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'With which is amalgamated The Gorrie. Vidette and The Wroxeter News
Wingham Chautauqua cornnriences on Tuesday evening July 27th. Don't Miss these excellent entertainments.
Single Copies, Five Cents.
1 FROM WINGHAM TO WINNIPEG Two Wingham Residents Passed
•To Wingbarn Advance -Times '
Dear Mr, Smith:
As Mr. and Mrs. Maguire, Mr.
. Brandon an myself are on a motor
tip through' the Canadian, West, 1
• :thought I would let you know how
'nye are -enjoying the drive.
We left Belgrave, Tuesday morn-
ing, July 6th at 7.30. We drove to
Sarnia arriving.there at 11.15 and got
in line with about eeventy cars ahead
• df us to get on We Ferry for Port
• Heron. After two boat loads got
, away we got on the 'third and when
we got off at Port Huron we decided
1-o take. the north trail for Winnipeg.
Ve siarted for Flint and Saginaw,
-/es .)0th very flourishing places, especial-
ly Saginaw, which .had very wide
streets. •We drove over five miles
from when we entered one/side till
' wevleft it at the other. We then took
thetoad for the Straits of Mackinaw,
but after driving.255 mile.s we stopp-
• ed at a very nice place called Stand-
• ish and had a, good night's rest. We
arose early the next Morning, Wed-
nesday and sterted off at six o'clock,
,driving thirty miles before breakfast.
. •After breakfast we continued on our
joinney to the Straits, a distance of
160 miles, and arrived at 3.30, but had
to wait forty five minutes for the
, boat, .getting in fourth place. We
were not- alone in getting on the
,boat, as there were forty cars, ' a
-trailer and a motorcycle on and still
,there was room, but they say they
can place fifty-seven oars on the
....boat. We 'hada lovely sail of an
;hour on the boat and after leaving
Ithe bbat at St. Ignace, we started for
,Manastique, ninety-four miles away.
1We just went seventy mile and pull-
ed in for the night. Next morning
'we :got •up and drove to Exa,naba,
ewhere we stopped for three liburs and
Tallied on some old Belgrave friends,
Mr. andtMrs. Thos. Wilkinson. It
is a great lumber country and such
piles of lumber, I never saw.
• We drove 720 miles in Michigan
and found the roads realegood a great
' deal of pavement and all fairly hard
,enrface. One. would wonder where
they got the money to build the roads
for outside the towns and cities I
would say the frontage tax on 'the
eevliele 720 miles would not build ten
im.des of the road, such as they have.
It is the most barren I drive I ever
rto4, Mountains and red clay. They
'lied a very heavy rain on Thursday
and that red clay mud made a sorry
.looking sight of our car. We •then
.came into *Wisconsin,' where there is
.some fair timber, but a lot of poor
land, and roads not very good. We
'were nof long in passing into Minne-
esota, where the ,country looked .1set-
;ter, but very few good farm buildings
:and after the rain the roads were not
• good. When, We got within a couple
• .of miles of Deluth, we hacl our first
,car trouble, had picked up a iiail and
had to change a tire in the stickiest
, antul I ever tramped in, '
' After spending a 'couple of hours
in-Deluth, we drove to a small town
• about 45 miles from Emmerson on
„the 'border, where we stayed over
might as we had driven 320 miles that:
eelay. ' ,We were still no miles ,from
j"Winnipeg, which we drove Sunday
,reaching here at 1 p. m, after a drive
, of 1365 miles. We are spending e
few days here, before going on to
'Brandon and, points West.
With the exceptiori of Thursday be-
ing wet, we had a delightful drive
and are all feeling fine.
Your S respectfully;
j. A. Brandon.
• I hereby proclaim Monday, August
• 2nd., 1926, as Wingham's Civic Hol-
" iday and call upon all citizens to gov-
•, ern themselves ancordingly. ,
Signed; ,•,: Thos. Fells,
(i) Mayor of Wingham,
: Death Result of Accident
Olivet 'Harris, esth con, of Grey
• - twp., died on Monday from injuries
• . received by a rail striking hiin. in the
abdomen, He Was 55 years of age,
Funeral te Betissels cemetery on Wed-
nesday, afternoon. '
, • '
' Suddenly Away Last Week
A' very sudden call came to Alia,
Wesley McEvers on Wednesday .af-
ternoon last, July f4theif Deceased la-
dy' was in her rtsual health and went
Lor a motor drive to Culross with her
daughter on Wednesday afternoon.
