HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1926-07-15, Page 87P, ••,•;:„.,,,,,,,p,".1,FF
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Women! Be .Early Shoppers ' .1
at King Bros.1 This Week -End
. , _...,,,
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(., ..'
It 01411 Extraordinary Values in Women's, Misses' . 1
andbJuniors' Wearing Apparel . . •
t....... •
. •
„,,,,,,,141;:i,i,'1.! The lines here listed are •
41. ','•11
la ,4.
al Blouses $1.00 Each
About 25 Women's Blouses of good
I Voile Dresses $3.95 6 Only Swiss Dress Lengths 3.95
quality Georgette and Crepe-de-Chene
Navy, Ivoiry and Black, Tuck in styl-
es to wear with separate skirts. All
priced at a mere fraction of orginal
Each $1.00
Extra! Extra! Women's Dresses $14.95 1
A special purchase of Women's and Misses' High Class Dresses in Flat
Crepe, Georgette, Printed Silk Crepe, Crepe Satins, etc., each model appro-
priately trimmed with Laces, Embroidery or Pipings, all cool "and attractive N
Summer Wear, and:regularly priced $24.50,to 35.00. 1
On Sale Starting Thursday Morning, Each $14.95 1
Firstallere, First Served — No Approvals. LI
Two only these stylish Summer
Suits, made from fine Ivory Kasha.
Cloth and trimmed with extra quality
large Pearl Buttons.
1 1 ^
1•*. ;
Holeproof Art Silk Stockings that
give comfort and general satisfaction
to every customer, Rose, Biege,
1Vloonlight, French Nude and Peach.
Per pair 95c
20 Odd Dresses of Printed Voile,
Basket Weaves and Combination
Cloths, regular stock taken from ear-
lier purchases. Every garment will
give excellent service to the purchas-
er. $ro.00 to $13.5o values.
Thurs., Fri., Sat. $3.95
Holeproof Hose 95c
Ladies' Cotton Night Gowns
... 69c, 98c, $x.39'
Ladies' Colored Crepe Bloomers,
medium and large
$2.5o Ladies' Colored Combinations
to clear
White Naincheck Slips, women's &
misses' sizes and $x.25
Colored Crepe Night Gowns, But-
terfly design, to clear $1.98
Open Cut work and Embroidered
Swiss Voiles in individual dress leng-
ths, Coral, Taune, Watermelon and
Smart Checks. Regularly priced $5.5o
and $6.00 each.
Thursday, Friday, Saturday
Per Dress $3.95
Ladies Silken Wool Sport Jackets
Made from Botany Yarns and Art
Silk and faced with Silk Braid, sleeve-
less style, good colors, Dresden, Peach
Apple, Green Orchid and Apricot.
Much reduced, Each 4.00
Genuine Tricoline ,
Broadcloth 98c
English Broadcloths in Woven stri-
pes, come in shadow effects, Novelty
Plaids and Overchecks to choose from
Tans, Blues, Greens, Ivory, Navy and
Black. Regularly priced $1.45 yd.
Knitted Dresses and Sport Suits I
Unusually smart are these Knitted
Frocks in one and two piece styles,
and so serviceable for street or Sports
wear. All new colors, regularly pric-
ed $x2.0o to $14.5o.
This Week -End $8.95
Embroidered White Underskirts I
Extra quality White Cambric Un-
derskirts ; with fine finish of Swiss IN
Embroidery for flouncings. Regular
$2.50 and $3.00 values.
Half Price for clearance this Week -
End. / 1
Each $1.39 •
Of fine Scotch Zephers in plain al
shades of Gold and Dresden Blue with
Peter Pan Collar, and neatly trirnme'd
with animal figures. Sizes x to 3 yrs.
Each $1.50
Children's Summer Socks at ..
60c, 35c and 25C
Women's Silk Hosiery
.. ....
$r.xg, 1.50, 2.00 and 2.25
Kayser Silk Gloves at .
$x oo, $1.5o and $2.5o
Nemo Corsets - Gossard Corsets
Corselettes Sanitary Goods
x7, Members present, Reeve J. L..
Council Meeting at Bluevale, June
McEwen D, Fortnne, Roland Grain,
W. H Marshall, Minutes of last
meeting- were read a.nd adopted Mov-
ed by 'D, Fortune and Roland Grain
that by-law number Io he passed.
