HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1926-07-22, Page 211,0 WHAM ADVA,NCE-ITI1US oilmoromeimmirommrmaxwm. WINGHAWS GREATEST STORE FaliVORITE SHOPOiNG PLACE. FOR ALL •14„,,,t;, Thursday juiy 220,• r9g6, For "Thuitio;...fo.4i;.:,.S4t4ida. • That Helps Y�u Lower • •the Family...BO-get LADIES' SILK SWEATERS of Sleeveless Several style, colors to Regular up choose to $4.75 lines. II from. ATS HATS HATS Clearing them all out. Children's Lines Ladies' Lines Be Sure and Get Your Share' LADIES' SILK SWEATERS With ' Re2 95gular Long Sleeves price good up to colors. $20.50. OUR EVERY DAY . • • • :.:••• SPECIALS • .11F•fli. • . • SAVINGS •- FOR COME EARLY COME OFTEN 5Pc, 79c,$1.29.PERFECT HAIR. NETS All about Half Price. $1.9., 2.95, 3:95 Some less. MEN'S SOCK. SPECIAL 14 strand Pure Silk'Socks, .... 65c pr. Fine quality Lisle Socks, with and with-. out clocks, all colors at ........35c pair Double Mesh full size. Regular -• loc line. Colors, White Grey, Blonde, Black, Light Brown,' Mid Brown, Dark'Brown. SILK UNDERWEAR Specially Priced Drqp stitch Vest, reg. 1.00, for 79e Plain Knit Vests, reg. 1.25, for....95c Plain Knit Bloomers, reg. 1.50_1.29 FANY 'CORNER VOILE HANDKERCHIEFS Advance lines from Europe ANIIIONIME•1111 10 Doz. Special Only Extra 2 0 ' Purchase Rib - BLACK - Rib COTTON HOSE For GIRLS or BOYS For Week -End Only we offer these at this low price, usually.sold at 40c 25c SUMMER DRESS MATERIALS You can surely get a good dress cheap, if you make a se- 1 I n $ lection from the range we have.specially priced at per yard j, • .I. V Printed Crepes, Strip Crepes, Pongees, Benga.lines, etc. BOYS' LINES Balbriggan Combinations., 69c Cotton JersLys ....... .... 35c Polo Collar Jerseys . . 45c All sizes and colors. 35 Pair FLETT BLANKETS Grey color, with Pink or Blue borders; good, large size, suitable for Double $ 1 99 ' Beds, etc., per pair ./- . .. .. Come early for these. \.,. CORSELETTES Extra All $1,23 line. Regular 5c Pink Special, sizes, colon Lower Prices for Quality Merchandise .. Is Our Motto COME IN AND SEE Fidsier'y Headquarters We feature numbers it will pay you to buy. About forty shades car- ried in stock. Try our/Silk Nunibers al 50c - 89c -• $1.25 $L45 - 1 95. - 2.25 Every line a. Real Winner. IN CHILDREN'S LINES We carry the best only, colors .Black, White, Brown, - Sand, Peach, in different lines and prices. MEN'S UNDERWEAR - Nainsook Combinations, reg. 1.25, for 98c Balbriggan Combinations, reg. 1.50, for.. .. . . .... 98c Balbriggan Shirts and Drawer's, reg. 75c, for . . . 59c Sizes 34 to 44 in each line. ALSO KIDDIE, SOX In'a host of newest colors and styles. BUY HOSIERY HERE LADIES' COTTON VESTS s 25 dozen Regular - only at up to this price. t 4oc•ivalues, sizes. PAY CASH AND BUY FOR LESS WE DELIVER FREE Formerly Hanna & Co. THE WALKER emionamsounimarerammemomorsomaisose, , • . TO - Toilets, Wash Room, Rest Phone 36— P. 0. Box 464. Room on Second Floor They are for Your Convenience -boas- —masatotaada-amaddiedatemftimeataitswiikaratoomiiii THE WINGHAM ADVANCE -TIMES A. G. Smith, Publisher. Published at WINGHAM, ONTARIO Every Thursday Morning Subscription rates—One year Six months $'i.00, in advance. • Advertising Rates and Application. ORATORICAL TWADDLE "Members of Parliament beard from bellhops and messenger boys that ,Parliament had 'been dissolved and that they had no more business there when they returned to the House for the afternoon session. "Are Canadians going to stand for this one man, who has been twice Herrick Entertainers Are Popular Chautauqua Number 1•••••1"0•01,14e1reea, 'run and laughter will be the keynote a the scintillating numbers to be given by the Herrick Entertainers at the coming Dominion Chautauqua here. Robert Eterrlelc, who heads the eotnPanY, Was born with a talent for Malting people laugh. lie sees the lramor In daily life and presenta It with gnat infections enjoyment that Ms andlence is soon rocking with Ian bier Dora Andreas, th other member of the