HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1926-07-22, Page 12' il'..11;','0•1; 11. 1‘,"' "" ' • ' ; • ,1t- .„), • ,,, I " WINGHAM 1..DVANCE.TIME ThursdaY ,j'Uly, 2n&, r926 1111111110101111maimammaiimamaimammassiaill0M1111111M1111111111111111111111.011111111111111111111111111211111m111101111 !July's Best Slitirt BuyingI a ---- "Opportunity" — I I 1 Men! Another Shipment just arriv- ,„ • • ed of $2.50 ancl $3.50 Fine,. . ( \ • • II M • Shirts to go On Sale at • ..- 41' • • ii. • s..i. , • I 0 ' 1 IN 1 •1111 English Broadcloths in plain colors and stripe ll am • effects, Madras, Poplins and Percales of Cream or • g collar to match. _ ____ _ a White grounds with neat stripes • of Mauve, Black • 2 and Blue All are coat style with and without Blue, , _____,........ , am IIII N a •I; Choose from FORSYTH, TOOKE, STRAND and Makes ' 1 • • • Sizes 14 to 17. Thursday, Friday and Saturday $1.95. • $2.00 to al Men's Straw Hats - al Men's Rubber Belts 25c Alt On Sale $1.00 Each 0".11 An extra good line at •a low price, sold in many stores at 35c, Black and Browns. Each 25c 1. • • mai Men's Cotton Socks 1 a Hall Price a Fine quality plain Cotton Socks in m . Brown or Black shades, regularly priced at a 25c per pair. Thurs., Fri. and Sat. • 3 Pairs for 39c Little Boys' Wash mi Suits $1.00 Regular $1.75 and $2.00 valuea. Middy and Oliver Twist styles in fine white Jean with Blue or Tan Collars and Cuffs. To clear this week -End Athletic Underwear 98c • STYLED FOR COMFORT Sleeveless — Knee Length — Forsyth Make • Per garment 98c Men's H o mespun Suits $19.75 3 piece styles in plain grey and mix- ture effects that give such excellent service. New goods at a Clearing Price, Thurs., Fri., Sat. $19.75 .• Boys' Navy Bloomers $1.95 Made from Irish Serge in good roomy style, fully lined and finished with Gover- nor fastenere, regularly priced $Z.50. • Per pair $1.95 • $2.50 Khaki Pants $1.95 $1.25 ,Silk and Wool Socks 88c English make of fine quality, with splic- ed heels and toes and finished with neat Clox of Contrasting colors, Clerical Grey, and BrOwn shades. , • On Sale 88c per pair Men'sWork Shirts 98c 1111 • Full cut shirts of good serviceable ma- terials in Khaki and Black colors, sizes I4 1 to /8. • Extra value, Each 98c',. TIES 95c Silken Wool Crepe Ties and the New •a Silk Ties .in Smart Regimental Stripes so a much in demand.• a • Specially Priced 95c Boys' White Duck Troutsers $1.69 Extra value in these Khaki Trousers of Sateen finished drill, 5 good1pockets, belt . Of fine White Duck, long style with loops and cuff finished bottoms. Regular • wide bottoms belt loopi and three pock - $2.5o value. This Week -End. 't MI . • a Per Suit $1.00 Per pair $1,95•• Specially Priced $1.69 •1 • u OUR WOMEN'S DEPARTIVIENTS • EAST WAINANOSII 'Miss Annie Wightman of Auburn, • is holidaying .a her home here, L-7 Mr. • M. Robertsdn • of Goderieh, spent a couple of days last week with Mr, and Mrs. W. H. Campbell. WI • Mr and Mrs. Wesley StackhOuse, and family of Brucefield, ,,spe`iit Sufi - day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl =' • Wightman. Ra3rmond Redmond, Red- mond -•-• and Miss,Grace, spent over the week -end with Michigan friends, mak- ing the trip bY motor. MisseS, Elva Walden and Ella 'Sow- erby are attending Sunamaer School Goderich this week, being sent as delegates from the y. v. L. and Sun-, day School of the Westfield United Church, • Mrs. Fred McPherson and daught- ers, Eleanor and Pauline, and Jean of IVI..Imico ,are. visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. R Campbell, and other friends. They will spend some time visiting friends at Westfield= Crewe and Blyth, Mr. Robt, McDowell and Misses • • Della andGladys McDowell are visit- • ing friends in NIichigan, making the trip by motor. Mr. and Mrs, Marvin McDowell and family visited Mrs. McDowell's motlx- er, Mrs. Clark of St. Helens on Suu- 1VIr. and Mrs, Melvin Taylor and son Ross, spent over the week-end,with the former's, brother, Rev. E. Taylor of Courtright. Mrs. Cowan of California, is visit- ing her brother,'Mr. Robt, Henry, and other friends. • Rev.