HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1926-07-15, Page 4$i.00 Petrofat Mineral Oil, for 75q Roxbury Rubber Oloves,sfor 7So Nanette Chocolates (One lb box) for 50c lb, Jelly Beans, for Combinatipn Specials 33c Lorie Hair Fix 50c soc Quinine Hair Tonic, Both for 3$c Rexall Shaving Cream 39 r, Auto -Strop Razor, Strop and Blade, all for • 35c Writing Pads And 2 Pkgs. rsc Envelopes, All for soc Milk of Magnesia Tooth Paste • 39c 5 C 5oc Klenzo Tooth Brush, Both for 9 AND MANY OTHER JULY BARGAINS McKibbon's Drug Store The e...42.1.cat awe Winghem, Ont. Phone 53 You save with safety at your Rexaii Drug Store FOR SALE—McClarys Quebec Cook FOR SALE—Durham Cow newly -with warming closet and water sec- freshened. Apply to Geo. C. Dey- tion, also four burner New Perfec- 'Ronts 3, Wingham. tion Oil Stove with oven. 'These are as good as new and offered at a sacrifice to quipk. buyer on acc ount of leaving town. W. H. French, Diagonal Road. PAINT YOTJR HOUSE NOW -Le Preserve and beautify your home, give us dimensions of house, you'll . be surprised how' little it takes. Come in and talk it over, only the best Government Standard Material Carried. Thompson & Buchanan • Hardware, FOR SALE—House and lot in Gorr - ie, Apply to Box 180, Gorrie, P. 0. LOST—A White Broadcloth Slip on Josephine Street on Saturday night. Finder please leave same at Ad- vance -Times. FOR SALE OR TO RENT --Com- fortable frame house, corner John and William Sts., in Wingham. En- suire by letter to 1104, 2nd. Ave, East, Owen Sound. FOR SALE—The residence of the late Peter McLaren, Centre St. Wingham. Apply at the residence. ' Lawn—$3.uo. WARNING—The party who. took the robe and motormeter front the car parked near the Wingham Arena on Saturray night, July 3rd., 1926, had best return same to the owner as I have discovered who it was and this will save their being made alt example of in the courts.' T. G.. Anderson, Listowel. HOUSE FOR SALE— Comfortable brick dwelling on Victoria St., all modern conveniences and garage. acre of land. Apply for further particulars to Miss Densmore or Advance -Times. TO RENT--,Purnished home and garage on Alfred Street Avail- able July 15th. Rent very reason- able. Particulars apply to Mrs. B. J. Johnston, Box ?o,5, Wallaceburg. NOTICE TO WATER USERS The hours for lawn, garden and street watering are from 6 a, m. to 8 a. m. and from 6 p. in. to 9 p. m. The rates for the above service for the season or any part of the season are as follows: POLISHED FLOORS --Expert Floor Layer, will be in Wingham at an early date. I have a full range of Oak and Birch at reasonable prices, finished complete. If you contem- plate Hardwood Floors, Oak now (July) at lowest price in year. 'Al- so Tennessee Aromatic Red Cedar makes clothes closets, moth proof. Write for price and sample. , Floor Layer co Box 473, Wingham, WANTED—Young girl to help with housework. Phone 189w, Wing - ham. .SPECIAL BARGA.IN—House for Sale, conveniences, must be sold • • immediately. This house will be , .sold for less than the price of Ma- , • • ' terial. .Apply to Mrs. Wallace Hough, Opposite Park. • •!,,eikr lTEINTDERS—Will be received by the undersigned up to 6 o'clock on Fri- day evening, Jul, 3oth for the paint- ing of Wingham Orange Hall build- ing. 1..,owest or any tender not ne." 6 eessarily accepted. filo Caserriore, Route 4, Secretary L. 0. 794. , be received by the undersigned up till 6 p. on Wed- 'nesday, July 28th, for the Comple.:. tion of work . on the McDougall ,: draiii, Plats god specifitations inay be Seen -at the elerles offiee, Low - .est jr any tender not necessarily ac - Seventy -five per cent, of the ; • c eiiitract'money will be paid at th •ProgresSes, Crtlikshank,• Clerk; Route //', Wfilg'hatif4 . • , Garden --$too. Str eet—$2.00. Due to the large amount of repairs required by the water works system the prompt payment discount nf to per cent. will be discontinued from July I, 1926. The loth of the month will still be the due date for alt wat- er accounts. Wingham Ur:ill/les Corn. New Home Sewing Machines for sale. Sold at moderate