Moved by Roland'Grain and•W. H,
Marshall that T, K, Powell be ap-
pointed Municipal Weed Inspector f' -n•
year 1926 at $20.00 per annum.
The following aceonnts were paid;
Municipal World, $3,22 acct.; W.
Breckenridge 119.34 Patrolman; R.
A. Nesting 16.54, gravel; J. Potter
37.0o patrolman; Alex Forgie 82,50 pa-
trolman; H. A. Merkley 14.40 gravel;
Alex Moffat 18.75 patrolman; J. H.
Wylie 72.15 patrolman; T. Weir 58.72-
superintendent; G. 0. 'Walker 26,o7
patrolman; Raymond Elliott 37.50 pa-
trofirian ; Austin 15,00 patrol-
man; B. Cruikshank 50.00 part salary;
James Gilmour 25.00, grant to Blue -
vale Spring Fair; Charles Jobb' 8.85,
acieount; Dominion Road Machine Co.
342.00 for grader and scarefier; 'Wm.
Mundell 75,c, gravel; Austin and Gal-
loway 108.00, Johann Tammish Drain;
Thos. Appleby 1.00 repair to drain;
W. R. Cruikshank 45.00.
Moved by Marshal/ and Grain that
we adjourn to meet in Bluevale in the
29th day of July 1926.
When You Go on Your Vacation
V OU will need a sports
•I• frock like this. Its the
simplest thing in the world
to make. Requires only 3
yards of 36 -inch material.
Ladies' ,Hotne Iournal
Pattern No. 5015
with the
"Minerva Guide"
The "Minerva Ouide" shows
you every step tq take, be-
sides offering you sugges-
tions for selecting mate-
rials and combining colors.
You will be sure of. a per-
fect frock if you use a
Ladies' tome TO,Ittniti
The telgrave Wornen's Institute
wiiI .1(
ttleet at the 4. home of .m.rS, as,
„Anderson. oft Tnesday, ful3r /0 at zso,
Mrs, Wightnian, Isetb, will give an
address. A cordiat invitation is ex-
tended to all the ladies of the cc:rtn-
Mr. James Ross of Holyrood and
Mr. Robt, Ross of Behnore, spent
last Thursday with Miss Catharine
Ross here.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Farrier of Al-
berta are visiting with his brother,
Mr. David Farrier.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy McGee, spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jas.
Wightrna.n of Belgrave.
Mr, and Mrs. Robert. Purdon and
family, spent Sutida.y with Mr. and
Mrs. Irvin Henry of Belfast.
Miss Term. Laidlaw and Mrs. Mc-
Brieri, spent the week -end with rela-
tives in Clinton.
Mr. and Mrs, Ab, Cameron of Ash-
field, spent Sunday with Mr, 'and Mrs.
Wm. Purdon, They also were able
to take their daughter Jean home
from Wingham Hospital.
The Strawberry Festival, held tin
der the auspices of the United Church here, at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Andrew Fox, on Friday last, was a
splendid success despite the rain in
the afternoon. Over $23o was taken
M. altogether.
Mrs. Will Shaw and children and
Mr, end Mrs. lerry Brayford motor-
ed to Toronto 'on Sunday,
Mrs, Sara Stewart from the West
is 'visiting her siSter, Airs. john
Mr, and MI'S.. tester Falconer and
Ur. and Mrs, Calvert Falconer and
Miss Norah Falconer and Mrs. Elgin
Wellwood and Richard left on Satur-
day for the iatter's home in Orange-
Mr. Harry, McClenaghan and chil-
dren of Belgrave, spent Sunday with
Mr, and Mrs. Herbert Laidlaw.
Mr. and Mrs, J. D. Beecroft and
children, visited on Sunday with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Kirk
of SeaforTh.
Quite a number from these parts
took in the 't2th in Clinton on, Mon-
D. A. Mcl.,ebd and wife visited a
week with their cousins, Mr, and Mrs.
Eli Jacqttes and 'Mr. and Mrs. John
Anderson, Wingham, They all took
in the picnic at the Maitland River
and saw a /lot of old acquaintances
and school mates of bygone days.