While sitting in it chair at the home
of her neice, Mrs. Thomas Donaldson,
she quietly slipped away without any
pain or suffering. 1. She was in her
7ist year and was born in Northum-
berland County, near Coburg. Her
libsband predeceased her -three years
ago last February, She is';'airvived by
one daughter, Miss Jennie and two
adopted daughters, Cluistena Hender-
son of Oshawa, and Narma McEvers'
at homei The funeral was held from
her let/ esidence, Shuter St., Wing -
ham, on Saturday afternoon. to Wing -
ham cemetery. Rev. M. M. Bennett
of the United Church conducted the
services. Among those from a dist-
ance who attended the funeral were:
Mr. Allen of Oshawa, Miss Baptist of
Toronto, as well /as relatives from
Teeswater, Lucknow and Kinlough.
On Saturday, July r7th, there was
laid to rest in the Wingham cemetery,
one of the old time pioneers in the
person of Mr. John L. Little of town,
but for a long time a resident of
Turnberry. He passed away on Thurs-
day, after a very brief illness.
(Deceased was born in Stirling, Scot-
land, 8r 'years ago. ,• His love for the
old land was strong, any reference to
"the land of the hea,ther" always tou-
ched a tender spot in his affections
At the age of 4 years along with his
parents, brothers and sisters, they
sailed for Canada arriving at the town
of • Goderich, after staying there a
short time in the fall of 1869, they
thought of moving to Turnberry, go-
ing by way of Zetland, which at that.
time was a thriving village • while
Wingham hadn't even a place on the
map. On the way their wagon got
stuck in a lonely place in the woods,
while they wcre away getting help
some bears with an inquisitive turn of
mind found it out, and after scatter-
ing things around, old briiin found
cake of , tallow, intended for making
candles (this Was before the days of
elebtric light or even coal oil), he
must have found it a delicious naorsel
for he didnt leave anything to make
light on the subject.
They first settled the gth con,
Turnberry, but finally • took • up a
homestead of 200 acres on the bound-
ary of Culross. Here they lived for
many years, going "through all the
te,rdships of pioneer life in the back -
Woods. ,
Deceased was a member of the
Turnberry council in the early days.
Fri wife predeceased Van sixteen
years ago. A brother and two sisters
are still living, Peter of Chicago, Miss
Bella Of Nebraska, and Mrs. McNae-
ghton of Sask." He leaves a fa.mily of
four to mourn his loss, viz: Mrs. J.
Cueneyvvorth, Toronto, George of
Smith Falls, Bert of Toronto, Miss
Hazel at home. •
• Rev. De. Perrie came from Bruce
Beach to take the funeral services
which was attended by a large num-
ber of people in the community. Am -
Zing those_ from a distance who were
at the funeral were Mr. and Mr. Reid
Torrance and Mrs. Elliott of Porters
Bill, Mrs, Sloan' of Blyth, and Mr.
Peter Walker a London.
Card of Thanks
IVIiss Jennie McEvers wishes, to
Thank the many kind neighbors and
friends for the beautiful floral tribettes
and kindness shown to her during
her recent sad bereavement,
It Payst, To Advertise ,
Almost every week 'some one tells
tis to stop their advertisement of so
and so becatise, they "sold it the day
the paper came out, end the people
arc still coming to reitehase". Mr.