prices. Call and see them and yon will then un- derstand why they are so much su- perior to the average style of machin- es that are on sale. Sold by A. W. Webster, the Tailor. Needles, Shut- tles, Bands, Bobbins sold, 'Will re- pair any kind Cif old machine, and make it to work well. Shop up stairs over the Advance -Times Office. Doti/ of Mrs, Evans Davis Mrs, Evans Davis, widow of the late Demi. Evans Davis, formerly of St. James Anglican Church, London Left her home at 54 Dundas St. on Monday, June 21st., to visit her sis- ter-in-law, Mrs, Canon Davis, form- erly of Sarnia but now resident of Vandmvers13, C. Immediately on her arrivalashe was taken seriously ill and died on Saturday, June 26th. She is survived by one daughter and three sons, Miss Gwendolyn Da- vis, Dr. E., G, (sf LOtit113111 W. L. of Montreal and Rev. L of Brockville, bier late husband was an uncle a /qrs. Dr, C. It Burritt of Mitchello H. Davis, the Editor Of the Mitchell Advotate attd a brother of our form- er towaSniati the late lit, genry Da- vis RURON COUNTY W. C. T, CoONVEINT'TION (Continued from page one) lature and parliament who will pa prineiple before party, we would als urge our women to use their person effort to influence the electors to e ercise their franchise accordingly, 4- That this convention place record our appreciation prthe pres ence of lVfiss McCcirkindale. We re aline that much will be accomplishe as a result of 'her inspiring addresse 5. That the thanks ef this Con ventlon be extended to the ladies o the Wingham Union for their enter tainment and to the official board the United Church for, the use o their church. Special music add much fo th morning and afternoon session. An appetizing dinner and suppe was served by the ladies of the Wingharn Union. After dinner ad dresses of welcome were delivered by Mrs. Bennett, Mrs. Wardell and Mrs, Henderson and was heartily respond- ed to Mrs. W. N, Glenn, Hensall, A public meeting was held in the evening which was the climax of the Convention and t'o a large and appre- ciative audience Miss McCorkindaie in her pleasing manner told of her native land Australia. Besides this address musical numbers and recita- tions from each of the 'Unions, in the County delighted the audience, while the Junior choir of the Convention Church sang a number of choruses. wrNottiod ApvANcE•Timgs ce 0 al x - s. Wightman—Hoover Wedding A very pretty wedding took place recently at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Hoover, of Blyth, when their youngest daughter, Miss Marjorie Eileen Hoover, became the bride of Norman Wightman, son of Williath Wightman, of Belgrave. The wedding took place under the spreading trees on the lawn and was solemnized by Dr. Barnby, of Blyth. The bridal music was played by Miss Grace Wightman. The bride, who was given in marriage by her fa- ther, was charming' in a soft green crepe frock, with trimming, of blonde lace, and carried a shower bouquet of pale pink Ophelia roses and valley lilies. Miss Muriel Hoover, in yell- ow georgette and lace and carrying orchids, sweet peas and valley lilies, was her sister's bridesmaid. Little Miss Barbara Woods, of Pasadena, Cal., was the flower girl. She wore a dainty dress of pale green material and carried a basket of violets and pansies. During the signing of the register Miss Muriel Hoover sang se- veral selections. .Following a motor honeymoon through the North, Mr. and •Mrs. Wightman will take up residence in London, where Mr. Wightrnan is the vice-principal of the Chesley Avenue School. i Guests at the 'wedding sincluded Mrs. Donald Woods, with her two children, and Miss Irene Hoover, of California, and Dr. J.' W. Ca'lrripbell and Mrs. Campbell of Michigan. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS. HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to Section 56, Chap. 121, of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, that all persons having claims against the Estate of Esther Breen deceased, who died on or about the sixteenth day of May, A. D. 1926,. at the Town' of Wingham in the Province of On- tario, are required to send by post, prepaid, or to deliver to R. Vanstone, Wingham, Ontario, Solicitor for the Administrator, on or before the se- cond day of August, A. D. ,t926, their names and addresses, with full parti- culars in writing of their claims, and the nature of the securities (if any) held by them duly verified by a sta- tutory declaration. AND TAKE NOTICE FURTHER that after the said second day of Au- gust, 1926, the said administrator will proceed to distribute,the assets of the said estate among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have had notice, and ,the said administra- tor shall not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any per- son of whose claim he shall not then have received notice. DATED at Wingharn this tenth day of July, A. D. 5926, R. VANSTONE, Wingharn, P. 0. Solicitor for the Aciministrator. YOUNG WIPE APPAID TO EAT ANYTHING "1 was afraid to eat because I al- ways had Stomach trouble afterwards. Since taking Adlerika I can eat and feel fine." (siglied)Ifts, A. Howard, ONE spoonful Aellerika temoves GAS and often brings surprising relief to the stomach. Stops that full, bloated feeling Removes old waste matter from intestines whith you never thought was in your system. Excell - eat for obatinate coastipation, J. W. MoRibbori„ IDruggist. ' ' ,e • , • • , , , • 11111111111i111111111011111111,11111111,111111111111111111011110111 -IIj . 111_ , • 1 ii , el .. • : — i 9 ,. i i • — Phone 59 ,---.- — Groceries 84 Chinaware Just Arrived Mt bhiptiteat of Clear Crystal 71!: Glassware comprising Butter.% • Fruit Bow.s, Footed Fruks, Bon -7-- Bons, Celery Trays, Opel Sue,- -11.! = ars,Covered Sugars Creams El and Sugars, 'Utility Bowls, Sher- berts, etc. ONLY it = 10C to 30c Each 1.1 Don't forget to try our I 85c Tea. It's Good.. IT'S REAL VALUE ANOTHER BATCH OF 10C, 15c,25c Novelties COME ALONG IN TheTeo ad Coffee StOPO a▪ ninsunimmilrisounannimilinalik • NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to Section 56, Chap. 121 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, that all persons having claims against the Estate of William Bolt, deceased, who died on or about the first day of June, A. D. 1926, at the Township of Turnberry in the Province of On- tario, are required to send by po'st, prepaid or to deliver to R. Vanstone, Wingharn, Ontario, Solicitor ,for the Executors, on or before the second day of August, A. D. 1926, their names and addresises, with full parti- culars in writing of their claims, and the nature of the securities (if any) held by them duly verified by a sta.:- tutory declaration. AND TAKE NOTICE FURTHER that after the said second day of Au- nist, 1926, the said executors will pro- ceed to 'distribute the assets of the said estate among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have had notice, and the said executors shall not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person of whose claim they shall not then have received notice. DATED at Wingham this, tenth day! of July, A. D. 1926.* R. VANSTONE, • Wingham, P. 0. Solicitor for the Execntors. We have in stock a full It y ply of Genuine Ford Parts. PATERSON BR S. Ford Sales "ART THOU WEARY, ART THOU LANGUID?" The author, or rather translator, of this beautiful hymn, was John Mason Neale, to whom Archbishop Trench referred as "The' most profo,undly learned hymnologist of our Church, who by' patient r4earches of our lands, has brought to light a multi- tucie of hymns unknown before." He was born in London in 18z8. His Father died ,when he was five so that his religiou's training was large- ly left to a most pioui and devoted mother, He attended Cambridge University and distinguished himself as a classical scholar. His poetic taste and genius made itself evident when he won the S'eatonian Prize for sacred poerns no less than eleven times. He was ordained in 1841, but owing to ill -health he was obliged to gd abroatl, In 1846 he was appointed Warden of Sackville College, a posi- tion he held until his death, twenty ears later, Neale was a good deal of a mystic and his