HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1926-07-29, Page 1With Which is amalgamated The Gorrie VIdefte and The Wroxeter News Single Copies, Fiye Cents. LOCAL AND CIEpERAL NEWS Pres OF INTEREST ne Chautauqua Program VVell Worth Motoring Mr, G. A, MacICersie, principal of 'School, BountSr, Sask., is spending his vacation with his parents, Mr,-. and ..Mrs, Wm, MacKersie o Shnter St. /Loading a car of 'Poultry on August agth.' Get your hens culled by Gov- vernment Cullers.—The United Fa.rin- ,ers Co -Operative Co. Limited at Win- gham, , Mr. and Mrs. Garry Willis and lit - Ile daughter, Dorothy of Toronto, . spent a few days at the home of their parents, Mr and Mrs. W. H. 'Misses Louise Fraser and Ida Lut- -ton, Alessrs. Jerry Linton and Elliott :Fellsof Western University' London, ;visited at their homes oyer the week . end. Mrs.,, Jas. McDonald and son ,Georg`i of Detroit, motored over and :spent a few days at the homes of Iva. Chas. 'Elliott and •Mr. Eugene Mc - _Donald, Mr. Wilfred Fryfogle of Detroit, spent a few days with relativesenin town. He was accompanied he by his two sisters, Mrs. Jas fainilton .and Mrs, Cummings. ..The family of the late John L. -Little wish to thank their many kind !friends and neighbours for their ex- treme kindness and sympathy shown them in their sudden and sad bereave- -meet. Miss Annie McKague, returned to 'her home in Winnipeg after a, few 'weeks visit with relatives here., Her aunt, Mrs. F. H. Hubbard, accompan- ied her home and will spend a few months in the West. • A...rink of lady bowlers viz: Mrs. "W., 5. Boyce, Mrs. Oliver Thompson, s 'Mrs, E. R. Harrison and Mrs. (Dr) Ilarnbly motored to Clinton on Tues- ..elay to play a friendly game with the Clinton ladies.. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Austin and two daughters, returned to their liorne in Kitchener, on Friday,. after ) , spending a week at the home of the \ former's parents, Mr. and IVIrs. Wm. . Austin. They 'motored to Toronto on 'Tuesday with their parents , The grounds at the CP.R station are being ina.de ready for a flower :garden. An extra gang of rrien are -working and it has every promise of being a complete job, of which the ,agent has long been promised. The centre of the yard is terraced and screened rock is being shipped, in foe ' •the road leading to the station. ., The girls of W. H. Gurney's Glove 'Works held a successful picnic Satur- ezlay afternoon, July 24, on 1.11'sbant:s .of the beautiful Maitlandfa,rivere The sports consisted of bathing, boat rid- ing, dancing, soft ball a.nd a dainty 'lunch was served and doing good jus- •tice to the good eats, all went home •'feeling much better after the pleas- ant afternoon's outing. • 'The C. G. I. T. of St Andrews ,Church spent a couple of pleasant weeks at Mr. R. S. McGee's cottage -it Kincardine beach. Miss Marjorie Gurney was in charge and ,VIrs. Mc- Gee and Mrs, A, M. Hornell were ;the chapkones. The foll'Owing young if ladies were in the . earty —Misses: Eva Rintoul, l3ertha McGee, Pene- lope Hannah, Nancy Taylor, Mary \-, Mitehell, Fairy Fells, Elizabeth Ross, Lois .Prast. • Owing to the heavy rain, the Wo- men's Institute picnic which had been planned for Thursday after- noon had to be postponed. The -meeting was held in the council chamber, over 40 of the ladies being present. It was decided at the meet- ing to bold a qirden patty on the night of August isth in the park on Bristol Terrace, Tickets will be ,draevii on a quilt at the next rgular meeting. The Institute is keeping an Armenian boy in the Georgetown home. The treasurer reported $156 ,on hand for this fund. LI11114 lllllll lll ll l lll I l 11011,11.1 l lll ll I llll I l l 1111illt11111.111e1 EAPTIST CHURCH Sunday Augtist ref, Morning—"The Sin .of Envy," ,s Evening—"The other side of the Cloud.' e: Revival Ivli InicknoW 7: Town Hall tins week. . Mas• 8 meeting Sunday 8.15 p. in, Keep prying for a Revival. , ItOttnttorinettotitlirtimovithinilulliltivIligiiitteciffifionvitanijuti The Winghant Chaut,augna got away to a good start on Tuesday af- ternoon and evening, The music by the Greenfield Orchestral Quartett was a high order and, "The Science Story's lecture -entertainment by R B. Ambrose of -Kansas City,i Miss., was thoro-ughlSr