Turner, the Rawleigh ina,n; lost his
suit case in which was a bunch of
money. He advertised it in our pap-
er arid irt a few days we bad the sur'
prie ready for him. T -Th was very
doubtfat es to the suceess of adver-
tising and so were we, . But whelt an
honest person is the finder the owner
always gets his own—And there are
skill a great many honest people hi
the world. Mr. R. G. Mitchell and
her daughter of the Bell Telephone
staff found the suit: date arid it Was
Soon given to the AdVance-Times and
they, didn't even Oottel: the liee 's mon-
ey,' 1
It was ae safe,' as the bank in
theit care, 4
j, A. MacEWAN
• Goclerich
Wishes to pnbliely announce to the
'• Conservatives ef North IIttron that at
the rectttest of several of thoee prom-
ineet in the party he has decided to
allow. hie mune to COMC before' the
• convention on Thte-sday, and if he
should be the choice he Will leave no
stone entureed to redeeirt the riding
- of North Huron for the Coeservae
tives, ,
Elections Sept.e4th. •
Premier Meighen has set thedate
fqr the Federal Election. It will be
held on Tuesday, Sept. e4th. Don't
bit your neighbor vote for you, do
Your own voting and thinking eoo Let
the next Premier have a working ma-
jority so that he cau get down to bus-
iness in it business like manner.
Leaving Huron County
Many friet.ds Of Mr. S. 3. Stothers,
B. S. A., Agricultural representative,
for I-Iuron County, will regret to
learn that he has been transferred to
Essex County, where he succeeds
Justus Miller as their' agricultural re-
presentative. Mr. Stothers has made
strong friends ell over the county and
all will be sorry to know that he is
leaving Huron, but wish him success
in his nevi field of labor.
United Farmers' Convention
The' United Farmers of North Hur-
on will hold a nOrninating convention
in the Town Hall, Wingham, on Fri-
day afternoon, July 3oth, at 1,30 p.m.
for the purpose of nominating a can-
didate to contest the riding in the
coining D ornini on • El e ction.
Prominent speakers 'are expected to
address the convention. A large at-
tendance of the electorate is request-
ed. Win. Rutherford, • Pres., R. J.
Liberal -Conservative Convention
A convention for the Nontination of
a candidate to contest the tiding of
North Huron for Federal purposes
will be held in the Town Hall, Wing -
ham,. at 2 o'clock on Thursday after-
noon, July 29th. Prominent speakers
will address the. meeting. Each. pol-
ling division is entitled to send four
delegates. • All • friends of the party
are invited to be present. Peter W.
Scott, President; H. j. A. MacEevan,
Looking Up War Veterans •/
Mr. a. Brooks, Dominion Circula-
tion Manager for the -Grand Army of
United Veterans, is in Wingham in
connection with his work of cleaning
up all just claims of needy veterans.
Mr. Brooks says these are a great
many cases that come to his atten-
tion all over Ontario, which appear to
have thus far been overlooked, and
many are very needy and must get at-
tention. Mr. Brooks is himself a re-
turned man who came beet.: gassed
and blinded on crutches. He had an
income to live on or his would have
been a needy case. 1 -le and a couple
of assistants are staying at the Brun-
swick Hotel for, a few days, •
Several Lodges Overlooked
In ott4fitiprief write-up in the last is-
sue of 'The Advance -Times of the Or-
ange celebration at Clinton, we over-
looked the mention of several of the
very,best lodges, which were present;
and we wish to offer an apology for
the .oversight We made arrange-
ments with it reporter for several oth-
er papers, and he willingly accepted a
fee for 1-4s serivbes. He took up a
position .where all the "walk" had to
pass and how he missed so many is
more than we can understand, For
instance Orange Hill, Lakelet, Ford-
wicl and Gorrie ledges in Howick,
were conipletely overlooked in the re-
port'. Aud just how a young unmar-
ried man could heglect to put the na-
mes of the ladies lodges from Foid-
wich, Beige -ye and, Blyth on list is
beydnd our comprehension.
A Successful Tea •
We clip the following from the Ed-
monton Journal as we knew it will
be of interest to many of our readers.
"Gratifying , indeed wai the result
of a tea given by Miss Edith Peddle,
McQueen Institute Missionary, last
Thursday afternoon and evenieg, itt
the mission home, 9562 103A Menne,
The tea was given with • it view to
securing futids to send a girl to the
camp, and was entirely suc-
cessful. .