• f L. Gross of Auburn took char- ge of the serivces in the Westifeld United Chiftch o nSunday; owing to the absence of the pastor, Rev. Alp, who was away on his -holidays. Mr, Wilbert Jones of Goderich, vis- ited his sister, Mrs. Albert Gower on Sunday. •' • Rev. W. and•Mrs. Taylor and family I 'of Moorefield, are holidaying with Mr: T. H. Taylor and 'other friends. .= Phone 129. Mr. Douglas Ilehderson of London, J,4, visited at the home of Mr. Jaines Cor- nelius. B4Ogainal:- For Worlioli High Grade Suede Shoes in several colors and in practically all sizes for - These shoes are not obselete being up-to-date in every way but • they are "the last few pairs" of 1 • ,several kinds, The above shoes are now being shown in .- Fa• North Window vvith "size ticket" - 11, attached. = • Ws — THE SHOE ,STORE Wingham, Ont. i - • BELGRAVE Mr, and Mrs. Frank Sturdy and son Woodstock and Norwich last week. Billy, visited • friends ;in Stratford, Quite a number from here took in II the picnic at Bayfield last Thursday. TheXisses Morrow who have been visiting with the Geddes relations re- turned to their home in • last Saturday • . • Albert McMurray and Velma VVhee- ler, pupils of Mrs. Dan Geddes, suc- 5essfully passed their Elementary Pi- ano.examinations at Toronto Conser- vatory of Music, both taking honors. We congratulate both pupils• and tea- cher.-.1 "I` I ' !•1' Miss Goodall of Toronto, is visiting Mrs. Yuill, Xiss Kennedy of Ottawa, is a.visi- tor a.t Mrs, J. VanCamp's, 1 311 a 21 SPECIAL CLEARING PRICES ON ALL SUMMER. GOODS• • • La • $1 50 Genuine Tricotine Broadcloths 98c — Normandy Spot Voiles 59c— Cambric Night Gowns 98c and 1.39 — Holeproof d gm - II Silk Hose 95c — Nature's Rival( Corsdettes 1.00 ---Knitted Sports Suits 8.95 — Sleeveless Wool Jackets 4.00 — Wool is NI it•Bathing Suits $3.89 --Embroidered Swiss Voiles 1.00 — 35c Ginghams 27c — Children's Socks 25c. iili s in 11 The balance of our Summer Dresses at Clearance Prices. - - Less 20'Per Cent. this Week -End. In NI AM al la EVERYTHING FOR YOUR SUMMER COMFORT = - It PAYS TO SHOP HERE . 1 a KING BR S 0 III• ' 1.11 WINGHA . . . ,.. • . a tak liarnummEnsesimususemansenzseussimminisimminsimaiiimiumainiiimesammominuissmannumm , a • • AMMMOI r • WHITECHURCH NEWS mother, Mrs. McBrien. Mrs. Wrath and ,daughters Helen • Misses Thelma and Pearl Lovatt of and DorothY of Chicago, are visiting Clinton, are visiting with their grand- with their uncle, Mr. John Falconer „......................................., 1 . 1 2 Lyceum Theatre .1t, a a • a au a a , a i Thursday, Friday and Saturday, July 22, 23, 24 LI Ai • , , 1 Warner Baxter fi • • ___ mi._ • • - .- I •Son of His• Father", 1 •• • • a •• by HAROLD BELL WRIGHT a 1111 III MI MI •is • Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, July 26, 27, 28 •11 i Richard • Talmadge • • • - — ‘4JIMMIE'S MILLIONS" i • Comedy), "Tlir., SNOW HAWK" •a Comedy,. "DON'T HUTT IN" a 11111011110141011011011, 011110001111.011111.101114011100$11110 and with other relatives here. t Mr. Douglas Henderson of London, son of Rev. and Mrs. Henderson for- merly of Whitechurch, spent the week end with Mr. Scott Paterson and oth- er friends in the community. Mr. and Mrs. Will Humphrey and children of pt. Helens, spent Sunday with Mr. and 11/Irs. Andrew Fox, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Paterson of Detroit, are visiting with Mr. Ken. Paterson. Mrs. Paterson was operat- ed on for appendicitis in Wingham on Thursday last. , Mr, and Mrs. W. R. Farrier and family spent Sunday last in Goderich, guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Phillips Miss Flora Ross of Tdronto, . is spending her holidays at the home of her, parents, Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Ross. Master Johnston Moore of Toronto, is visiting with bis grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John Johnston, •2, Miss Sally Reid of Toronto, is visit- ing with her•autt, Mrs, j. B. Morris- on.' ' Mr, and Mrs, Elliott Taylor and fanilly of 1orcl3rce, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. ten, 14c- Clenaghan IMr, and. Mrs, Robert Ross of Bel; more, spent a day last week with Miss Catharine Ross, •0'. Miss Genevi6ve Watt of Barrie, is -visiting her aunt, Mrs. Wm, Barbour. Quite a num er of the ladies of the W. itir. 5, 'Of the United Church, at- • . . ,, , . . , . . .., , . . '. '''.''''