enjoyed, He carries with hifri a remarkable collection of elec- trical. instruments and devices with which he produces aImost magical ef- fects, One of the wonderful feats he performs is the welding of nails by electricity„ permitting the 'current to pass through his body. With two carbons in his hands he foams an arch light and many other feats. The following is the program for the remainder of the week Wednesday Morning — Children's Entertainment, Cartoons and Stories, Vernon , Grant Admission 25c, Chil- dren loc. Wednesday Afternoon -- Concert, Rudiven McDonald and His High- landers; Lecture, "Landscaping" Eds ward A. Marshall, Admission 5oc, Children 25c, - Wednesday Night—Grand Concert, Ruthven McDonald, and His High- landers. Admission 75c; Children 35c. Thursday Morning—Children's En- tertainment, Magic and Mystery, Reno. Adrnision. 25c; Children Joe. Thursday Afternoon—Mystery En- tertainment, Reno. Admiseion soc; Children 25c, Thursday Night — "Applesauce", Great Sparkling Comedy, A New York Cast Admission $r 00, Chile clr,en 5oc. . Friday Morning—Children's Enter- tainment, Visacchi, Accordionist Ad- mission 25c; Children me, Friday Afternoon --Popular Enter- tainment, The Herrick Entertainers. Addission soc; Children 25e. Friday Night—Prelude, The Her- rick Entertainers; Lecture, "The In- excusable Lie", Private Peat. Ad- mission 50c; Children 25c, Saturday Afternoon— CoAert, So- lis' Marimba Band; Dramatic Enter-, tainment, Jane Goude Admission soc; Children 25c, Saturday Night— Grand Concert Solis'. Marimba Band. Admission 75c; Children 35c. You can save money by buying a season ticket no -iv Three Nominating Conventions • That there will be something doing in Wingham during the next week is assured. The Dominion Chautauqua tent -will be attracting large crowds each afternoori and evening until Saturday night. On Thursday after- noon, June 2gth., the Conservatives of North Huron will meet in the town hall to nominate a candidate. On the following afternoon • the Pro- gressives will rneet in the same hall and on Tuesday, August 31d. the Li- berals will meet there also for the same purpose. • The Conservative meeting will be a live one as we understand there are several men willing to' take up the party banner and carry it to victory, Among the names likely -to come be- fore the convention are ,Messrs, John Joynt, •M. L. A, 6eorge Spot - ton, J. W, McKibbbri, warden of Hur- on County, H. y. A. McEwen, Mayor' of Goderich, Thos. G. Alien of Dun- ,g;annon 12r. Irwin and Dr. Stewart of Wingliam. Any one of these men would very capably tepresent North, Huron, •The Progressives on Friday will be addressed by Miss Agnes MaPhail,‘ P. and by Mr. R H Halbert, ex - M, P. The present member for Nor- th Huroneilfr John 1N Xing, is likely to receive the nomination although it is possible that Mr, Sheldon Bricker of HoWick will allow his rtarne to go before the convention. •['he Liberal Conveiition will be the.: tamest of the lot as there is a big possibility of their getting in .behind Mr, Xing if he is the Progressives' choice, It is said that several of those promineet in the party at. however opposed to giving up their party to support Mr, Xing fleeter the Progreesive colons, although it is lie kely that an arrangement can be made so as to :get the Progressives .to keep tett of the field in the Pro- vincial fight aiid suppert the Lib- eral candidate, Mr. Charlie laobert- son..4 DORN • Ross—In Morris, on Monday, jttly e6th, to Mr, and Mrs, Murray Pose' a son, (nee Rhoda Howey). VVINGHAM, ONT; THURSDAY, JULY 29th. 1926 Miles To ELGIN RUTLEDGE DROWNR/) AT BAYFIELD Sad Fatality WednesdayWhile /Seth- , Mg at Jowett's Cirreve - Elgin Rutledge, son of George Rttt- ledge, of Nile, north of Goderich,,met death while bathing at Jowett's Grove Bayfield, last Wednesday af- terno.on. The young man, who has been employed as a barber at Clin- ton, motored from Goderich and went ins bathing with a mlinber of others. Whether he was a victim of cramps or succumbed to a heart attack was not ascertained as his body was re- covered in about three feet of water. According to his friends he was • a competent swimmer. Rutledge wa.s not missed by elle bathers apparently until considerable time had elapsed and a search