HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1926-07-01, Page 814011111 A aim 1t° WINGHA.M ADVANCEgIMES 11111,111001101,0,111111111111111111111111111110111111Mtn110110111111.ria Merchandise GALA ARRAY OP SUMMER rnocia Dresses that are Attractive for some wear even if the weather doesn't permit their display on the street or at outside functions. Prices to suit the Purse en's and Misses' Sizes. Come and See them. Flt Crepe in Light Summery Shades -Print- ed Crepe in Many Artistic Designs and Col- orings - Rayon in Gayly Striped and Check Patterns -- Voiles in Figured and Floral Et- tests-Fugi in 'plain Light Shades with Con- 1 ■ • 1111 N 111 ®. d 0 M 0 O trasting Pipings. iv Everyone $7.50, 14.75, 25.00 AM Pit • 0 st i� iA 's® 0 • 411 • • 0 INOMEN'S TAILORED COATS Useful for any sort of Summer wear, travelling or general use - Imported Tweeds and Twill Cords in Sands, Navy and Black.. This Week -End All Reduced 20 Per Cent. 145 Englishroa cloth 98c yd. Supreme qualities in cluster stripes, Awning Novelty and Cross Effects) dis- tinctive colorings of Rose, Green, Tan, Mauve, Blue, Ivory, Navy and Black. Per yard 98c CHIFFON HOSE $1.50 Fine gauge pure Silk Chiffon Hose with :Seamless feet, reinforced Heels and neat fitting ankles an Ideal Summer Stocking. Pastel Shades. Per pair $1.50 mported Dress Lengths $9.75 Beautiful Floral and Conventional desigsis printed on extra quality French Georgette and Swiss Flat Crepes enough material in each piece for one dress only. Regularly priced $r4.5o and $r6.5o. While they last, Each $9.75 100 r airs Children's ;Mer- cerised Sox White, Blue, Brown, Black, etc. with contrasting stripes, many half price. Per pair 25c 10 Only K itt d Suits $8e95 These are sample Suits of lines that are regularly priced $12.5o to $15.00, . in Peach, Blue, Gold, White, Brown, Dres- den and Black. 'Sizes 36 to 38. To clear $8.95 + F st,,Coior Ginghams 27e Highest quality English and Domes- tic Ginghams in Neat Checks, Over - plaids, Stripes ,,and plain colors. All in tub fast shades. Weep-En:d Special, per yard 27c $3.50 Fl;. t Crepe at a argain 2.69 This is a lovely cloth of fine texture. and finish, the sort from which such ' charming dresses are made; Beautiful Shades, Peach, Dresden, Snapdra,ggon, Creole, Cherry Blossom, Coffee, Cedar, Wood;,„Ivory; Black and Navy 38 'inches wide. This Week -End Only 2.69 W tson's Rayon Dg i omens 2.00 Spring Needs Elastic Knit with dou- ' ble gusset Crotch to ensure Extra Wear. Ivory, Flesh, Peach, Mauve, Paddy, Dres- den and Black. Per pair 2.00 Rayon Vests Opera Top, each: -•g8c 'Niagara M..;id Silk Hose 1.19 Pure Silk' Hose with wide garter welt of Mercerized Lisle, Summer shades. Per, pair 1.19 Vacation Time Wool Bathing Suits $3.89, will ,be needed of fine lamb's Wool in Round Neck 'Sleeveless Styles with borders of gay colors, Scarlet, Paddy, Royal, Sand, Navy and Brown. Regularly priced $5 to $6.5o. Specially Priced 3.89 Porch Dresses Low Priced at $1.34 An unusually attractive lot of good porch Dresses, light and dark shades - Standard of quality Printed Caznbrics, Sate,ens and,Ginghams much reduced. 'Week -End Special, Each 1.34 New Wash Goods These Summer; fabrics"make such de-. lightfully Smart Cool Dresses, of the warm weather, Silk and Cotton Georget- ,te, Swiss Voiles,Printed Silks, Rayon Silks, Linens, etc., all in Summer colors and patterns. 59c, 98c, 1.45 White Knitted Coats $6.49 For Vacation Time -Bowling, Ten- nis and all Sports wear, tltese Jumbo Knit Sweaters are genuine comfort, Mis- ses' and Women's sizes. This Week -End 6.49 Silk Gloves Specially Priced $1.00 Long and Short lengths o broken lines 'from regular stock. Reg.. $z to $3. Per pair. 1.00 Glov :- s siert' Corsets EVE' YT]flNG FO YOUR VACATION TI Vai ENE Corselettes Sanitary Goods IT PAYS TO simp HERE WINGHA ■ ■ • 0 NII • ®: O ■.. 