HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1926-07-29, Page 2• WINGHAM ADYANCEiTIMES A, G, Smith, Publisher. 'Published at NVINGILAM, ONTARIO Every Thtersday Morning • .r.' • • " r• ''`°31,4g WrNORA,19t ADYANCEeTIMES BOOST YOUR TOWN ing during thepending poUtaiPena, , peign. We hOPe rfet, ,The eeearty hat throws Mud during at election cart/polo i$ mire to 'stiffer as a restilt Of, the muclaelingiug: , There need .Js no bitterness amOug ,the eleetors cause of the big scrap at Ottaill'a ttio„ Roo ettet ealt irionths 4.0o, in advance Ing 1.)4614 seSSIOns Any one wile TREATMENT SU .$u'bserieton ratess•r-Ona yr Va.00, , las a row with Its or her neighbore By Dr, ArthL ur . liST13.01(B!, Forster sunstroke— A1 t n 1••,1 clams There re two forms of vcrY f'°°1111.- Renleinber C21'113d0. heat or6stration and heat fever—and A clergymen in Fort worth, Tea. liaS had. both Conservative and Libor- es the treatment is entirely different n. to remonstrate abOut State,. sell"governIng colony and the made, „. his defence that his life was threat- lenders to stir tipPart? in or. tratioa are dizzieees, thrbbing see, %ehot a fellow citizen who called al regimes since this country became in eaeh, carefat distinction. mest be merits the Minister lied made from conntrY hcetet gone to the bow'- - Heat Prostration the onipit. The minister states in Wows Yet., it is the object of party The first symptoms of heat pros - der to win the election and it is 110 heedaelte, nabsea, aed-sometimes diar- cued but there is nothing in the 'newspaper reports to show that the tio the electors to heeP cool nad rheas As these disturbances increase man *Who called on the inieister had in severity the patient's skiu become intended to use violeace , at any rate • the irate visitor made no attempt to pull a gen. It seems to its the min- •ister •was too gaick- in usi• ng a revolver to take human life, Pulling a gun beeonie altogether too e0111111011 in the United States. A punch front a eleached fiet, the British way, appeal$ •'to us as a sure -enough defence again- st one Nylio has to weapon in his .band. —0— Some papers are predicting that as 'a result of the genuine nervous strain in Parliament during the past session that there will be plenty of mud -sling - Weigh well the arguments presented to them on the hustings and in the press. We can remember elections of a quarter of a century ago in whi- ch, old friends,but political opponents . Air were estranged because of the {Atter things they said te each other during an election campaign but that only shows badly -balanced minds. In re- cent years, largely through the intro- duction of a third party, men and wo- The clothing should be rem:reed and men have not taken their politics too hot applications placed around the ex - seriously. tremities to restore thecirculation add make the patient \Var121. ,Tt un - Dominion Chautatiqua tarts conscious he should be made to inhale Winghtem next Tuesday evening.— sat aromatic spirits of annuonia. A mus Tile ntertainments a. tard paste should be applied to the eare excellent. bath of the neck and along the spine. cd1c1 and clammy, He is restless and profoundly prostrated. The tier. perature is subnormal and, the pulse feeble. Finally, he may become un- conscious. The first thing to do is call a doc- tor. Pending his arrival place the pa- tient in the shade, and as soon as pos- sible in a cool, well -ventilated ropm. " WHERE QUALITY COUNTS" QUALITY GOODS AT REASONABLE PRICES: F'ollow in line with the million and more satisfied custom- •. ers who visit our stores every week. VISITORS and TOURISTS are cordially invited to make coMparisons of • OUR VALUES. No more a luxury to the average housewife CALIFORNIA DVD State c ASPARAGUS TIN Try it on toast with a pla.in, melted butter sauce Light, Nouris Food for the Kiddies A whole meal in a can. TRY THEMCOLD BEANS wrm PORK •Aylmer 2 No. 2 tins 19e Clark's 2 tins for 23c DELICIOUS MILD CURED PICNIC HAMS 25c Per D.S.L. CORN FLAKES 3 Pkts.29C for DOMNO TEA 73tDePlliegahstefus ltlhy eF PM*te lit • ID. Quality -beyond comparison " SMOKERS SPECIAL POCKET MATCHES doz. 1 9C For once, let your kiddies he the judges CHRISTIE'S ARROWROOT BISCUITS 29c ritr,. Poi' your health's sake, eat BRITANNIA SPINACH 1 OC Uri !.4',411,NTIPI4t4 4 1'0v, July 29019.1926 Every good citizen should be proud of their hope town. For quite a number of years back Wingliarn has been noted 'for being one of the inost prOgreseive and en,• terprising towns of Western Ontario. Every good business man looks-Qv- er his books at