In the vicinity of where he had been iaoriced revealed the bedy. Approximately half an hour had passed from the time wlien he had been naked until the ,g,,ecovery- of the body and effort to restore respiration failed. ,Dr. Sha -w, coroner; viewed the eemain and decided an inquest was not nec- essaiy Reg Williamson, aged fifteen, of Bayfield, had a narrow escape while in bathing. He was rescued in time to respond to the efforts of resuscita- tion and recovered, Liberal Conservative Convention A, convention for the Nomination of a candidate to contest the riding of North Huron for Federal purposes will be held in the Town Hall, Wing. ham, at 2 o'clock on Thursday after- noon, July 29th. Prominent speakers will address the meeting. Each. pol- ling division is entitled to send four delegates. „All friends of the party are invited to be present Petee 'W. Scott, President; H. J. A. MacEwan, Secretary. United Farmers' Convention The United Farmers of North Hur- on will hold a nominating convention in the Town kall,'Wingbam, on Fri clay afternoon, July 3oth, at 1.30 p.m, for the purpOse(of nominating a can- didate to contest the riding in the coming Doininion Election Miss Agnes McPhail, M. P. and Mr. R. H. Halbert, ex -M. P. are expected to address the convention, A large attendance of the • -electorate is re- quested. Wm. Rutherford, Pres., R. J. Currie, Sec. Mr. and Mrs. James Campbell, and son, Russel, of Great Falls, MOntaho, Mr, and Mrs, John Dunbrook, Cleves land, Ohio, motored over and visited for a few days with Mrs. Harrison, Edward St, and other friends in town, They were accoinpanied from London with Mr. arid Mrs, Ellison Hodgins and Mrs, C. T. Allison and son, William. • CHILDREN BEWARE Mr, A. G, Smith, • •• Editor Aditance-Times, Dear Sir:— e TOday while our. way freight was doing the switching here in the yard, one of the trainmen heard a sound and upon turning around noticed the head of a little boy, looking ottt around the wheel of one of ke the freight cars at the freight, shed. He immediately ran up and was only in time to jerk the little fellow out front under the car before the next wheels caught him. There is no doubt in my mind but what lie would have been killed had the trainman tot heard him yell, The child was only three years old and not reeponsible for his aetions, and belonged to a family not far froin the station. We woulcint'ot,for anything care to leave anything happen to any child around the tracks, bet you will real- ize it is impossible to vv•atch them while playing around the tracks. I wondered if you would be good enough to give some warning to the M Parents, throne+ the ineditin of the ti, eness, ae to the constant danger the lo ehildrett are in if allowed to play in W or around the railway yards, • • Thahleing you for any trouble this may put yoti to. • I remain, Yours sincerely, W, F, ,Etirgenan, Agent WINGHAM MAN SECURES HON- ORS IN LIFE INSURANCE FIELD The highest mark of attaitimeni at the present time, in the Life Ins ance field in Canada is that of the de- gree of Chartered i,Life Underwrit r. This status wa,s secured recently by Mr, W., T. Booth, Represptfilve of the Mutual Life of, Candda tbriugn his having., successfdlly completed the examinatinn set by the Educe- , , tional Cemniittee of The Life Uiteler- writers Association of Canada.," The course of study coverS The TJniform and Dominion Insurance Acts as well as the Succession Duty Act, Insurance Ethics, Insurance Fundamentals Company Organization and development and Salestnanship. In addition to this all candidates for the examination must have three 'consecutiere years membership in the Life Underwriters Association and the approval of the company by Which they ate employed. The object of the degree is to give the underwriter a status through which he can intelligently serve the needs of an insuring public. The In- stitution of Life Insurance is bnilt on service and it is felt by those in the insurance world that the more ef- ficient that servict cen be made the greater will be the value of an al- ready great institution. It is with this noble' object of bet- ter service in view that the Life Un- derwriters Association of Canada of- fers to its meinbers the degree \ of Chartered., Life Underwriter. • Goderich Horse Races The greatest horse meet in Wes- tern Ontario will be held at Goderich next Monday, August 2. 