0 v .® ■ ■ 0 0 • 0 tt Thursday, July 1st., r9a6 Minutes of meeting. held in the Township Hall,' Monday, June 2 TSt., 926. Minutes a last meeting read and The Council accepted poliey of in" surance againgt accidents on the high- ways to 13,e coatinued or returned in The Contra4 for constructing the Ellison Drain was given to john Dy- wer 827.83. The Court qf Revision on the As- sessment Roll 'was closed.' Th& following avas paid, Patrolmen: ter 19.40; James Anderson 7.00; b, Golley 264,25; Charles Wolkman 15,00 Ingot Iron Co., 5 culverts, 2 road. graders 769,00; James ilichol,,Mustard Drain 200.00; Mrs: G. Wilson, typing Next meeting on July A. MacEiven; Clerk. Mrs. Mina Graham of Chillicot, Penn„ is visiting her sister, -Miss C, Graham of town. Mr..D. R. Macintosh of Sonthinp- ton,. s'pent the week -end with friends Mrs. MacKinnon. of Toronto is spending a , few days with Misses, Christie and Mina Graham. Misses Frances Spence of Pre.scott and Dorothy Douglas of Rockwood, are home for their vocation. Miss Mildred 'Treleaven of Toronto is visiting at her home here. • Migs Isabel Macintosh, R. N.; who returned to Hamilton last week, left. fOr a trip' to San Francisco and other Pacific Coast points as far as Alas - Mrs. Alex Morton of Guelph, visit- ed recently Vith-her sisters, Mrs. Jai. Forester and Mrs. Ir'red MacDonald. Lucknow A. F. A."M. and visiting inenthers of the Lodge attended Di- vine 'Service in the Presbyterian Church last Sunday evening. Miss Pearl Henderson, member of Lucknow Presbyterian Church, who is peparing for special Christian work at the Moody BibleInstitute Chicago, has been appointed leader, of a group c service at the Ra.chine Wis. Jail. The Inducton of Rev. R. W. Craw into Lutknow United Church 'will tak.e place in the church on Friday ev- ening at 8 'p. m. Rev. Cosens preach- ed his farewell sermon laSt Sunday. • Mr.t.and Mrs. Allen and daughters of Sault Ste Marie axe visiting at the' home of Mr. and Mrs. jos. gnew. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon of Victoria, B. C., are here to spend a few weeks tfic later's brother, Mr. Thos. Mr. and Mrs. Wilcox and son of Lansing, Mich., were recent visitors with Miss L, Hood. EAST WAWANOSH 'Mr. Tom Cook returned home last ' 'week from Elgin, Man., where he has :apent the last eight months. 111:c., and Mrs. Bert Taylor, were -Seaforth visitors, last Thursday. Miss Sowerby has gone to her home in Godericb Township, to spead the suinmer vacation, The Westfield, United Church .) has changed the hours of service. Sun- day School is to be held at r2.30 p. aad preaching service at 1.30 p. Rev, Alp will commence his pastorate .on the Auburn Circuit on Sunday July 4t1AL Sunday School picnic in con- nection with the Westfield United Church is to be held at the home of atd Mrs. Wm. Walden, Miss Eva Cook and Miss Sedate Miss Elain Bamford and Miss Eve- iya McDowell, are in Goderich this -week writing on their exams, as also are Alice Govier, Etna line Walden and Ray 'Vincent, writ- ing on exams in Belgrave. Wi I'S. Y. E. Ellis is leaving on Thal's- ,day of this week for Sarnia, vvItere she will meet her daughter, Miss Ber- tha Ellis, who has been teaching at Courtwright. They will leave for a two months xisit to friends hi the Weq, travelling as far as ,,'5askatoot, Mrs, J, Mcnowell is spending' part 0,t this week visiting friends in Mrs. j. Elsley, of Benmiller, visited at Mr. George Snell's on Sunday. Mrs. 1\l'eVittie, of Millet, is visiting Mrs. Wm. Fothergill. Miss Myrtle Killough is spending a week or two at her home near Dun - Mr. and Mrs. James Tunney attend- ed the funeral of Mr. Tureey's Sister, Mrs. Cole elf Blyth. Mr, and Mrs. Robt. Buchanan paid a flying visit to Mr. aed Mrs, Chas. Wightman of Whitechurch, one day last week. Mr. and Mrs, Frank