'Many visitors showed their inter-
est by calling and the cottage which
has reeently been tedeconted, was
greatly admired. Mrs. W. Yule and
Mrs. A, C. Fartell presided over the
ten table in the afterhoon, and were
essisted by Mrs, A. C., Stewart artd,
Mrs, Kenneth Wilson. Mrs, Jas. Mc-
Arthur :assisted Miss Peddle with the
arrangemerns. In the evening IV/Ise
Coutie poured tee and Miss Benham
and Miss Bruce served. ivLis Battrick
played'several pleasing piano solos:
Nine months ago I was your candi-
date in the Federal Election, When
the fight was over everyone knew that
neither party could carry on and the
word was sent out that this battle being
indecisive, had to be fought over a-
gain. We were asked to get ready
and keep ready. This I did confid-
ently expecting that, as it was a mat-
ter of fighting the seine election over
a:gain, I would have no oppositien for
Now ,that we have finished the hard
fighting to stem the inroads of the so
called Progressive Army into our own
Party, and, are about to reach out for
victory, it appears there are .several
ready to pluck the fruit from the tree
which we have digged abeut, watered,
nourished and brought to maturity.
If the writer was the right candi-
date to select to engage in an unfin-
ished battle last autumn .surely he
should be permitted to finish the fight
if he showed fair strength. We there-
fore submit for your consideration the
two following proofs.
The vote accorded me in Nineteen
Hundred and Twenty-five was over
"One Thousand One Hundred end
Fifty" more than given me in Nine-
teen Hundred and Twenty -One. That
shows a growing strength which I
have reason to believe is still grow-
ing. Secondly --a friendly comparison
with no ulterior motive—save to show
how my vote stood in each townshiP,
village and town with two ideal can-
didates, who were winners in the On-
tario House. Mr. Joynt's vote exceed-
ed mine as follows: Ashfield, 80; W.
Wawanosh, 102; E. Wawanosh, 14;
vote exceeded Mr. Joynt's as fol-
lows: Wingham, n29; Turnberry, .109;
Morris, 63; Blyth, 48; Wroxeter, 16;
Howick, 78. That is 347 more votes
were given. me in Me. joynt's riding
than were given him. Mr. Wiglet
vote exceeded mine as follows: God-
erich, 59; Colborne, 29; My vote ex-
ceeded Mr. Wigle's as follows: Grey,
98; Brussels', ze. That, is 23 more
votes were given me than to Mr. Wi-
gle. Therefore in the Federal riding
my vote was 370 more, notwithstand-
ing the 'home pulls' of two candidates
against my one.
As many candidates for the Nom-
inatiori are prosecuting a vigorous
canvas, I simply take this opportunity
to refute arguments against my can-
didature. I have no desire to unduly
press myclaim to reap' the fruit of
my past labors, because, it always has
Been, that many are anxious to reap
where they have not sown. I simply
ask that each delegate attend the
Convention as a free woinan, and, a
free man, (not as a slave doing the
bidding of others), and after hearing
the candiates make his or her own
mind up and vote accordingly. If the
decision is.against me there will be
no murmur or complaint from me, I
will cheerfully abide by that decision.
Faithfully yours,
Geo. Spotton,
Preached. in St Andrews
At the Presbyterian church on Sun-
day last, the Rev. McCullough of Kin-
cardine, preached both morning and
evening. The congregations at both
services were • deeply impressed not
only with the message the speaker de-
livered but also by the able manner
with which he dealt with the all im-
portant subjects of his • discourses.
Many who stayed at liBme or took it
holiday regret their being absent.'
Wright -Jervis Wedding
A pretty wedding took place in Lon-
don, on Monday, June 28th, at 4 o'-
clock when Miss Pearl Jervis, Lon-
don, became the bride of Mr. Herb-
ert Roy Wright of Stratford, and for -
'nicely of Wingham. A buffett lunch-
een was served at the bride's home.
Shortly after, the couple left for Day -
ten, Ohio, to visit the groom's sisters.
They will' reside in Stratford. •
Wright is it. tephew of Mrs. Alex,
Vanalstyne, Wingham.