least once it year to see what he is worth. Let us •see whet advantages Wingliam enjoYs. She has the advantage Over many other towns by having .three lines of rallwa.ys. One can‘leave home- ip the morniug, spend a good day and be home by bedtime. • Wingham may lie proud of her pa- ved streets leading through the town, east, and west, north and soixtle Built on the hanks of the river Maitland, great water power is devel- oped.. This power runs a very enter- prising flour and chopping mill. For the use of this water power thernill owner pays into the town treasuryy a nice little sum annually. At the oth- er end of the town is another fine chopping mill very successfully oper- ated. Being in close proximity to a very commodious shed it makes it very convenient for the farmers. The ton is well lighted having the Hydro. We might mention the beau- tiful flower beds on • the Hydro grounds which reflects great prais'e to the caretaker. The Horticultural Society has done much, towards making the town belu- tiful. Strangers • passing thro the town are always commenting on the beautiful flowers and well kept lawn-. The town is equipped with a gen ral. hospital, at most tines •full to over- flowing. The town boasts -of five churches, a High school, public school and busi- ness college. Some very bright •stu- dents graduated from Wingham. At one time few towns in Ontarit{ could compare with Witigham. It was noted for its numerous industries It still retains a worthy place, hav- ing a salt industry, a flax mill, foun- dry, saw mill, planing mill, sash and door factory, upholstering and ,musi- cal plant, two rubber industries, two glove factories and fertilizer factory. The trades procession on the eetb of May -would compare very favor- ably with a city parade of a similar nature. • The agricultural conditions surroun- ding the town are of the best. We all know that everything eminates from the first six inches of the soil and it is a enoted fact that Wingham is situ- ated in one of the finest sections of the provinee. The Huron tract is noted for its fine grain, wonderful fruit and good stock. For half a century Wingham has held a Fall Fair. Owing to a wind- storm a few years ago their hall was demolished and we regret to say the society, have not been able to rebuild. We believe they have started the e- rection of a new hall, forty by one hundred feet which should give ample room for both farm. and manufactur- As soon as he is able to swallow le should be given hot coffe and spirits of camphor. • Heat Fever In cases of heat fever the picture is entirely different. The patient i. exceedingly hot, the temperature running from 105 to Ito degrees. I have seen one case in which the fev- er was 112. The skin is dry, the face congested, and the, vessels are threb- bing. The patient is very restless, breathes forcibly, and his pulse is ra- pid. He may speedily become uncon- scious. .As in the case of heat prostration, the first step is to call a physician. The patient should be placed in the ;1,.. These Prices in effect for one week k‘k rens date of this paper 135-C shade and then taken into the house: The clothing should be removed and the subject placed in a tub of -water at a temperature of So degrtes -"to which ice is gradually added. Ice should also be placed on his head. During all this time he should be rubbed vigorously to keep the blood circulating and bring it to the surface of the body where it can be cooled. If a bathtub is not available the patient should be laid on a bed or cot, wrap- ped in a sheet wrung out of ice water, and rubbed with ice, ' The temperature should be watched carefelly and the moment it has drop- ped appreciably the subject should be removed from the bath. Other- wise the temperature may continue to drop until it becomes subnormal and the patient pass into a state of collapse. Generally speaking the bath should not be continued for lmore than half an hour at a time. After -Effects of Sunstroke One of. Ontario's Best Investments Highways contribute greatly to people's welfare and pleasure By making transportation easy, Ontario's good roads foster business,. assist the farmer, and bring pleasure to hundreds of thousands of our people. Good roads art one of our best investments. These roads have cost $180,000,000 of the people's money. Many more millions will be re- quired to keep them in rrenm epair and to ew the. Tins money must come trona those who USe the „ roads, "' on, as A. motorust, are invited to take an m- terest in the hitchways. They are yours to use,' u not to