, were in the village last week. Mr'. Austin, sister and husband of Toronto are visitors at the home of Mr. James Austin. , Mr. Paul Willie is the proud owner df a hive of bees, having t,aptured then- in a Maple tree, near his home. 11 • • pi many spindlylimbed and hollow clies- • tho we mean it. • We Fd a ride on the motor busses 4 , „ eeee• and Went up on, top where one gets RO L C 11°1 a es FOR YOUR BARN ROOF Use Brantford Arro-Lock Slates. Neither gales, rain, snow nor frost can budge them and they last for years. The low price. and small laying cost make them the most economical roof of exceptional value. You can lay them over the old shingles. ___---------•_, -..---4,... - ...........4., • .01OrdOlne.,..4%"411.-4....W4titigli..407r—".:4.400.441' . ' 1 ----'7e:410. -407-"41fr•—tof '4' 46:41.1,4.11' '4140.4/.. .41.. 40.• 41.4%."..........*'"'_„,,_. AO.' ...„,.. ,filtd 4. AI. • 4. 4. 4. 414 4* 41444.-404 -4184-• a. ,4404 AP. - ,.. -4/fr. 4111,4 4104 . 41114 ....1*.•-•-...... ...11.• .0^ .0-41' ...--41.---,41.7410,".• 1."CirWlarierriirjerlirjar rik""jerrdigne.ornierio......4 ...... 410111011:10.111111* -10.44141:41,40".41111145'"4".44t.4.1174:44114 'Ale, 19,40+ 410-411k•110-41190-11P.A9,19.,111t4.49.-419....... ii. iiip 4114 - It. 411fr • 410-1.14.464 AO • AP' 411, • lifr• .4110,4•,465fr• 41Ifr .11,—.1.7., 46,. ,10,10^ IP' 4110 40-11110-.0-411,41,4110-110,11110-11k •••.^."" 4fit. 4i, ..-......]Illireils....401.106;4110-11%....:40411fr-411-.41;40:011101111•111:41011:41ZIOratliti Cil 'I'I 111111111111111n111n1IIIIN11111I III II NNO, _PO'filtlite*Lhafiea, .Brantford, Oritario Stock Carried, Inforiatiori Purnited and Servlea bn `Brantford Roofing ren ered by • Rae & Thompson, Winghatn R.. H. Carson, Gorrie Thos. Stewart, •• Btuevale • ee • ,ete'e' • a great view of the streets as the bus rolls along. We went out to Lin- coln's Park, Cgicago's restful spot. They have a great wild animal mena- gerie out there as well as an aquar- ium, bird show, etc. At one time they had a very high bridge over the la- goon. A man in the park -old us they had to tear it down on account df so many suicides. Going up to the turret above,they would throw them- selves doevii far below. In one of Chicagb sky scrapers a friend with the writer wele' 1 ooki ng down into the great eentral opening in the build- ing that admits light to the State it Bank of Chicago offices far below. 'Wor the reason that suicides would NJ go tip some 20 or 3o stories and then throw themselves down on the tiled floor below they hunt a powerful steel 1* = netting across above the first storey. (El We were looking at this nee when a 19 friend told the reason of its installa,:li tion. That's one effect of Chicago's 11 °frenzied finance." '14, Gibson. ,1111 -111111111111121111•111$111111111111•111311111111111111P1,1 Greenleyi 11-1 Wroxeter. m -CORN ER GARAGE 5 ii.mumumuni Electrical Work Done Repairing of 11 All Kinds. -4+ Auto Accessories, Etc. P- i THE ROAD HOME I think of you in a wee white house. At the end of a slim, green lane, In a land that is free of care and doubt In a land that knows no pain., I think of you with blue, 61 -yelling eyes But your mouth has a wistful line As if it iongs—oh, I know it does!— For a fleeting touch of mine! • I think you work in the little house • That the walls may be bright and his fidelity was offered the kingdom. neat, For forty years the people, of And I think that you hurry to' spread were led and blest of. God under the soft rugs, spirit of Gideon. The choir sang "1 On the chance that my tired feet must have Jesus with me all the way" and the pastor sang "Anchored to the Rock Of, Ages." Communion Service will be- held next Sunday morning, August est. at 11 a. m. Rev Mr. Craik will give a short communion address. Members of the church will govern themselves accordingly. Mrs. Reg. Newton ,expects to visit relatives in the stall' of Washington in the near.future. • •Rev. R. Jones returned Trorn Brigh- ton to conduct the