2.25 Gold- en Gate Slake Race, Purse $thoo; 2.16 Blue Water Stake Ra.ce, Purse $thoo; 230 °peen Class Race, Purse $400. Follow the crowd to Goderich, Music Pupils Successful , • The following ,pupils were success- ful in the recent piano examinations at the Toronto Conservatory of Mus- • Junior Grade—Miss Reta Hastie, honors, Miss Jean Copeland, Miss Penelope Hannah. Elementary—Miss- Einora McInnes, The Globe of 1879 Miss Martin of Whitechurch, brou- ght us a Copy of the Toronto Globe of July est, 187p, 'The Globe was a much different newspaper then. It was onty four pages, ten columns to the page and 'the columns were 28 inches long. The label shows that the paper was addressed to the lad- ies father, Mr. Wm. Martin, Ulster, Ont. Where is that Why that was Whitechurch in the earlier days: Death of Mrs. Ethelbert King There passed away at her home in Howick Township, on Friday, July 23rd., a v er y highly respected resi- dent, in the person of tary Eliza- beth Gilkinson, dearly beloved wife of Ethelbert King, Deceased -Was born in Plowick township on Nov. 24th., 1864 and has lived in this vicin- ity all hdr life. She had been failing in health for the past two years and had been a patient sufferer. She was a kind and loving ',mother and will be much missed in this commun- ity, • The funeral which was held on Sueday from Si Stephen's Church, Gorrie, was conduCted by her rector, Rev, R. S, Jones, and was very large- ly attended by a large' concourse of relatives and sorrowing friends. She leaves to mourn her loss a loving husband and one dattghter, Pearl, (Mrs. Charles Mothersell of Gorrie),, also five sons, natnely: Stephan of Goriie, William of Guelph, Percy of 1-larriston, Gareard of the xoth con- ceseion arid Elmer at home. One; daughter Ruby, predeceased her four years ago". 'Ate floral tributes were many and beautiful, showing the high esteein in which the deceased was held. The pallbearer e were her aix neps hews, Walter and Frank Xing of Gorrie, Oscar and Thomas Weiler and Fred Gilkinson of Harristott and Robert Orr of Owen Sound. Those who attended the ftitterel from a dis- r, Win. Stuck and Mr, Jesse Tay- nc.e were: Mrs. Orr and fainily•and r, Mrs, )'as, and Mr, m. Fraser ahd Gletlys, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fraser and family all of Owen ,Sound, Mt, A/dIvine Gilkinson, lianover, Mt, Win. Gilkinson, itr t'ted Mrs. ;Cohn Glikinson and. Mrs. Stewart Gordon, Mt, and Mts. Leslie "Gilicinson, all of Harriston, Subscriptione $2,oe p Ye r. Local and General News of Interest to The Community - Mr. Herb Wightrnen of Edmon- ton, is visiting with relatives in town. Mr. Robt. McKague, • Toronto, spent the weekend at his home here. • Dr. E. S. Aitken of Toronto, spent the week -end at his nom* in this vi- cinity. Mr. James Cloakey of London, is viiseittlds. ingMr. Wilbur Tiffin and other fi ,Mrs. Chas, Barber daughter, Miss Florence Barbe e visiting in Toronto. Mr• , Ben Rogers offieo don, spent the week -end at the loin9Pof 1VIr. j. Boyce. • Mr. George Ferguson of Toronto, is visiting with his father, Mr. j. J. Ferguson. • Miss Edna Geddes/ of Toronto, vis- ited her aunt, Mrs, 1'. Forbes over the week end Frank Graham of Detroit, spent the week end with his sister, Miss E M. Graham, Josephine Street Mr, and Mrs. V. Marston and chul dren of London, were callers at the home of Miss Hazel Little, Mr. and Mrs. Dickin oflealboro, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. H. C. McLean, ShutStreet esa" • Mrs. Goodman and two daugh s of Toronto, aze visiting her nieces, Misses Farquharson, John St Mies Gertrude McDonald is spend- ing a 'couple of weeks at the home of Mr, Herbert Kent, Waterloo. Mr. Elden Twamley of Chatham, spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. James B, Gibson, Centre St. • Misses Lizzie and Robina Young of Lainbeth, spent a couple of days at their home in East Wawanosh. Wallace Gurney, Jack McICibbon and Thomas Henderson, spent ten days in a tent at Kiricardine Beach. Misses Effie and Florence Woods of •Lanark, Ont., are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. F. McGee, Miss Jean Ross of the