abse—yours to enjoy, not to destroy. Excessive speed grinds away road surfaces. Drive Moderately and you vvill help to protect the huge investtnent which you and the er motorists loaves:ado in the good roads of your Province. While confident that the maiority mbtorists will heed this riequest for co-operation prestrv., ing the reads, the GOVe.tilraellt gives warthag to the Careless that the speed laws are being rigidly' *darted. TIM '4EON. GEO. E. EENEY, L. tOttIEN, lattistorer PligawsY* tlePPtlit latirdistat /Ssiat4,t0+the Ott'1 fek Setae tO7Olieraltitirt Inantisla Ighittieff tbe ghtle Of the rotes of the Proritee. People who have had sunstroke us- ing exhibits. The school' ,fairs are ually stiffer forth the effects. of heat becoming very popular and are held ,as long as they live. Such persons in connection with the large fairs. should avoid exposure tO the sun and This is very interestiug for the boys ikeep out of overheated rooms during and'girls. The new agricultural 'hall this time of the year. Theyeleould is to be built across the highwa.3- luck. But it diddent wtrk bectee oney take coldOthbaths every day, dress from the Hydro' plant. The society yesterday he steps up in t of a easparinglY, drink plenty of intends opening a community sub- ottomobeel and got bumped off. Pa 1 WINGHANI GREATIEST STORE, P, 0, Box 464 THE WALKER STORE Phone 30 DRY -GOODS, HOUSE FURNISHINGS„ LADIES' READY,TOMEAR MILLINERY, MEN'S WEAR, ETC, To/the Public: •Being unable to write a proper advertisement, in time for the pfinters copy, this week I '‘'.4sh to.take space to announce the arrival of Several Thousand Dol- lars Worthof Ne NC7' Goods- which will be put on the shelves and'counters for week - ,•end selling, and all at our usual LOW PRICES. New Silks . New 'Voiles New Crepes • • New Hosiery New GlOves New Silk UrWear New Handkerchiefs f,! • NeW Purses New Beaded Bags New Slips New Gowns New Laces New Ribbons • NeW Baby Bonnetts r." New Small Wares ' New Staples New Ready -to -Wear 'Of New Ginghams New Linen Cloths New Linen Napkins New Towels New Towelings / New Chintz . New ,Creatons. •t• New, Flannelettes New Umbrellas New Beaded Mats New Ties New Braces . New Caps New Sox . New Novelties New Dress Goods New Men's Wear, etc. • A Cordial Invitation is -extended to all, to come in and look over the new lines ' ' we are showing, and note Lower Prices. E. E. BARR, Manager, 111111111111111111111P 1 to say is she choosed a kweer loca- tion to impress it on my Mind. llunday—Pa was telling- about sum ed. Mr. and Mrs. W. 3. Masters and Me and Mrs. Guy Laidlaw, son Mr and Mrs. Jos. Underweod, spent and daughter of -Providence, R. L, old sines witch dont tterk out no spent a few days with relatives more. „Clem Botts Nrand busted Tent anbusted around here, a looken,glass last wk. and eery bud-: Mr.iA. L. Cooper has secured a de- sed it went seven years of bad good position in the Petrolia Cream- ery and left for there this week. Mr. David Patton of Richmond .Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Churchill of and Mrs.W H.Stewart and keeti their head cool—this last figura- It is hoped, that every one will on- . (''. to daughter,-r3.4laruer;te,,pent the week Leamington, spent a few days with tivelv aswelt nz. hterallv. 1 msght ate so that both town and country , Tuesday—Pa says he is a golti end with the forraser's parents here. the former's parents here. — say that these are mighty good rules can speak of it as 'Our Fair." •-.- Jake us down to the Zoo nex Sunday Mrs, James Wilson and family of Mrs. Verne Higgins of Toronto is mebbv if i 2.111 a reel good boy. And saskatosn, tfor us all to observe during the heat- \Viten this hall is completed there •it don't rain. and 1 M22 do as I Moffatt. Sask., spent Sunday with visiting with her mother, Mrs. D. H. ed season, does not seem, much left but to enjoy please all de* Long. well 1 am goin-.- Perons Is71146 have had. a severe and appreciate the many facilities le . . day looking at ''. Mrs. Wm. Balfour. o spend the the e.ag . Sunday at the home of Mr. Milton Smith of Browntown. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Griffiths of Montreal are at present visitieeg with the latter's mother, Mrs. Sanderson. Mr, Frank Balfour, son and daugh- ter of Ethel, also Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hill, spent a few days with his uncle Reid of Wingham, spent Sunday with lightly -,t Mrs. water, avoid alcohol and tobacco, and scription list to help defray expenses. is to be I of the Paul bears. D. Patton. Wm. Balfour. case of sunstroke often complain of impaired rnentalityo"prieeipally loss of il Memory. Vere little tan 08 a rule be • done for this+ but occasionally a prep - of phosphorus helps the con- dition. Children often suffer from the ef- fects of extreme heat, and this should be suspected when the y are suddenly house in the morning • otoken ill with a high fever. Under & look at her feed the • such conditions they should be plac- black snaik witch Mr. ed in a cool, airy room, be sponged Gillem ketched whilst -Leith tool eveter„ and given cool drink...the was out black her- . -If the heart shows signs of weakness tying last week-. When diluted coffee may be atimanstered. 1 told Jake what she Questions and Answers sed he got to -wander- Cut Theta Out • ing what WaS. she a go- Nfre. Pe, W. writes: "I have three ing to feed the poor • small lumps on my head (-wens 1 little. inosent snaik to. othirik they are called). 1 have been Jake is offly dam at What tnight have proved a very . trying a certain remedy with no no- tittles, e eerious aecident happened about 2 tieeable effect. What would you ad. -Saterday-4 ast jade miles east of here on SundayWhen , vise for their removal? over the teiefone this two cars had a slight collison when Reply evning if she -wanted If the growths ate giviug yon no to go with me to a meeting on the Boundary reed, Mr. W. II. Fraser, only had the two huli special trouble let theta alone. Ent lawn fate. She sed ehe had 'herd sum daps knocked off his ear, while the ... ..., ,, .. 1 a you ere determine or t 'their remote- tiling about ole and to her a pluton 1 other ear oweed by Air. .K. Davey' or 'al the only proper procedure is cleat was the lowest courli est snea .:.- ,Paltnerston, went through a wore extosion. ' kid i tOAN'Il and then she Nam -owed up l fence and down the steep embank - the reselver like as if she was sore rinent about twelve feet and came to Election time is mote or less pro., about sum thing a rather. But she , a etop hi the Maitland river. One 1 Witt of good repartee and one is -re- !never did Lay.vea titer she wood go 1 front wheel was also broken off Mr. mittded of to story of the itite Senator with rue or hot., •:tut li ain't calling Davey's car, which was occupied by O. Wolcott, of Colorado, who ‚e -as bet top agen. !Ibis family who all received a • bad toilet making a Republican speech lel' Sunday—This morning trhen 1 was li Shaking up and 11, bad scare. Mr. 9E- 4 Southern state and was being in.; am troy way to Sunday skool I met Ye. Moffatt got hi teatri cult Arad II Stetruptel by a body of young nom ::_llister, arel sum more of the gang ildteut the car bath onto the laighwayl , who shouted. "Rats!" Wolcott pans- i and we nigleekted to go to Sunday; and a Palmerston outfit came top and ' ed for to moment atil. then waving hisliskool, And ma found it out awl tuk: took'the crippled cat to Palmerstoft. hand at the gallery in which sat the4nie in to the bath room and sed she it was a new 0d bile sedan and iilleifiT,0,,,, tow; 41,Vaitet, come down was going to empress it on my mind muside of damage to front iNlieeland and take the ChitaiAoletat$ orders." 'inot to run oftleoiny not All 1 got ,headlights, was not seriously dansag- which the community- is blessed with. les t becaz &either look at eagles Observer. I eo. than early other animals. • Xcept e_, SLAT'S DIARY •I Wensday—I am standing up to rite By Ross Farquhar in my airy tonite. The reason is be- Friday-eMrs. sed to me and cuz I was mowing the yd. today and Jake that. we curl sum up to her 1 got tired and set down where a ' bumblebee had got there lat. Thiraday—I think 1 will stick close to the house this evning bees= I feel like pa is going to bring ma hothe a nice box of candy- They had thl wirst quart this morning they have bad in a weeks. As fur as I no. ..BLUEVALE UNIVERSITY OF WESTERN. ONTARIO Established 1878. Re -organized 1908 Three Yaculties—Arts, Medicine and Public Health. FoRegistraur AfftliationteC Day ayollfe:res. presbmen Sep- tember 17th, 1926. \• • Degrees by examination: B.A., B.Sc., MD., LL.33., MA., M.Sc., C.H.A., and DD. New buildings, excellent lihrsxy and laboratory Por information, , write;— IC, P. 12. NEVILLP,.. Ph.D., Registrar, London, •Canada.. • • • • Dollar2by Dollar • . ON'T neglect to open a savings account because you may have no large amount of money to deposit: The Dominion Bank will accept deposits of $1.00 and upwards. • • Open an account now and add small amounts rgularly. You will be surprised to see how rapidly your savings will grovit WINOILM4 et • Manger.