Campbell were Goderich on Sunday visiting their daughter, Winnie in Alexandra Hos- pital, wh'ere she underwent an opera- tion on Thursday last we are glad te report she is doing as well as can be expected, The McDowell families held 6, re- union picnie 'on Friday, Juee x8i11,, at the home of Mrs. Joe Killough, Dun - Mrs. W. H. Campbell visited her tierce, Mrs, Allin Lucknow on Sun - Rev. P, S. Blanes preathed his fare- well sermon to his eongergatioa Westfield United Church on Sunday, june 27th, The ' Brotherhood Choir are to have charge Of the inusical part of the service. Rev, Banes and Mrs, Dates will be much misSed by the Westfield Community, The peo- ple haVe appreelated so much their kindness all times of sickness and care. 'hit' best wisl 'with them as they journey to their home. Mrs, David Carter whO has been in ill health for a long time is now in the Wingham Hospital. We -wish for her a seed.y recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Campbell and family. visited Mrs. Campbell's sister, Mrs. Dick Gardner near Lucknow on Dr. James McClinton and Miss C, McClinton, visited their aunt, Mrs. Robt. Henry and other friends on Mr, and Mrs. Maitland Bell and fa- mily of Goderich -Were the guests of Mr. and Mrs, Albert Walsh on Sun- day. Measrs Bert and 'Frank Thompson, returned on Monday' evening from spending a week with friends ia indscn• and Detroit, BELGRAVE Mrs. S. Jackson of Vancouver, vis- ited with her brother, John 1,1cGaire last week. "- Mr, David Scott was in Loadon Monday, " Mrs. R. Yule was called to Toronto to see brother who is very sick. , Mrs. Ernest Geddes, and children are visiting with friends in Bayfeld, Nelles Jackson 'of Drayton, visited his uncle j, A, Brandon, Mrs, tMcDonald Toroato was the gttest of Mrs. John McGuite for a few Mrs. Ha ty Brandon and little datt, ghter 'London, ate visitisg with Mr, Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Bryce and. Mr. and Mrs, Jones of Detroit, visited. with Mr. and Mrs. James Grigg for a •Miss Gertie Bridges of Detroit, spent a few ,days with her parents, Mr. and'Mrs. j. Bridges. Glad to •see Mrs. B. Bradburn and Mrs, A. Nethery home again from the Mrs. 'I'. Gear and son, John, have gone to Michigan for a few weeks, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Wheeler, visited friends in Alma over the' week -end, Rev, Mr. Boyle and claughter„ Dor- othy, from Southampton, are renew - lag. old acquaintaces in and around. the vicinity. Mr. and Mrs, jno. Cimmingham and family of Waterloo are spending their vacation With Cyrus Scott and Mr. and Mrs, Dan Geddes, attend- ed. the funeral of the late Mrs. Thos. McMillan of Seaforth, on Sunday, Don't forget the Strawberry Festi- Val on Jtly 6th,, in the grounds of the United Church, Mrs. (Rev.) Scobbie is spending a few days it Toronto. The Blegrave branch the Wo- men's lastitute are invited to spead a social afteraooe with the St. Au -got - tine bratch at the home of Miss am ney. Ethel Young 1.ailies Soft Bali team will play the telgrave team in Bel- who like "Real Comfort" ;11 • FOP 6e00 per Pair • i 'A splendid Cushioned soled shoe made of E__- fine Dongola Kid, on a wide fitting, solid comfor Ilast with Qak tanned soles. In fact the best val. i i ue ,in "Mens' solid coMfoit shoes" that we have , i i bepn able to secure since before the war.: i i 11 11. BELGRAVE SCHOOL REPORT J1. IV to Sr. IV-Totalyi95,' hon. t596, pass 4?..7, Alberta McMurray 556 pass, Evelyn Corbett 553,- pass. 63519,, Jr. III tO BoJirt;,:. ,II -George Gr. Rallison 416. 