Mr, and Mrs. Robert Cassels of
Flint, Mich., are spending a few days
at R, Golley's
Mrs. John Coiling and Miss Rhena
Coiling of Ripling are visiting at Mr
Victor T-Iaities'.
Mr, and Mrs. R. Golley and family
also Mrs T. Abraham, spent last Sun
day with ,friettds itt Listowel
Miss Grade 1_,oeltridge of Preston
is visiting with her grandparents, Mr
and Mrs. A. •Vatalstytie.
Mr and 1VIrs, A Mactwen visite
friends ftt St George last week.
A special meeting was held in
1VIuir's School house on July 5. Mem-
bers all present and report adopted
by Eengineer W. G. McGeorge re
the Teeswater' river of Culross.a.nd
Greenock Townships was read.
About forty ratepayers were present.
Moved by W. H. Marshall and Ro-
land Grain that report on Teeswater
river read by Engineer McGeorge,
that we will hot provisingly adopt re-
port but will forward the petition
signed by hd assessed ratepayers of
the Culross Township.
A very pleasant time was spent
last Friday evening 'at the home of
Mrs. H. Bertram Barrie, the 'occas-.
ion being a\ farewell party for Miss
Bernice Shaw. During the evening
Mrs. Jas. Handy read an address
while -Ida Handy and David Beath,
presented Miss Shaw with a beautiful
ring in onYx, set with a diamond and
a dainty tan silk umbrella. Following
is the address:
Dear Miss Shaw:—We, your pupils
and friends, learned with regret of
your intention of severing your con-
hections with us. You have been a
faithful and competent teaclier, also
a kind and energetic worker in the
community and We will miss you very
much. We wish to express our ap-
preciation of the interest you haVe
taken in the children and also in the
different branches of the church and
other work. •We hope when you go
into another community you will be
as successful and as helpful as you
have been here. Our very best wishes'
go with you and we ask you to ac-
cept these gifts as a slight token of
our love and esteem for you. Signed
on behalf of the school, trustees,
young people and friends—Minerva
Wilson, Walter Forbes, Hazel Bert-
ram, Ida E. Handy,
Just once in a while we find them
The, folk like you
The loyal the true and friendly
Just folk like you
And we wish that the world were
With folk like you.
Miss Gertrude McDonald of Wing -
ham, spent a couple of days last
week with Mr. and Mrs. Leonard
Mrs. Milton Fraser and soir bbie
of Idaho, are visiting at the home of
her parents,. Mr. and Mrs. ; Robt,
Mr. Wesley Manserof Niagara
Falls, is visiting hi ssister, Mrs, Ro-
bert Aitcheson.
Miss Barbara Thyne is visiting
friends in Palrherston and Toronto.
Miss Bernice Shaw, arrived home
Thursday afternoon from her 'school
in Barrie and was accompanied by
her sister, Mrs. Leonard Gates and
Miss Phyllis of Cherrywood.
Mr. Will Mundell and Milton
Cunningham, spent Sunday in Dray-
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Leggett vi it -
ed friends in Brussels on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Kerwin, spent the
week -end visiting their parents in
Simco e and Port Dover,
Mr. Sanuttel Elliott and three sons,
Cliff, Cecil and Gordon and Mr, Fred
Smith, all Of Hatnilton, called on Mr.
Leonard Elliott on Sunday,
Mr, 3, W. King', M. P., is home
from Ottawa.
Dr. and Mrs, A Shaw of Drayttm,
called on Mr. and Mrs, K. Shaw on.
Sunday and Mr. and 'VI'S. Nicholson
of the 4th, lines were also visitors
Mr. Fred Rowell of Montreal is
visiting his churn, Mr.„ Fred Griffiths,
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Thompson and
Soh Frank of Westford, spent Sunday
at C. lietheringtotits,..
.. ,
Left over from last season
1 •
White Shoes for Women, in high boots and Ox-
fords in all sizes . .$1.00 per pair I
, .. .