ritualistic practices excited ritual prejudice, not only a,tricing the laity, but also anteing the ranks of his fellow -clergymen, The Bishop of Chichester suspended him from offici- ating- at religious services in his diocese of fourteen years because of „,„ , views, Ile founded file sisteraood St Margarets which was, and still is, .devoted to weirkp of dtarity. All his life he was intenSelY eSteti in hymnology and made transla- tions so ,delightfully free that, as Ca - Don Duncan says in his 'work on Po - paler Hymns, Irian)/ of these trans, latiens may almost be considered as original lwrrins, In 049 he Published his "Hymns for Children" and two years later .a companion volumn, "Hymns for the Young." Later fol- lowed other volumes: "Hymns for the Sick"; "Mediaeval Hymns alone en:. title him to a place of lasting re- membrance, Among the best kno of his translations are,: "The Day Past and Over"; "0 'Thou 'who by Star DidSt Guide"; "The Strife is 0 the Battle%Done"; "Brief Life is h our Portion"; "Jerusalem the Golde "For Thee, 0 Dear, Dear 'Countr and "Art Thou Weary, Art Th Languid?" "Art Thou Weary, Art Thou La guid?" was written by St. Steph a monk who was born in 725 and di n 794. This man was placed in t istoric monastry of Mar Saba situ d on the rugged cliff overhangh he Valley Of the Kedron, ten mil outheast of Jerusalem. Here he li d for fifty yeras and among oth works wrote this beautiful hymn. TI riginal manuscript has been lost, an 11 research for it has proved unavai ng. It made its apPeraance in En sh when Dr. Naele published hi Hymns of Eastern Canada" in 186 It is pleasing to know that the sin ular beautyand simplicity of Neale' fe was such that eventually he live 'own whatever prejudice his view ad 'excited and ivhen he died in,188 e was greatly beloved by men of al ades of religious opinions. wri is a 'er ere n" ye ou n - ed he t- ig es v- er d 1- g - s 2. s d s 6 1 t e 0 a 11 Si g cl h sh "ART THOU WEARY, ART THOU LANGUID" Art thou weary, art thou languid, Art thou sore distrest? 'Come to me, `saith One, and coming Be at rest!' Hath He marks to lead me to Him, If He be my Guide? 'In His feet and hands are wound- - prints, And His side.' • Th there diadem, as Monarch, That His brow adorns? 'Yea, a crown, in very surety, But of thorns! If I find Him, if I follow, What His guerdon here? Many a sorrow, many a labour, , Many a tear,' If I still hold closely to Him, What hath He at last? 'Sorrow vanquished, labour ended, Jordan past.' If I ask Him to receive me, Will He say me nay?i 'Not till earth, and not till heaven, Pass away.' Finding, following, keeping, strugg- ' gling, Is He sure to bless? 'Angels, martyrs, prophets, virgins, Answer, Yesl'' Presentation fo Rev. and Mrs. Cos • / A large number met at the ho of Thomas and Mrs. Smith, Ross Lucknow, on Friday night, tp hon Rev. T. W. and Mrs, Cosens. Af spending a short time in commun singing, a very interesting inaprop program was given with Mrs. S. Rathwell presiding. Following th 111r. arid Mrs, Cosens were asked occupy the central chairs and we the rcipients of a gold lined Silv Tea Service and Tray, and a go mounted Fountain Pen and Penc and the following a.ddress: • Lucknow, Ont, June 2512 To Rev, and Mrs, T. W. Cosens:, From your friends in the Ladle Aid and Women's Missionary Societ Dear Friends:--- To-night we wish to convey to yo our appreciation of your association with us and to tell you that ou church and community have beei enriched by your living in it. Yot have -worked together for the welfar of the congregation and we belie); that yotir sincerity will have its re ward. In Mrs, Casein we have an ideal leader in W.M.S. work, one who had the interest of Missioji work at heart, Not only did she confine her- self to foreign mission work but she practiced an unselfish service in her everyday life, , Her manner always led us to know that she was in close touch with the Master and endeavour- ing to do His will.. The Ladies' Aid have always found you willing to en - operate in 'their tredertakings and We have appreciated your kindly spirit, We