Fertilizer Conipany Continues •
-The Farmers Fertilizer Co. are eon,
tinoinebtisitesi in their present loca-
tion hist north of the C. 11. R, tin:nits
at Wingheen, • „Aefew May have the
impression that they were giving up
bueingssin Wingham becattee ,,of oar
stating that another firm Would soon
take °Vey their building. The memo,
facture of toy, wagons, kiddie carts;
etc. will Soon begin itt the old cleft
factory, a pelt of the, Fertilizer build-
ing which the: company is making- no
use of .at present and'which thee have
kneed to the new firm.
Subscriptions $2..on per year,
Local and Gen.eral News of
Interest to The Cornmunitr
• Mr. and Mrs. Bert Porter spent Sat-
urday in Owen Sound,
Miss Loretta Wright is spending
her holidays at Inglis Fella
Mr. Alex. Finlay of Owen Sound,
visited his sister, Mrs. A. Wright.
Miss Annie Blackball of Toronto,
visittd her parents over the week -end.
Mr. Earl Dorrun of Buffalo; spent it
few days at the home of Mrs. Chas.
Barber. :.
Mr. and Mrs.., homson of De -
troy were visito
last week.
t Alex Wright's,
Miss Mabel 1VLarchment of Toronto,
visited for a few days at the home of
Mrs. Chas. Barber.
Mr. Harry C. Der etef Sarnia, is
f -
spending the 'ilacation at ,lhe home of
his parents, Mr. and, ltd.. Wm: Dore,
Shuter St.
Alex. McGillivray of Port Elgin,
visited,bis brother, Arch. McGillivray
over the week -end.
Misses Maucl. and Irene Davis are
spending the summer months atethe
family home on Centre Street.
• Mr. and Mrs. James Jermyn Tor-
onto, are visiting the latter's nts,
Mr. and Mrs. William Gannett.
Mr. and Mrs. H8adon of Southairip-
ton, spent the week -end with Mr. and
Mrs. James Edgar, Victoria St.
Mr. and Mrs. R. H. King and little
sort motored up from Toronto and are
spending the holidays with friends.
• Miss Sadie Davidson, of Tonto,
is spending her vacation with
ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H.
Maple St.
Mrs. David Robertson and daughter
Jean of Toronto, are visiting at the
home of her parents, Mr. and Mies,
A. McGillivray. '
Mr. Hairy Saunders, formerally bf
er par-
av son,
the Domirtion Bank staff'
returned to Toronto after
his • holidays in town.
Mr. and Mrs, Sherrard and Mrs:
Todd and Mrs. Hecker all of Brant-
ford, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs.
James Robinson, Catherine St.
eie, has
Misses Line, Barber of Kingston
and Florence Barber:. of Toronto are
home for the summer vacation after
spending two weeks at Ottawa, Mon-
treal and Toronto.
We were in error Last week when
we said that Mr. Clifford Robertson
had accepted a school in Ottawa, The
school Mr. Robertson will be princi-
pal of is at Nottawa..
Mr. John Fowler motore.d to Bolton
last week and was accompanied home
by Mr. and Mrs. A.. C. Fowler and
little, daughter, Margaret, who will
spend the holidays at Wingham.
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Edgar and
daughter 'of Wroxe.ter, Mr. end Ales.
James Edgar, Victoria St., returned
last week from a. week's motor, via
the Bluewater Highway to Southamp-
ton, Owen Sound and up into Musk-
oka. •
Mr. Eldon Tveanley of • Chatham,
formerly of AneMield Tp., had a suc-
cessful operation in Wingliam Genere
al ,Hospital on Thursday last for ap-
pendicites. Mr. Twanley is District
Manager of Sun Life Insurance Co,
for Kent Co.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. L. Chandler,
Wingham, Ontario, announce the en-
gagement of their daughter, Ethel E.
to Mr. Robert 0. Meads, Toronto,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Win. 3. Meads,
Flesherton. The marriage to take
place the first week in August.
Mee C C. Isbister and Miss F.
Grenache are spending their holidays
iti Wintdpeg the gtiests of Mrs, 3, W.
Cad,WeIl, a sister of the former. Miss
Grenache will also • visit in Grand
Forks N. Dakota. 'They left Tues-
day last, via the Great Lakes and are
returning a,botit the last of the month.