.1.1..,..1,,Liiit11t,t,',..•.::-....' ' .'..,,1t1A.'...fi.1',.11'''1,..,,',. 1..1..!..1.,iliii1,..:,!,.... : .. .., ...'et....,,,,,'..6.,i.ittt.•,r..... .. . . ,. . .,.. , ' :...L11.A''.,i11a1iiii1.,,,taidA1i1Lii.11.11.,' 1,,,,,..,t,,.'t.:1,,,ILif.,..4i..Vitl,'::iglt.;,..i...1.:fi....,..S.1......,',.'A..ltthf.11t1111,111,.,11tvilL,,111,1'1,1,11,,..1,/,10f,!1littl",i1,1111--k.,.1111L.,14,1,1,ii11;,..!iii,,lf1P1i,LLiiiiitE,.r.11.1.4111iii),,i,4)„.:',:.!10 ,1,,"1...lt,,1D1',..i..::..;.,?;;....;,,.. , , • , ': , - ,: : : ,,.,,,:. , ..,, :' ,,,',,,,' . t. . ,.; - ' ,, . .,,,, ',: "i-. ,, t , ., . '..0 , ,, : ,' ,,.... .:,' i ,..„. '• ; . , :. , tended the W. M. S. of St. Helens on Wed. The regular monthly meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. T. H. Moore on, Wednesday, July 28th. Miss Winnifred Farrier and Miss Irene Moore are in Goderich attend- ing the Summer School. Miss Helen Paterson of London is visiting with her father, Mr. Ken. Paterson Mr. Johnston Conn was operated on for appendicitis recently. . SALEM Miss Mildred Cathers spent last 'week with her gr andpar ents , Mr. and Mrs, Robert Earls, south of Gorrie. Mrs. Peel of Fordwicli, and Mrs. Brooks visited with Mr. and Mrs. J. Gowdy last -*reek. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin. Palmer and Mr, and Mrs, Allan Fralick attended the fttnera,1 of the late Mrs. MeEvers of Wingham, last Saturday. Mr, John Edgar, teacher of the tT Dominion Chautauqua' starts at Wing -ham next Tileadav The entertainments are ,excenent: NOTICE TO CREDITORS,, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to Section 56, Chap, 121, of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, that all persons having claims against the Estate of Esther Breen deceased, who died on or about the sixteenth, day of May, A. D. 1926,. at the Town of Wingham in the Province of On- tario, are required to send by post, S. S. a, north of here to be eotigratu- e. on his success f bus entratice Iptipils,' There were nine who wrote land eight were sutec.stil 1 A number frorri here' attended the picnic at Formosa last Saturday aft- ernuon, Mr, and 1\irs. ID, T., "Welt. visited Mr and Mrs. Gordon. Walker near Illitevale, last Sunday eventng, , 1-Iay making is the order of the day. ankers Sales Corporation, Limited Government, Municipal and Mortgage Bonds 34 King St. East, Toronto • Announce the opening of offices at LONDON, ONT. Under the management of C. E. ISARD and R.' W. ROBERTSON Plank of Montreal Chambers ' July 15, 1926 • 1..nridon, Ont. prepaid, or to deliver to R. Vanstone, Wingham, Ontario, Solicitor for thc Administrator, on or before the se- cond day of August, A. D. 1926, theim names and addresses, with full parti- culars in writing of their claims, and the nature of the securities (if any) held by thernAuly verified by a sta- tutory declaration, • AND TAKE NOTICE FURTHER that after the said second day of Au - 'gust, /926, the said administrator will ,proceed to distribute the assets of the said estate among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have had notice, and the said administra- tor shall not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any per- son of whose claim he shall not then have received notice. DATED at Wingharn this tenth clay of July, A. D. 1026. a • R. VANSTONE, • Wingham, P. 0. • Solicitor forthe Administrator. 'Dominion Chautauqia, starts at Wingham next TuesdUY'evening,• — The entertainments are excellent. , . , . • .1111111111111111111111111111111111114111111111111110111111111q11111111114111111111111111111111111111111111•11•111111111111 • . • • GREATEST 1STRAW' :HATnair I-1 pi UMLL us / 1' Every Straw Hat • In The Store Must "Get The Air" • • Take Out Yours for 1 • • English Tress Straws Hanna& Co. • Linlited 1111111111111111111111111111•111111111111111111111111111111111111111111. ^v. • .#00 A"— • •:.• e ••• • • , •••• ' ',or; , , •