551, nasS' 441, Mildred Scobie 524, Margaret MeCrea 478, 4'5, Pass 3'6, Marjory Hamilton 415, .Order of merit. Jr. I --John Gear, Cameroft Rintoul, Stewrat- Geddes, Freda Jordan, Ken- neth Wheele, Nora Wheeler, tiorls Corbett, Ivan Irwin, Janet Scoble. B, S, Wade teacher -Mr, and Mrs, Geo. McDonald of Go,derich, were visitors at Mr. and Mrs: Roger Oke and Mr. and Mrs, William Speir's last week. Mrs. Leggatt sr,; of Moorefield is at presertt visitittg her son, Mr.' Wes- ley Leggatt, Mrs. Joseph Breckenridge and 'Mts. John Fells are visiting relatves in the Miss Cora Gannet, who has been in Toronto 'fir a while, arrived horne ode day last week. Mrs:Aiken is presiding n Brussels this week, Miss Grace Curtis is viistng friends ittaiorningmills.. The Union picnic is to be held at Mr. George McDonald's on the oth. of jirly. Everyone welcome. ,-adies bring lunch. Mrs. Aitken has been egaged as tea- cher for another year, The 13Inevale people were shocked, in Friday, when. the sad news came of the death of William Griffith, son of Ur. and Mrs, William Griffith of IVIontreal, who died at his grandmo- ther's in Toronto, Iirrs. Sander - Seta and, Was buried from there on Monday to Mount Pleasant Cemetery, Special note to the Girls and Boys We are giving away FREE with every pair tif shoes (this includes running shoes), one Aero Cushion high bouncing 1)11. i 1-I WILLIS i W0 0 1 _ __ THE SHOE STORE - itimemmangurcummmusimummummisimmummiummummemmuummom • • Miss Davidson of Goderich Town- sclitniii)tyi.s visiting friends in, the vi- calVrelr., James Masters is under the Drs The Presbyterian congregation of Bluevale observed the ordinace of the Lord's supper at their regular service last ,Sunday morning, June 27, which was held in -the Forester's Hall. One hundred. and thirty-eight people were present at this service. Thirty were received as members of . the Pres- byterian congregation, eighteen of whom were received by certificates froth other churches and twelve came forward by profession of faith. Rev. Dr. Perrie of Wingham conduct= ed. this service. In his absence from his own pulpit in VsTingliam his place was supplied by H. B. Jamieson, a student who has charge of the Presby- terian work at Bluevale 'and Ea.dies. Witli increasing members and Godly zeal, and a new church house in the procels,,of building, the Presbyterians Of Bluevale look _forward with high hopes to a great future. The regular monthly meeting of the Bluevale,Woman's Institute will meet on Thursday, July 8th., at the home of Mrs. Milvert Sellars, 1st. Rae Morris. A full attendance is requested. The Willing Workers of the Blue - vale United Church met at the home of Miss Collie on Tuesday of this Mrs. --Jos, Breckenridge and Mr's. Jno. Fells, are visiting for a time in Michigan. SCH0b1) REPORT S. S. No. u, Turnberry. Sr, IV -Ada. Phippen, Georgina: Pullen, Bernice Wriglr, Velma Orvis. Jr. IV -Eva Dickson. Sr. III -Mac Groves, Mildred Phip- pen, Gladys, Newell, Viola Phippen, 'Thelma Phippen. Jr. III -Mary Orvis, Beth ' Hog, - way, Maud Kerr, Fred Fialey, ne Baker, Howard Baker, Marion Sr. II -Lillian Groves, Agnes Ne- well, Stewart Ritchie,' Annie Den- nis, Fred Horn, Lillian Baker. Jr. II -Ted Holloway, Harry Baill- ey, Pearl Finley, Gertrude KiCks, Nora Newell, Marguerite Phippen, .Austin Thomson. Sr. I -Jim Netterfiehl, Ralph Baird, Mary Cruikshanks, June Groves, Ha- zel Orvis, Dorothy IllipPen, Kenneth way, Herbert Hunter, Wallace Griffin: Primer-Zetta Dennis, Elsie Kicks, Velma Kerr, Jim Newell, Cecil Hun- ter. Ulclette McLean, teacher. SCHOOL REPORTS ' Results of June Promotion Exa.min- ations 1926, School Section No. 1o, Kinloss. ' Promoted from Sr. III to Jr‘. IV- illan Moore, John Garton, George Ross, Athol Purdon, Merle Gaunt, Ella Wadel, Edna.Wadel, Ruth Moore. Promoted from Jr. III to S. III -- asinumnimasinunnumuslocumminmannuminunnit : buy a New Suit for the IN • Holiday! • • • 1 SENSATIONAL DISCOUNTS • 17.50 All1Regular $25 Values ilitade.to-Measure Sults with Extra Trolls ers $25.50. See samples. The lowest price etrer offered. antiairpk • • • • • •