feel that Lucknow United Church was privileged to haven inaa of hli Cosens ich ,years of exper- ienee as their pastor. Possibly it will suffice to repeat the remark that was made at the tittle tillien was constim- thatedt "The right man it the right place," We ask you to aetept these giftjtig to let you know that we have appreciated yon. We trust that is the dys to eottle you may often yotir friends in Lucknow ens me St, or ter ity tu E. is to re er Id 11, 6. s' Y• 0 thI 'Thursday, uiy 8th,, 1996 • -• 14110111100111111101111111111111111111111111.110111111111111111111.111,11111101111011011111111 ,i 111 (Pe name Frirptr is on the Shpe Book Of Ask you dealer for the Fleet Foot Book of Sports for boys and girls, or write for a copy to Sports Free Dominion Rubber Co., Ltd., Box 330, Montreal, ' NI BARGAINS -- White Canvas Footwear and a 1 Patent and Elk Sandal. We have placed these on tables in different lots. it One lot, Sale Prices 50e a pair and ri • • Another lot for 99c a pair. • El Come early.- Select your size. ix • • a . . . . W. J. GREER Pi . _ - Telephone 23 — gi I THE GOOD SHOE STORE WINGHAM, ONT. i IN 11111111111111111111111111111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIINIBIMI1111/111111111111111121111111111117 M ■isii■i■wri■ii■ilillsiiaillawilli■ip■n■u■H■liti■uslini■lit,■Hai■fmrit i THE, WHYTE ' PACKING i . ii .-1 --c. COMPANY LTD. IN . a / ac 1 WINGHAM -, ONTARIO _ We are interested in greater egg production and to stimulate ri-4 = same will offer a bonus on Extras to Producers who bring their eggs = ' • — to us in over twenty five dozen lots. •We will also continue giving FREE settings of -eggs as previ. i ously advertised. se, • These eggs will also be on sale at 75c per setting. F. W. McANDLESS, Branch Manager. Phones—Office 62VV, Residen-4 62j. • Er, illatiminniumniarnmstatitatosuisitintinualuninimaminimilintintailicitirf amisaame.....ansaser rtanonatoom.mircnomposegrostooser UNIVERSITY OF WESTERN ONTARIO IN this complex age theambitious youth deems a university education essential to his career. For information write It opens opens the door to opportunity and helps a man to make the most of himself. Dr.K.P.R. NEVILLE, Leaders are needed everywhere; in Registrar the professions, in commerce and London. Canada dustry, in agriculture, in politics, in community and social life. The cost of a university coursei s small considering the benefits received. The most profitable invest - men t possiblef or a young roan is to pu this money into an education. bEave you considered these facts? mismsnammumminnumnimmeminrimpumnium • I Lyceum Theatre .1 Thursday, Fridayand Saturday, July 15, 16, 17 ' PP • I rl II 1 red Thompson a ' n a pa And his wonderful horse Silver Horse a n mi — IN a a a \ I "The Fighting Sap" : • n COMEDY---"ETTIQUETTE" • • a------e-,---._._____,_____---------L— g Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Ally 19, in • „, n I Marie Prevost & Kenneth Harlan 1 111 ."BOBBED HAIR" a To Bob or not to Bob? That is the question. A Comedyal • • Drama with bets of thrills,111 in• Also 2 Reel Coniedy---"MUTS AND MOTORS". 1 NI Mt amilitosonneimoseasusemusaismansisposonssumms ma we will (,)f you, May God's abundant blessing be with you it your new charge and may your pastorate be freighted with the joy and happiness of Christian Service is the sincere wish ol ii ourfrieLticktiov tiUnited Chur,ch. Y The address was read by Hr, Ro- bert Thompson and the preSehtatiortS was made by Mrs. Thomas Smith arid Mrs, James IV/iller. Mr. andCMrs, osens replied suitably, thanking their iniay friends or the eattiolt- mentary address and the -valuable presents. After sieging "For he is a jolly good fellow" and "Blest be the tie that binds," and expressing best wishes, for Mr. and Mrs. Cosens, for prosperity in. the work to which they have been called, the gathering fpae:eslevde.n seRtieivio, CllS to laorsgenes eoprhegarechgeadu tions last Sunday and will open. his pastorate at Lydden on Thursday ev- ening by addrftessingttan ed4osr7nitini,ty ga- thering and will preaeli las hitt d tic tory sermon ext S