Mr. Robert M. VanNoeman of Hann
iota, Man., is visiting with his brothers
in Wineham, Mr. VanNormart eays
prospects are bright for a real good
trop in his part • of the West. His
daughter, Jo., Mrs. fames Vindiater ,of
Toronto, • accompanied him up from
Misses Ethel apd Adeline Drehman
are visiting at their home in Bayfield.
Miss Marjorie Fisher of Toronto,
is spending her vacation at her home
M. and. Mrs. S. Swan visited at
their cousin's, Mrs. Eliza Pocock's last
week. .
Miss Floe Fleuty is spending it few
weeks • with relatives in Huntsville,
Mr, j. M. Graham and his sister,
Miss Helen, are visiting with relatives
in Detroit.
• /Mrs. William Hutto'n, Francis St„
has returned after visiting with friends
in Mitchell.
Miss 'Vera Edgar of Toronto, is vis-
iting with her grandmother, Mrs, Ed-
gar, Leopeld St.
Mr. and Mrs. 'Wm. Herd and little
daughter Mary, are -visiting with her
sisters in town. •
Mrs. McCulle of Ashfield and her
family called on Mrs. Eliza Pocock
one day last week.
Mrs. J, H. McKay, Miss Evelyn and
Master Carl, are spending,a few days
at Kincardine Beach. '
Miss Alice Reading has returned
home after spending her vacation in
Toronto and Hamilton.
Mr. Frank Skelding of , Toronto,
speut the week -end with his mother,
Mrs. Skelding, Frances St.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Kerr of Toron-
to, a.re visiting at the home of the lat-
ter's mother, Mrs. Jas. Walker. •
The United Church S. S: Picnic was
held at C. B. Wilkinson's- Grove on
Wednesday afternoon, July 21st.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Smith ind little
daughter Agnes, of Detroit, are visit-
ing with relatives in this vicinity.
Mr. Jacob VanWyck of Orangeville,
is spending a few days with his son,
Mr. Walter VanWyck, Patrick St.
Mr, Thos. Netterfield, roadenaster of
•the C. N. R., at Montreal, is renewing
old acquaintances in Lower Wingharn.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Arnott and two
children, of London, spent the week-
end with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Williarn-
Mts. Aitcheson, Mrs. Blatchford. and
Harvey Aitcheson, were visiting at
Elmwood and Hanover one day last
Mrs. Joseph Thompson and little
daughter of Detroit, are visiting at
the home of her mother, Mrs. T. R.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hamilton and
daughter Miss Viola, of Oshawa,. are
visiting at the home of Mrs. Jae: A.
Mrs. Jas. Haugh visited with rel-
atives in Toronto and was accompan-
ied home by Miss Ruth and Master
Hubert Bird.
Mr. and Mrs. W. j. Ferguson have
returned to their home in Glenboro,
Man., after visiting with friends in
this district.
IVIiss Doris Walker has returned to
Toronto after spendig a couple of
weeks at the home of her parents, on
Leopold Street.
Dr. and Mrs. Armstro
Credit, are visiting at ti
her parents, 1Vtr. and M
Isard, Victoria St.
Misses Edith and Phemie Irving of
Detroit, are spending a few holidays
at the home of their sitser, Mrs. A.
G. Smith, Victoria St.
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Pulver of
Hartford, Conn., and Mr. and Mrs, R.
J. Woods of Dundalk, are visiting Dr.
and Mrs. R. L. Stewart. -
• Mrs. Geo. Allen, accompanied by
her daughter, Miss Mae, of the Dom-
inion Bank staff, are visiting with
friends in Port Stanley.
IVIr. Stothers of the Bank of Com-
merce staff, New Hamburg, is spend-
ing his vacation 'at the home of Air.
T. J. MeLeaa, Victoria St. i
Miss Lillian. McEwen who has Spent
the past five seasons in Miss Rush's
Millinery, left on Monday to take a
position in Saginaw, Mich,
elpt Port
e 116`me of
„ James S.
Died In Toronto
The many friends of Mrs. W. E.