funeral service for the late Mrs. A. King, which was held in St. Stephen's Church, Sunday afternoon. IvEr. Wm. Williams is in Stratford, visiting his brother for ,a few d'ays. Mr. and Mrs. T. 0. Johnston are at their summer home at Bruce morency Falls. They returned to IVIonerear by boat sad from thence 'tp Toronto by train by way of Ottawa, •• , • spending a day• in Montreal and. two ' , ' '• days in our beautiful capital. They •,* tell us that their holiday was very +,- •i profitably and enjoyably spent prOfitable and enjoyably spent. • •• Reeve Henneberg has declared,! e ter Civic Holiday. All Work Guaranteed May'falter over the low doorsill, May sound on the narrow) stair, And I know that you'll stand with your arms outflung, As soon as I enter there.. 11511111111111111151111a111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 illi111111111111111111111401111111111121111111111111111M111 SptritSweaters % •= aMADE FROM ALL ' WOOL Pi Pei CLOTH ARE THE NEWEST - THING IN MEN'S WEAR, . ' We have them in fancy plaid. - Get one and be up-to-date. 1.1 GagRIE • Miss Velma. McCallum was very . successful in passing 1'44.junior exam- ination in ratisi'e at tlie C011seriatOrY We are selling our Wool Knit Ei Sweater Coats at reduced mites. PA A few SteaW Hats left in plain and fancy bands to clear. Fruit Season is now here, lea- ve your order and get your Gem Jar Zinc and, Rubber Rings, Glass Tops, etc.• ' F-- 111 GROCERIES THAT AlE• Nil FRESH AND CLEAN g- Oh, roses will grow OT1 the garden gate . And over the bronze sundial, That murmurs, as ever the hours change, "It is only for just a while." And your hand § will train them with tender are, Though osier your caze will roam Down the road that winds through the happy trees, The road that will bring me hozne.1 —Margaret E. Sangster., Try our bulk Teas, they ar e fa cheaper than the package. , • 4t: l'()t°11t°' with hdtit5ts' avey s tore Mrs, I olin Reldt arid soli, •rvey, SPent Stiliday WithMr Peidt in Dur- vvtoteier, Ontario • a • ham, . . Mrs. McClellexid returned tp Tar -- onto Satutday, after an extended vie- it with IVIr. and Mrs. Robert Black - Rev. Mr. Armstrong and family, • are spending their vacation at tlee lake near Kincardine. Mr. T. W. Henry fell from a ladd- er, while picking, cherries last Friday + and injured his arm, but we are glad to knoei he is still able to be on the job at the bank. Aldred Wearring has moved to the AlexGibson house on Ann St., lately • occupied by Mrs, Lowton. Mrs. Archie Wells, Toronto is vis- iting his sister, Mrs. Aldred Wearr- ing, Wroxeter ad also her parents • Mr. and Mrs. Alex Gibson, Howiek. Rev. T. W. Wesley and Mrs. Wes- ley, paid a flying visit here, Sunday. •• Arnold land Mrs. Edgar arid Lorene • spent Sunday with Mrs. Edgar's sis- Me. and Mrs. R. J. Rann, Miss Al- ter, near Ripley. STOMACH SO BAD CAN'T Beach. EAT EVEN FRUIT The Garden Party you have been waiting for will be held on the spaci- ous: la:wn of the Gorrie United Chur- ch'next Wednesday, August 4th. The supper will be 0. K. and will be fol- lowed by a good musical progiram. Gorrie will welcome you. Bring "For years was badly constipated and troubled with gas after eating. Could not eat fruit and many other things. Adlerika has done me good —can now eat anything" (signed W. H. Fletcher. Adlerika removes GAS and often brings` astonishing re- your visitors. lief to the stomach. Brings out a sur • - prising amount of old waste matter SOFT BALL GAMES you never thought was in the system. ma and Alkin, left Sunday on a rno- tor trip to Chicago. Dick Turiff of Toronto, with his family are visiting at his sister's home, /qrs. Chas. Sproal. Thos. Hoperaft and family and' Mrs. Robt. Stocks, motored to Tor- onto to spend a week or two visiting • friends. Re. Mr. Armstrong and family are spending the holidays at Bruce Beach. • Stops that full bloated feeling .and snakes you enjoy eating. Excellent for chronic constipation. J. W. Mc- Kibbon,, Druggist NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant .to Section 56, Chap. 121 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, that all persons having laims against the Estate of John S. Earngey, deceased, who died on or about the second day of May, A. D. 1926, at the Village of Gorrie in the 'Province of Ontario, are required to send by post, prepaid, ev to deliver to R. Vanstone, Wing - ham, Ontario, Solicitor for ti -le ad- ministrator, on or before the ninth day, of August, A. D. 1926, their nam- es and addresses with full particulars in writing of their Claims, and the na- tura' of the securities (if any) held by 'them duly verified by a statutory de- claration. AND TAKE NOTICE FURTHER that after the said ninth day ef Au- gust, 1926,/the said administrator will proceed to distribute the assets of the said estate among the parties entitled thereto having regard only to the claimof which he shall then have had notice, and the said adininistra- tor shall not be liable for the said as- sets or any part thereof to any person of whose claim he shall.then have re- ceived notice. DATED at Wingharn. this Seventh day of julyt et's., D. X926. Winghatn,• Ont for the Adanistrato; s „ c, , • . :,; R. VANSTONE Solicitor, Bluevale Soft Ball teams, girls and boys played two snappy games with the Wroxeter teams in the- park here, Friday evening. The girls sore was 21 to 2 in favor of the home teani. "While the Wrox'eter girls had the better of the game the, visitors played much better bail than the score would indicate, The boys game was much more closely contested, the score being 2 to in favor of Wroxeter. This was the best game of the season, both teams playing real snappy ball. Ti -h: game was free from any disputes. The referee giving good satisfael)n and both teams, girls and boys being good sports. The Wroxeter teams being winner of their group go to Goderich on Au- gust 4th., to play the winner of some other group here, hoping they win out SALEM Rev. Mr. Smith of IVIoleswort.h„ took the service on Sunday. ' Rev. Mr. Westley a former Pres- byterian Minister of this place and family are renewing acquaintances in town. • , Misses Effie and Margaret Good- fellow, returned to Toronto on Wed- - nesday after, spending a few days with their sister, Mrs. Geo. Tait. • Mr. 'Lliomas Walker still contin- ues very low and little hopes are held oat for his recovery.' 1 Misses Elsie and Marion Gibson of Winnipeg are at present spending the holidays with their parents, Thomas and Mrs. Gibson. A. R. DU VAL • Registered Chiropractor Will be at Towne's Hotel, Wroxe- ter, Tuesday and Friday Evening from 7 to 8.30 p. m.., during June and July. Diseases of all kinds successfully treated. Consultation free. Country and house calls responded to. FRED DAVEY Village Clerk Issuer of Marriage Licences The law now requires the license be taken out three days before tne etre- mony. Subscription taken for the Adv Clubbing roes given Mr. and Mrs, James Markley of Waterloo, spent last Sunday with Mr:, and Mrs. Henry Merkley. Mr, Peter Grant front North of Teeswater, called on his friend, Mr. Bolt, these two having 'been chums together, while overseas dyer - leg the war. A number from this community, Spent last Sunday at Formosa. Rev. Mr. Smith of Molesworth, oc- cupied the pulpit here last Sueday in the absence of the pastor, who is epending his vaeetion at Kincardine. NORMAN WADE Gorrie, Ontario • Agent for Hartford Wind Insurance Also Walkerton Fire Insurance Co. Automobile, Live Stock and Plate. Glass Insurance • • DR. H. A. MUTTON --- Graduate of Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario Graduate of University of Trotto At Fordwich Tuesday and Thursday At Gorrie the rest of the week G. S. DAWSON GORRIE Director of Funeral Services Motor Hearse or Carriage, which, ever is required. Phone 16 HARM(' AXICZNS Fordwicb, Ontario Licensed AuctiOneer for the Counties Of littripit and Wellington Phone x9 Or Patterson's To.lardware Store