White Shoes for Girls, in Oxfords and Strap Slip -
pars, sizes 11, 12; 13, 1 and 2:.... .$1.00 per pair
White Shoes for Children, in sizes 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 'and
10, for . ... . .... . .. per pair
Brown Canvas Oxfords for Boys witn Neoiln soles ..>;% f.
in sizes 1; 2, and 5.... . . ......$1.00 per pair
• I
Brown Canvas Oxfords for small boys with Neoiln
soles, in sizes 11, 12 and 13. .. ..$1,00 per pair
" 1111 Iles ' • a ,•
* ,•
Theabove are now being shown on our
"Bargain Counters" and are tine
for Summer wear.
Phone 129. • Wingham, Onf.
, •
, . r
. •
Annual Sessions Open July 1g; Ex-
tensive Pr,ograrn With, Well
Known Leaders Planned
The sixth annual session of the
Goderich Summer School will con-
vene in Goderich for one week com-
mencing July 19. The executive has
spent every effort in securing ade-
quate leadership and those who at-
tend the sessions are assured of a
most helpful and inspirational week.
The faculty,include Rev. W. E. Mill -
son, D. D., of London, who will have,
cliarge of. the worship and song; Rev.
B. H. Robinson, of London, who will
a.ddress the school on the subject
"Studies in Genesis,"; Rev. M._ M.
Bennett, Wingham, home missions;
Rev. E. C. Wilford, M. D., of China,
will lead in study of foreign missions
while the Canadian missionary' en-
terprise will be discussed by Rev. L.
C. White, of Nile. Leadership in the
young people's work is being given a
prominent place. Mrs. Elsie R.
Smith, of Toronto, will conduct k;a
class in Canadian Girls in Training,
while the Canadian Standard Efficien-
cy Training program will be under the
leadership of Benson Pentland, mem-
ber Boys' Provincial Parliament. The
afternoon will be given over for
wholesome recreation, conducted by
Rev'. E. J. Roulston, of Arkona. In •
the evening, Rey. M. C. Tait, of Glen-
coe, will have charge of the vesper
services followed by a meeting open
to the public. On Sunday evening the
grand rally and closing services of
the school will be held in North St.
United Church.
Mr. and Atli. Nbrman Wightna n
of London, spent Sunday with. 1 is
father, Mr. Wm. Wightman.
' Mr, and Mrs, Wm. Robinson, Ann-
ie and Ernest and Mrs. Wm. 13eeci'oft
spent Sunday with Dr. Harold Robin-
son of Walkerton.
Reynolds—In Emmett, Idaho, on
Jun 'e- 26, to Dr. and Mrs. J. L. Rey-
nolds the gift of a daughter, (Ruth)
(nee Miss Mae Powell of Turn -
Mr. A. Halliday and family wish to
express their sincere' thanks to the
very kind friends and neighbours
who so kindly assisted them in the
time of their very sad and sudden be-,
reavement and also to the friends who
brought flowers.
tinionlinistimmmistiamonsimmusiinuirpswansinstinwswitthsisisir „ ;
IN )
— Week 1 mi. Specials
i e t• AT HANNA'S •••
Below we list a few of the many specials :
Hose Special tions, while the 1 00 Suit
•Es tarn:: scalioltohr, Caps,spe•alp 8BBiewycsiaihKigahta:ai-tP-e,laywy 'reg. 199" -1-1
Fancy Silk and Plain Merino 11, athrig ghasaisntutei m. gbrie ens;
trimming, Special
35 assuilt3soyss' good strong Tweed
Garters, heavy webb
Balbriggan Underwear Special 26 deriPSetarni --m---erar-SP0rts:-S$P4e:
per garment ial t '
• ations., Special Special at St 87
o clear -____
Naincheck Underwear, Combin- Peabody Smocks and Overalls,
• chl/drens x.,inen Hats, Fancy Boys' Xhalti Overalls pc
- Checks, SPeeial -----------600 Men's Cotton Soeks, Brown and
Strums for Children, Spec. —87c Black, Special ,at ;;x9c
Broadcloth Shirts, Special to Bathing :Snits, all w001 Boys gnc
' clear at
-- 45 Mens at $0.49
• Boys Cotton lerseys, Samples, Bpys' Khaki Pirsts Longs, Spec -
P -Special at lel at and $1,9 •
• 131tie Chambray work Shirts, in Boys' White Ducks, longs $1.90
it fine cloth, Special Boys' Khaki Shirts
,Hanna &C�., Ltd.