eornpany, has a splendid contralto Prime Minister Of C4nada, but never I elected to that position by a vote of the people, closing up Parlianie,tit when he likes and put a card on the door? We will not have, any rebell- ion, as in 1837, but we will have some plain words in the election as to the - rights of Canadian people." ,,This is a sample of the oratorical twaddle which Hon. George H. •Boiv- in gave the people of West Middle- sex at the nomination -meeting of Hon. J. C. Elliott in Strathroy. Yet Mr. Boivin, who has been in Parlia- ment for many years, knew when he made this statement that Mr. M:eigh- en dissolved Parliament exactly as did Sir Wilfrid Laurier in iotx.' House was sitting in June, x9", debat- ing at length the reciprocity question. On the night of Jine 28, Edward Kidd, Conservative member for Carle- ton, was making a speech. When it came n„.30 o'clock at night he asked for an adjournment until Monday, which was granted. In reply to question, the Conservative Opposition was told the reciprocity debate would continue:6n Monday, , Yet the next day, without any warning to Parlia- ment, Or without, Parliament being again summoned on Monday, Sir Wilfrid Laurier closed up the doors of the House of Connuons. On Sat- urday at 'noon, June 29, Parlianient was dissolved. The members heard what had taken place from newspap- ers and from :14111 -tops and messen- gers," Now, if what Sir Wilfrid Lattrfer did was constitutional and in line with all the preeedents of responsible.: gov- ttrnirtent, why was it a piece of ty- ranny and •autocracy on the part of voice, is an excellent pianist and an admtrable chole as a partner tO Nit trerrielt, , The program numbers are sparltling, imlfts.moving attet entail many thafigesnI eostnine. A travesty on the finnoes Gilberts and Sullivan opera, "Pinafore," and An Oici-Eashioned Group" are two costurned inn:deal teltes Which are extremely popular, Other well -lilted tinnbers are a grotip ti"hotiase-town" impersonations, humorous negro songs, planologs Mr, ,Meighen? Mr. Boivin was talk- ing nonsense, and, what is more, as art I experienced parliarneutarittr, and a former Deputy Speaker of the House, • lie knew that he Was talking non-. sense.—Lphdprt iiree Press, DIED' • " ' , . Lambkin—In l'ordwich, on •Tuesday, July 13 1926, John G. Lambkin itt Ins Toth yea,r. . '• and lroltations of somp of' Our leading feminine vocalists. • Is tin outotatclftg•comparly wbtie prograrn ahem/ids hi ,vaidetY, ' • 4t the Wingharti Cliaatatultia TireStlaijttly 1701,,, S926, MEIGHEN CABINET ' PERSONNEL Sir George Perley—Born /857 Anglican, privy councillor, ten, Ca- nadian • high commissioner, 1917-22 Vice-president Hull Lumber Corn - pally. Residence, Ottawa, Ont. R. B. Bennett—Born 187o, lawyer, Protestant, created K. C., 1907. -Mem- ber for Calgary since 1911. Director Of numerous industrial and financial -corporations. Residence, Calgary Alta, E. L. Patenaude—Born 1875, law- yer, Roman Catholic. Member-- of Quebec Legislature and " Federal House for different ridings since 1908. Residence, Montreal, Que. Hugh Guthrie—Born 1866, lawyer, Preebyterian, created X. C., 1902. Member for SOuth Wellington sinie /goo, Residence, Guelph, Ont. • H. H. Stevens—Born 1878, Union- ist (Methodist), Engaged in import and export and general brokerage business, Member for Vancouver since 1911, Residence, 'Vancouver S. F. Tohnie—torn x867, Anglica.n. Farmer and br eder of purebred live- stock. Member 'for Victoria since X917' R•esidence, Victoria., B. C. W. A. Black—Borri 1847, -Unionist (Methodist). Director Eastern Trust Companjr and other financial corpora.. tioris and hisufance tompanies. Mem for Halifax since /923. Residence, Halifax, N S. RJ 141anion--13orti 188s, physician and surgeon, Rotnan Catholic. Mem- ber for Port William and Rainy Riv- er since 1917. Residence, Fort Wil- liam, Ont. .J D. Chaplin—Born 1863, Pte8br. teriatts President of Wolland Valve Isifig, „Co. Member for Lincolrt since /917, Residence, $t Catharines, Ont, George 13. Jones -Born /866, mer- chant, Presbyterian. Member New Brunswick Legislotitte for years, acid , Fedora! 