Hospital Staff, Clinton, is holidaying at the home of her brother, 2ndline of Morris. • Mrs. W. S. Mitchell of Torontb, spent the week end at the home of Councillor E. J. and Mrs. Mitchell, John St. • Mr. Norman Brandon, motored up •from St. Marys and spent the week- end with his mother, Mrs. •T. •S. Brandon. Mrs. Wm. Kent of Brantford is spending a month with her sisters, Mrs. Chas. Elliott, and Mrs. Eugene McDonald. Mrs. Basso and children, lrenA and Johnny of Toronto, are visiting at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Scott. •. Miss M. Adams, Matron of the Wingliam General Hospital, is on it motor trip through Eastern Ontario and Quebec. • Mr. and Mrs fl W. White, and son George, of Galt, spent last week with the latter's parents Mr. and Mrs, W. B, P.eid. Mrs. B. J. Johnston of Wallace - burg, has been in Wingham for the past week attending to her business interests here. Nurse Jessie Wilson of Vancouvee is visiting at Evergreen Place with her father, Mr, Gavin Wilson, and other relatives. • Mr. Harry Ansley of Winnipeg is renewing acquaitta,nces here and vis- iting with his mothezestts.'John An- sley, Shuter St. • Mrs. Wilion Turner and daughter, Phyllis, of •Toronto, are visiting at the home of her parents, Mr ,and Mrs. V. R. VanNorman. Mr. Wilbur' Tiffin spent a week at the London Y, Itt C. A. Camp. Mr, Robt, Brooks of Toronto, is spending a few days with relatives in Wingham. Mr. Vernon Scott, a former old 'Wing -ham, boy, spent the week -end 4ith Mr. W, J. Gallaher. CRANBROOK HOST TO FORM. ER REF.IIPENTS Cranbrook, the little village a short distance west of Brussels "which is, known to "the older residents of the community as "The Town 'Plot a Grey Township," was the magnetie point Thuraday for the largest gaths ering the village has ever had withio. its history. The occasion was the re, union of old boys and girls of the school section, for whicli many of the "far-aevays" had been gathering for e Mr. Leonard McDonald of Detroit, days previous. is visiting with his cousins, Harry and Rain during the morning threaten, Fred Meta Bitievale Roaded to end the proceedings, but when •towards noon, it ceased' the showers proved only a valuable means of in- creasing the attendance, as they pre- vented work in the hayfields and left the farmers of the district free to en joy themselves at the reunion. Thurse day was Brussels'. lialf-holiday and about every home Was represented at Cra.nbrook. It was estimated that fully 2,500 were in attendance. The school and grounds were gayly decorated with flags ahd bunting, and the village generally wore a holiday appearance. The proceedings open- ed with a parade, which was followed by a soft ball tournanaent for both men's and girls' teams, a tug-of-war and foot races for old and young• . A. sumptuous lunch was served to all present, and following more sports a lengthy program was • pro- vided by the Sextet Concert Comp- any, of London, assisted by local tal- ent. In addition, a large dancing pa- villiori provided its amuseirient for a k large share of the crowd. The celebration proved a wonder- ful success and the promoters are to be congratulated on the way the , day's program was carried out. Mr, and Mrs. W, C, Farrier of Playter, Alta., are visiting at the home of Dr. D. H. McInnes. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Beattrian of Kansas City, spent the beginning of last week at Mrs. John Hunters, The branch of the Dominion Stores at Walkerton closed its doors and moved the stock to Stratford. Miss Hilda Hawkins, returned home to Preston, after visiting 'her .. grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John Davidson. Miss Margaret Jackson of Park School, Toronto, is spending the va- cation with her mother, Mrs. Jack- son, Scott St. Mrs j. M. Thompso '''' astd daught- er, Miss Leila of Port1yct, 'Ark., are visiting at the home 1 her sister, Mrs, J. Hirst. • Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Hannah and daughter, IVIiss Penelope, motored to Southampton on Sunday and renew- ed acquaintances Mr. and Mrs. William J. Kerr of Toronto, are spending their vacation with the latter's mother, Mrs. James Walker, John St Mn Eldon Peterrnan of Detroit, motdred over and spent over the .week -end with his