Brawley will sympathize with her in
the time of her bereavement. Her
mother, Mrs. Lavine, Patton died at
her 'home in Toronto on Tuesday.
The funeral was held on Thereday af-
Hot E'er The Big Garden Party,
The one you are all waiting for.—
The Garden Party at Mr. Garner Nice
holson's, an Thursday evening, Aug-
ust tb., under the auspices of Trin-
ity Church, Belgra-ve. Program pot
on by the D. R. Cowan Concert Co.,
of Toronto. Cold Meat Dinner fr rn
6 to 8 p. m. Admission 5e cents and
25 cents. Refreshment booth on the
grounds. Everybody come.
Garden Party at St. Augustine
All roads lead to St Augustine
Garden Party, August 4th, 1926, A
huge garden party will be held on
the parish grounds at St. Augustine
on the above date. Outdoor dancing
pavilion, good orchestra in attend-
ance, addresses by prominent men.
Refreshments on the grounds. Many
other features of amusement.
An excellent supper will be served
from 6 o'clock to 8. Good time ,for
all, Fill the old car and come along.
All are welcome.
Admission:—Adults, 5oc; Children,
25c, This includes supper.
Mr. Percy Merkley of Windsor, is
visiting with his brother, Mr. C'ecil
Miss Jean Copeland is spending her
holidays with her grandparents in -
Owen Sound.
Master Ivan Irwin of Belgrave, is
visiting his grandparents, Mr. and
Mrs. R. W. Irwin, Victoria St.
Dr. E. E. and Mrs. Hubbard of De-
troit, spent the week -end with the
former's mother, Mrs. F. H. Hubbard,
Mr. and Mrs. George Spotton were
in St. Thomas, on Saturday lctst at-
tending the funeral of Mrs. Spotten's
uncle, Mr. Thos. Robertson
Mr. and Mrs. T. Aitcheson have re-
turned to Hamilton, after spending
two weeks visiting with. friends
Wingham, Goderich, Elmwood and
Loading a car of Poultry on August
rgth. Get your hens culled by Gov-
ernment Cullere.—The United Farm-
ers Co-operative Co. Limited at Win-
g -ham.
Mrs. McWilliams and daughter,
Miss Frances, of Detroit, spent a few
days last week with her cousins, Mrs.
John Hunter, end. line of Morris, and
Mrs. Jerry Casemore, B. line, Turn -
Mr. and Mrs. Archie Williamsou
and son Stewart, and Mrs. C R. At-
kinson, returned orieSeuirday to their
home in Torortteen,t nj spending the
past couple at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. William Williamson.
Twenty ladies for Wingham. Bowl-
ing Club, attended the jitney tourna-
ment held at Lucknow on Tuesday,.
two of them being aniong the win-
ners, Mrs. T. McKenzie Smith and
Mrs. G H. Ross.
Mr. and Mrs, 'William C. Campbell
of New Orleans, acLompanied by the
former's sister, Mas. Fred, Tour and
twc sons of Toronto, spene a couple
of days at the homes of their ccusins,
Messrs W. j. and Andrew Campbell,
Culross boundary. Mr. Campbell and
his sister were raised on the farm now
owned by Mr. Frank Doyle. • He was
a former teacher at Curries School in
East Wawanosh.
the city, Mr. and Mrs. • Leonard Eighiney
Mr. end Mrs, E. 'A. Haenmotid and arid. daughters, Ruth and Jean, t who
sort Robert, Of South, Bend; :Indiana,
and Mr. and Mrs: P. L. Herr of Sar-
nia, motored over and ate visiling itt
the home of • their parents, Mr.. and
Mrs. John Kerr, Lower Wingham,
11Iise Jessie Dodds of, Clititon, is
visiting with het usin Mre, Witham
Robertson, Diagonal Road. -
visited last week with Mr. and 1VIrs.
J. D. McEveeti, left this -week for their
home in Saginaw, Mich,
Mn C. Cl. Holmes of Ottawa, and
Messrs Chas. Lard and R. W. Rob-
ertson of London, Mrs. Frances Creig
of Paisley, were visitors at the home
of Mg. and Mrs. Jas. Isard,
:prniiin! Charlie Says -