111011Se ior Royal since 1921, Residenee Apolioqut Ring's County . • ' , , . , ' r ' r , . ' ' ' ' ,', ''' ' .• '' ,- ..... , : ' ,,,,,r . ,.. ,•,,,, •• ,.,, , . ' ' ' ' ' ' , .. ..... . ,, , I ' ; ", ' ,• ,' ,. , , ' , .., E. B. Ryckman—Born 1866, lawyer, -Unionist (Methodist): Vice-president Dunlop Tire & Rubber Co., and direc- torrof numerous business concern's. Member for Toronto East since. 1921. Residence, Toronto, "Ont. . Sir Henry Drayton—Born 1869, law- yer,' Anglican. Created K. C. 19o8. Member for York West since 1919, Residence,*Voronto, Ont. Donald Sutherland—Born 1863, farmer, Presbyterian, Member fot South Oxford since 1908. Residence, Ingersoll, Ont. R. D. Morand—Porn- 1862, physic- ian'and surgeon, Roman Catholic. Member for Essex West since 1924. Residence, Windsor, Ont. ` John' A. MatDoeald—Born 1875, manufacturer, Roman Catholic. Presi- dent of Amherst Pianos, Ltd., Amt- herst, N S„ and director of numerons other business concerns. Member of ,Senate, Residence, Shediac, N. E. BLUEVALE Mac E. Lester of Toronto, spent the week -end at the horn of Mrs. San, derson. , ' Miss Margaret IVIcDougalil ad MiSS c and Ottawa b ay of w Scan Earls left on „Wedrteda for a trip to Quebe bot from Toronto. Mr. W. 5, Masters, who has been on the sick list for past 3 weeks, re- turned to worlt prt Wednesday and relieving agent Lansing has gone to Drumbo. Farmers are commoteritg haying and inost of it is a fair gobd crop, Roots and 6orn are looking well. A large number from here took in the celebration at Clinton on Monday arid had a fine day of it. 1Vlbssrs, David jewitt, Geo. Thom- , son and James Masters each got' new i.ors this weele, ' Johnston and Black shipped a car of lambs and hogs to Toronto on Sat, Mr. David latton, of Richmond Aill, spent a few days with HS uncle Mr, n, I-.)atton. Verniers are very busy at the bay 111S 1 11, Is rt good prop around these parts. Mr, and Mrs. Wilbert. Mathers of Guelph, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, George Mathers. - Miss Laura Holines of Wolverton, is home for her. vacation. Mrs. Alice Aitken is spenditig her vacation at Toronto and Welland. Mr. C. 13. Moffatt, Mr. and Mrs, P. Moffatt, Miss Edith Moffatt and Mr. James Moffatt,'Jr., motored to Strat- ford 'and spent Sunday with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. John Messer have re-, turned from a pleasant motor trip to Toronto, Niagara Falls and Port Col- borne, They were accompanied home by their son, HarveY, Miss F. Murch of Stratford, is vis- iting with her friend Mrs. L. Elliott Mr. and Mrs, W. Stewart and Mi. H. Stewart spent Monday at Clinton. Mr. W, Manser spent Sunday with Inc sister Mrs, R. Atchison. Mr. and "Mrs. John Jg dell spent Sunday at Drayton, Mr, -and Mrs. A, L. Cooper spent Monday at Teeswater. , Mr. and Mrs. S. Cowan and Mr, Harry, and Fr'ed Elliott spent Sunday in the village. 1VIr. and Mrs. D. Jewitt and daugh- ter Cora, Mr. and Mrs.W. Stewart and Mr. and Mts. 'A. L. Cooper and Helen spentSunday with Mr. and Mrs, D. Erringtori at Dungannon, Mr. and Mrs. P. McEwen spent Monday at the home of Mr, R. Aitch- eson, Janes Aftchessm of Stoney Creek, -is visiting with relatives here. Mf, George McDonald is home to take off his hay crop which will be a heavy one. Mr. and Mize, W. H. Stewart of wling Green, spent Sunday at the some of the former'parents Mr. and Mr. •Thos, Stewart, ' Miss Florence Hall and Master Norman Hall of WrcnZeter, are spen- ding the weels with Mrs Jas. Maisters SaltPlant Far Saie i The old establS11:IsSoAtilt plaint and ,btiiii : The VVinghani Salt Company • is altered tar sale — rot terms applyin --,t ii 1 , ' THE WILLIAM' 1)4111.8 CO.. .1:10,; 521 front St. East Toroittai, . a• • • • • . • • liflifilf11111111111111101(1111111111111111111110111111C1111111111111111111110111111101110111i1111111111111111)1 u •-= ; ;',1;•:,..