wife and daughter, who still reside here, Mr, and Mrs, W. F. Burgrnan were called to Parichili on Saturday Owing to the illness of Mrs. Burgman's fa- ther, Mr. M. Fenn.. • Miss Anna Forgie, left Monday af- ternoon for Toronto, where she/ will spend her vacation visiting friends for a couple of weeks. • Mr, and Mrs. j. E. Hattersley of Yorkshire, England, are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Josh Hirst. The ladies are sisters. The Fordwich Record and the Lis- towel Banner newspaper offices are each taking their annual holiday week and not publishing. • Mr. and Mrs. Will 1.1,113„man and lit- tle daughter, of StratfOrd, are visiting at the home of her earentri, Mr, and Mrs, Wm. Dore, Shuter St, Mrs, Jos. Higgins and Miss Maud of Turnberry are visiting in Guelph And on a rnotor trip with friends through the state of Michigan, , Proclamation! I hereby proclaim Monday, August 2nd., 1926, as Wingham's Civic Hol- iday and call upon all citizens to gov- ern -themselves accordingly. Signed; Thos. Fells, Mayor of Wingharn. Ho! For The Big Garden Party • The one you are all waiting for.— The Garden Party at Mr. Garner Nic- holson's, on Thursday evening, Aug- ust 5tE, under the auspices oi Trin- ity Church, Belgrave. Program imt •on by the D. R. Cowan. Concert CO., of Toronto. Cold Meat Dinner frrill '6 to 8 p. m. Admission so cents end 25 cents. Refreshment booth en. the grounds. Everybody come, New Law There was passed, at the last ses- sion of parliament, an amendment to the health act whereby hospitals, sane atoriums, etc., charge up the county, with the cost of free patients. Most counties have made grants in lieu of this heretofore, but some counties were a little niggardly in the treat- ment of these institutions and to see that they got at least their just due this clause was inserted. The rate of pay is $1.5o per day. The county in 12sister, Mrs. Harry Rutledge of • ,1rs. David Steepe of Clinton and tare may assess the municipality her at Mrs. John Hunters, end. line More ri New Ontario are spending this week Mr. W. a Knox, who has been vis- iting his brother -in -lav,;: M4 W. J. Gallaher a.134,.other relaltiy,d here, re- turned to his home Moosejaw, Sask. Mr. and Mrs, Brink .of. Detroit, spent the week -end at the home of a'giss Elston and from her; motored to Niagara Falls, Miss 41,ston going with thent Mrs, (Dr.) Rothwell from, St Pet- ersburg, Florida, and gt. and „Mrs, R. A. Walker •Cif,',.,gorOnto, spent it few days at the hoMe of Mrs.'sjathes Wal- ker, John St. Ma, Gibson 'Davidson of Sault Ste Marie, has returned home after visit- ing Inc brothers, John and Wm, of town, It is 38 years since John and Gibson have seen each other. We now have ready choice Clover • Hotiey, 800 per 5 lb pail's. Special Ma and, Mrs. Jas. Anderson and rates for larger quantities, Call r sons, Jim and DOnald Peterboro, the Cottld Apiary, Whitechurch. aro guests 41t.helionte Of Mr. and Phone drx ring 6, Mrs. John Galbraith, Alinnie a Mr, and Mrs, R. bt HIt of Paris, Mr. and Mrs 11 Falkinghain and also Mr. and Mrs. Haevities ihf Pres- ' Mh. and Mrs.. Alex. Elliott of Duialton motored up and eyelet the week - ham, spent the eveek-end with Mr, end at the home of the ladies' par.: and Mrs. Arthur McGee, Bluevale cuts, Ur. and ,Mrs. Davidson, Road, I 'Mt atict Mrs. ,4afl McElroy, o Messrs, Win. Alfred arid Martin Detroit, who •hav been spending Plumstead of Paris and fames of their holidays fer 'die past week with Buffalo, spent a few days last Week; the formerx$ parenad, Mr. and Virs. visiting relatives in, town and vichas C. McElroy have returned to Omit ity. , home in Detroit, from which the patient goes half that MTh Garden Party at St. Augustine All roads lead to St. Augustine Garden Party, August 4th., 1926, •A. huge garden party will be held on, the parish grounds at St. Augustine on the above date. Outdoor dancing pavilion, good orchestra, in attendence, addresses by prominent men. Refreshments on the grounds, Many - other features of amusement. An excellent supper will be served from 6 o'clock to 8, Good time for all. Fill the old car and come along. All are welcome. Admission:—Adults, sot; Children, '23C, Thi's includes supper. • Smilin! Charlie Says, wctnoAoatin &toot • io 4away6 it•••t�t